(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

where u get the big pack? i only managed to get the small pack at carrefour leh...28 pcs at $11..think big pack more worth it...

sandy, ur gynae like mine, juz ultrasound. My tummy still high. Last week's visit, bb not engaged yet.

YB, i am seeing gynae in 2weeks time too. By then, wd be wk37. When's ur EDD?

Wat's CTG?
my gynea will start seeing me once a week after from my week 38 onward. He says final count down.
do u feel your baby head is near your pelvic bone area.. like already engage. I got hard time walking long and standing already. I cannot endure the weight anymore.
YB, Jazzy,
I am still seeing my gynae at 2 weeks interval. May be i will switch to 1 week after this sat.

I just wondered will the baby weight also depend on their mass? I mean like some bb may have heavy bone.
Ha ha... Paisay.... Cos I only got the Pureen Nappy Cream before. Not the pampers.

I saw the big pack at Giant and NTUC. You go have a look.
Congrats Li May & MTDT: Glad to hear that both of you are ok.

Sandy, my tummy is getting low since week 28. Having been feeling the weight, and got a hard time walking and sleeping. So in the weekend, I just lie on the sofa the whole day.

Would like to kow what happens if have piles? Need any surgery? Is it very common to have this during pregnancy?
Congrats to Li May and MTDT!

Hi ladies, haven't posted for a long time (but have been reading everybody's comments). I bought MP NB diapers at NTUC Thomson Plaza. In fact, they are having promotion now, so the promoter gave me a leaflet with 2 X $2 discount. So it cost $15.80 after discount for 52 pcs (jumbo pack). The leaflet also says this jumbo pack is only available at certain hypermarts.
I oso can feel bb head near my pelvic bone area.. last sat visit gynae said bb head still down, oredi in the correct birth position and face in.. but still not engaged.. just hope that he can remained at this position so that anytime when he's ready to come out I can have smooth natural delivery..

Whenever I walk and stand longer, i feel aching at the lower back.. nowadays can't even do ironing cos I cannot stand long.. even when sit longer also got backache at lower waist.. but at this stage my tummy still small small.. last sunday went to Foo Hua medical hall to buy ingredients for confinement the shop assistant oso cannot believe that my EDD is next month..

By the way, I've tried the papaya soup using the recipe I posted here last week. I feel that the serving is quite big, can last for half a day just to drink this soup with no other drinks.. I used black bean instead of ground nut and it taste okie.. I feel that this recipe is better than Mrs Wong's recipe cos the fish is pre-fried and can smell the fragrance when cook the soup..

My sister help me bought the mamy poko at Malaysia. All big pack one

New born size - 52pcs
S size - 72pcs
XL size - 50pcs
I have piles since 28 weeks onwards.. gynae advised not to remove the piles at pregnancy stage cos most likely it will come back when u are going into labour.. so she advised me to wait until after give birth then consider the surgery if necessary.. My MIL did not remove the piles after she gave birth to her last child.. so the piles with her more that 40 years liao.. hee..
so nice..got sis bought for u..hehe..i see how loh.maybe will switch to other brands loh..if too troublesome to get the MP NB
i asked u ah..white fish is what fish?? in mandarin??? hehehe....paiseh..i'm not a gd cook so knowledge of fishes name very limited..hehe
i saw NTUC got sell white fish.. u go to the section where they sell and clean fresh fish.. i did not pay attention to the chinese name but saw white fish was written there.. my knowledge to fishes name oso very limited.. now only i know there are more that 1 type of ngor her (threadfin fish) leh..

Oh yeah... Foo Hua selling herbs for bath (Da Feng Ai) at $1 per pack.. I bought 10 pkts liao..
oh yeah.. one advice for those who are going to cook papaya soup during confinement.. if possible get the fish meat/fish tail instead of whole fish.. after cooked for 3 hours my fishes all torn apart and tiny bones scattered everywhere and mix with other ingredients in the soup when i stirred and scoup up the soup..
haha...same same...ok ok...will go and see...but hor..u oso mentioned fish bones ok rite??? since i think i only drink the soup only...hehehe...

welcome here..nursing nighties?? hmm..just normal front buttons PJ can liao..i bouight mine at isetan under brand KARMY..quite comfy..but of cos u looking for more on brands and quality..can go mothercare...2 for $72 or $77....
no need to add salt to taste ah???
10 pkts of herbs?? enuff ah??? hehehe...me wanna buy more cos everyday must shower..if not maybe i can use white rice wine too..hehehe...now must clean clean..if not smell manz
yeah yeah.. fish bone oso can.. my fren said if get from wet market $2 can get quite a lot liao.. imagine i get whole threadfin fish less than 500g already cost me more than $5 liao.. but hor.. how to fried the fish bone?? think the taste will be different liao hor..

To me the taste is ok without salt leh.. i did not even season the fish when i fried them yesterday.. But i added some ginger shred when fried the fish to get rid of the smell.. i think the taste is upto individual taste bud liao.. if u find it too plain can always add some salt once the soup is almost done..

dsiitan is right.. When Mrs Wong introduced this soup during the antenatal class she was so proud as it is a very special soup to help mothers to increase their milk supply..
ic..hehe...aiyo...think hor..must go down to ntuc to see look liao..if not blur like sotong manz..hahaha
my fren told me whenever she feel that her milk supply goes low her mum will cook papaya soup for her more often.. so i think it's upto individual to decide liao.. hee..

hong mentioned that can start drinking this soup now to get our body system to prepare for milk supply liao.. i guess no harm trying it now lor..
ya loh..after all is just soup and is gd for our body...can liao loh..hahaha...maybe i can start cooking this dish too..but hor...ntuc dun sell green papaya rite?? u got them from wet market too>?????
u remind me leh.. ya lor.. i couldn't find green papaya from ntuc leh.. but still can get the half ripe papaya.. so i use that one lor.. if i use green papaya i think the soup i cooked yesterday won't turn out so sweet liao.. hmm.. would taste different hor.. but green papaya more effective lor..
nevermind lah...maybe when u r having ur confinement then go and look for green ones..hehhee..now drink half ripe 1st loh..hahaha...
hi gals...
thanks for your well wishes.

Baby wt was 2.860kg at week 37

my bill:
Elective Csec (Spinal): $1035
(Package - 4 bedded 2 days) but had a auto upgrade to 2 bedded and deduct 1 day since original package for csec is 3 days.

out of package items: $1148
this will include the "induced" cost like using of delivery ward, Medicine used like drip, VE etc. however not all are related to "induced" cost. according to the nurse, only about $300 - $400 will be saved if i had gone straight to csec

Dr Charges:
Epidural: $400
Gynae delivery: $1455

Total bill for mom: $3995
Medisave deduction: $2650

Baby package: $308 (2days)
Out of package items: $95
PD charges: $220

Total bill for baby: $615
Medisave deduction: $484

So total bill is about $4615
Deduct Medisave: $3000+
Cash: less than $1500
talking abt papaya soup.... the soup in TMC is SUPER!! their papaya soup is served everyday during 10am break. v yummy...

so far, i trying to drink every alt day...
my milk supply still not here.
Joline, my gynae say my bb big lor.. initially ask me to control my carbo intake.. scare too big, but now i think its acceptable for 2.7kg.. cos my gf who's having a girl weighs 2,5kg at 34weeks.. o i guess its alright..

My gynae dun do ctg too. but i do hear my bb's heartbeat...
i think we can adjust the qty proportionally to the amount stated in the recipe.. the one i bought is medium size.. the green one is better..

wow... so the best is still go for natural if possible hor.. c-sec really cost a lot..
I heard that the papaya soup served by TMC using those ripe (red) papaya.. is that true? If I dun remember wrongly Mrs wong did mention that the milk will only come in about 3 to 6 days after the delivery.. so u still feeding bb colustrum?heard that milk supply will come in soon if you let bb latch on very often..

oh.. but many said big bb is easier to take care leh.. i feel that ur bb weight is much better.. my bb too small liao.. and gynae said he will be short.. inherit the short genes from hubby's family.. haha..
Joline, yah.. i heard abt it too.. but i scare very hard to deliver if too big lor... but sometimes.. the weight estimated is not accurate, so only when bb is out then will know..big or small
Can u advise on the packing list of items that will be useful during our stay at TMC, and the items given free by the hospital when discharge?
some mummies will only have milk supply later. Dun give up. How u feed ur baby now? Still latching on or formula feed with spoon? DO u have engorgement now?
ya ya.. i heard from some mothers that their bb's actual weight at birth deviated from the weight estimated from scan machine.. so i pray hard that my bb will come out bigger and heavier than estimation.. keke..
Congrats to Li May and MTDT!

Hi paranoidmummy,
I dun hv contraction as induce halfway, realised Baby stressed with CTG scan. Actually my condition is quite similar to MTDT, only dilate 1cm only, so dun hv serious contraction lor...oso baby got umblical cord round his neck....

BTW, does anyone knows how will we be billed if the baby is not delivered by our gynae, but by another stand-in gynae har? I'm really worried that my baby will come out earlier leh....gynae still on leave...

Also, it seems that TMC is serving their special soup as standard menu items liao...at least that's wat my sis (delivered in May) toe me, also I also see lots of "tun zong" on the trolley durng meal time....and yes, my sis toe me the soup is really nice
MTDT, thanks for the breakdown in bill. Seems like its quite reasonable for C-section. I will be delivering in GlenE, i wonder how much it will cost. Hopefully I dont have much prbs in BF-ing coz e LC there only work on weekdays and my EDD happens to be on a weekend.

Dont worry abt milk supply, the more u engage the more milk it will produce.. so just let yr BB drink whatever u have first loh. How are u feeding yr BB now since you've got sore nipples.

Gals, i very scare leh! After reading e posts on those who have popped i really scare mine will pop early too catching me w surprise.I everything not ready!
haiz..dunno y these days so tired...woke up ard 1030am just now....ard 1 plus 2 ...wanna sleep again..wah piang..something wrong wif me????
Hi jazzyjas,
My edd is 16 Jul. Like u, my gynae also only use ultrasound to monitor.

Hi Sandy,
Wah, if baby comes out earlier, than we lugi lor. Cos we'll still only see doc once every 2 wks.

My baby still very high up making me breathless leh...

Hi daisyduck,
My CL will stay for only 28 days cos I'l spend 2 days in hospital during labour.

Baby's Weight:
After hearing Li May's account, I find that sometimes baby's weight is not accurate leh...her doc's estimation & actual weight is SO SO much different!!

Herbs for bathing:
My mum has already bought 28pks of Da Feng Cao for my confinement bathing. 1pk per day.
ANgeline, mustela's cream must be quite good loh that's y yr boy clears his rash so fast =p

I read somewhere that the nappy cream has to be like a barrier to the bb's skin, else even if u apply normal cream it is as good as not applying coz the cream gets absorb and when bb's buttock is soiled the problems comes back again, so i barrier cream sort of prevents the "bacteria" from the soil to get to BB's skin..
Dsiitan, u are better than me, I slept at 4am last night and wake up in the afternoon only. Very very tired..luckily i am SAHM, can nap anytime... haiz...
