(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

we drink ... keep drinking.. ahhaha.. must make our bb grow up the skin solid sold... tan chiak liao.. ahhaha

Hong / Jazzy
These few days tried to clear my bowels.. after business, my pelvic pain until cannot walk.. but doesnt seems like I using too much strength ley

talking about Kang Cheong.. My HB's sister and Brother in law althought second pregnancy still very kang cheong when his sister don't feel baby movement. When they go KK the gynea there examine her and advice her to go home wait cos only 1 cm dilated or admit if they want. That day happen to be 9 August ( National Day ). Her Gynea never went to see her until the next day, same thing gynea advice her to go home however her HB insisted on induce delivery cos he don't want later last min water bag burst etc problem.
In the end, baby was born on the 11 Aug next day at week 37.
By the way , their first also induce cos not growing already.
Moral of the story,
when professional ask u to go home and wait , listen to them and go home. If u don't feel baby movement, rest on the bed and calm down . Try feeling it again. A slight nuge or movement also consider . Else u will be like the above couple. lol
Another Kang Cheog story..
Same couple- this time is their first pregnancy after trying so hard for years.
It was still in her first trimester, suddenly one night (very late already ) she feel tummy cramp like mense cramp at pelvic area. The two of them kang Cheong, rush straight to hospital. In the end, the doc there told them is her pelvic bone expanding making space for growing baby so will some time feel pain. As long no bleeding etc , no need to go hospital.
They waste $$ about $80.00 for going to A & E at KK. Lucky her HB got vehicles, else more $$ spent. LOL

Moral of the story,
Read up more pregnancy book, ask question from those experience mother and your own gynea whenever there is chance.
Call your mother or MIL , and ask for advice b4 doing anything.
missmoon, i dun get it, u meant every 30mins u have to check wat kinda movements bb is making? Actually til now, i not sure.. sometimes kicks, sometimes tummy tightens & distorted.. sometimes like pointed to 1 side.

hong, i long time din eat chkn rice already.. after the last time i puked all out, very xin ku. Very scared to eat it til now.

Ya, after waking up, i oso have difficulty going 2 sleep at times. Worse is i got up 2 pee, then fan time off i wd on it 1hr.. after tat sleep, fan stop i woke up.
Its normal to be breatheless rite? A colli asked me chk wif gynae coz she dun feel it when she preg.

fruitee, perhaps its the way u sat on the "ma tong"? Coz sitting rite in & juz on the tip has a difference rite?
Sometimes, i wd "carry" my tummy when i ps.
i feel bb's limb sticking out sometimes that distorts the tummy also and i asked nurses - they told me it's a movement mah. i also checked wif nurses how to dicipher these movements. these days, not much kicks but more movements. i have to mark how many times bb move within the half hour slot through the day.
according to my doc, as long as have 10 movements in a day ok liao. movements i.e kicks, roll, nudging, wiggle etc. hicupps not considered movement.
missmoon, oic.. so if limbs stick out, tummy wd be pointed rite? This is 1 movement? Ok.. guess i wd try oso.
Sometimes i felt my left pelvic has a "tugging, pressure", u felt this? My bb's movements more on the top of my tummy.
Jazzyjas, Ya, Carrefour selling coconuts. But I don't know can keep for how long. I ask my MIL. She says as long as the top not open, can keep. The green husk is trimmed off nevermind. I have kept it for 1 week in the fridge liow, Will be drinking it tomorrow. Will call my hubby to drink first, if taste is the same, should be fine. Will let you know.
Hi MTBs,

any idea where can I get raspberry tea leaves? Can't seem to find it leh....

Btw, do you all have cravings for sweet stuff now? Shucks, I keep thinking of eating ice-cream...Ben and Jerry's!!!
ya, hiccups not counted. ya, movements can be wriggles, nudging etc. sometimes i can feel movement that makes me wanna go and pee also.

yes, considered a movement. but if continuous movement still considered only 1 move. ya, bb's movement still quite high up for me cos he's still in breech position.
jas, thanks.
Wd go & check out at Carrefour.

missmoon, then ur bb moves his hands more than legs loh? Coz mine has turned down.
Ya ya.. at times felt movements tat made me wanna go loo.
can anybody share method to keep awake at work hah?
Can't sleep peacefully thoughout the night, but always feel sleepy at this time at work leh...
last check, gynae said bb movements very erratic...cos he's sometimes head down and sometimes breech...that's why sometimes the movements can cause discomfort.
missmoon, thot by now the position sd be fixed? Did ur gynae mention anythg? If no, then it sd be ok.
Do u feel pressure on the pelvic, groin area? Coz i am feeling it often, esp on the left.

jm, juz goto try loh.. unless u wanna drink coffee? Or go 2 the loo to refresh urself.
jazzyjas, dunno ley, cos placenta is in the way, so movements very erratic, cannot engage lor. anyway, position doesn't matter cos i hv to go c-sec
Hi, I juz came back from my checkup...Baby now is 36 wks and 2.8kg liao but sad to say his head still didn't turn down...And gynae suggest me to hv c-section on the 1st wk of Jul whereby bb is 38 wks liao at that time...Abit shock for me n hb lor as I hope to have natural birth but of course really bo bian got to c-section as long as bb is healthy...as for my right hand wrist, gynae say after birth shld be ok but not ok maybe want to see gu ke yi shen
hello mummies, 2 days never log in liao.. so many posts to read. How's everyone.

Angeline, dont worry too much. Til next week to the test results, u just make sure u have enough rest and eat well. =) Everything wil be fine.

I just went for gynae yesterday, he didnt say much, no sign of early delivery. He just scan for BB heartbeat and take my blood pressure and rush for labour liao.
eeyore, i haven heard of it, but my mum gave birth to me pre maturing at 7 mths and do not have any stretchmarks. I am totally opp of her, my stretchmark alot!
Seems like alot of mummies going for C-section? My BB head is down liao.. but then not engaged yet.

YT try talking to yr BB and ask him to turn...?? when is yr next visit?
May, I think MIM website have them.

Hahaha, I like Bens and Jerry's ice cream too! Gracia Cherry my fav!

BTW, anyone knows where i can get citric acid? Need them to descale my sterlizer..
I was like carrying my tummy loh.. ahha.. dun dare to use too much strength somemore... dun know why will pain... haiz.. after I lie on the bed... ok liao.. maybe bb too stress inside..

I have been craving for 50cts ice cream cone from mac... see liao must eat... ahhaha
yar lor.... so many c-sec in this link...

me schedule for c-sec for next friday (30 Jun) too... anybody EDD or going for c-sec on that day too?? my EDD is 8 jul....
aiyo..tot where have u gone too...?? dunno when will my bb engage..haiz...hope in another week..cos cant wait for him to come out leh..hahaha...best 36 weeks..like his korkor...

u woke up liao ah?? hahaha...
wah..very scary leh..how come so many c-sect??? and how come gynae always encourage c-sect nowadays???? me very worried .....
aiyo.. *fruitee si bei cham ley* office pc keep hanging on me loh... so angry!!!
hahaha...tot u doze off..thats y so quiet...so next week last week of work??? nevermind..look forward..another week...me so sianz..u all so bz working..me so free sit in front of pc and waiting for ppl to chat...cham hor...
fruitee, i dont know if my pain is the same as yours.. but sometimes when i over exert myself.. like walk too fast or carry heavy things or do many things at one time, i felt as if the tummy is dropping and BB coming out from my below anytime!

Dsiitan, actually I've been ban.. lol.. my hubby says i spent too much time on the internet liao, ask me to do other things instead. But these 2 days also quite Bz.. i went to shop for BB stuff yesterday and met my interior designer today.. so no time to online.
i am also enxious to see how m boy looks like! but i will wait patiently.. hehehe
paranoidmummy, hv been talking to bb since last 3 wks...but still not turning leh...next visit is next sat lor...last chances liao...hopefully he turn bah...but i think chances very very low lor...
doze off... I wish also.. ahhaha... ya loh.. next week somemore gonna handover to temp liao.. haiz.. also not sure got time to fully handover bo... damn sickening loh..
aiyo...u stay at home whoel day still ban u from using pc?? then wat he wants u to do??? if i will u..i sure pull all my hairs ah..if i dun surf and tokt o u all..i will go crazy...very bad leh...then u go and spent $$ loh..maybe that way..he rather u spend time surfing internet at home...save $$..hahahahhaa...
paranoid mummy
think the pain same same ley.. cos just now I went lunch with my frd.. bought alot of facial products loh.. *keep stock* too heavy.. wah I take back office the whole stomach like dropping loh... I quickly sit down on my chair...
temp next week then come ah?? aiyo...how come last min?? shld come early then u can guide her mah..but nevermind lah...u ask ur colleagues to guide her loh..u just enjoy ur ML..but hor pray hard u wont kena disturb during ur ML..hehehe..last tiem my colleagues will call or sms me to ask me this and that...till i of the phone...lucky never come to my place personally ah...hahaha
aiyo..very 'vain' leh...hahaha....u sure got time to do ur face or not?? hehehe..but hor true lah...must be mei mei..
then when u hvaing ur ML..we can come out for kopi liao loh..paranoid oso staying at SK..hahaha....
Your baby quite big hor.

I took picture of my tummy :p

I talk to bb already but she never turn leh.

Do take care!

Hong and Dsiitan,
I'm a giant size mummy :p Anyone knows if it's ok to apply those slimming cream while breast feeding?? Thinking of using slimming cream for my post-natal massage.

Marie France very gui! Last time I went with my friend, she quoted me a $15k package!! I too fat lah! hehehe...my friend's package was $5k.
YT, if that's the case better listen to gynae advise. Afterall he knows what the best for u.

Dsiitan, haha he dont want me to surf net then i stay at home also meaningless.. i better go out.. I spent $$ he benefit leh! I bought 2 T-shirts for him... and medale nursing cream for myself.., still shopping ard for mobile for my playpen.. but those that i like can only fit onto cot.Any recommendation???

Frutiee, scary right? sometimes i cross the road halfway also wanna squat down~
aiya.. my company loh.. si bei last min.. I also scare they will call me loh.. haiz.. head big big liao..
ahahha... I wanna do my face nice nice mah.. so my son come out wont kanna scare by me mah.. muuuahhahaha.. I also say.. si bei vain ah... excuse la..

La kopi, la tea, la anything.. I ONZ!!!
huh?? not Quite big...is very big ah....*aiya toking abt it make me headache again*

i oso tok to my bb last nite...no doubt my tummy very comfy..but pls come out soon..hahhaa...dunno if he understands...haiz..

re: slimming cream
i dunno leh...i oso big size mummy..never in my life slim b4...hmm..maybe when im in pri sch bah..hahaha...
i also talk to bb to turn, help mummy to move placenta up...till now, no response. stubborn bbs lor, i guess. heee. u say u giant...sure or not? cannot beat me lah, giant.
u tell bb.. dun turn, come out beat butt..
but if last resort still never turn, think better listen to gynae liao..

ya loh.. when I felt that way hor.. I always holding my stomach.. like getting ready like that.. *touchwood la*
paranoidmummy, yah lor...wat to do...tonite going to talk to my MIL...hopefully she dun ask me to chose those dates bcoz i dun trust her words...gynae suggest c-section arou 6-8 Jul
aiyo..u wait till he knows how much u spend whhile u are ban from surfing net...compare to shopping stay at hm surf net better..hahhaa...whenever i tell my hb i want go shopping..he will like..eh...ok loh..cos he knows i sure spend...either on bb and my stuff or food!!..hahaha...he not worried i go out alone with big tummy..but more worried how much i will spend in just a few hrs..hahaha...

skali we go la peh koon zui,...wahahaha...then u ah...on leave must log in at hm hor..so we can arrange mah...PARANOID..u on or not??? skali we all la halfway..wanna go pop...then 3 preggie taking cab together..hahhaa..so funny
Poppy, I also want to take photo leh.. as a keepsake.. but my Digital camera is with a friend.. since last mth! Have to remember to get it from her...... hehe u take black and white or colouR?

YT, discuss this with hubby too, since u got a chance to choose date but choose properly.

Dsiitan, same same lah, he say i can shop but i cannot buy things -____- but i dont care, i always get home before him and keep properly all the things i've bought, so he wont know. I recently also join a BP to buy bumper mat, he also niam me for spending so much on a pc of clothe. Where u all going? I ok if that day got nothing on...
ahha... I try la.. if lazy worm dun come look for me so often.. I keep logging in.. ahahha..
wah lau, will be a funny scene loh if all 3 preggie running to taxi stand.. ahhaha... Paranoid also at TMC ah?? but... but... me no room ley.. ahahha
paranoid not at TMC rite??? hahhaa...ur room again..ok lah ok lah...me share share with u lah...

he wont know ah?? i dun care leh...i sign credit card...hahhaa...so when bills come he will know loh...hahaa...but lucky so far he never niam me...so when i dun go out...he more happy...like just now i sms him telling him im going to tampines mall to hv dinner with my ex colleages and at the saem time will go shop shop see got avent pump on offer..he said tomolo go JL cos got members' sale...20%..hahaha..then i told him die die tomolo must get the pump..if JL dun hv..i will go mothercare and get...hahaha...so bo bian loh...

aiyo..now my tummy hor..very pain leh...especially the beely button...like wanna burst leh..cham..dunno later can eat pizza..if cant eat....lugi ah..hahaha

missmoon, wat matters r both u & bb is doing great.
Til now, i still dunno how big is my bb.

YT, my bb is head down bt not yet engaged, 36week this week. Next visit wd be next week. My gynae din mention anythg durin last visit, its qte fast the visit. i thk he mentioned usually after 36week then wd engage.

fruitee, do u feel ur pelvic has a "tugging"?
If rest then ok, it sd be no problem.

poppy & missmoon, how u measure giant?? In terms of height or weight? Hee..
Guess i must be ONE oso.
