TTC for 2014 Horse Babies

Katherine: yes agree, happy for them yet envious. Hope all of us can move to e MTB thread soon
anyone of u received pm from someone abt taking healthy supplement to increase chances of preg?

Amelia : New cycle new hopes! No doubt is disappointment i can fully understand but thinking u haf new hopes for the coming cycle. Hee. Think in this way will feel better sia.
Before i learnt abt FAM methods, I only monitor my cycles based on cycle length which had been irregular and thus difficult to estimate the correct peak day.

So now i've been monitoring my cycles based on basal temperature and cervical fluid and this is my 3rd monitored cycle currently. I'm hopeful that I will be able to get hold of the correct timing this round since I understand my body alittle bit more.

If you have monitored your basal temperature, you would be able to know that if you have a series of 18 days of high temperature (temperature above coverline), there is a high possibility of pregnancy. All these are part of FAM which you can google to understand more. Hope this little information helps you all.
Cecilia : Is great that u have "mastered" how to monitor your CM n basal temp. Personally i think is too stressful to do all this, so i jus see my CM lo. If i got lots of discharge, i just BD.. hee. And i agar agar count my fertile days.
yes, yes, thought envious but i'm patiently waiting for a healthy baby.

yes, AF finish new cycle and new hopes! Let's JYJY.
Blurblur : I agree with you ... new cycle hopes ...

Cecilia : I admire you master how to monitor your CM and basal temp ... I am very forgetful to do all this ..

Let's all Jia You together
Katherine & Amelia : Ya lor. We will be blessed with a healthy & cute baby, so maybe wait slightly longer.. "long queue" mah loll. So we just be more patient and do whatever we can!!!!
Pooh : Actually is advisable to test in the early morning which is FMU (First morning urine)wheren the urine is most concentrated. But if u test after your menses is due, think anytime of the day shld be ok. But best is in the morning lah... Good luck to UUU!!!
blurblur: sadly i haven't mastered.. still at my baby steps... it's not easy to digest everything in the FAM books and websites information.. but it helps me to understand my body so i'm willing to take up the stress.. My cycles had been irregular since i was a teenager. So it is not surprising to me that it will be a challenge to get pregnant.

Amelia J: I am forgetful too.. but i placed the thermometer at my bedside so that I can check my temperature before even getting out of bed.. actually, taking temp is not the toughest part of the routine.. it's the waking hour that is hard to keep up. since i wake up at 6am for work every weekday, i should wake up at 6am to measure temp in the weekends as well but that is difficult for me so far.. :p
Cecilia : Me too me too. My AF also been irregular. I got go to TCM to "tiao" .. then it slowly got better.. So i got preggie with #1, and #2 i was reli happy as i got it for my 1st cycle. But this time round it seems to be so hard. Haizz. But i have a m/c in mar before.
Im so scared the m/c will affect anything. Cos actually after the m/c, when my AF comes, i feel v terrible..
blur blur, yes! long queue. must patiently wait for our turn. ;) hope your m/c won affect you ttc.

Hope for your good news pooh!
blur blur: ic, yeh I also replied giving it a miss. i'm considering to go to gynae and do a fertility check after AF clears. sighs, hope it's jus time not up and not anything wrong.

jiayou all mummies!
Hi all the pregnancy test kit shows positive result n I m planning to see a gyne next week. Sorry to ask this stupid question coz its my 1st time n my annual leave is limited. If I were to go n see a gyne next week, is it consider as annual leave or mc?
Pooh : CONGRATS!!!! Spread lotss of bb dust to us can... hehee..
Actually is up to you, think gynae will issue u a mc if you want.. but hor your company will know lorrr. cos is issued from gynae mah.. If you wanna to announce after 3mths, is wiser to take leave..hehe.. or maybe take mc from normal GP. Get what i mean?? This is what i will do lor lol..
blurblur : does ur kids know abt your mc? My no 2 still thinks there's baby in my tummy. Last night he asked me when the baby coming out
really don't know what to say. I have told him many times that there is no more baby in my tummy and all the times he give me that angry look and said "No baby still there" He just couldn't accept the fact...

pooh: Or you can go to those gynea who still open after office hour. You can go after work. Can save up your leave
Mikiko : Hmmm. think they somehow "forget" all about it. And i think no one wanna mention this thing again. Cos i took quite long to forget this incident. I will weep whenever i think of it. that period was terrible, i dont dare to face those preggie mummies. Now hor.. i think back, my heart will ache too, thinking how come will like this.. and also i reli v scared lor there will be 2nd time, and i dont think i can take it liao le. *touch wood*.
Tks mikiko, katherine and blur!! baby dust to u all!!!
I cannot slp the whole nite after i took the test in the middle of the nite. I feel stress/scare more than happy coz i did not expect it to come so fast after 1 try. We r staying separately as our new house is not yet ready and we only stay together during weekend. Then keep thinking which gyne shd i go for as i have never seen a gyne b4.
I am thinking of going to Dr Esther NG at Mt A but her clinic closes at 530pm and dont open on Sat

Blur and mikiko tks for ur valuable advice!! really appreciate that
Congrats Pooh! there are gynae with evening clinics de.. i know Benjamin tham is one of them. if you staying west side, got this gynae open from 6-9pm.

really busy nowadays with work, so mostly read but seldom posts. busy period for HR all the way till august.
Hi allerts tks! I prefer a female gyne. I stays near mt a currently. Initially though TMC is gd but I read comments that in terms of svc mt A is better.
Is it coz now is mid year review n ppl r getting their half yearly bonus that u r busy with?
pooh.. i delivered my 2 boys in TMC. I don't really like their service and don't have gd experience with them. Actually no2 I wanted to deliver at Mt A, but during that period, it was the peak for H1N1 and the gynae said he cannot go to other hospital and he can only go to TMC(FYI my gynea is Adrian Woodworth)so no choice went back to TMC. For both my kids all the OSCAR and detail scan was done at NUH and not TMC. whaha cos my hb prefer the service at NUH
Pooh - my #1 gynae was Eunice Chua , clinic at TMC. Yes, now merit increment so need to finalise figures loh.
Ya mikkiko i also hear the same comments as urs.
Allets Jiayou for ur TCC n the figures ooh!
I am feeling super tired...few days ago i was almost being knocked down by a car as i could not concentrate crossing the road n yesterday almost fell down from stairs due to tiredness. I always feel tired when i work but lately is v jialat. Plus cant slp well last nite that i keep wanting 6pm to faster arrive. And is very irritating to feel sudden pain or cramps at tummy area during sleep.
Congrats pooh!

I've made an appointment with my gynae to do a checkup, hopefully it's just my time is not up yet for another bb and nothing major :/
Congrats Pooh !!! Spread baby dusts to all of us ..

Anyone know about Blackmore Conceive Well Gold ?? Anyone taking?
Tks Amelia! I m down with fever n cough caused by pregnancy. It is third day now though no more fever but my voice is not back yet.... Deep n awful to hear. Last yr my hubby n I took a supplement called R2 which helps in guys down there n woman womb. I finished the pills n took gnc prenatal supplements n folic acid since April this year until last week. So for me I feel supplements did helps in our conceiving.
hi pooh,
is the R2 from the nuskin ? i have friends who recommended me on this as well, still debating to try or not
Hi Poohbear :
Does it really helps?? Is it ex?
For me hor.. i only take DOM at night before i sleep.. and morning if i remember i take folic acid.
Can give more details on the supplements u took? Thanks!!
is it safe to drink cough mixture when we are still at very early stage of pregnancy?? I did asked GP juz now if i can take and he prescribed accordingly..but now i saw there is a ingredient called Paraben inside which i always will avoid be it comestics, lubricants,shampoo etc. I dont dare to eat now sigh..but my cough...
For the R2 which we took last year was from our friend in nuskin. I used to have irregular menses and we thought of trying for the sake of our health and not for the purpose of conceiving though there were people saying that their sex life has improved. It costs ard 1800 if i din remember wrongly. We practiced birth control until last month and months before that i was careful in what i eat like no hot dogs, eat fresh vegs and taking GNC prenatal supplements n the folic acid which are from hospitals as those folic acid selling in GNC only 800 mcg compared to 5mg which hospitals sells.
Pooh bear : did u say is $1800??? Waoo so expensive ah.keeekee....How abt the GNC prenatal supplements? U personally feel is good? But i jus scared if eat together with folic acid will be heaty mah? Hahaa
blurblur & pooh bear,
so expensive ?? i thought its like $208 per bottle for 1 mth, i have friends recommending it, and i was debating abt it.

pooh bear,
so it helps in conceiving after few mths in taking huh ? i was ttc for months, but still no news, went for gynae check on basic ultrasound, etc, no problem, havnt go into deeper check, so thinking to buy and try taking it and see if it helps.
Yes it's 1800 for I think ten bottles. For gnc ones I took it everyday tog with 5 mg folic acid after I drink milo everyday. I guess it's not heaty for me when I even can drink milo everyday. I feel those supplements n healthy diet helps for my case. On the day when we tired making baby, I did not hit organism and I never hit o when he inserted. My v was quite dry too n managed to get pregnant so I guess supplements n healthy diet helps
Pooh : I think is expensive too.
Maybe i will consider the GNC supplements instead. I will see how.

Poohbear : Sorry ah.. there is 2 same nickname. So i shall call u poohbear.. heehee.. Oh.. okok.. Ya lorr.. now i eat fruits almost everyday. I try to watch on my diet too.
Okok meanwhile can u post the name of the supplements here?? Thanks hor
Hi all

I am new here and i just got my news. So my husband and I are quite lost, how far along should we make an appt with the gynae?
Hi blur, gnc only has one prenatal supplement its purple with some pink on the white bottle. The salesperson sure know which one and will take for u.
Morning ladies!!!

Pooh bear : Thanks!!

Cecilia : Thanks to u too for providing the photo.. i wont get wrong..

By the way, u all heard of "pregnancy miracles" this book?? I just saw in really can create miracles de leh, even for those trying for many mths or even yrs can get pregnant easily.
By the way... i dont think i wil conceive this month.. haizzz..I dunno when is my fertile period... but i agar agar count shld be this week or next week.
I will BD next week, this week my hub not in sg...
Hi gals.. I joined ttc thread 2013 and got pregnant after using clearblue digital fertility monitor for one cycle only. Now I would like to let go the digital monitor at cheap price. If you google this product, therr are alot of ppl reviewed very accurate to predict your ovulation. Before this I also used ov strips but it keeps giving me inaccurate info, as I don know when is the exact timing I should bd. Pm me for price details and info how to use. Mine is preloved and still have box and instruction manual. Wish u all smooth trying.
Hi ladies, I'm from the Jan 2014 mum to be thread. I have two boxes of Conceive Well Gold, a preconception vitamin that is designed to aid conception. Retail price at watsons or guardians is abt $45 per box. I can let go of my two boxes at $60 total. Exp date is sept 2014. However, just a note that the tablets are quite large (like the size of fish oil or evening primrose oil capsules). Please pm me if you are keen to buy them!

Hi ladies, i'm also from jan 2014 thread. I have 13 sticks of cb smiley opk and a box of 1 month supply of first response opk to let go @ $68 inclusive of normal postage or seld collection at woodlands/Bukit Panjang.

Interested can pm me for more details..
