2WW - for those TTC-ing

Hi sisters of TTC-ing. I am a Aug mommy who gave birth in Jul cos my fluid was low and I had high blood pressure throughout my pregnancy. So at 37 weeks 5 days. My gyane decided to deliver her. She is a happy soon to be 3 months baby. I am 33 this year.

Here is my story:

We waited 6 years for this rainbow baby. 1 blighted ovum (got sac no baby) 4 years ago and 1 chemical pregnancy (2 yrs ago). My both pregnancy from joy to misery in 14 days. I tot I can never have a child of my own anymore.

During these 6 years. We tried natural and opk. I am a lazy person. So BBT is out. And like many couples out there. We r not active. Not we find each other unattractive but we r just not those diam diam BD couple. Lol. Our rate is like 1 mth twice is a bonus. Sounds silly when we wanted a child and yet we don't BD as much should we do it. When I see red every mth. I blamed myself. Why didn't I persistent. I cried every mth. I cannot take it that ppl around me telling me they r pregnant. I once hit my womb consistently crying to a useless womb. My hub have to stop me from hurting myself. I always ask God. What have I done to deserve to be childless? Why can't I keep my baby? What can I do to be a mom? I am a Buddhism. I pray to many gods at many temples. Went through a ritual becos even god says I very difficult to conceive. Even god says that. Whats there for me anymore? I really don't know.

Hubby was supportive throughout the year. Although he wanted to try again after my first miscarriage. I am too afraid of failure and was not ready. It took me 4 yrs to walk into TTC again and to lead up to another miscarriage. My two losses. They will always be in my heart. After the second miscarriage I told myself.. if its meant to be mine.. its mine. I shouted out loud to god.. if u decided to give me a baby.. make sure he/she stays this time. Stop giving me hope and take it away.

Every year CNY becomes a drag to me.. my answer to my relative. . 生不出。 没当妈妈的名。 I was so sick and tired of replying to whoever telling/asking me.. go have a baby. Why still no news? Even my ah ma tells my sister to give birth and pass the baby to me to raise. This was how bad it is. Cannot blame her.. 6 yrs nothing. Old folks are like that. I hate attending bb shower.

I went to gyane and check on my womb and eggs .. everything is fine. I did not do sperm check for hub becos I don't wanna crush him if problem really lies on him. I just take it I am the problem one. So gyane suggested ivf. No offends to IVF but to me.. I want my baby to be made out of love and natural.. I tell myself. Although I miscarriage but it proven that I can conceive. Just that I cannot prolong the stage pass week 7. 怀孕容易守孕难。 I have regular menses with a 32 days cycle.

So we just do it out of love. One mth probably twice. I know ttc rules.. bd as much as possible. We just don't have the energy. OpK from hope becomes a chore. Hubby was cooperative. But I just no mood. Test and test and O so what? Menses still keep knocking every mth. I threw away all my OPK. And tell hub.. we have we have..we don't we have each other.

Last yr Nov. We did it only twice that mth. My last menses was 24 Oct. And I still can tell my hub... arh.. this mth we so slack.. try harder dec ok? He answered me ok with a big smile. I didn't do anything. Just BD and raise my butt and never leave the bed till morning thats all. No oPK.. no BBT. Ppl says just need one shot to hit the jackpot. . I am hoping every mth that BD is that shot to success.

On 25 Nov.. I missed my menses.. not surprised as usually my menses will arrive probably 1 week after the date .. or probably I am stress at work.. I am a egg lover.. must eat eggs almost every day.. so on 27 Nov.. I ate eggs and suddenly I feel disgusted. I was like.. hmmmmm.. am I? The next day. I took a pregnancy strip and tested. Faint positive. I cannot believe my eyes.. and the tot of chemical pregnancy comes into my mind. Its really faint. I keep quiet and didn't tell hub. I tell myself I am going to face this on my own. I don't want my hub to have hope yet. So two days later. I tested again and its a positive. I went and got myself a digital and confirm pregnancy at week 2-3. I showed hub. We didn't jump in joy. We both are scare. So I keep it very low. I know if a pregnancy is successful is to see a heart beat. My last two didn't even go into the stage to have a fetus pole.. so I tell my tummy. . If u decided to stay.. don't let me see red. I booked gyane for a 3 weeks later slot.

True enough. I see gynae on week 8. I am determined to see heartbeat. I was lying down and I closed my eyes. My gynae was with me on my last miscarriage. I told her.. I am not going to see the monitor unless its good news. I made my gynae super gan cheong. Lol.. she scanned and she asked me to open my eyes.. I refused. She finally shouted. Open to see your baby! I saw a flickering and my gyane told me its the heartbeat. I cried. Finally. . I passed the test. It was emotional. To cut the story. . I gave birth to my baby girl.. I have a smooth pregnancy throughout. Just nausea from week 9 to week 17. Then I sail through. Baby arrived on 23 Jul when her edd is 8 Aug.

Sorry for this lengthy post.. I want to let all sisters know.. u r not alone and please don't blame urself. How many children and when we r having children is already determined by fate. As long u keep the faith and hope. . I am sure u r going to be a mommy one day. Just need that day to arrive.. like many says.. 天时地利人和。 once its time.. I am sure bb will come. For those who are constantly testing and testing ur body.. give urself a good break. Like 2 mths nothing. . Just BD out of love.. maybe that helps.. mine did.. although last time ppl always tell me that the moment u give up.. it comes.. I will always find that sentence very skeptical. But guess what.. it happens to me.

Baby dust to all of u here and I will be TTC in 2 yrs for my second one and this time I will leave it to god too.

Thank you for typing out your encouraging story.
I have also keep telling myself what will be mine, will be... If not the more I force, the more upset I will get when I don't get. Because I am already so upset.
Hope your ttc route to your 2nd baby will be much shorter. Jia you.
We all are going through or had been through the same shit/situation/scenario. . Which is why a forum is a great place to vent and talk especially all in same boat..

Pat.. ur pregnancy is only the beginning. So be good during 1st tri. Rest as much as possible. 2nd tri onwards u wanna pa pa zao also can. Just need to tolerate all these first. After birth there is another set of game.. more tears definitely.. so enjoy ur pregnancy first. . Remember. . Happy Mommy Happy Baby.
Hi ladies,

I just went to see dr on last wed, thought of seeing for IVF since my last clomid cycle failed. But the dr in Kkh doesn't suggest ivf for me despite knowing that I already had tried on clomid for 7 cycles of clomid. He is letting me to try on Letrozle. Any ladies tried on this before? Care to share..
precious beanie, i was also given this letrozle. i have yet to try clomid. not sure is it bcos clomid not as strong therefore doc put me on letrozle but i will only start nez cycle. i just finished my AF and this cycle try naturally again. nez cycle to try on letrozle. when will u be taking? wish all e luck is with u. :D doc oso don advise me on iui or ivf at e moment. i m v scared of taking med :(

can share ur dosage?
mine is to take 2.5mg 2x a day. total 5mg a day.
Hi sisters of TTC-ing. I am a Aug mommy who gave birth in Jul cos my fluid was low and I had high blood pressure throughout my pregnancy. So at 37 weeks 5 days. My gyane decided to deliver her. She is a happy soon to be 3 months baby. I am 33 this year.

Here is my story:

We waited 6 years for this rainbow baby. 1 blighted ovum (got sac no baby) 4 years ago and 1 chemical pregnancy (2 yrs ago). My both pregnancy from joy to misery in 14 days. I tot I can never have a child of my own anymore.

During these 6 years. We tried natural and opk. I am a lazy person. So BBT is out. And like many couples out there. We r not active. Not we find each other unattractive but we r just not those diam diam BD couple. Lol. Our rate is like 1 mth twice is a bonus. Sounds silly when we wanted a child and yet we don't BD as much should we do it. When I see red every mth. I blamed myself. Why didn't I persistent. I cried every mth. I cannot take it that ppl around me telling me they r pregnant. I once hit my womb consistently crying to a useless womb. My hub have to stop me from hurting myself. I always ask God. What have I done to deserve to be childless? Why can't I keep my baby? What can I do to be a mom? I am a Buddhism. I pray to many gods at many temples. Went through a ritual becos even god says I very difficult to conceive. Even god says that. Whats there for me anymore? I really don't know.

Hubby was supportive throughout the year. Although he wanted to try again after my first miscarriage. I am too afraid of failure and was not ready. It took me 4 yrs to walk into TTC again and to lead up to another miscarriage. My two losses. They will always be in my heart. After the second miscarriage I told myself.. if its meant to be mine.. its mine. I shouted out loud to god.. if u decided to give me a baby.. make sure he/she stays this time. Stop giving me hope and take it away.

Every year CNY becomes a drag to me.. my answer to my relative. . 生不出。 没当妈妈的名。 I was so sick and tired of replying to whoever telling/asking me.. go have a baby. Why still no news? Even my ah ma tells my sister to give birth and pass the baby to me to raise. This was how bad it is. Cannot blame her.. 6 yrs nothing. Old folks are like that. I hate attending bb shower.

I went to gyane and check on my womb and eggs .. everything is fine. I did not do sperm check for hub becos I don't wanna crush him if problem really lies on him. I just take it I am the problem one. So gyane suggested ivf. No offends to IVF but to me.. I want my baby to be made out of love and natural.. I tell myself. Although I miscarriage but it proven that I can conceive. Just that I cannot prolong the stage pass week 7. 怀孕容易守孕难。 I have regular menses with a 32 days cycle.

So we just do it out of love. One mth probably twice. I know ttc rules.. bd as much as possible. We just don't have the energy. OpK from hope becomes a chore. Hubby was cooperative. But I just no mood. Test and test and O so what? Menses still keep knocking every mth. I threw away all my OPK. And tell hub.. we have we have..we don't we have each other.

Last yr Nov. We did it only twice that mth. My last menses was 24 Oct. And I still can tell my hub... arh.. this mth we so slack.. try harder dec ok? He answered me ok with a big smile. I didn't do anything. Just BD and raise my butt and never leave the bed till morning thats all. No oPK.. no BBT. Ppl says just need one shot to hit the jackpot. . I am hoping every mth that BD is that shot to success.

On 25 Nov.. I missed my menses.. not surprised as usually my menses will arrive probably 1 week after the date .. or probably I am stress at work.. I am a egg lover.. must eat eggs almost every day.. so on 27 Nov.. I ate eggs and suddenly I feel disgusted. I was like.. hmmmmm.. am I? The next day. I took a pregnancy strip and tested. Faint positive. I cannot believe my eyes.. and the tot of chemical pregnancy comes into my mind. Its really faint. I keep quiet and didn't tell hub. I tell myself I am going to face this on my own. I don't want my hub to have hope yet. So two days later. I tested again and its a positive. I went and got myself a digital and confirm pregnancy at week 2-3. I showed hub. We didn't jump in joy. We both are scare. So I keep it very low. I know if a pregnancy is successful is to see a heart beat. My last two didn't even go into the stage to have a fetus pole.. so I tell my tummy. . If u decided to stay.. don't let me see red. I booked gyane for a 3 weeks later slot.

True enough. I see gynae on week 8. I am determined to see heartbeat. I was lying down and I closed my eyes. My gynae was with me on my last miscarriage. I told her.. I am not going to see the monitor unless its good news. I made my gynae super gan cheong. Lol.. she scanned and she asked me to open my eyes.. I refused. She finally shouted. Open to see your baby! I saw a flickering and my gyane told me its the heartbeat. I cried. Finally. . I passed the test. It was emotional. To cut the story. . I gave birth to my baby girl.. I have a smooth pregnancy throughout. Just nausea from week 9 to week 17. Then I sail through. Baby arrived on 23 Jul when her edd is 8 Aug.

Sorry for this lengthy post.. I want to let all sisters know.. u r not alone and please don't blame urself. How many children and when we r having children is already determined by fate. As long u keep the faith and hope. . I am sure u r going to be a mommy one day. Just need that day to arrive.. like many says.. 天时地利人和。 once its time.. I am sure bb will come. For those who are constantly testing and testing ur body.. give urself a good break. Like 2 mths nothing. . Just BD out of love.. maybe that helps.. mine did.. although last time ppl always tell me that the moment u give up.. it comes.. I will always find that sentence very skeptical. But guess what.. it happens to me.

Baby dust to all of u here and I will be TTC in 2 yrs for my second one and this time I will leave it to god too.
thanks for sharing! it's a beautiful ending! and the story goes on with u and ur little one to another phase of life! hugs! u made it. i cried aft reading! grabbing ur baby dust!
precious beanie, i was also given this letrozle. i have yet to try clomid. not sure is it bcos clomid not as strong therefore doc put me on letrozle but i will only start nez cycle. i just finished my AF and this cycle try naturally again. nez cycle to try on letrozle. when will u be taking? wish all e luck is with u. :D doc oso don advise me on iui or ivf at e moment. i m v scared of taking med :(

can share ur dosage?
mine is to take 2.5mg 2x a day. total 5mg a day.
i heard that IUI no need jab right?
for me, i will be considering IUI first...
i scare of pain...
Pat, nope i dun like the 800+ gynea... Thou alot ppl say he is superb... I go to the one at blk 503 Tampines.. Somewhere near Tampines Library..

I dun think there are much reviews on Dr Wong, but personally i prefer him to Dr Loke (800+ gynea). He will answer all the queries, so far me and my hub feel very comfortable with him and his package isnt ex too.

Hi, i was with Dr Wong Heng Fok last year too! I am now ttcing for my second one. he is really a nice guy!
Hw r u Pat?
Hope u r feelin much better by now n able to eat few spoonfuls of ur meals.

Still hates eating and drinking =( my weight keep dropping! I'm only 45kg now!!! help!!! Gynae gave me a few packs of formula milk for mums but the thought of milk make me puke. Dun dare to drink.

We all are going through or had been through the same shit/situation/scenario. . Which is why a forum is a great place to vent and talk especially all in same boat..

Pat.. ur pregnancy is only the beginning. So be good during 1st tri. Rest as much as possible. 2nd tri onwards u wanna pa pa zao also can. Just need to tolerate all these first. After birth there is another set of game.. more tears definitely.. so enjoy ur pregnancy first. . Remember. . Happy Mommy Happy Baby.

Hahahaha, I hope I could rest seriously, I felt tired but cant sleep, tried sleeping at night always find myself awake mid night or super early in the morning. felt so terrible at times, always feeling cold.
Now thinking if I should just clear my leave before my last day or encash them. haiz.....
Hi, i was with Dr Wong Heng Fok last year too! I am now ttcing for my second one. he is really a nice guy!
I prefer to stick to him already. hahahha initially still tot of trying out another gynae. but both my hub and I feel comfortable with him.
Still hates eating and drinking =( my weight keep dropping! I'm only 45kg now!!! help!!! Gynae gave me a few packs of formula milk for mums but the thought of milk make me puke. Dun dare to drink.

Hahahaha, I hope I could rest seriously, I felt tired but cant sleep, tried sleeping at night always find myself awake mid night or super early in the morning. felt so terrible at times, always feeling cold.
Now thinking if I should just clear my leave before my last day or encash them. haiz.....

Pat, encash better... cos u will need cash after bb is out.. the more cash the merrier also ...h hahahhaha
thanks for sharing! it's a beautiful ending! and the story goes on with u and ur little one to another phase of life! hugs! u made it. i cried aft reading! grabbing ur baby dust!
Hi Emily. . I know what u have been through. Been noticing ur post since last dec. Nothing is impossible. Be it medical report or facts shown. It just take a strong sperm to go into the egg.. just that 1 warrior. . Anything is possible. Keep the hope and faith. Baby dust to u.
Still hates eating and drinking =( my weight keep dropping! I'm only 45kg now!!! help!!! Gynae gave me a few packs of formula milk for mums but the thought of milk make me puke. Dun dare to drink.

Hahahaha, I hope I could rest seriously, I felt tired but cant sleep, tried sleeping at night always find myself awake mid night or super early in the morning. felt so terrible at times, always feeling cold.
Now thinking if I should just clear my leave before my last day or encash them. haiz.....
1st trimester is like that. Hello Pee days throughout the entire pregnancy. Like my gynae tells me.. she wants the symptoms to be as horrible as possible. No matter how much I complained to her.. no medication given. The worst we feel.. the better the LO growing.. and of cos there are lucky ones out there who sail through without anything. Super lucky. Lol. This is part of pregnancy. Since we have been ttcing so long and wanting this LO healthy. All these nasty sacrifice are unavoidable. Take every vomit as a blessing. Lol.. u gonna miss this bump after bb out. Good bye freedom, Long shower and relaxing meals.
Thanks for sharing...
I felt so touched after reading...
Ur story encourage me!
Jus like u i hate to attend bb shower, CNY n wedding invites..

Jus hope one day the day is ready im fated to see + on my preg kit!

My hubby say I crazy.. When I am abt to deliver. . I use a test strip and pee on it just to see that double line again. Lol.. I dunno when if I have the chance to see this precious positive line anymore. Lol. Road to TCC is always uncertain. But its hope and faith that kept us going.
Still hates eating and drinking =( my weight keep dropping! I'm only 45kg now!!! help!!! Gynae gave me a few packs of formula milk for mums but the thought of milk make me puke. Dun dare to drink.

Hahahaha, I hope I could rest seriously, I felt tired but cant sleep, tried sleeping at night always find myself awake mid night or super early in the morning. felt so terrible at times, always feeling cold.
Now thinking if I should just clear my leave before my last day or encash them. haiz.....
hey... doesnt matter if ur weight drops now.... just eat / drink whatever u can stomach. Ehhh those milk contains a lot of sugar. u may want to give that a miss if u can stomach fresh milk.

if u feel nauseous and u cant sleep, one way is to take promethazine. very safe, and it helps with insomnia and nausea :)
Still hates eating and drinking =( my weight keep dropping! I'm only 45kg now!!! help!!! Gynae gave me a few packs of formula milk for mums but the thought of milk make me puke. Dun dare to drink.

Hahahaha, I hope I could rest seriously, I felt tired but cant sleep, tried sleeping at night always find myself awake mid night or super early in the morning. felt so terrible at times, always feeling cold.
Now thinking if I should just clear my leave before my last day or encash them. haiz.....

Hi Pat, my morning sickness starts to kick in.... starting from last weekend...
its very nausea after meals and this morning, waking up and the min I open my eyes, feel like puke..:confused:
Thanks for the story+courage and i am also the same.. hate BB show, cny or wedding.. as long as gathering, im depressed...
U jiayou in 2 yrs for bb#2...
I have a group of friends who are all moms and I am the last one to have baby.. the first kid in the group is already 10 and the rest are like popcorn popping and conceiving like nobody business. And these 10 yrs.. I am still childless. . But they didn't neglect me.. cos we r friends and no matter what stages they r in.. friendship will never change.. so don't a afraid of gathering with friends. They know u well enough to never hurt ur feelings. Go chill and maybe u can grab dust from friends too. After my baby shower this Aug, I have 3 friends conceived recently. .. they are now in 1st tri. So u see.. u never know.. maybe need to go to have those dust sprinkle on u on the spot.

Here is more dust to u too!! *************
1st trimester is like that. Hello Pee days throughout the entire pregnancy. Like my gynae tells me.. she wants the symptoms to be as horrible as possible. No matter how much I complained to her.. no medication given. The worst we feel.. the better the LO growing.. and of cos there are lucky ones out there who sail through without anything. Super lucky. Lol. This is part of pregnancy. Since we have been ttcing so long and wanting this LO healthy. All these nasty sacrifice are unavoidable. Take every vomit as a blessing. Lol.. u gonna miss this bump after bb out. Good bye freedom, Long shower and relaxing meals.

Really agree with you... Every vomit is a blessing.
Some people will give anything to have that chance.
Really feel so touched by your story and your positive attitude.
Thank you for typing out your encouraging story.
I have also keep telling myself what will be mine, will be... If not the more I force, the more upset I will get when I don't get. Because I am already so upset.
Hope your ttc route to your 2nd baby will be much shorter. Jia you.
Just remember. When u r upset. Ur hubby heart breaks even deeper. Man don't show emotions doesn't mean they r not in our state of mind.. trust me.. they r and tougher cos cannot let wife know..

I am sure one day will be ur turn to share encouraging story too. Have faith.

Baby dust to u too*************
Just remember. When u r upset. Ur hubby heart breaks even deeper. Man don't show emotions doesn't mean they r not in our state of mind.. trust me.. they r and tougher cos cannot let wife know..

I am sure one day will be ur turn to share encouraging story too. Have faith.

Baby dust to u too*************

Thank you so much your encouragement and baby dust.
Your first paragraph really make me tear because it is so true.. It is true that my hubby feels more painful to see me sink into deep misery month after month.
Really feel more motivated and encouraged now.
Everyone, let's all jia you together! :)
I agree w shirleyten.. i started trying for my 2nd one when my best friend gave birth to her 1st.. when she juz gave birth to her 2nd one recently, I was still trying hard on my 2nd one.. kept thinking if only things were smoother abit, I shld also have a 2nd one in my arms le.. coz she's my best fren I sincerely feel happi for her (I was oso at e stage accepted my fate of having only 1 child..) visited her & her newborn a lot.. she made special efforts to deliver red eggs to me.. who noes, it might be her who passed bb dusts to me!

Stay +ve to feel good which definitely helps in ttc journey! Jiayou! ;)
For all sisters here.. be it good times bad times. . Nobody here is being judged and nobody here is useless. Everyone is on the same path.. the journey to TTC. Its not easy and it never will be.. So keeping our mind free and heart free. . The road is definitely gonna be smoother and happier.



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precious beanie, i was also given this letrozle. i have yet to try clomid. not sure is it bcos clomid not as strong therefore doc put me on letrozle but i will only start nez cycle. i just finished my AF and this cycle try naturally again. nez cycle to try on letrozle. when will u be taking? wish all e luck is with u. :D doc oso don advise me on iui or ivf at e moment. i m v scared of taking med :(

can share ur dosage?
mine is to take 2.5mg 2x a day. total 5mg a day.
Hey, who knows, that 1 round of letrozole could be the one that turns your luck around ? :) enjoy urselves, and dont be scared of the medicine
Crackers helps nausea. No matter what must eat and then puke. LO needs our every intakes to grow. I dropped 5kg in my 1st trimester. And gain it back in my 2nd. Just eat and puke. At least something in better than nothing at all.. it will go away around week 15.
I need to say sorry to preggy here in this thread but I would suggest u all go discuss abt pregnancy in another platform be it PM or another chat. As this is a TCC thread sisters here may not be comfortable to see all these. I am just speaking as a sister before conceived. When my friends started 妈妈经, I will just keep quiet as I don't wanna see all that.. I hate to see it actually. . maybe its just me. I am truly happy for them but the sourness only gets stronger. Just my 5 cents tots.
@Emily_Emily that time I took 5 cycles of clomid that I tot of requesting for a change to letrozole.. even for my iui, I told myself gonna be e last cycle on clomid then move on to letrozole.. I read online b4 that those who dun respond to clomid may respond better to letrozole.. some claimed will not thin lining like clomid.. seems popular in US (aka Femara)..

Good lucks ya!
No wor... just asking and duno what lead our conversation to there too.. hahhahhaa

My mum friend just gave me a TCM contact at bugis.. duno shd i try or not.. a bit sian dio liaoz...
beanie peeps
for me i have been with TCM for abt 3 yrs! till now still no news... and aft tat i forgo abt seeing tcm already. i have seen 2 tcm within tat 3 yrs. aft taking out e idea of tcm, i feel i m a happier person, a better person, it not only lightened my pocket, my shoulder feels lighter too. u knw what i mean eh :) meanwhile i just continue to enjoy e food n FRUITS i used to love. but 99% cutting dwn on cold drinks. i love my yogurt but i will eat it while it is not too cold... i still think keeping our womb warm is good.
i heard that IUI no need jab right?
for me, i will be considering IUI first...
i scare of pain...
pixie, iui no jab... no medication. SO-IUI consist of medication and jab

Pat, how are u feeling? hope u are better now. rmb, even if u are not hungry, drink some thing or eat something light... hmm ppl said eat biscuit drink milo but i think when u feel nausea, better avoid dairy stuffs! biscuit not too healthy , perhaps can eat those with wheat de???Pat, what brand of milk doc gave u? tell u... if it is e abbott similac mum, better don drink lol... i drank b4, so fishy and so coarse.... though not preg but i sample it before... i prefer the dumex one... e smell not so strong and no fishy smell. just like the fresh milk. however fresh milk is still e best. less chemicals, pure and not much unknown ingredients in it... tat is y thy needed to be stored in e fridge and must finish within a few days aft opening cos it has no preservatives. whereas milk powder thy add a lot of unknown ingredients dono wat DHA - for kids milk and dono wat rubbish and they add dono wat to preserve e milk and u see how thy make e milk in power form etc

Hi Emily. . I know what u have been through. Been noticing ur post since last dec. Nothing is impossible. Be it medical report or facts shown. It just take a strong sperm to go into the egg.. just that 1 warrior. . Anything is possible. Keep the hope and faith. Baby dust to u.
thanks so much shirleyten. so touched tat u rmb me!! hugs! thanks for being so encouraging.. that ""line"" (i just need one good warrior) have been in my mind every time i felt like giving up! and i m keeping my faith up n be positive! cos i know we got hope de, not say he no sperms n i no eggs... we have, just tat thy either havent met or don wanna meet at e moment :D
Still hates eating and drinking =( my weight keep dropping! I'm only 45kg now!!! help!!! Gynae gave me a few packs of formula milk for mums but the thought of milk make me puke. Dun dare to drink.

Hahahaha, I hope I could rest seriously, I felt tired but cant sleep, tried sleeping at night always find myself awake mid night or super early in the morning. felt so terrible at times, always feeling cold.
Now thinking if I should just clear my leave before my last day or encash them. haiz.....

Hi Pat, my morning sickness starts to kick in.... starting from last weekend...
its very nausea after meals and this morning, waking up and the min I open my eyes, feel like puke..:confused:
beanie peeps
for me i have been with TCM for abt 3 yrs! till now still no news... and aft tat i forgo abt seeing tcm already. i have seen 2 tcm within tat 3 yrs. aft taking out e idea of tcm, i feel i m a happier person, a better person, it not only lightened my pocket, my shoulder feels lighter too. u knw what i mean eh :) meanwhile i just continue to enjoy e food n FRUITS i used to love. but 99% cutting dwn on cold drinks. i love my yogurt but i will eat it while it is not too cold... i still think keeping our womb warm is good.
i can imagine how terrible u felt after u saw TSB...
My hubby say I crazy.. When I am abt to deliver. . I use a test strip and pee on it just to see that double line again. Lol.. I dunno when if I have the chance to see this precious positive line anymore. Lol. Road to TCC is always uncertain. But its hope and faith that kept us going.
take pics and save it in ur mobile as wallpaper!
Bubbleblue jiayou for ur ivf! Do share ur experience after u go thru cuz I will probably do it also if my iui fails.

Thank you, chloe_ng. I had attended the briefing at kkh & just waiting for my af to come before I can formally start.... Will login here as & when cos I really find all the sistas here supportive & encouraging. Honestly, I just bumped into a friend who is pregnant & I just say hi & bye to her cos I find it awkward. Maybe I am just too envious & of cos jealous of her efficient "productivity" bah.... hehe....

Thank you, oceansdeep78. I hope you are feeling better now. Maybe you can try to talk to another nurse to get an earlier date for your appt? Let's all jiayou tog!!
Thank you, chloe_ng. I had attended the briefing at kkh & just waiting for my af to come before I can formally start.... Will login here as & when cos I really find all the sistas here supportive & encouraging. Honestly, I just bumped into a friend who is pregnant & I just say hi & bye to her cos I find it awkward. Maybe I am just too envious & of cos jealous of her efficient "productivity" bah.... hehe....

Thank you, oceansdeep78. I hope you are feeling better now. Maybe you can try to talk to another nurse to get an earlier date for your appt? Let's all jiayou tog!!
Do take care and gambatte !
I agree w shirleyten.. i started trying for my 2nd one when my best friend gave birth to her 1st.. when she juz gave birth to her 2nd one recently, I was still trying hard on my 2nd one.. kept thinking if only things were smoother abit, I shld also have a 2nd one in my arms le.. coz she's my best fren I sincerely feel happi for her (I was oso at e stage accepted my fate of having only 1 child..) visited her & her newborn a lot.. she made special efforts to deliver red eggs to me.. who noes, it might be her who passed bb dusts to me!

Stay +ve to feel good which definitely helps in ttc journey! Jiayou! ;)

Starwish, I am in the same situation as you. My friends whose 1st are younger than mine are mostly pregnant again with 2nd. Here I am trying to conceive & everyone just keep bombarding me to chase me have a 2nd one soon! Be it colleagues, friends & neighbours also.... Sigh. I felt pressuried & I really dont know how to tell them I am having secondary infertility la.
Pat, see it as a good thing to slim down for now because by 3rd & 4th trim, you will see yourself gaining so much more on your weighing scale!! Jiayou & rest more at home if you can!!
Hi Pat, my morning sickness starts to kick in.... starting from last weekend...
its very nausea after meals and this morning, waking up and the min I open my eyes, feel like puke..:confused:
pinky love, u try ginger? if it is awful, u can go Pat's Oven at Farrer Park that shopping Mall to buy... sorry i dono what is e name of e shopping mall. but i knw there is a small shop near mcdonalds selling nuts, u can go get ginger cubes... it is coated with sugar, not so hot. kept in fridge, one small pkt $3+ sometimes i pms i feel nausea i will eat
Just remember. When u r upset. Ur hubby heart breaks even deeper. Man don't show emotions doesn't mean they r not in our state of mind.. trust me.. they r and tougher cos cannot let wife know..

I am sure one day will be ur turn to share encouraging story too. Have faith.

Baby dust to u too*************
is that so? i always think my hubby don bother. no feelings one. always takes my sorrow like nothing one. every time i tell him how sad i was, he oso wont comfort me or say anything. jus say is like tat one.. let nature takes it course. till now i oso don wanna say so much cos i hate hearing e same old words again.
Hey, who knows, that 1 round of letrozole could be the one that turns your luck around ? :) enjoy urselves, and dont be scared of the medicine
ya i m trying to be brave. always think nvm la eat la. die then die lor... if no die maybe got hope for a child if die oso like tat, cannot control fate. but e fear is still there always n every mouth of med i took.. so many yrs le still like tat. cant take e fear off of myself. :( but i m tat kind if i nv try i will still however by hook or by crook go n take it.. dono wat my crazy mind is thinking.. lol
Thank you, chloe_ng. I had attended the briefing at kkh & just waiting for my af to come before I can formally start.... Will login here as & when cos I really find all the sistas here supportive & encouraging. Honestly, I just bumped into a friend who is pregnant & I just say hi & bye to her cos I find it awkward. Maybe I am just too envious & of cos jealous of her efficient "productivity" bah.... hehe....

Thank you, oceansdeep78. I hope you are feeling better now. Maybe you can try to talk to another nurse to get an earlier date for your appt? Let's all jiayou tog!!
So wat is the briefing abt? I need to get some info and prepare myself for ivf next yr.
Hi Pat, my morning sickness starts to kick in.... starting from last weekend...
its very nausea after meals and this morning, waking up and the min I open my eyes, feel like puke..:confused:
How many weeks are you into already? mine started mildly before 6th Oct... flactuating these days. on the days I tot i felt better. the next moment when I think of eating it starts again...

I need to say sorry to preggy here in this thread but I would suggest u all go discuss abt pregnancy in another platform be it PM or another chat. As this is a TCC thread sisters here may not be comfortable to see all these. I am just speaking as a sister before conceived. When my friends started 妈妈经, I will just keep quiet as I don't wanna see all that.. I hate to see it actually. . maybe its just me. I am truly happy for them but the sourness only gets stronger. Just my 5 cents tots.
haha don worry shirleyten,
those are e ladies whom have been thru with us for YEARS over here. so we are glad that thy are still here... i wan them to be here wor :rolleyes::oops::D so tat i can feel tat i m not alone. cos there are so many new ladies joining e thread. one aft another left me... i still wan grab e ones here though many have already promoted!! n i hope to see them again for their next ttc! :rolleyes::p
