TOA PAYOH mummies

Gal.dolphin and myself are going to 'The Animal Resort' tomorrow morning at 1030am. Any mummies interested to join us for playdate?

The Animal Resort
Address: T81 Seletar West Farmway 5, Singapore 798061
Tel: +65 63387665
Fax: +65 62341360
Email: [email protected]
Website: URL

The Animal Resort
T81 Seletar West Farmway 5

Opening hours: 10 am to 6 pm daily (including public holidays - which require appointment).

See exotic birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, goats, and a friendly horse!  Besides educational tours, The Animal Resort provides a host of other services:

Boarding (Kenneling)
Dog Training
my girl like to feed the rabbits there

hope you had fun.
hi mummies,

paiseh, can i check if any of you have empty formula milk tin (non friso brand) that you don't need anymore, can i have them? i need a few for this promo @ Guardian...:p
It's essentially buy 1 get 1 free, a super good deal!

Hi are
thanks for sharing on the positive feedback on the magnetic plasters, yesh, i'm definitely getting to try.. :p ('m also having aching here & there..old bones liao..haha!)
hi mummies,
posting on behalf of jasmine (mum of 2 boys). she has 2 tickets to the zoo to sell off. they expire on 30 sep. if interested pls PM me and i'll reply you with her hp number. thnx.
the teochew restaurant above shop and safe got 30% off ala-carte main dish for SAFRA members. not for everything like drinks, desert. tried it on Saturday. not sure when ends.
wah thread very fast, me been so busy.

Ebi, hi hi i have a 9.5 mths old girl, i stay in blk 145, she currently in IFC , my first skool.

Girls, help!!!! Me and hubby been so busy with my active girl, crawl stand, climb up me (im her tree now), we hardly have time. I remember someone got contacts for part time cleaners? I need to hire a cleaner to come once a week to my house on sat/sun, any lobangs!!! HELP!! :D

Charsiew... paisay, i sometimes still get lost in toa payoh central when i try to cut thru short cuts, i got to look up for my flat then walk towards that direction... and my childhood was in toa payoh somemore haha.


tat day my hubby n ur hubby never talk hor hehe. He say got a kid with him, i say ya lah, 1st one. Sorry din have much cos am having so much pink that i feel so dizzy looking at them.

have a smooth delivery ya, call me if u need help. Am very near u.
ivy... charsiew is actually your neighbour hor. u 2 in the same block. think u higher than her. win liaoz lor u 2. nxt time can hold hands & walk hm together if got lost @ central. hehe...

sunny... re egg-less cake. i actually saw one the other day but lousy brain cant rem where. was thinking if the vegetarian shop @ blk 123 got bake? i found this : , ,
hey mummies... another BP to share. i am mild lactose intolerant and i have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), which basically means i hv poor bowel movement & i alternate between constipation & diarrhea. (ya, poor me). but after trying tis product, i actually can go toilet everyday! first time in my life! and it is not those crampy feeling, juz normal "need to go" so i am very thankful for tis product and would like to share! hehe...

and oh... *hi 5* to all daiso buddies! hehe...
oh ya, now that u mentioned, charsiew and ivy do stay at the same blk. charsiew's boy and my gal attend the same sch but different session.

emicakes have vegetarian cakes..
can order..
think some bakery ard lor 7 do have eggless cakes as well... have to walk ard n find out.. hope it helps!
hi ivy - my gal also very active become 9mth soon, and yet always ask to be carried.... very tired... is your gal attending to the one above NTUC? If there centre good in term of the enviroment and teacher?
are, high five on daiso haha.

Charsiew in blk 145??? is it... mm... she got 2 kids?? I always see 1 sahm in my blk, i got smile to her one leh. Dunno is it charsiew, quite tall.. (eh im very short lah, so most pple to me is very tall haha)

Char, ur girl attend what school?

Ebi, yes my girl in my first skool abv ntuc. Eh, i feel that its not too bad, cos tpy very limited infant care. ITs big school so pple say virus spread very fast cos many children. I dun feel that its the virus spread very fast, its many children, so the number/percentage of children fall sick is higher compare to a small school. my ifc teachers most very gooood. Its very clean also.
For mummies who work in CBD area, there are so many childcares here now...Used to be only My first skoolhouse at OCBC, Learning Vision at Cecil Street, and Citikids at China Sq (childcare section now at Amoy).

Now there's Cherie hearts and Sunshine Kids next to Market St carpark, another childcare at TPI building, one a MOM building (havelock rd), another one or two near the Learning Vision centre at Cecil Street and I saw an Agape centre yesterday behind the BEA building as well. Heard that there's a Cherie hearts at TPagar as well but have not seen it. FYI for those working mums who are looking for childcare centres. Having your kids nearby in CBD area has its pluses and minuses.
thanks for sharing...i guess due to the increase no. of working parents hence CCC r sprouting everywhere even in CBD. Wonder if the charges are also 'CBD' rate hee!
Char, different school is different course?

Anyone got contacts for part time cleaner? i need to find one that come once a week. please pm me thanks!
hmm...hi neighbour (ivy)~ erm, i'm not tall myself either..i will smile more to mummies with little tots at TPY now..who noes, they may be mummies in the forum chat

Re school -i think the difference is the type of service offered? PCF is kindergarten, those short hours classes whereas myfirstskool is a childcare centre?
charsiew, u stay in blk 145, with 2 kids? ur youngest is girl? older one is boy? i will look out for u la hehe. im short. -.-

char, yaya thats what i mean. I never know whats the diff. now i know hehe.
Thanks to all the mummies for the info about the eggless cakes. I ordered from Sam's Cakes. Online store a colleague with egg allergy tried before and recommended.
Fingers crossed.

Ivy, for curriculums,do note that even NTUC has 3 different kinds of centres - my first skool, little skool house and caterpillar's cove. Each has a slightly different orientation so really you need to talk to the principal of the specific centre that you're looking at.
Hello mummies,

been a long time since i log in....

into myself again as i see alot of new mummies here....i stay in lor 8, FTWM, DS1 is K2 in CC and DD2 is N1 studying at Zion bishan....
Come next year, DS1 will get to stay at home and DD2 will go childcare...which she dislikes cos she said she loves her current school, teachers and friends....aiyo....headache

I been thinking for some time if I want to convert or get a PT job. I really hope to spend more time with kids after I deliver in Nov. But, I think i still need a helper. Any SAHM here still engage helper?
I'm a sahm wo any helper. We decided not to hire any for the welfare of the two kids. However I did hire a full time helper when I was pregnant with no.2 till he is 14mths old now. My helper, due to family issue, ended her contract earlier last month. This whole mth wo any helper, still manageable though tiring. I do hire a pt cleaner to come once a week. I have two children, aged 4 and 14mths old.
Hi Precious,

my #1 DS is p1 next yr and will get the luxury to stay at home to be taken care by my mum.

its my #2, 3.5yo DD that I need to worry. She keep saying, I dont want to change school, I like my Zion Bishan Kindergarten.

My 2 kids cannot stay @ home at the same time because they will FIGHT! and my mum cant handle them....
Mummy tang
Which new school is #2 going to?
My two kids fight too, #1 won't give in to him too. Sometimes #2 is naughty too, will snatch the things in her hands when she is still playing with it.
Hi Precious,

yes, they fight and when they are on good terms , they are just so sweet.

#2 now attend 3hrs N1 at Zion Bishan; next yr, N2, she is going to Cambridge CC @ Mei Hwan.

My DS1 goes to Cambridge for K1 and K2, and he is comfortable, the teachers are good too!

You are looking after yr kids on own right?
I also looking for swimming classes at toa payoh swimming pool.. anyone got good coach to recommend?
my kids 5 yrs old
Anyone heard of United Montessori in Bishan, the one above NTUC? Mind share experience for that center? I went to there once, quite nice but seem to be lots of student, so not so sure abt its quality and service....
precious, can i have ur cleaner contact? im still looking for part time cleaner to come once a week... cannot find.

Yes. Looking after them myself.
My #1 is attending 2hrs daily program at PCF.
Next year she is K1, will be attending 3hrs.
And when she goes K2, it will be 4hrs.

I brought my girl to view Cambridge at Novena. But she don't like. She is still not comfortable to go to full time cc
Precious, is your pt helper available during weekday afternoons? My neighbour is looking for one to come in once a week for a few hours.
Hi Ivy

I just asked her again since she is here today.
She said if Sunday afternoon, it should be ok for me to come over to help you. In the morning, she will be at Woodlands helping another household. Will PM you her contact. Do give her a call to arrange.
