Your's Truly - Hello Kitty

BA.. u've been bzbz!!! so long never see you alr!!! how've u been???
how's pretty shayna?

have u fixed up the puzzle? i've not even started.. haha.. work's been bz bz..

Wow...reali shopping spree for u today! Np abt the hk powder lah, me juz sms Grace only mah.

The colors of the hk eye shadow nice hoh? Me so tempted to buy too. Did u buy the A&D letterpads?

BP for HK Toilet Roll Holder @ $5.00

- Cindy x 2
- Eliz x 1
- Emma x 5
- Jasmine x 1
- Karen x 2
- Lili x 1
- piggy x 1
- Hua Jing x 1
- PP x 2
- Mischa's Mummy x 1
- Bubblesangel x 1
- Hello kitty x 1
msblur, thanks. Do let me know when i need to make payment for te toilet roll holder.

i think i m very bad. Couldnt resist n even 'tricked' hb to go Vivo with me n kiddos today...
when we reached, he was like ' wonder!" LOL

I bought the beauty powder -Tahitian sand, its quite suitable for me infact , altough Pretty baby is sold out. And silly me, dunno what came over me, i got the brush n holder set too!
i m $100 poorer today...LOL. Oh n i also got the Tattoo...very cute!
here's sharing my 'expanded' HK MAC collection

and received my loots today + bought the black pouch from HF Sanrio
Wow...nice loots frm MAC! Hey u know...the black pouch u got, Isetan scotts sanrio counter hav some other sizes, and tink they mark down the prices loh. If u wan other sizes of the same series, can get frm there.
msblur, can share what is this powder u all got from Liang court? Is it the one with very nice fragrance? How much? Any idea they still hv stock or nt?
msblur.. ya.. so many colours to choose from.. but all the different shades of the same colour.. i almost bot all... heng didnt.. if not pocket another big hole.. hehe..

MM.. wow.. i have an extra tahitian sand bot from the states leh.. dinno u like the brown one... hehe... the tattoo reali cute hor.. eliz got one for each of us.. hehe... she's da best!

btw, the liang court powder think no stock liao.. i took the last pink one too.. hehe
U bot both the colors ah?? Gd men u! Hee...

Its face powder, but nt foundation those kind which actually stay on the face for long time loh. This is like baby powder and it smell very nice. Maybe u can check with Ringo Ya whether they gg to re-order again loh.
Emma, msblur wah u all making my heart ache ah!

msblur, u mean the size i bought also marked down...dunno how long this collection has been ard. maybe my eyes 'cock'...only today then i saw the collection n tot the size jus nice for my phone n some tissue paper when i go for lunch...hahaha

Emma, hiaz..didnt know u hv the Tahitian col.if i got from u then maybe wont kena the 'spell' n bought the brush set! much u selling eh? maybe my fren will be keen.

Ya Eliz super! i hv to thickskin n ask the SA for one..LOL..said my girl wanted...crap la! hahahha
the powder only Liang court have? No other places carry it?
Hmm...its other sizes loh. Those cosmetics sizes de, big to small. They hav rectangle big & small sizes too. Price ranging frm $9.90 loh.
I juz saw them last wk mah.
Tink this design has been ard since last yr. We bot the small handbag size too mah. Very useful leh, can put many tings inside too.

Yes, i like this series but its selling quite ex loh, so didnt dare to buy. Which french purse u talking abt? The clip purse? I actually got this at a reali gd price. Love it so much! Hee...
What pink powder you bought? So lucky get the last pc, keke

Nice bag!! This is the one you got it at much cheaper price?

Wow wow, you got so many loots too!! I'm going to take photo of my HK MAC cosmetic bcos I'm gonna to use it, got no money to buy extra, hehe
jas.. u're up!! hehe.. how was the wedding dinner last night???
did u manage to catch up with lili? the pink powder lohz.. the one lili got.. but the pink version..
suddenly so much kt cosmetics... haha
Last nite dinner so so only, my heart is with you all, haha
That powder is for face & body powder, rite? I should make a trip soon before all HK cosmetic gone
Hi ladies!

Yes, this is the one. Nice nice....

Yeah...luckily managed to find another pc.

Ok noted ur orders. Can u pm me ur contact?
sure like it lor..Eliz you know what to do when you in TW hor..keke

I need help..anybody know where to develop photos <= $0.20?
Tks for collecting the powder for me. Why u did not tell me u went to UCB to buy thing i can ask my hubby to give u discount. But he is not working yesterday also can ask the staff to give u discunt.

I have done some transfer to ur account pls check. Tks
Your M.A.C. loots swee swee! I also always "bluff" hubby go somewhere just becoz there got HK!

Brought Megan to Marina Barrage today.. Nice lor.. Alot space where she can run all she want.
She love playing in the water too.


You must be smelling good good with the HK powder..

Thanks for the HK Tee.. You always buying things for Megan.. Paiseh ley.

Nice de lor.. I will keep a lookout for it!!

Of coz will count u in. Hahaha..
where is Marina Barrage? Its a kid's plc? If nice, i can bring my gals there one day too.

Ah abt the HK tee lah. I saw the S size so cute mah, so the 1st person who came to my mind is Megan. Hee...
cindy.. hehe.. nvm lahz.. u said he juz came back the night before only mah... so i figured out he wont be working that day also.. keke...
Yaya!! More kids more fun... Adults who are like kids welcome to join too. Lol.

<font color="ff6000">Picnic @ Marina Barrage 14th March</font>
Eliz, Mrd &amp; Megan
Emma, Mrkt &amp; Enzo &amp; Alonzo
Hi ladies,
Thanks for the support! Will collect stocks, ask for payment &amp; arrange collection soon. ;)


BP for HK Toilet Roll Holder @ $5.00

- Cindy x 2
- Eliz x 1
- Emma x 5
- Jasmine x 1
- Karen x 2
- Lili x 1
- piggy x 1
- Hua Jing x 1
- PP x 2
- Mischa's Mummy x 1
- Bubblesangel x 1
- Hello kitty x 1
- skKitty x 2

Total: 21 pcs
sorry yesterday I had diarrhoea and vomiting the whole still running for loo. Feeling so weak now.
here's pic of the rice maker
Are you better now??? You sounded bad..

Nice rice cooker.. Really works mah?? If so, i shd get one since during wkdays, i cooking for myself only.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Ladies, FYI:

TRENDY HUB ("TH") will be having 30% off all Authentic Sanrio Merchandises and also 50%-70% off all other Gereral Merchandises.

Sales starts from 14 March 2009 to 21 March 2009.

Note: CASH SALES only.</font></font>
nikita.. my msn the '?' is hk one leh.. can msg me if u want..

piggy.. hope u're feeling better now.. wanna start work liao.. muz be fit fit healthy healthy...
thanks for yr all starting to feel better but still very weak.
can i know wat time TH close?
wow like alot of sales going on from 14mar.all the "sale" news make me feel great.haha
Msblur / Eliz
I just bought it few week ago, not yet use it.maybe will tell you if i start to use it.
i want these two SKS/SUGARBUNNIE BATH TOWEL ea.thanks
You get the job? KK got new stocks again, you going?

sharing a bedsheet photo with you, I find it very nice yo ~~~
still waiting for their confirmation.Abit sad that last sat i went second interview,the account manager said she will ask the HR to prepare the letter of appt and call me on monday(today).But they never call.nvmind continue look around again.I dont think i got strenght to go KK tomoro as i still LS.Btw do you know wat new stff they have?
wow the bedsheet nice nice lor,why our spore cant like taiwan and hongkong, always have nice nice HK stuff?
