Support group - Miscarriages

Some gynae dun believe in tcm so depends on ur dr too.. my gynae aso dun really encourage but funni thing was he did sent one of his patients who has spotting all the way till wk16 to tsb, ask tsb to help stabilize.. n the lady proceed w tsb till gave birth.. I dun tik I will tell him I m seeing tsb unless he ask...

Happen that my gynae aso learn acupuncture w tsb or under tsb in the past, I can't rem.. so they actually in contact n meet up once a year at least..
yup thanks all for the support. Now can only go step by step and week by week. Hmm my hubby hear what dr Anita say Liao he doesn't want me to take. Maybe I will finish up the meds. But take only twice a week. Can last me for 5 weeks. Then weekend brew easier also. Think after first trim then I see them tsb again.
After my mc last year, perhaps this round I choose to believe in tsb bah... I really dun know, just do watever I shd do then... n pray for the best
Ya I guess my faith in tcm also weaker. Cox I only started seeing tcm after 3mcs. And I see to try to conceive. So now with steroids all that like tsb herself she also worry may clash. So maybe I just take her meds on weekend to finish it. Don't want to waste money also. And taking less dosage also good won't have so much complications bah. Just treat it as some soup. Hehe
Ya I guess my faith in tcm also weaker. Cox I only started seeing tcm after 3mcs. And I see to try to conceive. So now with steroids all that like tsb herself she also worry may clash. So maybe I just take her meds on weekend to finish it. Don't want to waste money also. And taking less dosage also good won't have so much complications bah. Just treat it as some soup. Hehe
I'm so happy, excited and worry at the same time! Keep your faith strong! I cannot wait to collect the eggs from you! I also lost hope in Tcm already now just waiting to see Dr anita in may after everything is settled den ttc again!
I'm so happy, excited and worry at the same time! Keep your faith strong! I cannot wait to collect the eggs from you! I also lost hope in Tcm already now just waiting to see Dr anita in may after everything is settled den ttc again!
Thanks gal! Hugs. Yes im hoping to be giving out lotsa of eggs in dec when baby turns full mth. Now really is go week by week. In glad nuh so attentive. Don't dare to think too much now.
I'm so happy, excited and worry at the same time! Keep your faith strong! I cannot wait to collect the eggs from you! I also lost hope in Tcm already now just waiting to see Dr anita in may after everything is settled den ttc again!
Is dr Anita a Gynae or rheumatologist like dr Sheila?
From my understanding lol yes I haven't ask. dr Anita is a Gynae and she specialised in high risk pregnancy.

But she very cool leh. So after stabilise maybe I turn pte I will switch Gynae.

I see, so u intend to change Gynae? I was wondering if I should switch to high risk Gynae or cont with Rauff? She's a very good dr though Or should I see two Gynae? Or maybe Sheila + Rauff like what I'm doing now. Haha. Btw Sheila is v ex in the private clinic. So imagine if I conceive next time I will have to spend X2 the amount coz I'm private patient leh.
I see, so u intend to change Gynae? I was wondering if I should switch to high risk Gynae or cont with Rauff? She's a very good dr though Or should I see two Gynae? Or maybe Sheila + Rauff like what I'm doing now. Haha. Btw Sheila is v ex in the private clinic. So imagine if I conceive next time I will have to spend X2 the amount coz I'm private patient leh.
I am planning to change to prof rauff! Hahaha u want to switch to Anita! Lol. Ya they say I may have to see Sheila and prof mahesh right. Don't have leh. I don't mind lah as long as the baby is well see who also can.

Cox hor can't seem to find much details on dr Anita. But lots of raving reviews on prof rauff. I know I'm sticking to nuh for sure. They gave me a lot of confidence this time. Dr Anita although quiet and quick but she really know how to monitor me. Like ask me come back again in just a week. So I'm a bit 受宠若惊。to me go back in 2 weeks to rescan is very fast Liao. She says one week. So I'm anxious again. Lol
I am planning to change to prof rauff! Hahaha u want to switch to Anita! Lol. Ya they say I may have to see Sheila and prof mahesh right. Don't have leh. I don't mind lah as long as the baby is well see who also can.

Cox hor can't seem to find much details on dr Anita. But lots of raving reviews on prof rauff. I know I'm sticking to nuh for sure. They gave me a lot of confidence this time. Dr Anita although quiet and quick but she really know how to monitor me. Like ask me come back again in just a week. So I'm a bit 受宠若惊。to me go back in 2 weeks to rescan is very fast Liao. She says one week. So I'm anxious again. Lol

Ya encourage to stick to Nuh. They are quite good and I like their level of care. Rauff is good, not rough, very gentle! (no pun intended!). I heard biswas also not bad. But I think I may need high risk attention. Hehe.

Don't you just feel like you are counting day by day? Kancheong? ;)
Ya encourage to stick to Nuh. They are quite good and I like their level of care. Rauff is good, not rough, very gentle! (no pun intended!). I heard biswas also not bad. But I think I may need high risk attention. Hehe.

Don't you just feel like you are counting day by day? Kancheong? ;)
Ya reay day by day. Worse part is now peeing a lot so everytime I go toilet in like praying. Like last fri the brown cm scare. I told dr Anita today. She says unfortunately she cannot explain why I have brown spotting that morning only. And it's too common to be spotting in pregnancies. But bcoz of our history we tend to panick more compared to other ladies.
Ya reay day by day. Worse part is now peeing a lot so everytime I go toilet in like praying. Like last fri the brown cm scare. I told dr Anita today. She says unfortunately she cannot explain why I have brown spotting that morning only. And it's too common to be spotting in pregnancies. But bcoz of our history we tend to panick more compared to other ladies.

Totally agree with u on the panick part. Try yr best not to be anxious yah? Hard but u r strong n can do it. ;)
I see din know got two! Hehe
I actually get to know when I browse the dr list in Nuh when wanna see the background of dr Anita lim b4 c her in rhematology for redo NK cells test. Cos that time planning to c her or dr Sheila but dr Sheila appt in Nuh too far away. But turn big round I will be seeing dr Sheila next 2 weeks in her clinic as arrange by prof choolani. Lol
hopeful mom

u need take care
in my case, i hv brown discharge too at 1sr trimester but it stopped after i eat med from kk.

but the brown discharge came again when i m at early 2nd trimester.
then very fast i end up ms.
hopeful mom

u need take care
in my case, i hv brown discharge too at 1sr trimester but it stopped after i eat med from kk.

but the brown discharge came again when i m at early 2nd trimester.
then very fast i end up ms.
thanks dear. ya now just counting day by day and week by week. you take care too. and jia you once u are ready :)
hopeful mum.

take note that if u feel something 'weird' feeling, like menses pain but much lighter, n brown discharge, better go to check.
last time i though should be the baby start moving and oledi at night so i choose not to go hospital and now i regret everyday, always thinking about what if i go hospital immediately on that night?

ya, i will jia you next mth. but just wonder should i go to do a preconception checking before ttc?
thanks Xiao ma, now so far so good no more brown already.
crampy feeling still have think the uterus is expanding :)

don't regret, its definitely not your fault, if you lost it during first trim, sometimes even science cant tell us what happened. don't blame urself okay, you are not at fault.
Up to you, I did go back for pap smear and just check if my fibroids come back lah.
Hi everyone, I've been reading this thread since early March when I was pregnant in my first trimester. I just went for a D&C on Wed as my pregnancy wasn't progressing well, this is my 3rd mc but my 1st D&C.

My first 2 mcs happened when I was in Australia when my hubby was posted for work. The mcs were both natural, first one with no heartbeat and second was a blighted ovum. This time the third one is also a blighted ovum.

When I returned bk in sg mid last year, a friend recommended me to see TSB. My friend also suffered from 3-4 recurrent miscarriages but after seeing TSB, she gave birth to healthy baby boy and her 2nd boy is due in May. I've been seeing TSB since July 2013. When I got pregnant this 3rd time, she gave me some 安胎药; they were awful but I diligently took them as prescribed, but the med couldn't save my baby anyhow. I realised I was preggie in early Feb but i started spotting since end Feb and all the way till I went for my D&C. My gynae gave me Utrogeston pills and even a jab once but it doesn't help.

I have always got spotting before my menses and I highlighted this to TSB and she said it means my uterus is not strong and she will give me med to stop the spotting, but it still happen. I've heard that TSB expertise is in infertility, but I'm able to conceive naturally. I'm thinking to switch to see another TCM doc that includes acupuncture. FYI, TSB will give all her patients who are pregnant, her mobile number. But I find it useless as when I updated her after my scan, there is no reply from her. So I asked her at my next appt and she said she has too many patients and they don't indicate their names. But I told her I did and even state my patient number. But then the next scan I SMS her again, there is also no reply from her.

I'm now currently doing a mini confinement and have ordered confinement food for a week. I even wear socks and slippers at home. My next appointment with my gynae is in 3 weeks time and I hope from the lab test we will be able to find out the problem. My gynae also found a small polyp during the D&C procedure and removed it too for lab test.

When I realised my 3rd pregnancy isn't going well, I really felt like giving up being a mother. However my husband doesn't wanna give up and he suggested to me IVF or similar assistance where good eggs/sperms are selected. But my gynae has different opinion and said it's not guaranteed.

I wanna give each and everyone of you here a pat on the shoulder, you gals are really strong, especially Hopeful_Mum, I tink I saw you at the 2ww thread before. Congrats on your good news! :D
Hi everyone, I've been reading this thread since early March when I was pregnant in my first trimester. I just went for a D&C on Wed as my pregnancy wasn't progressing well, this is my 3rd mc but my 1st D&C.

My first 2 mcs happened when I was in Australia when my hubby was posted for work. The mcs were both natural, first one with no heartbeat and second was a blighted ovum. This time the third one is also a blighted ovum.

When I returned bk in sg mid last year, a friend recommended me to see TSB. My friend also suffered from 3-4 recurrent miscarriages but after seeing TSB, she gave birth to healthy baby boy and her 2nd boy is due in May. I've been seeing TSB since July 2013. When I got pregnant this 3rd time, she gave me some 安胎药; they were awful but I diligently took them as prescribed, but the med couldn't save my baby anyhow. I realised I was preggie in early Feb but i started spotting since end Feb and all the way till I went for my D&C. My gynae gave me Utrogeston pills and even a jab once but it doesn't help.

I have always got spotting before my menses and I highlighted this to TSB and she said it means my uterus is not strong and she will give me med to stop the spotting, but it still happen. I've heard that TSB expertise is in infertility, but I'm able to conceive naturally. I'm thinking to switch to see another TCM doc that includes acupuncture. FYI, TSB will give all her patients who are pregnant, her mobile number. But I find it useless as when I updated her after my scan, there is no reply from her. So I asked her at my next appt and she said she has too many patients and they don't indicate their names. But I told her I did and even state my patient number. But then the next scan I SMS her again, there is also no reply from her.

I'm now currently doing a mini confinement and have ordered confinement food for a week. I even wear socks and slippers at home. My next appointment with my gynae is in 3 weeks time and I hope from the lab test we will be able to find out the problem. My gynae also found a small polyp during the D&C procedure and removed it too for lab test.

When I realised my 3rd pregnancy isn't going well, I really felt like giving up being a mother. However my husband doesn't wanna give up and he suggested to me IVF or similar assistance where good eggs/sperms are selected. But my gynae has different opinion and said it's not guaranteed.

I wanna give each and everyone of you here a pat on the shoulder, you gals are really strong, especially Hopeful_Mum, I tink I saw you at the 2ww thread before. Congrats on your good news! :D

Hugs I'm so sorry to hear this. Thanks for ur well wishes. Don't give up yet. Can I recommend u to go to nuh recurrent loss unit? They do all tests to make sure u do not have abit killer cells and blood clotting problems.

Also they pay attention to u be it subsidy or pte patient. The prof told me since we can conceive naturally the best way to keep a baby in their opinion is going natural. Unless we have issues conceiving. They don't even allow me to go IUI.

For now heal ur emotions and body. I know it's hard. Take some time and then decided ur next steps. Since u are recovering u may want to go nuh as a subsidised patient. The wait is longer but it also gives u time to take things off ur mind a bit. If financially u no issues and want a faster way u can go pte.

Hugs someday u will hold ur rainbow baby. I'm still waiting. To see mine in nov I hope. As much as I'm excited after 5 miscarriages I'm also terrified. But I still have the belief we will someday hold our rainbow babies.
If u can concieve naturally, dun need to go for ivf. Ivf doesn't guarantee 100% too..
Take ur time n tiao ur body back.
I can only say tcm medication dun effect immediate on our body, it's more of a long term thing. I see tsb since aug 2012..
Just to check. Is it a must to do mini confinement after miscarriage. For me I just bed rest as much as I can and eat normally. Is this okay?
Just to check. Is it a must to do mini confinement after miscarriage. For me I just bed rest as much as I can and eat normally. Is this okay?

I didn't do, I think better. coz my body weakens after that esp after so many times. just avoid cold drinks and liang stuff. last time I no listen, so I now ask ppl to listen. and yes rest as much as possible.

I rem some of you say there is a catering for confinement food right? can share, I also sharing with another friend after her D&C. :(
I did tried trial confinement food from 2 caterers but mil saw the menu n price, she said she can do better... so in laws cook confinement food a week plus for me then mil went holiday liao. Which I tik it's good enough liao.. but I do realise after the mc, I get sick easily, just wonder is it bcos of age catching up or I didn't bu properly for tat 2 weeks..
Thanks a lot, gals... :) really appreciate it!

Hopeful_mum: I would love to hear more from you on the nuh recurrent loss unit. My current gynae is from Gleneagles but he has a clinic at Jurong Point, which is near my home and that was why I decided to see him. He did say he will do some blood test for me after this, which I tink will be during my next appt in 3 weeks time. How do I register myself as a subsidized patient at nuh? I'm really keen to find out what is wrong with my body :(

I ordered my confinement food from Natal Essentials... I must really say their food is really good! It's quite expensive but I've got no choice. I'm staying with my in-laws but my MIL is too busy so I don wanna trouble her. Of course, if you have someone in your family to cook for you, that will be the best! :)
Hi everyone, I've been reading this thread since early March when I was pregnant in my first trimester. I just went for a D&C on Wed as my pregnancy wasn't progressing well, this is my 3rd mc but my 1st D&C.

My first 2 mcs happened when I was in Australia when my hubby was posted for work. The mcs were both natural, first one with no heartbeat and second was a blighted ovum. This time the third one is also a blighted ovum.

When I returned bk in sg mid last year, a friend recommended me to see TSB. My friend also suffered from 3-4 recurrent miscarriages but after seeing TSB, she gave birth to healthy baby boy and her 2nd boy is due in May. I've been seeing TSB since July 2013. When I got pregnant this 3rd time, she gave me some 安胎药; they were awful but I diligently took them as prescribed, but the med couldn't save my baby anyhow. I realised I was preggie in early Feb but i started spotting since end Feb and all the way till I went for my D&C. My gynae gave me Utrogeston pills and even a jab once but it doesn't help.

I have always got spotting before my menses and I highlighted this to TSB and she said it means my uterus is not strong and she will give me med to stop the spotting, but it still happen. I've heard that TSB expertise is in infertility, but I'm able to conceive naturally. I'm thinking to switch to see another TCM doc that includes acupuncture. FYI, TSB will give all her patients who are pregnant, her mobile number. But I find it useless as when I updated her after my scan, there is no reply from her. So I asked her at my next appt and she said she has too many patients and they don't indicate their names. But I told her I did and even state my patient number. But then the next scan I SMS her again, there is also no reply from her.

I'm now currently doing a mini confinement and have ordered confinement food for a week. I even wear socks and slippers at home. My next appointment with my gynae is in 3 weeks time and I hope from the lab test we will be able to find out the problem. My gynae also found a small polyp during the D&C procedure and removed it too for lab test.

When I realised my 3rd pregnancy isn't going well, I really felt like giving up being a mother. However my husband doesn't wanna give up and he suggested to me IVF or similar assistance where good eggs/sperms are selected. But my gynae has different opinion and said it's not guaranteed.

I wanna give each and everyone of you here a pat on the shoulder, you gals are really strong, especially Hopeful_Mum, I tink I saw you at the 2ww thread before. Congrats on your good news! :D
Please take care urself n rest well during your mini confinement...
I know how you feel as we all went through that.
Perhaps you can go for check-up in private gyane clinic or take referral letter from poly to c dr at recurrent lost dept in Nuh. If can find out the root of the problem will be good...then can take action from there
Please take care urself n rest well during your mini confinement...
I know how you feel as we all went through that.
Perhaps you can go for check-up in private gyane clinic or take referral letter from poly to c dr at recurrent lost dept in Nuh. If can find out the root of the problem will be good...then can take action from there

Thanks a lot, GiveAHope.

I'm seriously considering to do the tests at NUH cos Pte clinics are really exp. Is there any way to get subsidized without having to get a referral letter from polyclinics?
I didn't do, I think better. coz my body weakens after that esp after so many times. just avoid cold drinks and liang stuff. last time I no listen, so I now ask ppl to listen. and yes rest as much as possible.

I rem some of you say there is a catering for confinement food right? can share, I also sharing with another friend after her D&C. :(

R u on special diet now that u r pregnant? ;)
Thanks a lot, GiveAHope.

I'm seriously considering to do the tests at NUH cos Pte clinics are really exp. Is there any way to get subsidized without having to get a referral letter from polyclinics?

I did mine at Nuh too but as private patient. Yes, I think so if u wanna be subsidized patient u must get ref letter fr polyclinic. Maybe the rest here can confirm? ;)
Thanks a lot, GiveAHope.

I'm seriously considering to do the tests at NUH cos Pte clinics are really exp. Is there any way to get subsidized without having to get a referral letter from polyclinics?
Hi babe. For subsidy no choice have to go polyclinic. So I went on my hospitalisation leave. I told dr to refer me to nuh recurrent loss unit.

This process rather depressing cox they don't know much and so have to keep asking a lot of qns. So u go then they refer give u a letter and make appt for u in nuh

First appt with nuh u have to repeat ur story agai. Then abt 1-2mths later then u see the specialist. Just nice one by then ur af will have returned. The cost of sub isst with all the test really gives u more assurance.

I also stay in Jurong area. Now I'm totally entrusting my pregnancy to nuh.

I tried to pm u but I think you switched it off so can't pm u.
I just did acupuncture at the Amk tcm, first session to improve my blood circulation. I really was very scare of the whole progress, the needles poking me plus the electric link to needles. Half way thru away want to all it off, but I press on. Dr asked me to do weekly, seriously I need to think v hard. I am really terrified. I have been jogging at least twice a week for 30min each time to increase my blood circulation. After the recent m/c, I have been more diligent in exercise.
This journey is really tough but I still positive abt it. Everyone jia you!
Thanks a lot, gals... :) really appreciate it!

Hopeful_mum: I would love to hear more from you on the nuh recurrent loss unit. My current gynae is from Gleneagles but he has a clinic at Jurong Point, which is near my home and that was why I decided to see him. He did say he will do some blood test for me after this, which I tink will be during my next appt in 3 weeks time. How do I register myself as a subsidized patient at nuh? I'm really keen to find out what is wrong with my body :(

I ordered my confinement food from Natal Essentials... I must really say their food is really good! It's quite expensive but I've got no choice. I'm staying with my in-laws but my MIL is too busy so I don wanna trouble her. Of course, if you have someone in your family to cook for you, that will be the best! :)
Are u seeing gyane in Boon Lay acumed? Or in jp? Last time I c gyane in acumed cos nighttime the gyane will be there but I have no strength I face so I went to c another gyane in Kkh for the 3w check up but still m/c w no heartbeat for 2nd m/c so now I seeing prof in private clinic in mt E as I don wan to wait for 4 months to go recurrent dept without doing anything...
I did mine at Nuh too but as private patient. Yes, I think so if u wanna be subsidized patient u must get ref letter fr polyclinic. Maybe the rest here can confirm? ;)

Hi babe. For subsidy no choice have to go polyclinic. So I went on my hospitalisation leave. I told dr to refer me to nuh recurrent loss unit.

This process rather depressing cox they don't know much and so have to keep asking a lot of qns. So u go then they refer give u a letter and make appt for u in nuh

First appt with nuh u have to repeat ur story agai. Then abt 1-2mths later then u see the specialist. Just nice one by then ur af will have returned. The cost of sub isst with all the test really gives u more assurance.

I also stay in Jurong area. Now I'm totally entrusting my pregnancy to nuh.

I tried to pm u but I think you switched it off so can't pm u.

Thanks for the info, Daffodilgal & Hopeful_mum! But I'm currently waiting for the test result from my D&C procedure, should I wait for that first?

Hopeful_mum: Oops, I didn't know it was switched off! I checked my settings, hopefully it works now! :)
I just did acupuncture at the Amk tcm, first session to improve my blood circulation. I really was very scare of the whole progress, the needles poking me plus the electric link to needles. Half way thru away want to all it off, but I press on. Dr asked me to do weekly, seriously I need to think v hard. I am really terrified. I have been jogging at least twice a week for 30min each time to increase my blood circulation. After the recent m/c, I have been more diligent in exercise.
This journey is really tough but I still positive abt it. Everyone jia you!

Hi Babymilo: The TCM with acupuncture that I wanna try is in AMK too. The doc's name is Zou Yumin, is it the same as yours? My another friend recommended me and she told me that there are a few who had seen TSB previously came to see Dr Zou now. Before I got preggie, I'm a jogging enthusiast as well, talking about it now, I miss jogging! Ya.. Let's all gambatte together!!!
Hi girls, I'm glad to find this group. I'm PC Wong's patient at NUH and had a successful IVF in January, unfortunately miscarried at 8 weeks which was....some three weeks ago. I'm still bleeding after 3 weeks, and was wondering if anyone else had the same experience? It was heavy, then got progressively lighter, but still have some tiny clots...anyone else had similar experience?
Are u seeing gyane in Boon Lay acumed? Or in jp? Last time I c gyane in acumed cos nighttime the gyane will be there but I have no strength I face so I went to c another gyane in Kkh for the 3w check up but still m/c w no heartbeat for 2nd m/c so now I seeing prof in private clinic in mt E as I don wan to wait for 4 months to go recurrent dept without doing anything...

Yes yes, it's Acumed, Dr John Yam! But the outlet at Boon Lay MRT is closed now, all patients are now referred to their outlet at JP. Actually I find the machine used for the scan is very old cos the image is very blurry. But I do like the location, really very convenient.
Thanks a lot, GiveAHope.

I'm seriously considering to do the tests at NUH cos Pte clinics are really exp. Is there any way to get subsidized without having to get a referral letter from polyclinics?
Nope still have to get ref letter but waiting to go O&G dept in Nuh is ard one month the scary waiting time to c dr in recurrent dept I feel too long. I c dr in Nuh G clinic in 30/12 but my appt to recurrent loss dept is 28/04 which is ar 4 months leh...reason being they c sub patient once a month n only one patient...
Hi girls, I'm glad to find this group. I'm PC Wong's patient at NUH and had a successful IVF in January, unfortunately miscarried at 8 weeks which was....some three weeks ago. I'm still bleeding after 3 weeks, and was wondering if anyone else had the same experience? It was heavy, then got progressively lighter, but still have some tiny clots...anyone else had similar experience?

Hi Tewig, so sorry to hear about your loss too. Did you go thru a natural m/c or you did a D&C procedure?

When I went through natural m/c, I really lost alot of blood, it's like passing urine for the first few hours. But subsequently it became lighter and I got my period in about 2 weeks.

I would suggest if you are still bleeding heavily, you should go check it out with your doc. I worry it could be an infection or something? Because for my recent D&C, I was only told by the doc that I may heavy bleed for the first 2 days (but luckily for my case there is no heavy bleeding) and then spotting.
Nope still have to get ref letter but waiting to go O&G dept in Nuh is ard one month the scary waiting time to c dr in recurrent dept I feel too long. I c dr in Nuh G clinic in 30/12 but my appt to recurrent loss dept is 28/04 which is ar 4 months leh...reason being they c sub patient once a month n only one patient...

WAH!! So long???! Ok, if that's the case I think I will just wait for the lab test result and see how is it from there.. LOL!
Hi Tewig, so sorry to hear about your loss too. Did you go thru a natural m/c or you did a D&C procedure?

When I went through natural m/c, I really lost alot of blood, it's like passing urine for the first few hours. But subsequently it became lighter and I got my period in about 2 weeks.

I would suggest if you are still bleeding heavily, you should go check it out with your doc. I worry it could be an infection or something? Because for my recent D&C, I was only told by the doc that I may heavy bleed for the first 2 days (but luckily for my case there is no heavy bleeding) and then spotting.

Thanks! I induced m/c using Cytotec. Okay, I think I will call the clinic tomorrow.
