TOA PAYOH mummies

i remember watching a movie when i was preggie with my gal but cant rembr watching a movie after giving birth.

Same here Char, I used to watch movie every week with my hubs before I got delivered. Now.. only once in a blue moon when something interesting is showing. I just watched Quantum of the Solace last week.. :D
I guess we face similar hub was a movie fan during our courtship days we watched movies almost every wk jus like girlizz hee! Nowadays, whenever bth of us have some private time, catching a movie will always be in our itinerary.
I find visiting a Spa is also a very good way to relax and rejuvenate. We always feel damn good afer every session be it massage or fascial. It helps lighten our mood too. I was surprise that my hub dun mind signing up for another package when the current one ends.
Besides spending quality time (communication plays an important part) with hb,
I always remind myself not to neglect close/good friends we have, always have an effort to arrange coffee/meals together, even though it is just 1-2hr.
I always take opportunity of her afternoon nap, so that I can bring along her stroller, let her sleep inside while I chit-chat with friends.... hee hee!
Once when she is awake, I will plan activities for her etc: indoor playground, waterplay, educational tour at the supermarket
Dor, which spa you signed up? My hubs signed up the one at Ngee Ann. We usually go on a Sats, he go massage, I go shop :p

Precious, your gals is good. Mine never a wink on his stroller. Always wide awake eventho way passed his nap.
So I seldom go out alone with my boy. Only once a month on my helper's day off (usually falls on Mondays); to kill time. United Sq is our usual hang out place :p
I actually took a while to train her to sleep in the stroller.
In the start, it was only 15-30mins, now she can sleep up to 1.5-2hrs.
During weekends, we (hb and I) will take opportunity of her nap time to go for coffee
Ya.. sometimes when I see parents with kids in stroller/ behaving on their high chair in starbucks, I always look at them with green eyes. I was jealous and envious. If only I could enjoy my sip of coffee like them
We sign up Village Wellness there r 3 branches hence we r able to choose a diff plc each time feel so pampered. Haha! Shopping is one of my fav pass time too can treat it a an excersie as well.
j foo.. ur mil is giving or selling? do u mind sending me the pics? i may need some items for my new flat.. :p

my son used to be shy before going to playgroup but he's so super sociable now so dun worry J foo. They'll be better once they start mingling around.

Dor, ur hubby go for facial too.. how nice.. :p i oni did very simple cleansing for my hubby at home.. haha..

now we have kids, we progressed to watching movie dvds at home. we'll stock up when we return to jkt and spend sun pm watching during the kids' naptimes.
So far he only go for massages.

How nice most of your kids sleeps gal bedtime is abt +/-10o'clock and she is only willing to sleep on our bed not in her cot 'faint'. Hence, I have limited tv time. Intend to let her sleep on her own cot when she's older...but somehow my hub and me will miss her if she doesnt sleeps wif us at nite heehee! Contradicting hor....
My kids never catches a wink in the stroller, no matter how tired they are. My daughter use to just sit there looking at passers-by and if she does dose off, she'll be woken up by the person that starts chatting away! haha! My son...never did like sitting in a stroller. He's walk, walk, walk nowadays and when he couldn't walk, he'd want to be carried. And both are light-sleepers. Can't sleep with lights on, can't sleep with noise. I've tried to "train" them but can't...

Miin, MIL is selling but price low la as she's just trying to clear as much as poss. Give me your email add as I've compiled a list together with description and pic. Warning! They are big files! Haha!

Oh I love facials too...I go to Spa Esprit, normally the one in Paragon.

And yup, tea with friends, that's always a good break.
precious, moving to tpy lor 3.. near my mom's current place...

j foo can u fwd to [email protected]. tks. i'll show my hubby and let u know..

my kids also sleep abt 10pm. before my son was 2yo in jkt, he slept like 5pm until 6am.. latest was 7pm.. n he sleeps like a log.. but in sg, maybe due to the lifestyle, he sleeps late but i make him sleep by 10pm.

nowadays if i wanna make my son sleep, i'll bring him out on the stroller around 3pm.. if he's tired, by the time i reach mrt, he already in deep sleep.. i cant plan pm activities for him, sure cant make it.. hehe.. at times i wanna bring him play, but he slept all d way until we reach home.. realli kelian.. :p
btw, guardian having discount for drypers. eg M size is abt 0.19 cents.. it's 16.95 if i'm not wrong.. for all sizes.. until 19 nov
<font color="0000ff">HAVE A GOOD LAUGH - Upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0</font>

Dear IT Support,

Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a
slow down in the overall performance, particularly in the flower,
gifts and jewellery applications that had operated flawlessly under
Boyfriend 5.0.

In addition, Husband 1.0 un-installed many other valuable programs,
such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but installed
undesirable programs such as Formula One 5.0, NBA 3.0 and World Cup 2.0.

And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply
crashes the system.
I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.

What can I do?

Desperate Housewife


Dear Desperate Housewife,

First keep in mind:

Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating

Try entering the command C:\ I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and download
Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0 ..

If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run
the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.

But remember, overuse can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy
Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Late Night Teh Tarik 6.1.

Late Night 6.1 is a very bad program that will create SnoringLoudly.wav

Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-Law 1.0 or reinstall another
Boyfriend program.
These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.

In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a
limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly.

You might consider additional software to improve memory and performance.. I
personally recommend Hot Tasty Food 3.0 and Tongkat Ali 6.9.

Good Luck,
IT Support
Side track a bit. I've been wanting to shed off some stubborn fats off my thunder arms. Any mommies any recommendations? I've tried dumbell and mini uzap but no results le. Any good creams/gel/secrets to share?
Hi mummies,

i also haven't go to the cinemas for a long time... gone are the days where me and hubby chiong for mid-night shows.

i also try to put my baby to bed by 8.30 so that can have some ME time

Precious, sha really can sleep in the stroller man.. 1.5-2hr wow... Asher can't even sleep that long for his nap at home.
Hi Mummies,

I'm staying in Toa payoh too, with a pair of 17 months twins boys and a 5 yr old girl. Not working now, and happy to find this thread. Hope to get to know more mummies around toa payoh
Welcome to join in Janice...BTW which part of TPY u r putting up. Am staying at Lor. 2 Blk 121 v near YellowPages. Hope to c u more often in this thread.

Girlizz, I used to fuss over wings under my arms somehow I slowly gotten use to it liao kekeke! Gave up on creams and even arm excersies....seems hard to shake off.
Hi all

Glad to find this thread as I am new to this portal. I stay in Toa Payoh Central and my son is turning 18 months old. Would like to check with you gals whether there is any playgroup in Toa Payoh or any good playgroup programme or enrichment programme to enrol my son in. He is kind of bored at home... I did what I could, that is read, let him scribble/draw, listen to music, bang some toy instruments and play with toys. I could see that he is bored stiff....Now I feel like going back to work...

By the way, I saw from another thread of discussion that there is a group of 60 mothers doing home-based right brain training. Do any of you know the contact to this group? Could you let me know? My email is [email protected]

Hi Janice, hi Eunice, welcome to this thread! The mummies here are quite "on", often organising little outings and meet-ups.

Eunice, the only place I know of is called Shaws, which is at Lynwood, near Comfort Del-Gro HQ. Their teacher-children ratio is low. Can check them out on their website.
Welcome Janice to the thread. I am also stayhome mum with a 7mth old boy.

Welcome Eunice too. Right brain training? Never heard of it. But will be interested to find out wad they do wit their babies

Went to the Crocs sale at expo this morning. Very good deals. Most shoes selling at $20. But the crowd is crazy. i can';t even get to the counter to look at the shoes with Asher sleeping in my sling. Good thing my hubby on leave and went along. He bring the shoes to me :p Plus MPH sales next Hall. most children books selling at $3
You may want to try Organic Healthy Times Brown Rice Cereal. NTUC sells.
Did you manage to buy any books from MPH sale?
Btw, there is a Popular Sale at Suntec from 14-23Nov.
hi janice n eunice.. welcome..

7/11 i'm using mixed grains fir my gal.. just cook like normal porridge but may take longer.. other ways.. u can steam the rice until very soft. my sil do that, she says abt an hr.. i just grind the grains smaller so it'll cook faster..

j foo. tks for the pics.. interested in a couple.. can u send me the price list? but must collect the big items by when huh cos will get my flat oni in dec..

mummies i rec an email abt cny cookies.. anyone interested, i can fwd to u..
pm me..

Ya tried the HT brown rice cereal. He eats. That's why thinking of cooking brown rice next time. but i heard texture can be quite hard.

Ya, got a big hard cover disney ABC book for $6. and 2 smaller board books for $3 each. Have u gone to the popular sale?
Seveneleven, you'll need to soak the brown rice overnight, or if time is short, at least 3 hours before cooking and it'll be softer. The entire family eats a mix of white and brown rice for meals. I have a friend who cooks entirely brown rice, but I think that's way too much fibre, esp for the kids.

Miin, emailed you. Not too sure when my MIL is suppose to vacate, but I have a feeling it's Dec too. So collection probably end of the month?
my boy has been getting himself into a lot of accidents these few days. He is trying to stand... then end up with fall. everyday will have new bruise... he just knock himself in the face again just now. His lower teeth knocks into his upper gum &amp;lips and bleed abit... sigh.. now his lips swell a bit (look like one of the "shi xiong di") keke

Feel like giving him a helmet to wear :p
NTUC supermarket sells big packs of brown rice grains made from Thailand. You can see them at the rice section.
Then you can prepare soft porridge, with added fish, carrot, spinach and etc

I'm at Toa Payoh Lor 4, SAHM and stuck with 3 bored kids. I'm looking for a playgroup for my 18mth twins boys too. If there are any meetups or play group .. do let me know hehe ..
Hi 7/11, I have the same thinking as you .. getting a helmet for my boys. They are so active, and bumping everywhere. Recently, they even got to the habit of knocking their head on floors and walls when they are angry. Really don't know what to do with them
I replied her email asking about the actual location at tpy. I would prefer morning session as she has classes from 1pm-3pm next yr Jan. Then in the late afternoon if possible, I can still bring her out for playdates/outdoor activities.
I also prefer morning when the child is usually fresh and more alert. But my boy is going to nursery next year.. so morning sessions are out for us. Is your daughter on any right brain programme now?
Here's the details
It'll be 1 Master (1hr) class and 4 Everyday (30-40mins) classes a week.
$200 is for one Master (1hr) class and 4 Everyday (30-40mins) classes a week for 4 weeks.
If you are keen, you may PM her.
Thanks Precious. I had just paid up for my boy's Shichida lesson. So it'll be at least until April before we consider this. I'm quite keen, only that I don't think I'll be going 4 days follow up. Maybe one mastery and one followup. Like you, prefer my boy to do other things / simply do nothing and chil at home in the afternoon since his mornings will b spent in nursery.
Mummies, I'm helping some mummies check out diaper prices at this shop in Pasir Ris (by far it has the lowest prices compared to many other places) so if there's any you want me to check, pls email me at [email protected]. Doing this as a favour (not earning comm or anything la) since I'm around the area once a week at least.
Hi girlizz, what does your boy does in Shichida classes. I'm quite keen in such lesson, but a friend told me the kid feel rather stress as there are constant revisions to be done at home. Instead of improving, the child becomes very irritable and hated the sight of flash cards.
Welcome janice and eunice.

We went to Bookfest at Suntec last sat. Very crowded but the books are quite cheap.
Spent $$$ ..."bankrupt"
Hi Janice, in the 90 mins session, we will participate in various activities tt stimulates the brain such as ESP, instant memory, language, finger eye training, songs, flash cards, phonics, linking memory etc. Pretty similar to what's being offered by MWTR. Home practise is important but I am one of the slack mommies who doesnt really do a lot of home practise; only occassional flash cards, linking memory games and on the worksheets given to us. After 4 terms with SM, my boy still loves going to SM. He enjoy all the activities. Of course sometimes kids' mind stray and they tend to lose concentration during flash cards / phonics etc. But that's fine. Their eyes may be elsewhere but their ears could be listening... :D

Juliana.. I also went to a book fair, the one at Expo. Bought a fair bit of books but not much on children's books. When I saw the Q, I thought it was mad until I saw the one at Crocs expo. *faint*
Hi Mummies,
If some of u are aware, my gal was in Bishan-Toa Payoh infantcare at Blk 200, TPY North and recently I withdrew her cos I had some problems with the teachers and mgmt there.

I wrote to MCYS to feedback to them and surprisingly they were very efficient in reply. The lady called me for more details. I told them my concerns about the untrained teacher, their menu and the so-called Principal. Apparently the principal is not known as a P to mcys. She's just a long serving tr but to the parents, she's called the P. I was so shocked to hear that.

To cut the story short, mcys advised this centre has only 12 months licence which mean they have many areas of improvement. if i've known abt this licence thingy, i would not have placed my gal there. She also advised that parents can use this as a guage on how mcys rate ccc. So do take the time to find out the licence duration of your kid's ccc or playground. If it's 24 months, should be quite ok as it means mcys is happy with the way the centre is running. If's it's 12 months, do find out all you can y it's given 12 months only.
7/11, i use a chopper.. my philips blender can do jucing, chopping n blending..

the mixed grains consist of barley, brown rice, red rice and dunno wat else.. it's avail in ntuc.. u can try the small pack first..

another tips to rate the ccc.thanks for sharing
So, where do you put your daughter ?

yeah, many events in expo rite ? Food fair as well ?
