TTC for 2014 Horse Babies

mrsgg: oh only after 6 to 8 weeks...but if we miss our period over a certain no. of days we can also use the test kit right? am thinking to go ahead with my gynae appt in oct or not since nt sure conceived already

HI Mrsgg, my first child is 16months now. Yes i am working. there is not enough parents help . Both parents and in laws are not able to help if 2nd ones comes along. He is scared of having 2nd child. But i dont have the time to wait for him until everything is available. He thinks that he must earn enough to support the family. I am working and i support my child. He dont have to pay a single cent while he pay for his car. Then scared not enough sleep... Sleep is very important to him...

You know it is like ... i dont know what to say... which women want to give birth late? Everything wait until he has his career ... i am already too old for 2nd one...
sunrise99, my hub wasnt very keen in # 2 as well cos he thinks is adding on to our financial burden. With only one, he said we can groom him to best. However, I tried to instill the idea that one day when we are gone, our only child will be left in this world alone, without siblings to rely on etc.. and I told him also if your expectation of ur only child did not meet your requirement for eg, he turn out to be a unfilial man 1 day, abandoning us, at least we still got #2.. Is bad thou to take # 2 as a back up, but bo bian to explain it that way.. lol

thou he still prefer only 1, he didnt reject BD esp during the ovu week.. prob becos his mindset still stick to 1, tats y my ttc-ing journey still continue for such long
Junvis, how old is your #1 now? Think for men's perspective, they don't want too much of commitment given today's high stress society.

As for women, we are the one bearing with the pain and yet we still can want another one.... Men has their easy way and yet they dont want another one....
mrsgg: oh only after 6 to 8 weeks...but if we miss our period over a certain no. of days we can also use the test kit right? am thinking to go ahead with my gynae appt in oct or not since nt sure conceived already

Sure, if your period hasn't come for a few days, that's definitely a good time to use the test kit. You miss your period already?
Junvis, how old is your #1 now? Think for men's perspective, they don't want too much of commitment given today's high stress society.

As for women, we are the one bearing with the pain and yet we still can want another one.... Men has their easy way and yet they dont want another one....

Sunrise, at least you can see it from your husband's perspective. Men have it "easy" only in the sense that they don't have to go through pregnancy and labour pain, but when the baby is out, the burden is more or less equally shared. Especially since you said both of your parents can't help out. Don't worry too much, as long as you are healthy, you still have a good 2-3 years for a smooth pregnancy. Take your time to communicate with your husband and try to settle his fears. Maybe try using junvis's reasoning (which I think are all quite sound) to convince your husband. Whatever it is, don't let this become a source of tension between the two of you. Whether it's 1 child or more, a solid marriage is priority for the kid/s' happiness and well-being too.
HI Mrsgg, my first child is 16months now. Yes i am working. there is not enough parents help . Both parents and in laws are not able to help if 2nd ones comes along. He is scared of having 2nd child. But i dont have the time to wait for him until everything is available. He thinks that he must earn enough to support the family. I am working and i support my child. He dont have to pay a single cent while he pay for his car. Then scared not enough sleep... Sleep is very important to him...

You know it is like ... i dont know what to say... which women want to give birth late? Everything wait until he has his career ... i am already too old for 2nd one...
seriously you r not that old..can ubderstand both side worries.thats theagoby of us workig
Sunrise, at least you can see it from your husband's perspective. Men have it "easy" only in the sense that they don't have to go through pregnancy and labour pain, but when the baby is out, the burden is more or less equally shared. Especially since you said both of your parents can't help out. Don't worry too much, as long as you are healthy, you still have a good 2-3 years for a smooth pregnancy. Take your time to communicate with your husband and try to settle his fears. Maybe try using junvis's reasoning (which I think are all quite sound) to convince your husband. Whatever it is, don't let this become a source of tension between the two of you. Whether it's 1 child or more, a solid marriage is priority for the kid/s' happiness and well-being too.
agree! actly sunrise yiu are not that old 34 jus preggy with number 2,nly wanted tis yr cos wan to giv birth by 35,also have financial problems maybe wen #2 cms,nd to tighten belt cos pass few yrs hubby job nt stable not lucky leh.but alas we bth decide no more waiting .
my #1 will b 5yrs old nxt yr.if u r wried abt age gap i feel no nd to b.who say 2,3 yrs age gap then is bwst best? if one is oldrr she b more sensible can even help out maybe
i have some ovulation strips to let go,just purchase frm smh forum seller.last mth, i do not need already :

letting go at $9 for 20strips + foc 2pregnancy test strips+foc postage.
all expire yr 2015. sensitivity of 10miu/ml
if keen pls pm me

so by the way, any takers?
Mrsgg, ya i can only say that i may have to give up my idea of trying the second child. The mindset is set .. Hard to convince.. Even changing a water tap or going to a new place, he is super negative ...
Sunrise, at least you can see it from your husband's perspective. Men have it "easy" only in the sense that they don't have to go through pregnancy and labour pain, but when the baby is out, the burden is more or less equally shared. Especially since you said both of your parents can't help out. Don't worry too much, as long as you are healthy, you still have a good 2-3 years for a smooth pregnancy. Take your time to communicate with your husband and try to settle his fears. Maybe try using junvis's reasoning (which I think are all quite sound) to convince your husband. Whatever it is, don't let this become a source of tension between the two of you. Whether it's 1 child or more, a solid marriage is priority for the kid/s' happiness and well-being too.

Haiz... I actually had DVT , Deep Vein Thermomsis.. which is a blood condition that is easily clot. So If I get pregnant, I would have to be on injection for full term. This is one of the complication I will face. ... Haiz... anyway, I have no strength to continue to convince him... the only thing I do is to leave it to god.
seriously you r not that old..can ubderstand both side worries.thats theagoby of us workig

agree! actly sunrise yiu are not that old 34 jus preggy with number 2,nly wanted tis yr cos wan to giv birth by 35,also have financial problems maybe wen #2 cms,nd to tighten belt cos pass few yrs hubby job nt stable not lucky leh.but alas we bth decide no more waiting .
my #1 will b 5yrs old nxt yr.if u r wried abt age gap i feel no nd to b.who say 2,3 yrs age gap then is bwst best? if one is oldrr she b more sensible can even help out maybe

Rainbow , the age gap is not so much of the concern. The most important thing is a healthy baby!!!
Mrsgg, ya i can only say that i may have to give up my idea of trying the second child. The mindset is set .. Hard to convince.. Even changing a water tap or going to a new place, he is super negative ...

Haiz... I actually had DVT , Deep Vein Thermomsis.. which is a blood condition that is easily clot. So If I get pregnant, I would have to be on injection for full term. This is one of the complication I will face. ... Haiz... anyway, I have no strength to continue to convince him... the only thing I do is to leave it to god.

seriously in this case why do you wan to put yourself into complications or even your child? If no choice then just 1 kid then. Evryone might be happier? Just a thought. Maybe deep inside him he doesn want you to suffer too (thinking in a +ve way)
Yes leave to fate bah, god knows he might sudly change his mind :)
Mrsgg, ya i can only say that i may have to give up my idea of trying the second child. The mindset is set .. Hard to convince.. Even changing a water tap or going to a new place, he is super negative ...

Haiz... I actually had DVT , Deep Vein Thermomsis.. which is a blood condition that is easily clot. So If I get pregnant, I would have to be on injection for full term. This is one of the complication I will face. ... Haiz... anyway, I have no strength to continue to convince him... the only thing I do is to leave it to god.

Sunrise, sounds like your husband is someone who doesn't like change. Look on the bright side. At least you have a child. Focus on the joys of bringing up him/her and trust that it will work out for the best. The no. of children we have is more or less predestined, so if it's meant to be, it will all come in good time.
Mrsgg, ya i can only say that i may have to give up my idea of trying the second child. The mindset is set .. Hard to convince.. Even changing a water tap or going to a new place, he is super negative ...

Haiz... I actually had DVT , Deep Vein Thermomsis.. which is a blood condition that is easily clot. So If I get pregnant, I would have to be on injection for full term. This is one of the complication I will face. ... Haiz... anyway, I have no strength to continue to convince him... the only thing I do is to leave it to god.
Sunrise, my #1 is coming to 3 this nov. Seriously given your condition, if im your hub, I will against the idea for #2 as well just not to wish you to go thru the suffering. Perhaps thats also part of the reason for his rejection?
Agree with mrsgg that contented to have only 1 if thats the case. For me, im 34 n perhaps belong to those hard to conceive group. My #1 tried for 8 months. N now trying for #2 is like 1.5 yrs le. Im giving myself up to 35yrs old to try. If still dun have, I will just live as it is..
Hi ladies,

I am returning red eggs at toa payoh shuang lin shi this sat 21sep 12noon.

I conceived after taking red eggs fr a returning couple. Hence I am doing the same to bless more couples.

If u r interested, see you on sat.
hello all.. I went for my pap smear on Sat and tested positive too at the gynae's. But I think maybe is too small, still a sac. Was asked to go back 2 weeks later.
thereafter, I had some spotting on Sat late afternoon and Sunday morning. Today a little after I wipe. Called gynae and she suggested that I took hormone pills.
Wanted to go down after work, but they closed at 6pm today. Have to wait till tomorrow.
Now having mixed feelings. Initially wanted a Dec horse baby, though baby comes early, I feel lucky to be pregnant. At the same time, the spotting made me very worried.
I dont have much issues in my 1st pregnancy. Hopefully this pregnancy can be smooth. But I feel my breasts very sore and I feel so uncomfortable all day =(
hello all.. I went for my pap smear on Sat and tested positive too at the gynae's. But I think maybe is too small, still a sac. Was asked to go back 2 weeks later.
thereafter, I had some spotting on Sat late afternoon and Sunday morning. Today a little after I wipe. Called gynae and she suggested that I took hormone pills.
Wanted to go down after work, but they closed at 6pm today. Have to wait till tomorrow.
Now having mixed feelings. Initially wanted a Dec horse baby, though baby comes early, I feel lucky to be pregnant. At the same time, the spotting made me very worried.
I dont have much issues in my 1st pregnancy. Hopefully this pregnancy can be smooth. But I feel my breasts very sore and I feel so uncomfortable all day =(

ur nick sounds v familiar hahah...dun worry too much ya..u be fine..take folic acid daily :)
Dear rainbowzstarz, junvis,mrsgg , thanks for your wisdom. Yes , I leave myself to god! Shall not bring up the topic of aiming for 2nd child. It is pointless. If it is meant to be , i will have . If not meant to ,no point aim for it.

Thanks a lot !
I had my boy when I was 32 leh... I'm thinking of no 2 too but hb also half hearted... and I would be 35 leh... I'm seriously not active lor. I said I went to BKK for relax right? OMG man... difficult to relax... too many new shopping centres! Shop shop shop eat shop shop shop eat... my meal times were all jumbled up and I was burnt out by the end of my trip... And I missed the window period! Zzzzz.... my only consolation was my hb took care of our boy and he managed to make him sleep on his bed without using e sarong. Though he fussed once and asked for sarong but we managed to not use it for the whole week...
Jinnous, ya you shd continue not to use sarong. Once yr son has got used to it, he will see it as a routine.

You choose the wrong city for holiday . Go to places like beach to slow yourself down instead of being tempted with shopping.
No one wanna go beach lor... all keep jio-ing me go BKK and Taipei... I felt like I was released out... haha... my last trip was before I got preggy so it has been 3yrrs since I went on holidays!
rainbowzstarz, eeyorex
Congrats to both of you!

I think having another child have many consideration points and I feel if either party not ready, then better not TTC. Ur hubby might feel burdened with having another child as he's in his comfort zone now and wants to remain status quo. Talk to him again when time is ripe. Prob by then,he is ready. You are still young lah, I'm 35 this year and still TTC no. 2. My boy turning 5 years old next week. It's also recently i managed to convince my hubby to try for no. 2. He also feel burdened financially esp. he just started his own business a year ago. I'm also working and paying for most of the expenses. But at least he trying his best to earn more if we have no. 2, and willing to help take care. I think this is important. My parent and mil can't help so if I have 2, will hv to send to infant care. I sent my boy to IFC when he was only 3 months then. Gd thing is that at least now we have 16 weeks maternity leave, allow more time for mummies to look after their new born.
I had my boy when I was 32 leh... I'm thinking of no 2 too but hb also half hearted... and I would be 35 leh... I'm seriously not active lor. I said I went to BKK for relax right? OMG man... difficult to relax... too many new shopping centres! Shop shop shop eat shop shop shop eat... my meal times were all jumbled up and I was burnt out by the end of my trip... And I missed the window period! Zzzzz.... my only consolation was my hb took care of our boy and he managed to make him sleep on his bed without using e sarong. Though he fussed once and asked for sarong but we managed to not use it for the whole week...
I had my boy when I was 32 leh... I'm thinking of no 2 too but hb also half hearted... and I would be 35 leh... I'm seriously not active lor. I said I went to BKK for relax right? OMG man... difficult to relax... too many new shopping centres! Shop shop shop eat shop shop shop eat... my meal times were all jumbled up and I was burnt out by the end of my trip... And I missed the window period! Zzzzz.... my only consolation was my hb took care of our boy and he managed to make him sleep on his bed without using e sarong. Though he fussed once and asked for sarong but we managed to not use it for the whole week...
Jinnous, BKK too many shopping temptation la, haha, no wonder u missed your " impt mission".
Gd thing is ur boy managed to sleep without sarong.
Snowyee11 , haiz... it is especially difficult nowadays with 2 parents working to support the family. Cannot depend on single income. Naturally, men dont want financial burden, the sleepless nights , crying babies... DOes your hubby get inferior when he cant support the family and that the wife has to work ? then all the more , he dont even want another child to add on the existing "fan niao"
my hb initially dun wan no.2 cos he just started his own biz. I keep telling him how lonely our gal will be next time when we are old and gone. Both of us have siblings and we know how fun it is to have siblings around, even though we might be fighting all the time. He's reluctant but still agree to BD and let nature take its course. Now that I am pregnant with no.2, he is having mixed feelings too. Well, we have to work harder and support the family.
EEyorex, hmm being lonely ... is a good way to convince men! Ya i often see my gal play with her cousins. She seems very lonely. How i wish we can go back to our mother generation whereby single income and wife focus on baby and house.
my hb initially dun wan no.2 cos he just started his own biz. I keep telling him how lonely our gal will be next time when we are old and gone. Both of us have siblings and we know how fun it is to have siblings around, even though we might be fighting all the time. He's reluctant but still agree to BD and let nature take its course. Now that I am pregnant with no.2, he is having mixed feelings too. Well, we have to work harder and support the family.

Eeyorex... u r a sahm?
sunrise99: yes. how good if we can stop working after give birth. But I think is very tough to survive on single income.
jinnous: I wish I can be a sahm, but hb dun allow.
I had my boy when I was 32 leh... I'm thinking of no 2 too but hb also half hearted... and I would be 35 leh... I'm seriously not active lor. I said I went to BKK for relax right? OMG man... difficult to relax... too many new shopping centres! Shop shop shop eat shop shop shop eat... my meal times were all jumbled up and I was burnt out by the end of my trip... And I missed the window period! Zzzzz.... my only consolation was my hb took care of our boy and he managed to make him sleep on his bed without using e sarong. Though he fussed once and asked for sarong but we managed to not use it for the whole week...

Haha, jinnous, I just came back from a trip to BKK too. The food is so amazing and cheap, so is the shopping!

Good to hear about your boy! When he realises that sarong is not an option, he will naturally learn to do without it. Congrats!
Snowyee11 , haiz... it is especially difficult nowadays with 2 parents working to support the family. Cannot depend on single income. Naturally, men dont want financial burden, the sleepless nights , crying babies... DOes your hubby get inferior when he cant support the family and that the wife has to work ? then all the more , he dont even want another child to add on the existing "fan niao"
Sunrise99, my hubby do sometimes feels inferior as he may not be able to fork out additional for my boy enrichment classes since I'm paying. But he feels that men and women are equal, so the wife should also be working to share the family burden.
So I also don't have the chance to be a SAHM.
I dun think I can be SAHM... but I have been contemplating to be a SAHM when my boy goes primary school... I dunno.. I'm still thinking... I'm trying to find something to do.. online shop, dabble stocks, mlm...etc.. so that I have a steady source of income by the time my boy goes primary school... but really it's easier said than done. How much is enough? And being such a spendthrift that I am.. I find it hard to survive on one salary. Though my hb is ok with my decision, I worry bout e money.
Sunrise99, my hubby do sometimes feels inferior as he may not be able to fork out additional for my boy enrichment classes since I'm paying. But he feels that men and women are equal, so the wife should also be working to share the family burden.
So I also don't have the chance to be a SAHM.

Well, I also don't really like the idea of SAHM. However , need to sacrifice for the first 2 years as it is the time when kids are forming their characters and learning the fastest.
Starhunter, you have leave days to spare? If have, go BKK! Everything there is so cheap! If you wanna go, PM me and I'll give you my recommendations for where to stay and where to go for yummy and cheap food. :p

Btw, congrats eeyorex for yr #2! Just couple weeks back we were only chatting abt stress and you thought you were too stressed to get pregnant. Turns out you were pregnant all along! :D Hope all is progressing well... take good care!
Hi mrsgg

thanks :) I will go Cebu next month. Don't think I can go bbk soon . I'm a stay at home mother. too much spare times but not enough money . did your bring your boy? how was it? easy to travel with kid?


Congrats to u :) take good care
mrsgg, thanks. yes didnt realize I am pregnant. now feeling more tired and nausea feeling is much stronger than #1. hopefully 1st trimester can be over soon.
Starhunter, saluate to you for being a sahm. For me to stay at home with my kid, I will go mad within days... with so many scoldings , crying, tantrums...

Is your child obedient type?
Hi mrsgg

thanks :) I will go Cebu next month. Don't think I can go bbk soon . I'm a stay at home mother. too much spare times but not enough money . did your bring your boy? how was it? easy to travel with kid?


Congrats to u :) take good care

Starhunter, actually it was just my husband and myself, so it was really free and easy in every sense of the word. If you are not too much of a shopaholic, BKK is really a cheap place to go to. Our accommodation was only SGD 40 a night, and right next to MTR and a very popular shopping mall. And the food also so unbelievably cheap and yummy. Think from now on I will save money on good food in SG so I can go BKK and eat like a king! Anyway, do enjoy your Cebu trip!
mrsgg, thanks. yes didnt realize I am pregnant. now feeling more tired and nausea feeling is much stronger than #1. hopefully 1st trimester can be over soon.

MS symptoms are good, shows the baby is growing well! Take care and rest more... 1st trimester will be over before you know it. :)
hi sunrise99

my kids are super naughty type . hahah

stressful when they are crying n throwing tantrums. sometimes they are v sweet to me. give n take :)
H mrsgg,

thanks thanks :)

wow sounds good. $40 is very good price :) travel without kids is really free and easy n save lots of money too hahah
Back to this thread again.. how are all of you doing?

Had an early m/c at about 5 weeks.. been about a month ago since I started spotting and went into red bleeding a week after and had af for about 8days.. my hb and I actually started trying immediately after my bleeding stops.. we were sad and baffled but we have accepted that it was not meant to be yet..

then strangely, i am feeling like what i was feeling prior to my bfp (Aug) now.. nauseous, having flu, sick, cramps and pulled feeling at my uterus..tho it may be too optimistic to think I am preg, i cant help but feel so hopeful.. if i take cd 1 as the day i bled red, i am cd 21 today.. still got about 2 weeks to next af..but menses may be messed up after an m/c so I also do not know what will happen..and i spotted 3 days ago..

within my heart, I pray it dont come!

Little Dotty, Be strong ! I have been through mc before . Do give yourself time to recover and your health is more important than anything. Try to divert your focus to something else.

Take care and god bless!
