(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

suddenly i also feel like eating fruits! hahaha i will go cold storage later to stock up my fridge!

Still looking for nice plain PJs, karmy ones abit too flowery... mothercare ones not bad leh.. but ex, $72 for a pack of 2 pcs...

let me look ard then i suggest any nice nursing top ok.

I love guava, eat too much cannot poo meh?

Have ur hubby tried out the software?

YLZ har.. yah lor..
My daughter and my collick's daughter born at diff time and diff date and our list is the same leh.. Worse is both daddy have the same surname.
Luckily she sms me to ask me wat my daughter call else end up calling the same chinese name.

Nursing bra - i got 2 from JL 2 yr ago but look they are not selling anymore.
poppy, by the 3rd day i am already very "bloated" liao.. sometimes i will just sit on the toilet bowl and wait and wait... but still nothing. Recently worse! I got piles (inner ones) then when i do my biz got blood, scare me to death, i thought how come my menses is here or am i abt to deliver..
I think you should drink more water. I drink alot since preggie, sweat a lot so always thirsty. My SILs tell me cannot eat this fruit cannot eat that fruit until i hardly eat any fruits
so I think it's the water and the veggies that is helping the movement.
u can try drinking prune juice...gd for constipation...every morning drink a glass...that day sure clear all ur bowels..hehehe...aiyo...toking abt fruits me drooling liao...cannot help it lah..all those fruits that i love simply too high sugar content liao..like watermelons...rock melons..honeydews...papayas...aiyo....wonder any scientists can come up some fruits that taste similiar to these fruits yet no sugar or low sugar....haiz...
i got very bad constipation for my last pregnancy, but this round very smooth leh...dun know why....

me in 37 weeks oso...this few days also got feel sudden cramp around pelvis area...but gynae on leave till 21/6...so worry if baby decide to come early then will need a different gynae....worried worried...

...somemore previous pregnacy never go thought labour pain, so also dun know if the "cramps" are contraction or not....
me only started today... Pelvic area very pain..
I scare I might due early.. maybe tonite must have another round of serious talk with my boy liao..
how many weeks are u now? me 32 weeks...but i got this feeling bb will out out early leh..hehe...my #1 came out when he was 36 weeks..so this time maybe will come out early though...best if come out ard 35 weeks or 36 weeks...cos by that time bb already jumbo
me now 35 weeks coming 36 weeks in 2 days time. My boy weighing at 2.4kg on tue when I went for check up.. I felt my stomach big ley.. & my frds saw me they were saying... hey, u look like u going to give birth liao.. stomach big big already! I read from a mag saying, baby come out in 37 week consider normal.. before 37 weeks consider premature??
Huh! 35-36 weeks still consider premature right?

I love guova especially put lot of sour plum powder..yummy!

Tomorrow go for my check up again. Was wondering will my gynae give me the admission letter? U got the admission letter already? If not wrong i need to book the ward tomorrow too!
hmm...considered premature loh...but bb come out ok..thats y at times my frens/relatives think the gynae maybe miscalculated loh...not his fault too..cos i dun remember my exact LMP..so just anyhow hamtum loh..hehehe

guava with lots of sour plum powder of cos nice lah..but imagine without the powder...eeeeeks

last week i told my gynae i wanna deliver at TMC..he said he will give me letter next week i go for checkup./..dunno issit admission letter...hmm...not the gynae book for u meh???
hmm...mummies..do u all know whether can we online during our stay there??? if can...bagus lah....can chat liao..if not hor..if cant sleep dunno what to do...especially at nite..no visitors...no hubby ard...cham
My gynae told me hor.. TMC will mailed me the admission letter ley.. Blur.. Just that the nurse ask me wat ward I wan.. that's all..

who is your gynae?
my gynae is from singapore women clinic..Dr Clifford Chan...dun think he's at TMC...hmmmm...cos his clinic near to my place...pasir ris...dun hv to travel so far...10mins bus journey..

he told me he will pass the letter to me...also asked me wat ward i want loh...i chose 4 bedded...cheaper mah..hehehe..maybe can chat chat wif the mummies too..hahhaa...me cant stand loneliness
ya loh..if they provide...better lah..but dun think so hor?? hehehe...

u think can bring our own ??? do u think they hv internet access??? think MT E can leh..cos one mummy from other thread actually logged in last nite after birth to chat..hahaha
to my knowledge hor.. gynae from TMC can upgrade u to 2 bedded if you choose 4 bedded ley.. you only pay 4 bedded price la.. not sure if yr gynae can do that.. maybe u wanna check with him?? I taking 1 bedded cos I wan my hb to SLEEP, EAT & SHIT WITH ME!!! hahah... wait till he hears this!
ya loh..thats what i heard too..but too bad..i came to this thread too late liao..so everything paid when i realised that...hmm....ask him>??? dun want lah..paiseh leh...but heard some said 4 bedded in TMC not many..so i hope that day i deliver..4 bedded all full left 2 bedded..then i xie tian xie di..hahaha...my hb must take care of my #1..so hor..wont be satying wif me..anyway,..he said waste of $$..he evry jialat one lah...if he stays wif me..he also dun help much...just snore only...so might as well sleep at home
dsiitan, fruitee
Mail admission letter to u ah??

If not wrong, my gynae will issue the letter and pass to me immediately. Then I can show the letter and book ward liao! I also will book 4 bedded one cos scare to be alone..heeehee! Hubby wont stay with me cos he need to go back to accompany my daughter to sleep at nite ma.
my gyane said will pass to me next week when i visit him loh...but dunno if its the admission letter leh...cos i need to hv the list to pack loh...they will give u a list of stuff to bring too rite???

ya loh..my hubby oso need to go home and accompany my boy...dun think my dad can handle my boy...hehehe..so better let him go home lah...at least hv few nites gd sleep..after discharge...dun think he can sleep soundly liao...hahahaa
and one most impt thing...hehe..i need him to clean the house b4 i discharge wif bb..and hor..change bedsheets..etc..wahaha...me very bad hor
Hi MTBs,
Went for checkup today. Wd be seeing gynae in 2weeks time, by then wd be week37.
I thk most of u seeing ur gynae once a week already rite?

poppy, somedays i oso poo (loose stools at times) 2x per day.
Btw, u r not the only one loh.. when juz preg, take fruits everyday, now oso din.
Ya, i agree wif u, i dunno wat i can & cant eat either.

Noif, my gynae said its ok for bb to be born from 36week onwards.
Hi Poppy,
Nevermind lah...it's only once a while u get to take 'sexy' photos mah..haa..haa...

Hi Hong,
My hubby has tried out the software to find out if both our names are suitable for ourselves. End up our names are actually only average.
I just read that your Gynae is Dr Clifford Chan. My Gynae is Dr Clifton Chan. They are brothers. My Appt tomorrow will be with Clifford instead of Clifton cos he will be on leave, and Clifford will come and take over for this week. Mind telling me whether he's ok? Nice? I don't know why, the thoughts of going to a different Gynae at this stage of my pregnancy, whole body also feel uneasy, cos he don't know the development of my baby from beginning till now mah, and I'm also shy..... the thoughts of showing my tummy to another! Ha ha ha... yeah right.....

What software is that? How much is it? Might be worth buying hor? I have this software which calculates your birth time and your birth date and tells you whether you have a blessed life or not. Quite fun....

Re: Hospital Stay
I'm also deciding whether to take one bedded or 2 bedded. Cos if take one bedded, hubby also won't stay with me, end up we gotta pay more. 2 bedded lei, with the no. of visitors I'm gg to expect now, I'm afraid it might disturb my neighbour lei. Dilemma.....
think jul alot of ppl giving birth.. I pray that u get upgrade to 2 bedded.

My hb there wont feel bored?? Think men all the same, snoring away.. ahha... I wan him to hear me complain every min every sec.. ahhaha...

wah.. like that, think play safe I better go check properly.. dun wan wait go hospital cannot deliver without admission letter.. ahhaha

I also will be seeing my gynae in 2 weeks time.. was wondering how come not every week basis.. by then me also 37 weeks liao
really ah? we are having brothers as our gynae?? hehe..which clinic did u go to??? or they hv only 1 clinic? hehe... mine is at Pasir Ris Loyang Point.so far i think clifford quite nice..he spoke very gently..and slow..wahaha..dun worry showing him ur tummy..cos most of the time he not looking at it...but at the monitor...ya..i know clifton went abroad cos i got a fren also seeing slifton..she told me and she is also seeing clifford now.

Re:hosp stay
dun worry abt the no. of visitors lah..cos hor..who knows ur neighbour's visitors will outnumbered yours?? hehe...so if u are comfy can liao..me chose 4 bedded...maybe even more noisier..but only 2 days..then shld be ok lah...
ya loh..must pray real hard...hmm..anyway...2 days lah...every mth also lots of ppl giving birth...hmm....dog yr gd ah?? i dunno leh...

maybe u 2 in very gd health and condition so no need to go weekly loh...
Clifford's clinic is in Clementi. One in the West, and the other in the East! Wah... the way you describe Clifford seems like the opp of Clifton leh. Clifton always ready to joke with me but sometimes, can see him blush when I said something too direct. Ya ya ya, they sure are brothers.

My other worry is also about the no. of visitors my neighbour will have. The other time, my neighbour's mother will always come and she's always doing noises of clearing her throat or something. I can't sleep at all either. My neighbour did show her displeasure also, but her mother actually said it out loudly as if to tell me also.... we paid for hospital bill also mah, why must be considerate to the other one? ** Faint **
dsiitan, fruitee, NOIF,
I've just received the admission letter 2 days ago, TMC mailed it directly to my house after my gynae booked the ward and appointed PD for me 2 weeks ago. Tonight going to fill up the form and tomolo will return it to the registration counter.

Yes yes, together with the letter they will suggest a list of items we should bring for our stay at TMC. It was stated that basic toiletries will be provided but we can bring along our own toiletries for a more comfortable stay if we want to. And then hor.. it is advisable to have our bag readily packed 2 to 4 weeks before the estimated delivery date..

I also book 4 bedded one cos still prefer to have someone keep me companied at night as Zhong Yuan Jie is approaching..heeehee! If I delivery early anytime between 24 June to 7 July definitely hubby won't be around cos on overseas trip.. he won't stay with me either even after his biz trip cos need to set up nursery room at home and shift bb's cot and some cabinets to our bedroom before bb discharge from the hospital. All this shifting work can only be done during my absence lor..
that is way my gynae told me. He asked me ok with 2 bedded? If yes, tell the admin officer i want 4 bedded and they upgrade me to 2 bedded onlypaying 4 bedded price.

I also think there is no worry abt visitors. I ever stay with a patient that snore! aiyo, i cant sleep leh.. worse right.. disturb me at the wrong time. If ur neighbour dun like to stay with u they can always ask to change room. hahaha..
oh ya..they hv one clinic at clementi...clifford younger...but hope both good loh..if not hor...we r the one suffer leh..hahhaa

aiya...at times we oso cant control other ppl loh..really they paid $$ too..haha..last time me worst ah..my neighbour malay leh..then can u imagine all her relatives came..then all spoke loudly...then hor..dun take hospital food...the parents brought curry..wah piang...whole room the smell hor...so strong..u know lah..when u eat..u feel gd..but u only smell....really buay tahan..somemore at nite she dun sleep one..she watched tv till next day.aiyo..then on the volume so loud till i can even hear from her headphones...but lucky next day she went back liao..hehe..
hmm...after got the letter still need to send personally down to TMC meh?? aiyo...the list got say bb's stuff? some said TMC provides..but some said theyd ont...i blur liao...me 33 wks now..shld i start packing? havent buy pads yet...hahaha...

ya hor..u reminded me that ZHONG YUAN JIE just ard the corner...hmmm....but a mth later leh..on the 25/7..so when is ur EDD???
I received the TMC hospital guide as well together with the pre-admission form.. Here's some info on the visiting hours:

Immediate Family Members 8am~8pm
Friends & Visitors 10am~2pm

It is stated that "Visiting hours should be strictly observed so that patients will get the proper rest that they need for a speedy recovery. Patients occupying a shared room should keep their visitors to two at a time to avoid any disturbance to the other patients."
dun know ley.. this yr alot ot babies & preggies... ahahha

How many weeks are u now?? Cos tues my gynae only asked me where i wanna deliver never ask what ward I wan ley. wah.. faint liao.. everything like so uncertain for me ley!

They say zhong yuan jie this year longer???

Finally I found the remedy for better sleep at night liao.. been trying for a few days...
nvr mention abt bb's stuff leh.. but when i attended Mrs Wong's class she got mentioned that pampers, swaddling cloth with hood, mittens and booties etc will be provided.. so no need to prepare anything for bb cos TMC will provide a set of outfit bearing TMC logo for advertising.. keke..
Hi mummies,

if you are looking for PJs, can check out the ones at Taka lingerie dept. Besides Karmy, they have other brands too....some are selling at 16-19 dollars, plain ones with cute little furry bear on the pocket. Hee....

Have fun shopping!
my EDD on 29 July.. so might bump into zhong yuan jie leh if bb dun wan to come out early..

Dunno whether the nurse staff will monitor the number of visitors or not.. maybe we should advise our visitors to come in different time slot lor.. I'm thinking not to inform my friends and cols to come during my stay in the hospital so that i can spend more time to rest and BF bb more comfortably..
hmm..gd loh..like that no need to bring bb's stuff...haha..scarly dun hv my boy willw ear birthday suit home..hahaha

yes..think have 'run yue' so 2 mths of 7th month...

thks leh...maybe can go checkout and get 1 more..hehehe..mow wearing PJ liao..cant squeeze into my shorts..hahaa
I think there isn't any restriction for companion who is going to stay with you the ward.. but for family memebers and friends maybe they need to follow the timings lor..
oh ya..my EDD on 4/8, but i hv this feeling i will pop eraly..cos my 1st boy popped out when he was 36wks..

so i expected ard july..hehe..better dun hit the ZHONG YUAN JIE...

TMC mummies,
My SIL said TMC will give away the cord spirit and a set of toiletries for bb.. so we dun have to buy those things for bb first..
