TOA PAYOH mummies

Hi Are
When is your RC's lantern day? and where?

Am keen to let my girl join. Dor, too lazy to go all the way to your CC
Hey Stylobb

i saw the banner on the event outside the church. Looks fun. I will bring my gal along if nothing urgent crops up. Will be fun if we hv a group going together. Anyone bringing hubby along? I have to coz cannot manage my gal alone now with my growing tummy. Haha.
stylobb... lucky their hse dun face the church, so dust was minimal. but i already got tix for them for the church lantern festival, held aft the carnival, also on 18/9. they dun wan to come to my RC cos they say more for kids. the church one got a lady singing oldies.

sorrie for the late reply, mummies. re the lantern festival, here are the details :

date : 18 sept (6.30pm)
venue : blk 98A linkhall
tix : $4 (inclusive of lantern, a mini mooncake, food - laksa, satay beehoon & dessert, and lucky draw

like i said, there will be simple games, balloon sculpturing etc. there will be a walk around the blocks for the kids w the lanterns, so do bring your own if you are afraid your child will "mishandle" the paper ones. hehe... :p
Char, i will gather some whites one cos i dun think u want any pink one hehehe. I try to gather them this weekend or next. Then pass to you by october ok? PM me your contact. thanks.
white ones will do. even for my gal i already tired of pink colour, :p. thnx a lot ya! take your time to sort out, not in a real hurry.
dolphin... will do. c u.

sunny... they will sell only if got leftover, cos they are limiting to 120pax oni.
Yes for 5yo and abv, however they dun really chk, as long as, the child is not too small size due to safety reason. C din go thru the entire process only the mini rock climbing tat's all. The staff is actually kind enuf to let her try otherwise she'll be very disappointed.
This event is educational and fun, b4 letting the kids try various activities they actually hv to go thru 'an educational and first-aid tour'. Hence it makes 'Sports' more meaningful to them.
Accumulate $60 worth of receipt (max 3 combine in a single day), exchange for a pass @ the info counter to gain entry.
No worries. Just come.
As there are different booths, you may be at different places, so it'll be ok.

So, which one is your parents going??

You wanna come with your gal and hb?
char, ya lor. My girl too young to be sick of pink ones but i am haha. Im never a pink color fan cos am very tom boy. Ya will pass to u in october latest. Relax till ur delivery ok, cos i did not rest and was working very stressful video shoot, so end up my labour so difficult. But i tink 2nd birth they say easier? dunno how true -.-
7/11 very useful, i keeping it for future reference. Time flies man, i think i blink eyes, my girl finish infant care liao haha. BTW what is PCF??
By the way, there's also lantern day celebrations at lorong 8, block 222. The good thing is that it's on Friday evening so there's no clash with the other celebrations on Saturday evening. Also near the kallang walk way - very nice to walk in the evenings. Think the tickets are $5, can be bought from the block 222 provision store.
Hi Are,

I am interested to get the tickets for the lantern fest celebration at your CC. So it's $4 for each pax? Then I will need 3 (including my girl).

Can I collect the tickets from you on the day itself?

thnx for inviting me and family but we'll have to see how cos that day me and hb have to help a couple fren to babysit their 2kids. afternoon have to let the kids nap then early evening see how. hb and i plan to bring the kids to the lantern festival at TPY west cc to play. i still have your hp #, will call or sms you if i intend to go to the church.

i'm also not a fan of pink unless no choice and i'm the chor lor type. :p i'm trying to rest as much as possible now. hope that the 2nd delivery will be much smoother and quicker than the 1st. btw, PCF is PAP Community Foundation. you can check out the webbie for more info.
stylobb - We only get the tickets at the church entrance at 3pm on 18 Sep? Or must register before that? Any idea on the programme? Coz may only go in the evening, dunno if their children's programmes have ended by then.
I quite like pink leh... and pink is my T2's fave colour..keke

Sure, no problem ... but I may not be able to meet you after 4pm.. u let me know if coming and I'll look out for you...

Yes, just register at the booths at church entrance on 18 Sep.

Children's programme is scheduled at 4.30pm. Before that is F&E, as there are games stalls, kids' stalls (ballooning, face-painting, colouring competition)....

For mummies who had all along wanted to see the kindy, I understand they are going to do a tour or sth... I'll find out and let you know...
StyloBB - great. My girl will wake up around 4pm. Can bring her down
...ohhh.... let us know about the kindy tour. Although I hv registered her for coming year, but wanna know more if possible.
StyloBB, i'm also planning to go TPMC. U from that church? Do let me know abt the kindy tour if u got information.

Surf, u enrol ur girl at TPMC kindy? I've also enrol my boy but he will be nursery1 class.

Hey mummies, Popular got book sale for Children's Day. Now till 3 Oct. I think it's q good discounts.

Anyone using essential oil for your kids ah?
I'm thinking of starting to use essential oil on a burner for my kids to ease their cough and flu.

There's so much information on the web, so overwhelmed, so thought maybe someone also using this method or not?
hi Ryes,
I've used essential oil for my girl.
MIM sells a california colds and flus brand.
Have also been recommended and used "Olbas" and other oils (lemongrass etc) .
These typically use burners or heat to disperse the aroma.

The drawback is that unlike Europe where these things are so popular, our climate is not naturally cool so for the aroma to disperse properly in the room, usually we have to switch on the aircon, which is not great for coughs or flu.

Alternative - Guardian has an oil in the form of an ampoule. Specifically formulated for babies and todds having colds and flus. I forget what its' called but will try and find out later. You're supposed to break off the tip and can either use heat to disperse, or in a more direct application, can dab a bit of the oil directly on the pillowcase or on a handkerchief next to the sleeping child. (My grandma use to tie a knot in one corner of a hankie and put 'hong yu' to let us 'sniff sniff' whenever we had blocked noses.)

Limited success using both methods above for my girl. The first -because the aircon probably negated the benefits of the aroma. The second cos my girl is a "traveller" and keeps moving around when she sleeps.
By the way Ryes, my girl used to get cold and/or sniffles every time she has water play or swimming. But I've been giving her echinacea and it really seems to work, helping to cure the cold faster. I've also noticed that she's not so prone to colds nowadays. I got the Children's liquid Echinacea (from GNC I think). Comes in a bottle with a droplet cap. A friend with bigger (and more cooperative) kids drips the drops directly in their mouths. I mix in girl's daily bottle of water.
Hi Sunny,

thanks so much for your advice.
I'm eyeing the cold and flu california bb essential oil also, but I dont know how useful it is.

I used to burn essential oil in the aircon room prior to marriage, now lazy already. And everynight my girl will tell me, she cannot breathe, I think she has sinus like me, but we cannot live without the aircon unless it's a very very cooling night as I open only a small gap of the window and leave the bedroom door open.

My gf recommended me echinacea as well. I will go take a look. is it expensive? I only went to the one at united sq, took one walk and came out lor. hoo hoo
Have you tried rubbing vicks on her chest? In addition to the warmth on the chest, she should be able to smell the vapors too.

For the echinacea, can't remember the price. Will see if I pass the store later. I bought the smaller bottle some time ago. The recommended dosage is like 10 drops 2-3 times a day but I just put 10 drops in her water in the morning and that's it. So far so good. Fingers crossed.
Hi sunny

thanks for the pix, I will take a look at guardians.

yes, I have the babyvicks rub and I apply on the kids. But it's not only when she is having flu that she complains cannot breathe, but EVERY night! And so she resorted to sleeping on my bed edge as her head pillow and her body in the baby cot.

so this position elevates her head and she say she can breathe. That's why I thought maybe try the essential oil, see if it helps or not.
Ryes, does she only gets the "blocked" feeling when she's lying down and not until then? If so, symptoms v similar to mine (until I had op done). Oil doesn't really help cos she can't breathe in the first place. I found that using nasal strips help to stop the nasal passages from "collapsing inward" when I am in the horizontal position. They're marketed as anti-snore strips but what they do is that they keep the nares open for easier breathing.

"Breathe Right" brand has a kids version.
There's a demo in the attached link.

The technology is very simple, feels like a plastic strip between 2 plasters. The plastic is bent in one direction within the plasters and constantly tries to spring back. When the plaster is stuck to the nose bridge, this "springing back" motion lifts and prevents the passages from collapsing. Non-prescriptive. If the strips let your girl sleep flat, then you know its something to do with the nose structure/strenght and not an illness/immunity issue.
ryes... my family uses "olbas" which can be bot from pharmacies (mine is frm unity) and it helps to clear our nose with juz 1 drop on a tissue. 2 drops is sometimes too strong! when my sis heard, she tried it for her 2 gers and it worked for them too. now they hv launched a olbas for children i think. u can go chk it out too. but of cos, tis is oni to solve the symptom of stuffed nose, not the cause of it.

re essential oil : pls rem not to leave the oil burner lighted overnight, unless your is electric, cos if accidentally knock over, very dangerous. it is actually recommended to burn the oil in a closed room for 2 hours, then blow it out before you sleep.
Hi Hi, checking in whether anyone is going for the orientation at The Ascension Kindergarten? My son is attending N2 next year.
Olbas is an all time fav in our family too. It's more ex than the counterparts but a little goes a long way. It's a brand that's recommended by UK docs too.
when is the orientation? din rx any news fm them leh. hmm maybe is for new enrollment bah. btw, which session and class is your son attending? mine will be in the aftnn.
Hi Mummy

Someone was asking about the charges and class size of this new playgroup (think it's by KR tutors) at HUB some time back. The fee is $400 per month for 2-hr playgroup. Still hv vacancies.

Sunny's karvol is effective for unblocking stuffy nose. Vicks on feet good for cough, on chest good for nasal issues too. My girl had use karvol and vicks for baby before.

Since young when i sleep i cannot breath through nose, i use my mouth to breath. I inherit quite bad sinus from my dad. Only when i almost 30 yrs old, seems better. My dad also got better in his 30s. I din go for the OP, i heard will grow back. I read eucalyptus oil good for sinus but had not try before.
Dor, I deferred my son's enrolment with ascension for a year. He is still with Liz Montessorri. The orienttion is on 6 Oct morning. He is with the morning class. I doubt he can wake up since he sleeps so late. He is sweet, waiting for mummy to finish all my chores and express milk, then sleep with me. This milk pumping business causing a bit of headache cos it takes a bit way too long liao....each time about 1 hour. Haha, and he also wants to take mummy milk.

hey... anyone wants the coupons tat came with the POSB Everyday card upgrade? i am not using most of them tho they are quite gd offers. let me noe if u wan.
