Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

Hi all, yeah I think 34 weeks does seem bit early to schedule a C-sec, cos usually doctors will want the twins to stay as long as possible in the mummies' tummies... cos babies may not have passed the 2kg mark by then?

Can I ask for some advice... is breastfeeding pillow a must for twins? Did all of you get one? Also, is the normal one good enough? Cos it's expensive to get a twin breastfeeding pillow... Thanks!



I think it depends on whether you intend to tandem feed the twins or not? For me I managed to get a pre-loved inflatable EZ-2 twins nursing pillow for me to try to tandem feed. If successful will order the foam one. Still considering between the foam pillows from My Breast Friend & EZ-2. It's expensive but I think if it makes it easier for me to breastfeed both twins at 1 go it'll be a good investment.

yup, i'm definitely intending to try tandem feeding... just wondering if the normal feeding pillow will work. =)

Maybe I shld think abt investing in one of the twin feeding pillows... heard that the foam one works better than the inflatable one... read from some UK forum...


Thanks. If i dun even need to brew red dates tea it really sound not bad an idea to cater and have a peace of mind.


Yup my no. still the same feel free to sms me. [IMG=]


If u have abt 4 pillow it is possible to sit on your bed and tandem nurse the bbs in football hold position.

I plan to try out b4 investing in the pillow. Cos thinking that i might be a waste if i invest now and din manage to tandem nurse or worst my fussy baby dun wanna tandem nurse.


Ask u ah, when u wean ur dds, do u start them with plain cereal? I'm actually feeding them everything except egg and seafood and they seem ok with it. They still like their milk and food. But I was wondering when can I start them on congee with alittle bit of meat? They never seem full.. They drink about 300ml every 5hrs and I added cereal in too, 2 meals a day and still not enough! Both are hitting 9kg, starting to feel aches on the arm and back!

Hi all...

Thanks for all the replys.. My doctor a bit kancong la.. so i'm gonna see Dr Irene chua for 2nd opinion.. My babies so far doing well...Hopefully till 36 weeks.. Would love to try natural. My babies are Mono/Di. Hopefully Dr Irene can give me a better view than my doc who wans my babies at 34weeks... :<


they're less than 6 months old right? Think it's too early for meat. Maybe can try give them plan rice cereal or plain porridge with carrot/apple/pumpkin puree. But for plain porridge I usually have to blend it so that it's finer. They don't know how to chew yet so they'll just swallow everything, thus the need to make sure what you feed them is in puree form.


i support u on seeking a 2nd opinion! hopefully u will get a better picture of things & Dr Irene can help you weigh the pros & cons of the delivery methods to make a better decision. If you are doing well so far, don't aim for 36 weeks, go for 37!!!


I normally add their cereal with veggie or fruit purée, I buy from organix, I feel that it taste better than Heinz. Sometimed when i feel like that then I'll blend for them. It's fun to prepare but waste food lor, they only eat abit. Anyway I'm trying to intro blended pasta to them.

I notice that they are not fussy with anything and my pd gave us the green light to try everything but of course abit at a time.

These days they are getting easier to handle, hope they just stay that way. Oh yeah did ur dd fuss alot during teething? I can see whitish spot on their gum, drooling alot and that's all. Heard it's quite scary when they start to teeth. I'm counting down when they will turn into monsters again!


DD was okay when she started teething & we didn't seem to have any problems with the first few teeth. You can prepare teething gel just in case. Btw, my DD started showing interest in solids & teething signs at 4 months but her 1st tooth only popped out around 7-8months. So it can take months b4 u see their 1st tooth.

Yeah at this age they usually don't eat a lot, that's why I went "instant" on DD's 1st foods. I felt it wasn't worth the time for me to prepare when she only takes a couple of tablespoons a day. There was Heinz Rice Cereal which I just added BM, & when they took it off the shelves I switched to Healthy Times. Later on, I'd prepare the vegetable/fruit purees every 2 weeks and freeze them into cubes. So everyday I would just cook some porridge & add in the puree and heat up then blend. Would be good to get a blender at least. For me I like to cook stuff so I bought a food processor.


I hope my boys will have smooth sailing teething journey! I didn't get cube for storing, my freezer is stocked up with fbm so half the time the remaining just go to the bin or I just finish them up. Took them out today and got them to try congee but they refuse after a mouth, guess it's plain, they don't like plus they were more interested with the dark soya beancurd!

I just bought healthy times oatmeal cereal, should I also observe the 4day rule, so far they tried rice and brown rice. Was thinking of giving them frisocreme but I heard it's abit too sweet and I'm afraid later they get hook on sweet stuff then reject their milk.


you can use ice cube trays to freeze them, then once they're frozen remove the cubes from the trays & put in zip lock bags. For me I didn't stock up on BM so I didn't have the space constraint issue :p

I'm not sure about the dark soya beancurd though. It's salty right? Which would also affect their liking as much as getting hooked on sweet stuff. So I'd say just shove them with congee + puree. Honestly I didn't observe the 4-day rule. I think I was "idealistic" in the sense that I didn't expect her to be allergic to wheat and the likes. But do note that I started all these at 6 months only, when the digestive system is much more developed.

Didn't know Frisocreme was sweet as I've heard many mummies feed it. I guess it'll be Healthy Times brown rice cereal again this time, unless Heinz has it's rice cereal back on the shelves.


I just let them have 2 tiny bits. Anyway I don't know why I'm worried about allergies and all when I'm already introducing rubbish to them.

No space for ziplock too guess I'll stick to 90% instant. Unless hb demands that I cook for him everyday then I can prepare fresh ones for the boys. I stock up fbm cause mainly my supply is dipping and I feel that fm is unnecessary plus expensive(can use that $43 for other stuff). I'm also lucky to have friends who supply me with their bm. I hope I can give them bm till 1.


thanks ! Will stArt looking for a convertible cot [IMG=]


I understand that newborns above 2 kg need no NICU. Is there a minimum wt so that our babies can come home with us ? I was thinking if babies can't come home w us do we ask the confinement lady to come later or how ? Thanks


Bbs have to be above 2kg but on top of that, their health is very important. Bb can be born below 2kg and overall is ok can also skip NICU, maybe special nursery to pump up the weight.

I heard some cl insist on doing confinement even the babies are not home cause they can't wait as they are maybe booked after urs. u shld discuss with ur cl first.


no problem. good luck with the cot-shopping. as Leah said, if the babies are in good health condition they may just need to stay in special nursery to gain weight. Don't forget that even full-term singleton babies can end up in NICU due to things like breathing problems, not doing well on the Apgar scale, etc. so it's not only just a weight issue. But of course if they are of good weights the chance of them going home with us is higher! [IMG=]

I've read before that usually CLs work alternate months, so that in case their client delivers early they are able to come by & do confinement. For mine she actually discussed with us when she was asked to take up a November assignment & we said we're okay if she needs to leave 1 week earlier as her client's EDD is end Nov. She also called us recently to check if I've delivered & I told her my scheduled C-sect is going to be on 10/10 so that she can prepare for it. Before that I gave her my EDD of 29 Oct.

My personal take is that the CL is hired for confinement. So by right she should start the confinement from the day you return to the hospital, even if the babies cannot come home with you right away. True, she can help out with looking after the babies, but I feel the main duty of the CL is to look after you with recovering your body for the month. If (touchwood) babies need to stay in hospital longer, CL can look after you and you can focus on resting & pumping milk as you may want to visit the babies at hospital everyday.


I usually start with Healthy Times brow rice cereal with bm until they are 9mth old. After that if they are still ok with cereal i will con't to give them once a while till they reject. So far all my 3 dds reject it at different age.

I follow rather closely to the guide of this book call "super baby food" as i find their guide quite good, they have a month to month guide of what new food to give, but is more on US standard. Another other asia guide book that i find helpful in weaning is "feed your child right". If u want i can scan and email their guideline to u.

I dun usually cook porridge with meat/fish before they reach 1yo. But at 9mth old i do use meat stock and add to their cereal/porridge. By that age i usually cook homemade cereal/porridge, i use grain like brown rice, millet, oat etc that i grin in powder form. Like pinky, i'm fine with freezing so i steam, blend and freeze fruit/veg, then throw in the cereal/porridge when i cook daily. I dun usually add any seasoning till they r abt 18mths. Even now, with my 3 dds we usually use very minimum seasoning. That is why my mil cannot accept my food ;p.

I follow 4 days rule rather closely, am thankful for that, dd3 almost lost her life due to sweet potatoes, a rather unlikely food to cos allergic, she vomit more that 10 times and turn pale 2 hour after she took it, we rush her to the pd near my place and her heart is failing, thankfully the ambulance came fast and rush her to KKH, by that time her lip is already purple!!!! She was warded for 3-4days. Till now she is not taking it and we are waiting to c if she will outgrow it after she turn 4. Another food is bananas, her reaction was not that bad but bad enough to stop us from giving her till recently where KKH did a food challenge on her give the green light to let her have it. The thing is all the test run on her dun seem to show she have allergy to these 2 food. But her reaction is still a nightmare to me.

U might like to take note that b4 bbs reach 1yo their main source of food is still milk. Solid is more on food tasting and exposure. Like for dd3 case, we were told to hold back on solid till she reach 1yo, cos it is likely that her body is not ready.

So far, all my dds dun give much problem during teething too. Hope your boys remain that way too. [IMG=]


Noted and thanks. [IMG=]


I know of bbs who are near to 2kg like 1.9+- kind of range who dun need nicu and get to go home too. I guess that is the smallest range.

For my case, with dd2, who is warded for abt 4 extra days i juz call the CL and delay her coming, she usually have a 2-3 wks allowance b4 she take the nxt job, so the delay was fine with her. U may wanna check with your CL the date of her nxt job.


My pd gave me a list of what not to feed so I'm technically following. My boys love their milk and food alot so I'm comfortable with letting them try. Food tasting only happens when we are having family dinner. At home it's purée and cereal. Yes please email me! Oh yeah.. Is it too much that they are already eating 8-10tablespoon of cereal now?

Yup Pinky, so the 3 of us are awake. [IMG=] My check up is this wed.

I had some supper and too full to zzz. Btw, these few days i keep feel like eating something, unlike the past week cannot really eat, do u feel this way too?


Np i will scan and PM u ya.

Sound like a lot to me cos my dds never eat so much at this age, but if they are ok n your pd thinks that is ok, then i guess is fine. I personally buy the school of thot to wait till bbs are 6 mths old then intro them solid.


mine is on Tuesday! I always feel very hungry at night, but have little appetite in the day. These days I am sleeping about 2-3 hours at 1 go. My left ribs still hurt, seems to have gotten worse cause they hurt badly even if I sleep on my right side. Have to deal with this for another 3 weeks! Could it be your appetite has come back because the babies are lower now & there's more space? I feel like my tummy has "dropped" but I've always been carrying low, so not too sure!


I initally wanted to start them when they were 2.5-3mths old cause they were drinking ard 200-230ml each, 3hrly and they never seem to be full, always in bad mood and I was very stressed up cause I could never pump enough to replace their feeds. I also did alot of research and some parents introduced semi solids at 2mths onwards but I waited till 4. The 1st time was a success, mood got better, fuller, happier mummy! Now it's getting better and I'm going to stop at 10tablespoon until they are much older.


I spoke to the doctors during their last checkup at KKH about their intake as well, they were also fine with what I was doing. They are satisfied with the boys development and also they are cleared, no need to go back for follow ups anymore.


I'm hungry day & night lei. Maybe like what i said they have move down and i have more space.

I still can sleep if i can fall asleep, but do feel more heavy if i turn.

Btw, is your stretch mark all over your tummy? My past 3 i only got it at the lower part of my tummy, but this round it seem to "move" up to the whole tummy!!! Now i cover the whole tummy with stretch mark cream.


I notice most pd including mine are open for bbs to try solid at 4 mths old. However, in my reading up (mainly US base) there were concern on the bbs not able to digest the solid at younger age plus possible risk of allergy. I buy the school of thot also in view of the fact that both me and hubby have some form of allergy.

For your case, if everything go well, i think is really fine. My brother also intro solid to his twins son at 4 mths, they seem to receive well too. Maybe boys need solid more kekekekekeke


also maybe your babies feel that they have to put on weight, so make mummy eat more for them to gain weight. [IMG=] my appetite seems to have decreased, and my weight gain seems to have become stagnant. hopefully on tuesday i can see that my babies are growing well.

my stretch marks are making a "circle" on my tummy around my belly button! i just try not to scratch it cause will make it worse. the ones I had from my pregnancy with DD haven't even faded!


The doc at KK did mention to me that WHO is recommending 6mths and above now.Alot of ppl told me boys tend to be more active so need more food!

My boy is awake now.. I hope he's just going to play on his own and goes back to sleep again.


Hopefully this week check up both our bbs will cross the 2kg mark. Jia you!!!!


Yup maybe boy is really different. Anyway, i got no chance to know or try handling boys. ;p


We could do an exchange someday? LOL

Good luck on your upcoming scans! :D

I'm going to ignore him and take a quick nap before pumping. Gd night!


my babies were 1.9 and 1.7kg upon discharge after 9 days in high dependancy. their birth weight was 2.2 and 1.9kg. so its not necessary that bbs must hit 2kg before being released from hosp. but i delivered in SGH, so could be different set of criteria.

i know kate her babies also discharged under 2kg at mount A.

nann kkh also wanted the bbs to be at least 35 weeks before sending them home. And suckle well. one of my boys was a poor drinker so although he fulfilled the above criteria, they kept him for a few more days to ensure we wouldnt have problems feeding him at home.

wow, all this talk about weaning/introducing solids.. i think i'll be super kiasu and wait until they are 6 months Corrected Age... which m means when they're 8.5 months old!

Nann, my twins were born at the weight of 2kg and 1.9kg respectively. The elder 1 which is 2kg no need to go NICU... straight away she is being push to normal nursery. But for my younger twin... she need to go to NICU for half a day after which she is transfer back to normal nursery.

Their discharge weight are 1.8kg... both of them discharge together with me. Also they did not take their BCG at the point of discharge due to their weight. BCG were take 2 mths later at polyclinic.

Hi everyone, I'm expecting with Twins and EDD is next year Jan. I would like to check with experience Twins mums on some queries:

- Is it necessary to engage a confinement lady? As for my case, I think most likely it will lap over CNY and understand that charges are much higer.

- Did anyone deliever at KK?

Hi Meowmeow

My boys were delivered at KK under subsidy as i was more worried about the cost just in case they needed nicu. Throughout my pregnancy, I was reviewed by 3 senior specialist until the day when I went to deliver done, OP was done by junior doc. My total bill was $5K plus and I didnt fork out a single cent, all deducted through medisave.

I got CL at that time cause none of my family members know how to take care of babies or prepare confinement food for me. As my boys were fussy to begin with, my CL helped me alot.


welcome to the thread & congrats on ur pregnancy! indeed CL will not only charge much higher during CNY but also higher due to twins. Would be a good idea to hire a CL so that you can recover faster.

hi all,

back from 34w 4d check-up with my OB. Both babies slightly more than 1.9kg, thus was told that will be lucky if babies are born at 2.5kg. With the steroid jabs taken weeks ago & the way the pregnancy is progressing my gynae does not seem too worried. Babies still in 69 position thus will be going ahead with the C-sect on 10 October. Water levels are good too & we managed to see my son's hair. [IMG=]


Thanks for sharing with me abt newborns weight. More relieved to hear that slightly above 2kg newborns get discharged if they have no other health problems.


glad to hear that the babies of good weight and growing well [IMG=] u are almost there to meeting ur little ones [IMG=] jia you


U might wanna take note that if solid is given later to may slow down their development in terms of chewing. For the case of my dd3, after we stop giving her solid till she is 1yo she actually need to see a speech therapist & dietician to help her to handle her chewing.

But it might not be true for all case.


Welcome, i decided not to have a CL in veiw of the cost they charge for twins, but i have helper and my mil can be ard to help. And i may consider catering confinement food.

I guess it really depend on what other option of support u have.


Good to know that all is well. U take care, rest well while waiting for the day! Btw, is your legs swelling? My legs start to swell today [IMG=].

Tomorrow will be my turn. [IMG=]


nope, no swelling at all. I didn't get swelling when pregnant with DD either. [IMG=]

Let us know the outcome of your appointment!

Pinky, you're doing really well, with no swelling etc! And the babies are doing really well too... really glad for you. =)

Doblue, let us know how your chk up goes!

I will be going for my last gynae visit this Thurs before my C-sec next Mon. Getting real nervous abt everything!!


Thanks for the advice, but my boys were 30weekers so developmentally at 8.5months they wld b the same as a 6month old. So I think weaning them then is reasonable.

Hi all,

Juz came back from my check up.

The bbs is at the good weight of 2.5kg & 2.6kg.

We kind of decided on c-sect and my gynae suggest it to be on 38wks which will be 20 Oct. So 4 more weeks for me. [IMG=] Provided they will stay inside for 4 more weeks. Am feeling nervous too.


All the best to u. Can understand your fear while counting down, juz look ahead and look forward to hold your 2 little darling. [IMG=]


U r really blessed. So far all my 4 i got swelling. [IMG=]


Np, if u happen to c any pd for follow up u may wanna check with them and c wat they say.

just wondering what you mummies used to blend or mash up babies' food when introducing solids? i know we don't have to bother very much in the beginning since they eat only a few teaspoons a day. but after a month or so... should we bother with those baby food grinder or just a normal hand blender will do? any recommendations?

i'm excited at the thought of introducing solids to them! hehe... i keep seeing it as my ticket to freedom... cos my gals dont take to bottles so its really hard to go out and try to latch them on. will take up too much time. thats why.... if I can make them eat solid food, it might make me happier cos i can occasionally go out! preparing to go to church for the 1st time this sun... excited but yet dreading their feeding time. i'm going to bring my nursing pillow along.. just in case they hate to nurse with cradle hold [IMG=] and it might just save me some time!


Ur babies r doing great too! 20oct happens to be my birthday & we initially wanted to deliver on that day thinking I was carrying 1 baby. So now we choose their bdates to 10/10 as my DD's bdate is 5/5. [IMG=]


I'm nervous but excited for u too! After you will be my turn. Hope you've settled stuff at home so that you can rest well up till ur CS date!


I use a food processor to blend stuff, as i can use it for other things. Initially the amount baby eats is very little so I bought the Heinz jarred ones. 1 jar lasts me for 2-3 feedings. Another method is to prepare frozen purée which I did every 2-3 weeks. When need just warm up & feed.

Doblue, I'm amazed at your babies' weight! =) THat's great... will be great to carry the twins to 38 weeks huh? Are yours fraternal? My legs have also started swelling since last week... but I had worse swelling first time round. But my heartburn this time round is no joke... the throat feels like it's perpetually on fire.

I feel a bit of a cop out cos my gynae suggested the C-sec to be on end of 37th week exactly, but we actually brought it forward by a few days to 36th week+... HEH. Keep wondering if I'm shortchanging the babies...

Pinky, I'm so thankful my boy settled well into playgroup. I send him to school everyday and that 5 min walk to and fro makes me super tired! Haha. I think I've put on too much weight and feel very uncomfy. He has also transited well into his toddler's bed. Hopefully he will adjust well to his 2 baby brothers too!

doblue, when you introduced solids to your DD3 again, did you avoid the previous foods that caused the severe allergy? Or is she to avoid...for life??


at 6 months (CA or not), do look for other signs that may show their readiness for introduction of solids. The development of preemies can vary for baby to baby, as you already know. Besides age, other signs of readiness include the development of neck muscles enabling them to hold their heads up & sit up with some support, showing interest when you are eating, seems dissatisfied after a milk feed.

Some PDs actually support introduction of solids at 6 months as they believe that preemies can "catch-up" in terms of nourishment since they were born earlier. On the other hand, sometimes their digestive systems may not be ready yet either, thus some parents choose to follow CA.

Also note that during the first year, the primary source of nourishment should still be milk, thus it's also okay if you choose to introduce solids later, as long as you're comfortable. The 1st year is mainly to expose baby to new tastes & textures, not so much of replacing a milk feed, although doctors/nurses will encourage to help them put on weight. Hope this helps!

For my DD, we would introduce small amounts of egg to her on and off. Her allergic reaction was in the form of eczema. Sometimes the reaction was not so great which made us think she's on the progression of outgrowing it, while sometimes the reaction was so bad the eczema would surface almost immediately. The good news is that baby has a good chance of outgrowing their allergies, as with DD who outgrew it after she turned 1.

Anyway don't worry so much now about allergies until you start introducing solids lah, still some time to go! By the time your babies are around 2 years old they would have already caught up developmentally with full-term babies. [IMG=]


Appreciate the info - I do know all this from the books I've been reading on this topic. While I'm taking their CA as a guide, it's not cast in stone as in I'm not fixated with weaning them only when they are exactly 6 months corrected age..

As you mentioned, devt varies from baby to baby so who knows, in a month or two, my boys may suddenly decide they are tired of milk, or my PD may suggest that introducing solids may be timely. In any case, I'd be quite interested to get my PD's opinion on this when I see her in November, when they are 6 months actual. For now though, they seem to relish their milk like it's the best thing since... milk. [IMG=]

I'm a little concerned about their putting on too much weight too, because despite their drinking only 120mls x 7, their weight gain right now (90+ percentile) is not in tandem with their length. Alas, where are mummy and daddy's skinny genes? ;-)

Oh yes, their necks are quite steady now, so I bought the Bumbo Seat yesterday. Haha one boy immediately tried to get out and when he found that he was stuck, "Waaahhhh-aaahh..!"

Hi all,

Would like to check with experienced mummies how much milk should 8 month old babies take? My girls are taking formula milk feeds about 160-180ml 3 times a day and porridge (with fish or with egg yolk) twice a day. Each meal (porridge or milk) is about 3 hours apart.

We are trying to wean them off their night feeds and have been trying for about 2 months. We started doing this when we realised that they do not finish their regular milk feed amount when they cry at night. Our success/unsuccess rate is about 50%. Sometimes we can lull them to sleep with just water, sometimes need to give them milk to calm them down, but we only restrict to 60ml of milk followed by water and then their pacifier when they reject the water bottle.

They do feel heavier, but they typically are at the 15-25% of the weight range and height range during their growth assessments. Their next assessment is at 9 months. Are we shortchanging them of their nutrition? They are sliding around on their tummies and can sit a short while on their own. So they are meeting their development milestones.

By the way, my twins were 35-weekers.


Australian baby orphaned by car crash dies

AP - Wednesday, September 22SendIM StoryPrint.SYDNEY – A premature infant who was orphaned last week when her parents were killed in a car crash has died in a Sydney hospital.

The Royal Hospital for Women says 3-week-old Lucy Schollbach died early Wednesday of complications associated with her premature birth. She was born 12 weeks early on Sept. 1, weighing just under 3 pounds (about 1.3 kilograms).

Her parents died in a car crash last week while driving home from one of their twice-daily visits to the hospital. Justin Schollbach and Leah James were buried later Wednesday, hours after their daughter died.

Lucy was the couple's first child. James had five other children.

So Sad..its like she knows her parents died. [IMG=]

