TOA PAYOH mummies

Miin, you can swim at Safra during weekdays without being a member (pay a few dollars, I think) but weekend have to be member to go in. Kids 5 and above have to have seperate membership to enjoy the facility for free, otherwise tag on to member. Hubby just joined. Normally go early morning (around 8) otherwise it's super hot!

Precious, thanks for organising the next gathering. I'll have to check my diary and get back to you.

thanks j foo & precious..

considering to bring my kids to zoo this sun cos mon is holiday so we can rest after that.. hehe..

precious, which part of Borders is the storytelling held? may bring rasheed for the 2pm session this sat.
do we need to register?

juliana, thanks for telling catherine/joanne that u r my friend.. :p joanne told me the school will give the uniform next jan.. haha.. i wanted to ask her for discount on the enrichment programs instead..
Thanks for email me the program.Pls stop talking abt food,..i'm sooo hungry heheheee (mouth watering)
Going to the zoo? yeah,..Long weekend for this week

is the story telling on weekly basis ?so far how many times have sha and you joined?

oops..too bad sat 4 pm Damian has a phonics class.
Speech & drama suits Rasheed lah hehehe,...Damian doesn't like it. For sure i will put him on swimming course becos it's time and i hv difficulties looking for timing during weekend.He has chinese class also.
Precious, thanks. no more corp pass for zoo. will go another day.
does kids atrium in Borders mean the kids books section on level 1?

Juliana, i'll decide next year la which enrichment program for rasheed.

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Hee, yes. My daughter is 5 years old and my son is 20 months. Daughter attends Singapore Montessori Kindergarten at Upper Thomson. I do teach piano at home though (but not as much as I use to when I only had a daughter). Anyway just moved to TPY so trying to get to know other mummies around this area.
j foo

Hey,my son also attending singapore montessori, what's your daughter's name? Is she from morning or afternoon session? My daughter is almost same as our son, 22 mths old...what a coincidence!:)
btw, i'm also a sahm...
J foo & Clarine
Does Spore Kindergarten provide any bus transport?
How is the school environment, teachers and sch fee?
I'm a SAHM, my girl is 28mths.

J foo
Do you provide any free trial class?
hi.. what did you do during the long weekend? Still feeling too lazy to work.. haha.. busy weekend but fun for my kids..
We went to the Hort Pary yesterday... SO BEAUTIFUL.
We started our journey from the Museum, Kent Ridge then to the Hort Park.
Sat evening, was a surprise from hb.
Brought us to take public transport to and fro TPY n Ang Mo Kio as my girl has been asking about the "tall bus".
She was so excited about it, pretended to be a driver, sang all the way to AMK..... heehee!
Came across this phrase: "The children we have, they are actually not belonged to us. They are belonged to God. God gave us the responsibilties and duties in taking care of HIS children, by guiding us with wisdom, strength and love. This is a wonderful blessing to be given such an important role in parenthood"
precious, u r referring to SBS bus rite? Thot u take the bus pretty often? hehe.. Sha so cute..
same as Rasheed, he's very excited taking mrt even though he takes it everyday..

Havent been to hort park yet. Yest finally brought my kids to swimming.
my gal just sat in her float n float around for an hour.. hehe.. will upload her pic another day.
JTS. Just found out Shichida is launching Nursery and Kindergarten programmes in Jan09. There's an open house @ Tanjong Pagar Plaza on 1/2nd Nov.
hi miin,

i was a "tourist" during the weekend.... went onto duck tour, hippo bus and the river cruise. It's q. fun
but tiring.

Precious, Hort Park is a very nice place! But Asher too young to appreciate. Brought him there last month, but went at a wrong time... Noon !!! Poor Asher got sunburn :p
Hi Clarine, my daughter is in the 2nd session, she's K1 this year. Just started as we just moved here about a month ago. We should get together with Char and Precious since our kids about the same age...

Precious, I don't normally provide trial class (unlike schools) but can always arrange one if you're interested

Yes, Singapore Montessori Kindergarten does have bus transport, $110 pm. School fees is $1330 for 10 weeks. I like the environment as it's bright and airy (they use fan, open windows as oppose to air-con). There's a little playground too within the premises. Teachers seem friendly and warm. I've only seen them briefly so perhaps Clarine can fill in more? So far Beatrice appears to be enjoying her days there.
j foo
can pm me more details about the piano lessons? thanks in advance.
I called Spore Montessori this morning, and was told sch fee is $1030 for 10 weeks (maybe I heard wrongly then).
For the bus transport, I was asked to check with the driver directly.
I had registered her at PCF Blk 45 for Jan 2009, hopefully she does enjoy the new environment, teachers and friends.
Currently she is attending a Montessori sch at Bishan, too bad the sch does not provide bus transport, if not I will continue to place her there till she turns 4yrs old.
I'm getting exhausted sending and fetching her to and fro sch for the past 10mths

Indeed it is a very nice sch, with wonderful, patient and caring teachers.
Hee hee, btw, I'm a fan of Montessori methods.
Hallo mummies.
Bussy with a new maid.

May I know where is Spore Montessori located ? is it the same as MMI ?
I thought Montessori sch at Bishan that Sha attends only for playgroup ? Do they have K1 or K2 class ?
I go there every Friday evening but never have chance to see during the lesson.
7/11, thot of going for the duck tour before but i was afraid baby is too young for it..
seems quite fun leh but exp..

i seem to have prob receiving notification from smh recently when there's new messages.. any mummy has the same prob?
Hi Precious, sorry, typo error, it is 1030 for 10 weeks (+$3 for insurance). I'm keen on montessori method too
My first choice was actually Montessori for Children but their fees are higher, even the transport is a lot higher! So combine the fees and transport, per month, I'll have to fork out almost $200 more! Not really feasible when I have another kid and I'm also not working (or not really working).

I'll PM you and fill you in about the piano lessons.

Hi Girlizz, teacher-student ration is 15:2. Pretty good esp for this level. The younger ones I think is 12:2 or 10:2.

Location of school is Upper Thomson, near Thomson Plaza.

Only thing about the school is that there are no real classrooms - as in there are no doors to separate the various classes so may be noisy? I don't know... but for that 30 mins or so when I was there, all seemed very orderly.
hi mummies,
long weekend is over in a flash. your weekend sounded fun. i wanted to bring my gal to sentosa last weekend but called off the idea cos she was still a bit unwell and has to be nebulised.

btw, noticed that the topics here are mostly about education. how about some other interesting topics like shopping or other less serious topics?
Shopping? Shopping sounds good! haha!

By the way, anyone in this thread watching HK TVB serials? Hee, I'm a fan!
Girlizz, oh goodie, so glad to have a "kaki" on board! haha! Are you watching the latest "zhu bao" series? No doubt, diamonds are a girl's best friend! :p You have any favourite HK actor/actress? I'm an "oldie" - I prefer the older ones (as in those who were "hot properties during the 90s) like Gallen Lo, Chai Shao Fen. Did you watch the dog and cat one? Silly story line, or should I say, not much story line, but at least I get to see Gallen! Hee!
Oh Miin, that's TERRIBLE! Haha! I watch them when my kids go to bed - both sleep early around 830pm as they both wake up around 630/7am. Sometimes I'd watch when Jayden (my youngest) takes his nap in the afternoon and Beatrice (the older) is in school. My hubby's not into the series (he doesn't understand Cantonese so he only goes for local tv series or those dubbed ones) so can only start watching around 11 or 12 when he's off to bed. Haha! So my friends can always tell when I've been watching cos I'll have panda eyes the next day!
ya boy j foo.. i used to know every serial.. after i hv kids, i lost my rights to watch my fav channels. when my kids sleep or distracted, i have to compete with my hubby's sports channels.. arrrgggghhh... esp when there's liverpool live match... X(

i'm trying to follow the dancing serial in cable ch 55 now but so far oni bits n pieces. also into korean drama at one stage.. i can watch until cry then my hubby watches me with amusement.. x(
i'm cantonese but can't speak the dialect, haha! so unfortunately i've no interest in watching cantonese drama. like miin, really no time and lost interest in watching tv programs ever since i had my gal. used to watch reality tv progs like amazing race and survivor (as u can tell i'm a 'eat potato' person, mostly ch5, haha). nowadays i only catch up on desperate housewives on mondays and csi/criminal minds/cold case on tuesdays.

miin, so funny that your hb watches u in amusement when u cry. thats y sometimes i try to control my tears when i watch a sad movie.

Bright Start Montessori at Bishan is up to 4yrs old.

Thanks for sharing.
Btw, has your girl been attending montessori sch all these while?

Talking about shopping, each time I go shopping, I don't know why but I always look around for books, teaching materials and etc for my girl.... keke!
Hardly shop for myself, nor have the time to watch my own TV programs.
