TTC for 2014 Horse Babies

Hi all mummies, I am TTC our second child and really hoping for a Horse baby coz my first son was a Dragon.. dunno why my menses had been messy for the last 3 mths, getting delayed so though I am late this mth, I didn't want to test til the end of my longest cycle..wait get disappointed all over again!!

In may late 4 days, in June late 8 days so this month I am really not sure when AF will come, hope it don't come though so I am crossing my fingers and discipline myself not to waste any test kit til 1 Aug!

Hope some of us here will get a little one soon!

HI Littledotty

Same as you I am also ttc for a second child.
First BB a dragon boy.
I am a PCOS.. hopefully like my first one can conceive naturally.
1st month of TTC has failed for me, now into 2nd month. TTC is like a rollercoaster ride, full of anticipation after AF end and disappointment when AF comes, grr. Anyone experienced brown discharge day after BD?
this is my first month TTC. hoping for next mth to come faster. july is soooo long!
i did not exp any brown discharge after BD.
Hi all,

I'm new to this thread. I'm also trying to conceive horse baby. My no. 1 is a rat baby. My hubby and me did not thought of having a 2nd baby until recently we felt that one is really quite lonely. My son coming 5years old already this September. We hope to give him a younger sibling soon. Hope he will love his sibling. I'm also 35 this year at the high risk group. Hopefully to have good news soon. Good luck to all the mum to be and mummies new who are TTC.
HI Littledotty

Same as you I am also ttc for a second child.
First BB a dragon boy.
I am a PCOS.. hopefully like my first one can conceive naturally.

Hi Simmama,

same as you . i am going to try no 2 soon. going to start my folic acid tomorrow. not so sure whether my pcos still there cause after birth, gynae did not scan for me .
I have starting folid acid.. for 3mths .. only if i remember to take.. haha..
My menses delay for 10days already... Didn test.. if really strike.. it will be a BIG bonus for us.
have anyone use an ovulation it necessary?
I been to the gynae for pre conceive check n he actually given me the days of ovulation n when is the right time to make babies..
have anyone use an ovulation it necessary?
I been to the gynae for pre conceive check n he actually given me the days of ovulation n when is the right time to make babies..

Hi blureroise,

if you are trying. try to follow the days which your gynae mention. good luck :)
Sprinkling baby dust on everyone here! If even me at 34 this yr can strike a snake tail Bb unwittingly w infrequent BD (sometimes oni once a mth!), I'm sure everyone here can! Reali got a shock w one shot one kill this time..Haa. All e best ladies..b patient n wait for ur blessing ;)
Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum, and TTCing for a Horse baby. A zi wei dou shu master told us that a Horse baby will "help" me and i think Horse goes well with my sign (Dog). My first one is already 7 years old so it would be quite a large age gap and I know that he would like to have a little sis/bro. We only started TTCing abt 3 mths ago, but not very serious, so far only only BD a few times. We also just started taking TCM med for fertility. Crossing my fingers to get a positive test in 2 week's time when my AF suppose to start. If not, gonna bug my hub to BD more often!! :p

Hope you are successful this time. My No. 1 also 5 years old this year. Let's Wish all and everyone TTC for horse baby good luck!
Thanks snowyee... counting down to 12 Aug when my period supposed to come... part of me can't wait for the day to come, another part of me scared of disappointment. Argh!

Btw, I read in another thread that it's not advisable to BD after ovulation cos it may affect implantation or something like that. Does anyone here know if it's true? Or just BD all the way?
My first boy was conceived this month in 2011, hopefully we can have another one this month too! Hehe, good luck everyone, it is a new mth!
Hi adde

I conceived my boy during national day.. haha...
he is born on 27 April 2012.. 11days earlier to my EDD
my menses delay for 3weeks... dun dare to test as to avoid disappointment...
Wah simmama, you can live with the uncertainty? I am counting down to the day I can test! Why not just test? If it's a positive, you can start taking folic supplements and take note of the dos and don'ts of pregnancy. In this case, ignorance is not bliss... at least that's what I think la!
I thought we should start to take folic supplements as soon as we want to conceive? I have been taking it for e past 2mths. sort of getting my body ready for next pregnancy?
Mrsgg, you should start taking folic now.. you can get from NTUC Unity.
I am a PCOS.. so chances not high.. but still not giving up hope..
Okie, will start taking folic supplements then. Thanks for the reminder!

Simmama, are your menses regular? Otherwise 3 weeks late seems like a good indication to take hpt. Crossing my fingers for you!
Thanks Mrsgg... I am currently on chinese medication to 'tiao' my body.
Juz hate seeing the -ve sign on the test kit everytime I tested.
My menses can come 3times a year..
Simmama, ya I know what you mean... but with medication, I'm sure you will get a +ve sign one of these days. Jiayou!
Hi simmama, we have around the same conception date! My son popped on labour day! When u r ready to test, share the results with us k! Pray it is a +ve... I bought a lot of test kits online just to prepare, hehe...
Hi mummies,

I have some pregnancy test kits to give away. Will anyone like to have them? Can pm me ur address and I'll send them to you. :)
Just changed a new job recently and I received news (hearsay) that if I get pregnant this year, people will frown upon my confirmation at the end of this year. Which means I cannot TTC until year end... making my timeframe of wanting a horse baby very very short/tight. Depressed about circumstances.

Just tested today which is supposed to be the first day of my period, and got a negative. Boo hoo... :( But there is no sign of my period coming, so i'm still hoping... pray that it's a false negative!!!
Hihi! Can I join here? I'm also trying though not very hardworking... My boy is coming 2 already. Before that we tried more than 4 years on n off... In the end I booked myself with Dr SF Loh and he operated on me as he found I hv endometrosis, a blocked tube, and a 5cm cyst in my womb. Before I went to him I was seeing another gynae in AMK.. not very happy with her cuz she kept saying my hb's sperm got prob cannot penetrate the egg so after a few months of painful ovulation jabs she wanted us to go straight to IVF. She didn't even bother to check me for potential problems. After my keyhole op, we tried again but also no news for the next 6 months. And we booked an IVF appt in Dec. But I forgot the date cuz we went overseas so I rebooked again in Jan. And I finally got preggy after so long... months and months of disappointment seeing the negative. Now I think I'm back to the same... really must po heng suay... zzzzzzz... I really envy those who can get preggy after one time...
Hi adde

Still no guts to test... yah my EDD surpose to be on 8 May 2012.. but my boy came 11 days earlier...
I actually had hormones jap on May this year, initially thot BINGO le... who knows.. menses came after 40days.. damn disappointed lor

No matter what, pls dun give up.. I am 37 this year.
How about you?
bunnymummy82... nope the gynae in AMK Hub... She's with TMC that's why I chose her.. she's friendly enuf but I guess better for couples with no fertility issues. After my case, I really think the gynae makes a huge difference lor..
I even went TCM at AMK.. taking time off every week... until once I experienced extreme giddiness and almost puked 10 mins into the acupuncture. And I tried to resist and continue with the treatment. But I cannot take it so I stopped the treatment. After that my hb asked me dun torture myself anymore so I stopped going lor. I even pray at Zhu Sheng niang niang at the Shuang Lin Shi temple in TPY. I tried everything, my mum also asked around. In e end, we decided we will try IVF once, if dun hv means dun hv. Dun force it on ourselves.
I even went TCM at AMK.. taking time off every week... until once I experienced extreme giddiness and almost puked 10 mins into the acupuncture. And I tried to resist and continue with the treatment. But I cannot take it so I stopped the treatment. After that my hb asked me dun torture myself anymore so I stopped going lor. I even pray at Zhu Sheng niang niang at the Shuang Lin Shi temple in TPY. I tried everything, my mum also asked around. In e end, we decided we will try IVF once, if dun hv means dun hv. Dun force it on ourselves.

hi Jinnous, jia you.. dun give up! i married for 5 years then i went for ICSI in KKH.
jinnous, TCM will help you to 'tiao' your body. It also helps you prepare for your pregancy.
I too was in your position before, doing all sorts of things.
In the end conceive naturally after a surgery.
Dun give up yah!! Lets "jia you" together.
I know.. but I feel kinda difficult to get preggy again... I tried 4, 5 yrs for my boy... I dun think I can try another 4, 5 yrs for 2nd one.. and I'm 34 le.. double whammy lor..
Jinnous, I agree with Simmama. Sometimes, when we don't think so much, it just comes naturally. Don't give up. We tried at least there is chances then we do nothing.
Hi adde

Still no guts to test... yah my EDD surpose to be on 8 May 2012.. but my boy came 11 days earlier...
I actually had hormones jap on May this year, initially thot BINGO le... who knows.. menses came after 40days.. damn disappointed lor

No matter what, pls dun give up.. I am 37 this year.
How about you?

Thanks for the encouragement and optimism which I think is really impt..We must have heard about not getting too stressed TTC, so I also take a relaxed n zen attitude..if will have, god will give..

I am 32...I hv never taken note of ovulation/fertile period and things like that, perhaps coz we were quite lucky for our first child..for past 3 mths, I realised menses schedule went haywire..dunno y also so now we just let nature takes its course..hope we will be lucky this mth! going into the 2WW!
