Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!


I also feel the twins' movement a lot more than when I had my #1. Esp the twin who is heads down... I think it's cos his legs are more active in kicking me in the ribs. For twin 2 who is legs down, I feel tickling sometimes on my bladder... it's a strange sensation! Haha.

Sleeping has really been a challenge these nites. I think cos when I lie on my side, the twins feel squashed also, so they shift themselves... and I feel a lot of aches and jabbing/poking by them and I try not to move too much. But everytime I need to get up to use the toilet, it's so hard falling back into a comfy position and sleep again. =( Last few nites, I spent some time sleeping sitting up with a travel pillow. Felt more comfy... I can't wait for them to come out though I know there will be other sorts of challenges. At least I will feel I'm more in control of my body condition. Haha... 2 MORE WEEKS TO GO!!!!


think SG dun have their own set of quads yet..but identical triplets..yup there is one set here. came out in the news like more than 1 year ago.

oh i have been really busy. the gals are having a milk strike..for quite sometime le. am so tired fighting a battle with them everyday. they are just too smart for me.


your gals loosing weight or gaining very little weight? mine only gain about 100-200g in 3 weeks. so sians..PD said not loosing weight, she is not worried. btw how do u force them to drink ah? for me if daily quota not met, i don't force..cos wait vomit like merlion, then i die! its much more worse.

does dream feed work for ur gals? mine don't at all, they just too smart, stick their tongue out and refused to drink, one time i push the teat in and they vomited. so sians.


yes too more weeks to go! u can do it! for me less than month. Sleep is a challenge too. I switch from left to right many times a night, sometimes just resort to sleeping on my back for a while as it seems to help. the twins seem to be active all the time!


I see. hopefully things get better!

Hope every1 had a good weekend.

hi, i noticed u can get the medela PISA from BP @$385 without warranty, so i am reducing the price. hope my price is reasonable considering u dun need an adaptor and it comes with warranty for another 8.5 mths from now. plus a couple of free gifts, all new except the NUK containers.

its a shoulder back-pack design, comes with cooler bag and ice brick and 1 manual medela pump. 4 bottles, and battery pack.

Selling my Medela PISA for $450 (price negotiable), used only for 6 weeks, warranty still valid till 31/5/2011. Condition 10/10. [bought locally @ $718]

Throwing in a couple of free gifts that include:

- Medela extra valves & membranes worth $30.50

- Medela Milk Collection Shells 1s (brand-new) worth $13

- Quick Clean Breastpump & Accessory wipes

- The Definitive Breastfeeding Guide by Janet Tamaro worth $22

- Baby Legs (Brand-new) worth $16.90

- NUK Breastmilk container 4s(preloved- used less than 5 times) worth $37

- Nursing Shawl from mothersenvogue worth $49.90 (brand-new)

Interest parties, please email me at [email protected]

hello mummies,

how are you? im back to work today.. so sian.

Gera, my girls weight ard 5.7kg as of last month. going for their 2nd jabs next week and will let u knw their weight. they look very chubby now.

Hi all,

After reading all your sharing, I guess i'm the oldest and biggest size here...sob sob......


Thanks for sharing, i have not tried soft-boil egg during confinement, that's a good idea. I think is a cheap and good for milk supply. Ok i will sms/pm u for more idea if i need. Am doing some reading up to work out what i can prepare too.

Is rather likely that i will use the Mirena as birth control since ligation is not 100% also. Anyway i was telling hubby, nothing is fool proof if God really decide to give us more children. Otherwise,is good to follow my friend's advise "no input no output" kekekekeke

Yes, this round being my 4th but bcos is twins, i do think that the moment is a lot more compare to the past 3. Infact, this is the 1st time also that my hubby can see my tummy moving when the bbs move. I guess bcos the space is limited also.


wah good weights!! my gals next jab will be when they are 19 weeks. their last weight 3 weeks ago were 4.7 4.9. today just weigh at home and its 5.1 and 5.3. think its becos of their recent milk strike, not gaining alot of weight.


My 3 dds r 7,4 & 2yo. My 7yo is a great help even now with my 2yo. Then my 4yo always fight for things with my 2yo. And my 2yo will beat the jie jie if she did not get what she wants from them. The good thing is the jie jie wun usually fight back. I do think that they will be of help, but on the other hand is quite a handful to handle them as well. For the 7yo we need to guide her in her studies, her weekly english and chinese spelling already take up quite a bit of time. Then plus all the homework, book review and journal.......My 4yo usually have homework every weekend so saturday is clearing homework day for her. The the 2yo always stick to me, esp now that i have a new helper whom she kind of reject. I really dun know how to manage after these 2 come out. Another saving grace is my hubby is really of great help, but that is only if he finish his work, if he is busy then i kind of stuggle with everything. I do hope that by Jan my 2yo go childcare things will get better.

Yup, i thot to prepack those red dates tea and juz ask my helper to brew it everyday. I was told that is rich in iron too.

Actually, my last church camp that i went, dd3 was only 6mth old and on total breastfeeding too. What i did was to use the nursing cover and sling which i am quite pro with since i used it for all 3. I find that to manage 3 kids with some age gap is still alright, but to have 2 at the same age is really a handful. I will not be going to my church camp this year too cos my bb is only juz a mth old. And in view of the budget i dun think we will travel with 5 kids for the nxt 4yrs!!!! How to go with so many young children? Sad to say due to the "culture" in singapore where most primary school kids go for trip during school holiday, my dd1 will always ask if we are going anywhere in her coming holiday. I guess we have to deal with such expectation for quite a few years. I just dun wish that they will blame it on the "big" family.


My gf who have to go back to work after her ML also did not have a place to express milk in her work place. In the end she settle for the handicap toilet which is under use. She works in a school.

If your office dun have a place to express, have u look out for places near by your office? e.g changing room/nursing room?

Another friend of mine who cannot get out of her work station juz use nursing cover to express on her desk, she have to be on nursing wear as well. But was told that their partition is quite high. Anyway, she did that for almost 2yrs!!!!! She juz left a set of pump in the office.

Another thing u might wanna take note is, some bbs refuse to drink FM while mummy is at work will kind of adjust their drinking pattern to suit mummy's timing. That is, they will drink less in the day and drink more when mummy is back from work. But u will be very tired lor, cos such bbs usually wake up a lot of time at night to recover what they miss in the day. In that way your supply will adjust to the bb too.


So far all my dds go thru phases where they have milk/food strike. I notice that after the strike they will recover back too. So dun be too worried and take care ya.


This CL did my confinement for #1, we find her rather ok. Her food was very yummy and suits my tastes. She is a little talkative but otherwise, quite ‘zi dong’, she gives us our privacy and quite easy with helping with extra housework stuff.

I did tell her my EDD might clash with CNY. She won’t come out if its first 3 days of CNY. Anything from 4th day, she is ok which I find is reasonable. I reckon even if I deliver slightly before or during CNY, by the time, I discharge should be just nice.

Plan B will be my helper plus my parents will drop by and my dad will cook my confinement food for me.

Don’t take it to heart what aunties say. My mum had 3 girls and a boy and she used to tell us how she was ostracized by my grandmother until my brother came along. To think that after 30 years, our society still stay stagnated like sad. You’ll be a great mummy to your girls. Think of all the fun stuff you will be doing with them in the future, manicures/pedicures, spas, high teas and shopping. I am really wishing for at least 1 girl!


Week 17 now. Have not felt any movement so far. Looking forward to watching some alien movements on my tummy.


Hang in there, finishing line is in sight. One of my friend actually spent her last month pregnant sitting up to sleep. Any other position just won’t do it for her.


My boy went on milk strike from 3 mths+ and he never really taken a liking to milk since. He also used to merlion very easily. I would take more than 1 hour coaxing him to drink. The PD attributed it to reflux.

At one point, he didn’t put on any weight for almost 2 months. All I can say it will get a little better once you begin solids and you can introduce other forms of calcium which will take some stress off you.

Doblue, personally for me, all children are blessings from God. =) I was hoping for a girl! I love to have company to do girly stuff with... like how my sis and I will accompany my mum to watch movies, go for coffee etc. Now that I have/going to have 3 boys n probably going to close shop after that, I'm also trying think of ways on how to nurture bonds with boys. Haha.

Annika, yeah, finishing line is in sight! It's been very tortorous the last few nites trying to get some decent sleep. My tummy actually hurts from the babies' kicking and movement, especially the ribs' area n i simply cannot fall into deep sleep. The days seem to be crawling pass, but I try to encourage myself that the 1 additional day they stay in the tummy, the stronger they will get...


think the only problem you will have if your deliver during CNY period is that your CL may charge you more, but Plan B sounds good.


seems like u have a lot of experience from BFing your 3 kids. shall consult you if i need help haha. glad to also know u r doing fine so far. we're almost at the finishing line!


hang in there. i guess most mummies approaching the delivery date will take things 1 day at a time. hope u r doing fine handling all the last minute arrangements esp for your boy.

Hi all,

Juz wonder how much u paid for getting a CL for twins? I was quoted at $3500 for 28days which i find that is 2 ex and not worth. Juz wonder if this is the price you all are paying too?


Good to know that u have a plan B. Wow your dad can cook confinement food for you!!!!!

I think u should be able to feel the movement after 25 weeks.


I agree that it is a blessing to have children and the gender is not so impt as long as they are healthy.

Anyway, my pd who have 3 boys was telling me that at some age the boys will have this mindset that they need to protect their mummy! So enjoy being a queen in your home!!!

1 more week and your burden will be out! Press on. Btw, which date have u set your c-sect.


For sure i dun mind to share whatever that is helpful.

Actually, i was rather determine to bf so i join those bfg support grp and see LC rather often for my dd1 & 2. It was very helpful. But my only success case is dd 3 where i total bf her for 13mths, this round with twins, i actually din think that i can do a total bfg and din plan to stress myself if i can't.

Yup, 5 more weeks and my turn will come.

doblue, the CL pricing is around $3K to $3.5K for twins. I was quoted $3K for 28 days. I din accept the offer and in the end, I catered confinement food and hire a maid to do housework and wash cloth diaper. At night I look after the twins myself.

I was tinking if I hire a CL giving her $3K, I still need to wake up to help her to feed so might as well save the $.

Doblue, I've chosen 27 Sep to be my C-sec date... but I will confirm after seeing the doc tomorrow for check up. And if all things are well, will prob deliver in TMC. I'm starting to feel the babies' little toes/fingers (can't differentiate), cos think they're really running out of space to move ard!

I think with twins, I'm also going to take the bf easy. With #1, I was so stressed out abt total bf and milk supply and all... I think with twins, coping is key and super ready to supplement with formula. Haha. Can't believe that the sleepless nites and 2-3 hourly feeding is coming back so soon.

Any of the mums here put their twins on a routine? I'm thinking of doing a simple one where I feed them every 2.5-3 hrs, starting from 7 am every morning. If anyone has any tips for coping (basically!), do share yeah?


Mine quoted me $3200. Very ex hor? Thing is we know we do need a CL because she was a lot of help to me during #1. I know the market rate is about 3000+ so when I called and she said 3.2K, I blur blur just went ok. On hindsight, should have bargained a little esp. since we will have a helper. Maybe when I call her again near EDD, will check if she don’t mind lowering a little, though I doubt it.

Yeah, my dad used to be a restaurant chef. When I was in hospital after delivery, he cooked and delivered all my meals and rather than me eat the hospital food.

I guess for you, since you have quite a reliable helper and you are very experienced mum, you could probably get by without CL.


Are you getting any CL? Who is going to help you look after DD during your confinement period?


I had same problem with BF my #1 too. By the end of the first month, I had succumb to pressure (parents, CL, HB and crying baby) and supplemented. So even though, it got better subsequently, I never got my supply to increase much again and had to continue supplementing throughout my 9 mths of BFing. It didn’t help that the first LC I approached wasn’t very good at all!

For this time around, I think at least we won’t be so stress because we know what to expect. You’re absolutely right, coping is the key. Happy mummy = happy babies.

I remember when I was making the first bottle of formula for my baby in the middle of the night with him crying nonstop in the background, I was crying while scooping formula (very dramatic right?) deeming myself as an utter failure, my husband told me, “There’s nothing to be sad about, we have a healthy lovable baby to call our own, many people will do anything for that. Who cares who kind of milk he is drinking? You have been too influenced by media and peer pressure.”

By the way, any mummies have any twins pregnancy reading material to recommend?


my mom was quoted $2.8k for the CL.

Wow 13 months of BFing! For me I think as long as I can BF until they're comfortable with solids I'll wean off already.

hi doblue,

I am quoted 2.8K from an agency. Already confirmed with the agency. Depending on the period, if fall on CNY will be $4.5k.

Annika, I so remember those days of early breastfeeding. I really think I didn't have enough, because I had very bad engorgement and my milk supply only came in after like 8 days. Plus my kid latched very badly. I think all these factors combined really didn't help milk supply. Demand definitely was not equal to supply for me in the early days. I remember tearing everytime I pumped cos of how little milk there was... haha.

Yes, I remember feeling like the worst mum ever not being able to bf fully. I think I also placed a lot of expectations on myself. But thankfully my husband sees things from a bigger perspective... and kept encouraging me that motherhood is so much more than just breastfeeding and our identity is not based on whether or not we can breastfeed fully. Plus he himself grew up on soy milk cos his mum couldn't bf due to health reasons and he was lactose intolerant! Having said that, I will definitely still try my best this time round, but hopefully with less pressure.

Hi ladies,

Hope you dun mind that I ask this question.

I went for my 1st scan last week (6w3d). I saw 2 sac but only detected 1 hb. The sac is about 2/3 of the size of the one with hb. I will be doing my 2nd scan next week to confirm whether is a singleton or twins.

Does anyone has this experience?


U have chosen a C sect date [IMG=] Must be all excited to meet ur twins. I am a first time mum and cant imagine if I can handle the twins after the Cl leaves.


I am planning to get one cot for the twins. I understand they can share the same cot for the first few months. Should i get those bigger ones that can convert to toddler bed or a normal size cot? Thanks for sharing [IMG=]


no such experience. I had my 1st scan only around 8th week when we saw 2 sacs & 2 tiny heartbeats. good luck & i hope you get your answer soon!


personally i am going for a cot which can eventually convert to a toddler bed.


i think 6 weeks could be too early to tell. for mine, they only manage to detect 2 heartbeats at 7 weeks. wish you lots of luck! dun worry too much. [IMG=]


yeah cot to toddler bed is the most cost effective in the long run although the cot may cost more now. i have 2 though, with 1 collecting dust atm. haha.

Kate: i just brought my gals to PD last tues. they are 5.0 and 5.2kg. their weights slow down liao. u got post pics on FB? haven saw ur latest chubby gals pics. [IMG=]

Thanks, Pinky & Gera.

I have been worrying since my 1st scan. The dr mentioned this sac might have stopped growing and will impact the good one...made me so scare & worry...

Really pray hard & hope that both are ok with strong hbs on my next scan...

Actually i also felt that is too ex to pay so much to the CL for twins, as i do think that is not as if like with juz 1 bb i can leave the bb to the CL and go zzzz. Is rather likely that i still have to stay awake and help with the other bb at the same time. That is also the reason why i did not engage 1.

Annika: Do you think is better to ask your CL earlier. Juz thinking aloud that if u last min ask her is harder to neg since she would have think that u kind of left with no choice already?

Pinky/Snowy: Your CL price quite reasonable. U use b4? Which agency?

Regarding bfg: Even i am kind of pro-bfg, i do think that there is some kind of "air" to make us mummy think that we are not good enough if we din bf or have no milk. Actually, we juz need to be very clear that bfg is juz 1 part of motherhood, we are not a lousy mummy if for whatever reason din bf our bbs, likewise, i really dun think that a mummy who can bf their bbs for very long= good mummy.

One of my friend's encourage me when i din manage to total bf my dd1, "juz give as much as i can give". With that, i manage to press on n bf dd1 till she is 26mths. But i think is too much at the end, so for dd2 n 3 i only keep it to 13-14mths. I felt that the lesser stress we have the better the supply of milk we got.

Nann: i do think that is better value to get cot that can convert to toddler bed too.

PrayHard: I only manage to see and kind of confirmed i have twins in my 10wks. So dun worry ya.


You both cater confinement food for 1 full mth/ lunch and dinner?

Do u enjoy the food and think that is worth? Am still thinking should i cater or diy. Cos the food looks very boring. I was also told that the portion is quite a lot so some mummy only cater for lunch and can keep for dinner.

Another idea i have is to cater for 1 week then diy for the rest.


nope my CL is a recommendation from an aunt's CL. I did interview her over the phone to check what practices she follows. Found that what she does is okay with me & she's also quite flexible. Hopefully she is this way when she comes over, otherwise DH & I will say bye bye to her. But if she is going to be helpful then most importantly she has to support my BFing & routines. My goal is to have some sort of routine established before she leaves, otherwise with a elder DD & the twins I will go crazy.


The food is not boring la. Cannot keep for dinner becos they adjust the menu based on ur delivery one. Must follow the plan to recover the body faster. Yeah too much food. Have to share with hubby or MIL. got free red dates with longan drink 500mls each for lunch and dinner. They don't deliver on public holidays so that one abit luigi. I would strongly recommend natalessentials although I made request dun want trotters or liver. And less Ginger. Better book early. I booked 3 mths early cos of twins possible premature. U just have to call them 1 day in advance and they will send the next day. The food is yummy!! Although ihate the sesame oil taste.


I think if you have the budget then order confinement food for the whole month. This way your maid only need to prepare breakfast & snacks for you. The rest of the time she can then do housework & help out with the children. Otherwise if both of you are busy all the time it can be very stressful for everyone. Plus you need all the rest you can get to produce milk too, so your maid is going to have to play an important supportive role, & I don't think it'll be fair if she ends up feeling overwhelmed by the work, especially if she's new & also adapting to a new change in the family (not sure if I remember correctly that you just changed to a new maid?). Hope my input helped in your consideration.

3 more weeks for me, 1 more month for u!


I've been expressing bm for them for awhile and lately I want to bf them again but it seems like they are rejecting the breast cause everytime when the maid brings the boy to me, he will scream even before I can latch him on. I managed to latch the boy on tonight cause I think he's in a dreamy state and he just want to suckle and go back to sleep. how can I reintroduce back the breasts to them?


I did my 1st scan at 4weeks cause my period was rather accurate and it didn't came. There was nothing except a sac, only at 8th weeks then 2 hb was detected.


yeah kate and me catered for 1 month lunch and dinner. the price is reasonable and cheaper if u have a maid to help. we both didnt engage a CL. hope that helps! the reason why we say book in advance cos got 1 mth early bird discount which is 10% off i think, 1 mth to ur EDD.

and although we both delivered 2 days apart, our menu are totally different.

doblue, best to cater lunch and dinner. Cozs we need to eat fresh n hot food. those i cant finish i will give my hubby or maid to eat. so there will be no wastage.

personally i quite like the food... not bad. if you do not wan to hire any CL.. then this is a good option. the maid can take care baby, wash the nappies.. then u will be free to pump milk n rest well to recover.

Hi mummies, i just came back from my W35 check up. The twins are growing! One is 2.6kg and the other is only abt 2.1kg... i was bit worried, but Dr assured me that it's still all right. Hopefully 1 more week in the stomach and the smaller one will gain more weight!!

Counting down- 10 more days

Hi all,

Thanks for sharing. Ok i think i better book fast if i wanna have the discount. ;p Will look into it asap.


Another thing to check is the 500ml red dates tea enough? Or u still brew extra on your own?Btw is 500ml/day or per meal?


I have never stop direct feeding my 3 bbs so far. But was told by LC that to make or break a habit it takes abt 2 wks. What u can do is to try to intro to them the breasts daily and increase the frequency day by day till they are use to it again. For a start they might reject since the flow is not as good as bottle, juz press on and they will accept it again. HTH, if u wanna c a LC i can sms u her contact. [IMG=]


do remember that the weight estimate from the scan may not be accurate, can be more can be less. U r right, as long as u eat well they should be putting on more weight. I'm looking forward to mine being at least 2kg next week when it'll be my week 35. [IMG=]


I think the red dates tea should be enough unless you personally want more. When I ordered last year if I finish the drink then the rest of the time I will drink plain water [IMG=]


Thanks! I will try and see how it goes, now I just wait till they are very hungry then bf least they have no other choice but to get familiar. Ur number is still the same right? If I need help then I'll SMS u.

Hi ladies,

I new here and currently at 29 weeks with identical biys.. was wondering any of ur doctors are pro-natural for twins? my babies head are down and i would love to have natural birth! pls advice me ion ur doctors who is pronatural for twins so i can change my gynae as she is so into c-sect for me at 34 weeks... Thanks!


I don't have a recommendation. Did ur gynae say why she wants to do a c-section at 34 weeks? Unless u have issues like pre-E or pre-term labor, I don't think a C-section should be scheduled so early.

Hi ettralyn

both of my boys were head down but I had c sect at 36weeks cause the gynaes suggested that since it was my first pregnancy, they don't want to risk anything plus sharing the same placenta, alot of complication. My grandma had natural though but then it was 40+years ago and she didn't know she had twins!


My gynae is very pro natural, you can try to consult him and seek his views.

He is Dr Paul Tseng from TMC.

Hi pinky and leah!

I have no probs till now. Both blood flow n waterbag level are normal. Everything is great. But my doctor is against natural delivery and wan to schedule my babies at 34weeks for no reason. I said i only wan it after 36 if alll goes well but she seems to be on neg side of it.. Was thinking of seeking 2nd opinon.. I only can go for kkh cause all expenses r paid for me. Was thiking of seeing irene chua. Any rwcommamdation for twins in kkh? Thanks all


it's great that you have an uneventful pregnancy so far! 1stly, do note that for twins a vaginal delivery comes with higher risks and the risk is even greater especially for identical twins who share a sac & placenta. I think the other mummies/daddies here with identical twins can share more with you.

I personally think that for a twin pregnancy like yours with no problems so far, you should be allowed to carry the babies to full-term, so I think you should seek a 2nd opinion. 34 weeks seems way too early for a scheduled c-sect!

Hi ettralyn,

Understand from review Dr during my fornightly scan at KKH ADC that is possible to deliver identical twins naturally. She says she ever deliver 2 sets b4.

But she mentioned c-sect is less stressful, i guess it is because of the complications involved for identical twins sharing the same placenta.

So far my gynae only warn us of high possibility of c-sect when we 1st knew we had identical twins. He said after 34weeks, it is safe to deliver the babies. But he did not schedule the delivery date or whatsoever.



34 weeks is consider pre mature delivery for twins?

Cos my gynea told me for twins.. Full term is 37 weeks.. Any reason why dr will scheduled c sect with no complications at 34 weeks? If so, do bbs need to stay in hosp as they are borned pre term?

