Young Mummy

i also bathe... my mum bought those herbs from chinese medical.... but can only bathe with very very hot water... u all so gd.. can breast feed... my son don even wan to drink my milk... so (-_-lll)

wow karen, 9 months of BFing, salute ur perserverance. i plan to bf for another month otherwise it's gonna be a lil tough.

ladychua, my mom did the same thing, and i didnt really enjoy bathing in super hot water with weird smell.
ya the smell is damm werid but nvm... so u bought ur baby to go for a walk le ma?

my confinement more pro.... i actually went shopping after 2 weeks of staying @ home... especially when i need to go ICA to do my son's birth cert.....
i love the hot bath.. hehe.. though not the smell.. hahaha.. wah u ladies steady leh.. still go out walk walk.. the most i went was to bring baby c pd for his checkup..

how is your BB?are you BF?is right Bf can help lose weight,I did Bf for 5mth ,now I have stop and give my boy Fm and he is ok with it,
hi cel,

yups... so u gonna buy pink clothings? i told my mum i want to use back my boy's clothings but she say, for girl, gotta buy some pink clothings ma...

u re-using the bottles or buy new set huh?

hmm... at least my bosses and colleagues are understanding enough lor... can even spare a room for me to pump... otherwise i would have to do it in the toilet le.. plus the mini fridge in my office is just placed beside my seat :p

hi Vinconia,

thanks... a lot of determination indeed.. especially that i went back to work after 2mths :|

i also dun like the herbs smell... thanks to my colleague who gave me a bottle of body wash (dunno where she get it from) that she say can use during confinement... and it smells great so use it for bathing and washing hair...

anyway, can buy from , their confinement body wash, heard quite good...

or use the No-rinse body wash or shampoo if really being disallowed to bathe...
i got to bring my boy to polyclinic twice and back to KKH for review (due to heart murmur)... and went to see my GP for piles (guess too heaty)...

plus the 3rd week of confinement, i develop high fever 39.6... cos it's 3rd day of CNY, got to go to SGH A&E... doc say it's urinary tract infection (cos c-section, they put the cathedra n i got infection from it)...

had to take anti-biotics... so stopped breastfeeding for 1 week.. supply drop from 120ml to 40ml per breast... but kept pumping and throw in order to maintain the supply...

but thank goodness, my boy still manage to latch on after that... otherwise i wouldn't have lasted till 9mths le.

but i must salute to my neighbour who breastfeed her twins (2 girls) till now 15mths le... and it's total breastfeeding... really superb..
hi mommies, quite confused bout baby vaccinations. where did u bring ur babies for jabs? wad's the diff in 5 in 1 and 6 in 1 jabs?
okie, for 5-in-1, for the first month got to take Hep B jab then follow by 3jabs and a Hep B booster at 5mth month.

For 6-in-1, i remembered reading another thread that the lady said, taken at 2,4, 6mths... only 3 jabs.

The diff is in the price and also the number of jabs that ur child has to go thru.

Polyclinic has 6-in-1. Think it's $320 for all the 3jabs without consultation.

For KKh, it's $430 for 6-in-1 without consultation..

got the above info from a fren who just checked with KKH and Yishun Polyclinic 2days ago.

Think for polyclinic, u got to pay 1 shot.

For me, i brought my boy to polyclnic for his first Hep B jab then subsequently to GP cos pay per jab. Plus the waiting time is shorter and nearer my place... most importantly is away from the sick ppl in polyclinic.
hi all young mummies, am new here and was so interested in this thread as im almost the same age as u gerls are. 1985. bt my bb can only see the world in Aug 07. this is my 1st pregnancy. hoping to get some tips from you gerls. cheers !
ps : 8 Feb gng for my 3rd month scan. =D
thanks karen. these jabs really confusing!

hi xueni, grats with the baby
Wendy, my son is 14mths now.. no longer bfing.. only manage to bf for 3mths.. hahaha.. but still.. i manage to get bak my pre preggie weight w/o much effort.. kekeke..

mayb buying a few sets bah.. but i got quite a number of hand me downs.. so still not so bad..

As for bottles.. i got some new sets tat i din use previously... so tis time gonna use tat lor.. some bottles i will re-use as well..

i got no room for bfing leh.. haf to use the executive toilet lor.. bo bian.. but we do haf a huge fridge lah.. so i can store my bm inside.. kekeke..

Welcom Xue! congrats wif ur baby.. take gd care of urself during ur pregnancy.. scanning will b lots of joy to look at ur bb..
good morning mummies

celtricia,so good leah you manage to get back your pre preggie weight,I am envy you
I am still not able to lose weight ,my pre preggie weight was 49kg,right now I am still 54kg,so fat hor,sigh
wendy.. i tink its genetic lah.. so no nid to envy.. i din put on during my pregnancy as most of the weight went to my son.. hee.. so i guess it was pretty much easy for me to get bak to my pre preggie weight
yeah lor,during pregnancy I also put on weight until 70kg,during Bf i lost 15kg ,my tummy still bit flab,not easy for me to get back my figure
wendy.. dun worry.. try harder.. u will lose it eventually.. n when ur kiddo gets older.. u nid to chase ur boy ard.. tat's when u will lose a lot of weight..
afternoon mommies!

wendy, u're not alone. i put on about 16-17 kgs during pregnancy and lost only half of the weight. crossing my fingers hard to lose another 5-6kgs at least, cos my appetite is big
hi mummies, some qns.

1. is it true tt i shld avoid those 'liang' food or drinks? or even cold drinks?

2. i hv no appetite for those plain food. lik spicy food. bt heard not gd for bb?

3. which food shld i take tt is best for the baby?

4. any mummies had lessen their sexual drive when u are in prgcy stage? im one of them!

thanks mummies for the warm welcome.

Hi xue,

1. Try to avoid those liang food like watermelon n pineapple n the qing cao drink.. as for cold drinks i still haf time.. but not frequently.

2. Its ok to take spicy food at moderate consumption.. Juz dun haf them for every meal lor. n c if ur mum or ur MIL can help brew si shen for u to increase u appetite.

3. there is no best food for baby. juz try to take food tat r fresh, less MSGs or none at all. Best if u take home cooked food. n more fruits n veg n fishes.

4. yes.. for both my pregnancy, my sexual drive drops i dun really enjoy them due to the discomforts. so no worries..
hi xueni,

1/2. everything in moderation
try not to take stuffs heavy in caffeine/raw food.

3. agree with cel that there's no best food, and take home cooked food. also dun forget to take those vitamins, calcium, folic etc which gynae has given.

4. the opposite is true for me

hope it helps!
thx celtricia & vinconia ! another thing is im only in my 3rd mth. and my waistline expand from 25 - 27 ! im those petite gerls. heard from many ppl and even mummies themselves says tt usually small size ladies wont show til their 4th or 5th month. this really scares me tho.
if its really my tummy and not the bb, cant imagine after birth !!
hi xueni, if u're underweight pre-preggie chances r that u'll put on more than avg preggies. my waistline expanded from 24 to 32 at 39 weeks, been 1 month + after delivery but it's still not resumed.
Xue Ni,

1)i was told not to take watermelon, pineapple, kang kong, bai cai, cucumber, qing cai (glass jelly) etc all these cooling stuffs... but got an indian colleague who told me she took pineapple during her pregnancy without any problems and her kids are already in sec school le... so i feel depends on individual's body condition.

Generally, chinese feel that it's better to avoid all these as precaution.

I still take cold drinks occasionally... last pregnancy i drank a lot of cold ribena cos i feel hot almost everyday :p

2)For my 1st pregnancy, I'm also having the same problem as u... no appetite for bland foods... i was vomiting all the way till 6mths. All the food that i used to like like garlic fried veggies, even normal veggies, fish all can't take.. cos of the taste and smell..

told my doc, only like to eat nasi lemak, laksa, curry veggies... and normally, i will not take them one...

so it's hormonal changes that cause the change in taste bud.

got a colleague told me, that she like chilli a lot but during pregnancy, she only take bao...

3)Best food - Balanced Diet ! u need all the necessary nutrition to build up ur child's body system.. first trimester got to take folic acid to prevent spinal defect... then 2nd trimester, take more protein and fish oil to build to muscles and brain.

last trimester, especially last month, no need to take tonic le... got to tao liang by taking coconut drink once a week before u give birth.

4) yes, sex drives go down cos hormonal changes ma... the vagina area more dry so won't enjoy...

according to, can still have sex... can try to use some KY jelly to overcome the dryness...

but sometimes, u're just too tired le... would rather sleep :p

Putting on weight is a healthy sign that ur body is preparing itself for motherhood and also that ur baby is growing.

from 26-27inch... I'm now at 32inch le and 6mths preggy now.
thanks mummies for your info. tml's my 3rd month scan. feels so excited!

But there's one incident that make me feels upset about KKH. During my 2nd month scan,there's this doctor, most properbly, from China (from the slang she spoke) was kinda rude to my mum. mummies should know tt the scan can see a faint heartbeat of the bb. and my mum is standing a meter away from the monitor and was so anxious to see it. my mum has poor eye sight and there's no way for her to walk and move closer to look. she was asking the dr whre is it? in kinda anxious tone. she was impatient and said in chinese, "its here. its here." mum ask again and she reply in a fustrating tone," aiyo! cant you see tt! here, here, its's here!" and was rushing through the whole scanning process. Feels kinda sad tho.. hope tml's scanning wont be her again.. >.<
xue, personally i feel that kkh is incapable of providing gd services. too fast and pretty rude at times. to them, they do these everyday so they get tired of it and just wanna rush it through, but for us, it's totally different. is ur gynae at kkh?
yar.. today gng for appointment. hope the same situation wont happen again. hv been waiting so long for this scan.. =) only the doctor doing the scanning is rude. bt for the consulting doctor, he is patient and willingly to answer your ans one by one. so still ok lar.. haha
xue.. tat's the prob wif my govt hospital.. bobian lor.. if u haf really low budget den sometimes u haf to c ur luck to manage to get a gd doc to do scanning lor.. all the best to ur appt today.. enjoy it hor..
kekee.. =D went for scanning today. blood test good. bb can see head and body le. tho kinda blur. =x

today scaning doctor quite ok. but oso from china. mayb? bt did show abit bit of impatient tho. haha.. bt still ok.

nw waiting for end nxt mth to do the detail scanning. each mth is so exciting for me ! =D

Cheers mummies & MTBs !!!
Hi Xue,

not all the scanning docs are that bad la... just that u happen to meet one who has PMS :p kidding la...

so far, i've not met any yet... my first one also delivered in KKH and though i stayed in B2+ (but can't choose ur preferred gynae. if u want to choose back ur gynae, need to take B1) due to budget, I find that their service is still good... (or maybe my expectations lower ba)

cos i work for government so got subsidy if i go KKH plus B@+, no need upfront cash and i even got rebate after my delivery...

but last year, my gynae halfway go give birth also, got to change to another female doc ( i prefer female one).. and when i was about to deliver, my 2nd gynae also preggy... ha

anyway, being first time mum, u can go sign for antenatal class ($160 for 10 classes i think)and get ur hubby to go with u... learn more abt how to take care of urself during pregnancy, how to take care of baby, different stages of labour, nutrition during pregnancy... got physiotherapist to teach ur hubby how to massage for u also!

sorry, may i ask, which gynae and at which clinic are u seeing ur doc? how much u paying?

my sister's case also due to budget, got referred by polyclinc and got to see different doctors on every visit.
hi karen, im visting KKH. Dr name Law Wei Seng. mm.. yest fee is around $80 w/o medi. include scanning, urine test and consult. stil okie lar. my 1st month i go Gleans private. ex sia.. so chnage to KKH. lol
Hi all i am new in this thread. I would like to get to noe new young mummies frds and share our experiences.. I m 23 n has a 9 mth old baby.. sometimes i felt that I lost alot of my freedom n miss my carefree days terribly.. Does anyone feel the same?
hey mummies.... have u heard b4 this... i always heard frm the older generation that don put ur child into childcare unless he turns 2 yrs... cuz he will fall sick easily at the start... is it true?
Hi all young mummies out there,

Im new here,Can i join?
Im a 1986 mummy jus turned 21 last month.
Have 2 boys 32 months(2004 baby) n 19 months(2005 baby).Hope to get to noe more young mummies out there!

LadyChua:Regarding the issue, actually kids will fall sick easily being sent to the childcare, but it also depends on the child's immune system oso. Cos the environment is more "complicated" as many children r placed together unlike in ur own house, where only 1 or a few kids around. Actualli im sending my elder 1 to the childcare soon, am afraid that he'll fall sick too, but im gonna give him vitamins syrup, jus to boost his immune system cos he fall sicks easily when he was young. I've tried one tt's the "Seven Seas"(Brand Name), bought from pharmecy. That time after taking this, he doesn't get to fall sick easily.

Sorry about the long-windedness =p
hi chelsia, we are the same age.. but i turning 21 this aug haha working?? cuz both me and hubby working... den the nannies we had are quite not able to commit de... each one look less than 3 mths... so we wanted to put in childcare for security
Hi Ladychua,
Im not working since the birth of my elder boy. So all along, im looking after my boys by myself. Trying to settle both of them in the childcare by this yr den can go out n work. Cos am kinda tired liao, cos both of them r getting more active nowadays. Where u staying? So how old how is ur baby/babies? Boy/Girl? ^^,
me ar... not as gd life as u haha haha but i rather stay home to look after my boy... but got so many setbacks looking for nannies... my boy is 13 months and he already changed 4 nannies... haiz.... cant really find a settled down one... hope this one can last longer .... my boy is too hyper active... a lot of nannies quite cannot handle him... but sad thing i need to go work...
mine is a baby boy...
hello every young and pretty mummy,

I also a young mum turning 23 this year with a 8 month old son, i do agree we lost our freedom..sad sad

But its worth it when we spend our precious time with our child, his smile makes my day..

Stay happy all mums..
Hi mummies, looking at the recent new mummies that join in, felt that I'm a old mummy already. But I still consider myself as a young mummy.Hee hee. Am 27 and my boy is coming to 11mths soon. Hope that I'm welcome.
With the busy work schedule and our little darlings, felt that we have lost all time and freedom. So have to find ways to relax and chit chat when free. This is a good forum for us to share things

Are most mummies here working or is a tai tai
hi mummies
me oso another 27 mummy whos think she is young lah n not onli tt me is a mummy of 4 hehe... born in 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2007.... me not gd life as well also hv to wk but lucky got mum to look after my 2 younger ones n the 2 older ones already in childcare
Wah Sheris, very good man. How do you cope with 4... Me one already dun know how. But it is really fortunate to have your mother lookig after your children when working. At least no need to worry about them
Hi all young mummies here!

Why did this thread end? Hope it can continue...

I'm turning 24 this year, just gave birth to a 2 month old baby. None of my frens are even married! And those I know with babies are all much older... so hope to know more young mummies here!
