Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

jus realised that there's a thread 4 twins!! [IMG=] *blur*

anyone has twins born bet jan-apr?


Hey Pinky, I also realized that my pillow is starting to sit ard cos as the twins get older, I'm feeding them separately more and more. How do you time your twins' feeds in the day? 1/2 hr apart? I think cos I've always fed the twins together... these days, they cry at the same time, no matter day or nite. Makes feeding tough as it's hard to tandem feed anymore...

Wow, your twins seem to be settling quite well... I wish mine will do so soon too... Mine are still very fussy esp after the mid of nite feed ard 3 am. That time till morning is always a struggle. =(

Kikichan, I've decided to be a SAHM and have a helper. So the 2 of us will be taking care of the 3 boys.

Hi mummies,

I finally gave in and bought a small tin of FM today. Have been quite exhausting looking after the gals these two days. One of my twins is particularly fussy and she only will fall asleep on my chest. Had no choice but to sleep like that for my naps a few times.

L, I also cannot keep up with fresh supply now as there are usually just 2 bottles of spare in the fridge now. So decided to just supplement FM once or twice a day especially for the midnight feed. Hopefully they sleep longer through the night.

Just concentrate on one baby at one time. I find it less stressful. I think you can put up your twin pillow for sale. hehe. Maybe change to a single baby one.

Pinky, you are very lucky. Your twins seems very settled.

hi mummies,

it's okay to supplement with FM. this whole week in order to get more uninterrupted rest I asked hubby to feed the babies with FM. If I feel very full I will force myself to get up to pump otherwise I will skip those feedings totally without emptying my breasts. It's definitely going to hurt my supply but right now I wanna recover asap. Very stressful week for me & hubby.


have u tried to let the more fussy girl sleep on her tummy? My son is like this so when i placed him on his tummy he's able to sleep better. It keeps them a sense of security and will imitate the position of lying on ur chest.


Sorry to disturb. I have used maclaren rally twin. condition:9/10 will free baby cot for sincere buyer. pm me for pic.

Hi all mummies,

thanks a lot for ur well-wishes. hubby & I have been very busy and sleep-deprived! but we're feeling better and are glad the twins are feeling better too.

I've been supplementing in the evenings as it seems that they never seem to have enough. But recently I am starting to think that they are just being fussy and want to nurse for comfort. If I let them be and fuss for a while they learn to quieten down and may go to sleep, especially my son who seems to be making noise all the time! hahaha.

Hi all,

Is has been a long time since i post. Wow a lot of things is happening here too.

Thanks for all the well wishes, i went thru very eventful moments, i was very depress and stress during the time when i have infection on my wound, plus i fell sick again i guess due to not enough rest. Dh was trying to be helpful and took over the night feed, then he fell sick too.[IMG=] Thankfully my old helper came back to work for us and she is really a great help. I was stress also that i could not total bf the twins plus my older gals are eating a lot of process food as my mil manage the food for the rest of the family. Then, there were a lot of thot abt what i should have done, like i should get a CL, i should cater food etc. At the end things seem to be getting no where until i learn to let go. I con't to partial bf the twins, let go of all the rest of the household matter, dun look at what the rest are eating for their meals, the letting go seem to set me free. I just accept that i am old and my recovery is not as fast if i dun rest well. [IMG=]

Now the twins are more settle, there are always a few hours in the day or evening that they want to be carried, i even found and bougt a twins carrier online, so that 1 adult can carry 2 while the other do house work or manage dd3 who is giving us a hard time too.

So far we bought all the 5 gals out 3 times all with the help of extented family, with all these extra hands it was quite ok, plus the good things abt the twins is they are usually asleep when out.

We manage to go back to church last week, it was ok as the 3 older dds are very at home there without the need for our attention, then my helper & me handle the twins, my churchmate were very helpful too. I guess the real test is during my helper off day.

Let's con't to jia you and all the best to nann who is due soon. [IMG=]

(Btw, am typing now while nursing dd5, need to get connected more to the world out here ;p)

Hi mummies,

Reading your trials and tribulations really helps to mentally psyched myself on things to come. I am full of admiration for everyone who are coping and managing in their own ways. I know when my turn comes, I too will definitely suffer bouts of stress, depression, frustration and fatigue but I will remember your stories, things like sometimes need to let go, partial BF is ok, if can tandem feed then great, if not, then no big deal either. When the going gets tough, we need to be remember we’re the blessed ones and in the years to come, our homes will be filled with love, plenty of joy and laughter, aromas of noisy family dinners.

I am now 28 weeks and officially in final trimester. My body is sending signals of discomfort everyday, stomach feels terribly stretched and I think I have pelvic girdle pain. My babies are 1.2kg each, they have almost double their weight in the less 4 weeks. I have gained about 8kg.

One thing that irks me nowadays are people commenting on the size of my tummy. I find comments like “ wah so big now, in 2 months time how?” ….”wah, your stomach is very big” really silly, especially these are people who knows I am expecting twins. I mean, I am stressed out enough as it is about the weeks to come, I don’t need them to make it worse.

Hi, Nann

I got swollen hands/feet at 29th week, can't even squeeze my birks sandal from 33th week. I managed to carry twins until 38th week.

Hi, Annika

Hehe.....I got comments "tummy is very small".

Last time when I had my older one, some of my colleagues felt paiseh to ask me whether I am pregnant, since I looked quite normal with was sweater. They said that I looked like 3 month pregnant when due.

For twins, near due date neighbours comment that I 'm like 6 month pregnant with singleton.

Hehe.... for older one, I was quite affected. But for twins, I was so used to others' comments that I ignored those.


nice to hear from u! I'm sure many of us were very concerned about how u were doing. it helps to learn to let go of certain things. good to know u're back at church too as I believe it helps a lot in recovery both physically and mentally. I fell sick too & now the twins are on partial BF. Some nights I skip feeds and ask hubby to make FM. (he's too lazy to warm up my EBM so takes the easy way out hahaha) So right now I feel like I m back to the initial weeks where I am nursing them every 2 hours to rebuild my supply. take care & share with us ur experience so we can lend some support! [IMG=]


do take people's comments with a pinch of salt. When I was 28 weeks my neighbor who didn't know I'm carrying twins asked my hubby, "ur wife giving birth this month?" If u can, get a pelvic support & after u deliver remember to wear it too! we all have our fair share of woes. don't worry about the BFing part. Until now I have already used 2 small tins of FM as I fell sick and needed a break. My twins also fell sick. [IMG=] Take care of urself!

Speaking about tummy size, when I brought DD #1 to get her MMR jab at KKH ytd (another long story), the nurses who were going to administer the jab asked me if I was pregnant. I told them, "oh i just gave birth to twins about 2 months ago that's why I still look pregnant." I think they felt a bit embarrassed too from the "mistake."

I am now back to pre-pregnancy weight! Can fit into my old clothes already but my tummy is really flabby. Waiting to hit the 8-week post-partum mark before I can officially exercise!

Saw on TV yesterday that now instead of tummy tuck, there is a new procedure called smart liposuction. Saw the before & after and was quite impressed. No scars except for needle like holes on the tummy after the procedure, which will heal in about half a year. Maybe next time if my hubby earns big bucks and it's available in SG I can ask my hubby to pay for it. hahahaha.

Hi mummies,

anyone of you has success establishing a decent routine/schedule with your twins? Care to share? I'm not sure if it's cos they're twins, things just seem more difficult and longer to establish... =( With my #1, at this stage, he was pretty much settled in a routine already... but with the twins, doesn't seem like it's going to be anytime soon... sigh. They nap at quite different times and it's been tiring cos we don't get to rest much, especially now that they're a lot more wakeful (almost 10 weeks old)

Annika, yes, I think pregnancy tummy size seriously doesn't matter in the bigger scheme of things. Haha. Health of the babies and all are far more important, so don't let pp's comments affect you yeah?

Pinky, wow, you lost all your weight already? Amazing!! I still have like 3 kg to go. Think I put on too much weight during pregnancy! And seriously no time to excercise, as much as I will like to...

Doblue, glad you're doing better. I think all of us go through the phases. Sigh. It's just tough having to handle multiples. I go through days when I feel all right, days when I'm very happy that I'm mother of 3 especially seeing how well they are growing, and days when I just feel like "when will things ever be normal?", days when I feel like "I wish I had the independence of when we were married and not have kids yet". Haha... it's seriously ups and downs.

I'm now almost fully bottle feeding my twins... cos they refuse to latch. I'm quite sad about it, cos of the inconvenience of bottle feeding, as well as the lack of bonding thru latching. But my hubby reminded me that as long as they're healthy, the means does not really matter. It's hard for me to let go cos sometimes I'm very ideal, keep wishing that I can latch, this and that. Have to keep telling myself to let go and see the bigger scheme of things.

Hope that everyone is having a good weekend... =)


I put on about 20kg during pregnancy. I think it must be looking after the twins and running up & down completing errands these couple of months that helped with the weight loss. Would really love to drop another 5kg in the next year as that has always been my targeted weight. Of course want to tone up as well!

I try to make everything happen at around the same time everyday but we are still settling down and getting used to life with 3 kids. Bath time doesn't occur at the same time everyday. They spend the daytime in the living room, & are placed in our bedroom at around 8-9pm everyday. For nap time not very fixed yet either. I haven't really been keeping track of what times they feed. I let their 1st feed of the day determine. If their first feed is 7am, then they'll feed every 3-4 hours from then, until their last feed at bedtime. I think it'll be another month before I will fix timings, as my son is quite a tough nut to crack with his fussiness.

Hi Mummies,

I will be giving birth to my twin boys this coming Friday and am kinda excited about it. Will be going thru C-Section with Epidural.

This week will be my WK 36 and my boys are weighing at 2.6kg each from last friday's gynae visit.

Am having mixed feelings about them popping out as I will miss their movements inside my tummy but on the other hand, I cant sleep at night due to the itch and rashes I have since WK 30. Wonder if anyone of you have this problem ??

Also, I would like to check if most of you separate your twins in different rooms or they are being take care in the same room ??

As I heard from frenz that most of their frenz with twins separate them in different rooms and am wondering if this should be the case and hope to get some advise from here.. [IMG=]

Itch is coming again and am wondering what time i can sleep tonight.. [IMG=]

Hi Angeline, welcome to the thread! Congrats on the twins... your twins are of really good weight! Keep us updated.

I keep my twins in the same cot as it helps with logistics at nite. When they are both crying and need to be patted, it's a lot easier cos they're in the same cot. And they don't seem very affected by each other's crying especially in the early weeks. Now, at 10 weeks, they do seem to be woken up by each other, but I think I will still keep them in the same room and just let them try and get used to each other.

Pinky, hehe, I also put on almost 20kg! But I'm not so disciplined in my snacking... cos I'm at home so much with the kids, I tend to look for snacks in the kitchen! Plus, it doesn't help that bf them makes me very hungry! Haha.

I'm hoping that by 3 mths, they can settle into more of a fixed timing for their feeds. Currently, it's also not very fixed. Part of it is that I lack discipline in fixing their first feed at a certain time. That's what I did with #1. Cos with 2, it's just hard and sometimes they didn't sleep well at nite, I can't bear to wake them up in the morning...

Hi Angeline. Your twins are of very good weights. I also had rashes on my face and tummy area during the 3rd trimester. Was prescribed some mild steroid cream which helped calm inflammation. You can also take antihistamine if you cannot bear the itch. After that I used physiogel and avoided seafood like prawns. But eventually it will go away.

I also kept my twins in the same cot in the 1st 6 weeks. But now they sleep in separate cots and in separate rooms to prevent them from waking each other up.

Pinky, I tried to lay my fussy gal to sleep sideways. Helped a bit but carrying her to sleep first is still the only way. Now I put her on a rocker to sleep in the day which seems to work but I have to manually rock her gently now and then.

My formula feeds has stalled as one twin could take it but broke out in red spots. The other just will not take formula. She vomit it out twice. I bought another tin which is goats milk to try later on. I have heard good reviews on goats milk. Have any mummies tried it? I am just a bit worried that they won't take well to formula as my milk supply has slowed and I also had bouts of painful engorgement.

Brought the twins to a wedding dinner last night. Only lasted till the sharks fin dish there and had to make a fast exit as both were inconsolable. My mil did not even had a chance to eat anything. :~) I think its the loud noise and flashing lights.

Hi L and KiKi,

Thanks alot for sharing your experiences! Appreciate it..

Just wondering if you Mummies kept both ur babies' cord blood ?

Are yours identical or non-identical twins ?

Mine are non-identical twins and we are thinking of keeping only 1 of them.


congrats! I hope the itchiness goes away very soon with the arrival of your twins.

my twins r sleeping in the same cot in the same room with us for now & will eventually be sleeping together with my #1 once they start sleeping through the night. They're 2 months old & have learnt to shut each other out from the beginning, so they don't really disturb each other when 1 is crying. I think this also helps when we bring them out to places with a lot of people and loud noises.


I also snack a lot! I can have a bowl of noodles for dinner and 1 hour later my hubby thinks I'm nuts when I tell him I'm hungry. Hahaha. I'm also looking at the 3-4 month old mark to fix the timing. It's very tiring and every morning when I wake up I just want to sleep more! So far my twins are feeding about every 3 hours. After bedtime which is 8-9pm, they wake up 2-3 times for milk. How about urs?

Pinky, my twins are also feeding every 3 hours in the day, sometimes still 2.5 hrs. I try not to go below 2.5 hrs... At nite, I dream feed them at 12 am. They usually wake up ard 3-3.30am, then 6am after that. Still 3 hour intervals... can't seem to go beyond 3.5 hrs max =( But I'm really thankful that they're sleeping slightly better these days... fewer of those "3-7am wide awake" nites. You're still latching them most of the time?

Do you find it's harder to fix feeding/napping timing with your twins as compared to #1? Wondering if it's just me... haha.

Kikichan, your story is quite funny! I can imagine how gan chiong I will be if both are inconsolable at a wedding dinner! You sound very cool... =)


yes still latching them most of the time unless in the early morning like 5-7am when my hubby is awake he'll let me sleep longer & give them a bottle. Good that no more 3-7am awake time! More sleep for u!

With #1 I had no idea about fixing routines & stuff until about 2 months later. With the twins I started since day 1. But it's also double the job, so I think probably about the same hahaha. Perhaps we feel that it's tougher with the twins cause we have to fix both their timings, as compare with #1 when it's just 1 kid. Plus now, we have to take care of 3 children altogether! Sounds like some juggling act doesn't it?

I'm having more problems with my boy. Apparently his eczema is causing him to be unable to sleep well and he gets very very fussy. I'm still figuring out what I ate that is causing his eczema.

Hi Angeline,

Mine are non-identical. They really look different from each other. One looks like mummy and the other looks like daddy. It's fair I guess. [IMG=] Yours?

I did not keep the cord blood as I figure it is better to buy medical / life insurance policies for them.


Did you try california baby calendula cream? Or this other brand called pot of gold which is not bad also. Both bought from sprees. I used it on my twin who had the red spots after drinking formula and it cleared.


Wait till you bring your twins and #1 out more frequently, you will also have tales to tell. hehe.

I took my twins to their 1st mrt ride today to the new nexx shopping centre. I thought tuesday would be less crowded in the afternoon.. but it felt like vivocity on a weekend! The place is meant to be child/baby friendly but it is just too crowded and narrow pathways. Only thing I like is the nursery in Isetan. Isetan has the best nurseries. They model after those nurseries in japan shopping centres.


did not try the cream. I have tried Lucas' paw paw on him. it only helps to control the eczema but does not get rid of it. the best solution is to apply the hydrocortisone cream & find out what exactly i m eating that is causing his allergic reaction, so that i can avoid it. will have to wait till 30th for his appointment at KKH to ask for allergy test. meanwhile have to trial & error. [IMG=]

Kikichan, do you bring them out alone? You're pretty adventurous... =) Traveling on MRT with them and stuff... it's great. Sometimes just feel like you have to get out of the house right? If not, will feel very cooped up at home.

Pinky, hope you find out what's causing the eczema... it's very distressing trying to eliminate foods from your diet. Think we're going thru pretty similar experiences with routines. I also tried to establish routine from day 1 with the twins, but haha... seriously harder than it sounds. Books always make it seem so easy.

Angeline, I didn't do blood cord banking for the twins. Only did for #1.


u use a twin stroller to bring them out? I want to check out the new mall too but probably on weekdays cause it's not so crowded. Plus I'm not sure if the Maclaren twin techno can fit through the escalators, otherwise we have to take lifts. Taking the lift at malls on weekends almost means not being able to go anywhere!


books always paint a very pretty picture. "If you follow this this this, you will get perfect happy babies who fit into your routines like a dream." But there is SO MUCH MORE to that! Each baby is so unique thus I always believe we have to trust our own mummy instincts and adapt as and when. I hope we have good news to share regarding their routines soon!

Just when I said I have fewer of the "3am-7am awake" nites, now I'm having "8pm-12am" awake nites. HAHA. Dunno to laugh or to cry. I try to console myself that at least it's not during unearthly hours that they're awake...

Kikichan, yes, I was also about to ask you if you travel ard with the twin stroller. Pinky, I realize that with twin stroller, many places suddenly become child unfriendly, cos it's just too heavy to be lifted up! We went Suntec last week for a family dinner and it was crazy cos there are so many staircases to get thru just to get to the fountain area.

I went to check out Nex shopping mall too, but without the babies... with my #1 just to take a break. It was insanely crowded. I think if wanna bring babies, it's best to do it weekday afternoons, or wait till the festive season is over... for the safety of the babies... it's just too crowded.

Can anyone recommend brand of nipple cream?

Cos i have sore nipples due to breast pumping.. Does avent has nipple cream that no not required rinising if bbs wana latch on?

And is there a guide on how much ml of milk to increase for bb? When to increase ml of milk?


on the bright side, at least it's not in the wee hours of the morning. Perhaps this also means the twins are "improving" in their timing. Are they fussy or are they just refusing to sleep? It's also a struggle for me during bedtime, especially my older twin (boy) who always wants to be carried and talked to! I try to ignore him for a while before picking him up.

I was thinking of checking out Nex after the crowd dies off. Guess it's crowded now cause everyone wants to check out the new mall, like when Vivo city was opened. Think I will go in the late morning for breakfast, then walk a round and head home just in time for their afternoon nap. Or best if they take their nap in the stroller while I shop! Hah!


I tried Palmer's nursing butter. Don't need to rinse off before feeding baby. Another one a friend has raved about is the Medela one. I also heard good reviews about the Lansinoh nursing cream. If your sore nipples don't improve, you may want to check out in the funnel is too small or too big for your nipples. A good fitting funnel (also known as breast shield) will cover almost the entire areola area and your nipples do not rub against the sides while pumping. If you pump and there is a rim of breast milk around the funnel, it's also an indication that the funnel is too small.

For breastmilk I prefer not to measure in ml, but just to let baby latch on until baby is satisfied. Of course, you need to make sure baby is really drinking (swallowing sounds) rather than nursing for comfort.

Hope this helps!

Pinky, L,

I don't have twin stroller. I use 2 single strollers instead. I bring along both my in-laws to help out. [IMG=] I think if using the twin stroller, it will be impossible to use the escalator.


that's what I was thinking. a twin stroller makes it more difficult to go out cause you'll need to use the elevators instead, especially on weekends! good that u have in-laws to help out. [IMG=]

After 3 days of pumping breast milk... Each time i only pump out 20ml... Is it normal? I have to feed a pair of twins.. Now they are a week old.. I believe they are drinking abt 40ml each feed.. My bf sure not enough... How ah?

I been drinking raw payaya and fish soup almost everyday..


I think it's quite normal as I also pump out around this much when my twins were a week old. do note that whatever u pump is usually about 70-80% of what you really have. the best pump is still ur babies, so latch them on as much as u can! I also find that i get more milk if i drink a cup of warm water while i pump.


U mean latch on will have more milk than using breast pump?

Now cos my bbs are still in hosp so i can only use pump.. Tml they will be back..

I thought using pump better cos can only have how much milk... If latch on wont know whether bb has enough milk not...


latching on is the best option as babies will stimulate the nipples & suck the milk out better than the pumps. there are some mummies who find that their milk supply go down gradually when they exclusively pump. if latch on, u can take note of how much baby drinks by seeing how long baby take to suck. at the beginning babies may take as long as 45min per feed, but as they get better sometimes 5-10 min will be full already. indications of whether baby is feeding well is by the no. of wet diapers & poop per day. I believe that it's better to latch on during the first few weeks to establish milk supply. Once ur supply is stabilized at around 4-6weeks u can pump out. maybe for night feeds u want to latch 1 baby and let ur hubby/helper/CL bottle feed the other so that u can get more rest.

Hope the babies r doing well!

Anyone using avent electronic breast pump?

Its always v painful at the nipple when i use the pump.

My nipple pump out blood just now...

I notice it cant adjust suction speed... Am i using it correctly??

Hi baby, it happened to me too but it's cos my baby kinda bit me and didn't latch properly. Plus, after latching, I pumped, so the nipple became very sensitive... I'm using Medela, it was also very painful in the beginning. I think it's just cos it's like an open wound.

How often do you pump? Do you latch your babies? You may want to go a bit easy on that breast (be it pumping/latching) and let your nipple recover a bit. Put cream religiously, it helps. I know it's scary, especially when the milk has blood in it, but our nipples are very tough, it will get used to the pumping and all soon... you just need to take care of it like an external wound.

Hope this helps and hope it gets better soon.

Hi baby,

I have the Avent pump, and I personally find it very harsh on the nipples. Is yours the electric one where you can 'teach' it to pump at your preffered speed and strength? If yes, then you can try 'teaching' the pump to suction in a gentler manner by not pressing the lever all the way down (press the lever till about 75% down should be sufficient).

I've also used the industrial Medela pump at the hospital, where the speed can be controlled. Overall I felt it was much gentler to the nipples.

I didnt even have any BM till 2 weeks after giving birth, I also had to pump frequently to stimulate the production and was also precribed with Domperidone.

Hope it helps.

May know how long does it take for c sect wound to feel normal?

Its aldy abt 10 days post my op... I still feel pain at the wound area esp when i try to get up frm bed and trying to stand up when sitting... And also i feel crampy when i pee and when i pump milk... Is this normal?

And how many days aft op can i do the malay massage?


the cramp is caused by the contraction of the womb while u r pumping ur milk or breastfeeding. My malay massage lady was okay to do the massage 3 weeks post op. Some recommend 4 weeks, but it'll still be effective as long as it's done within 2 months post-delivery.

i'm currently 2 months post-op and i still feel like sharp pain around the wound occasionally. if I press on my tummy the muscles sometimes still feel sore. I think I felt more normal about a month after my c-sect. It takes almost an entire year for complete recovery especially the inside. Walking helps a lot but also don't strain yourself.

Thanks pinky...

Right now i pump every 3hrs.. The milk doesnt seems to increase le... Max can only pump 45ml. Usually abt 40ml... Sometimes even 30ml only... I been drinking lots of longan red dates tea... Fish payaya soup...

Can anyone tell me whether is it painful when the c sect wound stitches is remove??

Btw, how long does it take to build up the bm supply? Im pumping every 3hrs... But It doesnt seem to increase the bm...


seems to me there is an increase as last week u said u only manage to pump 20ml. if u wanna increase the amount u'll have to increase the frequency of pumping maybe to 2.5hrs? I think it depends on the type of stitch the gynae use. I think mine is by glue with a few staples at the sides. It didn't hurt much when my gynae took out the staples 1 week after my op. It takes about 4-6 weeks for BM supply to stabilize. Have u tried to latch baby on?


Just now i manage to pump 50ml... I notice i cant pump every 2hrs... Can only have less than 40ml.. If i pump every 3-4hrs... Can get maybe 50-60ml...

I tried once to latcb bb on... Bb seems difficult le... I find pumping easier.. And i can know how much bb drink... And other people can feed for me.. Cos i have twins.. Not so easy to latch both of them on..

Somemore i can only pump out abt 40-50ml each time.. Sure not enough for two bbs to suck on...


I think first few weeks, it's best to try and latch the babies. It's prob the best way to build up your supply.. When you pump, you can try massaging your breasts at the same time to increase the milk pumped out. That's what I do.

As for the wound, I remember it still felt sore after 1 mth if I walk too much. I only felt completely ok close to 2 mths after op. Even then, like what Pinky said, it actually takes longer than that for the wound to completely heal... rest if you can!


I still stand firm on the view to latch baby on for the first month to establish good milk supply as babies are the best pump, unless there are certain physiological issues that make it difficult. You'll definitely get more milk if you pump 3-4hrs interval as compared to 2hrs due to more time for your body to accumulate milk. It is definitely tough at the beginning to latch both babies, especially when babies drink very frequently and take long time to drink milk. But with time, their feeding intervals will stretch & they'll drink very quickly. In fact, I find that my babies drink faster when I latch them on as compared to bottle feeding them. You can also try to get more milk out by drinking a cup of warm drink while pumping. Another option you can do to increase supply is to pump 1 side, while latching baby on the other side. Good luck!


I just wrote my breastfeeding twins at my blog.

share with you,

" This time, after tears and sweat for total breastfeeding Emma three years ago, Daddy opened his gold mouth and gave mummy another advice " We don't push hard for total breastfeeding, just do as you can".

Physical recovery after giving birth twins is far worse than first time. Mummy still felt pain at breastfeeding after one week, due to contraction of womb. And maybe losing too much blood at delivery, mummy even felt no strength to move around at bed for a week.

So Daddy and Wai po urged mummy to take rest as much as possible. Daddy stopped CL(confinement lady) calling mummy for night feed; Waipo forced mummy take long afternoon nap at master bedroom instead of feeding twins.

Milk came in late; supply built up slowly.

But after two weeks' recuperation, mummy managed to be involved in night feeding after 12pm.

Mummy latched on one twin for 15--20mins while CL changed another twin, made milk powder or warmed up EBM; then CL fed first twin and mummy latched on 2nd twin as long as 1st twin took bottle feed.

When CL took over 2nd twin for bottle feed, mummy pumped. By the time that 2nd twin finished feeding, CL helped to wash milk bottles and pumps.

After 1 week's latch on and pumping, mummy managed to pump 120ml every 3hour. It is not enough for twins, but .....

Twins don't latch well enough as Emma girl when they were below 3 weeks. Now they are pretty efficient sucker, but after taking bottle feed often, they are sometimes fussy at latch-on. Luckily, so far at least one of twin cooperates well at each session."

Thanks so much girls for the tips and encouragement...

Btw can i ask today is aldy my 11 days post my c sect... I still have bright red lochia discharge... It will be more after i pump esp with womb contracting...

I read frm web that discharge should not be red 10 days post delivery.. So mine is not normal? Initially its more pinkish.. But ever since i started pumping... i realise the lochia becomes more red and more discharge....

Hi everyone,

I have been reading the posts but no time to write anything in the office. When I am home, I try to focus on my boy and resting, so I won’t surf.

All the mummies here are so cool and taking everything in their stride – really commendable.

Tubao, L and Pinky,

You’re right. Must block out people’s comments. Just realize whatever size my tummy becomes, it will never be right. Either too big or too small for some.

Pinky and L,

Coping with 3 kids does so challenging and daunting. Especially when our #1 still needs a lot of attention and the twins have not fallen into a proper routine yet. Lately, #1 is becoming extra clingy and also being difficult during his day naps.

I am not sure if its because he can sense the impending arrival of his siblings or because I have drastically cut down on carrying him now that I am getting really big. I still read him his bed time books and sing his lullabies, its our special time together.


Where can I get the pelvic support that you mentioned? From gynae?


Read your blog extract and think you have an excellent system. Have been comtemplating what to do with night feeds and how to best make use of CL at night and yet at the same boost BM supply so might borrow your idea.


What I used to do was after latching, I will still pump for about 10 mins each side. Of course, there won’t be much milk left but can still get 20-40ml EBM which is still useful.

I used Avent duo, you need some trial and error to find your ideal pump rhythm. Good luck!

The last few weeks can feel a lot of physical changes happening to my body. When I had #1, at this stage, I was still very active and did not experience much fatigue. Now, my tummy seems to be bigger than full term with #1. Next week is my 31 weeks check up – I am pretty sure by then both my twins will exceed 1.5kg in weight.

I can’t seem to be able to find a good sleeping position and will wake from discomfort every 2-3 hours. Right now, I am planning when to start ML and rest (if I had a choice, immediately!). Initially, was naively thinking I can work till 36-37 weeks but now I think by 34-35 weeks, I will not be able to take it anymore.

Currently trying to dwell to much on the physical discomfort but focus on more positive things like Christmas and New Year.

Take care all and catch up again soon.


I think it's quite normal as breastfeeding causes the womb to contract. But if u have to change a pad every hour or pass a very big clot please call ur gynae. My lochia lasted about 6-7 weeks I think, and throughout this period sometimes it looks lighter, then it will go back to become more heavy, but not so much till it's alarming. Its quite like a normal period for me, just that it last very long! I also suspect my period has came back but not too sure. Will see how it is next month!

Keep us updated on how your BFing goes. Like what tubao said, just rest more & pump/latch diligently and the milk will come in.


big or small, it's still heavy to carry these babies around! small is also good as the clothes can cover. too big not enough cloth to cover the tummy hahaha.

i had naptime & bedtime problems with #1, refused to sleep alone in her crib. mayb she felt confined as after that we let her sleep on the mattress on the floor and she's okay. she's still very clingy now.

as for the pelvic support girdle maybe u can ask ur gynae or check out the pharmacy?


So yr lochia flow lasted for 6-7weeks? Red in color or brownish?

My flow is not v heavy... Dont hv to change pad every hr... Can change every few hrs... And it wont soak the whole pad.. But the discharge is quite thick in texture.. Not diluted type..

I now pump every 3hrs.. Can pump out abt 50ml... Sometimes 40ml.. I always pump till the breast is empty.. So i dont understand why the milk doesnt increase in vol... I see my twins sometimes drink bm.. Sometimes drink fm.. Abit heartpain...

I hear friends can pump out lots of milk... Even have to store in freezer... Cos too much liao...



starting is fresh red color like menses. then it became brown. if i do housework, carry baby too long or do anything to exert myself it will become red or heavier again. yes it's also quite thick like mucus. don't feel guilty if u r mixing feeds. giving them some BM is better than none at all! don't be discouraged. sometimes I also ask my hubby to give them FM when I feel very tired at night, especially after a long day of taking care of them myself. Don't compare urself with those who have extra milk to store in freezer. As long as we give our babies BM, even 5ml is also good!

I think it'll be good to set small goals for urself so u can encourage urself. Maybe for now u aim to pump enough BM to feed 1 baby. So u alternate feeds. 1st feed twin 1 take FM, twin 2 BM, next feed twin 1 take BM twin 2 take FM. Then when u find u have enough to feed 1 baby u will be encouraged to pump more to feed both babies!

I used to have those hospital glass bottles that can store up to 90ml. So at the beginning even if I pump 20ml it looks like a lot in the bottle, as compared to when I pump into those avent/medela bottles that store 150ml. Hope this helps!

