TOA PAYOH mummies

think u're very into educating your gal. for me, i like to look at toys and clothes for my gal when i go window shopping. i'm trying to figure out what kind of toys would my gal play with for long as she doesnt stick to one toy for long and she's more interested in playing with real things around her like her dad's PC. haha. i'll also look for books sometimes.

x'mas is not too far away, has anyone thot of wat to get for your kids? i'm thinking of getting my gal a kitchen set but duno if she'll play with it for long....

Precious, yup, my daughter has been attending Montessori ever since she started at 3. I think the programme works for the young ones, but I guess once you get into K1 and 2, perhaps it doesn't really benefit them as much.

Char and all the mummies in the thread, Christmas...yes, time to shop for presents again. Mind you, I've almost completed my spree according to shopping gift list! Haha! Robinsons had a promo so I did quite a fair bit there. Then I asked my mum to get some stuff from UK (parents are staying in UK and mum came over for a few days en route to Penang) as there was a warehouse sale happening there! As for my daughter, she's always going for the same sort of stuff - books or toys on animals esp horses, or Mr Men/Little Miss, or Thomas!

What about your other half? What do you get for him?

It's difficult shopping for men, don't you think?!
yup, montessori progams benefit the young ones till 4yrs. especially they become more independent and better in logical thinking by then.

i seldom buy toys for my girl. she still enjoys the kitchen set i bought for her. when i cook, she will go to her kitchen set, pretending to cook too..... haha!
j foo,
so fast u started on your x'mas shopping ah. i haven't started on mine yet. as for hb, i'll jus ask him wat he wants n i'll tell him wat i want.
Haha! I see! Yup, started (and almost ended!) my Christmas shopping
Got to beat the heavy shopper traffic as Christmas draws near and kids hol draws near.

By the way, ALERT, a few dengue cases in TPY Lor5/6 area (I think the cluster is from block 46-52, ie near me!!!). So mums (and dads), do keep a lookout and make sure you use repellents or patches when your children are out and about.
i love last-min shopping for christmas! get to enjoy the crowd and atmosphere at orchard road... and sometimes the day b4 christmas day, there will be great discounts too... hee hee!
dear mummies, need some help here.

can i have the contact for Brightstart Montessori@ Bishan CC? keen to send my 23m/0 gal there. she still can't articulate ABC..can only say mama and papa and mei it a cause for concern? :-(

I'm stayin at TPY lor 2, parents at Shunfu. need some recommendations on suitable playgrps at these 2 areas// pls help..

thanks so much
Bright Start Montessori is 97307745, you can sms when no reply.
No worries, maybe she is just slow in her language. Every child is unique and developing at different stages/period.
Rubber_ducky.. you don't have to worry. 23 months is still too early to raise any concern. Nonetheless, to encourage her to be more outgoing, you could explore Julia Gabriel playclub. I send my boy there for their Bilingual session. Not bad. They encourage children participation through their speech and drama activities (stories, songs, art, etc..)

jfoo.. i just finished watching 'Your Class or Mine'. Will start Demigods tonight. I watch them on DVDs my MIL bought for me from Malaysia. Hopefully I can get my hands on Gem of Life soon..Heehee...
Oh, speaking of Xmas shopping. If anyone interested to get a new LV Vernis purse, I'm selling mine (brand new). My cuz bought me the wrong one from Paris. **kek sim**..
Hi girlizz, Your Class or Mine's really funny and I like Bobby and Deng Chui Wen
Demigods I only watched one episode and I fell asleep!! haha! Not my cup of tea. Gem of Life is super long!! Goodness me! But should be good cos cast is promising.

Precious, the NEA inspector came by yesterday to check and told me about it. So ya, just be aware.

Yes, rubber ducky, don't worry too much over it. As the mums have mentioned, every child develops in their own pace. I had a friend who's daughter didn't start talking till she was 3, and now, she's 8 and she can't stop talking!!
Just encourage her to communicate, talk to her, and don't worry if she doesn't reply you or just mutters a little. Just keep communicating with her. She'll absorb the vocab and use it when she's ready.
oic, so yr daughter is the new girl! My son is Samuel, he kept telling me that there's a new girl named Beatrice in his class and she takes school bus...kekeke...such coincidence!
According to Ms Cindy this class is very well behaved so not to worry. They're all very close with each other, my son likes his classmates very much and enjoy the school alot.

My boy only started in Apr this year(term 2), I personally like this school very much. I like the non-aircon environment, the teachers practice very strict pre-caution on HFMD too.

This school is quite a small set up and ratio of teacher is 12 students to 2 teachers. So everyone can still get quite a good attention from the teachers. But due to the small scale, there won't be any sports day or parties that parents can participate lor....

I'm a great fan of montessori but to be frank,traditional montessori methods is not acceptable in pri schools lor,like a traditional montessori in England, a child can choose not to finish his worksheet if he don't feel like doing, if he wish to play with toys only, he'll be granted! heehee...
Aiya, in s'pore pri schools how can? Plus if too montessori, a child will also become self-centered and lacks team work so since this school is only partial montessori, so I decided to give it a try lor.
They teach systematic and school rules but yet they also allow each student to learn at their own pace. School work wise, they're quite advance, like now at K1, they're learning addition for 2 digits.I can also see lots of improvement on my son's acadamic especially in spelling.The teachers are rather strict but I feel that it's a good method to teach them to behave while in school cos in primary school, it'll be like that too so it's good to get used to this type of environment. They also encourage independence alot.

However, due to their teaching methods, I feel it's more suitable for older kids to adapt. Like my daughter, I'll also let her attend only after she turned 2.5yrs old, at least by then she could tell me about school.
For early childhood, my fav school is still Julia Gabriel, my daughter is currently attending the playclub at forum.

Maybe you could arrange for a tour at the school with Ms Florence first to find out more...
Btw, I don't get any commission with these 2 schools hor....only stating my views la...hahaha...
thanks precious, girlizz and jfoo for your encouraging comments:)

can anyone clue me in on Bright Start Montessori pls?
-student teacher ratio
-mode of teaching
-any comments/observations that u mummies have made are most welcome :)
thanks precious, girlizz and jfoo for your encouraging comments:)

can anyone clue me in on Bright Start Montessori pls?
-student teacher ratio
-mode of teaching
-any comments/observations that u mummies have made are most welcome :)
1) Student Ratio is 1:8
2) A conductive learning environment with air-con environment, huge area and organised.
3) Montessori teaching, drop off program. Daily 1.5hrs, $267 per mth
4) I heard that there is a waiting list now.

Maybe you can make a visit, and discuss with the teacher.
HI Clarine

Oh, so your son's Samuel! Beatrice mentioned him to me too! Haha! So you'll be sending your daughter there too? I'll probably send my son there as well, but not so soon. Probably wait till he's 3, or at least 2.5, like you la.
yup yup, always have great discounts on x'mas eve. last year i did my last min x'mas shopping on x'mas eve.

like wat the other mums said, individual kids develope language and speech and motor skills at different time. my nephew who is also 23mo still can't talk, can only say "arh" and papa and mama but he can communicate by using hand gestures like pointing to his family members to where he wants to go or wat he wants them to take for him. his speech may be delayed but his motor skills is good. whereas my gal's motor skills are not so good but she can say some words, opp from my nephew who is 3mths older. however altho my nephew can't talk but he can understand quite a lot of things,when ask him where are certain objects on a book he can point them out. so dun worry. some children may appear to be not learning/talking well, you'd be surprised how much they've already absorbed frm wat they've been taught.
Playgroup drop-off program does benefit socialisaton development and independence.
They get to interact with others, learn how to communicate, take turns and share together.
rubber_ducky, my son has the exact same behaviour.. when he was at 22 mths, he can only say 3 single words. I came back to Spore and put him into toddler class in Cambridge.. within half a year, his vocab just vooom... he can speak in short sentences.. that was just last july.. now he's 3.5 and already quite talkative and active..

being with kids their age and in school will help a lot..
let them develop at their own pace.. if after being in school for a while and still no progress then u can consider seeing a therapist.. but i think no worries la.. ;) cos my hubby oni started talking at 4yrs old too.. now i cant out-argue him.. ;)
Mummies, can recommend a good GP in TPY area? Preferably one who's good with children. And a good PD as well. Normally would only go to a PD if the situation is quite bad, otherwise a good GP should be fine.

Date: 05 Nov 2008, Wed
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Bottle Tree Park, 81 Lorong Chen Charu (Yishun)
Singapore 769198
Agenda: Fishing/Sand playground/Dinner
1) Precious n Sha

How to get there:
MRT: Take the north-bound train and alight at Khatib MRT station. It’s a 15-minute walk to Bottle Tree Park’s side entrance opposite Yishun Stadium.

CAR: Exit from SLE (Yishun). From Lentor Avenue, turn left into Yishun Avenue 1. At the traffic light, turn right towards Sembawang Road. Keep right, then turn into Lorong Chencharu. (Opposite Sembawang Country Club and Airbase.)

BUS:Alight at Yishun Avenue 2, opposite Yishun Stadium. Services 39, 85, 851, 852, 853, 854, 855, 857, 858, 965 and 969 stop there
j foo, currently i'm going to Dr Heng (Children's Clinic) at Blk 177 Central.

Just went there this morning. Even at 9am, there are quite a few ppl waiting.
jfoo.. i go to Victor's Clinic (GP) @ blk 168. Place is clean, no long Q and the doc is good and patient too. During emergencies ((eg Sundays, PH, etc) when my boy fell sick, I brought him to see Dr Victor too. Other times, we go to Kinder clinic @ Paragon Medical but it's kinda far so not very conve.

Miin.. where is block 177 Central? Do you have the contact?
j foo,
i usually go to 2 GP's nearby my block. one is CK Tan clinic and the other am/pm clinic. as for PD, i go to Children's clinic, Dr Heng. She is good and her clinic assistants are very friendly.

i went to Dr. heng too today but at 12.30pm. i dun usually go there in the morning cos will be crowded so i usually go there near their closing time.

Blk 177 central is is quite a long stretch of flat that is opp the new flats (blk 79).
Thanks, mommies

Precious, I wish I could join you all this Wed but sadly, I have already made a date with Studio Miu for Beatrice to join an art trial lesson at 430pm. She's been pestering me to let her go for art classes. She tried Kinderart (HDB hub) but she said there was this boy in the class who didn't listen to the teacher and was making alot of noise and kept running around. Haha! So this week I've arranged for her to try out Haroobee (at Esplanade) and Studio Miu (at Ngee Ann City). There's also a RUS art studio somewhere in TPY...
hi precious,
i cant join u as my gal is sick. just found out today from fer PD after an x-ray that she has a mild case of pneumonia. sigh!!
Precious.. My boy is also not well. Will have to stay away from outdoor until he's fully recovered from his the flu and cough.

Char.. speedy recovery to yr girl.
j foo, for GP, i go to EJ Clinic (beside McD at Bradell mrt). Dr Tan Ee Ju. he's good and med effective.

girlizz, i dun have dr heng's phone with me. blk 177 is the shophouse with coffeeshop that sells goreng pisang, kimage, raffles clinic. Near the point blk beside the library, facing blk 79 the new flats.

i oni go to her when my gal has bad flu but i find that she always recommend suction for the phelgm inside. But my GP actually dun encourage it.

Char, i usually go at 6.30pm but had to go yest morning cos i was supposed to send my gal to her new infantcare. it's her 1st day but bcos she was sick, had to bring her to dr heng first. even though i was first in Q, doc oni arrive 9.30am.. sighz...
thnx girlizz.

i know most docs dun recommend suction but i feel its very efficient in helping the child to breathe better. in fact i myself request for suction sometimes when dr heng didnt recommend it cos my gal's phlegm is lot when she's sick that it disturbs her breathing and sleep. usually i go there at around 8-8.15pm. yeah, even if u goto her clinic b4 opening time, she comes half hr latecos she comes from her hospital rounds. my gal is a regular there cos she gets sick like every mth. sigh!!

so how is your gal adapting to infant care?
my gal was clinging to me when we arrived... prob bcos she's sleepy too. after almost an hr there with her, i had to harden myself and leave.. so a tr carried her and distracted her. finally she was so tired that she slept. even managed to smile in the afternoon..

my kids too, char.. sick almost every month.. doc says they may be allegic to dust.. so we r pretty conscientious to clean up the house.. even then they still fall sick.. sighz..
terrible for the kids to fall sick every mth right? i joked with dr heng, said she adopt my gal with the amount of money we pay for her medical bills.

good to hear that your gal is ok so far at infant care.

where exactly this kinderart located at hdb hub?? can give me the address?

my elder gal attended harobee and Rus art previously. Harobee abit ex and every lesson, diff teachers..nt sure whether u like it.
Hi Pooh

Kinderart at HDB hub is actually using one of the Kent Ridge classrooms, so a floor above Kiddy Palace. You'll have to give them a bell to request for a trial lesson. Oh and they have no proper studio (think that's located at Tanjong Pagar) so just paper on desk. But teacher there is nice and class size is small. Classroom small so class size small! Haha! Let me see whether I can still find the tel no... will post it here if I can.

What's Rus art like? And where exactly is it? ONly know it's near Braddell mrt. So your daughter no longer attends Rus?

My daughter tried Haroobee a couple of years back, and I like their hol art programme. Actually per lesson, Haroobee works out cheaper than Studio Miu at Ngee Ann.

Miin and Char, do you have a air purifier (not the water base type) in the bedroom? I realised that after using the air purifier, my daughter sleeps better and hasn't been falling sick as often. My husband too, he has a slight sensitive nose, tends to sneeze in the morning, but after I used the air purifier, he doesn't do so anymore. Oh, and do give your kids multi-vit and cod liver oil or fish oil (but be careful which brand you choose), I think it really works to boost the immune system.
May all the little ones get well soon!

My girl totally rejects cod liver oil, she also rejects eating fish no matter how much effort and time I prepared them. Bought some multi-vit for her, sometimes she wants to eat, sometimes she don't want. Hence I also give up.... hee hee!
I'm also using medklinn air cleaner for home.

For immune system can also try:
1) Culturelle (veggie capsules.. you break the capsule and mix with milk/food. It's tasteless and colorless)
2) Nordic Berries (multi vits gummy)
3) Children's DHA (fish oil in strawberry flavour)

My boy take gummies everyday. I bought the strawberry fish oil but he still prefers cod liver oil. As for the culturelle, i just bought it last week. Many mommies in my boy's shichida class swore by it. Worth a try. :D You can purchase them from Vitakids. It's all organic. (there's one at United Sq near Toys r Us)
dr heng charges $47 for 1st visit and $37 for each subsequent visit, excluding medicine.

i have an air cleaner in the room that my gal sleeps in. and i give her multi-vits and cod liver oil but they dun seem to work. i just come to believe that her immune system is as such. now i just have to santinize her hands when she touches anything outside and to keep her fingers/toys/objects out of her mouth.

i dun give my gal chewable multi-vits cos i'm afraid she may choke on it. maybe next time i'll give that brand a try.
is the car sanitiser ex?? where can i see and buy in singapore?

one thing i dnt really like abt harobee is diff teacher every can be a gd exposure thou.some are v young teachers who i feel they dnt really know hw to handle kids. my gal had a bad experience once.

Rus is located pretty near the lor 1 market. They are holding holiday programme at ONE SINGAPORE and their studio is jst a min walk! ive jst found another studio at novena area but havent visit the place yet.
Another method of boosting their immune system is to let our children being the 'kampong kids'
I once seek advise from my PD about the recommended supplements, and his reply: "Why give her when she is healthy, just let her body build her own immune system then."

My girl don't really like fruits/green vege too, such a headache to plan her daily menu.
I wonder if it is because both of us (hb and I) don't like to eat fruits/green vege too.
We love pasta, and she loves to eat pasta too!
u can try to add chopped veg into the pasta sauce, hopefully your gal wil get her veg diet this way. or u can try cutting them into strips and let her dip into some salad dressing. read that kids love to dip.
