Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!


i was given the DALE binder. 30-45inch. yes after my tummy shrank so much. but that was becos they put the pressure bandage. they normally measure u with the bandage on. but after the bandage is out, wah can see ur tummy drooping down. was gross! the correct way is to measure when ur pressure bandage is on. i was given to wear the binder 1st day Postop. but sadly i developed an allergy so only wear once. and thats it.



thanks. I think I'll bring mine along if cannot use on that day then just get it straight from my gynae. [IMG=]


Hi twin mummies,

Can I ask how you guys manage the feedings? Can share some tips? Haha.. we're trying to figure it out and it's baffling... we're trying to do tandem feed and timing their sleep and feeds together. Seems to work well in the day, but at nite, they decide to wake up at different timings. I guess it definitely takes some time before they fall into a pattern... but just wondering if anyone has tips to share on how they manage the feeding and sleeping... =)


Pinky: hang in there... counting down with you!!! and eat what you can now... cos if you're the 'law-abiding' sort.. you're going to be barred from eating a lot of food! :p

L: initially, my gals were jaundiced so they were both sleepy. in the end, we had to wake both of them up to nurse them together esp for night feeds. later for night feeds, its very 'chek ark' but what we do is wake the other twin (who's sleeping) up so that they will nurse together. now, if one wakes up.. its more than likely that the other will wake up also.

this is what we do. but its prob not much help huh :p


hehe.. same problem. We set up 2 cots in the room originally... then we decided to move them onto matresses when they are old enough, partly because of thelack of space.. so we need to get rid of the cots.. glad that you like it.. at least it doesnt go to waste..

for mummies who have kids older than the twins... I came across this on Supernanny's website. Hope it helps [IMG=]


Having twins is a life-changing experience for mom and dad – but what about older sisters or brothers? How can you make sure they don’t feel left out?

If one new baby in the house is hard for an older brother or sister to deal with, imagine the shock when two arrive at once! Both their parents will suddenly be frantically caught up with two demanding babies, and everywhere the family goes people will point and coo at “the twins.” Just how do you ensure your other children aren’t left out?

1. Include big brother or sister too

It’s vital your older child doesn’t feel replaced by the new babies and involving him in their care is a good way to help him feel included and useful. Perhaps he can help you fetch diapers or wipes, sing to his new siblings or tell them stories. When family and friends are admiring your new babies, pay some attention to your older child – you could steer the conversation around to how well he’s helping you or how he’s doing at school or nursery.

2. Don’t stint on the praise

Make sure big brother feels valued both as an older sibling and as a person in his own right. “I remember praising Oliver a lot when his brothers were born,” says mom to three Lindsey Gray. “I told him what a clever big brother he was, and he became extremely proud. That was a very good thing.”

3. Be prepared

If people come bearing gifts for your newborns, ask if they can bring something small for your older child too. If they don’t, then perhaps you could have something on hand ready to whip out if necessary – it needn’t be expensive.

4. Work on relationships between the children

If possible (perhaps if a parent/grandparent looks after one twin on his own for a while) let the older sibling and the other twin spend some time together. That way they all feel like part of a team.

5. Don’t think it all stops as kids get older!

When her sons, Alex and Toby, were babies, Lindsey Gray says she made sure she gave their big brother a lot of attention. That tailed off as the babies grew, but Lindsey’s noticed that now the boys are 10 and 8 she’s having to be aware of it again. “The twins are a complete unit and I can’t split them,” says Lindsey. “Sometimes Oliver does feel ignored, and if I don’t address that, he tries to disrupt their games. Even I feel left out sometimes, so I understand it!”

all of us will need this... again from Supernanny's website.


Discipline for twins

Discipline is one of the greatest challenges faced by parents of twins. Twin children may seem to be conspiring against you – particularly when you're outnumbered two to one! The Supernanny team has this advice for weary Moms and Dads.

If disciplining one child is a challenge, then disciplining twins is an endurance sport. While one child is sitting quietly, the other is likely to be poking his brother’s eye, pulling his hair or throwing a tantrum… Fast forward five minutes and it’s the same scene in reverse.

Helen Kelter is mom to a mischievous pair of 2-year-old twin boys. She finds their constant need for attention exhausting. “You can only focus on one at a time, but they don’t chill out from the moment they wake until they make it to sleep.”

In one of their latest exploits, Helen’s boys have been taking turns to put each other in the clothes dryer and close the door. Thankfully she has caught them before they found the ON switch!

Good behavior tactics to try…

1. Separation

Twins feed off each other’s behavior, and so long as they’re happy, they will simply ignore Mom. Wherever possible, the best approach is to separate your twins and deal with their behavior on a one at a time basis.

If preparing for bedtime is difficult, try separating their routine, so whilst one child cleans her teeth, uses the potty and gets dressed, the other does the same in reverse. Without their brother or sister to distract them, they are twice as likely to focus on the task at hand!

Take turns cleaning up toys and give specific instructions, eg. “In two minutes we will start getting ready for bed and Johnny will put away the Lego while Alex cleans up the racing cars.”

2. Distraction

For toddlers, the easiest way to stop a tantrum is to simply divert their attention. Rotate their activity; bring out their favorite toys, some crayons or sit them in front of a new DVD.

You can also try changing rooms. Even a change of scene from downstairs to upstairs can be enough to stop the situation before it escalates.

Better yet, enlist some help. Relatives, grandparents and older siblings make great playmates because they’re NEW! Five minutes of hide and seek with their older brother is sure to make them forget their troubles. It will also give you a chance to have a break and quiet time!

3. Routine

Establishing a bedtime routine is vital for all families, but particularly where twins are involved. Encourage calm before bed by reading a story, talking quietly about their day and giving them a cuddle. Try to make time for each child individually - a couple of minutes of one to one time before bed is important for both Mom and child.

4. Rewarding good behavior

With multiple children, it’s tempting to focus on whoever is shouting the loudest. The trouble with this approach is that children quickly learn that tantrums are an easy way to get Mom’s attention. Worse still, the quiet child will miss out on the attention he needs. So, before you focus on the screamer, tend to your calm child first, make sure he is content and that he knows you’re pleased with his good behavior.

5. Scheduling their sleep

Sleep is undoubtedly one of the biggest issues for twins. All families with twins will tell a similar story – the first six months are likely to be a blur of sleepless nights, grumpy parents and restless babies. When one child is sleeping, the other is awake and crying for Mom or Dad… a mad dash by parents inevitably ensues to prevent the other twin waking up.

Relax! Twin babies quickly grow accustomed to each other’s presence, you’ll find they often don’t wake each other up. If one of your twins wakes after only a few hours, experiment by leaving her to cry for a little while instead of rushing in to comfort her. The other twin may well sleep through the crying, or if she wakes, she might be just enough comfort for the first twin to go back to sleep.

Remember, you’ll parent better if you keep yourselves healthy and well-rested. Helen says, “Moms always think, what if one child wakes the other during a night time feed? My strategy is to just let them get used to it. People are scared of that with twins, but it’s the only way to do it.”

6. Getting out and about

It’s simply not possible to stimulate twins all day on your own. Try to take your children out every day – even if it’s just to the local park or end of the street. Keeping two children in tow can be challenging, to say the least, so try Supernanny’s techniques to stop them wandering off. If all else fails, many parent of twins resort to a leash. Whilst you may hate the idea, keep your mind open to them if other strategies have failed – you may find it just takes one turn on the leash to give your kids the right idea, and it really is worth trying if it means you can get out more.

If it all seems too much, remember that toddler walks can be as simple as picking flowers in the garden or going next door to pat the cat.

Local toddler groups can be lifesavers for twin moms. Find out about parent and child groups in your area and develop a regular schedule. It’s not uncommon for moms of twins to belong to as many as five different toddler groups, with regular visits to grandma and the neighbors thrown in!

for first time mummies of multiples...


Coping with twins

If you’ve gone from bump to not one baby but two or more, you’re bound to be overwhelmed by double or even triple the babycare in the first few months. Follow Supernanny’s tips to get organized and feel in control…

You’re pregnant with twins! Congratulations! But while you may be thrilled at the thought of those two lives growing inside you, you’re sure to have worries too. It may be the physical aspects (what’s going to happen to your body?) or the practical (how will you afford two of everything?). But it’s after the babies arrive that the fun really starts, so try these top tips for managing…

1. Ask for help

Don’t be afraid to get as much help as you possibly can. Twins are an awful lot of work, and you will need support. Don’t turn down any offers, and get if you have family and friends who are ready, willing and able to lend a hand, work out a simple timetable that guarantees they’ll be in situ for helping with feeds, baths and trips out so you can catch up on your rest during the day or spend quality one-to-one time with your other children if you have any. Other parents of twins can be a great support too – find out about ocal twins and multiples groups where everyone will understand your situation and you’ll have an endless supply of tried-and-tested tips and solutions.

2. Which is which…

If your twins are identical it may be difficult to tell them apart in the early days, especially if you dress them alike. Use ID bracelets or dab a spot of nail polish on one of your twin’s big toenail until you have it figured out – it’ll save you feeding the same one twice!

3. Hoping to nurse?

Yes you can do it with twins, using the ‘football hold’, with one under each arm. As they get bigger and stronger they’ll feed quickly enough so you can do one at a time in 15 minutes or so before swapping to the other. Use a double pump to stimulate your milk supply – and make sure you consume enough calories to cope with breastfeeding two babies (you’ll need around 1000 extra per day) and drink enough fluids to help maintain your milk supply.

4. Learn to juggle!

As you get more accustomed to caring for two, you’ll learn all sorts of shortcuts. Two cranky babies wanting a cuddle? Wear one in a sling and hold the other in the crook of your arm. Still napping separately? Going for a walk with them in the stroller at naptime or taking them for a spin in the car with gradually get them to synchronize with each other.

5. Don’t beat yourself up

You’ll want to give both of your babies equal attention as well as not ignoring any older children you may have. But you need to accept that sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day and you can’t be in two or three places at the same time. Just do your best and don’t feel guilty about it.

6. Get organized

Having twins can introduce you to a world of chaos and when each day is full of feeding, changing nappies, and winding, it’s easy to get disheartened. A proper routine can help you make sense of it all and give you back a feeling of control.


So u wanna get rid of the other cot too? I may have friend who want it. Let me know and i'll ask them.


Hang on there, enjoy as much as u can, 6 more days to go!!!!!


Thanks for your sharing. Helpful info to read. Btw, how's things at church?


not at the moment. they are still both sleeping in 1 cot. will shift 1 to the mattress to see how it goes.. if all goes well.. then we shift the other one to matress too. Let you know when i am getting rid of the other one [IMG=]

doblue: you're welcome [IMG=] i came across them cos i'm doing research on establishing a routine for them. i have friends who tells me that routines such as naps are very impt for them. so i'm doing research and reading up now. i hope its not too late!!! cos there are times when my gals get too tired and they become cranky and cry inconsolably. i always have to resort to swaddling them up... miraculously, they will calm down and i can further comfort them by carrying or nursing. though they seems to be too old to be swaddled now but i loooooooooooove it cos it still works on them :p at least for now!

oh... we managed to dedicate the babies on Sunday [IMG=] but we were only there for a short while... went off just before the gals started to fuss. in the end, they slept on their way home.

actually, we almost didnt make it for the babies' dedication. Clara, my youngest, started to cry JUST before we wanted to leave the hse. and we had to put her down for a nap. as i watched the clock ticking away, i felt so defeated. but i really wanted to dedicate the girls so i decided that no matter what the enemy tries to do to stop us, we will not let him have his way.

i took a chance, grabbed Clara and off we went. in the end, we made it just before P&W ended and managed to dedicate them. i think we'll need to train the girls some more before going to church regularly. esp must let them get used to the helper.. at least to help with bottle feeding Emma, my eldest, so that i can concentrate on nursing Clara. but, hehe.. i'm trying to get Clara to drink from a cup.. hopefully, that will work out. thank God! she seems to be more receptive to using a cup than a bottle.. we figured its because she doesnt like anything fast flow on top of not liking bottle teats. so a cup is acceptable to her. sigh.. so young and yet already have a mind of her own.


do u have a sling/pouch to cuddle them in? DD loved it during the first 7-8 months. Didn't have problems when we went to church or out cause she'll just Zzzzz comfortably in there. similar to the feeling of being swaddled i think. right now I am trying to convince DH to get a sling/pouch too.

Pinky: i do have slings and pouches but the few times we tried.. my eldest protested! sigh... i want to get baby carriers when they're better with the neck. more choices available. i think its more convenient also.

and strangely (or maybe not), my gals dont like to be held in cradle position or facing inwards (as in towards us).. they like to face out and look around. so i think that makes the choices of baby carriers a little limited too [IMG=] cos some carrier brands DO NOT advocate babies to be carried facing outwards cos its supposed to be bad for them.

Hi Don,

Ok juz keep me posted. Cos my friends is only going to deliver in march nxt year. So still got time. [IMG=]


Well at least u overcome and manage to bring them for the dedication. [IMG=] Jia you and overcome more and more ya.

As for carrier, did u try baby bjorn? That is one of the carrier that is rather steady even when u face the bb outside. My dd2 also dun like to be cradle so we use that a lot. I also use the sling to put them upright/face out but to use that u need to be very steady/pro. Let me know if u need some link that teach u how to do that with sling. And remember when u try always try on the bed juz in case. The 'rule' in using sling is always adjust the sling to suit your bbs position and not the other way.

doblue: yes, pls show me the link. i think my gals protested at being in a sling because we were not good with the sling, making them feel uncomfortable.

no, i did not try baby bjorn cos i read some reviews that its uncomfy for babies. due to the way the babies are made to 'dangle' from the carrier.. its supposed to be better for babies if they're allowed to 'sit' on their butt in the carrier.

i tried Manducca but after 5mins, my gal protested.. maybe cos she was made to face inwards. choices was limited cos they're smaller and their neck wasnt so stable yet.. i'm still waiting for their neck to be really stable so i can go shopping for carriers [IMG=] that will be a load off our hands literally..

Hi Azureoct,

Below is the link.

Look at the Kangaroo & Hip carry.

As u see it was done near a bed. Keep trying u will get better with it. [IMG=]

Hmm, i use baby bjorn for all my 3 dds and they r ok with it. They did "sit" on it. What i like is that it is rather fitting/firm without lose gap. But after they reach 1yo then the whole thing is kind of too tight for them. Actually my hubby used it more as he cannot accept using sling. Kekekekeke

If i'm not wrong u can go to mothercare or first few years to try out the carrier.

Another one that i thot is not bad cos can use until bbs is abt 2yo (provided they want) is Ergo. I used that when i travel with dd2 to china when she is 1yo and too big to use baby bjorn, the good thing abt it is that u can piggy back them.

my girl loovvveeed the kangaroo carry. think i used that when she was about 4 months old in my Pupsik. when i brought her out and she's awake she'll be in that position and will doze off then i'll switch her to the cradle position. most of the time when i went out i only brought the pouch but I had no problems getting her to use the stroller afterwards. which is why I soooo want DH to use 1 too!

Hi all,

Went for my check up today. Both of them gain 100g each for these 2 weeks at 2.6kg & 2.7kg. [IMG=] Is the mummy is the one who gain the extra 1.8kg!!!! [IMG=] Looks like i need to watch wat i'm eating, have been eating a lot now a days.

2 more weeks will be my turn!!!!!


good weights of your babies at this stage. These few days I'm eating a lot too, keep craving for ice cream. Hahaha. Take care!

doblue: well done! how do you mummies do it? my gals were only 2.33kg and 2.1kg at birth... even then, i felt like i cannot go on already! even told my mum 1-2wks before i delivered to stop trying to 'pu' me.. cos i dont want to put on anymore liao! cant even sit on my bed w/o feeling breathless [IMG=]

thanks for the link! i'll try it out on my gals [IMG=] can't wait for them to walk.. but i think all kids want to be carried after a while? :p i think i'm a terrible mummy. i cant wait for them to be independent... that they can eat proper food and they can walk by themselves. relieve me of my 'issues'.. the milk-related ones and logistical ones. terrible huh?

Pinky: managed to convince your DH? :p and... you're so close now! 3 more days!!! i say, eat all the ice cream you can now.. before your mum or CL bans you from eating these stuff during confinement.


I keep feel like eating prawn soup bee hoon mee, wan tan mee and nasi lemak!!!! In fact, was telling hubby, i wanna go Beach Road and eat the lor mee, Joo Chiat and eat pepper crab, Race Course Rd to eat curry fish head etc. I keep thinking abt food and eat like no tomorrow like that kekekekekeke. But the thot that in the end i'm the one who is gaining the extra weight i keep telling myself to hold back. Then guess what? I cannot zzzzz last nite until i get up and cook bee hoon to eat!!!!!

3 more days for u, jia you. [IMG=]


Actually now i cannot sit, walk, stand & sleep too long there are juz discomfort here and there. But for the good to the bbs i juz tell myself to press on lor. Now everywhere i go there will at least be 1 person who will ask me if i am having twins. [IMG=]

Tell u hor, the moment they wanna walk u rather they are carried esp if they are active and run ard. I was told by my friends to enjoy every stage of their life then we wun feel so tied up also. No la u r not terrible la, juz that the stress of taking care of bbs will affect us somehow. I remember when i have dd1 i only manage to go out a few hours w/o her after she is 1yo and it feel like a dream. Then when i send her to CC after she is 2yo, i suddenly feel the freedom that was like long lost!!!! Hang on the day of freedom will come.

Talk abt food i suppose to scan n email Leah the mth by mth chart to feed bbs from 2 books. See forgetful me. I will PM u that too after i get hubby to scan n save for me. I still live in stone age :p dun know how to use my scanner. 1 of them are more chinese.

Doblue.. Why don't you gimme the titles and I'll go to the library heehee.. Both my boys are down with bronchitis, I hope they will get well soon!


waaahhh ur hubby must be very busy need to run all over the island to get ur cravings! hahaha. anyway i'm a bit bummed out right now cause I'm down with sore throat. Hubby pass his cold to me so I'm trying all sorts of safe remedies to try and get rid of it. Hopefully it won't progress to a cold as I cannot imagine sneezing & coughing with the incision on me after the c-sect. plus i don't want the babies to get it too.

now my DD can run all over the place it's so hard to catch her. If we carry her a while later she will wanna be let down to run around.

doblue u're also in the homestretch already! everyday i complain to hubby pain here pain there and my hubby will remind me that i'm close to the end already. when i go out pple ask me when i going to deliver cause i look so big. then when i tell them i'm having twins they don't really believe cause it looks a big small. think it's not so obvious under clothes but more apparent if i bare the belly.

doblue: thank you [IMG=] really nice of you! but if its too much trouble... then forget it, ok? you n yr hubby got other things to do since you're due soon!

pinky: i swear by apple cider vinegar! use it for a gargle first... then make yourself another warm apple cider vinegar with honey to sip throughout the day. but remember not to use those unprocessed honey... just to be safe [IMG=]


Currently reading “Juggling Twins” by Meghan Regan Loomis and she also advises waking the sleeping twin at night to nurse/feed together so that you only do 2 shifts versus 4 shifts a night.

Do you manage to try tandem nursing successfully?

Can any mummies share how they manage feeding times?

Ideally, it would be wonderful to be able to tandem nurse but I fear would not be able to have enough supply and it would also be very tricky to manipulate them in that fragile state onto a twin nursing pillow.

Do you nurse one by one and then top up if FM if, babies still not satisfied (but would that very time consuming?) or do you nurse one and let someone else bottlefeed the other with EBM/FM?


Thanks for posting the useful article. Well done with the dedication of your girls. My sling of choice is Beco but that one also baby faces inwards, which DS didn’t really mind.

The other website you can try for recipe idea is

Also quite angmoh, so depends on what your babies like. Got to trial and error. My son turned out to be quite Chinesy and he is still mostly on a rice and porridge diet. The only angmoh things he likes are bread, pizza and hashbrown or fries (which I try not to give often)

By the way, can the DALE binder be bought from any pharmacy?


Sending some cheers your way for this Sunday. Hope you feel better soon.


Jiayou to you too. You should satisfy all your cravings now. Nowadays I do have an occasional craving or two and that is so much better than when we had MS and couldn’t stomach any food.

Reading your food description is making me drool..

Your twins are of excellent weight, just like singletons!

For me, I did my detailed scan this week. We are expecting boy-girl twins. Girl is the leading twin. Their growth progress is on track and in fact above 50th percentile.

Well, that’s all from me for now. Have a good weekend, everyone!


thanks! Will be seeing my twins in about 24 hours. Now trying desperately to get rid of the flu symptoms, will probably spend the day resting in bed. Great to know your twins are growing well. For my case it's my boy who is the leading twin. Their growth were quite on par throughout, their weight differences were usually within 50-100gm difference. Hope it goes the same to you!

Annika: i suspect not all pharmacies will have it cos its really only for surgeries like c-sect. the Dale binder can definitely be bought at KKH pharmacy but I'm not sure where you're delivering. do they have a pharmacy there? call and check? or ask around and see if your friends who has delivered can spare you one for 1-2months? not quite worth buying if you can borrow one.

tks for letting me know the Annabel Karmel website too... i cant wait!!!

actually, what i learnt abt breastfeeding twins is that it takes a lot of determination to establish the supply. if you're really determined, it is possible to supply for twins. it was nightmarish for me in the initial months but I knew that if i were to supplement with FM, the supply will never be established since demand equals to supply. when babies are supplemented with FM, the need to drink BM are lowered so supply will not be quite enough.

before your supply comes in, do remember to pump and stimulate the supply. also take supplements like fenugreek and/or domperidone and papaya fish soup. also a matter of latching on the babies exclusively for the first month or so to establish the supply. i think supply are stimulated more by babies latching on than pumping though I can understand that it probably saves more time. i'm more of a latch-on person cos i'm too lazy with washing and sterilising bottles.. and also because when I pump, the amt is quite miserable leh.. and the breasts never seems to be emptied.

i've heard it said that (and I've experienced before) that babies never seems to be satisfied after a feed and keep crying. but it could be a variety of reasons besides hungry.. doesn't mean cry means hungry mah. if really hungry, it could mean that they're cluster feeding.. which is again normal, though tiring for the mum. but everything becomes better in the 2nd month or so when their stomach size becomes bigger and they dont need to drink every 2.5 or 3hrs. and you'll know that they're getting enough milk by monitoring their weight gain and their wet diapers.

oh yes! its not hard to tandem feed both on a twin nursing pillow when they're newborns. it gets tougher when they're bigger, less sleepy.. cos they are then more curious and tend to fidget more :p


have a smooth delivery tomorrow [IMG=] soon u will be holding ur babies in ur arms ... Excited for u [IMG=]

Pinky, so excited for you. Keep us updated when you have a chance to! I'm so glad and proud of you that you carried them to >37wks! Amazing..

Azureoct, thanks for the information you posted. Very helpful! Yes, I'm going through what you said... the boys are still very fussy (start crying and rooting, so in the end I top up with bottle BM) after I latch for like an HOUR!! Can be very frustrating... but I keep telling myself that they are less than 2 weeks old and I really shouldn't be so hard on them. Sigh. I'm trying to feed them every 3 hours, but somehow the feedings only work out to be 7 per day. I'm trying to make it at least 8 times per day. My CL always encourage me to top up with expressed BM cos I think partially she wants everyone to have a gd rest, and it is the easiest way out... feed them REAL full and they won't disturb anyone. But I've experience with my #1... where in the 2nd mth after she leaves, I can't cope cos I try to latch first for abt 1/2 hr, then I bottle feed EBM. Very tiring and I can't imagine doing that for 2 babies!! My goal is to have them latch on fully in this first mth so that when CL leaves, life will still be manageable... and trying to do this without stressing out too much. It can be quite stresseful.. =(

Annika, I'm trying VERY hard to tandem feed. It's not easy because when I latch on T1, T2 releases his latch (and vice versa)... takes a good 15 mins before both are latched on. And they are always taking turns to fall asleep!!! Haha...

At nite, when 1 cries, I wake the other one to feed. I do that in the day too... cos if not, I think it will be hard to manage in future. But I read it's possible feed 1 at a time yet still be efficient (Gina Ford's book on Contented Little Baby (twin version)). The book can be quite helpful in terms of her tips... I'm definitely not a Gina Ford mum, but I think the book offers good tips here and there. I borrowed it from the library.

In terms of BM, I really thank God.. this time round, my milk supply kicked in 4th day and I supplemented first few days with formula (cos I had a super hard time BF my #1 and we decided to go easy this time round, esp cos it's twins). But my BM supply managed to work its own way up and they have been on full BM for more than 1 week already. In that sense, it's 1 doubt dealt with. I just have to work on their latch cos supply is definitely good.

I'm thankful that the twins are my 2nd and 3rd, cos it helps to know what to expect...For the mummies who are first timers and having twins, really kudos to you all... I'm sure it's tough... but hang in there. Get help if you need and I think don't get too stressed out abt the different things happening. Learning curve is super steep and it will get better... most impt is to maintain mummies' sanity so that we can enjoy the babies... Coping is key.

Sorry for the long post... =(

L: i understand how stressful it can be... *pat pat* and to a certain extent, i do agree that there's a lot of pressure on mummies to breastfeed babies. guess at the end of the day, while we all want what's best for babies, we should do what's best for everyone's sanity. my confinement mth was just bad cos my gals were jaundiced and lost more than 10% of their body weight due to dehydration. so.. the pressure was even more on me since i stubbornly want to fully breastfeed them. actually, at one point, i tried to FM them in the hope of lowering their bilirubin level fast. but duh... i had bad engorgement cos i didnt pump. i was told off by my friend who's a huge advocate of breastfeeding. that's when i learnt that not only will i get engorgement, my supply will not be well established too.

actually, i'm not too sure about supplementing with EBM after the twins have enough to drink from latching on. i wld think that its like upping their capacity to drink more... in the end, wouldn't it become like your supply must play catch up cos yr twins will always be expecting to drink much more after latch. like that not more stressful? i would be :p but that's just me. besides, i think latching on for 30mins sounds great already! my gals also fall asleep at the breast but i just let them do it... and when they're done, they just pull off. i'll take it as their sign that they're done :p

think you don't have to stress yourself by trying to hit 8 times per day lah. just monitor their urine output and weight. if there's positive weight gain every day, it shld be fine. as for urine, i think there shld be at least 5 soaking wet diapers. my LC told me that i shld be kind to myself and just shld aim for feeds every 3hrs... but don't exceed 3.5hrs cos they're still young. crazy me was doing every 2 to 2.5hrs. cos i was too stressed out by their jaundice and trying to do my best. so dont care lah... just nurse them for the entire day. but i know how tough it can be if you have other children wanting your attention too. do you have a domestic helper who can help you out after yr CL leaves?

Azureoct, thankfully, I do have a domestic helper to help me with my CL leaves... The problem with my twins are that they cry (seemingly for milk), then when I latch them, they don't do a full feed... then they fall asleep and after a short while, they cry again. Then do I feed or do I not feed? Haha. We usually do EBM top up when they still fuss a lot after being latched.. I'm trying to cut down the no. of bottles we give in the day...

I feel that things are so out of control when that happens cos it throws off the 2.5-3 hr cycle that I'm trying to establish.. I keep reminding myself that things should get better when they get bit older... by the days.

Wow, it must have been tough when they have jaundice. =( Sounds like a tough period for you too. Btw, about going to church with babies, from personal experience, I realized sometimes the attitude to adopt is to "Just do it". That's what my hubby always tells me... just go and we'll cope with whatever comes along. Cos ultimately, we cannot revolve our lives entirely ard the babies, especially not compromising church+fellowship time. I remember there were some bad days for us at church, some good days, but it was worth to keep going to get feeding. I guess it's a lot tougher with twins... I'm wondering when will be the next time I can go to church myself, with a tod and 2 babies... think u did well!!

Thanks every1 for ur best wishes!

The operation went smoothly, with Baby Boy @ 2.6kg & Baby Girl at 2.3kg. Baby girl seems to have significant level of jaundice enough to put her under the light, but hopefully we'll be able to go home with BOTH babies on Wednesday. I had an epidural & had bad nausea and even worse shivers, but it was all worth it!

Didn't manage to BF their 1st feeding as I was still shivering very badly. Tried to alternate the twins with BFing/FM in the afternoon & managed with some success to BF both of them in the evening. The drip comes off only tomorrow, so only then can I try to tandem feed them. Hoping to tandem feed at least their night/day feedings by the time we're discharged. Very tired today, feels like I went for vaginal delivery. The nurses here tell me not to stress myself over wanting to BF them. I'm also aiming minimum for being able to total BF at least 1 baby with supplementing the other by their 1st month. Hope it's a good & reasonable goal.

We decided to upgrade to 2-bedded ward at TMC and were given the same ward & bed I took last year when I had DD. What a nice coincidence. Nurses are very busy but try their best to help, because it's a popular date & I heard there is another mom who delivered twins today here. Also heard a lot of baby girls born today, about 1:5 ratio against baby boys.

Hoping my hospital bill won't cost a bomb.

azureoct, now my turn to figure out how to bring THREE kids to church hahahha.


I read in a book that it's recommended to aim for making the babies take full feedings first. once they are able to take full feedings then aim for a feeding schedule, even if it means staying in bed a whole day to nurse. but like u i also not sure how to work it with a toddler at home who also needs my attention. don't u feel like a human pacifier every time they fall asleep at ur breast? i felt like this with DD #1 hahaha.

congrats! Pinky for u smooth delivery... [IMG=]


Congratulations [IMG=][IMG=]

The babies weight are very good. Have a good rest.


Congrats!!!! Glad to know that your bbs are doing fine. Con't to take care.

Nxt will be my turn!!!!! These few days dd3 is really difficult, cry a lot, dun want anybody except me!!!!! Wonder izit bcos she know her mei meis is coming. Sigh........


I had the same nursing problem too. Latch them on but in the end still had to give EBM. Tried tandem too but gave up. Now exclusively EBM with latch on feeding now and then. However, noticed that my milk supply had declined and breasts feel emptier these 2 days ever since CL left and I have to co-sleep with twins.

Any tips on how to increase milk supply back and is it really possible to feed twins solely on breastmilk for 6 months?

Kikichan, yes.. it is possible to feed twins solely on BM for 6 mths. try taking frenugeek as a supplement to increase ur BM but not all ppl will have BM increase after taking the frenugeek. Still depends on indivdual body.

For my twins (I gave birth in May 10), I latch them plus express out after feed and at night i tandem feed them. this helps to increase my supply and I even manage store my BM.

Alot of efforts n determination for TBM esp twins. Cozs most of the time is either latch on or pumping.. we hardly get any rest. But remember, we are giving the best for our twins. [IMG=]

Alot of mummies here like Leah also gave her twins TBM. So dun give up.. we can do it.

I think the tough part is the logistics of latching, pumping and sterilising bottles, especially if there is not enough help. I have a helper, but she is mainly helping out with my toddler, esp cos he is super active and needs a lot of attention himselt. So I can't imagine having to latch, then feed the twins then express after the CL leaves... it will be very tough. So I'm trying very hard to latch them. It's been better these past 2 days. Out of the 7-8 feeds, I only top up EBM for maybe half the feeds? Trying to cut down the no. of bottle feedings in the day...

Discharged with babies today who dropped about 200gm. Will need to bring them out under the sun these few days to bring jaundice levels down by Monday's appointment.

Milk came in on 3rd day & they're on TBF for now.

Have caught the flu bug a few days before my Csect and still recovering from it. Hurts a lot to sneeze or cough! Painkillers are helping & I'm getting better rest with the drowsy flu/cough meds.

Have a CL to help with the twins & she'll be helping out with DD too, who has been seeking attention by misbehaving. Hopefully things will get better in the weeks to come!

Kikichan, it's possible to bf twins although I cheated here and there as my supply are not enough for the boys cause their appetites are huge, 200ml and 250ml each plus my boys forgot how to latch on and refuse to latch as well so not much stimulation. I have friends who are supplying me with ebm every other month, also freezing my own supply which I think can last for 2 months. I have been pumping exclusively for 6mths and counting, 5hrly, I go everywhere with my pump. It is really tiring! Most importantly I'm hoping that I can feed them bm for another 6mths. Also, I only pump enough for 1 baby so when we go out for a long time, the other 1 will go on fm. At home or just downstairs, it's bm.

In the beginning I took, sacred tea/domperidone/maxalon/feungreek, now it's just feungreek and tea since my supply is stagnant.

Hi Pinky,

Do rest well. You may wanna ask your CL to c if there is anything she can prepare to deal with the flu. I got flu right after i deliver dd3 also and the CL did boil some soup that make me feel better, if i am not wrong she use lemongrass and ginger.

For my case, after a few days i decided to got Eu Yan Sang to c the chinese doc and get some powder herb to eat that seem to help me to recover.

Dear all,

Regarding milk supply u might wanna take note that feungreek is under the peanut family do take note on sign of allergy. My dd1 got red rash around her mouth after i took that.

Maxalon can cos depression and it affected me.

So far, understand from my LC that domperidone is the safer without much side effect for both mummy n bb. I only use this for dd2 & 3 and it was ok.

Went for my last check up and both the bb are 2.7kg and 3kg. I really feel very heavy now. Was told that is juz a guide since they are too big to be measure now. One more week to go for me!!!!!


Sorry for the slow reply. Was rather busy and tired dealing with dd3. The book are call "Super Babyfood" & "feed your child right" try to scan n email to u & azureoct b4 i pop. :p


don't need lah, I'll go to the library and find. You better rest more now :p

I didn't much problem with the medications except for maxalon, makes me very tired and lethargic. I guess the best medication is to stay positive and rest more.

Doblue, your babies are of AMAZING WEIGHTS!!!!! WOW!! =) Very glad for you... It's great that they come out big, I think it will help in feeding... =)

Pinky, yes, I know how you feel abt the sneezing and coughing. I didn't realize C-sec could be so much pain! It gets better as the days pass... so hang in there!! But I think for the first few days, it really helps to rest.

I got myself a twin feeding pillow and it really helps in tandem feeding. A lot more comfortable and stable...


Ur babies r of great weights! Keep it up 1 more week to go!

C-sect wound is getting better with each day but still have to walk around with care. Now just want my flu to go away By the weekend!

We had a rough 1st night @ home. Daytime has been okay. DD taking the twins quite well & being very loving to them which is a great relief for me.


how is Ur #1 coping with the new siblings? We're going on CCC hunting as soon as we're settled down.

Hi Pinky, what is CCC hunting?

My #1 is also quite loving to the new twin brothers, but he acts up in other ways. He is very close to my helper now cos I think she is his security blanket (the constant amidst all the changes)... he screams more and throws things and tries to get our attention in other ways.

I feel awful sometimes cos I can't carry him cos of the wound.. and I spend SO much time bfing the twins that they're perpetually stuck on me, so I don't get to spend a lot of time with #1. Sigh. Trying to remind myself that it should get better.

The twins have been very fussy in the night time and early morning. Both my CL and I are so tired out the last 2 nites... they're starting to be more awake and they still don't take very good full feeds, which I think is 1 reason why they're fussy... and it's been tough timing their feeds together cos they're never awake together! Usually 1 is in DEEP sleep and 1 crying for milk...

Other mummies, how did u guys handle the night feeds? Do you wake your hubby up to help? Or you just latch the twins?


dear all twin mummies,

next week onwards i will be totally on my own to tk k my twin with my helper as my mum's old style of tking k bb really make me 'pik chek' everyday... So i send her back to 'kampung' this weekend.. Wonder is it better for me and the babies this way as her present here sometimes really make me more busy by worrying her breakfast, lunch n dinner. Further more, worry she got good sleep anot n will she feel boring just sitting in the house. Of course her presence also good tat i could hv someone to 'change hand'.... No choice i hv to put down this mentally burden so tat i could focus to my twins fully. Such a bad daugter i am.

Anyone also taking k of the twins alone at home? Any advise how to get thru is very period when they are now 2 mths old n started to awake more often n demand more than feed, changing n sleep? Do u all think 'sarong' is a good option to use? How to arrange timing? Same feeding time better or separate??

Sorry for so many questions here... First time mum, really not easy for this self learning process... [IMG=]

