Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!


aiya not me la..i think u refering to Pinky. [IMG=]


wah huge achievement! grats!


btw anyone with bbs that dun sleep much?

my bigger twin dun sleep at night one lei, her eyes always open big big, the only time i see my twins go into deep sleep is in mornings at 8am - 11am, and 8pm to 10pm..and they get super cranky and fussy everyday from 4pm - 7pm. [IMG=]

i dread 4pm - 7pm the most, everyday i fight a battle with the 2 of them..the neighbours might think i am ill-treating them cos no one have any idea i have twins at home..imagine, i attend to one twin, and the other twin cries, this sequence can go on for 3 hours..on the outside, it may sound like one bb is crying non-stop for 3



Anyone recalls how u girls were feeling or experiencing when u were around 22 weeks? For me every1 has been commenting that I look like I'm going to give birth already. I think my tummy also looks bigger cause I've gone thru 1 pregnancy before and so the skin stretches more easily. I've already cleaned up my wardrobe of pre-pregnancy clothes, good excuse to get a new wardrobe after I've given birth and stop BFing :D I think cause my pre-preg clothes all don't suit my age anymore (very xiao mei mei), so I'll be giving them away.

At home I wear extra large t shirts I bought to wear during my 1st pregnancy, but it seems that the shirts are becoming shorter & shorter! I've to wear my hubby's t shirts/singlets around the house instead. My shorts are also getting tighter, and I've resorted to wearing my husband's army shorts too, which are STILl getting tight. Other options I have are pregnancy dresses, or those pasar-malam type of 1 piece PJs.

Appetite wise I feel like I am still eating like my normal self. But I get very hungry in the middle of the night. Sometimes when I get up to use the toilet I will go grab some biscuits or milo, otherwise I'm toooo tired just want to go back to bed!

Mood wise sometimes I get very hormonal and my hubby is the poor "target board".

Looking forward to my next OB visit in a couple of weeks' time, see how my little ones are doing!


there's a saying that 5-7pm is "suicide hour". BBs are at their crankiest & bad time to let them sleep as well. Even now sometimes it's "suicide hour" for me & little girl, especially when she doesn't get enough nap time. Worse thing is I cannot let her sleep until 8pm. If I do, then when it's due for bedtime confirm nightmare again.

Can't help much on ur girls' sleeping patterns cause my #1 was a very sleepy baby. The challenge for me was to keep her awake during feedings & daytime. But when it came to night time it was a breeze cause she would just be her usual sleepy self. [IMG=]

In fact, #1 was such a wonderful baby everyday I am praying that my twins will be as wonderful as her. Then it will be a great joy to look after them! :D

Pinky - I experience similar prob like u after week20 as I felt I really balloon .. hubby bought for me the long dresses to wear at home ... cheap2 one lor so can feel more comfortable and he also afraid his babies no space to grow .... but now I felt the dresses are also coming to max so also @ dead end of what to wear @ home ... I simply cannot fit into my T-shirts anymore as they are tight and MIL has commented the other when I went over .... I do not have the problem of hungry @ nites as I really value my sleep and will try my best to hold my bladder till morning as I had difficulty gg back to sleep ....

Mood wise I am moody n irritable often and the target board is my maid ... a bit of mistake only and I will start to scold her ...

Gera my Bb's fussy hours are 7-10pm. Horrible every night. Nothing can appease one of them. The other one is significantly less fussy. Luckily I've hubby to help at that time otherwise it wears me down..

Regarding wakeful bbs, do you try to keep bb up during the day? I find this helps with them sleeping more at night. Having a ritual as u put them to bed also helps. I have that last feed in a darkened room before I tuck them into la la land.

Pinky it's a good thing youve graduated before the twins arrive...Seems like you got married real young tho! Bucking the sg trend? [IMG=]


my hubby & mum told me to wear sarong at home if nothing else works lor.


Govt want us to have more babies, so I must start young! Another factor is hubby is 9 yrs older. He's 32 this year so I doubt he can wait till my late 20s before having kids. Able to settle down early also because hubby already has a career, so can afford to start a family. [IMG=]


if u have read the previous threads..i remember complaining that i can't fit into any of my maternity clothes at 5th mth into my pregnancy, cos everything is so tight. i am wearing the largest size of pants from SPRING maternity and mothers en vogue..until i was so deperate i invested in buying ang mo brand to fit my expanding waist. but sadly i only wore it 4 times, before i delivered pre-term. [IMG=]

at 5th mth, i look 7 mths preggie, and at 7 mths, pple been asking me when i was going to pop, even asking me if i am going to pop end of the month..since 10 weeks i could no longer fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes, (cos ALL my clothes were the tight fitting ones), so i resorted to wearing those sleeping gowns to sleep. i bought the nursing gowns in advance to wear during pregnancy, cos after pregnancy can wear them to nurse bbs.

yeah i also get up at night to eat..mostly 2.30am, but often some days i get too tired, i dun wake up to eat. but i make it a point to have a heavy supper just before sleep to last me throughout the night.

and sadly i think i cannot fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes anymore since i delivered, cos my chest size has increased. and my hips are size 16 now, (i used to be a size 10) [IMG=]

i think i can go and throw away all my clothes liao, including all my bras and panties..haha


my twins are weird..they dun sleep after feeds, but just before feeds, they fall asleep, sometimes like 3.5 hours liao haven wake up..(this one occurs in their sleepy hours) i changed their diapers, tickle them, but dun want to open mouth to latch..i think both communicate in bb language..cos i need to feed one twin in ahead, so i wouldn't end up with 2 hungry bbs..but seems like they like to synchronise their feeds both at the same time..

i can stagger their feeds since morning like one hour apart..but when comes to 4pm..both will be crying same time..argh!


i am so miserable during their fussy hours cos hubby is still at work, by the time hubby returns, they are back to their normal self. [IMG=]

yeah i keep them up, by putting both twins side by side in same cot, making noise in the room to let them know its day, and yup darkened the lights when i latch them on both for last feed. i think i did whatever the book says, it works for my smaller twin..but not my bigger one..[IMG=]

Gera - There was no sleeping pattern for my girl in months 2 and 3. Her eyes will be wide open from 6pm to 2am until she cries herself to sleep. There was once when she cried on and off from 11pm to the next day 2pm. No idea where she gets her energy from. Fortunately, that is over now. Nowadays, her last feed is about 9-10pm and sleeps at around 11+pm. Wakes up for a feed at 3-4am and later 7-8am again. My boy is an angel - sleeps from 10pm to 6-7am. My husband and I takes care of the boy and MIL and maid takes care of girl. I find that it is better to separate my twins for night sleep as one is very sensitive to sound and easily gets startled. Pro and cons when you synchronise their feeds and baths etc.

Pinky - As I am tall at 1.68cm and bigger built, I tailor make all my maternity clothes at Perfect Mom. Surprisingly, it is very afforable and it cost the same as off-the-rack ones. Add another S$10 for custom-made service. Sometimes, they waive it for me as I am their GOLD member. A dress is only about S$50!


btw ur course in applied psychology, is it tough ah? i remember when i did my consists on psychology as one of the modules..i had to study it for 3 years, was totally pissed with it. how long was ur course btw? part-time?

MomMe - As I have already joined Marie France before my pregnancy, I continued to do massages and wraps every week before my ML ends. The program was effectively before I was pregnant. Now I still do it to get my tummy firmed up although I am already 7 kgs below my pre-pregnancy weight! At the beginning after delivery, I hired a massage lady to my house twice a week, continuously for 4 weeks.


I did my course full-time over 3 years, including a dissertation to be submitted in order to get my honors. Don't think it's tough for me cause it's where my interest lies. In fact I enjoyed most of it.


do u have a contact or website of Perfect mom? will check them out. TIA.


i gave up on buying more tops liao once my tops can never fit my bulging tummy..from the was pretty obvious my tummy was peeking out. [IMG=]

oh that is good..since ur interest is there..[IMG=]

actually... we are in our 30s and we feel that we are too young to have kids...was hoping for another year or two of kids free life.. [IMG=]

after I met my hubby, my personal plan was to get married with him & have our 1st kid before I turn 25. Quite reasonable since I also need to consider his age. I targetted to finish "popping" all the children we wanted before I hit 30 because I know age really gets to you and it gets increasingly difficult cause of the amount of energy u need to put in. Plus we agreed that should there be a need for me to be a SAHM, it still won't be too late for me to re-join the workforce. But #1 came as a surprise so plans have to be brought forward and we are proud of what we have now. At least I know for sure we'll definitely be done having kids before I turn 30. LOL.

We do have our daughter-free moment, but it's usually after she sleeps. We're movie-goers, so instead of going to the cinema these days, we will watch a DVD together after #1 sleeps at 8pm. Dating only occurs when my parents r free to help babysit her, though I think it will be near impossible with the arrival of the twins. My hubby and I also have our free time to play games, chat, surf net, etc, when #1 is napping or bedtime already. But of course this happened only a few months later after she slept through the night. Sometimes hubby offers to babysit while I go shopping and do my "vainpot" stuff.

Having kids, life will definitely not be the same anymore, but I also feel that u cherish and appreciate whatever limited couple time u have between urselves. [IMG=]

Me too cannot fit in all my clothes since 15-16 wks and i had to change my entire working wardrode. But I just bought about 6-7 set and 2 PJs that time. Lucky I din buy much, frankly, now in my 30+ wk, some of these clothes I already cannot fit in. So left only the PJs (which become shorter and shorter due to the big tummy) and 4-5 sets can still wear. So Pinky, I suggest you buy gradually in 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester one can consider take those for nursing also.

Pinky - There are outlets in Raffles Place - The Arcade, Tanjong Pagar - International Plaza, Suntec etc. I always go to IP as it is near my office. Don't think got website as i tried to google just now. Found Contact number at Suntec - 62386869


thanks for the suggestions!

Initially I thought I'll be able to recycle last round's maternity clothes, as most of them were still very loose when I was full-time, especially my Old Navy ones. This might be my last pregnancy, so I'm not too sure if I should spend more money on clothes. Anw I don't go out very often, neither am I working, so I guess I shall just wear most of what I have till they're worn out. Hahaha. At home I think I will get nursing PJs since they'll be able to last me post-preg. [IMG=]

btw CL, how r u feeling right now in ur 30+ week? Hubby was commenting that I will probably be stuck in bed in a couple of months' time.

Pinky, just had my scan today.. Both 1.7kg n 1.8kg. I had been pushing myself to eat more recently hope they manage to get their weight more. hardly got enof sleep nowadays cox of my terrible back pain. Only can Sleep on bed for max 2 hrs everytime. So most of the time I just sit on sofa n dining chair. Can always find me 'fishing' on the sofa [IMG=] I tried sleep on left side but the twin seems dun like to squeeze at left n always protest by hitting my bottom left chest bone cause me sharp pain [IMG=]


sounds like they're doing well putting on weight right? Most importantly is to eat well so that they get the right nutrients to grow. Every night I've been asking my hubby to give me a feet & back massage before I go to bed. My pre-natal massage lady can only start for me when I hit 6 months so I have to rely on alternatives. Can't wait to hit 24 weeks cause of this, my body feels so tensed up!


how's everyone's weekend??

We are counting down to the days that the CL will be leaving us.. this wed.. time to dial up the suffering... zzzz

DonK, another tiring weekend where i'm basically parked in the living room next to their cot all day. Oh, except for a stroll downstairs in bb carriers.

Anyone helping your wife during the day?


the maid will be helping my wife.. at night will be me, her and maid..

we took advantage of the CL being there so we went out on a date for both nights.. but she feels overwhelmed by the tasks... maybe got a bit of post natal depression setting in...

CL - Try eating durian and red meat to increase babies' weight. It worked for me and my friends. Then drink coconut juice to prevent cradle cap starting two weeks before delivery.

I too cannot sleep on my back and sideways during the last trimester. I have to sit up and sleep. Always wake up frequently to go toliet. Just hang in there for a few more weeks while babies grow bigger! Why does Don mentioned you leaving us this wed? Delivering early? (sorry to ask if you have already explained in the earlier threads)

DonK, the thought of caring for them is probably more daunting than the task itself. At least you have a maid to help. Make use of her as much as possible. If your wife can manage 1-2 naps during the day, she'll probably feel a lot better too. Wow, a date? i haven't been out with hubby for a looong time. Luckily we subscribed to World Cup package so can watch at home.. Are you on leave during this time?


ya. We went out for dinner and jalan jalan on sat and sun.. not bad at all.. should do it.. very important to still have that private time with your hubby..

only on and off.. took leave this thur/fri coz the CL is leaving to help out with the transition..

Weekend nothing exciting cause we don't like to go out during weekends, except for a movie (Ip Man) at the mall and then dinner with my parents for belated Fathers' Day celebration.

I slipped and fell in the toilet yesterday. My PT cleaner was around so the toilet floor was very wet. We only have non-slip mats in our master bedroom toilet, and I fell in the common toilet. It was a light bump but hubby & I got really freaked out. Few minutes later babies were moving. Up till now no bleeding nor contractions and babies are going about their "usual business". Then checked Google and it says that falling down during pregnancy is quite common due to our shift in gravity, and it's a myth that falling down will cause miscarriage. But called up my OB and she said I'll be okay as long as I don't have bleeding and contractions. I slided down along my left side and landed on my butt, so I think the impact wasn't so great. THANK GOD.


not bad lei, still got time to spend weekend with ur wife...think now with the twins, i no time to go out spent time alone with hubby le, cos no one knows how to care for maid, no CL, no mom, no MIL...haha

currently hubby does errands on weekends and leave me at home alone with the twins, just like how i survive with them alone when he goes to work..

yeah like wat spiffy said, since got maid, make use of her, get ur maid to cover your wife, while she take naps in the afternoon. [IMG=]


Ur hb so nice! I din massage my feet cox the stomach blocking me to reach my feet. Just do some hand exercise to enhance the blood circularisation for my finger. Doc's oilment not so effective, but flowerish sense is gd for sleeping. Hehe.

I had fren fall b4 also during her pregnancy.. so far she still smoothly deliver in full term n hav a healthy bb, dun worry,

u will b fine.


I can't take durian smell, but red meat yes... Now hav gd excuse to keep eating western food which my chinaman hb dun like one. [IMG=] guess I could start drink coconut water in aug! Looking forward....yam yam....


thanks for ur concern!

I'm waiting to hit 24 weeks as my massage lady is only willing to start at 6 months. She's quite good, helps to get rid of water retention and eases the tense muscles. I usually will be able to sleep very well for a few days after her massage.


my gosh.. thank goodness...


ya.. definately appreciate having a CL there.. hopefully we can find a babysitter after so that we can still go and have some private moments..

Pinky - I also love it when the massage lady came to massage my feet then I wld be able to sleep like a baby and my feet will not be swollen like happy feet .....

Hi mums and mums to be,

I am a mom of twins who just turned 3. I have a Phil and Ted's Vibe Twin pram that I'm looking to sell. It's a front and back pram and moves very well.

Please PM me if you're keen to find out more and need pictures.

Have a wonderful day!

Hi all,

forum seem to have some technical difficulties the past few days. Wanted to post but couldn't get the message through.

Hope every1 is coping well with their pregnancies & their new arrivals. [IMG=]

For me sleep is still a big problem. I think I can sleep only 1-2 hours and wake up to change positions. Husband's snoring not very sleep-conducive either. [IMG=] So now have to adjust my sleep schedule a bit so I won't end up feeling so frustrated. This is the start of sleep-deprived training! lol.

There is definitely a problem posting! wrote so much for the past 2 days and cannot post it!

Pinky - I used to sleep at least 7-8 hours every day before pregnancy and since I was pregnant I get to sleep in short intervals as need to go toliet. Had been sitting up for night sleep throughout my last trimemster. But think of it as a good training for early morning feeds for your twins! [IMG=] I also fell on my butt in my 5th month pregnancy. you must walk carefully especially these rainy days!

Don - Always re-assure your wife that you will help her with the babies. I cried when my CL left as I was worried and nervous to take care of my twins on my own. Fortunately, my husband was very hands-on and I also had the help of my MIL and maid.

Me going back to work next monday. Happy and sad at the same time. Will worry about my twins' well-being. I must learn to let go and trust my MIL and maid to take good care of them when I am not around.


yes I will take extra care! I tried sleeping while sitting up but my shoulders & neck will ache. Wonder if getting a neck pillow will be helpful?

So fast heading back to work! How time flies! Yes, u must learn to let go of certain things and learn to trust other people. It's not easy but I'm sure they will take good care of your twins. Do keep us updated!

Hi. I'm a 3rd tri twin mom to be. Need to seek some advice from twin moms:

1) Is getting a maternity support belt helpful as the tummy gets heavier and bigger?

2) Is it a must to get a baby thermometer for twins and any brand recommendations?



hi welcome! and congrats!

erm maternity support belt, too small for my bulging tummy, basically i couldn't fit in the largest size, so dun bother..if u have pants that comes in the elastic cloth to support the tummy will be a better option.

yeah need thermometer...for my twins cos preemies, was told to take their temperature everyday cos they lack the ability to regulate their own body temperature.

i bought the CADI thermometer..its a clinical forehead and ear scan..from kiddie palace..@$86 usual $118 but i bought it like in march i not sure the price now...i been using it everyday and its really good. i use the forehead one...cos bbs being small, not advisable to use ear scans as their ears are delicate.



can i ask if ur twins are still tiny in size? cos my twins, although they are getting slightly heavier..they dun even look like a full term bb, although they are 37 weeks old now...they are still tiny as in their arms, fingers, legs and toes..

of course i dun expect my twins to look 5 weeks old now, just that they dun look like a baby who is born to a singleton pregnancy..a Newborn baby. in fact my friend whose bb is 2.8kg at birth, is 1/3 bigger than my twins who are already 5 weeks..[IMG=]


can ur twins sit in the prams liao? i tried mine, and my twins kept sliding down, the buckles are almost up to their heads..and even with the buckles, they are not secured as well..

btw their weights now are in the 5th percentile. i got some mummies from singleton pregnancy accuse me of not feeding my twins enough. [IMG=]

maybe they really got my underweight genes..cos when i was a bb, my weight is always in the 10th percentile only...or could it be partly of their prematurity?

any comments?

Gera my twins r q big now. One of them is quite fat. The other is long but thinner.

By the way are u using corrected age? Or perhaps premature charts? Cos I don't think u can use normal charts for 5 weekers since they r not full term yet. That's prob why they're only 5th percentile?


ya.. think there was a tech problem.. can't post either...


How heavy are your twins now?

i still think they are quite tiny but that is mainly my problem.. haha.. they should be both more than 3kg now.. not too concern about their weight now until PD told me otherwise ..

ya.. we took them out on the prams.. no problem. They are not sitting on them though. More like lying down.





welcome! I am in my 2nd trimester & so far the maternity support belt is helpful especially when I wear dresses. The one I have accommodates up to 46". For my 1st pregnancy but with a singleton, I didn't use it at all. This time I use it mainly to prevent strain on my back. With pants I usually don't use it as I find the elastic bands sufficient enough. Not sure if I can say the same when I'm in 3rd trimester though. [IMG=] Anyway I paid about $36 for it from Kiddy Palace, think the brand is Farlin/Fahlin, so I think it's still quite worth buying.

