Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)



替身的做法很多。写名字在打符上去,非常好用,不过只是暂时罢了。老师不想讲这个,免得人家去try然后去找女人赌钱。老师教的直接增运。完全免费,根本不用补运。前提必须吃长斋! 补运只是last only a short while. 跟老公抱在一起做那种事,花钱白补j就有!
我在想这可怜又委屈纸人替身是谁啊?我们凭什么让“替身” 受我的过错的后果?会有报应吗?

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以前有一个住在Bedok Police Station附近的女孩爱上一个男的,但这女方的家长和家人很讨厌女儿和这个男的来往。这个男的样子蛮hansome,吝啬节俭,除了脾气坏,大致上ok。Girl likes the guy alot but her family opposed. 还没当兵之前认识的。走在一起也是很久了... Anyway,something happened. It really cracked the guy's heart. He wanted to commit suicide because he can't forget about her. No girlfriend for a long time. Many years later, this guy 终于看开了,and today he is bloody rich now! 赚了钱之后,拿回家给他家人。

一个男的NTU Material Engineering graduate. 男的在求学时,女方很瞧不起他!后来,分手了。这个男伤心的要死!每晚哭!很多年没教女朋友了。目前30多岁single and available and works in OCBC. Career and financial stable! 没有吃、喝、嫖、赌。人很好也很孝顺。人不肥,外表ok,可就是没人要。

女人找男朋友,不要眼睛长头上。不是每个男人都色色的。改次,你有对象,老师可以帮你核对。对方什么私人的事,不会说出来。看男人外表、学历没用的,甚至钱赚得少一点,无所谓。你要认识吃长素的guys,老师可以给你tips. 你要好高骛远,非得要医生、律师、banker做男朋友,就只有继续等。


Thank you for all the advice. ^_^
Delete你的date of birth吧。
戊土身弱。今年差不多国庆日之后,有点小trouble。 穿红色、pink、yellow colour衣服.
你该去拜太岁!拜太岁不是去一次,而是经常去。Mentioned previously..

  • 老师, 谢谢您的回复, 麻烦您了!我会注意衣服的颜色和在 August be careful, 一有空,我就去拜太岁 , 晒大太阳和多去寺庙。
  • 只是 老师您提出了August 的little trouble是哪方面呢?对不起, 老师, 如果我问得多了, 您提个醒!谢谢!
  • 我今天有到四马路观音庙里坐了一段时间刚开始我哭了then later 有时还会有bad thoughts pop out. Then I keep 磕头和认错。 I dont know if I did wrong. Like should i just pray and go?
你读了老师写的有关猫和纹身图案,难道没发现不对吗?老师知道很多爱猫,就因为把猫养在家里才会害死人。建议你解决house cat. 猫可以选择送人或者养到老死。
  • Yes. Realised always sick, always no money to save and maybe also attract 阿飘. Although know but sometimes at that point I think I denied it and think its my 运程 no good or becos I did something bad then instant karma. now I know why too from your previous threads...
  • I will take care of my cats and let my cats passed on naturally. I still have 4 at my mum house.
See the above underline sentence? 你的叔叔爷爷们早走了,那你以后做事得更加注意了。祖上有歪线,接下来会麻烦。明白了吗?我可以告诉你,利息算下来,可以拖很多代。Related post #1145.

人很会发牢骚、整天埋怨。为什么他的命好,我的命苦?为什么别人做事shun-shun,我就很suay? 为什么别人能生,我偏偏不能生啊?People often don't realise,是根基、祖德。有时候是不能怪就祖先,而是自己。祖先留下烂摊子,真的没办法的。赶快收拾才对,计较于事无补。老师认识不少人,神鬼因果丢一边,有钱好讲话,很现实的。出了事之后才来拿三支香,有什么用?
  • 我有读到一点, rubilite 也有帮我highlight postings related. 我会去了解。希望还可以补救不要连累下一代。因为我家的surname till my generation I think all girls don't seem to have male. I don't know my dad 堂cousin side have all not. Very big family but all scattered and not much 来往。
  • My mum went fortune teller she supposed to have a boy. But she was told recently by 风水师 (in geylang area) when shifting new house that she might have miscarriage before which she have no idea. So she paid him to help chao du and offered incense at his place.
  • I never realised that. Now I can connect why my pregnancy difficult. Im also ignorant and never find out about importance of vegeterian and chanting at that point and sqitch back to meat. In fact I couldn't take much food, n stay in hospital for almost 2 weeks at 26months, at the end pregnancy and bed rest for months.愚痴, 障了。
  • Now I will start over again and hope 菩萨神明原谅. And persevere.

要是你不认识他们,梦见他们还好一点. 要是跟你熟,又帮过你什么的,给你梦到的话,你就百分百麻烦了。
  • 我不认识他们。
找到new job了,好好地勤奋工作。等你有进步,肉边素一段时间,想要念才来。
  • 好的, 我会照做!努力正能量!
我可以告诉你,你先生一定会去跟你家婆说,然后你的家婆会到处问,然后会去问神问爽神弄鬼的人。到时候,this cannot that cannot.

  • 老师, 您说的对!其实我很担心this issue. Because my husband dont know where to find the in charge for the thombstone. He mentioned that only when qing ming go pray then can see the people who help maintain the tomb to ask. I told him must settle before that.... sigh.
  • 老师, 我看 previous post, need to 择日but we do not know who can do that. Also we are financially tight to engaged the commercialised 风水师 because dont know they are able to do accurately. 老师, do you know anyone who is able to 择日for removal of the names on tombstone?
老师, 真的很感谢您, 不厌其烦的帮助我们! 谢谢, 感恩!
Toblerone 老师,
梦见deceased childhood friend, granny.... 是什么原因?


我在想这可怜又委屈纸人替身是谁啊?我们凭什么让“替身” 受我的过错的后果?会有报应吗?
你要明白这‘纸人’is a non-living thing.

“纸人替身是谁啊?” - You, yourself. 这个纸人不替你的话,那替谁啊?道家补运用的,跟报应没关系!


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老师, Sorry, Im bubblesun79. I think you have to click expand on the yellow box on my reply as I actually replied on the yellow box together in bold italics points with your reply previously not only the question about names on tombstone. Im still not sure how it works while I reply. Sorry for the inconvenience!
In Jan'15, my husband had went to Master Irene Toh for palm reading.
就知道你找过人算。想必给Irene Toh刮了不少钱。呵呵... 都说了,越是有打广告、越有名气,不能找他们。很多风水师收钱不眨眼。可以讲到天花烂醉。人很奇怪的,甘愿出钱自讨苦吃请人算命,老师免费教人没几个肯做。

讲了之后,why this cannot do, why that mustn't do. Must give long reasons. 往往对方听了,没听进去的。

Regarding to your pointers about my husband in this second half of the year, can you advise more and is there anyway to reduce the effects? (He eats vegetarian food some days but very hard to "force" him to eat everyday. )
As for myself, next year after moon cake festival, I need to "当心点了" about? Can you advise more?

I am trying my best to be less paranoid and worried, but ever since my baby boy passed away. I am very tensed and could not sleep well at night, especially around the time of his last few moments.

怀孕的时候,保胎经不念。Eat delicious good food, 人家说吃新鲜的鱼虾对胎儿好,简直是胡说八道。统统吃下去,baby跟着中。等到胎死腹中、baby夭折才来怪自己。Then kept asking, why baby innocent must die? blah blah blah... 记得老师讲这句话:“别人怀孕没事,是他们的造化,你不一定一样没事。”

妈妈很有佛缘,还没怀孕前吃长素,老师敢说9/10是菩萨亲手挑的baby。要是孕妇开斋破戒,对不起,多半是保不住。就算保得住,也是problematic. 老师不想讲‘天谴’。

Also regarding to receipts, I have Singapore casket/nea crematorium/urn/prayers receipts around, these I have to keep for verification sake. <- any issues about it?
For chao du receipt, I will act accordingly to your post #1855.
(fold into tiny pieces, tied with rubber band and put in angbao and discard into rubbish bin)
一些账目收据可以收。过一段时间才扔。一讲到"收据",everybody confused. 施棺的收据以及超度法会(写往生者名字)的收据. That's all only.
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  • 老师, 谢谢您的回复, 麻烦您了!我会注意衣服的颜色和在 August be careful, 一有空,我就去拜太岁 , 晒大太阳和多去寺庙。

  • Yes. Realised always sick, always no money to save and maybe also attract 阿飘. Although know but sometimes at that point I think I denied it and think its my 运程 no good or becos I did something bad then instant karma. now I know why too from your previous threads...
  • I will take care of my cats and let my cats passed on naturally. I still have 4 at my mum house.

Cats society搞什么活动,你别去参加。让这些爱猫人士去玩到够。爱猫的都很‘猫’,你自己看看是不是个个都破财的呀?!这些养猫的不知道什么后果,你也最好别去解释。

See related post #1706.

  • 老师, 您说的对!其实我很担心this issue. Because my husband dont know where to find the in charge for the thombstone. He mentioned that only when qing ming go pray then can see the people who help maintain the tomb to ask. I told him must settle before that.... sigh.
  • 老师, 我看 previous post, need to 择日but we do not know who can do that. Also we are financially tight to engaged the commercialised 风水师 because dont know they are able to do accurately. 老师, do you know anyone who is able to 择日for removal of the names on tombstone?
老师, 真的很感谢您, 不厌其烦的帮助我们! 谢谢, 感恩!

你有空去Lim Chu Kang坟场走走,天天有人下葬,难道没有人埋棺材修坟吗?一定要等到有人死,做墓碑的才有生意吗?

你找到修复磨碑的人,老师有空给你择日。老师平时不碰阴宅的!这类似“小小手术”罢了,危险性不高。就一个date and please don't ask for more. 清明节是20天!这20天没有很多日子!

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(When I was young, I grew up in an environment where my maternal side of family members are vegetarian and I would stayover during sch holidays with my late grandma who was a vegetarian and followed her eating habits and chant with her everyday and night when I was staying together with her. But ever since she left, things changed - won't go into details.)

If you don't mind, I am just trying to seek your advice on my husband and myself, as what you mentioned on previous post that we have to be careful. I just hope you can enlighten me.
说过了。Click -> #554 #628 #1018

I have 100 private messages. 来不及回复。


Cats society搞什么活动,你别去参加。让这些爱猫人士去玩到够。爱猫的都很‘猫’,你自己看看是不是个个都破财的呀?!这些养猫的不知道什么后果,你也最好别去解释。

See related post #1706.


你有空去Lim Chu Kang坟场走走,天天有人下葬,难道没有人埋棺材修坟吗?一定要等到有人死,做墓碑的才有生意吗?

你找到修复磨碑的人,老师有空给你择日。老师平时不碰阴宅的!这类似“小小手术”罢了,危险性不高。就一个date and please don't ask for more. 清明节是20天!这20天没有很多日子!


谢谢老师您的回复和帮助! 只要我没作工和假日就会去拜太岁。
Sigh, 猫通常不会有人收。因为我认识养猫的人士都收养more than 1.....
the most critical issue about the names on tombstone. Really really THANK YOU for your help! I told my husband to go and check out the procedure of editing the tombstones. Once he find out I would inform you again.
谢谢您老师! Big Thank You! :)
Oh. 一语惊醒梦中人。我以为纸人is somebody else suffering on behalf for my deeds.

Therefore, 你的意思是纸人只是个代表。 它是虚假的, 空 的 吗?

至于datuk 的 example, 我觉得是feeling of regretful of accident. and indebted

你要明白这‘纸人’is a non-living thing.

“纸人替身是谁啊?” - You, yourself. 这个纸人不替你的话,那替谁啊?道家补运用的,跟报应没关系!


是不舍, 缘未了吗? 只能由梦传达心念. Maybe also guilt.

I seldom thought of them recently already, btw.



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"只要我没作工和假日就会去拜太岁。"- 意思是不是只要有工作有假日就不会去拜呢?

I told my husband to go and check out the procedure of editing the tombstones. Once he find out I would inform you again.
现在的打磨的手工还是不错的。Take pictures of before and after.

Oh. 一语惊醒梦中人。我以为纸人is somebody else suffering on behalf for my deeds.
Therefore, 你的意思是纸人只是个代表。 它是虚假的, 空 的 吗?

补运是非常短暂罢。道士/法师知道不是永恒的。很多人傻傻的,以为补运last forever. 上个厕所、吵架、跟人握手、咳嗽、发烧,一下子就没了!

是不舍, 缘未了吗? 只能由梦传达心念. Maybe also guilt.

你知道鬼回来吗?生前有欠对方,百分百会回来要。Read related post #606 #1096 #1455


补运是非常短暂罢。道士/法师知道不是永恒的。很多人傻傻的,以为补运last forever. 上个厕所、吵架、跟人握手、咳嗽、发烧,一下子就没了!

Thanks. I sent a pm, hope you might take a look.
"只要我没作工和假日就会去拜太岁。"- 意思是不是只要有工作有假日就不会去拜呢?

现在的打磨的手工还是不错的。Take pictures of before and after.


- 老师,谢谢您的回复! 好的, 明白了。我会尽我努力做!
- 我会提醒我先生的! 谢谢老师! 感恩!:)

你知道鬼回来吗?生前有欠对方,百分百会回来要。Read related post #606 #1096 #1455


刚知道“他” 走了,很难过,以为感应到他是我错觉。slowly recall half facts about past cos we separated and not in touch at all, not very sure had i promised a rose to him if his gone(this memory was very vague and defy logic).... till date, even having by coincidence find out his final resting place, have not visited. Any concerns to take note?

But i 心念 my msg to childhood friend, told him i can't visit becos of my present situation. forgive me.

By fate, i found his gf online and told her what i felt he hope i could say for him. ..hope i was not wrong!
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I will ignore 9 out 10 such private messages. 你的private message,老师以后不应酬了。我还以多严重呢。

Read post #628. 能讲到神奇的准有什么用?最后,还不是一声'thank you',拍拍屁股。

Thanks. I sent a pm, hope you might take a look.



*Read related post '忌吃牛肉' click -> #176 #1516 #1524 #439

1977年肖蛇(女) - 人是机灵,但做了不少愚蠢的事。牙尖嘴利,口一直呱呱个不停。吵起架来,number 1! 一直遇到的不少衰男人。去年就有麻烦了。


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刚知道“他” 走了,很难过,以为感应到他是我错觉。slowly recall half facts about past cos we separated and not in touch at all, not very sure had i promised a rose to him if his gone(this memory was very vague and defy logic).... till date, even having by coincidence find out his final resting place, have not visited. Any concerns to take note?

But i 心念 my msg to childhood friend, told him i can't visit becos of my present situation. forgive me.

By fate, i found his gf online and told her what i felt he hope i could say for him. ..hope i was not wrong!
不知道你在讲什么。故事没头没尾,又没说名字。一下子(private message)里提到活人。一下子(subsequent post #1881),又说人死似的。

刚知道“他” 走了,很难过,以为感应到他是我错觉。” - 你现在说的这个男的,是private message里提到1979年肖羊的吗?


Obituary page一打开,你以为只有老人死啊?中年、少年、幼年、baby死的很多,也没必要登报纸。人要死很快。实际上是祖上,或者是自己造的业。‘现世报’不会拖太久的。See related facebook posts -> (1)(2)(3)(4)

*Read related post of '现世报' - #965 #1188

Back to your concern subject. 要是你曾经有和他肉体接触(男女的事),又伤过他的心,他死后要调头回来找你不是不可能的。这就是为什么会有‘冤亲债主’了。老师这样说,明白吗?
Toblerone 老师,

我知道你一定回复,因为你是观音和菩萨指引过来的。1977 就是number 1!

1979 就是1977前世照的业, 所以今世还到现在,连众佛善神都看不下去。也许慈悲的佛可以指引1979 走正。doing business,个个一定不折手段。他吃素是因为他喜吃,不过少吃。吃牛肉,他贪吃! 他知道家有观音不可破戒。更何况牛本来就好比babies 的 nanny~奶妈,懂这里的道理的人,哪忍心吃它的肉?

1979 这样如果他错,身边人都有错。因果关系。 所以该救,不晓方法,已经明白老师的字里行间。 希望他母亲能多吃素。阳德不如阴德好。心里明白,佛度有缘人,举头三尺就有神明,不是只在寺庙。这是真的, 不必问上真。1977 就是牙尖嘴利!
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不知道你在讲什么。故事没头没尾,又没说名字。一下子(private message)里提到活人。一下子(subsequent post #1881),又说人死似的。

刚知道“他” 走了,很难过,以为感应到他是我错觉。” - 你现在说的这个男的,是private message里提到1979年肖羊的吗?


Obituary page一打开,你以为只有老人死啊?中年、少年、幼年、baby死的很多,也没必要登报纸。人要死很快。实际上是祖上,或者是自己造的业。‘现世报’不会拖太久的。See related facebook posts -> (1)(2)(3)(4)

*Read related post of '现世报' - #965 #1188

Back to your concern subject. 要是你曾经有和他肉体接触(男女的事),又伤过他的心,他死后要调头回来找你不是不可能的。这就是为什么会有‘冤亲债主’了。老师这样说,明白吗?

很难过 走的 是另一个1977 小学同学, 不是pm 的1979. 当然没有男女之事。理当不会找我,所以才觉得是错觉,又失散多年。 OK 啦,i confess 小时似乎伤了他的心,离校时...i vaguely remember the feelings of disappointment he expressed that we used to be quite close friends, and other new friends came in to join, i was too young then to understand and respond... upon knowing his demised recent years ago, i dug my old autograph book, couldn't find his writings! I realised he had long ago written in my heart autograph. I remember him even without any paper note. Friendship only.
我拿不定主意 要不要在 1977 的 niche 前献上rose flower. 也对 visiting mandai 有 考虑。
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Tulipsrainbow said:
要吃素? if yes,i m trying

求孩子要big fish big chicken. 做菩萨神明很难。



请不要介意 if I ask:我知道 念经的前提是吃素。那么大概必需要吃素多久才能请教老师指导念经?

If one is unable to be a full vegetarian, 老师 wont be able to teach念经? I koe 老师 mentioned earlier 念经嘴巴要"干净". But might have little pro to be full vegetarian. My mum is worried not enough nutrients,骨骼酥松等问题 (I am on vegetarian meals from Mon to Fri, while wkend might not be 100% vegetarian meals) . Sometimes bit difficult to explain to the elderly, and don't want make worry her too much.

Hi Teacher, can you advise what are the dates and timing in March 2015 that are totally not suitable for C-sec birth?
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Hi Teacher, can you advise what are the dates and timing in March 2015 that are totally not suitable for C-sec birth?
Generally, 一个月内有4天是不能生的。孩子在其中的一天出世,人生将有波折。要是是‘凶时’出生,更不妙了。




Back to your question. date and timing不能完整写出来。
很难过 走的 是另一个1977 小学同学, 不是pm 的1979. 当然没有男女之事。理当不会找我,所以才觉得是错觉,又失散多年。 OK 啦,i confess 小时似乎伤了他的心,离校时...i vaguely remember the feelings of disappointment he expressed that we used to be quite close friends, and other new friends came in to join, i was too young then to understand and respond... upon knowing his demised recent years ago, i dug my old autograph book, couldn't find his writings! I realised he had long ago written in my heart autograph. I remember him even without any paper note. Friendship only.
我拿不定主意 要不要在 1977 的 niche 前献上rose flower. 也对 visiting mandai 有 考虑。
Strange, your post never appeared until afternoon.




老师一生看神见鬼多得不得了。清明节鬼会有holiday. 农历七月最多,死的人比平常日子多一些。人死后,一切过眼云烟。不过什么宗教,一个人没修没善业,地府保证reserved位子。末法时,地府要收人超级快的。
请不要介意 if I ask:我知道 念经的前提是吃素。那么大概必需要吃素多久才能请教老师指导念经?




But might have little pro to be full vegetarian. My mum is worried not enough nutrients,骨骼酥松等问题 (I am on vegetarian meals from Mon to Fri, while wkend might not be 100% vegetarian meals) . Sometimes bit difficult to explain to the elderly, and don't want make worry her too much.

你应该认识认识Vegetarian Society Singapore facebook members. 有不少是吃长素的年轻人,而家人却吃荤的。要是每个都为了家人,方便一下,那就完了。以后你到外面去,经不起诱惑。

Yeah, i also notice there was a note awaiting moderator approval before everyone can see my msg, right after i posted.

Err... which type of flower considered as flowers for decease?

But i hear this year 蛇生肖 should avoid cemetery, hospital. Is this true?

会不会带秽气go home? becos home got old folks.

独自一人去, 该说什么? 心里想着的话,已故老朋友听不听见, 其他看不见却在场的不也知道?老友会不会跟着我回? 还是以经真的找过我?不管是不是错觉, 即然知道niche 在哪, 还是安排妥当go visit. we did not see each other after leaving school 20 years ago, possible for childhood friend to 找过我 or remember me?

And, 1977帮1979 多 吃素,希望可以救到他. 这样可以吗?

Strange, your post never appeared until afternoon.




老师一生看神见鬼多得不得了。清明节鬼会有holiday. 农历七月最多,死的人比平常日子多一些。人死后,一切过眼云烟。不过什么宗教,一个人没修没善业,地府保证reserved位子。末法时,地府要收人超级快的。
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Err... which type of flower considered as flowers for decease?

But i hear this year 蛇生肖 should avoid cemetery, hospital. Is this true?

会不会带秽气go home? becos home got old folks.

独自一人去, 该说什么? 心里想着的话,已故老朋友听不听见, 其他看不见却在场的不也知道?老友会不会跟着我回? 还是以经真的找过我?不管是不是错觉, 即然知道niche 在哪, 还是安排妥当go visit. we did not see each other after leaving school 20 years ago, possible for childhood friend to 找过我 or remember me?
Then, don't go! Save all trouble! 不要再问了。

老师已经给你仙丹壮胆了,还怕死呀?!你这样求神拜佛没信心,起疑心、死定了!老师都说了是清明节可以去!为什么你看不明白?不是清明节就别去!Read the previous post again. Please, no need to double confirm.

And, 1977帮1979 多 吃素,希望可以救到他. 这样可以吗?

在清明节去坟场祭拜你都已经这么怕死了! Then, don't go or ask again! Scared here scared there, might as well stay at home!


这个男的要咸鱼翻身 - 可以!先叫他乖乖吃长斋禁女色!要是其他师父有办法的话尽管去找!
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Then, don't go! Save all trouble! 不要再问了。

老师已经给你仙丹壮胆了,还怕死呀!你求神拜佛没信心,死定了!都说了是清明节可以去!为什么你看不明白?!不是清明节就别去!Read the previous post again! No need double confirm.


在清明节去坟场祭拜你都已经这么怕死了! Then, don't go or ask again! Scared here scared there, might as well stay at home!


这个男的要咸鱼翻身 - 可以!叫他乖乖吃长斋禁女色!其他师父有办法的话尽管去找!

自己不怕去cemetery, 只怕带坏气场连累老人。好吧,清明节去。other days no.

咸鱼翻身招真可行?他不好woman 所以easy,不瞒你说, 他也没人指点吃素。连去寺庙拜拜供佛也近年才懂去。可怜,近月还酒肉朋友拉去山珍海味,plus liquor....罪过。原来是这个。谢师点醒。
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老师您好。 我有些清明扫墓的疑问。不知您是否能provide some insights?

(1) 清明时,带到善堂祭祖的食物是否能拜完后带回家吃? 听一些人说能带回家吃了平安。但又有些人说不能带回家。
(2) 我奶奶过世了很多年。听我母亲说奶奶生前很喜欢吃榴莲。在医院的时候 想吃榴莲。但因为种种原因 没卖给她吃。 后来,奶奶的病情恶化的很快。不久就走了。最终没吃到。 请问清明扫墓时能不能卖food with durian fillings 去拜拜? 如果可以的话,是在清明那天(我们通常是清明那天在家也会offer food)买来拜拜比较妥当还是扫墓时买到善堂那里?

老师您好。 我有些清明扫墓的疑问。不知您是否能provide some insights?

(1) 清明时,带到善堂祭祖的食物是否能拜完后带回家吃? 听一些人说能带回家吃了平安。但又有些人说不能带回家。
(2) 我奶奶过世了很多年。听我母亲说奶奶生前很喜欢吃榴莲。在医院的时候 想吃榴莲。但因为种种原因 没卖给她吃。 后来,奶奶的病情恶化的很快。不久就走了。最终没吃到。 请问清明扫墓时能不能卖food with durian fillings 去拜拜? 如果可以的话,是在清明那天(我们通常是清明那天在家也会offer food)买来拜拜比较妥当还是扫墓时买到善堂那里?


Hello applee11,
在农历七月拜的不能吃。Pls refer to posts, #73 and #1125. 在清明节拜自己家祖先的可以吃。

Question 2 等老师来答吧。 hope this helps :)

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自己不怕去cemetery, 只怕带坏气场连累老人。好吧,清明节去。other days no.

咸鱼翻身招真可行?他不好woman 所以easy,不瞒你说, 他也没人指点吃素。连去寺庙拜拜供佛也近年才懂去。可怜,近月还酒肉朋友拉去山珍海味,plus liquor....罪过。原来是这个。谢师点醒。

Hello mdmrose,
老师提过咯,要咸鱼翻身的前提是吃长素,禁女色。能行可否,只有靠当事人。老师只能教功课。教了不信,不学也没办法。must sincerely and wholeheartedly believe what teacher say. 若您要帮,会背业的,一起被拖下水。自救才能救人。自己的船要扎实,才能救。
Hello mdmrose,
老师提过咯,要咸鱼翻身的前提是吃长素,禁女色。能行可否,只有靠当事人。老师只能教功课。教了不信,不学也没办法。must sincerely and wholeheartedly believe what teacher say. 若您要帮,会背业的,一起被拖下水。自救才能救人。自己的船要扎实,才能救。
感恩 老师就是贵人嘛。 哪有不信。担心,所以犯毛病问问,可是心底老早明白还须看1979 的善根和造化。 1977 目前也爱莫难助,只能 希望1979 快点多长点智慧做人。
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Toblerone 老师,
我希望可以工作,从新开始。请老师指示哪个行业suitable 1977 赶快摆脱困境。 以前 worked at office , 现在想 start a small business selling consumer products. 我对这两者之间难做决定。
Toblerone 老师,
我希望可以工作,从新开始。请老师指示哪个行业suitable 1977 赶快摆脱困境。 以前 worked at office , 现在想 start a small business selling consumer products. 我对这两者之间难做决定。





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Hello applee11,
Pls refer to posts, #73 and #1125 for question 1. Question 2 等老师来答吧。 hope this helps :)


Hi Rubilite,

Tks for the reply. The posts you referred to are talking abt 婴灵 and 超度法会, not offerings during 清明。Are they the same?
Hello apple11,

I have ammended the post. 7Th month offering cannot eat. Qing ming offerings can.apologies for the confusion. :(
@Rubilite, pardon me for asking. How do i actually go to the post that u have mentioned? Sorry have not really explore how to go abt doing that! I don't see any post number whenever anybody replied or even when I reply. :oops:

Hi Hopeful,
Here's a big hug to you. You may wish to go to Singapore Buddhist Lodge for Chao du. They are going to have one soon as Qing Ming is coming. It has been posted before on #1719. Attached again for your reference.
@Rubilite, pardon me for asking. How do i actually go to the post that u have mentioned? Sorry have not really explore how to go abt doing that! I don't see any post number whenever anybody replied or even when I reply. :oops:

Hello hopeful13,
I think if you are using phone you cannot see, use comp or tablet can see :).
Hello apple11,

I have ammended the post. 7Th month offering cannot eat. Qing ming offerings can.apologies for the confusion. :(

Hi Rubilite,

Tks for the clarifications:)

This means during 7th month, irregardless of whether the food offerings are made to ancestors or not and where the food offerings are made (temple, 善堂 or altar at home), all the food offerings cannot be eaten?

But during Qing Ming, food offerings made to ancestors, be it at 善堂 or the the altar at home, the food offerings can be eaten?
早就自知之明,牙尖嘴利用嘴混饭吃肯定泡汤,会得罪人的。不然就说慌哄customers, 会造口业。说慌,我讨厌! 从不想发大财,只要simple life $to cover expenses 就足够了。我想做的生意,观音67签。老师怎么看?我的office 打工,不能做到很long term,很快被年青人替代。以长远看,所以想做小生意,这个想卖的products不须太多lips. 老师别开玩笑,难道现在去做空姐吗?不行啦,老zarbo,还不会游泳,又惧高,不行. 好吧,闲着也是闲着,就去sia 转转看有没有差事。







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Tks for the reply. The posts you referred to are talking abt 婴灵 and 超度法会, not offerings during 清明。Are they the same?

(2) 我奶奶过世了很多年。听我母亲说奶奶生前很喜欢吃榴莲。在医院的时候 想吃榴莲。但因为种种原因 没卖给她吃。 后来,奶奶的病情恶化的很快。不久就走了。最终没吃到。 请问清明扫墓时能不能卖food with durian fillings 去拜拜? 如果可以的话,是在清明那天(我们通常是清明那天在家也会offer food)买来拜拜比较妥当还是扫墓时买到善堂那里?
清明节给已故亡人供其他的吧。 千层糕、豆沙饼。子孙有拜,他们知道的。不要说什么怀念、再见之类的话。

现在食物从简了,不用什么烧鸡卤鸭三层肉,水果就行了。Easy to bring, and nice to eat.

The way you wrote, looks like you are going to be busy. 家里拜、坟墓拜、善堂也拜!统一拜一次就行了。

How do i actually go to the post that u have mentioned? Sorry have not really explore how to go abt doing that! I don't see any post number whenever anybody replied or even when I reply. :oops:
Your current post is #1904. See picture below.


Note: Do not use smartphone (android/iphone) to view forum. You can't see the post number.
You must view it in a computer.

This means during 7th month, irregardless of whether the food offerings are made to ancestors or not and where the food offerings are made (temple, 善堂 or altar at home), all the food offerings cannot be eaten?
But during Qing Ming, food offerings made to ancestors, be it at 善堂 or the the altar at home, the food offerings can be eaten?
家里祭祖的可以放心食用。Mentioned before. Use search engine.

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我想做的生意,观音67签。老师怎么看?我的office 打工,不能做到很long term,很快被年青人替代。以长远看,所以想做小生意,这个想卖的products不须太多lips.
1. 已不给人解签。Looks like you did not read my past postings.
2. 说过了,目前不能做生意。

Read carefully previous post. 老师讲的是以前,可没说现在。

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