Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!


haha i didn't. i used the normal charts..LOL. btw how old are ur twins now? as in actual age?


i weigh them using the "human scale" as in weigh before and after carrying them, bigger twin seems to be 3kg, smaller twin seems to be 2.8kg..should be around there..

their weight is a concern as mention by PD. but PD say if got enough wet diapers and poo, then shouldn't worry...but need to monitor longer..

urs is the maclaren XT rite? mine is not lying now...more like sliding down..with the buckles, they seem to be sliding down still...not secured at all!!!


by the way my twins both their throat very it normal? could it be the formula?

i am in the midst of switching my twins to NAN HA..was recommended, cos i have a very long history of allergies. just hope they takes it well..



think third trimester cannot fit liao...not sure about kiddy palace but the mothercare one doesn't fit when i was 29 weeks preggie.


I jus bot my pram too.... Think if bb is a little small think defonately won't be v secure in it..since it doesn't recline fully.

I didn't see the actual pram before buying coz I called a shop n got it delivered. Am surprised it's so heavy... :p


my only concern is its helpfulness in supporting the weight of the babies and to keep my back straight. after 1 pregnancy the back is quite sore, don't want it to get worse with 2nd pregnancy. btw the one i have is "free size". wanted to buy the mothercare one but they didn't have my size.

hmmm so far the maternity support belt fits, and it's got a lot of velcro space left, so I think most likely can fit into the 3rd trimester. maybe it's because I got the small size genes that's why. [IMG=]

Jane - I too used a maternity belt passed down by my friend. brand is Farlin too - same as Pinky. I find it very useful when my tummy was too heavy to carry.


wah maybe my hips are too big... does ur belt fits UK size 18? the mothercare one fits too snugly, i cannot imagine if my tummy grows bigger, that is why i didnt buy.

yeah in the end my back was killing me, too bad dunno kiddy palace sells...should have known u earlier hor?


I'm not sure what's measurement for uk size 16 as I usually wear uk8-10. Anw u dun need it anymore la [IMG=]

after I delivered my #1 my back really suffered plus I was taking care of her alone, so a lot of chores and things I did nv take care of the back. That's why now I'm trying to watch my posture and avoid doing things that will strain my poor back [IMG=]


have u assembled it yet? u bought the twin pram techno also? i got a huge headache trying to assemble it and yes its so heavy! in the end still too big for my twins. btw i assume it can recline 180 degrees flat but it doesnt seem like it.

have you tried putting ur twins on it yet? where u bought it from?


haha i used to be UK size 10-12..then i ballooned to size 5 weeks post preggie, i am still size 16..think its the hips, the bone abit stagnant..

aiya must ask mah, in case next time want to get preggie again, so i will know...[IMG=]

yeah now i taking care of the twins back broke le..anyway i have history of back kinda used to the pain.

btw i finally realise..back problems shouldnt go for spinal i having numbness in my right leg on and off...hope its nothing..[IMG=]

oh i forgot to mention...i used to be grossly underweight since young..that is why i mention if my twins carry my genes..but cos i suffer from thyroid issues for the past 3 years, that is why my weight my current self.

in case anyone is wondering.


ya i read that thyroid condition can make ur body go haywire. poor thing. [IMG=]

Thank God I don't have to deal with such issues.


i'm on 2 Techno XLR. Quite thankful that we did not buy the twin stroller.. single stroller easier to move around, especially carry across stairs..


ya.. i'm pretty hands on as well.. quite enjoy the feeding.. but not a big fan of the burping though... [IMG=]


bot it from cheong CHOON. Just called and they had it delivered. Hmmm not much assembling le... Only the shades right?

I haven't put the gals in but can see the pram more suited for bigger bb coz of the incline. Personally I won't put a newborn inside until bb has slight control over their necks.


oh i saw that website online..sounds familiar. hehe..i meant trying to open the pram..i couldn't get it was so new, so it required so much strength, and i practised closing and i huff and puff to step the lever down..

why do they make twin prams so difficult to use? argh! i was so frustrated and my feet were so sore...lols.

i bought the comfort pack, and i had to remove the buckles from the slot and insert it in..its rediculous..cos the buckles had to be squeeze out from a tiny hole..

btw i regret buying the twin pram...[IMG=] Don is so smart..i wish i bought the 2 singles and clip it.

Hi all I am so glad I found this subject. I am expecting twin boys due in nov...

I am hving alot of fun n informative reading all your posts here ;)

Hi Garbrielle

I had pm u rgding the Phil n Ted stroller.. Can SMS me instead?


yeah i had sub-clinical hypothyroid before pregnancy liao, but when pregnant, i have hypothyroidism, now after pregnant, i just hope the levels go back to normal...dun want to take meds for life..going for my blood test coming wednesday..and that stupid OGTT as well..


so i suspect that thyroid is preventing me from shedding that pregnancy weight..

actually i am not too much bothered about the weight, just want to lose the waist!!

cant wait to fit in my pre-preg clothes..[IMG=]

btw does the pelvic bones shrink after pregnancy?


I not sure about the pelvic bones shrinking. maybe it's the hip area? I remember that when I did my post-natal massage last year the auntie massaged my hip area & "adjusted" it back, cause during natural delivery they sort of "expand" to make way for the baby going down the birth canal. but better take more calcium too!


Oh I was hoping my pelvic bones(hips) shrink back to pre-preg size. And I can't stand my thunder thighs!!! [IMG=]

Carrying twins is an amazing experience until my pants size upgraded by so much. Haha.


have u returned to your pre-preg size yet? As in hips/waist size? Argh I going to take the train coming wed, hope no one give up seats to me. It's kinda ironic if it happens as when I was heavily pregnant, I had to stand 90% of the time.


eventually will go back to pre-preg size, only question is WHEN. With #1 I very fast gone back, about 1-2months. Think cause my age gave me advantage & I was very active before and during my 1st pregnancy. Anw I think u r handling ur twins alone, don't need to worry about weight loss. Carrying them everyday will also tone up ur arms, like doing weights.


Thanks for pointing out, yup I managed to find the premature growth chart and it says my twins are between the 50-75th percentile. How bout yours? I think I really have to get used to comments from pple who will say my twins are small for their age and blah! Or mayb I should use their corrected age.

Hello ladies,

I'm currently 30 weeks and expecting identical twin girls. Would like the advice of mothers who have successfully breastfed their twins and had undergone c-section delivery. I already have a 2 yr old son whom I managed to bf for 1 year and would like to do so for my twin girls as well. But if I have c-section delivery then how will that affect breastfeeding as I had natural delivery for my son. Will it be painful to bf both twins together as doing so would put weight on my wound or is it better to bf one at a time? Is it possible to bf lying down or would it be painful for the wound? Your experiences and advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Hi all,

welcome to all new twin-mtb...!!

I was down from first, sore throat then fever then cough and now running nose+cough.. It really had been a terrible week with the 'unable to post' my many many questions to ask here during sick last week's forum down. [IMG=]

I just took the cough syrup and never dare to take the antibiotic prescribed from GP. When I cough, sharp pain for both side of my tummy.

Anyone have any advise for sick during 3rd trimester?

Gera my boys r 3 months now (corrected age 3 weeks old). They're growing well at 4.5kg and 5kg.

You mentioned phlegm in yr bbs. Is it cos the keep clearing their throats? My bbs sometimes do that after a feed. I think it's their way of coping with regurgitate?


hi and welcome!! yes its possible to BF both twins at one go after ur c-sect delivery..i tried it on my 3rd day post op. using the football hold. it doesn't affect the wound compared to the cradle hold. at home i also latch them on football hold, i never tried the lying down, as it was very uncomfortable for me..

if you have hubby to help, can BF both same time, save time..if not, then just one by one..good luck!


to correct myself, the 3rd day post-op was for the twins to suckle abit..cos they are preemies..

when i brought them come, i was unsuccessful into latching any of them, it took about 1 week for bigger twin to latch and another 3 weeks for smaller twin, once smaller twin can latch, i started to latch both at the same time.

hope that helps. [IMG=]

Hey guys

been Having trouble posting.. Sometimes type ai much then error message.


better be careful ya... As get bigger will get more clumsy...

Anyway remember how I asked u guys how come my bleeding lasted so long. Haiz, I'm actually still bleeding up to u. Q worried. Saw doc n she gave me sone meds coz scan showed a clot in my uterus the med was suppose to flush it out.. but even afterbthe meds I'm still bleeding. Gotta see her again . Sigh.

If it's hormonal imbalance then i've got to eat hormone med which means I can't bresstfeed... [IMG=]


Wow time flies! They are 3 months already! [IMG=] glad they are doing well. 

Oh yeah mine does it when they drink their milk, when they breathe and swallow. Sounds phlegmy. And when they burp. I tried clearing their nose mucus but it seems like it's coming from inside their throat. Hmm dunno how to explain, my friend who works in PD clinic says it could be postnasal drip. 

Btw I found out why all the diapers seem to

leak on me cos at 5 weeks they are still wearing NB size but they are peeing alot till it over-soaked the diapers in

less than 3 hours. After trying mamy poko S size, hey it's thicker and more absorbant. But the S diapers are kinda too big for them though. Hmm.. For your twins, at which week did they start on S size? 

Oh yeah btw pampers are not so absorbant as they claim to be. That could be one of the reason why they reduced the price? But I calculated it's still more ex than mamy poko. [IMG=]

Aiyo I have trouble posting since last night. [IMG=]


is it still fresh blood? So it's not ur menses rite? you mean

u cannot BF atm or permanantly? I can understand how you feel cos that time I got some allergic reaction, my gynae ask me that not safe to BF so the nurse ask ne to pump and throw. Very heartpain. [IMG=] take care ya! Hope it will stop bleeding for you.

Btw I still have lochia lei, normal? It's not fresh blood but just dark reddish blood. It's 6 weeks Liao.

Gera - postnasal drip? One of my twins clears his throat a lot after a feed and but he doesn't seem too bothered by it.

Diapers- I'm not sure when my boys started on S but I think it was when the diapers started to get really tight around the waist a couple of weeks ago. A bit big for yr girls? But no leakage right?

Speaking of which, I'm so glad my S Drypers have not leaked a single time. I can't remember the design of the NB around the waist compared to S. Does anyone know if it's the same? S size has gathers. I've faith in Drypers again!

Drypers is my preferred brand so far.. [IMG=]


Thanks for sharing. Btw, how long have you been bfing your twins?

Also how do you tell your twins one from the other? I'm so afraid that I will confuse them and over feed one and starve the other!

This morning I woke up with a burning pain somewhere between my chest and my tummy, like gastric pain. I've never had pain so intense before, couldn't sleep, lie down or stand around. Then when I vomited it was the yellow gastric juices. Struggled about 1 hour with the pain, and finally it died down after taking some biscuits and milo. So I assumed it could've been either gastric from being hungry, or indigestion.

I didn't call up my gynae though, thinking it was just my stomach problems and nothing to do with the babies, who were still happily moving around in my womb.

Anyone has had similar experience?


you should at least call your Gynae and ask. My wife has morning sickness in her 3rd trimester but never intense pain...


i suffer from bad gastric pain during my second trimester..exactly the same as what u describe..i was prescribed MMT by my gynae...was told that cos the bbs are pushing up my stomach, so i got that "heartburn" feeling but its actually not..cos my stomach is actually it always occur in the morning..

you should see ur gynae, see if she can prescribe u anything to neutralise ur gastric juices..Take care.

i think the milo drinks normally do the trick..i assume u drank it hot rite? [IMG=]


since i delivered till now...6 weeks, but i stop latching on cos, last week i got this "nipple injury" then now just pumping it out to heal the nipple..

i dress them in pink and white..cots also colour coded. but as a mother, i can tell who is who even when both is hubby got fooled afew times..when i decided to dress both in the same was amusing..[IMG=]

i keep a chart of their feeds..3 hourly for their wet/poo diaper, amt of feed, FM or EBM or latch on? and the time they fed..for both twins..otherwise i can tell u its headache trying to recall...even with the chart, my hubby can change diapers one minute and forget the next minute whether the diapers he just change got poo anot..hahaha


yeah i drank it hot. The 1st time I sipped some I vomited it out again, but 2nd time I managed to keep it down. I never had this during my 1st pregnancy, and I seldom get gastric pains, so ytd morning's episode was something new & quite traumatic for me. Will share this with my gynae on Monday when I see her. thanks.

Phew, my boy finally did his big biz after 3 days...! So worried. First the older one, then the younger one became constipated. I think it's the iron drops twice a day that's causing it.


congrats.. i waited for 3 days too before my bigger boy poo yesterday [IMG=]

Never felt so happy wiping shit off someone's ass... [IMG=]

yeah i never felt happier seeing a massive pile of poo..ugh! [IMG=]


My 2nd trimester too. Suggest you can start take some biscuit e.g Jacob's one when wake up before anything. It will sooth the 'morning sickness'. It helps me a lot hope also help you.

This morning when I wake up I feel my back very heavy and in the afternoon I had some pain like menses pain at my tummy. but there was no tummy hardening or bleeding. Until now my back still feel heavy. anyone have this experience before?


so far..*crosses fingers*..dun have with S..but yeah its too big..i still have the drypers samples with me which i am afraid to use..haha

my twins breathe very loud, and when she breathe, can hear her throat very friend says it could be the mucus in her nose that drips to the back of the nose to her throat, that is what causing the phlegm..think i will let their PD know in their next appt..

hey my smaller twin consolidates all her poo and she poo like once every 1.5-2 days..and when it comes...its ALOT of poo! untill it scares my hubby...haha..and changing that much poo requires alot of wipes...but it was a huge relief!!!..cos she has been farting all day..but no progress..hehe..


my wife had the same feeling.. it's because of the heavy tummy.. but if the menses pain is happens frequently, you might be having a contraction..

my wife didnt know that she has been contracting for almost a week until she checked in to the hospital for intense monitoring 1 week before the expected C-sec date... her first time so we keep thinking that it is because the baby is kicking :p got a real scolding by the doc/nurse ... haha


Really? her 'menses pain' also without hardening the tummy? One of my friend also told me just now her contraction also like that.

Hope that can wait until this saturday check up and ask gynae. Btw, what causes your wife checked into the hospital for the 1 week intensive monitor? She pain until go see doctor or ur gynae recommend it during schedule check up?


are u experiencing the pain like stomachache want to go toilet? u are 30 weeks now? it could be contractions..i suggest u go and see ur gynae now, or the labour ward...better safe..


cannot compare to ur first pregnancy cos now its twins..2 bbs...need to make more room in ur tummy so that is why its so bad...i find in the morning its worse cos esp when ur tummy is empty..when u wake up, immediately go get a hot drink, dun brush your teeth first...biscuits didn't work for me at all..even for my MS. when is ur next appt?


No le.. i dun feel like going to toilet.. just like so heavy and sore at the back now. maybe like what Don mentioned that the tummy is too heavy now. is like a 4kgs watermelon. the menses pain is just come and go like normal menses pain. I'm in my 33th wk now. If tomorrow still the same then i will run to my gynae then. I also worry cos is approaching the "popular weeks" i.e. wk 34 - 37 where normally twins will be out in these weeks. Feel like many things not prepare yet...


oh then u better seek advice from your gynae...cos like what u say..twins normally come out during this period..

and cannot compare..different pple experience contractions in different ways..for me, its like stomachache like want to go toilet..cold sweat, pain on and off but tolerable..not so much on the back pain..only the night before i finally delivered..yup i had intense back pain, next morning i dilated 3cm liao..

i would advise u see ur gynae or call him/her for advice. u will never know what is it, only strapped onto CTG machine then can tell..dun dwell, otherwise it might be too late..take care..



hehe..i used to complain when i was in 2nd trimester that time is ticking so slowly...but when i reach week 25..the days seem to past so quickly until i got so stressed cos alot of things haven prepare yet..[IMG=]

u are seeing ur gynae every 2 weeks once?

