Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!


u actually can hand express alittle out to "relieve" urself everytime u have an engorgement.. as for the hard lump, maybe u can get ur hubby to massage it away for u cause its quite painful and for me, i didnt have the strength to rub away so i got my hubby to do it.Better get rid of the hard lump, otherwise it might cause inflammation then u will need surgery, doc will need to "cut" open the lump and let it drain, open wound. I dont have anymore engorgement after 6mths of bfing, only feel heavy.

If u really want the engorgement, pain, everything to go away, just take the pill but if u plan to bf next time, ur supply will be almost zero.


nann, both my babies need to be carried for awhile before they can drift to zz. Giving them the pacifier helps a bit. Can be tiring especially at night, I don't think it is a good idea to let them cry it out yet as they are still so small. But each baby is different I guess.

baby, you can try using cold compress to numb the pain a bit too.


I dont prepare to give birth liao.. So no issue of no supply next time.. But taking pill really can solve the problem? No engorgement and can stop the milk?

Cos the nurse say even if take pill.. Will still have the engorgement cos also cannot pump... Tats y im hestiate to take the pill... Cos if also will need to go thru the painful engorgement route when taking pill.. Then might as well go the natural way...


Ya im using cold gel pack to compress my breast when it get painful... I also ask my hb to help me massage and squeeze some milk out... It will feel better.. But after a while the pain and heaviness will come bk again...

So i wonder how long does this has to go on before the milk can stop completely..

Cos when my hb massage for me.. My left breast will drip milk out.. Can drip like 30ml...

So i dont know whether im doing it correctly not...

Hey Mail,

Don't give up yet... If your nipples are bleeding, rest them a bit and don't offer them to your baby. Let them heal a bit before latching the babies again. Pump first. It can be surprising how fast the nipples toughen up. But this is a temporary measure. Most importantly, the babies need to correct their latch. Nipple bleeding is due to wrong latching... babies also learn fast. BEfore you know it, they will know how to latch better...

Just to encourage you, I had bleeding nipples both times, with #1 and now the twins. I just kept resting/pumping/latching the babies. With #1, though it was partial bf, i was able to do it until he was 10 mths. Now with the twins, the bleeding has also stopped and they are able to latch better... jia you! For the first time, I also felt like giving up... but I'm glad I just kept going. But I still think it's abt your sanity. Only if you think you can tahan the pain and the stress, then keep trying. =) All the best

I had blisters when I had #1 and the twins too. It lasted for about a week but silly me endured the pain and continued to let them latch. But the 2nd time they healed very fast. L is right about the nipples toughening up for breastfeeding, especially now you latch 2 babies.


I do believe that once the CL leaves, there's definitely be times when both babies cry & you can only carry 1 at a time. when i'm not at home & hubby is handling them, he will actually let them share a bottle of milk. he feeds 1 twin a bit, then feed the other twin a bit so that they will not cry hahaha. when i'm alone with all 3 children, really no choice have to let 1 cry while i handle another. i just use my own discretion to decide which twin needs to be handled more urgently. naturally hunger i will serve first, then diaper change, then need to be carried. if u're sure that all their needs are satisfied, it's ok to let them cry a while. for me i wait 5-10 minutes, depending on my mood & whether i'm busy doing something else or not hahaha.


thanks so much for sharing [IMG=] I see the cl handles them in a very calm manner which I am trying to learn. Ftm hear bb cry then panic already. I will remember ur advice when I am on my own hopefully can care for them well. I was telling my hb abt u ladies handling twins with another or more elder siblings. How u wonderful mums do it ? [IMG=] must have very high eq...


i didnt take the pill so i dont know but i think thats the fastest way to stop producing milk. If u have engorgement u MUST pump abit out otherwise u will be in pain and that only takes u maybe 5-10mins to pump that abit out.

Help!! I'm getting all stressed and confused. My milk has come in but def not enough. Shld I latch on all the time or pump 3 hourly? I wanted to try the first method but CL keeps saying baby is hungry and want to give fm. Or she say I can pump andshe'l feed so that I get some rest. But problem now is so little milk pump out it'll be even lesser than direct latch.

Then LC say to feed by syringe or cup. CL also looks surprised. I hv a couple of frens who told me to just pump 3 hourly. I'm really getting all confused and stressed now. If anyone is willing to talk and give me advise, pls let me know. I'll pm u my Hp. Really appreciate.


I think its ok to supplement with FM while u try to build ur supply, initally i was bf-ing and pumping every 2.5hrly and i took supplements as well.


I told my CL no FM at all unless they are not gaining weight well. So I just latch. If you feel tired just allow CL to supplement FM at night.

Hi mail, I'm breastfeeding my twins for coming ten months now and plan to stop very soon. Initially I was exclusively expressing for 7 times a day and could have my twins on totAl breastmilk in the 2nd month onwards. My record was 1.7 liters in one day. U can pump every 3 hours and drink lots of water.

Thanks, everyone. I tried for 1 day now to pump exclusively. Can only achieve 20 to 30 ml per pump. It dwindles after midnight. Do I hv to eat all the time? One side seems to produce more, is it normal? The worse thing is when I pumped fr the more productive side, it started to bleed and I dared not continue.

I really feel like giving up becos at night, I hv to help out w 1twin too. Did your confinement lady take care of 1 or 2 at night? Mine is trying but this is only the 3 rd day. I sense she's struggling cos my twins will wake up at different times for feeding. If I strive for bf, they will even wake up more. How to cope ? It will b worse when CL leaves. That's why I'm very torn between the caring of the twins vs bf-ing. Really at a loss


You have to eat and drink alot in order to produce milk. My left side produces more milk than the right cause i used to latch them on the left more, easier for me.

When my 2nd CL came, she offered to handle the both for me and it was great, i could focus on pumping and only in the morning, afternoon and evening, she will bring in 1 of the boy to latch. What my CL did was like what chrystal said, she woke the other 1 up for milk as well.

Actually its how you see things, i feel that buying FM is a waste of money so i do whatever it takes to produce more milk, i used to pump ard 2.5-3L of bm in the beginning. I try to also stay positive and eat whatever i want to comfort myself. I think for now, it is easier for you to handle them, just bear with the cries and constant feeding. I just fired my maid last week and im having a hard time now cause both are very clingy as the maid was always carrying them, forever crying for attention and also crawling, learning to stand/walk as well, basically im alone after my hubby leaves for work, got to prepare their meals, bathe, do housechores all on my own and i feel much happier this way. So right now, just tell yourself that you can do it cause i always believe, god will not give u a child u cant handle!

Hi Leah, you are another supermum I see in this forum. I really admire how u all stay so cool. You're right, God won't give me something I can't handle. I just prob hv to find the best way to handle my situation now.

So, it's normal for CL to handle both babies at night? I see her like very tired... But when I try to help her, I get even more tired cos I hv to pump too. I told her abt the method of waking 2nd one up to feed with the first but she doesn't buy the idea. She wants to separate the feeding time. Hence she kept going back to her very first point that the babies shld b separated and someone else can help takecare of the other one. But my mum is too old to help at night and maid is inexperienced. So I cld only offer my help


Actually i didnt care whether she has enough sleep or not cause im paying her to do the job. She didnt complain or anything so i didnt ask her.I suggest u tell ur CL that if she cant manage then get the maid to help too, wake the other up and let the maid feed. When CL leaves, its really scary, get her to train ur maid also.

No, im not a supermum, i just settled the both of them after 2hrs of crying non stop. I only tell myself that it will get better later. Think for now, u try to play ard with ur time, like for me, although im giving up pumping but i still find time to pump out when they sleep and only at night i will do my housechores. In the day ill leave them either in the playyard or jumperoo and i mind my own business if they cry then so be it, i cant be there to always carry them right!


just remember that you paid $$$ for her to help you out during this confinement month when you are supposed to rest a lot to recover your body. if you believe in a certain method then insist on it. My CL said I was her 1st twins mummy who insists on direct latching both twins and want them to sleep together with me. She constantly brought up the idea of asking me to express out my BM so that she can bottle feed them, know how much they drink @ 1 time and can control their feeding times. But I still insisted on my own method & I'm glad I did!

while the CL is there to help you, you also have to make sure that the routines/patterns she establishes will be easy for you to handle once she leaves. For now anything can seem okay cause she is the one doing most of the job, but the moment she leaves you are all alone. That's why I rather she follow my method than her own.

Our children are also quite sensitive to their mummies' moods. If they sense mummy is upset, they will also be fussy & harder to handle. So try to relax and take things 1 at a time. If both twins cry I tell myself, "nvm I handle this one 1st. once he/she is settled & quiet then think about how to handle the next 1."


I'm not as determined as the other mums and I do get affected and waivered by what the CL says. But one thing I insisted on was to feed them TOGETHER, so that you won't feel like you are constantly feeding them and it helps to establish some form of feeding schedule. I do help my CL. So she will feed 1 baby while I feed the other. If the babies are not crying together, sometimes she will feed both while I pump. It depends on how the situation is. But I agree with Pinky, you have to make sure that whatever the CL does, it will be easy for you to follow after she leaves, after all, CLs are only there for 1 mth or 2!!

Some mums are able to build up supply thru pure pumping, but I think not everyone are able to do that thru just pumping. I think latching is the best way to build up the supply, but I think it's also the most tiring in the first mth when supply is building up. Yeah... I think you have to weigh how tired you are and how much you can take. If nite time you are really tired, then bottle feed... =)

Thanks for all the advice. I brought up the issue with CL again abt feeding tog but she said one drinks more frequently while the other sleeps more. How to make them drink tog? I agree their patterns are very irregular now. The boy can wake up for milk at 2 hourly interval or sometimes, 5 hours. The gal is abt 3-4 hours. Do I just wake up the other for feed when the 1st one wakes up? Regardless which twin. Sorry I think I'm in quite a bad state now that I can't seem to work out anything logically. Geez...


For me, I will wake the other twin up so that the feeding timing will be close or same.

Try to tease him/ her or rub his ears, tickle his/her cheek or face to encourage them to suckle.

When I was in the hospital, the LC nurse actually told us not to supplement with FM in order to build up supply and let them latch on.

When back home, we thought they are hungry and feed them almost hourly in the daytime and 2hourly at night, and at that time we thought demand feed is suppose to be like that. They usually suckle ~10mins and stop, and we thought they had enough.

Only realised that they are probably not getting enough of hindmilk and gets hungry easily at about 6weeks. Now feeding them 2 - 3 hourly in the daytime, by feeding them longer 15-30mins, when necessary let them take a break in between. And nighttime, on demand, as and when they wake up from their sleep. I will feed both together at night, wake the other sleeping twin and feed together.

I will normally make a note and rotate them so them they will not be sucking at the same breast each time.

Now occassionally still gets sore nipples or blister due to poor latching. But hanging on there.

Hope it will be better for you soon. Jia you, don't give up. Do rest when your twins are sleeping during your confinement.

Hi, Mail

Yah....we told CL to take afternoon nap after seeing her tired of looking after twins alone at night; my maid helps to watch twins and take over some of her job(cooking/washing baby clothes) in the afternoon.

My CL also suggested me to express out, and said all the other twins' mums she cared did that . I insisted to latch-on, since I enjoyed bonding time when breastfeeding. My CL rolled eyes at first, but, well, I know I am a fair person.(thick skin......haha....).

Yah..... when to feed them, better have your own ideas and let CL implement them. You can refer to some books from library

'Healthy sleep habits, happy times' by Dr Marc Weissbluth

'A contented House with Twins' by Gina Ford

Relax! Trust your instinct.

Hi Mail,

I did the same as Tulips_hope. Wake other twin up so that their feeding times are close/same. If not, I feel like I'm constantly feeding them through out the day... At nite, I think some mothers follow cues of babies to feed on demand, but cos I bottle fed my twins, I actually wake them up together.

I know how conflicting it can be especially when you are a first time mum and appreciates advice from CL. But I also realized that it's better to have own idea cos after all, CL is only there for 1 mth and after that mums are the ones who have to face the consequences. I got quite affected by my CL's comments and all, so in the end, I always latch, but top up with a bottle, thinking it's not enough for them. I think cos of that, I never did the whole latching/bf thing very well. =(

Tubao, you sound so chill. =) Btw, under your recommendation, I went to buy the healthy sleep habits, happy times for reference. Haha. I'm trying very hard to put my twins on a napping routine now. It's been tough, they still fall asleep at different times in the day and one twin is a much better sleeper than the other. T1 gets startled so easily.

Pinky, have you been able to establish a routine yet? =) Haha, I always like to hear how you are doing cos our twins are close in age and seriously, I think you're doing a great job.


thanks! I have my nightmarish days too!

I have all the kids sleep at 8pm-8.30pm, including #1. Change into PJs, change diaper, milk then lights off. First feed of the day for the twins is around 8am, which is also the time #1 gets ready for child care. My goal is to have all the kids on the same routine eventually.

Anything between first feed of the day to bedtime is still in a mess. T2 seems to be able to be on a 2.5hr feeding schedule but for T1, sometimes he wants milk too soon, which I sometimes give in. I keep telling myself it's just because his eczema is making him feel uncomfortable. I am hoping to eventually drag their feeding to every 3 hours, but still working on it!

These 2 days T1 poops at 4-5am in the morning, which is annoying for me cause I have to get up to give a diaper change. I just want to go back to bed asap after a feed! By the way, the twins are on NTUC Fairprice diapers in the day now, while on Huggies Ultra at night. I am not sure if it helps them to sleep longer but so far with Huggies Ultra on at 8pm, the next diaper change will only occur in the morning at first feed, unless some1 poops.


Wow, you only use one diaper for the whole night? Even if they don't poo poo, I think the diaper will be heavy with wetness by morning. I usually do one change between 12am-6am. Just in case they get diaper rash.


yes. Huggies Ultra can last up to 12 hours, while Huggies Comfort can last up to 10 hours. Have been using it with #1 and have had no problems. [IMG=]


I find latching my bbs very stressful. Been pumping n doing partial fm/bm for close to three weeks. Past few days only doing solely pumping.

Now w cl I still have time to pump every 3 hrs but it is possible to still pump n give them some breast milk after cl leaves? I am on my own with a maid.

I understand the lack of zzz after confinement still possible to pump ? Getting worried how I will cope after cl leaves ? Hope dun get post natal blues... Now I hear bb cry I panic. looking at the constant feedings I am worried I can't care for them... [IMG=]


are ur twins on some sort of a feeding schedule right now? It would be good to establish one while the CL is around. This way u can plan to get the milk ready before feeding time & get the maid to help feed while u pump. or by having a schedule u can also pump while the twins r sleeping as that's most likely also when u'll be in a more relaxed state to produce more milk. [IMG=]

it's normal to let bb cry for a while cause it's their only way of communicating their needs. sometimes bb will cry for a short while before falling asleep.

how often do ur bbs feed now?


when my cl left, i was still able to pump, i will leave the boys to the maid when i need to go pump, but after pumping i will feel tired then i will take a quick nap before returning back to my boys. Now that i am on my own, im still able to pump 3x a day.

nann, i dun have a CL. Only have a maid to help me during that time and my maid is not helpful also. What I did that time was when is time to pump, I will bring my twins with me to the room in case they wake up. So i juz continue to pump while they sleeping. That continue for the 1st 2 months and I pump every 3 hrs. At night, both tiwns sleep with me and I will tandem feed them if they are awake else i will feed them separately.

after 2 months, I change my maid and she can handle my twins well, i juz let my maid handle my twins while i juz continue pumping every 3 hrs. My milk that time more or less is establish and enough for both.

Now im back to work after my maternity, I continue to pump 4 times a day. twins still sleep with me so i can still latch them on at night. you muz have the determination to bite through the tough period. once everyting is establish, tings are so much easier.


Now I pump 4X a day and latch on babies in the morning&evening after bath time. Maybe you continue pumping regularly until your supply is established, then tried to reduce frequency.

Hi, L

I didn't try cry out method advocated by dr Marc at his book, though I knew some mummies swear by it.

For me traccy hog's baby whisper is more in tune with my style.-----more of problem solving one by one. But dr marc's book help me have more realistic view about baby sleep problem instead of believing in that My babies can sleep through like easily like contented little baby by Gina ford.

For my 35month older daughter I let her cry out if she is fussy at night

hey nann,

It's like that first time round. With #1, my heart starts beating super fast when I hear baby cry... go into panic mode. But now with the twins, it's much better and I can let them cry for longer periods before panicking. Haha. Think it's still possible to pump and feed with a helper around, but may be quite tough... and realistically, may need to reduce no. of pumps a day if not enough help. I think we can only try our best and don't feel so bad!

Kate, actually it's great that you can latch the twins at nite... I think it saves a lot of time and energy. Currently, only 1 twin of mine can latch well... so I still have to pump the other breast and bottle feed the other twin.

Pinky, does your #1 have sleeping problems? Or she can generally sleep thru the nite? How do you put her to bed now? My #1 still has sleeping problems which makes it more difficult to care for the twins... =(

Agreed with L... as long as we try our best, can already. Have BM juz give... else juz give them FM. Don't feel bad. u need to rest n take care of urself b4 u can take care of ur twins.

L, i love the bonding time with them when i latech them on.. but hor, they have teeth now so they tends to bite me. [IMG=]


#1 is now 20 months old & sleeps on a single mattress laid on the floor. Before that she slept in her crib and it was a struggle every night as she'll scream and cry. When we switch her to the single mattress it was like magic. When it's bedtime I will carry her to switch on her night light. Then she'll lie down, hug her toy monkey and I'll cover the blanket for her. Kiss her, say good night, love you and leave the room. Initially when getting used to it I'll accompany her longer until she's drowsy but I won't let her fall asleep with me still in the room.

Recently she started expressing that it's bedtime by asking me to carry her to on the night light. She will also say good night to her brother & sister before going to the room. Very cute. [IMG=] She sleeps from 8pm to 8am on weekdays but wakes up later on weekends.

Your elder boy is not willing to sleep on his own?

Yup, my boy still needs one of us to lie beside him before he sleeps... and sometimes it takes FOREVER. Plus, he still has bad habit of waking up in the middle of nite asking for milk! Can u imagine? SIGH... =( When he started doing it, we thought it's just a phase and we just let it be.. and it lasted for MONTHS!!! Many friends have advised me to let him cry it out, but I'm just not able to do it...

When your #1 slept in her crib, did you leave her to cry?


yeah I let her cry it out after a couple of weeks when we had to accompany her to sleep. I told my hubby there was no way we're going to do this when the twins are born so might as well we train her now. Before that we had no problems at all, just leave her in the bed and walk out. then 1 night suddenly she protested. Does he sleep in a crib still or in his own bed?

What I used to do to help her get used to the idea is I will sit by her, talk to her, ask her about her day, etc. of course she's too young to really tell me but it seems to help.

perhaps u can try letting him cry 5 min, then go in, then 10min, then go in, then 15 min. u can cap it at 20 min is the max time u allow him to CIO before going in. how old is ur boy now?

Oh ya, I also helped her feel comfortable in her room by putting mickey mouse bed sheet & she has a couple of mickey mouse + minnie mouse next to her.

Hi mummies,

How is everyone? Its been a while since I checked in, was busying spending time with family over Christmas and New Year. Am currently 33 weeks, so really not too long to go now.

we have finally kicked in high gear and preparing for our twins' arrival.

I have also stopped work this week to rest at home. I cannot walk properly, I find that I will sway a lot from left to right, something even I myself find amusing. Needless to say, sleep at night is a high challenge. I can only lay on my right, on my left, I feel something jabbing into my ribs and its unbearable.

So hopefully, with rest at home, I can catch some catnaps during the day.

Going to spend the next few weeks getting the final touches to the twins' nursery ready, packing my hospital bags and re-reading my baby books again.

My maid has finally arrived. She seems pleasant enough, her English was not as good as I expected but so far, no disastraous communication break down yet.

What I am glad is at least the house is spick and span everyday and hubby doesn't need to do dishes afer meals, he gets to relax and enjoy a little bit of his time.

We have recently booked a place for #1 in CC, starting in April when he turns 2. Hopefully, by then he has gotten used to the idea of the twins' presense. Some of my friends told me I should put him in CC before the twins but because I need the nanny to take care of him during my delivery, I can't. Now I am hoping he will transition well.


We also trained our son with CIO/Ferber method. It took 3 nights. Now, he can sleep through the night 8pm to 7am in his own room. It was very intense but you have to tell yourself, in the long run, you're doing for his own good and helping him get a good night's sleep. From the sound of things, your son is almost there, you just need to let him learn to self-soothe back to sleep instead of gettting that comfort milk bottle.


take care of urself & enjoy the last few weeks of peace! Looks like our #1 are about a month apart. Mine turns 2 in May! Time passes by so quickly. However, we enrolled her for CC when she turns 18months, a month after the twins' arrival. I am glad that I've prepared her for their arrival during my pregnancy & she is slowly getting used to the house being a little more lively & the need to share attention with her siblings. It may seem tough at the beginning but I think it will help with the nanny around.

Hi Pinky,

You know I was reading the exact same schedules you posted yesterday - what a strange coincidence. I am really trying to figure what I want to do with BFing, how to best utilise my helper but at the same give as much BM as I could.

At this point, I don't know why I am leaning towards total EBM so I can split the BM equally between the twins. On one hand, I know it might compromise my output, on the other hand, it justs seem so much more manageable.

I hope my #1 will adjust well to the twins just like yours. Hubby has been assigned to take care of him during my delivery and confinement, so he won't feel any sense of neglect. Luckily, he is very close to his Daddy...although I do notice he had sort of become a little clingy to me of late.

2011 is going to interesting, that's for sure!


I have no experience in going total EBM as I'm pro-latching. Seems so much more convenient & easier, especially when I have to take care of #1 too. If I am not wrong you'll need to schedule about 8 pumping sessions a day. Perhaps you may latch 1 twin while pumping on the other side to boost supply.

Think it's normal for #1 to start being to clingy to you as they can also sense a big change coming up. During my pregnancy I made sure #1 was quite sticky to hubby so that I will have little problems juggling all 3 children but turns out that #1 was still clingy to me. Tough month when she wanted me to carry her but I couldn't.

I think a lot of 2010 twins here are approaching their 1st birthdays!

hi mummies,

it's been so long since i last posted and so many of you have delivered [IMG=] congratulations to all!

for those mummies struggling now... hang in there! it will all pass though I understand when you're in the thick of it, you'll feel like someone who says that it will all pass does not understand what you're going through now. at least that was what I felt when I went through the 1st two months when my gals were battling jaundice and when I was trying to establish my milk supply. but guess what, it really does come to a point where it will turn for the better. and when it does, you wouldn't realise it till a while later :p so jiayou!!! come to the forum and rant and vent all you like cos we all do understand.

anyway, I'm reading this book 'Emotionally Healthy

Twins' by Dr. Joan A. Friedman ( now and when I read it, I wished I bought and read this book earlier cos its so relevant to what I'd gone through. Some of the things which I've identified with includes how when I first found out that I'm carrying twins, I wasn't just happy.. I was more shocked and frustrated. Other things which I've identified with in the book includes how I felt jealous when my babies smiled at my helper.. and this thought stemmed from the fact that I felt that I shld have been on the receiving end of that smile but as my attention always need to be split between 2 babies, I couldn't do it and felt like such a failure. I'll recommend this and if you have the time to spare, do read it up cos I think it will benefit you some way or another.

@Pinky: you're right... before long, we wouldn't be talking abt breastfeeding... we'll be talking abt how to celebrate their 1st birthdays [IMG=]


Any idea when will period resume after delivery?

I understand bf will delay period from returning... I stop bf abt 2 weeks ago.. I saw red spotting today.. I think my period appearing.. Is this normal? Not sure its lochia or period.. My lochia aldy stop for 2 weeks liao...


Today its stilll red staining... Not full blown period..

It will stop.. Then appear again.. So not sure if its period or what...


have u done something to exert your body? when my lochia stopped for few days, i thought it was over. then when i started doing too much housework & carrying my elder one too much it would appear again.


Nothing le.. My lochia aldy stop more than 2 wks wor..

Before it stop i also saw it coming bk when i have more activity.. Then it stop completely...

Which fm is good? Enfalac and similac seems to be the more premium brands but similac makes my bbs constipated and enfa seems to give my bbs wind cos i always see small bubbles in the milk... I dont see it on other fm..

My bbs is drinking nestle nan1.. But the nutrients content seems lower than the more premium brands.. So im thinking to change to a better one.. Any comments on friso gold?

