Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

Hi Twins/ Triplets mummies

I'm expecting twins too due in Apr 2011

Wanna seek yr advise on which is preferred

2 x playpen

2 x cots

sleep on mattress on the floor

Now headache over how their sleeping is to be, need advise since all of you have experience before



congrats on your twins! You can buy 1 cot/playpen & have them share the bed first, then decide on buying a 2nd one a few months later when they start to flip. I personally will not go for sleeping on the floor as 1stly, it's going to put a strain on your body, especially your back when you pick them up & put them down for feeding. 2ndly, when they start to crawl, you will have to make sure the room is baby-proof as they can crawl around and touch things they're not supposed to, as opposed to the cot/playpen where they are confined in the area. Only recently did I shift my 18 month old daughter from her cot to the mattress on the floor.

For my twins they are currently sleeping with us in 1 cot in our room. When they are around 4-5 months old I intend to shift them to their own room in separate cots.

Hey Pinky, so you're all alone at home with 3 kids? Wow... that's tough. Hang in there, hope your hubby's reservist is not too long.

JJ, congratulations on your twins! For myself, I chose to have 2 cots, though currently they're sharing 1. Will prob move them to their own cots soon cos they're starting to shift around and they're growing very fast!

These last few days, my babies have also been very fussy at the breasts. They will cry loudly and seem to have a lot of wind and look very uncomfy. Then we end up bottle feeding! Sigh. I went to do some research... it seems like it may be cos my milk flow is too fast at first, then slow down after that, so it frustrates them. And the fact that we use bottle is not helpful cos the flow from bottle is so consistent, so they get lazy to suckle. May have to stop bottle feeding for a while. This is all so painful... I feel like I'm troubleshooting issues everyday. HAHA.


DD #1 goes to child care in the morning & comes home around 5+. Evening I spend more time with her before putting her to bed. Thank God his reservist is only until this Saturday!

Dealing with babies is like this as they can't tell us what they want. If it's wind you can consider using ru yi oil, or Rid Wind drops?

Hi, Mummies,

I delivered my twins naturally without epidual on Wed morning, came back home with twins yesterday afternoon. Twins is 2.44kg, 2.3kg.

Now my milk haven't kicked in, got tough time ahead .


Welcome to twins thread!

Tubao, Congrats!!!! Natural birth without epidural!! You're amazing! =) They're of good weights too... Hang in there, we're all doing this together.


congrats & great job on the natural birth! hope u have a smooth recovery. Do nurse the twins as often as u can and ur milk will come in very quickly! I nursed the twins a lot, every 1-2hrs & my milk came in on day 2-3. good luck & do share ur experience with us.

Hello mummies,

Have been keeping up with the posts but quiet because since my twins aren’t born yet so don’t feel adequate to comment or share on mummies’s experiences with the NBs. Just want to commend everyone on their efforts in keeping sane despite all the lack of sleep, maintaining BM supply and night feeds etc.

I am now 25 weeks and I feel very large already! Both babies are about 700gms during my checkup last week which is on track. I really cannot imagine what size I am going to balloon to by 30+ weeks. Oh well, nothing I can do about that…

L and Pinky,

Time flies, your bubs are already more than a month old. Keep up with good work, you ladies are both coping well in your own ways.


I will be having a maid to help after CL. Although, I do not plan to utilize her for baby caring duties, more than housework and maybe keeping an eye on babies, in the event I need to go bathroom or pump OR if both are crying at the top of their lungs together. I hope with my experience with #1 (I spent my 4 mths of maternity leave caring for him by myself), I will be able to cope with the twins.

I am also crossing my fingers that the new maid will not be more of a headache then help.


Congrats on the arrival of your lovelies. Natural birth w/o epidural – my ideal delivery, haha.

Hope you settle down to a good routine soon.


I am due in Feb 2011. We also intend to get 2 cots but for first few months, will put them in 1 cot in the bedroom with us as well. 2 cots will probably be useful if subsequently you have one twin being able to sleep through while the other twin hasn’t. Then, you can separately them in 2 rooms conveniently.


Got a question – if milk ss doesn’t kick in fast enough, what should we do? Persists on latching or supplement a little with FM. With #1, one of the reason that I started supplementing was despite me insisting on latching 100%, there wasn’t enough milk and he started to lose weight. Finally succumb after even the PD suggest can supplement. So I am worried, history will repeat itself.


700gm at 25 weeks sounds good! Keep it up! At the end you will be really very heavy. I have a ligament/cartilage injury at my right knee which started in my last trimester. Last week it got worse. If you can do some simple exercises to strengthen your thighs and calves, which will be helpful in supporting the weight of the babies. Sometimes we don't feel the pain/problem during the pregnancy, and it only creeps in after we've delivered the babies due to the sudden relief of weight.

I think you'll do a good job looking after the twins. #1 is in child care right? I think it's quite unavoidable if you need the toilet and the babies happen to be crying, or cry together. But with a maid to help out with household chores I think you're definitely in a good position to care for the babies well. Good luck on getting a good maid. [IMG=]

My advice regarding milk is to ditch the FM and just nurse, especially in the first week. If you nurse often enough, your milk will definitely come in. If the babies are not getting enough milk, they will make up for it by nursing more often so don't ignore those cues as they're important to kick start your supply! It is going to be very very tiring. As i mentioned before I was nursing as often as every hour, sometimes even 30min later I have to latch on again! Plus they take a loooooong time to drink the milk as they get very sleepy. I think your maid will be a good help at this point. She can help to soothe the other baby, or help with diaper changes. I also think with previous BFing experience you will do better this time round!

tubao: congrats on the birth of your twins [IMG=] hope your milk comes in soon!

JJ: welcome to the club [IMG=] my 5 1/2 mths twins are still sharing a cot cos they're not that big now. however, we'll be moving them to their own cots soon cos they tend to 'go' everywhere after a while. you put them down properly and a few hrs later, they could have done a 90 deg or more turn. so they sometimes hit or disturb the other twin.

to mummies who wld like to get a Maclaren Twin Techno for their babies: I have a grey one to let go at $600. its only been used for a grand total of 2 times. personally, i like it a lot cos its rather easy to maneuver though it may be a twin stroller. however, my mum insist on using single stroller so i have no choice but to switch. esp when she's the one who's helping me when we do go out. if you're interested, do PM me.


How are u coping now ur hubby is back from reservist ? I Delivering in TMC like u. I heard u can request for a pd for ur newborn. If no, they will allocate one for u. Did u request for one u knew since u have a elder child ? Did u prepare any baby clothes or all will be given by the hospital ? Thanks in advance

JJ: congrats to u. I have 2 cots. Used one to put both twins in as they are small in the first few weeks. The other cot i use it just to change diapers. But now that twins are bigger, they sleep on their own cot as they tend to disturb each other. I also have 1 playpen. Not set up yet but I think it will be useful when they can sit up. Just put both in when I need to go toilet or something. I also have a play yard but setting that up will be much later.

I always feel the floor has the most dust around so tiny babies should not sleep on floor.

Tubao: well done. u managed a natural delivery. that's really rare here. have a smooth recovery!

did any mummies go to the recent annual twins plus garage sale? there were a lot of good stuff to pick up, only regretted not queueing up earlier as there was a long queue!

Oh.. i have tried letting the twins swim using the neck float. They enjoy the sensation and sleep pretty well after that.

azure: did u get 2 same single stroller? I got 2 different brands stroller but now I'm thinking of getting another stroller so that there will be 2 same type single strollers. I seem to have the tendency to get 2 identical stuff now even though initially wanted everything to be different for the twins. :D

Pinky, how are you coping without CL's help? I really admire you that you can handle your #1 and the twins on your own! What do you do when all 3 need your attention? There was once when all 3 boys of mine started crying... it felt like wartime.

Last 2 nites have been really challenging since my CL left. My babies refused to latch at nite so we had to bottle feed and I had to pump after the feed is done. And cos we want to make the nite feeds as fast as possible, we end up giving formula though I have enough BM. Basically, not much sleep at all... =( Cos they are still waking up every 2.5-3 hours, and in between they fuss and cry etc... I can't wait for this phase to be over!

Nann, TMC provides all the baby clothes You don't have to bring any!

it's been a looooong week but I made it & survived! It's nice to have hubby back home!


My PD, Dr Ang Ai Tin, was recommended by my gynae but you can request for one. If you choose to use a PD outside of the hospital you may have to make your own arrangements. For us we were okay with the recommendation cause we only needed the PD to check on our babies @ the hospital and we are now bringing them to the polyclinic for their developmental checks & vaccinations.

You don't need to bring any bb clothes as the hospital will provide a shirt, mittens & a receiving blanket, which is sufficient as I believe you'll be going straight home upon discharge. You'll also be discharged with 2 diaper bags, so you may want to get extra help for carrying them. I brought a luggage along so we just stuffed everything inside and carry the babies.


I am doing fine. Just have to learn to get used to the crying. I've had all 3 cry together before too! So far #1 is okay whenever I need to give more attention to the twins like diaper, bathtime, feeding, etc. But I make sure she is also part of it. If I'm changing diaper she'll come along and offer to pass the new diaper to me. During bathtime she'll want to see how they bathe in the bath tub as she now bathes with the showerhead. During feeding time while latched on I'll talk to her, or play with her. With me she's okay but with my hubby or her grandparents she tends to act up. Perhaps me being the mother I am more sensitive about her feeling neglected.

I also had a challenging first 2 nights without the CL. I think we're just too used to having that extra help around that we need some time to get used to it. But you'll do fine! My son is still feeding every 2-3 hours at night, but my girl goes for 4-6 hours. In the daytime though, we stick to 3-3.5hours feeding. I really miss having 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep! Can't wait for this to be over soooon.

My son has eczema, like my #1. I suspect it's also an egg allergy. Now putting cream on his face to see if it goes away, otherwise it's the skin specialist again! The eczema has also been causing him to be very fussy. Hopefully this goes away soon and I can find out what he's allergic to.

Hi Pinky,

My gynae at TMC also recommended Dr Ang. We also plan to go polyclinic for developmental checks and vaccinations.

Can I check you if u informed Dr Ang about this beforehand? Going polyclinic means we don't have to bring the babies back to TMC for the checkups?

Thanks thanks!


I didn't inform Dr Ang about it beforehand. The PD clinic will give you an appointment to see Dr Ang after discharge. Instead of going for that appointment you can bring the twins to the polyclinic on that day. I think if you inform them they may try to persuade you to go back to their clinic for follow-up. Dr Ang also didn't leave me a good impression during the follow-up check-up either, so all the more I was convinced to just go to the polyclinic.


Thanks for the information. By the way, i m expecting triplets [IMG=]

I heard feedback that Dr Ang is so popular that consultation sessions are always in a rushed and very brief. Plus the inconvenience of parking at TMC to bring the babies there.


oops sorry for the mistake. [IMG=]

Yeah it's very rushed & I'm not comfortable with that. Can be quite stressful if you want to ask more questions to understand the situation better. Don't think it's worth paying so much for less than 5 min of consultation. Even after I delivered the twins, she was very quick in the OT. Quickly took a look at the twins and went off. Every morning when she came in also very quick. You can also imagine how much more it'll cost to bring all 3 children there for check-ups & vaccines! Parking is also another problem. Also, the polyclinic is nearer to home, thus easier to bring the kids to see a doctor if needed, or can just drop by a family doctor nearby.

Btw, I was recommended the other Dr Ang, male doctor for my 1st delivery. He left a better impression, and even told us it's fine with him if we decide to go ahead with polyclinic for future visits. He also spent more time explaining & I didn't feel like I was being rushed through.


Yes, i heard that the male doctor is better too. But it seems like he is now semi retired.

In fact I am considering if I should change PD, but my hb says just stick to Dr Ang Ai Tin while in hospital, since after that we hv no intentions to go back to her.

You are right, the cost of the checkups and vaccinations x3 is also a concern, esp so if we are not getting the care and patience from the PD after paying so much!


Thanks for the information. My mum keep asking me if I am sure all baby clothes will be provided at TMC. Everytime I read ur post I think u are a supermom [IMG=] So positive and taking all in stride. I am afraid I can't cope with two babies alone after confinement. But I will try ,hopefully won't sink into post natal depression

Hi, Mummies

My CL came last friday, and it's really disappointment and I asked for a replacement after observing her for 4 hours. Replacement CL came on Monday, and is much relieve to us.

Can any twin mummy add me at facebook [email protected]?


Really admire your spirit. Last time for my older one, my MIL settled meals except breakfast, I took care of baby. I was still exhausted due to night waking up until face turned blue(as my friend comment)

How you settle your meals?

My older one gave us so much headache after twins were back home. CL took care of twins while it needs hubby, me and helper to settle older one.

On 2nd day twins back home, It was suspected that older one choked fish bone----she cried pitifully pointing to throat, and hubby rushed her to GP, and I was very scared and cried waiting at home .

On 3rd day, older one fell down on bath room for the first time when washing her hands. She did it on her own for past 7 month, and it was 1st accident.

Hope that my older one got over soon, Guess that we didn't prepare her enough for twins' arrival.


added u on FB already. Sorry to hear about your CL. Hope the replacement one is better!

I didn't really prepare #1 much for the arrival of her siblings. Think at her age she also can't understand much so I only encourage her to sayang & kiss my tummy, telling her that her siblings are inside. When we came home we were busy settling down & getting used to life with 2 babies, so there were times when she misbehaved to get our attention. It took a couple of weeks for every1 to get used to it. I just reminded myself to be patient with her & try to include her in everything, even during diaper changes. Now whenever 1 of the twins cry she'll run up to them and ask them what's wrong. hahaha. Occasionally she gets jealous but we take it as a cue that maybe she's not getting enough attention from us.

for meals if my hubby is around i'll ask him to go down & buy for me. otherwise i'll cook something simple. sometimes it can just be 1 or 2 sandwiches for lunch if i'm really lazy. :p

hope ur older one is feeling better! the beginning for me was really not easy. it takes some time to adjust. hang in there!

Hi Tubao, how old is your older kid? Yeah, hope your replacement CL is better!

My older boy also acted up when the twins came home... but he loves them very much, just that he's trying to get our attention through other means. He will throw up in school, scream a lot more than usual... but it gets better with time. He runs to the twins' room when they cry and he will signal to me to give them milk. Haha. We also try to include him in the activities, eg. asking him to throw away the diapers, to kiss didis goodnite etc. It's really cute actually.

Kikichan, i wanted to go to the garage sale! We knew that there will be lots of good deals esp... but we were too tired out, cos that was the day my CL just left and my older boy's 2nd bday! What did you buy? =)

Pinky, how do you settle the household chores? Haha, everyone is amazed by your abilities to handle everything on your own.

Azureoct, are your twins sleeping well now that they're older? Trying to encourage myself that it will get better.


I have my fair share of really bad days, but I try to focus on the good things. [IMG=]

We've a domestic cleaner who comes every week to help thoroughly clean the house. Everyday I just do simple "maintenence" like sweeping & wiping the tables.

Hi ladies..

Just found out i'm expecting twins in early July'11. This is my second pregnancy. I didn't have a CL for my 1st delivery but i doubt i can handle the twins alone this time round.

I would like to hear your experiences with your CL and if anyone has a good one to recommend. And who better than to ask twin mommies who have personal experience? =)

Many thanks in advance!


Hearing your encounters has made me worried about preps with #1. So far, I don’t think we have done much prep except pointing to my tummy and saying babies to him and getting him to kiss them (my tummy that is!). We think he is still a little too young to understand.

Lately, he is morphing into quite a little terror, throwing tantrums if he doesn’t get what he wants and learning to say “Bu yao or don’t want” to us.

The good thing is he is closer to Daddy and definitely more sticky to his Dad than to me. So when the twins come, we already prepared to have Daddy focus on #1 while I settle down with the twins.


#1 is taken care of by nanny. We need the nanny to take care of him during my hospital stay etc and in case my husband needs to shuttle around and run errands. My parents are working full time and they cannot take care of him. The maid will be still very new then so I won’t want to leave him alone with her. I intend to enroll him maybe when the twins are 3-4mths old, hopefully by then he’s gotten used to their presense.


I am sure things can only get better as your twins build up capacity to drink more milk and hopefully the intervals between feeds will start to stretch out.

Will you returning back to work? What are your childcare arrangements like?

Pinky, yeah, I think all of us have our really bad days. It's cool how you try to stay so positive and encouraging to the rest of us.

Hi Annika, I think there's only so much we can try to prep #1 in the coming of the twins... I don't think they will really understand fully the situation. So don't worry... all my friends with older kids tell me it takes a few months to adjust. Also, the older kid will usually regress and act half their age. Haha...

My twins seem to still have their days/nights mixed up. =( Sometimes at nite, after the middle of nite feed, they stay awake for 3 hours!! Sometimes it's just 1 of them, sometimes both of them. I have had nights where I'm awake from 3 am to 7 am, and in the morning, I just can't function or do anything. It's just so exhausting and I dunno what to do with them. I make sure they feed 2.5-3 hrly in the day, and tried to keep them awake after feeds, but still no use.

I didn't have this problem with #1. Yes, he will cry at nite sometimes, but he won't stay awake for such long periods of time. I seriously have developed a phobia for the nite times. Every nite, I just pray that God's grace to get thru.

Annika, I'm planning to stop work actually.. for at least 1 year or 2 till the twins are bit older. I feel very responsible to take care of the kids. With #1, I already struggle when I come home on weekdays and only have 1.5-2 hours to spend with him. Usually he's cranky by then and it's hard to have quality time. Now that I have 3, that 1.5-2 hours have to be divided by 3 kids, I feel really bad. So it will be my helper and myself taking care of the 3 of them.


that's what I did to prep my #1 too. Just tell her didi & meimei inside my tummy & ask her to sayang & kiss them. During my pregnancy she also got closer to daddy cause I couldn't carry her and was sleeping a lot. He was spending more time with her. It's a good thing also. I hope your new maid turns out well! [IMG=]


have you tried to keep them awake in the day for longer periods? Maybe their fussy periods happen to be at night? Mine are in the evening where I can be nursing & comforting continuously for 3-4 hours. Makes me want to go crazy. hahaha. If you can get some sleep in the day so that you can function better at night. Hope things improve for you!

L: you can go to the garage sale next year since its held every year but always be early. Bought lots of stuff like cot bedding, (the complete winnie pooh set with 2 half bumpers, pillow & comforter just $15!), baby books, barney & sesame street VCDs ($1-$5), some clothes, flashcards, and toys. All proceeds go to charity. Its fun shopping for the twins. [IMG=]

I know how you feel when you don't get to sleep from 3-7am. It can be insane. But just hang in there. I feed the twins every 3-4 hours now. Even if they are still asleep at night, I pick baby up to bottle feed, then quickly put them back to the crib. Also put them leg/bottom first, head last to avoid startling baby then place your hand on tummy awhile to retain temperature. I don't change diaper at same time. No talking and in dim lighting. I also keep a record book on their individual feeding times and amount they drink so you can rem the last feed. This way, there is less crying time since you feed them first before they start wailing from hunger. I even prepare the bottled milk first in the fridge so all I need is to warm it up.

Got these tips from this library book called Baby Sleep Guide by Marcie Jones & Sandy Jones.

Hi Kikichan, you know, we actually prepare all the formula milk + bottles + water in their room already so that when they wake up, we can just quickly make the milk and give it to them. Cos warming up 120ml of milk takes quite a long time! I tried latching them, but they get very frustrated drinking from me and I always end up bottle feeding anyway.

Yeah, at 12 am, we do a dream feed. Even if they are sleeping, we pick them up to feed. Thanks for the tips!

Pinky, yeah, we are going to try harder to keep them awake in the day for longer periods. These 3-7am nites are killing me.

Btw, can I ask... is the difference between going to a ped and GP for jabs the consultation fee? I'm thinking of bringing our twins to our trusted GP for jabs instead of the ped... save some $$.

My replacement CL turns out to be quite good; she just finished taking care of another pair of twins for 2 months.

My milk is still pathetic, 80ml per 3 hour. For my first delivery, my husband suggested nothing other than epidual; in the end I am one of only two in my prenatal Yoga 12 person class who took epidual. For this twin pregnancy, the only thing he suggested is not to insist on tbf since I was so anxious by tbf 1st one. Haiz..... maybe his nagging took effect subconsciously; Now my milk supply is even less than 1st one.


My older one is 33month old, she is getting better and better now. Don't know whether she was getting too much attention last time----ILs +helper. After I knew twins pregnancy in April, we enrolled her at CC and ILs didn't come to help. She went through a difficult time adapting CC and time without ILs around. Now it's 2nd adaption phase for her.


Last time I got idea about what I want to develop at career. Now with twins, I just hope that I can continue to work with twins taken good care of by caregivers at weekdays' daytime. But my husband suggested several times SAHM or SAHD option.


try not to stress so much about the breastfeeding. Initially I told myself that minimum I must be able to TBF at least 1 baby. If I need to supplement so be it, then I'll slowly build up my supply as I go along. I personally feel that it's ok to get an epidural if it helps progresses the labor. If the epidural helps you to relax, your cervix can dilate faster. But I disliked the side effect I had which was shivering. I hope our older ones will get used to things soon. Whenever my ILs she gets jealous when they carry the babies.


jia you! keep us updated!

Hi L, yep just bottle feed if it helps with the less fussing at night. You can always BF in the day when you are not so tired and they are are in better mood. Actually warming the milk is not that long with a bottle warmer but it gets super long with a just woken up hungry baby. [IMG=] You can try to wake up at least once right before the babies wake up. Maybe set alarm.

You can bring babies to your GP for jabs. I heard from a friend that they do have the same vaccinations, only difference is perhaps the way they administer the jab. Cos PD do it all the time and are likely to be more gentle as compared to the GP who only does it once in a while. But cost-wise GP is cheaper. And don't need to wait so long if compared with polyclinic. But PD can use baby bonus card.

I read that babies need to get as much sleep as possible as that is the time their bodies absorb the nutrients from BM and grow brain cells, and develop in general. I usually just let them sleep if they want to sleep, just keep to their feeding time schedule.

Hi Pinky, do you get backaches from the epidural? My backache doesn't seem to go away and I feel like I have become more bony like can feel my ribs. I wonder if its cos the babies raid away my calcium store.

I can imagine older children getting jealous and doing different than usual to get attention. I have 2 westies and even they get jealous and act differently when they see that I am always with the babies. keke.


yes I have backache but I believe the backache is not solely caused by the epidural. We have to bend down when handling our babies and sometimes we may forget to maintain a good posture while standing or sitting. Also, we've been carrying these precious little ones for 9 months & with the weight suddenly taken off (I believe at least 10kg) there is a strain on the body. When my massage lady came, my back kept making cracking sounds. Some loss of calcium may also be the cause so better pump in more calcium into our bodies! haha. I went swimming after my 1st delivery & it helped a lot. maybe u can try. i'm going to start soon since it's already my 6th week post-op!

Hi Kikichan, I had really bad backaches from my first childbirth (with epi). Funnily, this second time I didn't really get backaches though I think the epi dose is stronger with C-sec! My gynae mentioned that labor in itself is a very big strain on the body, so the backaches could have been caused by many factors (like what Pinky mentioned) and not purely by the epidural...

Btw Kikichan, do you latch your babies in the day?

Mummies, last nite was such a good nite!! Finally, they slept without waking up from 12.30 to 3.30 am... after that, relatively well (1 twin was fussing but still manageable) from 3.30 to 6 am!! My standards have lowered a lot, so to me, this is FANTASTIC. Haha.

Pinky, have tried swimming but was lazy to keep it up, maybe will start again. My back also had those crack sounds when my massage lady came. My body feels disproportionate. Top heavy and tummy still there. Very few clothes fit me. [IMG=]

L, I latch each baby about once or twice during the day. Particularly the first morning feed ie. about 7-8am. I find it most easy to latch on as maybe they are particularly hungry after sleeping through the night. Usually it is no fuss and they can even fall asleep right on the nursing pillow.

Good that you have a good night. Remember not to praise the babies for it. Babies are sensitive.

I'm going for the 6-1 baby jabs tomorrow. Hopefully, they will be alright after that. Btw, I started giving some frozen BM to babies recently as I do not want to keep too much frozen milk. Noticed that thawed milk has a sourish smell. Is it normal? My frozen milk is less than 3 months.

Good morning ladies

Wondering if I should get the twin strollers and car seat before or after the twins arrive? When do u mummies start bringing the babies out ?

I am looking at combi coccoro but was thinking if buy car seat when they are 3 months old I will have more options. Stroller will be getting maclaren twin techno. Appreciate any advice. Thanks !!!

Hey Nann,

The twins are your first? I heard from a friend whose first kids are twins that it worked out better for them to have 2 single strollers, cos Daddy can stroll one and Mummy can stroll one.

For myself, since I have a toddler as well, so the above option is out cos we need the extra hands. So we got a Maclaren twin techno. So far, it has served us well! But it is very heavy... we have gone to church quite a few times with the stroller.

Hope this helps!

Hi Nann, I think its better to get it before twins arrive. You still have the energy and time to shop around now. You can put twins on the stroller when you have your full month celebration. I also prefer 2 single strollers. I cannot imagine myself going out alone with the twin stroller, it can't even pass through my door.

Car seat can be a bit later cos when babies are so small you probably rather have them carried in the car.

I have started bringing babies out almost every weekend since they turned 2 month plus. Even drove them out once on my own to a friend's place. Have fun shopping. There is a parenthood fair this weekend, maybe you can find good discounts there.

Kikichan, you bottlefeed the twins most of the time with EBM and you have extra stored up in the freezer? THat's quite amazing... =) I have to do 1-2 formula feeds in the middle of the nite cos they don't latch well at nite and since their demand has gone up, my supply has dropped a bit.

Hi all, it's been a rough week. Entire family down with a virus, including my youngest twin. PHEW!

I personally feel car seats should be bought before the babies' arrival due to safety reasons. As for stroller I agree with L that it's easier to get a twin techno if your #1 can't walk so much yet and you end up having 3 or more kids to bring out. If these are your first children 2 single strollers would be better. For short trips you can even use 1 stroller & sling the other twin.


Thanks for sharing [IMG=] yes the twins are my first so dun know what to expect

L, ya I still can store in freezer. The babies still don't drink a lot. Only about 80-100ml on average each time. I'm saving up in the freezer for my vacation in Jan as not bringing twins along.

how much do your twins feed on average?

nann, when are u due ? I seem to have forgotten all those pregnancy woes. Enjoy your pregnancy now, enjoy your couple-time, cos things will never be the same again when your precious twins arrive. hehe.


I am aiming for 37 weeks which is abt mid dec. Tummy is quite big already can feel the discomfort esp. sleeping. I am hoping to cope by myself after confinement. Not sure if I can but will try [IMG=] Guess no matter how many books I have read I still feel worried but all excited.

Hey Kikichan, sorry I forgot, are yours twin boys/girls? My twin boys are drinking a lot. They're almost 9 weeks old and each feed about 110-120ml! It's similar to what my #1 drinks though, when he was a baby... And my supply is having a hard time keeping up. Btw, is anyone helping you at nite with the feeds? I find it hard to do bottle feeding alone. My mum has been very kind and has been helping me...

Btw Kikichan, how has your experience been bringing the twins out? Everytime I bring all my kids to church, I feel very stressed. Haha... cos I need to prepare like more than 1 hr beforehand, and just so many things to pack! Are you going back to work after ML? Or are you a SAHM?

Nann, yes, it's like that. I also read many books but nothing beats the real thing when the kids arrive!!!! But hang in there, many of us are going through this process together.

Pinky, that sounds really bad that the whole family is down with a virus... =( Yikes... hope you managed to get some rest and that you're feeling better! It really sucks to be sick and having to take care of other sick ones as well... hang in there.

Nann, good to aim for min 37 weeks. I'm sure you can make it once you set your mind on it. You are not getting any help after confinement? Maybe your parents/in-laws can help now and then. It can be overwhelming especially for 1st time parents. But you can try it out first and see how you can cope. Very excited for you too. Dec is just round the corner.

Mine are twin gals. I try to feed them more like 100-125ml sometimes but when they cant finish it, I find it such a waste so I stuck to giving 80-100. I am thinking of supplementing with FM some time soon as I am a bit worried about bone mass loss.

My mother-in-law help me look after one baby at night. So she helps to bottle feed overnight. I try to bottle-feed both babies if I can so that she doesn't need to wake up overnight every day. That means I'm like finish bottle feed the baby in my room first, then go over in-law's room to take other baby out to bottle-feed. Its good that your mum is helping you. Really need all the help you can get. DH is normally sleeping all the way overnight.

It's fun bringing twins out. If I go out alone or with DH, then I just put 2 car seats behind. If out with the in-laws together, then just 1 car seat, then one twin has to be carried. Preparation is ok, cos I always have the diaper bag ready; just need to prepare the milk. Of cos gotta bathe, dress and feed the twins first before going out. I'm a SAHM for now. Decided that its better to take care of the twins now. Both me and my mil decided to stop work so as to look after the twins full time. Don't trust maids and don't like the idea of putting babies in childcare. But if I were working, then getting a maid is a must. How about you?

Pinky, take care and get well soon!


Yes very excited and worrying at the same time. Hope the twins can hang on till 15 dec [IMG=]

Yesterday was the first time I had swollen feet. Still swollen today [IMG=] Should I be worried ? Heard old wives saying that swollen feet means abt to give birth soon. Any mums help got experience? Please share


Hi mummies,

thanks for ur well-wishes. We managed to survive the week! The twins had fever too but thankfully it has gone away. They seem to be gradually falling into routine. Bedtime is about 8-9pm, where they start sleeping longer. If I'm lucky my next feed is 5-6 hrs later.

By the way I am letting go of my My Brest Friend Twins Nursing pillow. Have used it during my hospital stay plus on & off at home. I realize I seldom tandem nurse the twins anymore thus this is sitting around doing nothing. Plus my elder one seems keen on going back to BFing, and I doubt the pillow is gonna be useful for feeding her. I still have the packaging. Cover just needs a quick wash. Stains are minimal or none as I always put a cloth below to catch milk stains. Anyone keen drop me a PM.

