Year 2016 IVF Mummy To-Be

When is your worst morning sickness? When will it end?

On week 7-9, my MS only occurred at night after dinner but I didn't throw up. Now it's getting earlier... As early as once I reach office in the morning and it lasted the whole day. It feels like I went many rounds of roller coaster ride. When is this feeling going to stop?

Actually mine got better towards the end of first trimester and then it gets worst. But after that it disappears.

Just to check with you ladies, what's your sleeping position ? I was told left side is the best as nearer to the heart or something. I'm still lying flat on my back but I feel very weird stretch at my tummy area. I don't know how to describe but not sure if lying on back is ok or not as i will feel muscle strain if I sleep on 1 side only...

Left side is the best. Did you get a pregnancy pillow? So far I've been using mine and it helps. I will sleep on my back also but I'll put the right side of my pregnancy pillow under me so I'm leaning twds the left. Also, when you switch sides, do it slowly.
I toward the end of 1st tri. MS came down. Now is friend with headache. Can happen so frequently. Almost every night still wake up to pee. When can I sleep thru?

I think sleeping thru the whole night during pregnancy is a myth! Lol. I think I've had only about 2 weeks of sleeping through the night before it starts again. Now I wake up at least twice. And I have difficulty sleeping back. I think my son seems to realize whenever I'm awake and he'll start playing ie. kicking and punching even at 3.30am in the morning. A few weeks back, I'll just pat my stomach and he'll calm down or stop. But now, it seems that whenever I pat, he will kick/punch more like as though playing with me. I can't help but think it's cute though. *faints* I think to catch up on sleep, we have to take naps during the day or sleep earlier.
I toward the end of 1st tri. MS came down. Now is friend with headache. Can happen so frequently. Almost every night still wake up to pee. When can I sleep thru?
Cos the baby is pressing on your bladder, that's why you need to wake up to pee :p

Good Q, perhaps when your kid turns 1 year old, perhaps can sleep through? :p
Woo, this article is so powerful - literally hit the nerves and the tear ducts. Dedicated to the strong mommies-to-be here!

Right now, with two energetic young sons, our life is one noisy, happy mess. But it wasn’t always this way.

There was a time when, instead of childish laughter, school runs and bear hugs given by small arms, our life was filled with doctors’ appointments, hormone injections and invasive procedures.

Instead of the joy and love our kids bring us, we experienced fleeting hope that always ended with sadness and disappointment.

I suffered more emotionally than I did physically. There are no words to describe the hope you feel when you see your baby as a blastocyst being inserted in you, and the agony of realising he didn’t want to stay with you when you get your period.

No words.

Now things are different and our lives are intrinsically entwined with those of our children. But back then, our lives were ruled by my infertility.

And I couldn’t bring myself to share my experience with anyone other than my husband, until I saw you. I want to tell you, I understand and I know what you are going through, how you feel.

To the woman at the supermarket who looks longingly at my kids with a wistful smile

I know you’re wondering if you will ever have a child of your own to hold and cherish, if you will ever see your own eyes looking back at you filled with love.

You’ve been trying for so long now and I know that you’re starting to wonder if something is wrong with you, if you will ever see those two blue lines on a pregnancy test.

And even though I can’t see your face as you slowly walk back to your car, I know that you have tears in your eyes.

I understand that sadness in your heart that I wish with all my heart will turn to joy one day soon.

To the woman who has needle marks or laparoscopy scars on her stomach – I understand and remember.

Because I too have felt the pain of those needles piercing my skin, month after month, knowing that my body was being flooded with artificial hormones, but happy to go through it all with the hope of meeting the little one I never knew.

I too have had doctors probe around my insides, trying to find what was ‘wrong’ with me. I still carry the three scars of my laparoscopy, and I carry these proudly because they are signs of my fight against infertility.

I want to tell you – it will all be worth it some day.

To the woman shrinking in a corner in the clinic, surrounded by new mums with their newborns

I know you came here full of excitement – you were going to see and hear your baby’s heartbeat for the first time! But the screen was blank. There was no flickering dot of a heart. There was only an empty sac.

You will bleed for the next few weeks from your body and your heart. I am so sorry for your loss because I understand. I remember.

To the woman leaving the fertility clinic with hope in her eyes

You might have just had your eggs retrieved, an embryo transfer done or a successful laparoscopy done to remove that endometriosis-induced growth on your ovaries. Whatever it is, at this moment you feel a hope that is indescribable. I remember.

Your hope is so strong that it is tangible and I know that today, you will go home and dare to dream of little feet running through your house and little fingers entwined in your hair as you bend down to kiss the tip of a tiny nose.

I want to tell you – keep that hope with you always because it is what will get you through life, for a long time to come.

And to the woman leaving the fertility clinic with sadness and despair in her eyes

I cry with you, my friend. You have probably gone through many cycles of unsuccessful fertility treatments and your doctor has just told you to consider other options.

I know that today is one of the darkest days in your life and you will go home and cry a river of tears. I remember.

But can I tell you something? As someone whose doctor looked at me and my husband one day with sadness in her own eyes, and said “consider taking a break or looking at other options” – don’t give up hope. We didn’t.

The drive to be a mum is fuelled by the strongest emotion that a human can experience, which is love. So remember: your love will succeed, some day, in some way.
Hello Gals,
Just wanted to update that i have delivered on 11 Jan and WWII has began at home.

To mummies who are (still) experiencing MS, Jiayou! This phase will pass soon and you will soon be holding your bundle of joy in your arms.

Any mummies here experience pain the breast? Next mon is my BT. Duno shld i try taking preg test at home first anot hehe. I experience breast pain these few days. Wonder is it normal or my boy keep crushing on mi until pain
Any mummies here experience pain the breast? Next mon is my BT. Duno shld i try taking preg test at home first anot hehe. I experience breast pain these few days. Wonder is it normal or my boy keep crushing on mi until pain
How many dpt? If it's day 14 can take HPT should be accurate.
Hi all, ms is really an uncomfortable experience. I am into my 13th week of pregnancy and feeling less nauseous, but evenings I will still get some ms & appetite is not too good. Earlier, I was averse to cooking smell & scent from shower gel, facial products, laundry/soap detergent. My ms gets worse in the evenings and sometimes last till I go to sleep. When my ms started, couldn't take eggs, milk, soup and many other food I used to like. Can only have food which are dried like bread, rice with no sauce etc. I been getting up early like 5.30am, couldn't sleep more. I can finally resume on drinking fresh milk, the pregnant milk powder too sweet for me.
Last time I puke when i drink the milk powder end up i drink my fresh milk. Still better for mi. The milk powder i touch 1 time then pass to my frien le. Cant stand the smell so yucky
Any ladies intend to employ foreign helper after giving birth. Do have a reliable agent to recommend. Thanks.
Mummies is watson brand preg kit reliable? My frien say not accurate. I just tested show negative. But my last round i used watson brand to test also n is positive. Shld i get the clear blue to test again on sun?
Mummies is watson brand preg kit reliable? My frien say not accurate. I just tested show negative. But my last round i used watson brand to test also n is positive. Shld i get the clear blue to test again on sun?
I think the watsons brand preg kit is reliable. if you want to ascertain the result, then get the clearblue test.
Hi mummies here, I went for the scan on Tuesday w Dr Loh, found 2 sacs & saw 2 flickering heartbeats :)

But I can't help worrying over every little incident, for one, I don't have MS, just nausea & I can't take e smell of pork & fish...

Take each step at a time. Dr Loh told me must rest more. First tri is ok not to gain weight cos baby do not need to rely on nutrient so don't worry if U are not eating enough.
Hi mummies here, I went for the scan on Tuesday w Dr Loh, found 2 sacs & saw 2 flickering heartbeats :)

But I can't help worrying over every little incident, for one, I don't have MS, just nausea & I can't take e smell of pork & fish...
Congrats, Claire! I don't have MS too but the sense of smell is pretty heightened in 1st tri and more tired. Once reach 2nd tri, will feel much better.
I advise you to start looking for CL if you need. PEM does not have availability for twins CL in June & July when I enquire and several private CLs either booked or rejected me having to look after twins, despite I said I will have a helper. Till now I cannot find a CL yet, has a backup but not first choice. Waiting for news from one more recommendation before I confirm the backup.
Congrats, Claire! I don't have MS too but the sense of smell is pretty heightened in 1st tri and more tired. Once reach 2nd tri, will feel much better.
I advise you to start looking for CL if you need. PEM does not have availability for twins CL in June & July when I enquire and several private CLs either booked or rejected me having to look after twins, despite I said I will have a helper. Till now I cannot find a CL yet, has a backup but not first choice. Waiting for news from one more recommendation before I confirm the backup.

So having no MS is normal? This is the kinda silly worries that get into me... I'm still waiting for my mum's confirmation of she wants to help me...
Hi 2016 mommies.

I need some sharing experiences from all of u willing to share. I will going for my IVF counseling end month, care to share me on their cost fees?
Im really quite scared to go this IVF as I've read some unsuccessful stories. Im sorry about that thus the hopes do bring me down.
Care to tell me more on the experiences from KK IVF? Are we able to choose the doctors..? If yes which doctors should we choose for through out.
Currently my appointments are with DR Sheila Loh.
Really need some advices from the mommies here... :'(
Hi 2016 mommies.

I need some sharing experiences from all of u willing to share. I will going for my IVF counseling end month, care to share me on their cost fees?
Im really quite scared to go this IVF as I've read some unsuccessful stories. Im sorry about that thus the hopes do bring me down.
Care to tell me more on the experiences from KK IVF? Are we able to choose the doctors..? If yes which doctors should we choose for through out.
Currently my appointments are with DR Sheila Loh.
Really need some advices from the mommies here... :'(

Not to discourage you but ivf is a journey that you have to be mentally strong. There are some girls who succeed in first try but there are many others like myself who only made it after few tries. Yes it is heartbreaking after failing cycle and I can tell U my confidence drop to rock bottom after failing many times. Despite that I am not willing to give up. Sadly not many have the financial or mental strength to go on.

Ivf jabs n scan are not scary at all. It's a piece of cake compare to getting the results. I did once in kkivf and yes you can select dr if you are under private rate. For subsidies patient a dr will be assign to you. You will only see your main dr for first consultation, embryo retrieval and transfer. All the other scan are done by review dr. Nurses told me kkivf work as a team which is why the procedure may be diff from other hospital. Cost of ivf can use grant and medisave so the cash outlay is low. Estimate around 12k.

Dr sheila Loh used to be kkivf head and now visiting consultant. She is doing ivf in raffles hospital and quite reputable so you should be good hands. Remind yourself that you have done your best and the rest leave it to dr and the one up there. All the best girl.
Hi 2016 mommies.

I need some sharing experiences from all of u willing to share. I will going for my IVF counseling end month, care to share me on their cost fees?
Im really quite scared to go this IVF as I've read some unsuccessful stories. Im sorry about that thus the hopes do bring me down.
Care to tell me more on the experiences from KK IVF? Are we able to choose the doctors..? If yes which doctors should we choose for through out.
Currently my appointments are with DR Sheila Loh.
Really need some advices from the mommies here... :'(
You may want to get additional advice from the ladies in IVF/ICSI Support Group found in Matters of the Heart.
Hi ladies, anywhere to get good & affordable pregnancy pillow? Tend to sleep on my side and the backache seems to be knocking on my door quite often these days...
So having no MS is normal? This is the kinda silly worries that get into me... I'm still waiting for my mum's confirmation of she wants to help me...
Hi I dun have morning sickness for both pregnancy....except feeling more tired n the puking feeling when brushing my teeth
Hi ladies, anywhere to get good & affordable pregnancy pillow? Tend to sleep on my side and the backache seems to be knocking on my door quite often these days...

I got mine from qoo10. I bought the one with quite a lot of reviews. So far being using it since first trimester.
Hi 2016 mommies.

I need some sharing experiences from all of u willing to share. I will going for my IVF counseling end month, care to share me on their cost fees?
Im really quite scared to go this IVF as I've read some unsuccessful stories. Im sorry about that thus the hopes do bring me down.
Care to tell me more on the experiences from KK IVF? Are we able to choose the doctors..? If yes which doctors should we choose for through out.
Currently my appointments are with DR Sheila Loh.
Really need some advices from the mommies here... :'(

Dr Sheila Loh is v good! I did my ivf under her but at RH so if you are not paying RH rate + get the subsidy even though you are under her, then you are lucky. :) She's currently the director of Raffles Fertility Centre.
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Hi Spinsterella. Is it the Uterus Body Pillow from Korea. I saw this only one with over 200 reviews. Did you get the C type or U type?

I bought the maternity/nursing pillow from seller MISS-L.SG. The brand is Today's Mom. But seems it's sold out for now - maybe can email her and ask if she's bringing in stock. It's the U-type which I find is good cos if you turn to the sides, it's like you have a bolster. If you want to lie on your back, the you can put the right side of the pillow under you so you are still leaning to the left.
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I bought the maternity/nursing pillow from seller MISS-L.SG. The brand is Today's Mom. But seems it's sold out for now - maybe can email her and ask if she's bringing in stock. It's the U-type which I find is good cos if you turn to the sides, it's like you have a bolster. If you want to lie on your back, the you can put the right side of the pillow under you so you are still leaning to the left.
How is the comfort level of the pillow? Is it warm? Looks huge though!
Dr Sheila Loh is v good! I did my ivf under her but at RH so if you are not paying RH rate + get the subsidy even though you are under her, then you are lucky. :) She's currently the director of Raffles Fertility Centre.

Thank u dear for the advise.. Pheww.. Mayb im lucky.. Hopefully it works on me.. So wats should we prepare bfore for the ivf??
I am at week 7! MS started as early as from 2 weeks back. The feeling just feels so sucky! I think it's more of the smell. Just cannot stand any smell!

Me too!! Cigarette smoke, Perfume and cooking smell especially... I will get flu once I smell cigarette!
Just had my blood test, n result is negative haiz... Maybe hope too high le coz I got no spotting symptoms just like my first round but yet haiz...
Hahaha, I am eating more junk than ever. It seems like besides the frequent lack of appetite, when the cravings come, the little one seems to favour junk food like McDonald's, KFC and whats not, than the usual regular rice, veggie and meat. I cannot seem to visualise myself eating very proper and healthy meals (take the fish away from me!)

Seems challenging to consume veggies for dinner too :( Oh yes, lotsa of sweet drinks pls!
Hahaha, I am eating more junk than ever. It seems like besides the frequent lack of appetite, when the cravings come, the little one seems to favour junk food like McDonald's, KFC and whats not, than the usual regular rice, veggie and meat. I cannot seem to visualise myself eating very proper and healthy meals (take the fish away from me!)

Seems challenging to consume veggies for dinner too :( Oh yes, lotsa of sweet drinks pls!
Yours favour sweets arh... Mine savoury & salty stuff. No fishy stuff for me too. Current craze craving is pasta! Also love Mac's Sausage McMuffin :p
Yours favour sweets arh... Mine savoury & salty stuff. No fishy stuff for me too. Current craze craving is pasta! Also love Mac's Sausage McMuffin :p

I used to love Mac's SME too, BUT the sausage portion freaks me out, so going for Egg McMuffin lo.

Ya, I seem to favour sweet stuff hor...

One of the stuff which i believes is, if you are carrying high, means you are having a princess, if you have carrying low, means a prince.
Hahaha, I am eating more junk than ever. It seems like besides the frequent lack of appetite, when the cravings come, the little one seems to favour junk food like McDonald's, KFC and whats not, than the usual regular rice, veggie and meat. I cannot seem to visualise myself eating very proper and healthy meals (take the fish away from me!)

Seems challenging to consume veggies for dinner too :( Oh yes, lotsa of sweet drinks pls!

Wah you can eat meat... I just literally hate meat when I see the whole piece of it. Just eat what u can for now cos the cravings may change.

I started off hating chocolates and cakes, follow by meat later on... Now I can accept chocolate milk or milo but not pure choc or spongy cakes...
Wah you can eat meat... I just literally hate meat when I see the whole piece of it. Just eat what u can for now cos the cravings may change.

I started off hating chocolates and cakes, follow by meat later on... Now I can accept chocolate milk or milo but not pure choc or spongy cakes...
I can only eat abit niahs, cannot eat the whole chunk lor...ya, cravings change all the time and again, my stupid hubs think it's all in my mind.

I feel so sick of soya bean milk and maybe milo :p now it's about honey water, canned drinks (hello diabetes)

CNY is coming very soon.. Those still in our first trimester and cannot announce the good news yet, any tips on what to say when relatives ask about when you are going to have a baby? :rolleyes:

Just hope the tummy is not that obvious and no vomiting or ms by then!

No manicure and hair dye this CNY. Any other things we should not do or eat?;)
