Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

Hi, thanks for all your advice. Cos I'm will b getting a helper and I can get my mom to help me to cook. The problem is only the night time cos we are not sure/to expect for the night...

Leah: Do u go for natural delivery or C-sec? How many person in a ward? A1 or B1?



Wow, all your kids have really cool birth dates!

Pinky, L and doblue,

Hearing all of your progress as you approach D-day is very encouraging. Gives me confidence to carry twins to 36-37 and even 38 weeks! Despite the great discomfort, all of your are real troopers taking everything in your stride in order to give twins the longest gestation possible.

I hope I can be as motivated as you girls when its my turn.


Good to hear you managed to settle all things you wanted before delivery. I have not gotten to buying the toddler bed yet…so lazy.


When we first we weaned our boy, did all the blending ourselves, we used food processor as well, freeze in babycubes etc but he didn’t take to them too warm. So in the end, fed him ready made organic options (lots of choices now, organix, plum, healthy times, even Heinz has organic range) and he actually ate more so for a while we stocked up quite a lot of those. Only when he got a bit older, his tastes started changing ago and he advanced towards porridge and sort of went off the ready made meals.

You may wish to start experimenting with jars first? They do have many stages beginning from as young as 4mths. Once opened, usually can last 48hrs refrigerated.

Mummies with domestic helpers,

Can I just ask your opinions on selection of DH. I have shortlisted my preferences to 2 candidates now, both Filipinas.

One is mother of four, so she seems to have good child/baby care experience. She sounded very honest on phone. The disav is she never worked outside of Phil before and I wonder if she may have problems adapting and esp with 4 children, will she get homesick?

The other is ex-Sgp (4 years, 2 employers), speak excellent English, claims to have baby and child care experience. The cons are she requested for 1 day off/mth and also her second employer, she only worked 1 year, did not finish contract, when I question her, she says she had family emergency (hmmm?)

If you were me, who would you choose?


I use this brand of blender call "U-like" u can see it at Isetan scott and maybe Tangs, it cost abt less than $70. What i like abt it is the size is juz right to blending bbs food. I got it since dd1 which is abt 6 yrs ago and it have serve me well so far. Usually i buy a small portion of organic veg or fruit juz for my dds then steam, blend and freeze them.


So if my bbs really tahan till 20 oct i will always remember u when i celebrate their BD. Hee hee hee.......


Yup i'm amaze by their weight gain too. Was telling hubby if they con't to grow at this rate and only coming out at 38 wks they might hit 4kg!!!! Yup mine is fraternal twins. My heartburn is better this week and i can eat a bit more. Btw how's your check up?

My gynae is very pro nature and dun usually like to push a early date to bring out the bbs if everything is normal to him. I did ask that is there chance where my bbs will be out b4 the fixed date since our date is so backward, he did said there is such posibility and if it happen i can still have time to go for c-sect or even try if i'm still open to try nature.

If your gynae agree with the date u fix i think it will be fine plus your bbs weight is also ok, my sil twins was out at 35wks with weight above 2.5kg they have grow well too.


My dd3 is but a one of a kind case lor. I did not give and was told not to give the food that cos allergy to her when i re-intro solid to her at 1yo. It was until recently that bananas was given a green light to give after they test her. For sweet potatoes, will have to wait till she is 4yos then they will ran a test and c how.


I will go for the one who never work here b4. Always felt that those who work here b4 may have funny friends/business. It may not be true in all cases but i rather dun take the risk.

Felt that if she have 4 kids she will all the more be motivate to do her job so as to ensure they have a better life. As for home sick cannot help, my 1st helper, cried almost everyday after my dd3 is born when she is already with me for almost 6 mth, cos she miss her 1yo dd whom she juz wean off b4 she left to work for me. I told her if she really wanna go back i will let her go, but after a while she told me she will stay on cos if she go back she will have nothing and her family life will not improve.

But be prepared that for brand new helper, they will take a long time to understand what u want and manage the household matter, my 1st took almost 6 mth to have less mistake, my 2nd one who is here for less than 2 mth still blur blur.

thanks for sharing, mummies! i do have a food processor at home but never really tried to use it before. maybe its time to explore it :p

i know that using jarred food would be so much easier in the beginning esp when they're eating so little.. so why bother, right? but, i dont know... i'm so excited at introducing solids to them that i feel like i want to try my hand at making purees for them.

maybe its because i feel like its a happy thing to do. cos right now, while my breastfeeding routine and supply has been established, i feel so 'trapped' cos they're so dependent on me that i cant be away from them for long. so that dampens my mood on this whole breastfeeding thing a little. and... this will prob shed some light at the end of the tunnel... counting down to the end of their first year when they supposedly don't need milk anymore!

err... is it true? do you mummies still give your kids milk (BM or FM) after they turned 1? if possible, i want them to take normal food so no need hassle of nursing or giving them BM/FM when we go out :p lazy mummy me!

Annika: i agree with doblue in that a brand new one might have less monkey business up their sleeves. and i feel that off day is really the one thing that's a slippery slope. esp when they go and mix ard with their friends and share tips and tricks.

mine indon helper is a transfer but its from a family friend. she came recommended in that she's good with kids. i have to agree with that but some of the things she did is really quite lazy and bodoh. some examples include:

1. washing my pump parts in a basin which my mum use to prepare raw meat and fish. then rinsing and placing them in the kitchen sink. cos of this, i had to throw away 3 days supply of BM when i found out.

2. i finished my individual packs of Khong Guan cream crackers and she replenished it. guess what? she took out 4 big packets of it to put on the kitchen counter. when i asked her. she said my mum told her to replenish. ok... but 4 big packets??!!!

3. she keeps drying my nursing pillow cover in the dryer using 30mins cycle first and add another 10mins cycle. after a while, i really buay tahan and told her that if you have been doing this for so many times already... why havent you learnt that you can put a 40mins cycle right from the start.

4. because of my leaky breasts, sometimes, there are milk stains on my parquet floor. there was this particular stain which has been around for a while but i noticed that it was never cleaned up. one day, i told her to clean and she told me that she tried but it cannot be removed when she mopped the floor. so i told her to wipe with a piece of cloth. later that evening, i noticed it was still there so i told her to come. i asked her if she tried and she said she did but cannot be removed. i then took a piece of wet tissue and wiped the stain off right before her eyes. and told her that if she didnt try, she shld not tell me that she tried and couldnt.

like what doblue said, if she's new, must really train her to do things your way. must be firm also.. otherwise, i think some of them tend to take advantage of their employers. but i also learnt that at the end of the day, if we dont close one eye also, we'll vomit blood and die :p

hope this prepares you a little... i'm also learning to handle a helper. in fact, i'm a most reluctant employer of a domestic helper but boh pian [IMG=] really need an extra pair of hands to handle the gals.


Actually our kids will still need milk for as long as they want. My dd1 who is 7yo still taking milk but mostly once a day.

Like u i was lazy and cut back her milk after she turn 2, but my pd advise against it after she knew. You might wanna take note that after they r 1yo they can drink fresh milk/UHT milk!!! For me, i actually dun bring milk powder/ hot water/ milk bottle out for them after they r 1yo. I either juz bring a pkt of UHT or juz pick up a pkt/bottle of fresh milk if i know i'm at place where i can easily get it.

Looks like your helper dare to even lie hor. I find that after they lie is really hard to trust them. Btw, i always felt that indon helper are not as clean, so i guess more is needed to train them. Anyway, i agree that is really stressful to train a helper. Now that i need to re-train a new helper is really not easy. Was telling hubby if this helper also dun wanna con't for us 2 yr later i rather go w/o helper and put the kids in CC then to train another one again. Until now i dun dare to leave my dd3 alone with the new one.


for babies around your girls' age their total daily milk intake should be around 720ml. This includes milk you add into solids (if you do). Sounds like your girls are doing well and unless the PD raises concerns about their weight then I don't think you should be worried. For the night weaning, how about gradually decreasing the amount of milk? Eg: 60ml for 2-3 days, then 40ml for another 2-3 days until it becomes to none at all. I've personally not tried this before, chose to just not give & let my DD cry her lungs out until she gave up. But I've friends who tried this method with success.


good that they love their milk since it's the most important source of nutrients for their 1st year. Think you'll be more worried if they go on milk strike.


you can do it too! usually mommies who've had babies before are more likely to carry twins further as their body is already stretched. just need to listen to ur body and rest whenever needed, don't push yourself.


by the time ur girls are 1 YO they're probably drinking milk less often, thus it won't be too much of a hassle if you need to feed them milk. Even if you use FM, you may just need to bring 1-2 feedings of milk for a day's shopping trip. For my DD now we don't even bring FM out at all as she only drinks twice a day (lucky me!) By that time I think the motivation to stop BFing is greater as you may find it a hassle to pump and keep up with supply, which was what happened to me when DD was around 9 months, and I got pregnant (again).


i think it's good that your gynae is pro-natural & supportive of a c-section past 38 weeks. Anyway we already chose to have ours on 37 weeks 2days since hubby wants the date, I've gotten my steroids and I think I'm pretty much done being pregnant. It's a mental battle for me everyday to stay in bed!

Hi Pinky,

Thanks. We do not add milk into their solids. They just have this routine. Even so, they will break their milk feeds into two times. First time will have remainder of 30-50ml and continue to finish 30min later... So we can't really increase their milk intake... :<


Izit a must to take steroids jab? What your gynae say? Now that u mention i realise i was not given any of this. Better double check in my nxt visit.

Doblue, I don't think if it's a must to take steroid jabs... in fact, I think if your babies are growing so well, you probably won't need them! I took one shot last week (W35), cos my gynae was afraid that I will go into pre-term labor this week, so the steroid jab is to boost the babies' growth in case it happens...

My #1 started wheezing this morning and it happened 2 months ago where he had to be hospitalized for a few days... =( I'm praying hard that he will get better soon cos my surgery is happening on Mon! Sigh, bit of a stressful situation...


I asked Dr Paul about steriods before..he says only when necessary, then he will prescribe. otherwise it will just be the oral tablets to relax the uterus [IMG=]

doblue: the steroid jabs are like more of an insurance.. in case of preterm labour cos the jabs strengthen the bbs lungs. even if they're delivered earlier, the bbs can breathe on their own without any equipment help. perhaps, your gynae didnt mention to you cos you're already at a point where even if the bbs are delivered now, there wouldnt be a problem?

doblue & pinky: then i'm going to give them fresh milk!!! wahahaha... major laziness on my part. but also because they dont really take bottles so that's like a huge headache. even right now, i'm thinking how i'm going to survive going to church on sundays. think i've held off going to church long enough... must make it soon. otherwise, the gals might be very unfamiliar with a church service and most importantly, how to make them God-fearing? :p

Thanks mummies for your inputs. You have reinforced and reassured me of my gut feeling. I was leaning towards the fresh one as well. Discussed with hubby and we feel we rather start with a clean sheet of paper, rather than one who would tend to compare us with her ex-employers etc. Also, I was not very willing to consider giving day off right at the beginning.

Wish me luck as I embark on this interesting journey of maid management.


Its definitely convenient if your bubs take to fresh/UHT milk. You don’t need to lug all sorts of milk paraphernalia around. When we brought DS to UK last Dec (by then no longer direct latch), had to prepare bring all sorts of stuff on board the plane, it was such a pain.

I tried to give my boy UHT once when he was around 15mths but he threw it up. Now he is drinking FM but at least from a sippy straw cup by himself so we just make the FM and pass to him so I don’t mind.

Whatever it is, it will get easier as the milk feeds reduces. Like Pinky, we usually don’t bring FM out with us anymore. DS is only down to 3 feeds per (breakfast, tea break and before bedtime). By the time they are 1 YO, you can also give them yoghurt, cheese, even ice-cream so there is a large variety of dairy products so even if skip 1 feed, no big deal. So, there is light at the end of the tunnel!


Hope nothing too serious with your #1. Will pray for you.


We also let my boy cry it out in order to cut the night feeds. In fact, we were using Ferber method. It worked but I rather not think about those days…one of the worst 3 days of my life.


I agree that training them to sleep thru the night was the worse part! Totally dread having to go through it again, 2 at the same time period!


The 720ml is just a guideline & I doubt u're very far off. Most likely once you've successfully weaned off the girls' night feeds, they'll make up for that loss by drinking more in the day. Good luck! [IMG=]


My OB likes to play safe so I got my steroid jabs at 30 weeks & pills to standby to relax the uterus in case I get too many contractions. Think you can request for it but ur pregnancy seems to be going well so far that's why your Dr didn't mention it. I went for 2 doses over 2 days, was literally a pain in the a--. Hahaha.


Hope your boy feels better! Will be having you in prayer.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Hi all! My C-sec is tomorrow morning at 730 am... prob will MIA for a while, but try and keep u guys updated on the twins' progress!

Thanks for praying... my boy recovered much faster than expected. Really thank God for that. =) So now I can go for my C-sec in peace...

L: congratulations!! let us know how it went for you [IMG=]

made my first trip to church as a family yday... and we failed spectacularly!!! we made a beeline for home even before P&W ended. sigh... its really tough [IMG=] think my gals are spoilt. when they're home, they have the luxury of drinking and sleeping as and when they feel like it. but yday, since we were going to church, though my eldest didnt take a nap, we just went ahead.

and lo and behold, even before P&W ended, she started to fuss and I hurried to Pastor's office to try and nurse the two of them. my youngest wanted to drink but my eldest only wanted to cry because she was tired. hubby didnt manage to soothe her and get her to sleep so I had to 'abandon' the youngest to carry my eldest. when the eldest finally calmed down and slept, the youngest decided to cry too cos she was hungry. i wanted to pass my eldest to hubby to carry her so i could nurse the youngest but she woke up and continued to cry. in the end, we ended up with 2 crying babies so decided to go home.. thank God my parents were still in the vicinity after dropping us off.

sigh.... i really dont know how to do this [IMG=] as much as i want the gals to start going to church and get familiarised with the church environment but if this is going to happen every sun, i rather stay home. i was a little upset with hubby also... keep thinking that if he managed to soothe the eldest, then we wouldnt need to come to this. but i also know that sometimes, fathers can soothe babies the way mothers can... esp when i nurse them and are closer to them, so they will 'give face' to me.

ok... enough ranting. hope everyone had a good weekend.. mummies who are delivering soon, you're almost there!!! gambatte!!!


Don't be upset.. bringing the bbs to church is like bringing them anywhere - go with the mentality to accept that they may fuss anytime. i'm sure it was a bad day.

What time does P&W start, and does your church have a dedicated children's cry-room where you can bf etc and can still watch the church proceedings?

You might want to go later, in the middle or towards the end of P&W? Alternatively you might want to try again when they are slightly older and can sit up and play. Don't give up on bringing them to church!

Spiffy: our P&W starts at 11.15am and yes, we have a playroom but when we got there yday, the ministry pple were still sanitising the room so we headed for the main sanctuary. after a while, my eldest started to fuss.. and thats when it all went downhill lor.

tks for the encouragement [IMG=] i wont give up bringing them to church but got to be brave whenever i think abt doing it. this sun is babies' dedication so i guess it encourages me to try again. got to pray very hard for His grace....

Hi all.. Greetings from tmc! The twin boys are out!! Thank god one is 2.3kg, n the other is 2.7kg n they are doing v well! No jaundice etc yet.. I have to say c sec is a lot more painful n inconvenient than natural birth but I'm just thankful that all went well. Can't wait to be off tubes so I can be more mobile. [IMG=] think #1 is starting to feel it cos I can't carry him n everyone is v fascinated by e twins!

It's been a while... can't believe my luck (or lack of it).. my father in law just passed away so we have been busy with the funeral etc..

how's everyone doing?


Congrats... and get used to the attention [IMG=] Frankly i am not a big fan of strangers coming up to us and start to play and touch my kids.. but that is what happens.. and we are getting used to it..


Congrats! Wish you good recovery!


My older daughter needs to be at home before 6pm when she is below 15 months, otherwise she would suddenly burst out uncontrollable cry like colic baby. Guess she is prone to over-simulation. But now at 32 month, every weekend she asked for whole day outdoor activities. Before we realized it, she had too much energy & adventure spirits until we headache.

L: wow!!! your babies have very good weights [IMG=] rest well and do put on the abdominal binder. might be a bit sensitive to put it on now but do try to have it as tight as possible cos it really helps to lessen the pain. initially, i had it on loosely and the pain was more obvious. i know it sounds very contradictive but it works!

tubao: haha... such a dilemma huh??!! either way, we parents have headaches. sigh... think you have a point. my gals could really be overstimulated that day cos i don't think they have been in a place with so many pple in one room and such loud music. but.. guess we need to condition them. they can't possibly go on forever without getting used to crowds and noises.


Sorry for late reply, have been busy. For subsidy, you only can take c class. Throughout my checkups I was seen by 3 specialist, only on the day when I went for c sect, it was done by junior doc.


Congrats on the arrival of the twins boys !!! [IMG=] Very good weights. Gave me the courage to carry my boys thru like u did. Rest well and congrats again [IMG=]


congrats on the twins! glad everything went well & that the babies are of good weights. Take care & rest well!


I've also read that the abdominal binder helps with the pain but u also have to put it on really tight. I have 1 prepared but not sure if it'll fit. R we able to use it immediately after the op?

Pinky: yes, the binder helps alot! i only put on the binder on the 2nd day cos my gynae put a dressing (i can't remember what its called now.. maybe its compression dressing. maybe ask your gynae) on the wound right after the operation. and i dont feel the wound at all! but it could also be due to me not having to move an inch since i had a catheter.

only felt the pain on 2nd day when the catheter and special dressing was removed (normal dressing put in its place)... and had to make my trip to the loo and pee. its compulsory cos they needed to know that your bladder can still function and they needed to measure the amt of pee.

but don't you worry, i know of pple who can function well on the 2nd day! they feel very little pain... perhaps got to do with an individual's threshold for pain.

Hi all,

Thanks for sharing abt the steroid job, i got a clearer pix now, i guess will juz let my gynae decide what's best since he is more pro-natural kind. [IMG=]


Congrats and enjoy your wonderful moments with your bbs. Hope u r much better today.


Dun get discourage with your 1st outing with bbs ya. They do need time to adjust. I remember when i bring my 3 bbs b4 they r 6 mth old to prayer gathering there were time that i din get to pray at all as i need to settle them outside the room.

How's your church layout like? Big? We are using a big sanctuary that only first half is filled. So normally i will sit all the way back when my bbs are younger, with sling & nursing cover i will bf them there as there is no cry room. If they are really worst then i will bring them out and settle them. You may wanna try to sit nearer to the exit until they r better. Having said these i'm dealing with only 1 bb then not sure how i will cope with 2. :p. So far for my 3 since they go to church at abt 2 mth old they are kind of use to it that they usually zzzz at P&W as my church start at 2pm which is abt their nap time.

Most impt i suppose is to cover them with prayer!!!! Will pray for u abt this sunday too. [IMG=]

Btw, u bought the binder on your own? The last time it was provided by my gynae and they wrap for me right after my op. But that was a different gynae from my current one and was 7 yrs ago. Juz wanna make sure and get ready.


Sorry to hear abt your family. Do take care ya.

I guess your wife do need a lot of support now.


Do u know if TMC provides the binder for c sect mum? Or i need to prepare one first. Are u next to pop? 10/10. All ready? So exciting.... [IMG=]


Congratz to you and well done! Twins are of good weight and sounds like they can go home with you real soon.

I agree that the abdominal binder really helps. Best to let the gynae decide on the binder to be used.

Take care and enjoy the precious ones!

Hi all

woulld like some advice from twin mummies if it's necessary to go for those Malay massage/wrap? Any recommendations?

Tummy still feels flabby like 4 mths pregnant.

RE: Binder

you can prepare your own, or can get from gynae which will eventually be charged to your hospital bill. I think.


I'm spending these days running last minute errands & resting. can't wait to meet my babies!


If u r having c-sect can only massage 1 mths or even later after u deliver. I booked a malay lady and she told me she will come and check on my wound 1 mth after my delivery to see when i will be ready for the massage.

Hi all,

I'm back to Sg. so great to be here again. It is really not an easy job to take k of the twin and in the same time doing house chores. We are getting a maid this week. Can I know for those who hav maid at home, do you let them handle your newborn babies things like wash bottles, make milks, feed babies?

L, congrats to ur twin boys. Sure you are very popular among the wards and no need to mention name everyone will recognised you as the "twin's mum". (this is wat I experienced in TMC when I delivered! cheers!)


I got a binder from the nurse when they teach me how to get off from the bed. The charges will charged to ur hospital bill together.

doblue: we're a small church of abt 100 members every sun. the sanctuary is not that big but yes, we parked ourselves at the back last week so that we could sneak out without disturbing the P&W. thanks for praying for us [IMG=] we'll definitely pray for them this sun. but guess we'll also be heading for the cry room in case.. hope to at least finish P&W this week so that we can finish the babies' dedication.

as for abdominal binder, i was given by my friend who underwent c-sect a month before I did. the one she gave me has 4 horizontal panels. my tummy was quite big so I needed that. another friend gave me one with 3 horizontal panels but I find the one with 4 panels better. if you have one already or have friends who can pass it on to you.. then take it. save the $60-70 dollars!

oh yes, for mummies going for c-sect.. dont forget to put on the compression stockings! it helps with blood circulation and also with the swollen feet.

kikichan; i did my massage around 2+mths cos firstly, i was too busy and stressed with the twins. secondly, its better to avoid massage too early cos the wound on the inside may not have healed yet. you don't want it to bleed from inside again. i was also told by a therapist that i should do it after at least 8 wks. in the end, i did it ard week 11 and told the massage lady to avoid massaging my incision.. in case it becomes infected.

as for whether its effective, i'll say a little cos i only did 5 sessions. no time cos it badly disrupts my nursing schedule. and i also did not put on the ginger cream which is recommended for slimming effect. that was due to some rashes i had so i rather skip it. what i found effective was breastfeeding the babies and also using the abdominal binder tightly. used the binder for abt 2 mths. but at the end of the day, it will still take time for it to go down. after 4mths, i still have a tum tum like 3mths pregnant :p

CL: i made the mistake of letting my helper wash my pump parts and she did it in a most unhygienic way. after i found out, i threw away my milk supply and refused to let her wash it ever since. i think its fine to let her do things which will not harm or endanger the babies. think feeding them may not be so bad but sterilising bottles and making milk for them might best be handled by yourself or someone else with a good idea of what's sterile for babies. unless, you really spend time to train her and make sure she understands very well what is appropriate before you let her do it on her own. perhaps supervise her doing it for a month or two. if you intend to let her bathe the babies, must also supervise and check water temp to make sure its not too hot or cold.


Good morning !!! It's october already .... Thanks for the info and advice regarding the binder [IMG=]

Hi all!

Back from my OB visit and will be seeing her next on Sunday for my C-section. Both babies are doing well at 2.3kg - they've actually gained 400gm since last Tuesday! We are hoping that they'll be at least 2.5kg at birth so please pray for us!

Hi everyone,

Been MIA cause quite a hectic week at work. On the pregnancy front, I cannot believe the rate at which my tummy is growing. And I only at the halfway mark. Yikes!


Warmest congratulations and hope to hear more from you when everything is more settled down.


All the best for your C-section! Good job for carrying your twins to full term.


You guys ought to give yourselves a pat in the back for making the effort, regardless of what happened. Don’t worry, I am sure things can only get better as your girls grow older and become more predictable. You and HB will slowly gain confidence as well.

Hope everyone have a good weekend with your families.


So excited for you. finally the time is counting down now... sure they will gain more weight. cant wait to see your twins.. [IMG=] enjoy your last 10 days free pampers more your #1 and taking k of 2 newborn together!


U know what? We only set up the cot once to make sure everything are in order, after that we have to take it down again cos no space. Until now we r still not sure where to place it. Cos all our rooms seem so full. Hee hee......

We like the cot, cos the colour match well with our study and children room. Thanks.


Welcome back. Hope u will enjoy/adjust better back home.

If your helper is new, i dun think is wise for u to let the helper handle the newborn things.

For my case, i still watch my helper like a hawk, who was with me for 6 mths b4 my dd3 was born, when she handle my dd3 & all her things. In the end she pass the test cos she is quite clean.


Most welcome will con't to pray for u. Maybe nxt time i need your prayer too. Like i mention, i never handle 2 bbs b4. [IMG=]

Shy to say that my 7yo binder is far too small for me now. :p Will likely ask around, if i still have time.

Then hor, where u get your compression stocking har? Sorry so far i never use this b4.


Enjoy your last week with a big tummy. I'm sure u can't wait to remove this heavy load. Will keep u and bbs in prayer too. [IMG=]

Hi all,

My babies and my family are back home yesterday from TMC... =) Everything went well, but the breastfeeding nightmare and sleepless nites are coming back. I'm trying very hard to tandem feed them and start them on a little routine. It's tough cos they are still so small, but my hubby and i thought we better start cos when the CL leaves, we will find it hard to cope..

Binder- I heard they charge like $70 for it. Yeah, get it from friends if you can. Mine was a hand me down. The wound is finally getting better these few days.. hopefully by next week I will be more mobile.

Pinky, hang in there!! The last leg is so tiring and seems so long... but it's worth hanging in there! Jia you.

doblue: yes, we'll need to pray for one another. maybe cos i'm a first time mummy, its really a very steep learning curve for me [IMG=] feeling nervous abt tmr again.. very tempted to just make it for the babies dedication tmr and then skip church till they're older.

my compression stocking was sent to me by the physiotherapy dept after my c-sect in KKH. after i went back to the ward, they sent someone with the stocking and put it on for me. i'm sure it was billed to me but because the bill wasn't itemised, i had no way of knowing the cost though. do remember to put it on. a friend of mine didnt cos they left it in her ward before she came back and she never wore it. and her swelling took much longer to come down. oh yes, even with the stockings, do remember to wriggle your toes and move your legs as much as you can. it will help with blood circulation and prevent thrombosis.

yes, do ask around for the binder. save the $$ for your babies [IMG=]

for those who got the binder before the surgery, what size/measurement did u all get? right now i'm measuring about 42" and my binder is suitable for up to 36". Was wondering if the tummy will shrink back so much or should I get a bigger size? i was able to wear this after i delivered DD but I guess there'll be more "skin" to hold after a twins pregnancy? i don't want to end up wasting money. TIA


Pinky: the one which i was given is 46-62inches. brand of the binder is Dale.

btw, TMC has a pharmacy also? if yes, just bring your current binder there. if it works, well and good. otherwise, just ask for the required measurement and ask yr hubby to get it from the pharmacy? last resort is to get it from your gynae, i suppose?

