Outlook for Year 2014 (Year of Horse)


Well-Known Member
PART 1 General Prediction Year 2014 甲午年


2014 Febuary - 火灾(猛火)森林有关
2014 March - 火灾
2014 April - 土有关的灾(e.g. 地震、山崩、陆地塌陷、火山爆发)

Many more... ...

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PART 2 2014 甲午年 - 太岁章词将军当值。


犯 - 马 (horse)
害 - 兔 (rabbit)
冲 - 鼠 (rat)
刑 - 鸡 (rooster)



From August 2013 till 2014 only about 5 months left. Better wake-up and better act fast.

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Hi Toblerone,

Thank you so much for the valuable infor. May i ask, if birth date falls after "li chun" but before chinese new year, which animal should we look at?

Also, sorry, can i ask another question: nowadays, alot of people have been taking supplement containing sheep placenta, shark liver oil... by taking it, will we cause harm to ourselves, children, grandchildren?

Thank you
Thank you so much for the valuable infor. May i ask, if birth date falls after "li chun" but before chinese new year, which animal should we look at?
This year (2013) Lunar Chinese New Year (正月初一) fell on 10 February. However, the "real" Chinese New Year is on 4 February 2013. Baby who born on and after 4 February 2013, is consider 'snake' baby.

Next year Lunar Chinese New Year is 31 January 2014. However, only baby born after 4 February 2014 is consider horse. In another words, baby born between 31 January and 3 February 2014 are still consider 'snake'.

31 January 2014 (正月初一) - Year of Snake
31 January 2014 (正月初一) and 3 February 2014 (正月初五) - Year of Snake
On and after 4 February 2014 - Year of Horse

今年初,联合早报的报章reported“正月初一, 某某某在Mount Alvernia生产,是新加坡第一个蛇宝宝 blah blah blah”. My heart was thinking,only naive readers can be fooled, 只有不懂的命理人才好骗。

Also, sorry, can i ask another question: nowadays, alot of people have been taking supplement containing sheep placenta, shark liver oil... by taking it, will we cause harm to ourselves, children, grandchildren?
有问有进步很好。My reply to your answer is, ‘会找上门’。

吃海鲜、BBQ现报超快!逃不掉的。老实说一句,迟早要付出惨痛的代价。比如,小孩一岁还不会走路,每天杀一、两只田鸡(chuiwee-kuay)给孩子补脚。家中妇女怀孕,家人每天去Sheng Siong买新鲜的活鱼,煮给妇女和腹中的胎儿调养。婚宴吃最新鲜的活虾、龙虾一起助兴 and many more. 这些是等到一个时间就爆发。
Read news[1][2].

Still, there are two actions will definitely worsen the condition.
1. 吃到赞不绝口。比如...“...汤底沟浓、虾很新鲜、sotong很Q、鱼肉在口里很有嚼劲、鱼圆很弹牙 & etc”尤其,那些上电视美食节目/上杂志,每个吃到津津有味,个个吮手指。
2. 跟食物拍照。One of the examples when you look saw those uploaded facebook pictures with them sucking thumb/showing thumb up with delicious food.

老师吃长斋,以前在中国被商人骗去吃了一小小口的seaweed,后来觉得怪怪没再吃。隔天早上,才知道不是seaweed,简直是又气又难过。老师当时跪下对着天狠狠咒了一句,“骗我吃下去的人,以后没有好下场,百倍要他偿还”一个星期后,他女儿出世了,八字严重破格。他女儿长大后,父母会永远为她头痛下半辈子。还有,他妻子坐月时,丈夫吩咐家人每天杀一只rooster进补. 30days, 30roosters. 一共宰了30只公鸡,101%肯定会血债血还。


趁业报还没有来,赶快积德行善。功德无量无边,人家若笑你,就祝他好运,很快会轮到他的turn. 什么都不用说也不用argue,静静地走开。



我们也不该杀生。可我已杀了很多蚂蚁。之前有人和我说,如果你杀身或是不小心杀它, 可以念“啊弥陀佛”。这能帮它们减轻痛苦。是否是这样吗?请老师您指点好吗?



(1) 老师会针对性的写出2014年走向,其他的不看。
(2) 老师将暗示一些要注意的period. 不会写太过明显。
Reason 1. 就是要你们想法子,做好准备。好准备不是要你们躲在家,而是用心积极地做好事化解。
Reason 2. 老师不想背业。
(3) 若2014年有遇到突入其未来的波折,杀伤力减弱的话,这证明你们做得正确,继续努力。




戊戌运(Year 2008-2017)
Year 2010 - 是不是很headache事?不用说出来。
Year 2013 - 有些事。June and July是不是有麻烦?不用说出来。
Year 2014 -
(i) 4 February onwards (last for 30days) 小心。Infact, 或许会提早3-7days。
(ii) 7 September onwards (last for 90days)小心。
Year 2015 - 特别注意。From now, you have 20months to get started. 吃斋、念佛、印经、为妈妈放生祈福都可以。大事化小,还来得及。等到last minute手忙脚乱,求神拜佛没用了。

(1) 放生
佛教生命协会 - 常搞放生活动。向菩萨禀明给妈妈XXX消灾。出钱出力get involved,这样才会圆满。
(2) 印经
(3) 念佛

老师,想请问您,之前向您提起吃supplement 有羊胎盘extract。可是,如果没有杀它们而只是抽取它们的胎盘extract,这样也是会找上门吗? 如果是,这样的话,我是否也不该给孩子吃fish oil supplement? 不好意思,请老师再一次帮我解答。

This year (2013) Lunar Chinese New Year (正月初一) fell on 10 February. However, the "real" Chinese New Year is on 4 February 2013. Baby who born on and after 4 February 2013, is consider 'snake' baby.

Next year Lunar Chinese New Year is 31 January 2014. However, only baby born after 4 February 2014 is consider horse. In another words, baby born between 31 January and 3 February 2014 are still consider 'snake'.

31 January 2014 (正月初一) - Year of Snake
31 January 2014 (正月初一) and 3 February 2014 (正月初五) - Year of Snake
On and after 4 February 2014 - Year of Horse

今年初,联合早报的报章reported“正月初一, 某某某在Mount Alvernia生产,是新加坡第一个蛇宝宝 blah blah blah”. My heart was thinking,only naive readers can be fooled, 只有不懂的命理人才好骗。

有问有进步很好。My reply to your answer is, ‘会找上门’。

吃海鲜、BBQ现报超快!逃不掉的。老实说一句,迟早要付出惨痛的代价。比如,小孩一岁还不会走路,每天杀一、两只田鸡(chuiwee-kuay)给孩子补脚。家中妇女怀孕,家人每天去Sheng Siong买新鲜的活鱼,煮给妇女和腹中的胎儿调养。婚宴吃最新鲜的活虾、龙虾一起助兴 and many more. 这些是等到一个时间就爆发。
Read news[1][2].

Still, there are two actions will definitely worsen the condition.
1. 吃到赞不绝口。比如...“...汤底沟浓、虾很新鲜、sotong很Q、鱼肉在口里很有嚼劲、鱼圆很弹牙 & etc”尤其,那些上电视美食节目/上杂志,每个吃到津津有味,个个吮手指。
2. 跟食物拍照。One of the examples when you look saw those uploaded facebook pictures with them sucking thumb/showing thumb up with delicious food.

老师吃长斋,以前在中国被商人骗去吃了一小小口的seaweed,后来觉得怪怪没再吃。隔天早上,才知道不是seaweed,简直是又气又难过。老师当时跪下对着天狠狠咒了一句,“骗我吃下去的人,以后没有好下场,百倍要他偿还”一个星期后,他女儿出世了,八字严重破格。他女儿长大后,父母会永远为她头痛下半辈子。还有,他妻子坐月时,丈夫吩咐家人每天杀一只rooster进补. 30days, 30roosters. 一共宰了30只公鸡,101%肯定会血债血还。


趁业报还没有来,赶快积德行善。功德无量无边,人家若笑你,就祝他好运,很快会轮到他的turn. 什么都不用说也不用argue,静静地走开。


If first lunar is not consider horse year then why the purpose of celebrate chinese new year on that day? Shouldnt we celebrate on every 4th Feb?
Determining the date of Chinese New Year requires some complicated calculations not so easy /simple calculation as every year 4th feb.
The firs day is in place that to make it 15th of the month is full moon hence lunar new year should be accurate
If first lunar is not consider horse year then why the purpose of celebrate chinese new year on that day? Shouldnt we celebrate on every 4th Feb?
Determining the date of Chinese New Year requires some complicated calculations not so easy /simple calculation as every year 4th feb.
The firs day is in place that to make it 15th of the month is full moon hence lunar new year should be accurate

农历正月初一是新年,但是真正的新年不是依照农历正月初一。Not every 4 Feb is Chinese New Year.

你认为在20 January 2015出世的孩子是什么生肖呢?
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Lao shi,

Like to ask what is the meaning of 刑 - 鸡 (rooster)? I am currently pregnant. How will this affect me? Any precautions i should take now?

Please advise.

Many thanks.
Lao shi,

Like to ask what is the meaning of 刑 - 鸡 (rooster)? I am currently pregnant. How will this affect me? Any precautions i should take now?

Please advise.

Many thanks.

明年2014年刑太岁 - 鸡哦!没比冲犯太岁(鼠与马)来的糟。口舌是非、吵架、白花钱是难免的。

放心啦...交待你先生去给你拜太岁。一个小仪式罢了。买delicious oranges/apples,然后献在红敬盘(庙有敬盘)。要供奉神明/菩萨的水果千万不要嗅哦!当天register,买专门拜太岁的金,follow their instructions.



差不多接近2015年的时候,才谢太岁好了。万事ok. ;)
Coming to Year-End soon. 老师破例,帮有需要的人揭开“谜底”。



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Hi toblerone,
I have been following some of your posts and found some of them pretty interesting.
I wanted to check with you, since next year horse will naturally "fan or chong" tai shui, why is it some feng shui master deemed that if horse are married or are pregnant next year, it will minimize the effects of the "fan and chong" tai shui?

Not sure if I articulate my question well...basically I always hear that ppl who are pregnant or married will naturally have 3 years of good luck or something like that. Can you clarify?
Hi toblerone,
I have been following some of your posts and found some of them pretty interesting.
谢谢支持哦! ;)

I wanted to check with you, since next year horse will naturally "fan or chong" tai shui, why is it some feng shui master deemed that if horse are married or are pregnant next year, it will minimize the effects of the "fan and chong" tai shui?


Side Track: 真正拜太岁不是拜一次,有事没事也可以去拜。常拜太岁有用意的,不是求保平安而已。老师倒希望,常拜太岁者来分享。1个月拜一次,12个月拜12次,不一样!


老师在注生娘娘discussion thread写了不少神迹。

Not sure if I articulate my question well...basically I always hear that ppl who are pregnant or married will naturally have 3 years of good luck or something like that. Can you clarify?

Example, 太太生产后,老公搞外遇,你说还会有什么luck呢?有很多人结婚不到两年离婚,你认为呢?

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Hi toblerone, I read the above post on how to protect a smooth and safe pregnancy.
I wanted to check w you since this destiny and fate stuff seems to be your forte.
When we had our no.1, we used the govt grant or money to buy items old folks home and aged home require. Problem is they think its from me but I am actually helping no.1 to donate to get some good karma.
Will this good karma be for my no.1 Instead of me?
Hi toblerone, I read the above post on how to protect a smooth and safe pregnancy.
I wanted to check w you since this destiny and fate stuff seems to be your forte.
When we had our no.1, we used the govt grant or money to buy items old folks home and aged home require. Problem is they think its from me but I am actually helping no.1 to donate to get some good karma.
Will this good karma be for my no.1 Instead of me?

恶业也是一样(vice versa) ,父母今天为孩子宰了一只鸡。这刀下去,再拿去烹煮,100%算在父母头上了。孩子也就吃了几块肉,〉90%的肉都给大人吞下去,这笔帐跟谁算?:)



Given a scenerio that Mr and Mrs Lim's son is not in pink of health for a long time and they wish his son is healthy.

Option 1:
Mr and Mrs Lim 曾经立愿/许愿要在一年内完成捐赠建庙$1000。恳求孩子健康有点好转。

Option 2:
Mr and Mrs Lim 在某年某月某日一次性计捐赠$1000金额来舍药。而捐钱舍药名字是孩子。

那么, Option 2 效果还是有的,有可能孩子的病会拖久,99.9% guaranteed会消他以后的劫难! 而Option 1 完全不一样了!没有执著心、信守承诺!

老师, 不知道和你有缘吗?

读了许多你的postings, 学了很多。

我每次挂在口头上说要吃素,杀生好残忍, 可是却做不到。尤其是牛肉!

真羡慕我一位好朋友能做的到。she was a vegetarian throughout her 2nd pregnancy.


我想要知道如何改善我的future。 不是说现在不好,其实现在过的挺好的。只是跟妈妈的感情不怎么好。有时候,还真有点伤心。

我真的很担心以后我跟我女儿的关系也不好。(was told by fortune teller that our personalities would clash due to her 八字 )


我错过了17-19dec 机会,
我每次挂在口头上说要吃素,杀生好残忍, 可是却做不到。尤其是牛肉!
甚至fishing, prawning, 吃田鸡(click here watch YouTube)(read) ,恐怕是在等时间。

真羡慕我一位好朋友能做的到。she was a vegetarian throughout her 2nd pregnancy.

In U.S., there are many organic veg mummies clubs.

你得要立/许愿先, 这样效果好一点。

我想要知道如何改善我的future。 不是说现在不好,其实现在过的挺好的。只是跟妈妈的感情不怎么好。有时候,还真有点伤心。
比方说,你发热生痰,得要忌吃油炸/chocolate. 饮食上忌口,是制止不要严重恶化,必须吃药调养病才愈。实际上,吃素是制止/暂缓。恶业仍然存在,得要尽快消。

要是恶业一旦爆发,very problematic. 就算求神拜佛,把头磕破了,恐怕没用。



我真的很担心以后我跟我女儿的关系也不好。(was told by fortune teller that our personalities would clash due to her 八字 )如你说的,收钱得说好听的话。我想要听的是实话。




我错过了17-19dec 机会,
Example, 丈夫何时会到身边、有没有机会怀孕等等。



下次吧。subscribe to this thread. 以后,会考虑开放。
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其实我想吃素不是为了要许愿,而是可能脾气会好些,心情少些烦躁 And to accumulate better karma too.

老师说跟妈妈前世恩怨,要接受。 这就是我不了解,不能接受。为何我们今世会是母女?perhaps this is too profound for me to comprehend. Is this what you considered as paying your previous life's debt in this present life? Who's debt would that be? Mine or hers? When would it ever end?
Could her certain actions/decisions in her life led to her having such a strained r/s with her child?

至于老师说八字的的确确是有道理,我就等那一天有机会听老师的讲解。what to avoid, how to maintain a good r/s with spouse and children, etc. (esp when there's a clash with the other party)

老师,我现在过的挺好。 还没有丈夫或者怀孕的问题。 也希望永远不会遇到这些问题啊!

其实我想吃素不是为了要许愿,而是可能脾气会好些,心情少些烦躁 And to accumulate better karma too.
许/立愿吃素(初一、十五),这个还有小功德。若是曾经take big vow,吃素吃到死,那就真的不得了。
不论有没有take vow, vegetarian diet在身心上会间接改善(not over a night, it take years)。自然而然,慢慢看开。“suar-suar-kqe”(meaning "forgive and forget" in Hokkien)。

老师说跟妈妈前世恩怨,要接受。 这就是我不了解,不能接受。为何我们今世会是母女?perhaps this is too profound for me to comprehend. Is this what you considered as paying your previous life's debt in this present life? Who's debt would that be? Mine or hers? When would it ever end?
To answer your query, 互欠嘛。女儿欠妈妈,妈妈欠女儿的。前世没有了结,今世continue. 老师建议,今世凭自己能力该做的,在范围尽力就行。

关系闹得太僵,就只有吃素+忏悔+念经+积善=消恶业。No short cut. 最实际,也最有效。乘父母孩子,赶快修复。父母还有多少个几十年啊?他们离开了之后,就会完完全全,明白你曾经为他们做了什么。


人一死后,魂魄就会知道真相,马上知前因后果为什么在世的时候会这样会那样。这就是为什么,死了很久的鬼魂流连忘返,still come back to the same old place. In fact, 人死后,魂魄知道前因后果可能会回来跟亲人讨债。因为,前世/生前付出太多了!


Could her certain actions/decisions in her life led to her having such a strained r/s with her child?
当然了。一直有憎恨心,我对你怎么样,你对我怎么样啦blah blah blah. 没完没了,不能接受,根本看不开嘛。

至于老师说八字的的确确是有道理,我就等那一天有机会听老师的讲解。what to avoid, how to maintain a good r/s with spouse and children, etc. (esp when there's a clash with the other party)

老师,我现在过的挺好。 还没有丈夫或者怀孕的问题。 也希望永远不会遇到这些问题啊!

现在,赶快备战 - 忏悔、吃素、布施积善。
平时不忏悔、天天吃KFC/无招牌螃蟹/田鸡粥、吝啬到钱都拿出来帮助人、讲是非talk nonsense等等。有朝一日,出大事(kenna cancer),才怪神明/菩萨没庇佑,怪自己的命坏,或者把不满的地方宣泄在别人身上。
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This year (2013) Lunar Chinese New Year (正月初一) fell on 10 February. However, the "real" Chinese New Year is on 4 February 2013. Baby who born on and after 4 February 2013, is consider 'snake' baby.

Next year Lunar Chinese New Year is 31 January 2014. However, only baby born after 4 February 2014 is consider horse. In another words, baby born between 31 January and 3 February 2014 are still consider 'snake'.

31 January 2014 (正月初一) - Year of Snake
31 January 2014 (正月初一) and 3 February 2014 (正月初五) - Year of Snake
On and after 4 February 2014 - Year of Horse

今年初,联合早报的报章reported“正月初一, 某某某在Mount Alvernia生产,是新加坡第一个蛇宝宝 blah blah blah”. My heart was thinking,only naive readers can be fooled, 只有不懂的命理人才好骗。

有问有进步很好。My reply to your answer is, ‘会找上门’。

吃海鲜、BBQ现报超快!逃不掉的。老实说一句,迟早要付出惨痛的代价。比如,小孩一岁还不会走路,每天杀一、两只田鸡(chuiwee-kuay)给孩子补脚。家中妇女怀孕,家人每天去Sheng Siong买新鲜的活鱼,煮给妇女和腹中的胎儿调养。婚宴吃最新鲜的活虾、龙虾一起助兴 and many more. 这些是等到一个时间就爆发。
Read news[1][2].

Still, there are two actions will definitely worsen the condition.
1. 吃到赞不绝口。比如...“...汤底沟浓、虾很新鲜、sotong很Q、鱼肉在口里很有嚼劲、鱼圆很弹牙 & etc”尤其,那些上电视美食节目/上杂志,每个吃到津津有味,个个吮手指。
2. 跟食物拍照。One of the examples when you look saw those uploaded facebook pictures with them sucking thumb/showing thumb up with delicious food.

老师吃长斋,以前在中国被商人骗去吃了一小小口的seaweed,后来觉得怪怪没再吃。隔天早上,才知道不是seaweed,简直是又气又难过。老师当时跪下对着天狠狠咒了一句,“骗我吃下去的人,以后没有好下场,百倍要他偿还”一个星期后,他女儿出世了,八字严重破格。他女儿长大后,父母会永远为她头痛下半辈子。还有,他妻子坐月时,丈夫吩咐家人每天杀一只rooster进补. 30days, 30roosters. 一共宰了30只公鸡,101%肯定会血债血还。


趁业报还没有来,赶快积德行善。功德无量无边,人家若笑你,就祝他好运,很快会轮到他的turn. 什么都不用说也不用argue,静静地走开。


to curse people in return somehow just doesn't sound right, coming from a vegetarian. i thought vegetarians have more 慈悲心
to curse people in return somehow just doesn't sound right, coming from a vegetarian. i thought vegetarians have more 慈悲心
Point 1

诅咒不一样 -
[全家XXX,不得好死,生儿子没XX.] -

怒骂不一样 -

笑骂不一样 -

谴责不一样 -
[害他人会有报应!... 以后这样做,会受到恶果报。到处丢垃圾,真是缺德... ]

牢骚不一样 -
[不管我的事,早就知道不来了... 帮人还给人骂,真是狗咬吕洞宾...]


Point 2

慈悲心永远不能挂在嘴。NATO no use.


Toblerone, how should we usher in the god of Fortune to our house during cny. Some ppl go temple and some do it at home. Can you advise.
Toblerone, how should we usher in the god of Fortune to our house during cny. Some ppl go temple and some do it at home. Can you advise.

每一年接财神的方位都会变更,2014甲午年财神方位在正南方。但是正南方是死门方向,因此天上的财神接不得。虽然不能接正东的财神,但我们能向正东迎接贵神!记得not south. It should be in the east(东).

星期五是农历新年正月初一。当天凌晨子时青龙(00.01hr to 00:59hr)可向正东迎接贵神。若人在国外旅游则可在1月30日星期四晚上同一时间接贵神。



Pls help need your advise...
Is 14/1/2014 a good day for giving birth?
Chinese date 12月14日
14/1 不行啊!这天得看什么时间生。


有紧急emergency需要c-section operation,老师会马上接。

C-Section Info (click here)
How to write formal date & time (click here)
Hi Master,

can i check with you if it is ok for pregnant woman to visit the temple to give thanks and/or general prayers and/or to pray tai4 sui4? I am currently 25 weeks pregnant. Thanks in advance for your advise!
Hi Master,
can i check with you if it is ok for pregnant woman to visit the temple to give thanks and/or general prayers and/or to pray tai4 sui4? I am currently 25 weeks pregnant. Thanks in advance for your advise!
别称呼‘Master’. 叫‘老师’就可以了。


1. 晚上不要出门。
2. 除了医院做检查,其他时间就尽量不要去。
3. 医院、坟场、丧事、出殡、红事(即使遇到新娘车)一概避。

经常初一、十五上佛寺拜拜顺便献花,祈求baby将来handsome and/or beautiful!:)



See post #16 (in this thread) and this post (click here)
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