TOA PAYOH mummies

Yes, I give Nordic too. A very reliable brand and their cod liver oil/fish oil gets the approval seal - the only brand, I believe to get the seal. Ie, that the mercury level is safe.

Vitakids has this chewable vit called Animal Parade. Both my kids love it.

These two are the only supplements I give. I'm glad to say that both kids love their veg and fruit. My son prefers meat to fish and my daughter vice versa. But on the whole not too picky... thank goodness or else it really would be a test on my culinary skills! Haha!

Oh, another way to boost the system the natural way is to give them a good bowl of soup. Soup, as in clear soup, is really good and full of nutrients.

Yes! Sick season now. both my boys were unwell over the weekend. Luckyly the eldest recover fast left the young one still recovering,runny nose and stomach discomfort moreover perhaps due to teething (4 teeth!! coming out ) and found this morning that his gum bleeding.
Mummies should i aplly someting to soothe the gum ?

girlizz, Miin & Char
Is the GP that you are talking abt have night clinic everyday ?may I know till what time ?
My PD in United Square (Aglow) only certain day has nite clinic so not really convinience.
Ever been to Children clinic but due to the long queue we drop it.

Char, Miin
What I know normally we must rent nebulizer to get rid of the pleghm so the kids not so breathless or spray the ventolin.
I agree with Precious,..let the kid build their immune system. Keep falling sick is processing of building the immune system. No need purifier or air cleaner....just practise healthy life style, balance diet,exercise, enough rest and keep your surrounding clean but not to clean kekeke...
My eldest boy worst when he was 2 - 3 yo but ok now.

Lots of mummies introduce nordic as supplement.
Mummies, it really good ?
Talking abt diet,...yeah It is v important.
May I know how many of you cooking at home for the family.Can share some meal planner ...those that fast and easy.
miin and i are talking about Children's clinic. they are opened at night from 6.30-8.30pm. it may be crowded but Dr Heng sees her patients quite quickly so dun have to wait so long, about 20mins wait. since my gal falls sick so often with lots of phlegm, we bought a nebuliser instead of renting one. its worth it in the long run. nebulizer is for more effective than the spray.

as for cooking, i cook for 3 adults incl myself and i usually boil 1 soup and steam or stir fry another dish, 2 dishes in total.
Hi Juliana, so 4 teeth at the same time? Haha! Like my friend's daughter. She had her full set of milk teeth just after she turned one! My son, who's turning 2 in Jan still has 2 more to go! haha! Can try giving your son something cold to bite or suck on but otherwise I think should just leave it. Teething bothered my son a lot more than my daughter. He'd experience a lot more discomfort, had loose stools etc whereas my daughter was "no sweat", nothing unusual.

Nordic is natural so no added colour, sweeteners, additives etc. Very safe. So yup, thumbs up!

I cook for the family. Always make sure that there' a pot of good soup as the entire family's into soup. If I'm short of time I tend to throw everything into the rice cooker and just cook. Marinate some meat (chick or pork), add some shitake mushroom, dried scallop and cook as per normal. Sometimes I use beef, add some ginger and green onions. The greens will appear in my soup - whether it's leafy green or carrots and onion.

Then there's frozen mixed veg - these are fab for "emergencies" which I can use to whip up fried rice
I give her ice-cream whenever she is suffering from teething (an interesting method used by Japanese traditional mothers).
I still cook for my girl (lunch n dinner), and I just use unsalted buttter, organic soya sauce, olive oil or sesame oil to add as flavour.
Occasionally I cook dinner for my hb, depending on his work schedule.
During weekends, I let her eat outside food.

Any simple and nutritious soup recipes to share?

If it is not serious, I normally bring her to polyclinc since it is just a walking distance from my block. I do keep a list of the common medicines which are effective for her.
Will try Nordic,..could I get it on Guardian Pharmacy?
Yes,..any recipe to share

You mentioned beef, normally do you cook it. It's bit difficult to cook as a soup, ...turn to be "hard/stiff"

I always can't make it to poly during weekdays.
Yap I also do the same thing as you.Make a list and sometimes keep the balance for certain period.
That's why I need good GP that open at night,...not necessary PD lah..except serious illness.

What time do you reach home aft work ? Any recipe to contribute hehe..

Yes mummies,...cooked home food is much much better rather than buy from outside (mix veg). I so sick till can not stand the smell.
Now my eldest son never eat if we buy mix food from outside.
For multivits, could try ordering from iherb. Just found out Nordics Berries the one my son takes is abt USD$18.88 (shipping abt 3.99 for 2 bottles). Vitakids selling SGD$43.90. Just bought a new bottle else will explore iherb. Maybe we can bulk order to save shipping? I have a special code tt gives additional USD$5 discount on top of purchase. Not sure if it works since I hv not bought b4. Any mommies want to try can PM me. Will let u know the code.

My hubs and boy are both soup person. Every day must have soup. Usually boil chinese soup - old cucumber/ white radish/ cucumber/ABC soup/ pickled mustard with soft tofu are their favs.
re: teething, u can buy teething gel from pharmacy. i use dentinox brand. my gal is sprouting all her canines. next and the last will be her molars.

re:cooking, i'm a sahm but i only cook dinner for the family. lunch i usually buy from outside and will feed some of my lunch to my gal and sometimes if i eat something not suitable for my gal then i feed her cereal, i'm a lazy mum. :p i usually boil soup with pork or chicken with herbs or veg like watercress/old cucumber/lotus root etc and stir fry some veg. i'll alternate to stir fry or steam meat and boil a veg soup like spinach. my cooking is very simple, i'm no super chef. haha
One more thing to add.. My boy loves nordic berries gummy lots. He will take 2 - 3 a day (instructions is max 4 a day). Only thing I dont like is the gummy tends to leave stain on his teeth (orangy color). It's quite yucky unless you brush their teeth immediately after. If any mommy go Vitakids, ask for a try on their vits - gummy, chewable vits, or their dha fish oil. They usually allows....
i have a air purifier and my son is taking ceelin vit c and scotts orange flavor cod liver oil. recently i changed it to seven seas multi vits which is suitable for infants too. my son dun like to eat chewy things so chewy vits are out.

my GP opens at nite too. everyday it's open but it'll be a relieve doc for wed nites and sun.

nebuliser is the suction thing or the breathing machine? i cant stand the suction cos it's going thru the nose and causing so much discomfort to the bb.

for my son, i just buy med from GP unless he has yellow phelgm then i'll bring him to GP for anti biotics. for my gal, she almost got bronchitis so we are more concerned and brought her to PD. Dr heng is not cheap. One time visit can cost from $60 to $150 incl med so i just buy med usually.

i also have to rush home to cook and bcos my hubby not chinese, i cant cook too many chinese dishes. sometimes we even buy sushi from cold storage. hehe.. for my son, either fried rice or macaroni with cream cheese. oni on weekends when my mom cooks, we'll get better food.. haha
nebuliser is the breathing machine where the vapour of medicine comes out from the mask. suction is where the tube will be inserted into the nostrils and mouth. it must be very uncomfortable but i'm sure the child will feel better cos can breathe better. ya dr heng is not cheap cos she's a specialist. that's y hb and i feel sian whenever my gal falls sick. hole in the pocket is getting bigger.

actually, u can still cook chinese dishes but just omit the pork right? can use chicken for bakuteh, steamed chicken with oyster sauce/soya sauce and sesame oil for example.
My soups are what Char and Girlizz boil - simple Chinese herbs, or ABC, or various marrows/melons.

Beef I only use for cooking beef rice ie throw all into rice cooker and cook! Haha! Though occasionally I use the bone marrow and tendons to boil lotus soup.

Yes, iherb has some really good buys esp when there's special shipping price for overseas shipping. I once caught the offer when shipping was only US$0.99!! But there's a max weight per shipment. The last round I ordered shipping was US$3.99. Still good deal. I normally order goat's milk.
Oh, Juliana, Nordic I normally buy from VitaKids. I have the membership card, 10% off supplements, 20% during birthday month.
Hi Juliana,

Yes just as jfoo says, nordic is very good, especially the peach flavour one. I also give my children Liquid Vitamin C and Animal parade multivitamin liquid one, according to my son, he says it's very yummy but vit c is abit sour. I like the vit c one cos even when they've cough(cos if cough can't give citus fruits), still can give to help recover faster. All bought from Vitakids too.

Actually my son also like the gummybears vit c from gnc, it's very yummy and it's like sweet to him mah but that one quite ex, abt $20 plus per small box.
Just sharing....
char, my mum will cook the chinese dishes during the weekend.. she tried bakuteh with chicken.. cant make it.. haha

for beef, i'll use it in macaroni for my son or beef dumpling.. yet to try oxtail soup.. :p

char, i dun go to dr heng unless my gal has been sick for like a week. prior to that, i'll just give her the regular med dr prescribes. after a while, i realise dr always gif the same med so i just self medicate.. hehe.. :p
i have a couple of Abbot vouchers.. any mummies wan them?

my son is drinking full cream milk powder cos all those stage 1-3 brands are so exp.. recently when i went back to indonesia, brought back several packs.. hehe.. Nestle SG recently promoting their new Fortified full cream milk powder, up the price and remove the normal full cream milk powder.. so sad..
Another 3 teeth coming out! So total 7 teeth !! aaghh...He has been having loose stool 2 days ago,..gum bleeding.
Bought the gel but hard to apply. either he zip his mouth or he will bite the finger veeerry painfull..
What kind of ice cream, soft one or bar or "ice cream potong" or lollies i think,..which he can bite kekeke..

Thanks mummies for the Nordic info. Will visit Vita Kids when baby going for next routine jab since the PD also the same level with the store.
Juliana.. for teething, perhaps you could try freezing teether in the fridge. It's quite soothing (i think more like numbing) when they bite it. The PD you went to at Aglow.. is she/he good? I'm looking around for an alternative, one nearer.
oh,wat a pity that the chicken bakuteh couldn't make it. maybe the chicken didn't go well with the herbs. sometime back i saw at ntuc, they have the pkt herbs for "chikuteh', for chicken. maybe u can give that a try.

ya its a struggle to apply the gel. i've been bitten a few times too but most times my gal just cries so her mouth open big big and i quickly apply. besides cooling his teether in the fridge, u can try to let him bite on hard edible food like, stripes of raw carrot, honeydew, apples.
thanks char.. not a fan of chikuteh.. haha.. i'm learning to cook indonesian food but dun hv much time to try it... and my cooking not consistent as i seldom have enough time to do proper cooking. hehe..

recently i feel like an octupus, trying to feed 2 kids at the same time.. while trying to get my son to eat, my gal will be trying to reach out to things on the table or my hand.. i get so confused until i start feeding the food to the wrong person and scolding the wrong names.. haha.. what a challenge..
haha. your hb is out of town so couldn't help u with the kids? i also sometimes blur, want to feed my gal water with her cup and straw and 3x i ended up put the cup to my hb's mouth when he's carrying her. indonesian cuisine is yummy! must learn to cook!
no he's in town but feeding is usually my duty.. hehe..

Juliana, can u cook indonesian food? u know, everytime i go back jkt, i'll be bringing back lots of smoked beef, beef sausages and bakso.. haha.. last time my mil gave me rendang n i divided them into small packs.. each time must 'lick the bowl clean' before i bear to wash it.. haha.. so delicious..
i just bought sebamed soap for my gal.. seems like she has rather dry skin.. i can patch of dried skin on her leg.. so heartache.. hope it helps.
Miin, you could try Cetaphil (they have full range of washing to night lotion) if Sebamed doesnt worked for your gal. It's recommended by my boy's skin specialist.
We went to fidgets on last PH,..very fun.My 2 boys like it very much.

Cetaphill could it works for prickly heat rash ? Aglow PD is quite good. The doctor very friendly but the nurses or recep have been change quite many times and recently I feel their not as friendly as last time.We have been visiting him since my eldest born.Normally the nurse will schedule the routine jab for the whole year and also make a call to remind that the next jab is due but nowadays seems that the service standard not there.The dr himself is good. Price is a bit expensive (btw same as others PD rate) consultation itself $40.And there is limitation for night visit (only MOn and Wed) and always very crowded at Sat.

Have you ever tried Martabak (indonesian style) those with cheese or choc with lots of butter.Very yum...bakso also can't get here.
Need more practice for indonesian food not really good.
Thanks for your suggestion for the teeth problem.Weekend will going to try all the method "one by one" kekeke...

Let's forget about kids for a moment.
Anybody has a good hair tonic to recommend. Realise certain part of my hair especially in front getting less . hik hik so...sad
This is due to lack of "preventive maintenance" for myself and stress over the kids ..... I guess.Hahaha
oh Juliana... tell me abt it.. yummy yummy.. i luv martabak manis with peanut and chocolate... sate, nasi goreng, sop kambing,... gosh, makes my mouth water liao.. my cousin can make nice sop buntut but i've yet to try her recipe..
Sounds like mummies here all foodies! haha! Actually me too! I mean, who can resist, right?!

I'm into sweet stuff mainly. Cakes and chocs!!! I will search high and low, left and right, to find the perfect cake or choc! Yum!!! And I miss Penang food...very hard to come by in S'pore. Sometimes I get the ready mixed ingredients when I visit my gran in Penang and that's not bad la. Can do... So far, the Penang buffet at Copthorne has the approval
Though I think not as good as I remember it to be some years ago...
Juliana, u r losing hair? keke.. poor thing.. my hair is turning white.. i just colour my white hair in jkt, after a month, start appearing again.. sniff sniff.. so sad.. got any tips to prevent white hair.. hehe..

j foo, recently had my nephew's bday cake. gosh, the moment we open the box, can smell the rum.. almost fainted.. keke.. even my son, a choc cake fanatic, rejects it after 2 bites.. :p
I miss martabak very much....

I don't think losing hair but not much growing kekeke..
How often do you go back ?
Juliana, have you tried using olive oil to massage? Works for babies...haha! There are hair tonics in the market, there's a popular brand but I can't remember the name now...starts with K. Not Kerastase. Comes in white boxes, uses plants as their base. I've not used it before but some other friends have tried their products and are pleased with the results.
hi mummies,
how has your weekend been so far? me went over to my parents' plc to pack my stuff and moved them to new flat. aiyo, speaking of new flat....when hb & i arrived there, someone had jumped down from our block wor but duno from whc floor. our flat is 40 storey high. its an indian female, saw an indian family sobbing and talking to police. the deceased landed on the roof of a short sheltered walkway so the family staying above the roof can see everything, so unfortunate for them. her body was covered but her hand could be seen. my hb got to see that it was a female when they uncovered the body to put it on the stretcher, she was wearing jeans,probably quite young lor...tsk sad. after that i was feeling a bit sad, wondering wat happened to cause that person to do wat she did....hmmm....
gosh char.. wat a way to start the week.. btw, did u find an auspicious date to move in?

wat brand of washing machines are mummies using? me looking around n my mom advised that have to find one that doesnt wrinkle clothes after spinning. got any bad experiences to share?

my mum is adding pressure for me to cut my gal's hair.. ganging up with my bros.. sighz... ignoring them all.. kekeke..

juliana, i think my gal is teething too. quite bad thou cos she was feeling warm for 2 days then fever last nite. out of the blue, yest she was salivating so much.. the saliva literally is flowing out.. poor thing.. biting everything but no appetite to eat much..
Hi! Mummies,
Wow, hd been missing out quite a bit dun know since when i stop getting notification frm SMH sigh....I was wondering y this thread so quiet outta sudden heehee!
tell me about it. as for moving, i dun find any auspicous day to move. in fact will be moving this wed cos gotta move out b4 officially hand over the flat to new buyers.

hi dor,
long time no hear from u, been bz lately?
Just brought my gal to watch "Sing to the Dawn" movie at Junction 8.
Highly recommended to all!
It is more like a musical movie, with beautiful songs!
Duration: 80mins.
Miin, oredi sent email to the administrator.

Char, yeap, was preparing for my o/seas trip to Beijing. Feel so good to be back home and see my baby haa! Really miss her during my trip, din miss my hub much thou....shhh! Better dun let him hear this.

Precious, I saw the clips something different guess its a local production.
It's Sharing Time
The Hair Bow Holder
All you have to prepare:
A long ribbon.
A document ring
Make a single fold

Result: Won't slide off at all.
Remarks: Use a broader ribbon if clips are longer/bigger.

My daughter has been asking me to bring her to see Sing To The Dawn too. She saw the clips on tv and really liked the theme song. Also asking for Madagascar 2. My hubby said he'd bring her to see Sing To The Dawn and suggested that she should go with me to see Madagascar 2 otherwise "mummy might feel sad not being able to catch a movie". Haha! Well, you see, one of us will have to stay back with my son as he's too young to catch movies. And talking about movies...I can't even remember when was the last time I went to a cinema! I think must have been before my daughter was born, when my hubby and I were still DATING! That's more than 5 years ago liao!!! Aiyah, no choice la, my parents not in S'pore, and I feel "pai-seh" asking in-laws to take care of kids while we CATCH A MOVIE!
i know what u mean j foo.. i even had to take half day leave to pak tok and catch a movie.. then when we r shopping, we ended up looking at kids' stuff again.. haha

realised my son has a phobia of the dark especially in cinemas and theatres.. brought him a couple of times and he was so scared that he has to get out into the light. Prob scared of the large characters.. hope he'll grow out of it. .:p
J Foo, seems like u really really nd to spend some private time wif ur hub. I think is perfectly alrite to leave ur kids wif ur in-laws once awhile i believe they undstd and won't mind unless they r those very particular in-laws.
I am a FTWM, my in-laws were taking care of my gal b4 i found a nanny. Occasionally when me or bth of us go on leave we won't inform them coz i believe i need some private time to do my own stuff or go on a date wif hub. Of coz, dun take things for granted as well, sometime i will take over my gal fm my in-laws when am on leave. However, i feel so relieve after having a nanny coz i can tk leave anytime but dun feel obligated to anyone haahaa! However, sometime i'll still tk over from my nanny to let her hv some rest too. After all we r human not robot.

It wasn't too bad when we only had a daughter but now with two... more difficult as my son doesn't follow anyone but us, even when he sees his sis with the other person, he still won't follow. Perhaps it's because I'm with him all the time. Hopefully things will change a little when he starts playgroup.
I know, it's important for husband and wife to have time-out with each other without the kids. I think the only time we have to ourselves (at least for now) is after the kids go to bed. We make sure the kids go to bed early, around 830. So at least we still have a few hours to chit-chat, have a laugh together.

By the way, any mummies looking for wardrobes, coffee tables, dining tables, beds, tv etc? MIL moving house so she has plenty to clear. She has quite a few Corningware and Vision stuff that are BN. Let me know. THe bulky items you'll have to collect from Kembangan/Chai Chee on 16th between 11-3pm. Smaller items I can bring back to TPY. I have pics of the big items so just let me know if you're interested. PM me.
