Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

Spiffy thks for updating the table.

Yeah... Took all 4 mths. Back to wrk in mid sep... Then still got 20 over days of leave to clear by tis year... Haha... So still not so bad.




mine is at KKH, EDD - 4 July, Actual 17 May

2 boys


Welcome! Do you have MS? I remember anytime b4 my 16 wks is but a nightmare for me. The vomitting almost kill me.

Hey PandaWife,

So you are with Dr Paul too! He is very cool right? Did he ask u to go KKH for back up? I was asking him abt this option but he said that for twins is usually quite ok. He said that he will only ask triplets mummy to go KKH as a back up.

I was also told by the nurse that recently he got quite a few twins. I have yet to "meet" anyone here...........U r the first but triplets. [IMG=]

Thanks Spiffy. Good idea.

GH, Edd 9 sep 2010. actual Delivery 26 aug 2010.

2 gals

nice to hear there are tripets mummies. Truly amazing. Hang in there pandawife!


went for first appt with pd dr yy yip. Both gals are fine though one twin has slight twinge of jaundice. Just some 15 mins of morning sunlight was recommended.

First time bringing babies out of house since coming home. It was a logistical challenge. Need 3 adults as my tummy is still relatively heavy and tiring to carry baby. But c sec wound is also healing well according to gynae.

Now I purposely make both gynae n pd appts on same day. Save time and effort.


epi c sec will make delivery more memorable as when u see your little ones, all the effort and pain of carrying them through will be worth it. [IMG=]

good morning ladies! [IMG=]

Doblue, yes yes, Dr Paul ask me to go KKH as backup. i plan to start going KKH from tht i dun hv to go for so many checkups there. i ask him leh..if there was any triplets under his care that had to go KKH for delivery..hehehe.. he says "touchwood, dont have" hahahaha...

Dr Paul is one of the nicest gynae I have seen... both hb n I are very comfortable with him. [IMG=]

i know two other triplets mummies who are also w Dr Paul, bt they are not on the forum. Also heard there are quite a number of twins mummies who are due to be delivered by him in Dec. I m keeping my fingers crossed that he doesnt make holiday plans in Dec.

Spiffy, thanks for collating the information.

Mine as follows:

TMC, 15 Jan 2011

2boys, 1 girl

Kiki, thanks! twins or triplets, I tink we are all very brave mummies/mtb! [IMG=]


how funny- I was still in the hospital when you gave birth!

Yes, in the beginning, I always tried to co-ordinate gynae and PD appts...much easier! It does get easier, the more you get used to it, and of course when you are fully recovered from the c-sect!

I have been bad, haven't been resting as much as I should be, (it's hard with 2 other kids PLUS I'm spending 5-6 hrs in the NICU each day...) My wound has become a bit painful, and is weeping from 1 corner...have made appt to see gynae this afternoon, and am forcing myself to stay in bed today, will go and see the boys this afternoon and tonight. I have stopped taking any pain medication, so maybe I'm just feeling it more than I did before.I can't remember how long it took me to recover last time...The binder the hospital gave me is great, really supports the wound and forces me not to slouch over.

Back to it... even though am in bed, still paperwork to do! household accounts etc! boring!!

Have a good day everyone! [IMG=]

Hi Carla,

yep, so coincidental. [IMG=]

My wound does feel a bit pain even though I'm taking painkillers synflex twice a day. I'm also wearing a girdle-like abdominal binder which is supertight but it does help with the backache and reducing the tummy.

One of my ankle is still a bit swollen, any idea when are the swollen parts will go away?

I see that you are quite busy everyday. I'm just trying to lie down and relax and concentrate on being a milk machine.

Rest of things are taken care of by my CL, mil, fil & hubby.

Hi Pinky,

I am a FTWM. What about you?

Currently, my boy goes to a nanny during the day and I pick him up when I finish work. The arrangement is working out nicely. The nanny helps me feed him dinner so in the evenings, we just spend some quality time playing with him. His daddy gives him a bubble bath before I tuck him in bed. But thinking ahead is stressing me because I still haven’t decided what I am going to do when the twins arrive. I know I will have to continue working for sure because we do have quite a lot of commitments and a double income is vital. I am currently in the process of hiring a maid - would definitely need extra pair of hands. As for who is going to look after the twins when I return to work, I am still in 2 minds about it. Nanny for twins will be super-ex but if I leave my babies with the maid, I will need to send everyone to my parent’s place and even then, my mum won’t be home in the a/m so its still not very ideal situation.

Any FTWM with the same dilemma?

Hi Doblue,

I had seriously bad MS since about week 7. Never had it for my first pregnancy so was very miserable for a while. It seems to be tampering off although I still get the occasional urge…bleah.

Did yours go away eventually?

You already have 3 girls right – kudos to you taking care of them while handling bad MS. I felt so tough coping with work, my son and the MS.

Hi Spiffy,

If you don’t mind to add me. My information is as follows:

Mt E

25 Feb 2011

Genders TBD!

Congrats to Kiki and Carla who just popped recently and hello to everybody else.

Does any mummies have good CL to recommend?

I m looking for one who has experience handling multiples and pro breast feeding. Thanks!!!


sorry been busy having mlk war... Not much time to read thru the thread but Gera say u guys compiling info [IMG=]

Edd/ 28 may

actual: 10 may


doc Joycelyn wong

2 identical girls.


u r thinking abt ligation too? Frankly I regret not doing it coz I thnk 3 kids is good enuf... Any more n I gotta drive a van Liao... Ha


I hope u & hubby work out childcare arrangements. It'll definitely be heavy on the pocket if you send all 3 to infant care/child care. A maid is cost-efficient but yet you need someone around to keep an eye on her.


we feel that 3 kids is good enough too. I joked with DH that we should forget about getting a 7-seater, just get a minibus. Hahaha. I'll only be 23 after the twins are out but I'm quite happy with the idea of 3 kids. Wonder if there's any age requirement to do a tubal ligation. I've even proposed that DH goes for a vasectomy instead but he says since I'm going under the knife might as well "on the way". lol.

Hi everyone,

I just went for W33 chk up today and thank God for the twins' progress! 1 has reached the 2 kg mark and the other is 1.8kg... doc thinks they seem stable and is hopeful that they can stay in there another few weeks. =) I'm so relieved and thankful and it made all the discomforts absolutely worth it.


I am also an identical twins boys mummy, they are now 2 years old. I have some pre-loved clothes, shoes, twin stroller, baby carrier, leap frog exersaucer, walkers, books on how to have healthy twin pregnancy etc for sale! Kids just grow too fast and we were blessedd with many presents thus some items are still quite new. Email me at [email protected]. Below are just 2 recent posts I have in this forum.


glad that the babies r doing well! they are of good weights. my babies are slightly smaller, so I think they'll only hit 2kg at 34 weeks. having said that u/s measurements can be wrong in both directions, so I'll just do my best to keep them in. So u r going to give birth at TMC?

Pinky, I'm so useless and indecisive!!!!! My husband and I still cannot decide where to give birth... =\ Haha... thankfully both the gynaes have been so patient with us. Said we still have a bit of time before we have to decide finally.

For TMC twin mums, how much did C-sec in single ward cost u guys?


still have about 3-4 weeks to decide unless there is a specific date you want to have your C-section. Did ur gynae say whether you can do natural delivery? What r ur twins positions now?


I think if everything is going well and your babies are going to be born at 37 weeks, then go for TMC. Because in KKH u r under TPS right? So the price you'll be paying will be about the same as a private hospital. We booked a 4-bedder ward at TMC first and depending on whether the babies need NICU or not, we'll decide on the day itself whether to upgrade to 1-bedder. [IMG=]

Hi Pinky, yeah, we're trying to figure out how much we can potentially save in KKH. I think if we don't use the NICU facilities, the savings is not very great. Yes, in KKH, we're under TPS. Still thinking abt it...

My twins are in 69 position, and they will most likely stay in that position until birth. Both gynaes have suggested C-sec so we're prob going for C-sec end of Sep.


yeah. If your twins most likely going to avoid NICU then might as well go with TMC since your "main gynae" is there. [IMG=]

1 or both of my twins flipped a couple of days ago but I'm not sure who. In fact these few days they've been more active than usual (maybe also because they're bigger). They want to find a nice position to be comfortable, and I also want to sleep comfortably too!

Have u come up with names? [IMG=]

Hi Spiffy,

Looks like mine is the earliest in this forum. ;)

Hospital: MAH (Mt. A)

Gender: 2 girls

EDD: 27 Feb 2010

Actual Delivery Date: 23 Jan 2010


Glad to hear the boys are having gd weights. Agree with pinky, if they are above 2kgs and bill abt the same, why not deliver at TMC since ur main gyane is there.


U are so young !! only 23 years old...."envious" [IMG=]

Yeah, I think we're going to use W35 as deciding factor. By then, the smaller one shld have hit 2 kg (*crossing fingers!!)... I do feel a lot more comfy with my original gynae since she delivered my first kid... =) Familiarity...

Pinky, yes I can't believe you're only 23 years old & going to have 3 kids!! Kudos. I think most of your peers are not even married yet right? Btw, how do you know that your twin flipped? You felt it?


Thanks, I hope eventually we will be able to work out a best plan for us. *sigh* No wonder birth rates drop, so many things to consider. Nevermind, luckily there are mummies like us to help ‘contribute’..hehe

HB is very laid back, he keeps saying, don’t worry and stress so much, cross the bridge when it comes but I can’t. I am a worry freak.

You’re very young! I am already in my thirties.


What kind of car do you own? We are also shopping to upgrade our sedan to a 7 or 8-seater. Otherwise, no way to fit 3 child seats ourselves plus maid. Do you watch Discovery channel? They have a few programmes on families with multiples, their cars are huge, like a school bus! Well, that’s America for you I guess.


That sounds like very good weight for 33 weeks. My doc says average complication free twin gestation should be able to get to 37-38 weeks.

May I know how big you are getting? I am concerned about getting too big to work esp last trimester. Already when I compare myself at the same stage as first pregnancy, I feel there’s a lot of difference.

Have a good and restful weekend, all.


better to start early so that I can maximize my energy hahaha. Yes most of my peers hav just finished Uni & have started working.


I'm not sure if it's flipping but it felt like a very huge movement & my tummy felt like it was going to explode with the movement. Sometimes they turn from front to back. Well, will find out if it's true at my gynae's on Monday!


I'd take ur hubby's approach of things too, but I worry a lot too so I know that's hard! If possible twins shld be allowed to go to 37-38 weeks (or more) cause even for single babies 37 weeks is the "safe zone" too. But I guess u already know that since u've had experience b4. When I was arnd ur time of pregnancy I was still worrying non stop though. Maybe can try to distract itself with work and ur family.


I feel huge!! Now at W33, i think i'm as big as when I had my first kid at full term, or even bigger! BUt pp ard me have commented that I don't look that big for twins. But well, it all seems relative... when they thought I'm having one, they will say that I look huge, but when they find out I'm having twins, they will say that I look small. Haha..

Anywayz, at this stage, I have gained quite a bit of weight already! I think abt 15kg altogether. =( I keep telling myself it's ok as long as they're growing well! And yes, i worked all the way until today (starting leave next week)... work can be quite tiring, but I found that first trimester was still worse cos of the puking and the sudden fatigue and migraines that I got almost every afternoon... 3rd trimester is just tiring and heavy... and walking ard is bit challenging.

Pinky, keep us updated on the babies progress on Mon! =) So, when did you get married?


changed to a stream jus before I delivered. It's still q squeezy ESP if I need to bring out the pram coz of the small boot. Now my elder kid sits in front in his car seat, I sit with onebaby n the pram insecond row and my maid sits behind with other baby. :p


I get the same comments too! My hubby said that he doesn't remember me being so big at full-term with DD #1. But yet I also get comments that I don't look like I'm carrying twins. I definitely feel much bigger than the 1st pregnancy!

I've gained about 13kg so far. Weight gain seems to have hit a plateau. & yes I also have to keep reminding myself the weight is for the babies, while hubby tells me I have all the time in the world after I give birth to lose that weight.

You need the leave! You've been working hard the past few months, so now it's time to stay home with your #1 & keep your legs up! Hahaha.

I got married at 21, had DD #1 at 22, and I am going to have #2 and #3 a couple of weeks before my 23rd birthday! Hubby is 9 years my senior, so for him it's a good age to be settled down with kids.


Pls add mine also.

CL (looeell)/TMC/2girls/31 Aug 2010/10Aug 2010.


Hi all,

how's everyone life? Had been move back to KL my in law house after the CL incident and plan to stay here till 3rd mth only back to SG. Manage to get the broadband online few days ago and missed out a lot of new topics here. Glad i'm back to the forum now.

I everyday also look at my gals and wonder how the rest of the mummies coped with twins.. really super busy with the feeding and napkin changing. Do you all opt for diapers instead of napkin? i feel bad when everytime wake them up to change the wet napkins. Really not easy to take k of twin esp at nite when i try to do it alone as hubby is in SG and i try not to disturb my mil cox she also need to work everyday. sometimes will gone mess up with the feeding hours and sometimes even read wrongly the clock and prepare milk when time is not reach!! I think i gonna read back all the old threads when most of the mummies pop in may-jun for who to cope with the newborn twins.. *__*


glad to hear from you. I'm intending to use cloth diapers cause I find it wasted if I don't use them since this may be my last pregnancy. Plus we thought since we have a CL to help us wash then might as well hahaha. But night time we'll use disposables so that they can sleep longer.

Hope everything eventually falls into place for you. It's really not easy to get the twins into a routine especially with the lack of physical support from hubby. But I am sure he's constantly thinking of you & the girls. You will do well & things will work out eventually!


Ok i will note that n "try to" decide for epi c-sect. Anyway my gynae dun seem to encourage GA. I suppose the feeling will be just like natural delivery when the pain is at it's peak at the last hour but the moment the bb is out i forget the pain even when the gynae is sewing my below. [IMG=]


Yes he is really nice and cool. I switch to him when i have dd2 cos i was told that he have very good record of VBAC. I am really glad that i did the change. When i 1st visit him with my no. 4 i was telling him that it was unplanned for n he juz said in a cool manner that most no. 4 is never plan for heeheehee......


Thankfully my MS stop after 16wks, so far so good. The problem i have now is i cannot eat guess not much space there. But is really better than MS!!!!

I'm thankful that during my worse time my helper who was with me for 2 yrs is a great help with my 3 gals.

Below are some tips my friends shared with me abt getting helper. U may wanna note it to see if it is helpful for u, so far seem to be ok for both my helper.

1) Get brand new one who never work oversea b4, but do note that they will be very blur.

2) Get someone who is a mother, usually they can handle kids better

3) Dun get anyone older than u, they will think they know better than u

4) Dun get anyone bigger than u, juz in case they will win the fight if ever such things happen

Hope u are able to find a good helper. Is really not easy and rather stressful. My new helper is with me for a mth i still dun really dare to leave my 2yo dd with her alone.


I wanted hubby to do it too. Reason being that i already go thru so much pain and discomfort with 3 bbs then now 4&5!!!! He actually agreed BUT my gynae is not for it at all!!!! In the end i still have to do it lor. Anyway, i have not told my gynae abt my plan of having ligation while doing c-sect yet, he dun seem to be for the idea of going under knife. He mention the method (which i have yet to find out the name, let u know aft my wed visit) is better esp if juz in case we change our mind. For me my mind is set! No More!!! But for u, consider that u r so young, maybe u should really think twice.


Congrats! U are really at your last and safe stage. Take care and rest well. If both bbs are above 2kg i think the price is not of a great diff between KKH & TMC. U may wanna go to where u r most comfortable with.


Dun be hard on yourself, is not easy to take care of 1 new born needless to say 2. Some more w/o hubby al all. Take care and juz move on step by step ya. I also very blur when taking care of i bb the past 3 times.


when I walked into my gynae's clinic for #2 & #3 she asked me if this pregnancy is accident or surprise, since I just saw her for delivery less than a year ago! hahaha. let me know when u find out from ur gynae. think I'll also ask mine for opinion on Monday.

By the way, r u trying for natural delivery too?


All your 3 kids have care seat? I was also telling hubby if we need to put car seat for all 3 younger one then have to be like your kind of arrangement. The problem is i need 2 more booster seat!!!! We were thinking of Picnic as the boot space seem bigger. Anyway, i told hubby that the most 1 grp take car (if we r not changing, cos car price now very ex) 1 grp take taxi for whole family outing which may only happen once a week on Sunday church. Other than that dun think we are steady enough to bring all 5 kids out together for the nxt 2yrs. kekekekekeke


Ok will keep u posted. I know is a newer n better version of something like IUD and the name start with M............

Most likely i wun go for natural delivery bcos of my c-sect for dd1. The last thing i want is to deliver 1 n need to go for c-sect for another 1 due to the rapture of my old wound. [IMG=] I guess i am getting old taking less risk now. ;p


ya... All have carseat that why so squashed... But for saftey no choice.

Ya, picnic bigger. Actually I think the estima or oddessy has much bigger boot space. If jus taking 1 single pram the stream's boot can still fit. But my mac double pram can only fit into the second row. :p

actually I think for u a alphard (aka Jack Neo car) is most suitable. [IMG=]

gosh.. Bringing 5 out is really q a feat. I pack for 3 kids oredi v xiong. Ha!

Morning mummies

I read that it's alright to put two newborns in one cot for the first few mths. Is it okay to buy one cot and one playpen so one can sleep in playpen when older ? What to look out for in a playpen? Thanks !!!


Actually, we are looking at a car that is not so big so that it wun use up too much petrol for our daily use. Hubby need the car for work plus we need to send n pick dd1 n 2 to/from school daily.

Jack Neo car ah, dun want la, wait i will think too much and drive hubby crazy hahahahahaha

That why i really dun think i will bring 5 kids out often! Actually, so far with 3 kids is still ok with 2 older one, i think the problem is with 2 of the same age is very siong lor. Like my brother, even he only got 2 but being twins with 3 adult they also finds it not easy.


Yup, i think that is the one.


The problem with playpen is after sometimes it will sag. I have one that is hardly use since dd1, by the time i really want to use it for dd3 the sagging make it look unsteady. If u wanna consider playpen it might be juz for 1 bb and not sure is comfortable for bb to zzz there if they are bigger.

I plan to put 2 in one cot till they can turn which is abt 4-5mths time, after that i may juz put one in the cot and another on the floor to zzzz, if need be, i may get the playyard to blk her from the older jie jie, cos can expand the playyard nxt time if need bigger space.


I won't recommend the playpen for sleeping cause it's lower & every time you pick up baby your back will ache. This was the problem I had and I finally convinced hubby to get a cot for DD 1. Playpens also tend to be smaller than cots so your baby will outgrow it faster as well. & like doblue mentioned, after sometime it will sag & I don't think it's very good for baby's back.

Right now DD will still be sleeping in her cot which is convertible to a toddler's bed so she can use it till quite old. We bought the same model which the twins will be sharing during the first few months when they room in with us. A relative handed down a used cot so we won't need to buy a 3rd one. All 3 cots are convertible to toddler's bed so the kids can use them till quite old. My suggestion is to buy 1 cot for the twins to sleep in first, while you can always wait later on to get the other 1.

I think doblue's idea is also not bad too. I think ultimately it depends on what kind of sleeping arrangements you intend the kids to have when they're older. I have a friend who switched her daughter to the floor around 1-2 yrs old.


just got back from vaccation.. checked into a spa at Batam with my parents, wife and the babies.. haha.. got a first stamp on their passports!

How's everyone doing? Wife is back to work today and the babies are in infant care now... so far so good...


if you are thinking of getting a playpen as a cot, a few things you must note:

1) The board supporting the mattress must be a stiff one. Filmsy, saggy and foldable ones are not advisable as babies need a stiff support for their backs.

2) The playpen should be at least two levels, so that the board can be lowered when baby is able to crawl, sit and stand, for safety reasons. Upper-level is for ease of carrying baby when baby is still basically lying down.

3) Find a playpen that has a swing-down door for the upper level that can help you from having to bend too much when picking up baby. Even when the board is lowered to the lowest level, it probably still won't be as bad as bending over the very top of the playpen.

I got two playpens for my girls and they shared one for the first two months before they started to disturb each other as they rotated in their sleep. Till now, they are still on the upper level for night sleeping in their own playpens and on a floor mattress in the day time. They still do not know how to crawl, although my elder one has learnt to slide around on her tummy. They also cannot sit steadily yet, but they are getting better with more practice. I think when they can crawl, we will lower the board to the lower level for sleeping in the night.

There are limited models in the usual shopping places for playpens. You may want to check out neighbourhood shops selling baby things for more variety. I got my playpens from another twin mummy and she got them from a shop in Bishan, but I still have not found out where though I live in Bishan! I know that there is another shop in Ang Mo Kio Central that sells baby things which is where I bought the traditional netted rockers for my girls, which they will outgrow quite soon!

Enjoy shopping for your little ones and all the best with your pregnancy!


no wonder haven't heard from you in a while. Hope you enjoyed yourselves!


just got back from checkup. Babies are 1.6kg & 1.7kg at 32 weeks. Water levels, growth good. Still in 69 position. I see her again in 2 weeks!



not really.. not much of a holiday with 2 babies.. but we like to bring them out and about so that part was not too bad...

