Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

Hi everyone,

A lot of interesting posts over the weekend to read.


I bet you’re looking forward to starting your leave. I am aiming to work for as long as possible because I want to max. my maternity leave to be with the babies as long as I can before returning to work. When I had DS, I worked till the day before I delivered. In fact, was getting ready to go to work on day of delivery when I felt uncomfortable and decided to go see my gynae…turned out they were contractions.

I do know that’s really not possible this time around, so will just take things as they come.

Yah, I agree MS+faigue+work was really no fun at all. I am so glad my MS is finally showing some signs of lifting.

You take care and have a good nesting at home before your bubs arrive.


So many things to consider with the car. Hubby is quite convinced he’s picked a good choice – Mazda 8. I am quite convinced it will burn a big fat hole in our pockets! But no choice, because hubby is very strict about carseats and safety.

I think our car seat arrangements will be like yours, one adult + one carseat per row. But must remember to disable airbag in front seat.


No help at all taking care of your twins? That’s tough but you seem to be getting the hang of it.


I find I cannot eat too much too, otherwise really can feel bad heartburn and as if my stomach contents are up to my chest. Thanks for my tips on helper selection. I have heard so many stories and complains from friends and colleagues. On top of that, never managed a maid before. My parents have a maid and I do have a part time helper on weekends but those are kind of different because I only see them for like a day and that’s it.

I am hoping the helper arrives at least by Oct/Nov time so I have about 3 months to orientate and train her and if really cannot make it, there’s time to change. The Filipino application process now is very complicated and timing consuming.


When you transit DD from cot to toddler bed, was she ok? Right now, DS is sleeping in his cot still and it does not convert, so we will need to transit him to toddler bed soon so that we can recycle his cot for one of the babies. But I have read that sometimes, that will disrupt their sleeping and the other concerns is 1) whether he will roll off the bed because I notice he tends to end up squashed to either side of cot, 2) whether he will climb down from the bed when he wakes up and start getting into trouble (he sleeps in his own room alone). Think I want a toddler bed with high bars but I don’t think I have seen them around.

Good weight on the twins, are you going to consider natural delivery?


Don K, congrats, they've officially travelled overseas! I'm still a little nervous taking them so far, think I'll stick to these shores for now. We do take them out quite often these days though. Did you use the strollers in Batam?


my cot is convertible to a toddler bed. So far she is on the lowest setting but with the railings up. I don't think she is ready for the railings to be taken out yet. She is also sleeping alone and I also don't want to wake up in the morning to find that she has made a mess out of her room. Hahaha.

Twins still in 69 positions thus it's most likely a C-section.

Hey Pinky, glad to hear that the babies are gaining weight well! =) Did your gynae say that they must be in heads down position before natural birth can be considered? My gynae didn't even talk abt that... haha, they both just say that since it's identical twins and has more complication risks, that I straight away consider c-sec.

Annika, I also worked all the way with my No. 1. I went on leave for 1 day and I popped the next day!! Haha, maxed out my leave. This time round, I made it a conscious effort to stop work earlier cos I know how hectic life will be after the babies come... and I wanted to settle my No. 1 into playgroup, transit him into toddler's bed and do some household stuff... =) In fact, the gynaes also advised me to take it slower if possible. I accumulated quite a lot of annual leave, so clearing them now.

Btw, how old is your No. 1? I thought my kid will be very resistant to transiting to a toddler's bed, but today is 2nd day and he seemed to love it! We bought the toddler's bed from Ikea. Only 1 side has a half railing (length-wise) and the other side is against the wall. And it's a very low bed, so even if they roll off (touch wood!) I think it won't be very bad... haha.


yes my gynae's condition is that both must be head down. But the problem now is the twin that is going to come out first is in buttock down position. [IMG=] I agree that identical twins carry more risks & complications, especially if they share a placenta & water bag. On the day we found out I'm having twins my gynae straight away told me that I have to be prepared for a C-section already.


Thanks for the input regarding the playpen. I will consider the pointers u all have shared. [IMG=] Thanks !!!


No wonder didnt see u for a while [IMG=] Hope u had a great break


I have 2 cots but I place the two babies in the same cot. The other cot I use it for changing diapers. Seems to be working fine for now. Not back breaking also.


really admire how you are coping with the twins on your own. Do take care of your own health too. I bought plenty of cloth napkins but end up just use disposable diapers since it is way more convenient and save the hassle of washing. Had bought pampers newborn before delivery but realized that huggies are a better fit as twins are smaller.

Hi, mummies

I am expecting my twin girls in Nov.

Due date: 22 Nov.

Hospital: KKH

Gender: 2 girls.

This is my 2nd pregnancy; My 31 month older daughter is still adjusting her life at Childcare.

Nice to see so many twin/triplet mummies here!


yupz. We brought both strollers to Batam. Even took them for a short swim.. haha..


the break was ok ok only.. could have been better without the kids.. :p

whoa.... that's nice! i want to take them down to the pool...waiting for them to turn 6 months...

p.s. your boys are soooo identical! and they're really adorable. ;-)

welcome tubao! hope you're doing well in your last trimester [IMG=]

Don: what activities did your parents do there? wondering if there's anything suitable for elderly folks if my parents want to go there.


Thanks. Strange coz they don't look that alike but when they take photos, they look alike..

i find that all babies are very adorable [IMG=] yours have very beautiful eyes.. next time they can use them to charm gals.. hehe


they spend about 3 hrs each day doing spa and the rest of the day shopping, playing with the babies and hehe.. who knows what they do behind those closed doors..

Have you guys ever thought, would a pair of identical girls who marry a pair of identical boys, produce identical children? Genetically speaking they should share the same DNA yes? Just a random thought.


Interesting question, probably similar but not identical. And there's the possibility of recessive genes..


You have lots to choose from on this forum! LOL.

Okay twins marrying twins is a bit tacky/creepy.


creepy? haha.. the odds of that is pretty low though... sucks if both girls like the same guy or both guys like the same girl... lol

errrr.... no thanks! i think the idea of two many twins in a family is scary... can you imagine not quite being able to tell who's who all the time during family gatherings?

Selling my Medela PISA for $500 (price negotiable), used only for 6 weeks, warranty still valid till 31/5/2011. Condition 10/10. [bought locally @ $718]

Throwing in a couple of free gifts that include:

- Medela extra valves & membranes worth $30.50

- Medela Milk Collection Shells 1s (brand-new) worth $13

- Quick Clean Breastpump & Accessory wipes

- The Definitive Breastfeeding Guide by Janet Tamaro worth $22

- Baby Legs (Brand-new) worth $16.90

- NUK Breastmilk container 4s(preloved- used less than 5 times) worth $37

- Nursing Shawl from mothersenvogue worth $49.90 (brand-new)

Interest parties, please email me at [email protected]

Hi Pinky,

On hindsight, we should have bought a convertible cot that will last till toddler years but we bought our on impulse from Mothercare because it was on offer and looked so pretty.

So 69 position not advisable to try for natural? I read somewhere 80% of twins delivered in Sgp is via C-sect. So odds are quite high. Deep in my heart, want to try natural but anyway its too early to think about it.

Hi L,

My #1 is 16 months, same as Pinky’s DD. What about yours? So you’re also expecting #2 and #3. I am also thinking about whether to start my DS on playgroup but I was wondering whether to delay later because when I deliver, I may need the nanny to take care of him overnight. Are you planning to return to work after the twins? What will be your childcare arrangements like?

I will go checkout the Ikea toddler bed you mention, sounds like a good idea.

Hi Annika, my #1 is 22 months... I'm starting him in playgroup next week just for 2 hours each day. I thought it's easier to start him before the twins come than after the twins come. Cos I think after the twins come, there will be a lot of other changes that he will have to adjust to... quite poor thing. So we're trying to spread out the changes.

My cot is actually adjustable to become a toddler's bed too, but we decided that it's more long term to buy a toddler's bed from Ikea than to buy another cot. So we're passing #1's cot to one of the twins and we bought another cot from ebay for the other twin... =) The toddler's bed we bought is called the Kritter, for your ref.


I think most OBs here in Singapore are not comfortable with delivering 69 twins. I know overseas some OBs will try a "version" which is to turn the 2nd twin round after the delivery of the first, or even attempt a breech delivery, which is to deliver the baby with the legs out first. I guess here OBs just want to play safe, or there are some medical "rules" they have to follow here.

Hi tubao, welcome to the thread!

Hi all,

I beh tahan already. even we have maid to wash the napkins but I surrender to change the napkins anymore. So now after bath I let my gals wear 2-3 hrs napkins then go for diapers. :p My excuse is they can have some undisturb sleep with diapers. I found that Huggies new born quite good, they commented that is rashes free. I tried and quite true. but i still like the mamypoko cutting.

Don k, see ur boys photos in FB. they really become real boy now.. hehe.. no more tuny little bb. hmm.. i also feel quite odd to have twin boy-gal match, next time they mix up their wife/hubby then how? :p


hope you are getting a good rest in Msia.. very important to get as much rest while you are recovering.

haha.. it's the zooming of the lens.. i still find that they are tiny babies.. mmm... won't mix up one lah.. just like the parents of twins often can tell them apart.. i'm sure wife/hubby of twins will be able to tell them apart too [IMG=]


That's so sweet... and i love this sentence, "They are also still at the stage where they insist on being dressed the same."

omg..i cant imagine 4 babies sharing a placenta. and wow its so rare..i am only aware of identical triplets before this. Thanks Pinky for the insight!

Hi all,

Juz went for check up yesterday.

The girls are at a good weight of 1.8kg each. Same as Pinky's bbs 69 position, however, my gynae is open for me to do natural delivery and felt that there is a slim chance of my old c-sect wound will get raputre since my dd2&3 is quite big at birth. He is quite sure that these 2 will be much smaller. He did mention that there might still be risk more on if the bb2 turn horizontal after bb1 come out then have to go for c-sect but the chance is slim also. If u were me will u try? I'm really not sure.......hubby felt that is better to be risk proof but i like the fact that if i deliver naturally it will heal faster. Well, i have 2 more weeks to think abt it still..............

I only feel the movement of the bbs on my left and discover that my right is moving too but kicking right at the head of my left......hahaha......


Welcome. U are at your last lap too. Jia you [IMG=]

doblue, Dr Paul is very pro natural.. if he feels tht he is comfortable for u to delivery might be worth considering

like u said, it also heals faster..... [IMG=]

my case is confirmed c sect one..he told me directly.. c sect.. haha.. no option...

doblue: time really flies huh? i remember when you just joined the forum, you were depressed cos you found out that you're carrying twins which will bring your brood to a total of 5 girls. and now... you're at the finishing line already [IMG=]

at the end of the day, what's most impt is that you and hubby come to an agreement about it after weighing the pros and cons of everything. i agree that natural will heal faster but then like your gynae says, there's a possibility of an emergency c-sect if natural doesn't work out.. and that means, pain in 2 places :p *ouch* pray that God gives you both the wisdom to arrive at the best solution [IMG=]


I am assuming your babies' 69 is with Twin A in head down position. Will ur gynae try to turn Baby B or will he attempt a breech delivery? If attempts are going to be made to try to get Baby B into position I'll definitely give it a shot, for the same reasons as yours.

I feel most of Twin B's movements & according to my gynae she says it's because she is in head down so most of the movements I feel at the top of my belly are her kicks, while Twin A's kicks are at the bottom so I may feel like he doesn't move as much.

I agree with azureoct that you & hubby must agree on the decision. My hubby also rather avoid the risk of going through an emergency c-sect, although currently Twin A's position only makes a C-section possible. Guess for the husbands they don't want us to go through twice the pain. But in my opinion, even a C-section which is considered a surgery also has risks.


Are you ard 32 weeks now? 1.8kg for each of them is a good weight... =) You're doing well! Haha, I think all of us who have had natural birth experience previously are all considering the natural option for our twins...

I have another 2.5 weeks before my C-sec... getting very nervous!! Starting to dream abt the twins and all the stuff associated with newborns! Haha..

Pinky and Doblue, are you guys getting contractions? I'm starting to get a few contractions everyday... but they're not regular. But I realized they come when I walk too much or when I carry slightly heavy stuff. Trying to stay more still...


not sure if I have contractions. So far nothing painful, but constipated. Funny since I've given birth before yet can't remember how contractions feel like. In fact I showed no signs of labor on the day I delivered DD, whose birth was induced.

Another 2.5 more weeks so hang in there! You can do it. Hope you manage to settle all your "logistics" stuff especially your #1.

Take care!


If C-sects, when are they usually scheduled for? At 37 or 38 weeks?

My EDD is 25 Feb, if 37 weeks, its smack into CNY. Not sure if it will complicate matters with the CL.

Have a good long weekend, everyone.


yep usually at 37 weeks even for single babies. 38 weeks if ur gynae is confident you can make it till then. My gynae gave me the option of any day between week 37 and 38.


that is sooooo adorable right! Think if they quarrel going to be catfight. lol.


think I will cry if I find out I have quadruplets! By the way how are you doing with the girls? Haven't heard you update in a while.

Pinky, what were you doing up at that hour? Btw, your pregnancy seems to be going really well, considering that it's a twin pregnancy! When is your C-sec scheduled?

I'm actually scheduling mine ard 36.5 weeks... I've not been able to sleep well lately.. and I realized that resting sitting up is actually more comfortable than lying down. Haha.


Was hungry & my Hubby went out to get macdonald's breakfast for me hahaha. So far things are indeed doing well except that I've no interest in going out anymore. Just staying at home till the day comes! Scheduled c-sect on 10/10 at 37 weeks 2 days.

I think it also helps that I've delivered before at full term, thus the system has been "seasoned." I can't wait & sometimes wish these babies will be out soon but in order to give them the best possible start I've to keep them in as long as I can!

I can only sleep on my right side cause my left rib will hurt if I lie on my lie for too long. I get Hubby to massage my back & neck every night b4 bedtime & it helps. Maybe u can get urs to do it too. Must make use of such privileges cause after give birth won't be the same.

Hi all,

Thanks for sharing, i will try to gather a few more question i have and talk to my gynae again in my next visit. Btw, i was asking about ligation and was told that is not as effective to do it right after my c-sect as the whatever that he is going to clamp is swelling so there might be chance to get preggy again!!!!! Scary right?

Just wonder if u all mind to share with me what u usually eat during confinement? After looking thru all the menu for the catering i have kind of decided to diy w/o catering as their food really make me dun feel like eating, maybe bcos i'm also not that kind of all rice person. Some of my friends/relative have offer to cook some special confinement food for me(those in a pot can eat a few days kind), i juz need to settle the daily in between. I do have a bit of idea here and there but thot if you all dun mind sharing i may come out with more ideas and write it down for my helper to prepare.


Yup, i kind of trust that he know what he is doing.....i know of a twins mother under him who wanted c-sect and he did not agree as her case is kind of 100% safe to go for natural, my sil was also thru him, when he saw the colour of the blood that came out while she is still waiting for the moment to deliver her twins, he sent her for c-sect right away. He sounded rather confident for my case, i will really have a good thinking about it.


Yes, at that point of time i was really hoping for MC to happen to me. Actually there is still a lot of fear in us, esp the thot of handling 5 plus in this whole pregnancy there were juz too many trying "event" happening........

We really dun think we can ever bring all 5 out for a while........

But yes, now we are kind of looking forward to c them and the joy we will c the 5 sisters growing and enjoying with each other. Really hope that all is well with them.


If i'm not wrong my gynae is ready to deliver bb2 in breech position. I will need to ask more in my next visit. Yup, is the same i guess, i only feel the left side head down bb kicking, the right is kicking the left bb. My gynae says that revenge will come.....hahahaha.....

Then hor, regarding hubby decision to have c-sect, i really dun think my hubby think for me not to have double pain, but more on cutting all possible risk for him lor!!!! Cos i think he knows that if i have double pain i will double his pain also!!!!! LOL

Wow u still can eat well hor, i only gain 0.1kg for the past 4 weeks and my overall weight gain is less than 10kg, but was told that as long as my bbs is growing is not an issue at all. Maybe the good thing abt this is i will *hopfully* slim down faster ;p.


Yup 32weeks now. That means almost after my next visit your bbs will be out!!!! Btw, have u decided where to deliver?

I feel a bit of contraction a couple of days back, like yours, it was not regular, and i do think that same as you too i was moving too much. After a few good rest i dun feel it anymore. You rest well ya and ren,ren,ren........just abt 2 more weeks only.......


I read somewhere that normally after 36weeks is safe to bring the bb out for single bb.

You may wanna check out with your gynae.

Other than CL u got any other back up plan? Your CL from M'sia?I hope i'm not adding to your stress, so far a few that i know who deliver ard CNY really have big problem with their CL, either they were play out at the last min or they perform really badly, was also told that those really good CL is not willing to do during CNY period cos they earn enough and rather reserve this once a year special moments with their own family, u might wanna take note & test out your CL also c what other back up plan is possible. But this is within my limited circle of friends i know, it might not be 100%.

Oh juz wodering, did anyone ask u if you are having twins? These few days i got asked almost everyday by diff wondering am i really that big?

I was very upset this morning when 1 aunty who saw me with my 3 girls ask me is boy or girl inside. When i told her is girl she juz right away said that i tryng for boy and cannot get!!!!! I told her off and said i did not and no need to try for boy!!!!!!

Then while going out with my 3 girls the past 2 days everyone give me a strange/surprise look, really make me dun feel like going out.

I'm also wondering izit my pre-labour mood swing......


I spoke to my gynae about ligation & she said she will not do it unless I am 35, so I have to consider other birth control methods. glad if u can try for natural & ur gynae is confident of doing it! for me everyday still hoping twin A turn head down, although already booked a C-section date.

I get mixed comments from people. Some say I look too small for twins, some think I am going to deliver anytime. Last month a neighbor asked if I was going to hospital to deliver already. Then I get the "1 boy + 1 girl, you're so lucky, does it run in ur family? I also want to have twins" conversation. I'm more tolerant towards those who are married with no kids cause I know they've are trying for baby. But some I really just wish they can shut-up.

I catered confinement food after I had DD but I think you can probably get your maid to cook these. For breakfast I usually had 2 soft-boiled eggs, milo & crackers/bread together with chicken essence. I ate almost anything but according to my mum can only be cooked in sesame oil cannot use normal oil. I think the one in the pot you referring to might be the pigs' trotters with vinegar, and the black fungus with chicken & XO. If you go for C-section think cannot eat chicken for 1 week but not sure why. My mum also made some brown rice with ginger water & red date with longan water for me to drink. I remember almost everything I ate was cooked with some ginger & sesame oil but it depends on how strict you follow. For my hubby & I we believe in eating nutritiously & don't really feel the need to have ginger with everything. No alcohol for me cause I was BFing. My mum cooked my food in the first few days & whenever she cooked anything with XO or DOM, I'd secretly throw away or only eat a bit. Apparently she don't understand when I told her I will break out in rashes if I take alcohol.

That's as much as I can remember. If you need more info can SMS or send me a PM. I can check with my mum some of the recipes & let you know.

doblue: don't worry [IMG=] God is good! your twins will be fine. sorry, i cant remember how old are your 3 other kids now. can you tell me again? i thought if they're older... then at least, you can teach them to help you out.. like they can help out with little things around the house or with your twins when they are out. kind of like give them responsibility (to make them feel important.. haha) and also to relieve yourself a little.

closer to my delivery date, i also got lots of comments from pple... some will ask if i'm due any time soon and some will ask me if i'm carrying twins. guess its because i'm of a small frame so my tum tum looks very big!

as for confinement food, my mum who did my confinement tried to make me eat all the ginger and sesame oil stuff but as my gals' jaundice took such a long time to come down, in the end, i told her that i didnt want to take all these in case it worsen the situation. and my mum, in her anxiety to see the twins' jaundice come down, she agreed. but she always complain lor.. say where got pple do confinement never eat ginger and sesame oil one. in the end, i kept eating stuff like steamed fish (which i believe is ultra good for us.. and if its oily fish like cod fish, it will help with lactation too!) and stir fried vegetables. drink lots of red dates drink too.. its yummy and best of all!!! it helps to make all the water retention go away. oh yes, don't forget your compression stockings too!! it helped my swollen elephant feet go away after a week or so!

lastly, relax... dont let comments from other pple affect you... as long as you know that all this is a blessing from God and all your kids are going to bring you joy!!

as for myself, i don't even have 5 kids like you do but i'm already resigned to leading a life with very little outside activities. including the all important end of the year church camp. at least for the first 2years.. cos its just not easy to bring them out now. to make the problem worse, my youngest gal does not take to bottles! i can only nurse her.. thank God my eldest is a little more receptive. my mum likes to rub it in by saying that i was too insistent abt latching on.. didnt let them take more bottles while they were younger. sigh... i listen lor.. but i was glad i insisted, otherwise, i might have terrible milk supply now. saved me lots of $$ on formula. my family's finances aren't so great now cos i took unpaid leave for the gals' sake. if i have to pay for formula... cham loh!! they drink milk and i'll have to eat grass!!! :p


hey.... R u still full bf? I'm in trouble coz my oredi fussy gals refuse to even touch fm le. Have gone back to work n I tried to feed fm that day n they refused. Dunno how I'm gonna keep up my supply ESP since I can't pump 3 hrly in office.

Anyone had such a problem?

Hope every1 is enjoying their weekend.

Those who got pregnant with 1 baby before, do you find that you feel the twins moving almost all the time? I remember DD has specific quiet-active periods so I could get some "peace". This time I feel movements almost all the time. Not complaining though, just feel that this is something very different & an experience I won't forget. Any1 feel the same way? [IMG=]


I didn't know the red dates help with the water retention. That's something new! Actually I'm worried about pooping with the C-section scar :S Heard it's not going to be a very pleasant experience. Only those who've seen me pregnant before will comment that I look huge cause I'm small size too! We have small size genes. hee hee. If ur next pregnancy is a singleton maybe you will feel very relax with the smaller tummy. [IMG=]

@MomMe: yes, i'm still fully breastfeeding. one of the major reason which made me decide to either quit or take unpaid leave is for the sake of not letting my milk supply dip. i think your best bet is that you pump as often as you can at work. and when you get home, don't bother to bottle them anymore. just latch on for the rest of the time. that way, your body gets the signal that milk is still required. sorry, can't say very much abt FM cos i don't use it. have you tried using different brand? maybe they don't like the one which you gave them?

@doblue & pinky: one of the reasons why you gals have a bigger tum tum might be that its not your first pregnancy.. so uterus and tum tum already stretched before. making the tum tum for this pregnancy look even bigger. i was told that my tum tum wld have been even bigger but since its my first pregnancy, its still not so stretched yet :p but i think God is good lah, He knows what I can or cannot take. imagine my short 1.56m frame with a humongous tum tum... sure fall or trip all the time :p cos not balanced. haha...

@Pinky: my first pregnancy but my twins never moved all the time leh. maybe yours is just more active [IMG=] in fact, i got so worried abt my twin B in the last 2 wks cos i feel twin A's movement but almost no movement from twin B. so one night, i went to KKH at 9plus pm just to get their heartbeats monitored. didnt want any mishap to happen in the last lap. so, you shld be glad abt them moving.. at least you know they're safe!

yes! i heard from my GP friend whose parents are chinese sinseh that red dates drink helps with water retention. perhaps it has diuretic effect. anyway, it tastes great!! so thats the only confinement thingy which i dont complain about :p as for pooping, i did hear horror stories but i had no issue at all cos KKH routinely prescribe liquid paraffin for c-sect patients. dont know abt patients who deliver naturally though. its a life-saver! when you need to poo poo... its effortless!! so do ask your gynae for it.


I'm same height as u leh. kekeke. I'm also quite clumsy, as u may have read before about me falling on my butt & spraining my ankle. I am hoping my twins don't take turns to be active otherwise when they come out I'm gonna have a bigger challenge synchronizing their feeding & sleeping times. don't intend to stagger their feeds so I've to deal with crying. SIGH. but I've read that usually identical twins are more synchronized, is that true? my more active twin has to be Twin B, aka my girl. Having said that, these few days they've both been super active. maybe they're figuring a way out to help Twin A turn to head down lol. My gynae says maybe I think twin B is more active because her kicks r high up so I feel that way, while Twin A's kicks are below.

they make u poop before u're allowed to be discharged issit? I think if i go for c-sect i will ask for the enema to clear my bowels. as for delivering naturally it was also quite uncomfortable cause i had stitches down there & i was so afraid I'll squeeze too hard & the stitches will burst lol. peeing wasn't very pleasant either. if i remember right my gynae offered stool softeners to help. confinement food was so heaty it didn't helped at all. BUT what really helped was my malay massage lady! She really helped to detox my body. but if i go for c-sect this time have to wait for a month b4 i can engage her [IMG=]


no need poop before discharge. That why do the enemA is good so at least u clear ur bowels before cest then after that not so stress abt pooing. Think I only pooed like 3-4 days after surgery. Ya it's a bit painful. The pain is inside like super bad cramps. [IMG=]

best to get the liquid parafin so dun need exert too much.



I dun latch so gotta pump. Now, even tho the girls duh wake for milk I still gotta get up to pump. Really tiring to go work.

How long is ur no pay leave?

