TOA PAYOH mummies

HI mummies,

thanks for sharing. My girl lies flat on the babysafe head pillow to sleep. But she will complain she cannot breathe, so she will put her head on my bed edge while her lower portion of the body is in the baby cot. I push the baby cot next to my bed and removed one side of the door.

And until she falls asleep, then I will reposition her back to sleep through the night.

My dad uses the nose strip thing, and I read abt the kids' strip too, BUT I really really doubt she will allow me to put on her nose for her. I think she inheritate the sinus from me leh. Sigh.

Essential oil--opps, I used to leave it burning through the night when I was not married yet. I dont think I will get the diffuser, coz hb will grumble abt electricity. Still putting that thought on hold.

Honestly speaking, if hers is really sinus, then long term wise using those nose drop or to inhale is just to help the stuffed nose right, like what Are said. Smell too much of all these also no good right? Argh..but I cant live w/o aircon...

BTW mummies, I have 2 packet of Mamy POko Size L (56 pcs x 2 + 2 free diapers) to sell. One of the pkt has 2 extra diapers. Asking for $40. I can send to your place if you are staying within TPY, not too far lah.

btw hor, any mummies using 1 day acuvue moist contact lenses with degree -100 or -150?

I need to get 2 pair to last me for travelling. Those optical shops got sell loose sets? Any idea how much ah?
Hi..ok, yes, there is tour of the kindy classes... I think it's best to be there by 3pm to sign up for the tour as at 4.30pm, children will be ushered to join in the Children's Programme while parents will go and watch a movie (English or Chinese, you have a choice).
hi Ryes
Just got a new bottle of Childlife Echinacea 10oz today. It was 29.95 but there's a 25% discount at the moment so paid 22.45.

Any update from them on the actual opening date?

For info, mummies interested in the Sparkletots at Blk 146, they hv delayed their opening from Sep till Nov.
Hi mummies,Yes!Confirmed there is another cc at blk 236.When i called, ask to go to the website and ergister for that.Not confirm surely get the vacancy,as they hv not finalize it yet...So u all may just go the website register 1st...
oh Cg is it true??
when will the opening for blk 54??
then it will be more convenient to go to 54 than lor 1 blk 236.

thanks ya.. me also looking at cc ard this area...
oh thanks Precious!

btw, mummies any lobang for a mini truck service?
would like to transport a computer desk to my in laws's hse but do not have the van or truck service.. anyone know where i can get a 1 trip service at reasonable price?

thanks ya.
Hi mommies,
chk wif u ladies - did anyone of you come across any nice paper lantern ard toa payoh area? those that need a candle to light up.. we saw a neighbour got a dinosaur one for his son so my son also want but they bought it fr Chinatown which is too far for me...
Hi Christine,
My office is not far from chinatwn point. I could help you to look out and get it for u if u r able to give me a rough description and your budget.
My nanny bout my gal a traditional collaspsible paper lantern with hello kitty printing @ tpy cntrl, it also has a battery operated light stick handle sold seprately, total $3. I find it nice and meaningful as it has a mix of both tradition and modern feel.
Hi Dor, tat sounds interesting! Hmm.., Pai sey to trouble u, but if u happen to see a thomas train or a dinosaur lantern made fr transparent colour paper, (I not v sure wat is it call actually) plz help me to buy. Budget below $10 each.
i just bought one paper lantern for my gal from tpy central that's battery operated for $3.90. they also have those inflatable, battery operated type, collapsable paper type where you put candle in it and as well as those coloured transparent paper. it's located inside the bus interchange, somewhere near the escalators going to/fro mrt station, and can be seen when you walk in from ntuc. hope i'm making sense. :p
hey Char, thanks for sharing~
i am also looking for a lantern for my boy..& my hb says just let the 2 kids play with small torchlights~ *faintz*
Here are some info I gathered regarding the 2 new centres at Toa Payoh by My Fiurst Skool

(1) The target operational date of the new centres is likely to be in Q1 2011.
- Blk 54/55, Toa Payoh Lor 5
- Blk 236, Toa payoh Lor 1 (near to Beatty Secondary school)

(2) To register your interest, fill in our Preliminary Application Form:

Yopur child will be placed in the New Centres Waiting List and the centre will contact you once registration is open.
This is not a guarantee of a childcare place at the new centre.

(3) Fees (18 months to 6 years old:
- Full-day childcare ) is $500 - $600 monthly
- Half-day childcare programme is $350 - $410 monthly.
Fees stated are before subsidy.

(4) Curriculum:
My First Skool empowers children to learn the methodical PETAL© Approach – Playing, Exploring, Thinking,and Applying Learning

(5) No school bus service

(6) Operated by NTUC First Campus Co-operative Ltd
Got my 23-month girl a collapsible paper lantern with candle this year, and played with her 3 and 5yr old cousins last weekend . Think she really liked the candle and every time it went out, she went "oh oo... went out." then asked to me relight it "Light Light!"

Think if they are old enough to walk and can handle, the candle is more "fun". More headache for adult but 'fun!'

I remember I had a lantern made of wire and red see through "glass paper" shaped like a chicken. Used that same wire frame for years! (my mum is a great 'hoarder') When the paper finally tore or burnt through, we bought just plain red glass paper or whatever colour we liked, tore out the old paper and pasted the new one over the frame, and then had great fun painting new faces and patterns on our lanterns. I was lucky, only had to paint chicken feathers, 2 wings and feet. My eldest brother had a dragon lantern which was about 3 feet long and he had to paint scales for the whole lenght, plus 4 feet and wings! :D
But it made a great tradition every year. Mum would take out the old battered wire frames at the start of the 8th moon. We'd go to the store to buy the paper and have an "arts and craft" session, then display our work to everyone in the evening.
my office in chinatown, i go check out price of lantern if i pass by those shops. I know those battery one, power ranger $6, 2 for $10, cos i help my sis buy and she ask for 3!!! so i got to bring back the 3 big power ranger...
Hi babygenius
Thank u for the info. I just registered both children.

Hi mummies
When is the actual mooncake festivals? Have not bought any lanterns for them yet
Hi mummies .. just curious, any idea about the reviews abt the teaching methods and teachers from My First Skool? My boys are now with Cambridge Novena, happy there ... but maybe exploring the new and cheaper CCC at blk 54.
hey mummies... need to let go my F1 tickets urgently. i got these first, but my fren helped me get sat tix as well so letting go lower than wat i got. free delivery in toa payoh!

2 x F1 Friday 24 Sept Bay GrandStand Tickets for sale @ $140!! Price is for TWO TICKETS!!!

Block : Dark Blue
Row : 46
Seats : 62 & 63
Hi Precious, oh, prob the place is too crowded. One thing abt the school, rather 'money-minded' .. but prob it applies to most CCC as well.
I am not sure about the teaching method for MFS. But when I called the main office to inquire, they said I could make appt with any centre of conveninece to speak to the principal more on the curriculum. Just got to tell them that you are waiting for the new centre to open and this was advised by the main office staff.

I prefer the block 54 branch though both centre about the smae walking distance for me for Lor 7. But have also registered interest with the block 236 centre, n case one of the centres not opened. The blk 54 one was said to open this Jun then delay to end of the year and then now next year...
hello mummies, can i check if you have any recommendations for tingkat? i tried neo garden previously, but i don't really like the taste..Am considering to call up Kim's kitchen, but they have mixed reviews..So asking around for your advices & feedback..

Anyone tried tingkats that tastes like home cooked food (means less salt, less msg), suitable for toddlers? Or close to it? :p

Thanks very much for sharing!
i've tried kim's kitchen b4 and i find their food ok, not bad although a fren of mine didn't like the food and there were a few occasions where a few of the dishes turned bad. i experienced that about 2-3times. i'm also thinking of ordering tingkat again and looking around for a change.
update : F1 tix sold to a super nice mummie + ultra cute lil ger. :p

charsiew... there's so much food around us, you need to order tingkat? hehe...

dolphin... hey, i 4got to pass you the polliwogs coupon the other day, do u need it urgently? i shd be popping your area sometime soon, cos we found a great new place to eat!

and this brings me to : latest mum-mum place - tim sum @ blk 212 lor 8. you shd hv received their coupons in your letterbox abt 2 weeks ago. we went last fri, and was surprised to find their dim sum really good. we took the promo 5 dishes for $10 which is quite cheap, cos their dim sum was really hand-made (we saw the chef making). we are quite particular abt siew mai and theirs passed hubby's strict requirements (muz be meaty, no meat smell, fresh). we also ordered salad fruit roll, beancurd roll w prawns, prok ribs, glutinous rice (which was so-so), but the rest were very good.

however, there is also a "famous chinatown porridge" beside the stall, which is so obvious a bogus. not oni are they not chinatown standard, they are hardly qualified to sell porridge. dun bother. while there, we also saw so many ppl eating the ocean fish head, even in a hot afternoon. we tried once but it wasnt fresh, but i think muz try again!

but do try out the dim sum if you are a dim sum fan. they dun hv very fancy stuff, juz the usual 20+ items, but its good. hubby saw the chef making chee cheong fun also, which we din order, but we would be bac for it! do note that the 5 for $10 is not avail for sat, sun and PH. happy feasting!! :p
halow Char & Are

Actually quite embarrassing to say this, i'm actually quite suaku & has no sense of direction even tho i have been staying at TPY all my life.. i can even get lost going to other parts of TPY..Somehow i will.

Anyway, getting tingkat as it can be quite challenging to 'lug' 1 not that cooperative toddler & 1 baby out to get food/stuff. So i hope getting tingkat can help save time & provide 'better' nutrition to everyone
(i can't cook anyway, has been tao baoing outside food.. :p haix)

i don't know how other super mums manage, maybe i'm just a lousy one. :p

Anyway, i think most prob i will try kims kitchen 1st, then will see how..or rotating every month among the various vendors..hahaha!

Hi Char, have you considered Meihao99/Jack Delight, 4 seasons, Hilltop? i am not sure of the above, i jus plucked out the names from some threads.. :p
i tried QiLin catering b4 tel:64876401. The food is ok not too oily and saltish, price is reasonable as well. am not sure if they add msg u may wish to chk out.
i ordered tingkat cos i'm so tired of the food near my place and can't be bothered to venture to other lorongs by bus (we dun have car). also i feel that cooking takes up a lot of time and in a way i spend less time with L. i stopped ordering cos during my nauseous period i puked when i see and smell the food but thinking of ordering it now again for convenience sake. as for meihao99, i called them last year but they said they dun deliver to TPY but not sure if they do now. i also intend to rotate among a few caterers so dun feel so sian.
Charsiew N Char,

previously i tried Hilltop. find the food not bad.. but can be quite boring.. coz the portion is huge for 1 pax but the dishes abit bland... tat's what i feel..

actually if u can invest in a steamer cooking can be in a swift! and u get yummy n nutritious meal within mins! =)that's what i did after i stopped tingkat.. even rice i also use steamer to cook.. =) no more rice cooker..=)

No worries.. take ur time.. when u pop by then let me know ok?

btw, any mummies send ur kiddos to appletree playgroup?am exploring the place coz that's the next nearest if blk 54 first skool havent open.. thanks ya!

u forget to sms me when u home that day. U sms me when u home at night ok, i get my hubby walk over and pass to ur hubby at the playground facing road.
i'm really too lazy to prepare dinner liao and may get tired of eating steamed food all the time. :p

oops!! so sorry! i waited for a cab at my mum's plc for 45mins and eventually called cab. by the time i reached home was almost 12mn. k will sms you tonight. if you dun hear from me by 8pm can you please sms me to remind me? i tend to be forgetful lately. :p


hihi! heheh long time no chat or see! how is the new one? hahah still the super mom i can see!

=p well i am another lazy mummy... =p if no tingkat then its instant noodles for me and soba for the boys hahah! worse now that am back at work. think only one at home that cares what we eat is the maid! =p

thanks thanks! heheh tried it out already! got to take some time to really study it though!

back to swimming anywhere that is good for 30mths and 15mths?
also looking into music classes. thanks!!!
