TOA PAYOH mummies

Precious, Am so happy for u! Sha will hv a companion liao. This is an early x'mas gift for you and your family ;D

JTS, for those who is planning to drive into JB or M'sia do be extra cautious. My colleague's MPV windscreen got smashed recently in broad daylight, the robbery took away a laptop and some cash while her family went for a quick breadfast at nearby offeshop only seconds away before heading to Malacca.

One of my M'sian colleague advise us if possible not to stopover @ JB to pump patrol or hv your meal. Is safer to drive further away from JB to avoid unnecessary trouble, as these pple mostly aim for Singapore registered car.

hi all,

sorri have been quite caught up with my newborn..
currently i'm having some pro with breast engorgement.. any advise mummies? i tried all kind of remedies.. guess i just have to pump & latch on every 3hrly.. sigh..

congrats Precious!! I'm happy for you. =)

I'm also wondering if any of the mom here send your babies for swimming lessons? I'm tinking of sending my boy when he is 2months old..
currently he is only 1wk + old. =)

life is different being a mom..=)
Hello! Dolphingal, Congrats on your new born! Is a gal or boy? You bet, life changes 360degree being a mom. Everything you do now somehow gotta put bb into consideration. I have a hard time adjusting and still coping wif it at times. heehee!
Hi hi

Can I join in?
Im not staying at TPY, but stay nearby at Whampoa. TPY is like a haven for me to shop.

I'm a SAHM, 2 kids - 21 month and coming 2 month bb.

I'm also interested in signing up for JG and GUG. But seems their class waiting list very long...

Wondering if there is any classes near TPY for my kid?
Hi! Ryes,
Welcome! Always great to see more mommies joining this thread. I have a gal coming to 21 mth and she's attending GUG on wkend. You may also notice there's a post on a grp of mommies staying in TPY giving right brain training to young todts. Perhpas you may wanna chk it out.
congrats precious!! ya it is a good thing that your gal is able to sleep in her own room else got prblem when the baby comes. i gotta train my gal to sleep by herself cos me & hb co-sleeping with her in her room.

will let u know after CNY. thnx.

welcome to the thread NTB & ryes. i'm a sahm with a 20mo gal.
Yes, congrats Precious! If you need help, just call. I'm sure one of us can lend a hand.

And congrats Dolphingal! How's the engorgement? Have to keep emptying the breasts.
gosh.. just away for 1 day and suddenly so many msgs...

Congrats Precious!!
It's nice to have another baby to keep Sha company but have to engage Sha early so she won't feel left out.

Dolphingal, great to see u back here. How's the delivery? At the hospital, the nurse advised to use cold cabbage leaves to put over the breast. this will help engorgment and also u have to massage your milk ducts to release the milk.. otherwise it can be infected if the milk ducts are blocked.. otherwise express the breast empty between feeds if there's still milk. after 2 weeks like dat, i gave up.. haha just let my bb empty it herself..
also baby no need to bring swimming until they are at least 6 months..

Dor, I also need to get a badminton racket man.. and shuttlecock. haha.. will set up the appt..

welcome to the new mummies..

wed i had to leave early to pick my baby from infantcare cos she had high fever. her usual PD is on leave and regular GP is off duty. No choice still brought her the relief GP. At least the med is working. Char, my gal on dr heng's med for 2 weeks but no effect. so i think i'll go to GP la since she's coming to 1 yr liao..

my silly hb.. he din see me feed my bb med this morning. told the tr at infantcare she has not taken bkf and med.. so happily the tr gave her med again.. hope no side effect man.. sighz..
Badminton Session
Date: 19 Dec (Fri)
Time: 9.30am
Venue: Badminton court between blk 96-98 tpy lor 3 near Yellow pages
got a playground beside badminton court so kids can play there.

1) Miin & Aleesha

Sorry bring your own racket cos i also need to look for 1 and shuttle cocks. :p

Dor, court is open to all so hope no one is using it lor..

Precious, welcome to join us although u r forbidden to play..hehe
Badminton Session
Date: 19 Dec (Fri)
Time: 9.30am
Venue: Badminton court between blk 96-98 tpy lor 3 near Yellow pages
got a playground beside badminton court so kids can play there.

1) Miin & Aleesha
2) Doris
Miin, I can only confirm nearer the date cos on paper hubby's suppose to be off that day...but sometimes last min he gets "called back" foe mtgs. Alternatively, will have to bring my little ones... Oh I think there's a court near the Lor 6 market too.
Hi Dor and Char

thank you for the welcome.
My girl will be starting shichida in Jan, so tot sign up either GUG or JG. Was told the GUG class at united sq full liao, have to be on waiting list. I'm gg dwn to JG later to check out the place.

Hey girlizz, thanks, I've got your email.

Hey dolphin, you also just delivered? I delivered in mid trying hard to cope with 2 kids at home..
Ryes, with 2 kids do you hv any help fm ur mom, mil or domestic helper? Am a FTWM, my gal currently is being looked after by a nanny, my hub wanna try for a 2nd one but am hesitating. Wif little help around plus am not willing to forgo my current job really in a delimma.
I wanna let my gal try out shichida can u PM me more details? Thanks in advance.
J foo.. no problem.. there's a playground n basketball court beside it.. i also need to source for cheap racket n shuttle cocks.. :p

where's lor 6 market huh? near central already?

ryes, i know wat u mean.. plus ur kids are very close in age.. very productive ya.. hehe..
Lor 6 market is near Pei Chun Primary, opp SPC, or can be accessed via Lor 7 too. The badminton court is facing Lor 6.

for the swimming lesson, do parents have to go into the water with them or just by themself?

oh btw i am a mummy from whampoa.
badminton sounds fun but its far from the interchange right?
Hi Dor,

My MIL is too old to help out(Plus, I dont want her help me also...opps)

Mom is running business for dad, so cant help, except weekends. Most of the time dad drops by to pick up my girl go walk walk so that I can have sometime to rest with bb.

No maid at the moment, coz finance is tight, plus I dont want a maid to take over my place lor. If got maid, I have to go back to work leh.

For shichida, Weekend class is $780 per term, once a week. I've yet to start lesson, so cannot advice leh. But I've attended with my niece before 1 lesson. Not bad lor, was very impressed when they did the memory card game and she knew all. But I think the parent must practice at home also lor. I hope I got time to practice with her when class starts.

BTW, went dwn to Evans JG today and signed up liao! (Finally) My girl will start her class in Jan..yeah.

Oh Miin, aiyo..#2 was unplanned one leh. Was suppose to plan for #2 year 2009 when I go back workforce one. I cant go back to work yet lor. Maybe till #2 is older.

Hi Hidayah, I'm also a mummy from whampoa. Hard to find mummies from whampoa, so I ended up joining the TPY thread, coz always frequent TPY also.
thanks Dor & mii!!
not easy taking care of my newborn
i need to plan after my CL leaves, how am i gg to cope.. haiz..
currently my boy is quite good, est, sleep.. hehe..
but it's just my engorgement that's keeping me awake at nite!

i did put cabbage leaves as well.. woke up all sweating & breast as hard as stone! haiz..
have to consistently pump every 3 hrs!
no fun! =(
Dolphingal, you can try just expressing part of it to release the engorgement cos when you pump consistently your system thinks that you need more so it'll produce even more and your engorgement will get worse each time. But do be careul, cos supply will decrease if you use the method of just expressing part of it.
hi jcefoo,
is it? does that mean i have to keep expressing bit by bit? =)
engorgement is so bad that i got sorethroat and fever! haiz..
seems like no one has ever encounter such thing b4 during confinement. =(
tink mine is the first case..
now fever subsided & i'm still on medications.. hope to recover soon..
That's what I did to release engorgement and to decrease my supply. I didn't know at first so I was busily emptying my breasts every 2-3 hours but I reaslied that the more I empty, the more I produced! So that it dwelt on me that my body system probably thinks that I need more supply that's why all the milk is drained out. Then I switched to expressing enough just to get rid of the hardness and slowly my system adjusted and supply reduced too. So you have to monitor. If you reckon supply is way too much, then use the method, let supply be under control first.

By the way, if you have fever, pls be aware, this might turn to mestitis. Which again happened to me! Didn't have a clue about this and fever was up and down - thought it was due to confinement food being too heaty, but in the end it was mestitis. Found out too late and when I saw the lactation nurse she immediately sent me to SGH to do a drainage as there was already breast abcess. The nurse was surprised that I could actually tolerate the pain as there was already pus accumulating. So just be aware. Make sure no lumps.
Hi everyone, lost the thread somehow.

Precious, CONGRATS and take care.

Dolphingal,CONGRATs to your newborn too! i also had engorgement during my first week. Started from day 2. i also had all the cabbage leaves and pumping. But at the end it was my son who did all the job. Cos he wakes up so many times in the nite, i fed him everytime. by morning i felt better but very tired. Enjoy your baby
Badminton Session
Date: 19 Dec (Fri)
Time: 9.30am
Venue: Badminton court between blk 96-98 tpy lor 3 near Yellow pages
got a playground beside badminton court so kids can play there.

1) Miin & Aleesha
2) Doris
3) seveneleven & asher
tks seveneleven! wow! your bb is gd manz..
tink i produce more than wat my bb can take hence get engorgement every 3 hrly..
now slightly better, he seems to be feeding more.. =)
it's fun to see your little one when he is trying to latch on.. so cute!! heehee..

too bad i cant join u gals at the badminton court.. but if u gals need rackets and shutters cocks, i can offer.. =)

hi jcefoo, mine was indeed mastitis, but with antibiotics and some painkillers, it's resolving.. hope it will be better soon.
tks alot for sharing ur experience w me.. =)
btw, wanna ask mommies here if any of u send ur bb for any lessons from 2nd month onwards?
if yes,can recommend a few to me? i'm interested to find out. tks!!
if not is there a link where i can check?tks!
Congratulations ! what a good news to share.
Take care and rest more, dun go out everyday keke..

welcome new mommies.

too bad can't join for badminton
...short of AL
mtb nov
maybe u would like to try out those baby massage/yoga kinda class since ur baby is so young? there used to be one in Great World City but it's since closed down. But should hv others around. Think your baby is too young for the usual KM music class, JG, shicida etc. But i'm really curious...why do u wanna bring her so early?
Your precious is too young for any enrichment class, advisable to start when he's ard 8-10mths plus or older. Attending classes @ such tender age may also expose him to flu bug and other virus. I brought my gal to GUG when she's ard 10mths (walking). U may start him off wif flash cards and other stimulating games, objects, music at home.
Abv is my personal opinion (^_^)
Hi! Ryes,
Wow! It mus be tough on u handling 2 kids all by urself. Your 21mths old is still seeking for attention and ontop of tat u'll still hv to look after ur 2mths old bb. U r one of a Super Mum! Me too dun like the idea of hving a domestic helper ard...heard too much story and complains fm colleagues and frenz. But if really no choice guess gotta resort to tat provided if there is no. 2 heehee!
Shichida is quite ex compaered to GUG. So weekends u'll be busy ferrying your kid liao lor.
hi dor,
well, i'm tinking of enrolling him for swimming class. My fre sent her son when he was 2mths old.i'm sure my boy will love it!better let him expose early.. =)
btw, wat is GUG?wat is flash cards?where can i get them?also wat kind of music do u let ur little one listen to? can advise?tks alot!!
dolphingal, if ur bb sleeps for too long, do wake him up for feeding.. to ease ur discomfort. I had fever twice after my c-sec this time. due to overworked.. so do take plenty of rest while your cl is helping u.. although breast shld be full, it should not be hard so always try to maintain the level. remember demand and supply.. more demand from ur bb, more milk supply u have..
Swimming is good, babys r born natural swimmer heehee! U may find more info at their website is a school wif enrichment classes and kindergarten.
Flash Cards are cards that comes in B&W or colourful big pictures and wordings to stimulate and teach your new born. You only require few seconds to show or flash the cards to your baby 2 or 3 times a day. For new born, I would recommend you get or make those in Black, White and Red coz new born only able to see these 3 colors. When he is few mths older u may introduce him to those colorful ones. U may find these flash cards in Popular or those bb shops that carry edu toys. DIY, using powper point can be done as well just mk sure the Alphabets or Numbers are big. I let her listen to baby classical music such as Beethoven, Mozart and occasionally some soothing songs or instrumental music as well.
hi mummies

long time no see! been very busy with my work, just shifted the office. Its at Ayer Rajah now. Previously at Wheelock, now its so far... I have problem now with my girl playgroup. Initally registered her at Kim Keat, a new playgroup starting next year. Now they say only 2 children registered so cannot start the playgroup. So now got to find another one lor... I saw the Teddy playgroup at lor7 market, I saw the children photos they put at the notice board..not sure if its good anot. anyone heard of this playgroup before? What about this Wesley childcare at blk 44? or any good playgroup for 2 year old in Toapayoh? congrats to you Precious, btw are you the one staying at blk 36?
dolphingal, if u wan bbswimming in a tub.. there's a shop in plaza singapura. u can see thru the glass.. the head supported by a float.. very cute..

there are swimming coaches for infants but min 6 months old..
i know of a mummy whose kid is in teddy playgroup. they focus more on academics than play which is what she prefers.
7/11, can u pm me your hp..

any other mummies wanna join? Can join for a chat too..

Badminton Session
Date: 19 Dec (Fri)
Time: 9.30am
Venue: Badminton court between blk 96-98 tpy lor 3 near Yellow pages
got a playground beside badminton court so kids can play there.

1) Miin & Aleesha
2) Doris
3) seveneleven & asher
Hi Dor

I didnt sign up GUG. I sign up for JG.
Shichida class will only be starting in April. THey say all the classes full in Jan leh
Hi! Ryes,
JG is not v convenient for me. After my gal finnished her term at GUG in Mar '09 i'll prob let her try out 'MWTR' right brain training teach by a grp of 'TPY Mummies' who has teaching backgroud. The course fee is cheaper too. I'll hv to go n tk a look personally.
Hi Dor

Yeah, very true lor. JG also not convenient for me too, but then thought try a term and see how. If got neighbours stay near me, can share cab go dwn..hee hee.

Update me abt the right brain training when u sign up
For those Mummies who r interested to send their older todts for art/craft lessons, S'pore Art Museum orgainse such progammes. Visit for more details.
I believe in introducing our young ones to ARTS it helps one to turn more cultured, creative, imgainative and a good sense of color combination. These will be useful in their everyday life in future.
TPY HUB open space atrium is having bazzare market sale. 'Cut-out-Brand' from infant-kids wear sale r available. Also TPY Central around Libary area having Pasar Malam.
Just went to the pasar malam with my girl.
Bought many makan food..

1 stall that sells otah, nearest to this hello kitty umbrella stall not nice one..gena cheated. sigh...

Lots of barney vcds. 1 for $1.90, 3 for $5. I bought 6 girl so happy.
hello.. many days din login.. my gal has a viral infection.. high fever for 4 days.. thankfully it's subsided and she's back to school..

Dor & 7/11, if it rains on Fri, badminton will be off ya. .;)
Haha! Miin, was gonna check with you whether you had a "backup" plan for Fri just in case it rains.
Hubby has to be back at work so I'm taking the kids...My daughter has to attend a class at Thomson Plaza so will have to send her there in the morning at 9. I'll see whether I can drop by on the way back...You gals are gonna be there at..930?
