TTC for 2014 Horse Babies

hi ladies, I like to join you all. read through some conversations and many are happy mums already.
Im 32, and still ttc for no. 1. I had 3 miscarriages, did all blood test and came back super good. So dr says can only blame on bad luck. I am officially clear to try again. Hopefully getting some support here and also to get some luck from u lucky ladies!

Sticky baby dust to all!

Littledotty, during my 2nd mc this feb, I got preggie again on my 2nd cycle. so u might be, just wait for awhile :) Just that my 3rd pregnancy ended in another mc, and its an ectopic one ;(

thanks starhunter. im okay, I wont give up :)
feeling excited that I can TTC again. But cycles are messed up now after the ectopic... oh well, just got to wait patiently :)
eeyorex...ahhhh ok think I know who u r hehehe

sigh so menses came on the on 1st try LOL..gotta try harder next mth... :)
my #1 was 26mths nw.. went thru alots of complication n she was out as a premiee baby
. god decided its time for #2 n gave us a surprise on monday.
actually we tested last week but it shown not preg but who know when my gut told me i am sure something is really not right... i saw 2 very clear line on the test kit.

will be seeing gyane next week.
Hopeful mum, god will gives you the present when the time is right. I had my miscarriage in 2010, and that time it is a twin. waited almost a year to avoid the so called rabbit year to conceive a dragon baby ... actually it is to heal and build my body up and had a holiday in Australia and conceived upon 2nd try.

Now my baby is 17th months and she is healthier, stronger and smarter than normal babies. What is important that you improve your physical health and mental health.
Thanks Sunrise. Yeah, mentally im actually quite stable and strong, only down once in awhile. my body, lol, im not sure. Im supposed to be super healthy now knowing that all my blood test came back good. Maybe will got take some Chinese medication to "bu" since all my mcs are blamed on bad luck.

ur daughter must be very cute and smart :)
Hopeful mum, yes take the Chinese medication regularly to 'qiao' the body . By the way, DOM also helps.
lol I say say only.. I very lazy to see TCM. maybe will go.. don't know yet.. coz all need to queue very long and need to take and I don't like the taste of Chinese meds.

but so far, these few days I am good gal, been taking all the folic, asprin and vitamins without fail. lol
hahaha thanks starhunter and sunrise! but when it comes to chinese meds i really lazy. :( okay okay i try to go some day soon keke

how many have kids here already?
Hi, I'm selling off my Eu Yan Sang Gold Label Bak Foong Pill cheaply because I can't eat it now as i'm preggie. I'm selling them 3 for $100. PM me if you r interested. Thank you.
Hi all,

I m new to this site and forum stuff. Has anybody tried scratch test(minor d&c) at kk or any other hospital? I have implantation problems and my dr at kk recommended scratch test ie scratching uterus so that when it heals naturally implantation might happen. I have had 1 iui,1 fresh cycle and 1 fet cycle and unfortunately all failed. All my tests r normal. I have been ttc actively for 2.5yrs plus and i m 27. Any info will be appreciated :)

nvr had a scratch test done. maybe just try naturally? u are still young but i know how eager and how much u want a kid. D&C is not the safest thing, im not sure abt the scratch test.
Little dotty, sorry to hear your loss. Maybe you should try to tiao your body first prior ttc? Mini confinement can be done and yes u can try tcm too.

Hopeful mum, its not easy to have go through 3 mc.. am glad you are still taking it positively. .

Lets all jiayou!
junvis, life goes on, and we shall all TRY to live happily :)

yeah gambate! with u ladies around to support i think TTC is much easier. Oh wanna share a story, a lady in my what to expect group is abt 40 or 42. she has been trying for a year and her partner has low sperm count. she was abt to give up, but today she got a positive!

so anything is possible :)
I am also TTC for my second one, as my boy is already 17mths old...
Not sure whether to do IVF as KKH juz informed me to renew my embreeies storage

Singapore is encouraging us to give birth more.. with all the perks... 'jia you'
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HI Simmama,
my ger is 17th months too. Well , I would like to ttc 2nd one. however , hubby is not in favour . If you can conceive naturally, it would be best rather than IVF.

Ya hopefully more Singaporeans conceive also!
Hi sunrise99,
My boy was conceive naturally... he was born on 27 April. How about your gal?
Me & hubby actually wanted 5kids... as we married young.
Guess my age is catching up... most likely stop at 2.

Wow 5 ! Good! Mine is born on the 24th April. How old are you now? Well given the current stressful lifestyle, we find it hard to have 2nd child. Are you sahm?
Hi, I have tried actively for 4 years until I conceive naturally in June. Tried 6 cycles of clomid in between but failed. My husband's SA was so bad that my gynae didn't even bother let me try iui. So we took Tcm over the last 2 years, SA improved. My previous job was very stressful so I quit without job for 4 months, did 1 cycle of so-iui with clomid in apr, failed again. Then I conceived naturally on my last cycle just before my 1st ivf. And I have only just started on my new job.

People around me kept telling me not to be too anxious then baby will come naturally. But it's just too difficult not to keep thinking about it.

I have tried all sorts of things, praying to gods local and overseas, chanting sutras, change my lifestyle, diet, Tcm doctor also changed my prescription on the last cycle, and maybe the iui journey was like a tour guide to the sperm, guiding sperm to the egg. All this might have played a part. I think it also helps that I concentrated more on living a healthy lifestyle, doing exercises I like but wasn't able to because of my job. It was like preparing my body to accept the baby, rather than thinking about the baby and why can't I have a baby.

Anyway, my point is anything is possible. Just keep trying, you just need 1 good egg and 1 good sperm. At least you won't regret in future because you have already done your best.

Lastly, I have leftover clearblue digital ovulation tests (smiley face) that I bought from US. I have 1 unopened box(20 sticks+1 test holder) selling at $60. I have leftovers from another box, 8 sticks and 1 test holder, this will be FOC. Expiry date is Apr 2014. PM me if interested.
FlowerButterfly, Congrats on your preggie! also your perseverance! It is a good decision to quit your job to prepare your body for baby. At least you can exercise and take the right food.

While we are working , we often neglect our bodies. Our body need to exercise and take in enough nutrition. However due to the stressful society, we are doing damaging to our own body. It is naturally why many of Singaporean are not able to conceive naturally.

COngrats! Do take good care to walk around and eat nutritious food!
Simmama, both my hubby and me are 32 this year. I am working mom too.

Have you thought of quitting yr job to conceive? Maybe it helps. Meanwhile you can spend more time with your son.
sunrise99, cannot afford .. cos we have to many commitments.
Guess, it will be even stressfull if i quit my job to stay at homeo_O
Thanks sunrise99.
Simmama it was a difficult choice for me also.
I had planned for this break a fews ago. i minimize my commitments, did some budgeting on the base cost to survive. Then once I know I can survive jobless for next 2 yrs. I quit immed.
But I can't stand the idea of my savings dwindling, so I went back to work again.
It's quite difficult to a find a new job after 35. So I can understand your concerns.
Maybe change to work half day or 4 day week? Just make sure you dun work double the hours on working days, defeats the purpose.
repost:any takers?

i have some ovulation strips to let go,just purchase frm smh forum seller.last mth, i do not need already :

letting go at $9 for 20strips + foc 2pregnancy test strips+foc postage.
all expire yr 2015. sensitivity of 10miu/ml
if keen pls pm me
How's everyone doing? I had a bad week last 2 weeks ago. My mil suddenly said she wanna move back to my hb's sis place. And I think she and my maid really can't get along. My maid is really a big mouth, already say her so many times, be respectful to ah mah.. she still rude to her. I'm now trying to hang on cuz I'm looking for a CC to put my boy in so that I can release her. Generally I find her ok just that she really has a big mouth. And then I also think my mil feels my hse too hot. Cuz in the afternoon the living room windows will kena the sun directly, and she hates heat. Haiz... so I'm also on the hunt for window solar films, just to try to make her stay comfortable. And I'm also thinking of doing some minor reno... everything to make it easier for her. Now I'm really hesitant whether I shd go for 2nd kid. I'll be 35 next year like are you sure you want another kid?! I'm really fedup!
Hi Jinnous,

Do cool down.. When comes to mil not able to adapt or the maid to the environment, there are bound changes we need to handle.

It is common when the maid cant adjust to the people she met. Everyone of us are struggling with coping with daily lifestyle. Do cool down and move on with your window solar films searching.

If you can , share your searching with your hubby.

Hope you have a great day ahead in amidst some adjustment to make to your home.
Haiz things just got worst this morning. I got complained n e person copied my boss, my boss's boss n his boss n another department head. My boss said her boss face very black. Long story I couldn't resolve his issue sooner because we nd to investigate. N when I talked to him earlier he said it's ok. Super low now. Even menses also wanna bully me. I started spotting on Monday till now still spotting. N no I'm not preggy la. I feel like crying but holding on cuz I'm working n I still nd to wayang.
My hb is too bz with work to help me search. So in e end only I'm doing n then show him at night. N when I told him bout this incident, he says that's life. Move on. Feel largi more shitty. I wanted someone to listen not tell me these kind of 'wisdom'...
Jinnous, maybe trying to go for a short drink and come back more refreshed and more focus on your work.

It is very hard on you. Just do your best. =)
hi everyone, it's been sometime i log on to motherhood. after nearly 6 months of TTC disappointment & hearing baby dust all ard me makes me teared.
HI Bao bei , dont be discouraged . 6 months is not long. There are many ppl out there trying for years. And many more going through IVF...

Just dont give up and continue to stay healthy and fit and relaxed.

Being able to Conceived need a relaxed mind and not a stressful mind...
Baobei , Hmm I am neither. Cos my hubby dont want. Are you taking folic? you need to take supplement and folic to prepare your body.

Exercise regularly also !
Bao bei , you have to take it for 3 months before you are pregnant. Anyway , you can take it now. Yes, after conceived , you still have to continue with folic.

Supplement can be bought at Watson , guandian. Prenatal supplements. If you have any health condition, it is best to check with your doctors on what can be taken or not.
thanks Sunrise99, it was nice having u sharing n comforting words.

i hope to give birth before 32 else dunno still can plan 2nd one not.
Don't feel bad... I tried over 4 yrs and finally got 1 at 32. I went to ask and master said I might hv another one when I'm 36! So I really dunno if I wanna just try or forget it.. 36 is really really out of my league... think of the amount of energy and time... :(
