TOA PAYOH mummies

The braun food steamer is my good investment. For the past 3 weeks wo a helper, this food steamer works perfectly for me. For the children's dinner, I use tiger jar to boil their porridge or soft rice.

steam food can get a lot of variety... and simple to prepare! well... it's up to individual..
my steamer broke down ytd so i gt no steamer.. so sad...have to reply back on my rice cooker again.. realised i've been relying on the steamer too much.. now feel abit handicapped without it.. =(

ya... long time no hear from u ever since u started wrking.. everything is ok.. jus that i'm still coping and supervising my new helper.. she is still quite forgetful despite being with for 3 weeks...

i tot u sent ur boys to kindermusik? no more?

what is the minimum age they can start learning how to swim? and how much do u pay for her school fees?
really ah? hmm...then maybe can consider getting a steamer cos i'm not very creative in coming up with different variety of food, that's why i'm hesitant to get one.
Hi ladies,

I am new to this forum, would like to join in this thread. I am 1st time mum with a 8mth old gal staying in TPY.

Any of you sending baby to infant/child care? Pls share your experience. Thanks.

yes. Steamer is a good investment.. can even use it to heat up those buns u bot from NTUC? so easy and convenient and u can eat it in mins! will make ur life so much easier..
even if u dun wanna eat steam food.. u can also buy ready made food from NTUC n heat it up using steamer without even afraid it might get burnt! hassle free! =)

thanks Precious! will contact the coach soon!
thnx for some of the ideas.

welcome to the thread. i'm a sahm with a 3.5yro gal.
Nope, wish I could afford to be... have a full time job, baby staying in infant care center while I work... very tiring in sending and fetching everyday...

Any of mummy sending baby to infant/child care centre? mind to share your experience? coz i am thinking to switch other centre...
Hi Precious
I'm planning to send my gal to swimming class too. Can I have the instructor's contact ? I'm wondering if 3 yo can start learning swimming or is too young ?

Babygenius, how old is your kid ?
Hi Pooh, thanks for the recommendation. I heard per consultation plus xray,polishing and filling can cost to $300 ++ ! DO u have any good doc there to recommend ?
happy mid autumn festival to all mummies here! i was looking down at the playground below my block and sad to say that i don't see kids playing lantern leh.
Thanks mummies for sharing (re tingkat)

Had shortlisted 3 (kims kitchen, Qi Lin & hill top), will call up & check them out~

hi char, from my blk i can see & hear quite a no# of kids playing & laughing loudly at the rooftop garden, holding on to colorful lanterns

re steamer, hmm..actually i do have a pot specially for steaming, it's permanently 'parked' on my stove, haha! But i seldom use it, always rely on the microwave to heat up food, buns too..It's time to utilize it liao
Good idea! *smack head*
u mean u use microwave to heat up buns?
wont the buns get hard?
how do u do it? can share? nw that i have no steamer i would like to find out on microwave usage..thanks!
My girl starts her swim lesson when she was 3yrs old. Will pm you his contact. Btw, my girl is visiting her dentist at Q & M Dental at City Square. He is good with children. The new clinic is very high-tech, with a scanner for the tooth so that you and your kids can watch from the LCD screen. Btw u can use baby bonus for payment too.
:p haha! dolphingal, have to eat the buns as fast as you can, if not they'll turn hard once they cool off...haha. If i'm 'hardworking', i will cover the microwavable bowl with the transparent wrap/sheet (you know those in a roll form, has sharp edges for you to tear, can wrap sandwiches, etc?), then it'll work like 'steaming'. Sometimes i just dump the whole bowl into the microwave & heat up without covering :p
I just brought my two kids to hv some fun at the downstairs playground. They were more interested with the candles I brought along than their lanterns.
dolphin & charsiew... aft a few rock hard buns (even exploded), i found the rite "tool" @ daiso. it is basically a microwavable container w a netted layer. u put a little bit of water under the net, put your buns on top, cover, then heat. its exactly like steamer but juz takes you 1min, and the bun wun be rock hard, & you can take your own sweet time to eat. :p daiso is my best fren!!! :p
u mean place a cup of water into the microwave then put the bun on the other side n heat up together?

u advertising for daiso ah??
so the trick is the get a container similiar to the steamer and heat it up in microwave? then it may works the same way as steriliser! isnt it?
oh really~! Sounds good! i like daiso too!
Too bad the outlet at IMM is a little far to go now & then...& with kids in tow, makes it so hard to shop..but i still like daiso
btw are, can i ask, (not stalking u, just happened to be in that thread :p)
i noticed that you had tried the magnetic plasters, was wondering if it's really good, i'm considering to buy for my dad (& myself, haha)...
I started my girl for swim lessons when she was 16mths old. And I stopped her for a while till she was 2.5yrs old. Unfortunately she did not like the female swim coach. Came to know about this coach who has been teaching in TPY public pool, and glad that he is good with kids though he can be strict too. Btw, for independent swim, it has to be at least 3yrs old
so people went to the sky garden to play ah? no wonder nobody at the playground downstairs. btw, plaza sing has a daiso outlet, no need to go to IMM.
ystd evening brought my gal walk round the blocks....only saw some kids playing nearby, hope there wld be more of them. the trend seems like dying off liao but i do hope to continue it really brings back memories of my childhood days.

welcome to this thread.
i am a ftwm with a 3.5yo gal. i used to leave my gal @ tpy north CCC but withdrew her out partly due to hb and my job nature (nd to travel).
previously there were some posts on this topic, you may wish to refer back for more info.
my cousin's place in sengkang and a fren's place in pasir ris were happening last night. saw pics of my cousin's plc and it was so nice, can see people playing lanterns, lighting candles and sparklers. i was telling my cousin that it's like a ghost town here last night.
Her is every mon at 6pm. Her group has 6 students including her. 4 out of the group belongs to one family and I totally salute the granny who is able to bring 4 grandchildren taking public transport to have swim lessons
wow!! 4kids huh. :p

ooh. monday 6pm. how much?
actually now he is having his swim class at HG pool on Sat 1pm. but he end up super duper tan... dunno want to change or not.

his current class is $50 per 4class. his tr is ACS/St andrews sch team coach :p
Am looking for places which bake nice egg-less birthday cake. Any recommendations?
My girl's classmate has severe egg allergy and I'm trying to include everyone in the childcare as much as possible in her bday celebrations.
Appreciate any tips.

Welcome Ebi.
I'm a working mum and tod in childcare as well. Office and childcare both in CBD. It works for me. Childcare generally has been a positive experience.
dolphin... i wld find any excuse to go daiso, and nvr leave empty-handed! there was once ovr 3 days i visited 3 stores, IMM, PS, sembawang, & bot ovr $200+!! hahaha...the jap are really gd @ coming up w silly but useful things! but the container i'm referring to is quite small lah, cant use as steriliser. u can use any container but it muz be microwavable. the water i put is very little only, yet gd enuff.

charsiew... NP abt the stalking. i wrote the organiser a note aft my real experience and she asked me to write in her BP thread. i find it works for me, and i actually hv a magnet set myself but they are very big and need "bandage" so i oni use when my old pains come bac. (my body like 50+ yr old, here pain there pain). thats why i trust magnet. unfortunately, my parents dun believe leh, so i buy for them they dun wan to use. and they find it lay-cheh, stick on skin, when it is convenient for us! ha! go try, very cheap compared to my original magnet set.
Max is 8 students, I think.

M looking for part-time nanny residing at TPY? Any good ones to recommend? Currently hiring a part time cleaner to come over to my place twice a week. We are thinking for a part time nanny too.
aiyo... how can skinny u tok abt slimming?! *gasp* are you ready for your ear drums to be broken? hehe... heard weather forecast is rainy in the PM for these 3 days leh, better bring brollie or buy the poncho set @ the gate. u read the rules online? cant bring f&b hor, oni 600ml water/soft drinks allowed per pax.
alamak i put on liao leh, tat nite dark dark u cant see clearly plus am wearing baggy clothings good camouflage. let me noe got effect on tat or not hor..
ah rainy hope by then i reach there the sky has mercy on us keke. ya will get the 'survial kit' and yes read abt the rules & regulation thanks for reminding. muak!

dor.. no lah, i dun think tis one helps w slimming. the one for slimming i think is to tie on some accupoints on toes, but i also not sure if effective. if u wan to lose wt, then cut carbs & exercise lor. join me for aerobics on tues? :p

by the way mummies, i went to try out this new foot reflex place @ hdb hub, behind tiong bahru bao (the row with 2 duck rice stalls) and found them very experienced and good. hubby liked their back massage (back, head, shoulders, hand) and we signed both packages on the spot, cos hubby is pretty big size, and we hv yet to find someone able/willing to do a gd massage for him. if you want to try them out, you can use my package then juz pay me bac the per session cost can liao. let me know then i giv you my member num.
