TTC for 2014 Horse Babies

I think I been thinking too much! I dreamt I was preggy last nite! And about to give birth somemore... zzzzzz
Hi snowyee... nope he's not in CC. That's why difficult to break this habit. He can wake up in e middle of e nite and cry and tell me he wanna yao yao... I can faint...

I realize my CM decrease... do u gals know if there's any possibility to increase the CM?

Hi Jinnous, I noticed that my CM decreased greatly when I turned 37 and even on fertile days, the CM is very diluted, unlike egg white anymore... I'm suspecting that to be d reason of my infertility, plus of cos low quality and few eggs due to age.
To increase CM, some suggestions r to drink more fluid and to reduce antihistamin intake.
Or u can use preseed or conceive well lubricants to act like CM.

However, I've been using preseed for the past 8 mths without any result.
I think I been thinking too much! I dreamt I was preggy last nite! And about to give birth somemore... zzzzzz

Same here... I have dreamt at least twice that I was holding my baby, but when I wondered how come I don't remember the labour process, can't be that easy right, then I realised even while still in the dream that it's just a dream. Sigh... as the Chinese saying goes, you dream of at night what you think about in the day!
Hi Jinnous, I noticed that my CM decreased greatly when I turned 37 and even on fertile days, the CM is very diluted, unlike egg white anymore... I'm suspecting that to be d reason of my infertility, plus of cos low quality and few eggs due to age.
To increase CM, some suggestions r to drink more fluid and to reduce antihistamin intake.
Or u can use preseed or conceive well lubricants to act like CM.

However, I've been using preseed for the past 8 mths without any result.

Novi6, have you seen a gynae? Besides using preseed, are you trying any other methods as well?
hi all

i'm also trying to have baby :) hope we all will b blessed to hv baby soon

jinnous, hug to u. today i'm 12-13 dpo. I can feel my mense will come soon. I have been testing many pregnancy test ( including those so called early pregnancy test). all negative :( hope to hear your good news next mth

mrsgg, nice to see u again. we met in another thread b4. all the best for u. hope u will hv baby v soon :)
hi starhunter... thanks! Unfortunately I have been down with cough these past few days, and my hub is also not feeling well... looks like the chances of BD would be slim this month. I just started taking prenatal vitamins, so hopefully that would help me regain my health. All the best to you too!

Talking abt prenatal supplements, just to let MTBs here know, has this liquid prenatal supplements called Nature's Plus Source of Life... abt $25, which is so much cheaper than the same brand sold in stores. I ordered 4 bottles and have been taking them. The taste is really yummy, and I like that it is derived from whole foods, instead of chemicals. If any of you are considering taking prenatal supplements to prepare your body for conception, can give this a try. :)

Good luck to all of us here... jiayou!
Hi Mrsgg

yes. understand. hope u will get well soon :) BD = baby danced ? do u use ovulation test paper? I used for last 2 mths. for last mth, I thought the timing was right. :( not sure y

thanks for sharing. my prenatal supplements tastes awful . so I only on n off t . take 1-2 times every wk. I guess I will force myself to take more often ( don't want to waste $$$)
Yup, BD=baby danced. I'm not using ovulation test paper, just ovulation calculator and checking of CM. I just started TTC-ing not long ago, so taking things step by step. First started taking TCM, then folic acid, and now prenatal supplements... will try more "tricks" in future if still not successful (touchwood). :)

My Nature's Plus prenatal supplement is so delicious that I wish I can take more each time! But the instructions specifically state, do not overdose. Maybe they know how tempting it is to take more than the regular dosage. Haha... maybe you can try getting a bottle from and take it on the days u dun feel like taking the awful tasting ones. Try your best to take your supplements regularly... I think it will be more effective that way.

Btw, thought I would share with you ladies another tip I learnt from a massage practitioner. There are 72 points on the pelvic bone that you can massage daily to increase your fertility. Just apply pressure in a "M" shape starting from the middle of your pelvic bone (about 3 inches below belly button), going downwards and then upwards to the sides of the pelvic bone. Like you are drawing the McD sign on your pelvic bone. He told me these points are very powerful for both men and women, and he has done bodywork for many years, so I trust he knows what he is saying. I'll be adding this little trick to my TTCing repertoire... haha... really crossing my fingers that all these tricks will help me hit jackpot! :rolleyes:
hihi everyone

I'm TTCing for a horse baby but just tested today -ve. Sadz..... no mood to work now :(
Have even BD everyday during fertile period but still don't work... sigh

Was told by my TCM cannot BD everyday.. must alternate day... I also dun know lah...
Again it depend on individual... teenagers, BD also can easily get pregnant.. haintz... sad sad
Hi stressie

Hug to u. don't feel sad. I was so unhappy last month . all negatives . this month also all negatives. i feel less un happy this month. I just wait for my turn. I I will try again next month.

agreed with sinmmama. I also heard this theory before.

Wow, this thread running fast with all mummies here TTC! Fighting!

Mrs Ng,
Thanks for sharing with us your tips. Didn't know of this TMC method. Daebak!
I just bought the prenatal vitamins from GNC. Hope it helps in my TTcing. Does anyone knows how much mg or mcg folic acid we can consume daily? the prenatal vitamins states it includes 800mcg folic acid. Is it enough? Cos was thinking to take with the 5mg I purchase from pharmacy. Not sure if i will be overdose? The GNC staff doesn't seems to know.
Intended to try again these few days for #2 but realized I have a little blood stain on my panties just now. I dont think is menses cos my next menses should come on 08 Sep if I am not pregnant. I wiped and there's nothing.
BD on 17th Aug. Dont think will conceive so fast right?
I think shld be implantation bleeding. It happens to me that time when BD gets abit rough :oops:. After that also got spotting.
If unsure then it's best to consult your Gynae.

Wow, this thread running fast with all mummies here TTC! Fighting!

Mrs Ng,
Thanks for sharing with us your tips. Didn't know of this TMC method. Daebak!
I just bought the prenatal vitamins from GNC. Hope it helps in my TTcing. Does anyone knows how much mg or mcg folic acid we can consume daily? the prenatal vitamins states it includes 800mcg folic acid. Is it enough? Cos was thinking to take with the 5mg I purchase from pharmacy. Not sure if i will be overdose? The GNC staff doesn't seems to know.

What's TMC and daebak ah? :confused:

800 mcg folic acid is the recommended dosage for pregnant women, but folic acid is water-soluble, so even if you take more than the recommended amt, the excess will be flushed out of your body via urine. So not to worry. Maybe can take the prenatal vitamins and the folic acid at different times of the day, so your body can absorb as much as it needs. :)
Novi6, have you seen a gynae? Besides using preseed, are you trying any other methods as well?
Hi mrsgg, I conceived my 3 kids all b4 33yo, on first and 2nd tries, but no luck with #4 since last Jan till now, that's y I said it's prb due to age. Dun intend to c doc to c if either of us has any prob.
Will just keep on trying.
Hv been eating well and exercising regularly.
Just started on TCM soup last month, so will see how it goes...
hi Simmama
Thanks for your tip !

Hi starhunter
Thanks for your kind words. Let's hope for good news next cycle! :)

Any other tips to boost fertility? Really hoping to strike soon.......
Hi ladies, I have a box of first response opk to let go at $30. Free clearblue digital pregnancy kit. For more info can pm me.. Thanks..
Hi Stressie

Thanks . Thanks. I tried evening primrose oil to increase fertility but it make me had very early ovulation ( 3-4 month ago) . normally I ovulate day 14 but I ovulated day 9-10 for the month I took so I missed BD :( it also messy up with my cycle. I strongly not recommend to try this.
What's TMC and daebak ah? :confused:

800 mcg folic acid is the recommended dosage for pregnant women, but folic acid is water-soluble, so even if you take more than the recommended amt, the excess will be flushed out of your body via urine. So not to worry. Maybe can take the prenatal vitamins and the folic acid at different times of the day, so your body can absorb as much as it needs. :)
Haha, should be TCM. Type too fast. "Daebak" is actually in Korean meaning to express something Awesome or impressive. Paiseh, too Korean addict Liao.
I think we all need to stay positive and think positive! The last time I managed to get preggy, I actually booked for IVF appt already... that was in Dec 2010.. then I forgot about it cuz we went for a trip and when we came back I booked again for Feb. And the + was when I tested in Feb.. a few days before my IVF appt. I was really scared to test when my menses din report for 3 days... cuz too many disappointments already. When I think back, I think the trip helped us to relax and we kinda accepted that if fated there are no kids then we will carry on with our lives lor. So our mindset was relax I think. But I did notice I had a lot of CM discharge. Egg white and very stretchy. I'm hoping to replicate now but I can't get the same thing every month. So I'm hoping the coming trip will help me relax....
Hi mrsgg, I conceived my 3 kids all b4 33yo, on first and 2nd tries, but no luck with #4 since last Jan till now, that's y I said it's prb due to age. Dun intend to c doc to c if either of us has any prob.
Will just keep on trying.
Hv been eating well and exercising regularly.
Just started on TCM soup last month, so will see how it goes...

That's a good start. It's true that age is a factor, but my SIL had both kids after age 35, so I guess health is most impt. I heard that Blackmore's Conceive Well works too. Seems like those who take it get preggie very easily. So that's another potential trick for us MTBs here.
I think we all need to stay positive and think positive! The last time I managed to get preggy, I actually booked for IVF appt already... that was in Dec 2010.. then I forgot about it cuz we went for a trip and when we came back I booked again for Feb. And the + was when I tested in Feb.. a few days before my IVF appt. I was really scared to test when my menses din report for 3 days... cuz too many disappointments already. When I think back, I think the trip helped us to relax and we kinda accepted that if fated there are no kids then we will carry on with our lives lor. So our mindset was relax I think. But I did notice I had a lot of CM discharge. Egg white and very stretchy. I'm hoping to replicate now but I can't get the same thing every month. So I'm hoping the coming trip will help me relax....

That's very true. I have heard so many stories of couples who conceive after they "loosened up" about having a child. Anyone watching Legend of Zhen Huan? So happen in one of the episodes, the physician also said something to the effect of this, "The more you want to conceive, the more unlikely it will happen." Even though it's just a show, I think this part at least is based on real life. :)

For me, I have relaxed about TTC a little too. Still hoping it will happen, but I have accepted that when the time is right, it will naturally come. But in my case, I already know that I will have 2 kids cos it's been predicted for me on more than one occasion. I was just very anxious abt TTC the 2nd one cos my son is already 7 this year. Only recently I have decided, since the age gap is already so big, another year or 2 won't make much of a difference, so let it be ba.

Anyone else also already "know" how many kids they will have and it's just a matter of when? :)
That's very true. I have heard so many stories of couples who conceive after they "loosened up" about having a child. Anyone watching Legend of Zhen Huan? So happen in one of the episodes, the physician also said something to the effect of this, "The more you want to conceive, the more unlikely it will happen." Even though it's just a show, I think this part at least is based on real life. :)

For me, I have relaxed about TTC a little too. Still hoping it will happen, but I have accepted that when the time is right, it will naturally come. But in my case, I already know that I will have 2 kids cos it's been predicted for me on more than one occasion. I was just very anxious abt TTC the 2nd one cos my son is already 7 this year. Only recently I have decided, since the age gap is already so big, another year or 2 won't make much of a difference, so let it be ba.

Anyone else also already "know" how many kids they will have and it's just a matter of when? :)
That's very true. I have heard so many stories of couples who conceive after they "loosened up" about having a child. Anyone watching Legend of Zhen Huan? So happen in one of the episodes, the physician also said something to the effect of this, "The more you want to conceive, the more unlikely it will happen." Even though it's just a show, I think this part at least is based on real life. :)

For me, I have relaxed about TTC a little too. Still hoping it will happen, but I have accepted that when the time is right, it will naturally come. But in my case, I already know that I will have 2 kids cos it's been predicted for me on more than one occasion. I was just very anxious abt TTC the 2nd one cos my son is already 7 this year. Only recently I have decided, since the age gap is already so big, another year or 2 won't make much of a difference, so let it be ba.

Anyone else also already "know" how many kids they will have and it's just a matter of when? :)

Mrsng, did you went to see fortune teller? How you know how many kids you will have?
I think we all need to stay positive and think positive! The last time I managed to get preggy, I actually booked for IVF appt already... that was in Dec 2010.. then I forgot about it cuz we went for a trip and when we came back I booked again for Feb. And the + was when I tested in Feb.. a few days before my IVF appt. I was really scared to test when my menses din report for 3 days... cuz too many disappointments already. When I think back, I think the trip helped us to relax and we kinda accepted that if fated there are no kids then we will carry on with our lives lor. So our mindset was relax I think. But I did notice I had a lot of CM discharge. Egg white and very stretchy. I'm hoping to replicate now but I can't get the same thing every month. So I'm hoping the coming trip will help me relax....
I think quite true loh. The more we wanted to have a bb, the more false hope we received. Jinnous, Hope to hear your good news after your trip. :p
Mrsng, did you went to see fortune teller? How you know how many kids you will have?

I did this DIY pendulum test, as well as palm reading by at least 3 different people... all same prediction, one boy one girl. My first one is indeed a boy, so i'm looking forward to having my daughter come. :)
I did this DIY pendulum test, as well as palm reading by at least 3 different people... all same prediction, one boy one girl. My first one is indeed a boy, so i'm looking forward to having my daughter come. :)
Wow, 3 person same prediction. Then sure confirm accurate loh. May your wish come true soon! :p
I did e palm thingy before... Says I hv 4 kids!!!! Haha... 3 boys 1 girl I think. *shudder* haha I dunno if I can handle not. Last time preggy thot twins would be nice... After that 1 I already surrender dunno twins how sia.. Let alone 4 kids! And I used to think I wan all 4 kids... But as I grow older, E number dwindled also. I guess e energy is not there liao...
I agree stress plays a part. I didnt really think of getting pregnant within the 1st year of marriage, as I want to enjoy my life. But I was pregnant in just 3 months of marriage. That time me and hubby used precautions too and I wonder how did I get pregnant. Initially dont want the baby cos I am not prepared at all. Well, I'm glad I decided to keep after hearing the heartbeat. Lucky I didnt give up my child.
Now, I want to have #2 and it seems so difficult and I see friends around me being pregnant. A little demoralized though. I think compared to the past, I am more stressed now. Although my girl is in childcare, I constantly worry that she will fall sick or if she eat/drinks/behave in sch. I also worry about whether I have enough finances for our house, car and monthly bills. If I have #2, it means I need more money, but with my not so high salary, I afraid we cannot cope. Hb is stressed on his own newly setup biz too. I think these are the reasons why I cannot get pregnant.
Eeyorex, since you know the likely reasons, then it's time to find some solutions. With regards to finances, aside from the medical fees, I think there are many ways to reduce expenses for baby. Breastfeeding saves you tons of money on milk powder. Disposable diapers can be replaced with traditional or modern cloth diapers (I bought 24 pcs from Sunbaby for only $150). As for clothing and toys, if you don't mind, can always use preloved ones. Childcare can go for cheaper options. So just be flexible and manage your expectations. There is always a way.
mrsgg, sad to say I only bf for 3.5months. My gal just turn 2 years 2 weeks ago. We used to splurge on her when she was younger. Now, she is know more things, we try to keep her occupied by doing craft works with her. Only buy toys on special occasions. As of clothes, I think I over bought. She is still wearing her 18months clothes as she is quite small size. Now, I keep an open mind. If so lucky strike again, its a bonus. If not, will give all my love and attention to my gal =)
mrsgg, sad to say I only bf for 3.5months. My gal just turn 2 years 2 weeks ago. We used to splurge on her when she was younger. Now, she is know more things, we try to keep her occupied by doing craft works with her. Only buy toys on special occasions. As of clothes, I think I over bought. She is still wearing her 18months clothes as she is quite small size. Now, I keep an open mind. If so lucky strike again, its a bonus. If not, will give all my love and attention to my gal =)

That's a great attitude eeyorex! I'm sure that your girl appreciates the time you spend time with her doing craft works more than the toys. As for clothes, I think pretty much all first-time parents fall into the temptation of buying cute clothes for their kiddos... especially for girls! Even though my SIL has 2 daughters and will prob have hand me downs for me when my future daughter comes, i'm sure I will still burn a hole in my pocket buying new clothes cos the girls' clothings out there are just too irresistible! :oops:
Hi All, I have been TTC-ing since last year and out of sudden last night i tested n its +ve. tested as i has been having sore breast since 2 nights ago. my last menses 26/jul. still feeling unbeliavable..... Called gynae for a check to confirm but the nurse say it is too early to detect anything as me to wait for another 2 wks...Is home test kit consider confirm le that I am pregnant? hehe.... If yes this will be my #2. Had a girl now 20 mths!
Hello everyone,

I'm new to this thread. Am also trying for my #2. Just gave birth to my daughter in April and have been trying for #2 since July. Am also diagnosed with PCOS that why wanted to start ttc once i stopped breastfeeding since its takes longer to get pregnant with PCOS. My period after pregnancy just returned 2 weeks ago and am still have some light flow. Is it normal for the first period to be longer than normal? Can't wait for the period to end so we can start ttc again. I read online that taking evening primrose oil might aid in producing fertile cervical mucus. Anyone tried?
hi jteo

I tried before . it make ovulated much earlier ( around day 9 or 10) and messy up my cycle. I think not good. I stop it after that.
hi all~~~read some of the posts n some ladies conceived ~ congrats!! am gonna try this month hehe...usually pregnancy symptoms starts when? after 4 wks or ?
Hi bluerosie, pregnancy symptoms can start anytime after conception, but for most, it's after 6-8 weeks. Good luck to you!
i have some ovulation strips to let go,just purchase frm smh forum seller.last mth, i do not need already :

letting go at $9 for 20strips + foc 2pregnancy test strips+foc postage.
all expire yr 2015. sensitivity of 10miu/ml
if keen pls pm me
Hi Mummies, I have been trying to ask my hubby for 2nd child... However , my hubby is not supportive. Firstly, he does not have a happy childhood. Secondly, he finds it financially, physically and mentally drained with a child.
What can I do ???? I have trying means to convince him. ... But no point.... He is only agreeable if we strike toto!!! Clueless on how to fulfil my goals as I am already 32 this year... I don't want to wait until I am old then he start to ask me for another child.
Did anyone has the same situation as me?????

Sorry to hear that sunrise99. How old is your first child? Are you working as well? Maybe you can ask your husband to list down all his concerns and fears with you, and you can discuss them with him one by one. If he feels that you are understanding and supportive, and there are some possible solutions that he can agree with, he may give in. Whatever it is, don't lose your temper at him or make him feel lousy, cos you also don't want him to give in resentfully, and then blame you or make you feel guilty when he feels stressed after the 2nd child comes. Afraid I don't have any other suggestions/advice to offer, but feel free to "vent" here and we will be happy to at least offer you a listening ear. :)
