TOA PAYOH mummies

It's sharing time
<font color="ff6000">Using felt material to make a hairband of a rose design</font>

<font color="ff6000">She just completed this Christmas Tree 15mins ago; materials used: pre-cut foam triangles, glue, glitter glue and dot stickers</font>

Thanks for sharing precious. I also hardly do any arts besides drawing with my boy. Guilty now. He's 31 months.

Janice: Not too sure about GUG playgroup. I attended their trial one time. Actually not bad. Pretty the same as Julia Gabriel.
Can do fingerpainting too!
Or face deco?

I heard that GUG is more suitable for older tots, and their main focus is PHONICS.
Whereas JG has more interesting activities, they do have outdoor play at Evans Road outlet.
Top 300 Instant Sight Words

What exactly are "sight words?" These are words that good readers may instantly recognize without having to "figure them out." There are two reasons why sight words are an essential component of good reading: First of all, many of these words do not sound like their spellings might suggest, so "sounding them out" would be unproductive. Also, a good reader really can't afford the time to dwell on too many words, or he may lose the speed and fluency necessary for determining the author's message.

How should we decide which words to teach as sight words? Studies suggest that the most common words in our language, known as "high-frequency words" would be the best place to start.

Below you'll find the top 300 sight words most frequently found in children's books. By reviewing these sight words, we can enable our children to greatly increase their reading efficiency when we teach them to read half or more of the words they encounter in a quick and automatic manner. Please, practice these words with your child at home.
Janice.. normally they are quite friendly. What do you need to find out abt JG? Perhaps I can shed more lights. My boy had been attending JG Bilingual for 1 year. Just 'graduated' last Friday since he will be going nursery next yr.

Wow.. the face painting looks fun. Precious, Where else can I purchase the crayon? Where is Nuture Craft?
Wow, thanks for the welcome and suggestions. Realised that the group is very on and dedicated and we have very creative mothers here. How I wish I have the creativity too..
J Foo, thanks for the info. I will check on the Shaws.

Hi Precious, thanks for the info on the right brain training by the mothers. I will drop her an email to find out more. Thanks.

I was looking more for mother child program 2 to 3 times a week. There doesn't seem to be any toddler playgroup programme in Toa Payoh.
Hi Girlizz, Nature Craft is at Ngee Ann City, 4th floor, near Better Toy Store. If I'm not mistaken there's one at Harbourfront Centre (near Mothercare, next to the Kopitiam)
Thanks the info Jfoo! I seldom go up to 4th floor at Ngee Ann.

Any mommies looking for winter clothing, there's a fair at Suntec now.
Hi girlizz, is the instructor in JG good? How many times did he attend the class per week?

Hi Eunice, I've been to Shaws preschool. They are quite spacious with big playground. However the rooms look dim to me. The location is rather inconvenient unless you are driving or taking a school bus.
Janice.. I find most of the teachers in JG are good and friendly. My boy attended a once weekly Bilingual PlayClub @ Evans; ie about one hour English and one hour Mandarin. You can choose to go for English only or Mandarin only Playclub for x no of days. Age group: 18 - 36 months.

For Bilingual, it's once a week for approx 2 hours. During the total 2 hrs child will be esposed to free play, songs, phonics, art, snack, outdoor, story time. My boy loves attending JG lessons, he will always jump (dance) around like monkey during the music time and he learned many nursery rhymes from there too. I can see other children laughing and they looked enjoyed throughout the session. Btw, it's a accompanied programme; not drop off.

They do allow trial class but it's a paid one. I think it's about $50 per session.
Hi Girlizz, is Evans far from TPY? I'm not driving, so convenience is quite impt esp carrying 2 monkeys. JG sounds fun, maybe shall try it out.

Hi Miin, ya .. now I feel very guilty when I hav no time for my older girl. She became so rebellious and hot tempered now.
Eunice &amp; Janice, currently my daughter 20mths is attending GUG @ UE Sq every Sat, 4pm Parent &amp; Tot. She's wif GUG since she was 12mths old for Parent &amp; Babe prog. So far she's able to relate wat she'd learned and able to mingle better wif her age grp, as well as, teachers. Is impt to select a class wif good teachers such as they must be expressive, active, interactive to the tots/Babes n Parents etc. otherwise the child will find their teaching boring. Here's their website &amp; Fee fyi.

However, I am now thinking of enrolling her to other playgroup for a change and am looking out for 1. Kinda interested in the 'Right Brain' training @ TPY area, there is 1 at Tong Bldg Orchard call i-Geniuses but rather ex. Aonther one is Little Skoll house @ AMK Hub. Btw, any mummies can tell me where is JG exact location? Txs.
Hi Dor, is teacher in GUG good? Once, I peeked thru their little window in the classroom, the teacher don't look like the fun kind to me. Well, I have not signed up for their trial lesson yet, so also not too sure.

Little skook house in amk is already full. Called last week .. There is a new Mindchamps preschool in the TPY hub, but also fee. The fees are very high too.
Janice, JG has two branches. One at Forum (no outdoor tho) and the other is at Evans Road near the Botanical Garden. There is no MRT station there so.. transport can be an issue unless with cab. It's not very far from TPY. About 10 mins by car (PIE exit Stevens Road). If you're not driving, then perhaps the one at Forum or GUG (United Sq) will be more conve? Not sure if there's a stop @ Forum tho.

GUG and JG are both good schools - famous for their speech and drama. Either one will benefit the child in terms of their social skills and interaction.

Dor..are you looking at playgroup ie those allow our kids to socialise more with their peers? If so, right brain training classes may not be suitable. Bcos like in SM, the kids hardly interact. They all sit next to each other with respective mommy at their back facing the teacher.
Janice, yamann, I'd enquired abt Mindchamps FULL sigh...some Trs @ GUG r good some r not as I'd attended and changed a few classes...very picky hor. I would recommend Tr. Ereen (Snr. Tr) or Tr. Yani however dun think both r in the billingual classes thou. Is good to go for the trail classes to find out if your kids like it or use to it.

Girlzz, aiyor sounded like 'boot camp' leh for this Right Brain Training course @ TPY. Did sign up for your kid?

Precious, is Sha attending RB training @ TPY too?
Dor.. hahaha.. RBT will not provide much social skills for the kids but the activities are all quite fun. Eg. they will have blowing game (blowing is a good mouth exercise that will eventually allow them to pronounce some words accurately), matching games, photographi/instant memory whereby a teacher will show a card wi images once. Then each kid will be given their own set and try to match back the colors/shapes/images shown, also have counting.. etc etc). So it's actually quite enjoyable. My boy is currently attending SM and I have just paid them for a new term. I'm keen to explore the one by MWTR but commencement will only be in April soonest.

I forgot to add JG at Evans also has water play and sand play on certain weeks.

Janice.. there's a lil skool house @ MCYS building, near Philips. Not bad if you dont mind open concept (but that's a nursery, not sure if they have flexi 2-3 days playgroup)

Just curious.. any mommies here into photography?
Girlizz, ah sounds more fun &amp; relaxing now heehee! Thanks for the info.
My hub is into photogrpahy....wat's up? u hv stg interesting to share....
Hi! Mummies, my sis is selling her 4rm renovated &amp; upgraded flat @ TPY Lor. 8 (opposite FTPP school) pm me if you noe of anyone who is interested. Many thanks!
Ah mommies,....what a coincidence. Just took a look at JG and GUG website. Thinking of enroll my youngest next year.
If both of the school are good then how about the fees look like ? becos not stated in their page.I haven't got time to check. Perhaps mommies can share.
for JG should choose the one at Evans.
For convenience sake GUG at United Sq is the choice kekeke...
Juliana, actually i tried to upload the Fees for GUG but after doing so i am unable to post my msg. I'll send it to u via email instead.
hihi mommies at TPY..

Tks Precious for introducing me to this TPY mommies (any daddy here?) thread.

I'm going to give birth to my 2nd one soon - EDD 9 Dec.

time running out and i've really many things to clear before the newborn pops!

Details for home bazaar:
Date: 21/11/08 (this fri) &amp; 22/11/08 (this sat)
Time: From 9am onwards
Venue: Lor 7 Toa Payoh
Terms: Cash only. No reservation. First come first serve.

Many Brand New toys especially for boys (age 3-7). Good as Christmas gifts.

Many preloved, but in good condition toys (unisex). Good for own use.

There're also many stuff for Newborn.

On top of that, many FREE things to give away.

Interested party, pls call/sms adeline at 96319441 to make appt.

FYI, all proceeds will go to help children in education needs in China. Actually I'm taking this opportunity to get my boy to sell his toys and raise funds to help the needy.
Here goes..

JG fees: EduPlay 10 weeks (per term)
PlayClub 4 hrs a wk $960 (English) $880 (Mandarin)
Bilingual 2 hrs a wk $480 (WDay), $520 (WEnd)

* 4 hrs = 2 days a week. If you wanted 3 days week then add $480 per term.

Also.. in JG there's a small library that your child can borrow book from every week.
Hi Juliana,

I personally like julia gabriel better as the teachers have better pronounciations and are more lively. Children are very happy at Julia gabriel.

And iF you really want to go to GUG, go for weekday classes as usually weekends, the teachers are part-timers and the quality of teachers are not so good.

I have sent my children to both programs before but I prefer Julia gabriel. However, FOr Gug, they will give you a piece of paper telling you what they have done for that day which some parents like it.

But for me, i find that if you want your child to be confident and interact well. GO to Julia Gabriel cos that piece of paper from GUG is for "show" to parents only.
hi mummies,
i've been MIA for sometime as i was busy moving house. just sort of settled down in my new flat, am now at TPY central, blk 79. also couldn't go online as my laptop was stolen by one of the movers and only got it back on sat. still a lot of cleaning and unpacking to tired....

to all new mummies, welcome to the thread.
wah u must be very tired char.. i can imagine.. and gosh laptop stolen.. this is bad.. which mover did u engage?

adeline, besides toys, what else r u having in your bazaar?

do mummies know that the building beside Blk 116 Lor 1, the KFC with mute crew, has a Mindchamp centre and a little sort of like library. I've yet to check out the library but i always see kids going in and out of there..
Hi mummies,

There is a holiday prg for JG at Evans Rd for the playnest (6 - 18mths). Its $304 for a week. Timing at 1pm - 3pm. If manage to get 4 pax to enroll, there will be 10 percent discount. Any one keen? It will be a good way for the child to try out JG before enrolling for the regular class.
Thanks so much for the details and email

thanks for the input.Btw how old is your kids ? join JG in Evan rd.

I'm a FTWm so I can't join the hol program. If you are keen to take the trial session do let me know but I only able to join for the weekend class sad

Some disadvantages as a FTWM,...weekend class always crowded and some centre like tien hsia and morris allen charge slightly more expensive for the weekend class.
Hey! Kitty, din noe there's 'a pce of paper' on day activity for parent. I onie noe they give out newsltrs. Perhaps is for wk days classes bah. I wld love to join JG but evan road is a bit out of the way. UE Sq, AMK hub, at least am able to reach there via mrt if my hub is biz to send us there at times.

Janice, fyi some of the full-time trs do teach during wkends e.g. tr. ereen. maybe tat explain y her way of teaching is good compared to those i'd attended on wkends.

Char, sorry to hear tat u lost ur laptop but glad u manage to retreive back. U shld asked the movers for compensation mann such as waive off the charges or give discount due to lost of business as u r unable to access to your documents/emails on time and mental stress hahaha! So mean hor me...
hi Miin

tks for yr interest.

Quite a few sets of flashcards.

Many BN and preloved nice stuff toys.

Stationaries like box files, notebooks.

is there anything you are looking for in particular?

I open my house this friday esp for SAHM so you all can come by when your kid is in school.

All are welcome.

COntact me directly if you are interested to drop by.

tks and God bless!

yeah, really tiring to move house and dare not move house again...haha. i use C.I movers.

well, we didn't demand for compensation cos all the boss will do is to dock the person's pay and becos he knows where we stay scared he may create trouble. i'm just glad that i got my laptop back. else so bored cos wont be able to go online.
