Year 2016 IVF Mummy To-Be

But of course if all is well, i'd very much prefer a private hospital single room so my hubby can stay with me.

Ya, I've been to KKH Ward 82 single room and really, it's like staying in a hotel room with soft lights and there's even a lounge chair for the hubby to rest.

2-bedder onwards, I assume the hubby cannot stay throughout the night.

Ya, I've been to KKH Ward 82 single room and really, it's like staying in a hotel room with soft lights and there's even a lounge chair for the hubby to rest.

2-bedder onwards, I assume the hubby cannot stay throughout the night.
Kkh only got single bedded then 4 bedder...

No 2 bedder available
I feel so depressed seeing the reflection staring back at me! Unkempt hair and possibly grey strands are popping anytime soon, spots on the face, pale-looking.

OMG, CNY coming soon! I think the cannot-dye-hair is the worst. Grey hair makes one looks uber old.
Hey Towkayneo. Is it really really cannot do hair root touch up? Think my age, almost whole head grey le. My greys coming out leh and thinking if can do slight touch up just before CNY if not how to 见人? Thinking letting my hair dresser know so they do minimal with as gentle or as safe as possible products. I've been googling about it and seems still alright. If really cannot, then I will have to find excuse just coop up at home.
Hey Towkayneo. Is it really really cannot do hair root touch up? Think my age, almost whole head grey le. My greys coming out leh and thinking if can do slight touch up just before CNY if not how to 见人? Thinking letting my hair dresser know so they do minimal with as gentle or as safe as possible products. I've been googling about it and seems still alright. If really cannot, then I will have to find excuse just coop up at home.
Hey Dawn, some said can, some said cannot. but if you really must do, wait till at least your 1st trimester is over.

Though the chemicals from the dye is negligible, it may also be due to ammonia fumes that is bad for inhalation. As much as I was so tempted to color my hair the other time, I held it back for fear that it may cause issues for the bub.

Actually you won't know how safe or how gentle the products are. Some hairdressers may not know too.
Hey Towkayneo. Is it really really cannot do hair root touch up? Think my age, almost whole head grey le. My greys coming out leh and thinking if can do slight touch up just before CNY if not how to 见人? Thinking letting my hair dresser know so they do minimal with as gentle or as safe as possible products. I've been googling about it and seems still alright. If really cannot, then I will have to find excuse just coop up at home.

Can do but after first tri. Better if U can find those amonia free hair colour. Or those organic kind. If not maybe consider henna.
Hi all ivf mummies, who's having twins?

We just had our scan and saw the two babies' heartbeats...its kinda nerve-wrecking actually...

Now all sort of scary thoughts are running through our minds...dealing with two babies at the same time, breastfeeding, etc...

Anyway, i know there's a brief discussion regarding this earlier. Am just wondering whether anyone has actually gone through it or know anyone who went through this - we are more comfortable with our private gynae than the drs at kkh so we were wondering whether if we kept to our appts with our private gynae, and should something happen *choy* like preterm labour or something, we can just head to kkh and request to be admitted & deliver at the b2 or c ward right?

If all goes well and i can carry the babies to full term, i'd definitely want to stay with my private gynae as im more comfortable with her care (i feel like she cares alot more abt my pregnancy than the personnel at kkh)

But if the babies come out too early, we know that they have to be admitted at NICU which we know that KKH has the best resources and cost wise, its definitely much cheaper than private hospitals. I dont mind being admitted in b2 or c ward if my babies need to be in nicu cos care for them is more important than my own comfort.

But of course if all is well, i'd very much prefer a private hospital single room so my hubby can stay with me.

I am having twins and same as you I am terrified of complications and preterm labour. However few of my twins frens carry bb to full term without any issue. I guess we just have to stay positive and take each step at a time.
Dr Loh told me worried also no use just leave it to him to manage. Super nice right and so logical. Haha.
Ya cost will be times two for everything but a fren told me sooner or later you will want another kid for your sibling and the cost will add up for two too. So instead of one by one we pop two at one go. Same cost if U think of it this way.
As for breastfeeding I always feel bonding with bb is more impt than pumping milk and making yourself stress n pek cek. If can pump n have milk I will do but I won't force it. There is nothing wrong with fm and I grow up from having it.
.......So instead of one by one we pop two at one go. Same cost if U think of it this way.
As for breastfeeding I always feel bonding with bb is more impt than pumping milk and making yourself stress n pek cek. If can pump n have milk I will do but I won't force it. There is nothing wrong with fm and I grow up from having it.

Save time also by having twins! Siong for a while, but after a while, can shake leg liao. Same cost at the long term, short term, maybe cash-strapped lo.

Actually, there is nothing wrong with FM (except that one tin is approx S$60 - S$70) la, just that can bf then bf lo. For twins, it's harder to latch on, most twin mummies pump their milk out and feed via bottles. Tough journey, but when you see 2 mini-mes, it's so worth it. Their love to you is DOUBLE.
Save time also by having twins! Siong for a while, but after a while, can shake leg liao. Same cost at the long term, short term, maybe cash-strapped lo.

Actually, there is nothing wrong with FM (except that one tin is approx S$60 - S$70) la, just that can bf then bf lo. For twins, it's harder to latch on, most twin mummies pump their milk out and feed via bottles. Tough journey, but when you see 2 mini-mes, it's so worth it. Their love to you is DOUBLE.

Ya totally agree. As long as they are healthy most impt.
I am having twins and same as you I am terrified of complications and preterm labour. However few of my twins frens carry bb to full term without any issue. I guess we just have to stay positive and take each step at a time.
Dr Loh told me worried also no use just leave it to him to manage. Super nice right and so logical. Haha.
Ya cost will be times two for everything but a fren told me sooner or later you will want another kid for your sibling and the cost will add up for two too. So instead of one by one we pop two at one go. Same cost if U think of it this way.
As for breastfeeding I always feel bonding with bb is more impt than pumping milk and making yourself stress n pek cek. If can pump n have milk I will do but I won't force it. There is nothing wrong with fm and I grow up from having it.

When pump out no milk lagi stress. I was a no milk supply my bb is 90% fm 10% bm only. I even cry during my confinement coz no milk. I wonder hw did those mummies have twins handle. So envy those got milk mummies
When pump out no milk lagi stress. I was a no milk supply my bb is 90% fm 10% bm only. I even cry during my confinement coz no milk. I wonder hw did those mummies have twins handle. So envy those got milk mummies
ya, it's like that one..cos direct latching will induce the milk supply. Pumping can la, but it will take sometime and it will be very stressful when you think your babies do not have enough to drink.

One of my friends (having twin girls this year), she and her hubs actually quit their jobs to take care of their twinnies full-time. She did not direct latch them, instead did power-pumping lo cos 1st, she had C-sect, 2nd, it's hard to latch 2 babies at the same time.

It's very depressing to stress over low milk supply especially after giving birth (plus other problems like engorgement, cannot cope with the baby etc) Hubby must be super duper supportive, else it's really easy to fall into the pits of depression.
ya, it's like that one..cos direct latching will induce the milk supply. Pumping can la, but it will take sometime and it will be very stressful when you think your babies do not have enough to drink.

One of my friends (having twin girls this year), she and her hubs actually quit their jobs to take care of their twinnies full-time. She did not direct latch them, instead did power-pumping lo cos 1st, she had C-sect, 2nd, it's hard to latch 2 babies at the same time.

It's very depressing to stress over low milk supply especially after giving birth (plus other problems like engorgement, cannot cope with the baby etc) Hubby must be super duper supportive, else it's really easy to fall into the pits of depression.

Ur friend n her hub quit job to take care of twins? Then where they get the money frm?
Yes n my hub console mi by saying is ok to give fm n my boy is growing well. I did latch n pump but no use at all i even take fenugreek n dompridone n oats n every little milk booster that ppl recommend. Is just totally no use at all. When my boy refuse to latch at 5 mths my supply dip down to almost zero. So decided to stop at 6 mths. Nw my boy is fully fm hopefully i can do better for no 2.
Ur friend n her hub quit job to take care of twins? Then where they get the money frm?
Yes n my hub console mi by saying is ok to give fm n my boy is growing well. I did latch n pump but no use at all i even take fenugreek n dompridone n oats n every little milk booster that ppl recommend. Is just totally no use at all. When my boy refuse to latch at 5 mths my supply dip down to almost zero. So decided to stop at 6 mths. Nw my boy is fully fm hopefully i can do better for no 2.
Your profile pic is your boy right. Very cute bubbie :) Don't stress ok. Things will turn out fine de.
Did any lady here hide the fact that your little one/ones are through IVF? I did not tell anybody (except one bestie) including my family cos I didn't want them to think that my kid is different from others. The last thing I want is if he has the usual cough/flu, the comments are "there, I know why he's weaker than others, cos he's an IVF" baby.

I hid it because my hubby is uncomfortable with letting anyone know... Even his parents don't know. I only told on a need-to-know basis... like my direct boss because he was approving my HL and all. Thank goodness I did that, because he was a lot more understanding. Turned out his own sister was also undergoing IVF at the same time as me - so he felt very sorry for me whenever I had to go on leave (as opposed to being pissed off!)
My boy is using qv wash n cream wor. He got mild eczema n i went to NSC n check the doc say i also has eczema so I've been sharing qv wash wif my boy

Actually I have been using QV wash and cream since teenager as I do have underlying eczema issues to become with. I have tried physiogel, centiphil but still QV works for me until the flare up recently. And four cows farm is actually recommended to my sis by one of her mummy forum friend who's son had really bad eczema and nothing works for him until they decided to try this. Happened that my nephew had slight eczema flare up so she tried and works for him as well. So she gave me some for me to try. It works best when you use the lotion immediately after bathe. But I feel the smell is quite horrid since it's made from natural ingredients. No harm giving it a try ya if QV doesn't work for you or your LO.
Hi all ivf mummies, who's having twins?

We just had our scan and saw the two babies' heartbeats...its kinda nerve-wrecking actually...

Now all sort of scary thoughts are running through our minds...dealing with two babies at the same time, breastfeeding, etc...

Anyway, i know there's a brief discussion regarding this earlier. Am just wondering whether anyone has actually gone through it or know anyone who went through this - we are more comfortable with our private gynae than the drs at kkh so we were wondering whether if we kept to our appts with our private gynae, and should something happen *choy* like preterm labour or something, we can just head to kkh and request to be admitted & deliver at the b2 or c ward right?

If all goes well and i can carry the babies to full term, i'd definitely want to stay with my private gynae as im more comfortable with her care (i feel like she cares alot more abt my pregnancy than the personnel at kkh)

But if the babies come out too early, we know that they have to be admitted at NICU which we know that KKH has the best resources and cost wise, its definitely much cheaper than private hospitals. I dont mind being admitted in b2 or c ward if my babies need to be in nicu cos care for them is more important than my own comfort.

But of course if all is well, i'd very much prefer a private hospital single room so my hubby can stay with me.

Hihi I'm another twin mummy2be here. Yes, it's quite overwhelming from the double joy. From costs to logistics issue etc. I guess we just got to take things 1 step at a time. Keep talking to your babies and ask them to stay inside till the time is ripe! One of my friends deliver her twins at pte gyne. Her twins were ok. No need NICU but she ended up in ICU due to loss of blood as she had pre-empclasia. So I guess we have to be prepared for any circumstances and pray for the best that everything goes smoothly.
Ur friend n her hub quit job to take care of twins? Then where they get the money frm?
Yes n my hub console mi by saying is ok to give fm n my boy is growing well. I did latch n pump but no use at all i even take fenugreek n dompridone n oats n every little milk booster that ppl recommend. Is just totally no use at all. When my boy refuse to latch at 5 mths my supply dip down to almost zero. So decided to stop at 6 mths. Nw my boy is fully fm hopefully i can do better for no 2.
They depend on savings lo, don't know got investments not la. Ya la, really no milk, try hard already if really don't have, bo bian. I don't know Kenna mastitis 2x or 3x. Got to pay money for lactation consultation to massage and squeeze the milk out. That feeling is like going to hell and back. No joke.
I always felt my tummy very tight. Very sensitive to sense. Make me nauseous. I already into my 13wks.
Cos tummy expanding and the skin is stretched. Use the anti-stretch cream to moisturizer. Wa, I know. The feeling very sucks. I feel sick the whole day too.
I am having twins and same as you I am terrified of complications and preterm labour. However few of my twins frens carry bb to full term without any issue. I guess we just have to stay positive and take each step at a time.
Dr Loh told me worried also no use just leave it to him to manage. Super nice right and so logical. Haha.
Ya cost will be times two for everything but a fren told me sooner or later you will want another kid for your sibling and the cost will add up for two too. So instead of one by one we pop two at one go. Same cost if U think of it this way.
As for breastfeeding I always feel bonding with bb is more impt than pumping milk and making yourself stress n pek cek. If can pump n have milk I will do but I won't force it. There is nothing wrong with fm and I grow up from having it.

Hihi I'm another twin mummy2be here. Yes, it's quite overwhelming from the double joy. From costs to logistics issue etc. I guess we just got to take things 1 step at a time. Keep talking to your babies and ask them to stay inside till the time is ripe! One of my friends deliver her twins at pte gyne. Her twins were ok. No need NICU but she ended up in ICU due to loss of blood as she had pre-empclasia. So I guess we have to be prepared for any circumstances and pray for the best that everything goes smoothly.

Glad to hear from both of you! Its true abt the costs laa...i guess just gotta keep calm about it and pray for the best! :) gambatte!!
Glad to hear from both of you! Its true abt the costs laa...i guess just gotta keep calm about it and pray for the best! :) gambatte!!
I was told that I have twins until week 9 that in fact there is triplets! Yes many many things to consider, cost, safety, health for mummy and babies. You may want to join a support group in Facebook - Singapore parents of twins triplets

I think really cannot think too much as of now, just one step at a time. Cheers to all
I was told that I have twins until week 9 that in fact there is triplets! Yes many many things to consider, cost, safety, health for mummy and babies. You may want to join a support group in Facebook - Singapore parents of twins triplets

I think really cannot think too much as of now, just one step at a time. Cheers to all

Wow! Triplets! Congrats! :)
Thanks for suggesting the fb grp. I just pmed the moderators to allow me to join the grp.
I was told that I have twins until week 9 that in fact there is triplets! Yes many many things to consider, cost, safety, health for mummy and babies. You may want to join a support group in Facebook - Singapore parents of twins triplets

I think really cannot think too much as of now, just one step at a time. Cheers to all


Isit twins baby SG?
Hello mummies, I strike 6 weeks this time and Just this morning, after drinking a cup of milk, feels like it's gonna come back up. Since then, I loss my appetite despite being hungry, food din taste the same... The constant indigestion feeling just lingers. Is this the start of morning sickness?
Hello mummies, I strike 6 weeks this time and Just this morning, after drinking a cup of milk, feels like it's gonna come back up. Since then, I loss my appetite despite being hungry, food din taste the same... The constant indigestion feeling just lingers. Is this the start of morning sickness?

Could be MS starting or you don't like milk anymore. Preg changes your appetite.
mummies can I ask if during the 2ww there's no spotting at all got any chance of getting preg? coz I keep having the feeling like menses is coming type. so I dun really hope high this time round. n my temper to my boy is quite bad also, I feel pek chek at times.
mummies can I ask if during the 2ww there's no spotting at all got any chance of getting preg? coz I keep having the feeling like menses is coming type. so I dun really hope high this time round. n my temper to my boy is quite bad also, I feel pek chek at times.

I didn't have spotting during 2ww. But I had cramps that are rather similar to menses coming.
Hello mummies, I strike 6 weeks this time and Just this morning, after drinking a cup of milk, feels like it's gonna come back up. Since then, I loss my appetite despite being hungry, food din taste the same... The constant indigestion feeling just lingers. Is this the start of morning sickness?

It could be. My MS started like this. Loss of appetite and then I have gastric. And after that comes the nausea. Try to have small meals. I had difficulty eating the first trimester and beginning of second trimester. But I try to have small small things frequently eg. a bit of oats, biscuits etc. I always make sure I have some food with me wherever I go, even in the car I have a tupperware of biscuits. Cos for me, when the stomach is empty, then the gastric sets in and nausea starts.
I didn't have spotting during 2ww. But I had cramps that are rather similar to menses coming.

So u are preg? Then what abt ur temper? Last time no temper coz noone to irritate me. Nw got my boy who's getting my nerves so i wonder is it due to my menses really comin or what
So u are preg? Then what abt ur temper? Last time no temper coz noone to irritate me. Nw got my boy who's getting my nerves so i wonder is it due to my menses really comin or what

Yup pregnant. According to ppl ard me, I was pretty short-tempered though I didn't realize it. When is your BT?
Already asked, was given jab support cause I was instructed to do another intralipid after the scan. It was scarly to c blood shortly after vaginal scan.
Perhaps the cervix is full of blood and highly sensitive, so when you do the transvaginal, there is a possibility that some blood vessels got broken, hence, the spotting.
Already asked, was given jab support cause I was instructed to do another intralipid after the scan. It was scarly to c blood shortly after vaginal scan.

Is it a lot? Vaginal scan won't cause bleeding unless your inside already start to spot and the probe just draw the blood out. Don't worry after support jab should be ok
Just see dr and confirmed I had miscarriage. The whole chunk of blood clot came out. It happen so sudden as a heartbeat was detect this morning and the miscarriage happen shortly after that.

Dr say my body is rejecting, anyone has similar experience before? Really don't know Wht to do now, I only have 1 Frozen embie to try. DH cry when he left the room. =(
Just see dr and confirmed I had miscarriage. The whole chunk of blood clot came out. It happen so sudden as a heartbeat was detect this morning and the miscarriage happen shortly after that.

Dr say my body is rejecting, anyone has similar experience before? Really don't know Wht to do now, I only have 1 Frozen embie to try. DH cry when he left the room. =(

Hugs. I know no words can describe your pain. If embryo is chromosome abnormal it's better it end early than later stage. Don't give up. Try again one day will succeed.
Yup pregnant. According to ppl ard me, I was pretty short-tempered though I didn't realize it. When is your BT?

My blood test is next mon. I didn have any temper for my first round, now got a toddler at home so duno could it be that reason my temper is so easily boil up. My hub even say maybe my menses coming. Which I always had bad temper when my menses coming lol...
Just see dr and confirmed I had miscarriage. The whole chunk of blood clot came out. It happen so sudden as a heartbeat was detect this morning and the miscarriage happen shortly after that.

Dr say my body is rejecting, anyone has similar experience before? Really don't know Wht to do now, I only have 1 Frozen embie to try. DH cry when he left the room. =(

Hugs.. Take care n rest well.
Just see dr and confirmed I had miscarriage. The whole chunk of blood clot came out. It happen so sudden as a heartbeat was detect this morning and the miscarriage happen shortly after that.

Dr say my body is rejecting, anyone has similar experience before? Really don't know Wht to do now, I only have 1 Frozen embie to try. DH cry when he left the room. =(

i'm so so so sorry for your loss, dear. As our sister has said, nothing we say can alleviate your pain. Just know that if you need to talk, come here on this board and we'll talk to you.

Please take some time to heal and I hope your body comes back stronger and more receptive to your frozen embbie. Jiayou ok. *hugs*

Anybody here had low lying placenta? My placenta is just 2.2cm away. My dr said for some ppl it will go higher as baby gets bigger. If it doesn't, then may have to do c-sect. Meantime must monitor for bleeding etc. Quite worrying. :-/

Btw, yest my dr told me something I was shocked to hear. She said don't massage the breasts ie. Even when putting moisturisers or cream. Cos if you massage then may stimulate milk and that may cause preterm labour.
I had low placenta in my first pregnancy. But it was only initial period, can't remember until how many weeks. As the bub grows, it gets higher, don't worry! Do yoga and keep doing your kegel exercises!
