Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

tks you lao shi.

my hubby not exactly v close to this sibling and I dont recall he say dreamming of him. he just supposingly became mad and bad tempered at home. things just happened. until today why he commit sucide is till a mystery. pple think he zhong xie. or some pple say depressio fr Ns n girlfriend. my mil say when he is in the tummy she dreamt of na zhe jump into her tummy. so its like the na zhr story? was told someone told them that the bro will not live beyond 21 yo unless they do certain things and heard that they didnt believe them. I rem u hv a similar story. so its like zu din to not live beyond 21 yo? and he was smiling away wanting to die. not even afraid. for them its like no closure to this.

its an old bed given by a good fren. I will not move my own bed in the master room. just to ask if can accept this bed frame given by my fren n have the mover move into my house into the guest room. just that pple tell me I should stay out of the house (like go mkt or downstairs) when the bed is moved into the guest room as the preggy mummy shld not view the moving.

my hubby not exactly v close to this sibling and I dont recall he say dreamming of him. he just supposingly became mad and bad tempered at home. things just happened. until today why he commit sucide is till a mystery. pple think he zhong xie. or some pple say depressio fr Ns n girlfriend. my mil say when he is in the tummy she dreamt of na zhe jump into her tummy. so its like the na zhr story? was told someone told them that the bro will not live beyond 21 yo unless they do certain things and heard that they didnt believe them. I rem u hv a similar story. so its like zu din to not live beyond 21 yo? and he was smiling away wanting to die. not even afraid. for them its like no closure to this.

Some posts mentioned before. 灵性/灵体就是‘鬼’。In fact, 老师提过不少灵异故事,有空你可以搜索读一读。

"he mentioned that there is" - 是指‘乩童’说的吗?
"according to him..." - 是指‘乩童’说的吗?

你说儿子行为像过世的舅舅,乩童又说家里有东西。那么,若无祖上犯杀业(做小贩),可能是point 3 and/or 4 and/or 5 or all 3, 4 & 5.

1. 家里常闹到鸡犬不宁,家人(包括夫妻/儿女)经常吵架,身体不舒服,晚上睡不着觉等等不排除家里有‘灵性’。不太容易送走。
2. 三更半夜不睡觉,魂魄会不齐。人的魂魄不齐,灵性会来干扰,甚至会上身。灵性在上身的时候,looks normal and ordinary people can't tell. 也不容易送走。


To answer your question,


好放不放,去放‘大头照’? 若你跟他们住在一起的话,老师提议把照片拿下来。要求拿下来的理由,可以说你害怕。这点你自己想办法摘下来,别叫老师给你出主意。

你不和in laws住的话,你就别管那照片了。反正,是你家翁自己找麻烦。凡家里挂人的照片/乱摆像,都会problematic.




老师遇过那Middle Road开店的Reiki Master. 他的energy一般罢了。呵呵...


要是灵性病用reiki来医治是永远不会痊愈的,因为灵性病是业障引起。业障没有除,灵性病绝对不会愈。Reiki Masters不懂什么是灵性/业障病,因为他们没接触汉传显宗大乘正统佛法。


Hi Laoshi, thank you for your advice. Yah I think my husband's siblings all face alot of difficulties. One has health issue, another has some bad habit of collecting rubbish until their whole house is filled with her stuff with hardly any space to walk. The other has a longtime GF of 14 years but just simply cannot get married. It seems like something is preventing the family to have a nice and peaceful life. I am afraid it is their family luck that is preventing me to have children . My husband and I live in our own flat so I can chant. My tenants may hear me but I dun think they are in the house most if the time. Can I give you my husband bazi for analysis ? Cos the fortune teller say it is my husband problem ... Really appreciate your help .

I would also like to ask if my tenant animal sign is tiger and I am a monkey and she is living in my fengshui room, can she affect my chances to get pregnant? My tenant is currently pregnant. I feel like asking her to move to another of my room after she gives birth ....
pple think he zhong xie. or some pple say depressio fr Ns n girlfriend.


长期下去,整个人的头脑完全就"sorck"去了。 医学上称Schizophenia (精神分裂症类型).
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Hi Laoshi, thank you for your advice. Yah I think my husband's siblings all face alot of difficulties. One has health issue, another has some bad habit of collecting rubbish until their whole house is filled with her stuff with hardly any space to walk. The other has a longtime GF of 14 years but just simply cannot get married. It seems like something is preventing the family to have a nice and peaceful life. I am afraid it is their family luck that is preventing me to have children .

To answer your question: Family luck that is preventing you to have children?
My answer is 50-50%. 还要看你丈夫自己本身。要是丈夫运势差(如:找不到工作、没贵人、赌博、和猪朋狗友喝酒、欠一身债、常在外胡搞、经常生病、懒惰整天贪睡
),肯定有问题了!丈夫不buck-up, 会影响家人/妻子,更别说是怀孕。

祖上有problem, 后代也会有。祖上有杀业/缺德事,子孙后代会遭殃. 祖上有常做好事,子孙后代得受庇佑。前人种树,后人乘凉嘛...

老师,手头上有个特别例子。未婚妇女生了孩子不知道要跟谁姓。老师帮她screen background,后来提议孩子跟母姓(有很多原因)。最大的原因是,这单亲妈妈整个家族基因算好。如果,老公那方面的条件比太太的好(虽没有结婚),孩子是可以跟父姓。这样,孩子可以受父亲祖先的庇蒙。

My husband and I live in our own flat so I can chant. My tenants may hear me but I dun think they are in the house most if the time. Can I give you my husband bazi for analysis ? Cos the fortune teller say it is my husband problem ... Really appreciate your help .

老师曾经说过了,看再准没有用。(I mentioned in past posting) 没有办法更改,唯一颠覆命运就是吃斋、念经、行善。只有功德才能消业。只要消业,baby会来得快一点。摆多么厉害的家居风水阵,恐怕是浪费钱。

I would also like to ask if my tenant animal sign is tiger and I am a monkey and she is living in my fengshui room, can she affect my chances to get pregnant? My tenant is currently pregnant.
1. 如果,风水屋子的格局特别调,谁占那房间的话谁就会好。
2. 带有血缘关系的生肖相冲是无大碍。那么,生肖虎与猴(在没有血缘关系的),没有来往的话,大致上是ok. 像合作伙伴、superior等等就要小心了。生肖有相冲,既有相生。 相冲忌、相生喜。喜则为贵!


很多妇女,不知道流年冲犯太岁,刚好在冲日和破日去做IVF, 受孕不太可能会成功。


I feel like asking her to move to another of my room after she gives birth ....

Hi Laoshi, oh btw my husband is born in the 7th month. Not sure if it affects as well ...
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Hi Laoshi, thank you for the advice. Yah I will try to do more volunteer work during my 2 months break :) My father in law's parents sell prawn noodles maybe that's why. Anyway, my husband still hardworking but he does seem to have problems finding jobs but managed to find a stable job 1 year ago as an engineer. The fortune teller said my husband in wrong line cos my husband life supposed to do religious jobs or open funeral parlor cos he can 'see' and 'sense' the dead. But abit difficult to change to that kind of job ... Well anyway, we will try our best to chant more medicine Buddha sutra and do more good deeds. Thank you :).
28 September 2013​


在继续下去,灵性会take over control. 整个人的头脑完全就"sock"去了。在医学上,是Schizophenia (精神分裂症类型).

laoshi u r right. the entire person is behaving not like himself. nobody.know what to do or how to help. go see doc they say need to confine him to 4 walls otherwise will harm himself. u say v hard to save? in such cases means no hope? or is there some temple or some place to can ask the thing to leave? like those tiao tang? you lin is spirit is it? what.do we do so that prevent such things fr coming to the body and taking over our mind?
Thank you so much for your help but how to go about downloading the jin shu online as cant seem to get it.
Hi laoshi, I just went for my lining scan and estimate earliest et will be coming Friday and lastest be next Monday. Please advice as I won't be able to get d jinshu on time. As you mention after d et and Jin wen will need to change then now how? Panicked, please advice
对, 是指乩童。

Some posts mentioned before. 灵性/灵体就是‘鬼’。In fact, 老师提过不少灵异故事,有空你可以搜索读一读。

"he mentioned that there is" - 是指‘乩童’说的吗?
"according to him..." - 是指‘乩童’说的吗?

你说儿子行为像过世的舅舅,乩童又说家里有东西。那么,若无祖上犯杀业(做小贩),可能是point 3 and/or 4 and/or 5 or all 3, 4 & 5.

1. 家里常闹到鸡犬不宁,家人(包括夫妻/儿女)经常吵架,身体不舒服,晚上睡不着觉等等不排除家里有‘灵性’。不太容易送走。
2. 三更半夜不睡觉,魂魄会不齐。人的魂魄不齐,灵性会来干扰,甚至会上身。灵性在上身的时候,looks normal and ordinary people can't tell. 也不容易送走。


To answer your question,



Some posts mentioned before. 灵性/灵体就是‘鬼’。In fact, 老师提过不少灵异故事,有空你可以搜索读一读。

"he mentioned that there is" - 是指‘乩童’说的吗?
"according to him..." - 是指‘乩童’说的吗?

你说儿子行为像过世的舅舅,乩童又说家里有东西。那么,若无祖上犯杀业(做小贩),可能是point 3 and/or 4 and/or 5 or all 3, 4 & 5.

1. 家里常闹到鸡犬不宁,家人(包括夫妻/儿女)经常吵架,身体不舒服,晚上睡不着觉等等不排除家里有‘灵性’。不太容易送走。
2. 三更半夜不睡觉,魂魄会不齐。人的魂魄不齐,灵性会来干扰,甚至会上身。灵性在上身的时候,looks normal and ordinary people can't tell. 也不容易送走。


To answer your question,


对, 是指乩童。

lao shi, thank you for your tips.
既然我无法帮到他,我是否可以以他的名誉做善事? 向家里的神明求助(观世音菩萨)?多年前我曾和丈夫去XX,那我可否向弥勒佛求助呢? 其实我自己也被吓坏了。我很担心我们一家人的安危。
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lao shi, thank you for your tips.
既然我无法帮到他,我是否可以以他的名誉做善事? 向家里的神明求助(观世音菩萨)?多年前我曾和丈夫去XX,那我可否向弥勒佛求助呢? 其实我自己也被吓坏了。我很担心我们一家人的安危。
家中的菩萨可以求啊。不用到外求. :)

真有意思,Post #27 onwards (也有提到‘弥勒佛’)
Opps.. chopard, think it is not advisable to leave any 'ba zi' D.O.B with timing online. Even hp no also.. As there may be some ppl who actually get hold of these info & may harass you.
Hi all, i collected two red eggs from zhu sheng niang niang altar at toa payoh shuang lin temple cheng huang miao last year.

On 17 oct 2013 , i will be returning 100 red eggs to the same temple to zhu sheng niang niang altar as the next day is my baby full month.

Time should be around 11-12pm

Please feel free to collect the red eggs... baby dust to everyone of you....
Hi all, i collected two red eggs from zhu sheng niang niang altar at toa payoh shuang lin temple cheng huang miao last year.

On 17 oct 2013 , i will be returning 100 red eggs to the same temple to zhu sheng niang niang altar as the next day is my baby full month.

Time should be around 11-12pm

Please feel free to collect the red eggs... baby dust to everyone of you....

Grab grab grab your baby dust :D Thank you. I'm in the midst of my ivf treatment. And I went Shuang Lin temple last week no eggs and so happy I surf a bit in the forum and zhun zhun saw your post today!
水 陆 法 会


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- If the master had told my Mum that the 2 have been reincarnated, then can we take it that what the master said be the truth? There is no need for Mum to follow up on chao du?
Answer: 不放心的话,可以继续‘超度’。没有硬性规定只做一次。Mentioned in the past before. 要是觉得怪怪,有医不好病、吵架、常有怪梦等等,有很大的可能没有处理妥当。

- If my father had made donations towards the building of the temple, would that be considered as accumulating some good karma?
Answer: 当然了!为他自己积功啊!那负责收钱的人,即使私吞1 cent,, 阎王会找机会发请柬邀请他。

- I am concerned if the abortions will affect the next generation, i.e the grandchild?
Answer: 自己的父母有堕胎,会不会害到自己的子女是看情况。阿公阿嫲人可以非常好,若犯杀业仍然会殃及子孙。

What can we do to accumulate good karma?
Answer: 消业同时积德。忏悔、吃斋、念经、布什(放生、建庙、当义工等等)最好!光拿香拜佛菩萨,是不会消业,因果定律仍然存在。



- Both my kids are still young and if I feed them meat alongside with other food, i.e they are taking meat not by their choice, will they be penalised?
Answer: 天下没有白吃的肉。您看着办。呵呵...

- How can I go about helping my kids to accumulate good karma?
Answer: 培养你自己的善根,认真地吃斋念佛,孩子automatic自然跟着父母。常带孩子放生,印经放孩子的名,带孩子做义工奉献帮助人,这些统统都行!自己没做,孩子怎么学呢?


一个住在Geylang East的离婚妈妈,一有空就带她 Primary 5的儿子去观音堂。妈妈整天念经,一看有新人来救劝人吃斋念经。她儿子auto pilot 拿扫把扫观音堂!妈妈只说了“厕所脏”,儿子自动去洗toilet. 做完之后,不会吵人,人又健康聪明。菩萨调教/关照孩子,父母不用发脾气动手。多好啊!

- Sidenote, the zodiac for my husband, me, my daughter and son is horse, rooster, ox and monkey respectively. If I would like to try for a third child, which zodiac should I try for, for household harmony etc?
Answer: I mentioned this before in my post. 家庭成员生肖相冲没关系。老师建议夫妇考虑丈夫的姓氏先,才看看哪一年生孩子是否会“旺”父母。

Just curious, you mentioned that failed IVF will be considered as bad karma,
Answer: 没说是bad karma. 虽没比堕胎来的严重,还是有业得背。

then will it depend on the number of ETs transferred or based on per try, i.e maybe each cycle 2 FET were made, so would it count as 2 (as there were 2 FET made) or 1 (as it is via one attempt)?
Answer: 2 FET。

I remembered that you had mentioned not to try too hard for a kid as the kid may come as a creditor instead. How long after a period of trying would you deem it to be trying too hard?
Answer: 不完全用时间衡量。



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Hi Toblerone,

I am a newbie in dis forum. Would like to seek advise from you. Is it possible to get your email and email my queries to you? Thanks :)
Hi toblerone, are you still giving advice?
Can pm me? Thanks
Hi Toblerone,
I am a newbie in dis forum. Would like to seek advise from you. Is it possible to get your email and email my queries to you? Thanks :)


相信其他mummies有经验可以帮忙提供宝贵意见。They might able to solve your queries.
Hi Toblerone, i would like to ask if i have a missed miscarriage few mths ago, do i have to do chao du? Where can i do the chao du at? Thanks:)
Hi, would like to ask, I had a healthy 1st pregnancy with my 1st marriage, my 1st is already 3 now.
The 2nd one I had a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks. Heartbeat just stopped I also don't know why.
Did chaodu in the recent 七月。
现在又有了,可是好像还不稳定。went to see doc at 6weeks. Can't see baby. Only sac. Now waiting for next scan in Nov.

please advise.
Hi Toblerone, i would like to ask if i have a missed miscarriage few mths ago, do i have to do chao du? Where can i do the chao du at? Thanks:)

Past posts mentioned before. You have three options.
1. See post #529. 光明山有水陆法会. This coming December 2013.
2. 明年的清明节
3. 明年的中元节



Did chaodu in the recent 七月。
Good! 大和尚们有功力,有些愿意一超就‘走’。
那些经常堕胎的妇女,有很大的可能婴灵憎恨心强,死赖着不走(mentioned in the past)。多数堕胎的妇女,生活路上会崎岖。

现在又有了,可是好像还不稳定。went to see doc at 6weeks. Can't see baby. Only sac. Now waiting for next scan in Nov. 可以念什么经或者拜观音吗?
1. 向菩萨祈求发愿(佛家讲的“愿力”)。 你可以这样祈求:“南无大慈大悲观世音菩萨,我XXX初期疑孕,恳请请观世音菩萨及佛菩萨保胎。我XXX将永远不会在吃活海鲜。愿意从现在开始每个月放生鱼、虾、螃蟹直到孩子顺利出世。”

* Becareful what you wish for (must be precise and specific) and words come out from mouth.
* 是祈求保胎,不是与菩萨谈条件。
* 发愿之后得必须履行诺言。放菩萨飞机,以后出事不要怨天恨地。

2. 吃斋念经保胎。你可以考虑。吃荤口念出来的经大打折扣。不是没效 or no power. 因为荤进入口里,经文再从嘴出来都是‘臭’的。本来与你有缘的菩萨要来接近你,一开口都闪到远远了。


老师跟smokers交谈要憋气/盖鼻,尤其老烟鬼的stinky mouth,会很令人受不了。
Good! 大和尚们有功力,有些愿意一超就‘走’。
那些经常堕胎的妇女,有很大的可能婴灵憎恨心强,死赖着不走(mentioned in the past)。多数堕胎的妇女,生活路上会崎岖。

2. 吃斋念经保胎。你可以考虑。吃荤口念出来的经大打折扣。不是没效 or no power. 因为荤进入口里,经文再从嘴出来都是‘臭’的。本来与你有缘的菩萨要来接近你,一开口都闪到远远了。


老师跟smokers交谈要憋气/盖鼻,尤其老烟鬼的stinky mouth,会很令人受不了。

可以在初一十五的时候吃素吗? 要念什么经保胎?
谢谢老师的指点.Before we got married we gt our bazi counted. But the geomancer says that our bazi doea nlt suits each other etc. And says that 我会很难有孩子. Hope that if 老师您有空可以帮帮我。Thanks:)
ote="toblerone, post: 6441435, member: 55339"]不小心嘛...你也不想要的。发生了没有办法。别一直挂念放在心上了。

Past posts mentioned before. You have three options.
1. See post #529. 光明山有水陆法会. This coming December 2013.
2. 明年的清明节
3. 明年的中元节



谢谢老师的指点.Before we got married we gt our bazi counted. But the geomancer says that our bazi doea nlt suits each other etc. And says that 我会很难有孩子. Hope that if 老师您有空可以帮帮我。Thanks:)

老师以前有几个posts是有免费给人核对八字。给了solutions, 哪方面去改进,还是没听进去,最后离婚。没办法...爱莫能助。夫妻缘到了尽头肯定断。前世互欠,今世要了结。夫妇若没签字离婚,两年内还在同一个屋檐下,加上丈夫有点点信佛,仍然有希望补救。要是等到夫妇的感情像boiling temperature才来想办法,Ay...yoh太迟了啦。


Let's cast it aside whether命中注定有没有孩子。老师顾虑到是point (1)(2)(3). Refer to post #482/#490. 怀孕失败,多数都有这些阻碍。

老师所教的,不敢说天下第一。如果不惯用,this forum board的两位mummy也不会怀孕。不用single cent,只要下决心去做老师就教。:)

You got miscarriage before, 先settle那个。有很多人堕胎/流产照样能怀孕,可是并不代表后面日子就过的安稳。老师的故事多,写出来的话,会害妇女们睡不着的。

Toblerone, post: 6445055, member: 55339"]还没交往之前去核对八字是可以的。要是,结婚之前去算,不是自寻烦恼吗?:(

老师以前有几个posts是有免费给人核对八字。给了solutions, 哪方面去改进,还是没听进去,最后离婚。没办法...爱莫能助。夫妻缘到了尽头肯定断。前世互欠,今世要了结。夫妇若没签字离婚,两年内还在同一个屋檐下,加上丈夫有点点信佛,仍然有希望补救。要是等到夫妇的感情像boiling temperature才来想办法,Ay...yoh太迟了啦。


Let's cast it aside whether命中注定有没有孩子。老师顾虑到是point (1)(2)(3). Refer to post #482/#490. 怀孕失败,多数都有这些阻碍。

老师所教的,不敢说天下第一。如果不惯用,this forum board的两位mummy也不会怀孕。不用single cent,只要下决心去做老师就教。:)

You got miscarriage before, 先settle那个。有很多人堕胎/流产照样能怀孕,可是并不代表后面日子就过的安稳。老师的故事多,写出来的话,会害妇女们睡不着的。
I will be returning red eggs at Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Shi at 8 oct 13, 9am.
Interested can go and get;)
Took 2 red eggs last nov and got preg this jan .
All the best!

Hi Shifu,

老师不pantang鬼节生孩子。:) 农历七月是有一些必须喜庆避免办(比如,结婚、开张)。


Watch video clipZombies take over The Cathay mall in Singapore‘.’.
Hi teacher,
Unable to msg u via motherhood or fb.
Any other methods to corresponse?
Pls advise.
Hi all,
I am returning red eggs on 8 nov 13, 9am (fri)
And not 8 oct. Sorry for the confusion.hope to see ya there!
Hi all,
I am returning red eggs on 8 nov 13, 9am (fri)
And not 8 oct. Sorry for the confusion.hope to see ya there!

Hi windec83, can advise me what do we do when we take the two red eggs from temple? Is it to be eaten by husband & wife?

今天想到一样事,希望老师可以指点。如果今天有朋友帮我买东西,eg. $9.90. 我给她$10. 她没有零钱,说欠我一毛,我说没关系算了。事情过了大家也忘了这件事。如果我死时,这一毛还欠着。请问老师,这朋友算这辈子欠我(因),下辈子要还我吗(果)?


今天想到一样事,希望老师可以指点。如果今天有朋友帮我买东西,eg. $9.90. 我给她$10. 她没有零钱,说欠我一毛,我说没关系算了。事情过了大家也忘了这件事。如果我死时,这一毛还欠着。请问老师,这朋友算这辈子欠我(因),下辈子要还我吗(果)?



It seems ok, but, if you were to think about it, 对方有报答恩,他/她或许要付出代价。The chain never ends.


要是人家欠你钱,there are two options,
(i) 合法追讨。若起憎恨,因果没完没了。来世看到他,对方得披毛带角来还你的债。

1)回答您的问题 - 如果aunty 一直找不到人还债,可以以债主的名义把钱捐给慈善机构吧。

2)但是您的option 1 启发了我的想法。若起憎恨,因果没完没了 - imagine this scenario: 有一个(小)人,backstab 别人,害别人。这人因而起憎恨,死时一股怨气还在。但他不知道是谁害他。来世也会向这小人讨债吗?

3)回到aunty 的example, 如果债主没收到钱而憎恨aunty, 来世看见aunty, 会向aunty 讨债吗?Even though aunty had donated her debts in the name of the debtor.

4)突然想到还有一种人- 人家欠他钱,他去追。可是欠债人说没有钱还他。债主没办法,很不甘愿说算了不用还。心里却放不下,耿耿于怀,有憎恨。来世还会向欠债人讨债吗?

对不起老师及个位网友,我这么多问题 :oops:
1)回答您的问题 - 如果aunty 一直找不到人还债,可以以债主的名义把钱捐给慈善机构吧。

2)但是您的option 1 启发了我的想法。若起憎恨,因果没完没了 - imagine this scenario: 有一个(小)人,backstab 别人,害别人。这人因而起憎恨,死时一股怨气还在。但他不知道是谁害他。来世也会向这小人讨债吗?
害对方起憎恨心,多少得背业了。Next cycle, switch opposite role.

3)回到aunty 的example, 如果债主没收到钱而憎恨aunty, 来世看见aunty, 会向aunty 讨债吗?Even though aunty had donated her debts in the name of the debtor.


Answering to your question, 即使钱捐出去了,还是得还她。捐钱不会吃亏。

4)突然想到还有一种人- 人家欠他钱,他去追。可是欠债人说没有钱还他。债主没办法,很不甘愿说算了不用还。心里却放不下,耿耿于怀,有憎恨。来世还会向欠债人讨债吗?
Hi toblerone,


谢谢! ^_^


Once in a while, discussed about other topic is alright. Let's try not to divert discussion from 求子.

For question 1 - 5, 佛学问答。

Long essay writing for each question.

I am directing you to read a mirror facebook. [click here]. Read latest post from 8 November 2013.




However, if you look at the 19th picture in this album [
click here] (start counting from left to right (from top row onwards)), 半港天后宫的注生娘娘不是有跪垫吗?


Answering to your question, 你得保证你能活到一大把年纪。不要忘记,现今很多年轻人很快就与世长辞(click here to read post)。

@ judy_lsk 有智慧也明白)。实际上,无形中是stop在那个空间,不再造业/享受口福之欲。当你在做善事积德,不会漏得那么快(因为人总是有脾气毛病)。需要很长时间来验证,不是马上起变化。即使是吃素,臭嘴一张,心里不好,还是在造业嘛... :p




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