Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)


Hi Toblerone老师,

I understand that you mention 2 of the reasons that a couple cannot have children can be due to
1) the woman has an abortion before,
2) their life might only contain that 1 child together.

For reason 1, how can we tell if this is the case and can we remedy this issue?

For reason 2, is there anyway we can find out?

Please kindly help is possible.

Many thanks in advance.




当时,他老婆在场,不想害夫妇吵架。老师兜圈子问,对方居然act blur,顽固不承认。故事还很长呢... ...

I understand that you mention 2 of the reasons that a couple cannot have children can be due to
1) the woman has an abortion before,
2) their life might only contain that 1 child together.

For reason 1, how can we tell if this is the case and can we remedy this issue?
For reason 2, is there anyway we can find
1. 流产善后,有很多时候不走。常有噩梦是最明显之一。只有“忏悔”、“超度”。“行善积德”是填补不完美的地方。

‘忏悔’ - 是个很大的环节。很多人向菩萨/神明求东求西不会应验,不是不灵原因是没忏悔。

2. 有几种玄妙的方案,不过不多说。在命理功夫练到家的命理师,算出并不难,而这个方法比较普遍。

一. 想要赚顾客的钱,不管三七二十一,什么都说。实在没有道德。泄天机严重,师傅非得背业。
二. 有修为的命理师/神通的能者,就算知道对方要出事(离婚、车祸、意外等等),都不能说。 甚至好心的,苦口婆心劝,不收钱。

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Thank you teacher for the quick response.
The story you quoted is it just for my reference or is that a hint? I am a bit confused by the example.
I am definitely regretful and am willing to perform the Chao du ceremony.
But from the past threads it seems like I have missed the opportunity.
Is there any temple where I can get still get the Chao du ceremony performed?

Please kindly advise.
Thank you once again for the kind guidance.
The story you quoted is it just for my reference or is that a hint? I am a bit confused by the example.

I am definitely regretful and am willing to perform the Chao du ceremony.


But from the past threads it seems like I have missed the opportunity.
Is there any temple where I can get still get the Chao du ceremony performed?
The post below yours mentioned‘水、陆法会’。

Please kindly advise.
Thank you once again for the kind guidance.
Welcome. 能解答的,尽量便是。

22/11/2013 星期五是文殊菩萨出家日,多吃素多礼佛。​
Thank you Teacher for for the guidance.
I will have vegetarian on 22/11/2013.
May I know what is 礼佛?
I looked up the grand prayers details but do not understand.
There are also a few prices and I could not understand the difference in prices and which one I should take. I have wrote in to ask the enquiry page.hope I get their reply soon as I can only pay for the lower prices category yet I do not know if it is for what I want to do.
Teacher I have another question. There have occasions when I go into a temple, where there are Buddhas, I feel tingy feeling at my finger tips. Is there a reason for this?
Hi Toblerone and all,

I am new to this thread .. been trying for one for nearly 4 years but to no avail. On e verge of giving up but still want to have at least 1.. do you have any email that i can email to? However i am a christian and i know that i am not supposed to do what the rest of the ladies are doing .. My in-laws are hawker .. selling fish .. thus will always kill and cook for others to eat :( ... RS with them also not very good .. got conflicts thus seldom meet up with them.. :( tried but seem difficult ...

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i learnt that we cannot put upright photo of relatives u passed away.
Reply: 往生者头像/照片不建议不能挂/摆在家。

The ancestors tomb picture frame has been on the praying alter since the beginning of time and we 上香 to the ancestors everyday.
Reply: 不建议在家拜照片。有立一个简单的神主排位,算是‘饮水思源’了。

After my mil passed away, My sister in law put my late mil's passport size photo upright on the ancestors tomb's photo frame which is also upright. Is this ok?
Reply: As answered above. Discuss with your sister-in-law or husband.

Additional: 若墓碑上刻生人的名字,最好去除!“福荫子孙”不能刻。老师不是开玩笑。
I will have vegetarian on 22/11/2013.

May I know what is 礼佛?

I looked up the grand prayers details but do not understand.
There are also a few prices and I could not understand the difference in prices and which one I should take. I have wrote in to ask the enquiry page.hope I get their reply soon as I can only pay for the lower prices category yet I do not know if it is for what I want to do.
这简单嘛. You bought a first class air-ticket and I can afford to buy economic class on the same SIA A380 flight to L.A. Preferential treatment is different but our ultimate destination is L.A. 看明白意思了吧?

Teacher I have another question. There have occasions when I go into a temple, where there are Buddhas, I feel tingy feeling at my finger tips. Is there a reason for this?

Every morning between 7.30am and 9am Joo Chiat观音堂(<- click facebook)里面有位aunty, sitting right in the middle hall, and making hand gestures. 别人不懂,会以为她kee-siiao. 老师一眼望去,知道她身上有灵性了。
I am new to this thread ..
Welcome to this thread.

been trying for one for nearly 4 years but to no avail. On e verge of giving up but still want to have at least 1..
Everybody has similar same issue. :)

do you have any email that i can email to? However i am a christian and i know that i am not supposed to do what the rest of the ladies are doing ..
Any religion welcome. You can remain as Christian. 欢迎参与讨论,没说其他宗教不行。

老师小的时候,在一间church(somewhere in Katong)上tuition class. Many years ago, I lived in a ulu countryside in US, almost every sunday joined the ang-mo in post mass singing at a Roman Catholic church. 没有佛像就对着Virgin Mary圣像行三鞠躬。;)

My in-laws are hawker .. selling fish .. thus will always kill and cook for others to eat :( ... RS with them also not very good .. got conflicts thus seldom meet up with them.. :( tried but seem difficult ...

RS with them also not very good .. got conflicts thus seldom meet up with them.. :( tried but seem difficult ...
可以理解的。You are not the only one. 家家有本难念的经,清官难断家务事嘛。旁人只是能站中立。Both sides got their stories, so, can't side on either.
Thank you teacher. I understand ler. Will call & arrange for the prayers.

原来this is what we call 灵性...as the people around me do not have such experiences I wasn't able to know what causes this. The feeling was most strong when I visited 佛牙寺. There was no bad feelings but I always felt most peaceful and at home when around Buddhas. I will read up more on Buddhism and pray as well. Thank you teacher for the guidance.

I am also trying for a child.hope all will go well.
To desireforone, jia you!
老师, thank you for your advice on how to pray to ancestors. I had a look at My ancestor's tablet is a red tablet with some words on it but not names or "福荫子孙"'. The words on it just means something like the family 开枝散叶. I think I will take the passport photo of my mil down but not the ancestors tomb picture cos we pray to the tablet not the to the picture alone. So I should explain to my sister in law that praying to the picture makes the 往生者 difficult to 投胎? When I take my mil's picture down, what should I say to my mil as I dun want to be rude or abrupt ?
Sorry 老师, an extension to the queries above, after the photo is taken down, where should I put it? Can I put it in the drawer? I heard from 光明山 before that I have to take my mil's photo to the temple during my mil death anniversary for the monks to chant before the photo can be burnt away. Is that correct?
原来this is what we call 灵性...as the people around me do not have such experiences

I wasn't able to know what causes this. The feeling was most strong when I visited 佛牙寺.

There was no bad feelings but I always felt most peaceful and at home when around Buddhas. I will read up more on Buddhism and pray as well. Thank you teacher for the guidance.
老师, thank you for your advice on how to pray to ancestors. I had a look at My ancestor's tablet is a red tablet with some words on it but not names or "福荫子孙"'.
老师讲的是墓碑不是牌位。墓碑is tombstone. 牌位is tablet.

The words on it just means something like the family 开枝散叶. I think I will take the passport photo of my mil down but not the ancestors tomb picture cos we pray to the tablet not the to the picture alone.

So I should explain to my sister in law that praying to the picture makes the 往生者 difficult to 投胎?
老师可没说过“praying to the picture makes the 往生者 difficult to 投胎”。

When I take my mil's picture down, what should I say to my mil as I dun want to be rude or abrupt ?

Sorry 老师, an extension to the queries above, after the photo is taken down, where should I put it? Can I put it in the drawer? I heard from 光明山 before that I have to take my mil's photo to the temple during my mil death anniversary for the monks to chant before the photo can be burnt away. Is that correct?
1. 如果是拿下来了,就放在红包。
2. 放在红包内后收好。Keep in the drawer is alright.

I heard from 光明山 before that I have to take my mil's photo to the temple during my mil death anniversary for the monks to chant before the photo can be burnt away. Is that correct?
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Dear teacher, you mentioned that after 流产,need to 超度 和 忏悔.

May I know what is the correct way to 忏悔? Thank you very much for your sharing!

i learnt that we cannot put upright photo of relatives u passed away.
Reply: 往生者头像/照片不建议不能挂/摆在家。

The ancestors tomb picture frame has been on the praying alter since the beginning of time and we 上香 to the ancestors everyday.
Reply: 不建议在家拜照片。有立一个简单的神主排位,算是‘饮水思源’了。

After my mil passed away, My sister in law put my late mil's passport size photo upright on the ancestors tomb's photo frame which is also upright. Is this ok?
Reply: As answered above. Discuss with your sister-in-law or husband.

Additional: 若墓碑上刻生人的名字,最好去除!“福荫子孙”不能刻。老师不是开玩笑。
老师,请问若墓碑上刻生人的名字会造成什么后果呢?我的家婆的墓碑上也刻上了我先生,他的哥哥, 姐姐 和大嫂 的名字。他的二哥在1996中风,都还没痊愈。 大嫂在2011年因动心脏手术而去世了。 请问老师这些不好的事都跟墓碑上的名字有关系吗?谢谢。
老师,请问若墓碑上刻生人的名字会造成什么后果呢?我的家婆的墓碑上也刻上了我先生,他的哥哥, 姐姐 和大嫂 的名字。他的二哥在1996中风,都还没痊愈。 大嫂在2011年因动心脏手术而去世了。

1. 择日+请人换墓碑。(换墓碑要谨慎)
2. 择日+请人磨掉墓碑生人的名字。(旧墓碑保留,所有名字祛除)
3. 择日+请人磨掉墓碑生人(你丈夫)的名字。(旧墓碑保留,只有你丈夫的名字祛除)



1. 择日+请人换墓碑。(换墓碑要谨慎)
2. 择日+请人磨掉墓碑生人的名字。(旧墓碑保留,所有名字祛除)
3. 择日+请人磨掉墓碑生人(你丈夫)的名字。(旧墓碑保留,只有你丈夫的名字祛除)

老师, thank you for your reply. I will discuss with my family about it.
Hi ladies,
I will be returning red eggs at Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Temple to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang on 8 Dec 13(Sunday) around 12 noon.
Those interested can come and collect the red eggs.
Baby dust to all!
Hi shifu, can i collect the egg and eat it now though my wedding is only end of next year? Abit worried n kiasu as my bf sperm analysis results r not v good.
May I know what is the correct way to 忏悔? Thank you very much for your sharing!
忏悔(chan hui)- 佛家的忏悔呢,有的说是‘拜忏’、有的说‘念佛’、有的说‘放生’。普遍上,信众是口说出来。真正的含义,是不再犯。


老师教的‘忏悔’是念佛。天天念、天天忏(consistently reminding)。苦又吃力。效果自己体会。老师要是吹牛多讲没用的。

Thanks toblerone! Do u know what must i do when i go and get the red eggs?


(双林城隍庙(click here)) 主神“城隍爷” (得拜),接下来就是其他神明。最好,准备“城隍爷” 的敬果。

拜神步骤可以讲究,现在的人省麻烦 take short-cut.

忏悔(chan hui)- 佛家的忏悔呢,有的说是‘拜忏’、有的说‘念佛’、有的说‘放生’。普遍上,信众是口说出来。真正的含义,是不再犯。


老师教的‘忏悔’是念佛。天天念、天天忏(consistently reminding)。苦又吃力。效果自己体会。老师要是吹牛多讲没用的。



你说的念佛是念经吗? 可以告诉我应该念什么经? 谢谢你!
Thanks for ur guidance toblerone! Do u do fortune telling just wondering
I do not do fortune telling but I can do fortune telling. 意思不同。:D



唯一能颠覆命盘(改)就是积功行善。非常奥妙!积功行善犹如一把锋利的刀,专斩未成熟的恶果。It is tough and takes a long time to see effect but well worth it for life.

老师叙说了不少真人真事,可以参考old posts.

老师在一个人的命盘上暗示‘关劫’,unfortunately most of them, one ear in, one ear out. 索性以后不看了。
老師您好,i been silently following your posts and enjoying every bit of them especially the true life accounts. 老師 may I ask if I am menstrating, can I go perform offerings to 注生娘娘 ? I am going for my 3rd IVF & keen to obtain red eggs this weekend returned by coffeetruffles. Thank you

真相(read post
Hi ladies,

I will be returning 100 red eggs at the Toa Payoh Shuang Lin temple this Sun, 22 Dec. Probably after 12pm. Hope to spread baby dust to all.
夫妇的八字(D.O.B. and T.O.B.)多少看得出。只能做出一个推断,夫妇俩有机会可得几个儿女。

Case Study 1

侯女士(she is 60 years old this year)年轻的时候,生了三个(女儿)。当时,她很想要追生第四胎男孩,不过终究怀孕不成。


If we were to look on the bright side of this couple, 家境状况不错。重要的是,快要抱外孙了。

Case Study 2
一对夫妇的八字统排只得儿子的命。Eventually, IVF successful and had a boy. 第二、第三次IVF始终都不成功。唯一可以解释的是,逆天理硬要怀女胎。不是上天不可怜,因为夫妇的福报只能有儿子。

However, if they were to have a daughter through a successful IVF, 恐怕宝宝将夭折,要不是身体缺陷等等。

Hi can I know if you are able to help me see if me and my husband fated to have how many children? We have been trying for more than a yr but still no news :(
Hi toblerone 老师,我和我丈夫试了一年多了,还是没有小孩。老师可以帮我们看下,指点我一下吗?谢谢老师
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hi 老师, I am new to this thread but i have been following your post. Need your advice on the following and hope u can enlighten me. Thank you.

1) how do we actually clean our home altar (观音菩萨)?do we need to choose a specific day or can we clean everyday?
2) do we need to buy something special to clean the altar?
3) how should we go about it?
Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.
Hi can I know if you are able to help me see if me and my husband fated to have how many children? We have been trying for more than a yr but still no news :(
夫妇没有孩子或者夫妻闹离婚,是肯定有原因。It is complex but fairly easy to explain.

1. 命中无子 (Totally impossible) (夫妇可以是身体/生育能力正常)
2. 前世挂钩/祖犯杀(Slim chance. Difficult but possible!)
3. 其他(给人整。老师不说这个。)

1. 命理是有孩子,夫妇身体ok, 而一直没有消息,那就有点麻烦。
2. 命理是有孩子,夫妇身体差(it can be minor/serious), 而一直没有消息,有时候也很麻烦!

hi 老师, I am new to this thread but i have been following your post. Need your advice on the following and hope u can enlighten me. Thank you.

1) how do we actually clean our home altar (观音菩萨)?do we need to choose a specific day or can we clean everyday?
2) do we need to buy something special to clean the altar?
3) how should we go about it?
Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.
1. 每天保持清洁!佛桌的布、擦敬杯的布得要分开。
2. 香脚可以拿掉。


Additional: 油灯觉得脏,可以初一、十五的前一晚清理。Dirty particles at the bottom can throw, the rest still can use.
晚上睡觉/无人在家怕油灯引起祸患,可以用扇子熄灭。有些人觉得‘白天点’,‘晚上送’也行!No harm.

有事可以请教 @judy_lsk . 她家安奉是站立观音,菩萨还去她坐客。她应该会跟你说,她家的香打卷了几次。呵呵...
1. 每天保持清洁!佛桌的布、擦敬杯的布得要分开。
2. 香脚可以拿掉。


Additional: 油灯觉得脏,可以初一、十五的前一晚清理。Dirty particles at the bottom can throw, the rest still can use.
晚上睡觉/无人在家怕油灯引起祸患,可以用扇子熄灭。有些人觉得‘白天点’,‘晚上送’也行!No harm.

有事可以请教 @judy_lsk . 她家安奉是站立观音,菩萨还去她坐客。她应该会跟你说,她家的香打卷了几次。呵呵...[/quote
Laoshi, thank you for your reply. When you say “敬果”, you are referring to the fruits that we prayed/offered on 1st/15th of the month and mustn't be removed? We always remove it on the next day or on the same day after praying. 香炉和油灯 also cannot be moved? I see my husband bring the 油灯 to the kitchen to wash, so it is ok or not? I would like to also ask whether we can clean the buddha statue? How often can we do so? Sorry for disturbing you again. Thank you once again.

老师, 您好. 感谢您分享, 我学到很多.

我本生从11月开始每 Friday 吃素, 想为父母求平安. (But 没有去庙求,只是在心里求),这样有算吗?

Days ago, I came across this forum then read through all老师的 writing. 我要开始念经. 请老师给 guidance 念什么经, 何时念, 念几次.

Background: 我和老公结婚了4年, 3年desire有孩子但没成功怀孕过.

去医生, healthy hubby but I diagnosed with diminishing ovarian reserve, high potential leading to early menopause, 月经1年来4次我可以大笑了. 这是1½年前的 diagnosis.
夫妻从来没有堕胎或流产. 老公是天主教, 我信佛教.

我订了机票,这月底去 Singapore 观音堂佛祖庙向观音菩萨求子. 请问老师听过在这庙求子吗?

注生娘娘那边, 我担心还不了愿, 因为我住的国家没有拜注生娘娘的庙. 观音庙就多了.

我曾经到 ang-moh psychic算命, 说我们将有 2 boys..and guess this the only thing kept me hopeful. :(:) (她连我名字可以说出来 ha ha felt so 灵 ah)

很希望跟孩子缘快点到. 请老师 Guidance. 感恩.

When you say “敬果”, you are referring to the fruits that we prayed/offered on 1st/15th of the month and mustn't be removed?

香炉和油灯 also cannot be moved? I see my husband bring the 油灯 to the kitchen to wash, so it is ok or not?
清理油灯simple. 有肮脏垫底的时候,就filter out. 油心换新的。Use back the same oil, no need to throw. (要不然浪费leh)

I would like to also ask whether we can clean the buddha statue? How often can we do so? Sorry for disturbing you again. Thank you once again.
No need to soak the cloth dead wet, and clean it as if like wiping table.

我本生从11月开始每 Friday 吃素,

想为父母求平安. (But 没有去庙求,只是在心里求),这样有算吗?

Days ago, I came across this forum then read through all老师的 writing. 我要开始念经. 请老师给 guidance 念什么经, 何时念, 念几次.
很辛苦的,很多人give up.

Background: 我和老公结婚了4年, 3年desire有孩子但没成功怀孕过.
去医生, healthy hubby but I diagnosed with diminishing ovarian reserve, high potential leading to early menopause, 月经1年来4次我可以大笑了. 这是1½年前的 diagnosis.
月经1年来4次 is common problem. 还是能怀孕的。

ok. 可以暂时松一口气。

老公是天主教, 我信佛教.

我订了机票,这月底去 Singapore 观音堂佛祖庙向观音菩萨求子. 请问老师听过在这庙求子吗?

注生娘娘那边, 我担心还不了愿, 因为我住的国家没有拜注生娘娘的庙. 观音庙就多了.

我曾经到 ang-moh psychic算命, 说我们将有 2 boys..and guess this the only thing kept me hopeful. :(:) (她连我名字可以说出来 ha ha felt so 灵 ah)
ang-moh psychic 说的准,不奇怪。
psychic ability 分different "levels". Psychic就是华人说的通灵。不一定跟宗教有关系。


很辛苦的,很多人give up.

不怕苦, 怕是还没有试就放弃或念错招到不好东西. 也愿意慢慢学, 请老师多多指教. :)

月经1年来4次 is common problem. 还是能怀孕的。
ok. 可以暂时松一口气。

Noted 了老師.
有关不同的宗教, 不在世后, 将会在一起吗?

sussexhope said:
我订了机票,这月底去 Singapore 观音堂佛祖庙向观音菩萨求子. 请问老师听过在这庙求子吗?


向观音菩萨求子, 有没有 special steps to undertake?


了解了. 会回 Singapore还愿.

ang-moh psychic 说的准,不奇怪。
psychic ability 分different "levels". Psychic就是华人说的通灵。不一定跟宗教有关系。

这 ang-moh Psychic, 2012 年时, 帮我算, 跟我说那年9月会怀孕, 但最后也没有. 但当年她说的其它,实现了.

谢谢老师 :D

清理油灯simple. 有肮脏垫底的时候,就filter out. 油心换新的。Use back the same oil, no need to throw. (要不然浪费leh)

No need to soak the cloth dead wet, and clean it as if like wiping table.

好的,谢谢老师的指点。Thank you.
Hi Toblerone,

I have consulted a psychic on fertility last year also and
not sure if her prediction will come true on not.
I went down to see her personally.

Still waiting anxiously .....

Can you share with us on 通灵算命(Psychic)


我有个query and hope u can spare the time to help me. 我在我家翁家找到了一幅好旧的送子观音的画(it is framed up in wooden frame) 它完好无损。好像是我已故家婆以前用来求子的。(who is my husband,she has many daughters before him.) If i don't wish to hang up on the wall, can i put it standing on the table behind 弥勒托佛?thank you for answering my query.
