Support group - Miscarriages

Thanks! I believe we will hold our rainbow baby in our arms one day. :)
Just talk to us or rant if you need to, here. Everyone is nice and encouraging in this thread.
princess how are u? so far so good? im going to give TSB a try leh, already made apt, seeing her on 15th April. lol if i strike before that then i continue with dr su, if not i will just go and see her. NTU very near my work place. PLus, dr su recent med really too heaty for me already so i m just thinking to seek another opinion, since she so famous. go see see look look.

princess how are u? so far so good? im going to give TSB a try leh, already made apt, seeing her on 15th April. lol if i strike before that then i continue with dr su, if not i will just go and see her. NTU very near my work place. PLus, dr su recent med really too heaty for me already so i m just thinking to seek another opinion, since she so famous. go see see look look.

I am good, just been busy. Not ttc now, so no stress...LOL. IS TSB good? Which doctor is good?
I am good, just been busy. Not ttc now, so no stress...LOL. IS TSB good? Which doctor is good?
apparently TSB is the famous Chinatown one. who helped lee guo huang and wife, and maybe faye i cant rem. so im just going there to try and see which one is better. and the wait is i think shorter coz can make appt. only first apt take abt an hour. i hear after tat is abt 30mins? so quite good wor. after i see her in april i will share here. meanwhile she also looked at temp, so im taking temp now. so when i see her i can show her my chart.
apparently TSB is the famous Chinatown one. who helped lee guo huang and wife, and maybe faye i cant rem. so im just going there to try and see which one is better. and the wait is i think shorter coz can make appt. only first apt take abt an hour. i hear after tat is abt 30mins? so quite good wor. after i see her in april i will share here. meanwhile she also looked at temp, so im taking temp now. so when i see her i can show her my chart.

Oh I see. Now I know which one, I heard of that too, quite tempted to go as well. Only 2 things hold me back, to brew the fresh herbs and Dr Su, she is so nice...I dunno should switch or not.

Keep me update after your first visit. I will only start ttc earliest in June, so still got time. :)
Oh I see. Now I know which one, I heard of that too, quite tempted to go as well. Only 2 things hold me back, to brew the fresh herbs and Dr Su, she is so nice...I dunno should switch or not.

Keep me update after your first visit. I will only start ttc earliest in June, so still got time. :)
I think her clinic in ntu have the powdered type as well. But she will let u try then determine powder or herbs more effective for u. Her appt got to book way in advanced, I think hor by Seoul I let u know, u can book already if I think she's good. Cox u probably only get to see her in June when u book in April. Also I think haze02 is seeing her. I rem she says she got pregnant after 3 mths of seeing her just that unfortunately she had mc. But I sure will give a review after I see her :)
Hugs. Ya that drink sucks. Totally hate it. In the afternoon I drank some green tea I nearly pule out. Think the glucose taste still in mouth. I felt the green tea being very sweet! Lol so I just drank plain water.
3 hours in the clinic so sian nth can do there also...
I can't take it is must finish within 5 mins...too sweet to drink...
Finally my menses reported today...has been waiting for it many days already sigh...
Ovulated late that is why menses come late...when my menses cycle will bak to normal? Sinseh says TCM is very slowly so must slowly adjust it back...another wait sian
my mense reported last weekend too but very little n only 3 days.
Mine 1st menses aft D&C delayed one day but 2nd cycle 1st n 2nd day many but 2nd day night stopped totally 3rd afternoon come abit den no more liao...den ovulated late so menses delayed for ard 4 days for 3rd cycle...all haywire liao
I think her clinic in ntu have the powdered type as well. But she will let u try then determine powder or herbs more effective for u. Her appt got to book way in advanced, I think hor by Seoul I let u know, u can book already if I think she's good. Cox u probably only get to see her in June when u book in April. Also I think haze02 is seeing her. I rem she says she got pregnant after 3 mths of seeing her just that unfortunately she had mc. But I sure will give a review after I see her :)

Okie okie!
That stupid doctor at yishun polyclinic wrote that I'm currently preg now -.- I didn't open up to read his referral letter alamak! Isit normal that the first visit at clinic g need take urine test?
That stupid doctor at yishun polyclinic wrote that I'm currently preg now -.- I didn't open up to read his referral letter alamak! Isit normal that the first visit at clinic g need take urine test?
No. But becox of what he wrote think the clinic is just trying to becarefull

Sorry I'm down very bad flu and high fever so responses is going to be slow. Take care. Don't worry tell them ur purpose of going and they will help
And arrange for u.
Hopeful mum

Take care of yourself the weather is really bad plus the haze!
Hmm I took 3 tube of blood test and seeing Dr Sheila on 26 may.
They also asked me to see a psychiatrist, she thinks that I need someone to talk to hais..
Told the nurse about how I was being treated at yishun polyclinic, she commented that the doctor is really bad and insensitive.

Shown them my report but she said it's not serious so we need to do more test to find out the cause.
I hope everything will be over soon feel like life on a roller coaster. Really tiring!
Hopeful mum

Take care of yourself the weather is really bad plus the haze!
Hmm I took 3 tube of blood test and seeing Dr Sheila on 26 may.
They also asked me to see a psychiatrist, she thinks that I need someone to talk to hais..
Told the nurse about how I was being treated at yishun polyclinic, she commented that the doctor is really bad and insensitive.

Shown them my report but she said it's not serious so we need to do more test to find out the cause.
I hope everything will be over soon feel like life on a roller coaster. Really tiring!
Did u waited very long. If they are suggesting maybe u can consider. They can give u a referral. Seeing a psychiatrist doesn't mean u have mental probs. just that u need someone to talk to. They actually took action quicker than I expected. They already drew ur blood on first visit I only got to do it after seeing dr Sheila. They will really focus on u so just try to relax and don't think to much already. Heal ur soul first :)
Big hugs! U are like a baby sister to us. For u to take all these at such young age is not easy.
No. But becox of what he wrote think the clinic is just trying to becarefull

Sorry I'm down very bad flu and high fever so responses is going to be slow. Take care. Don't worry tell them ur purpose of going and they will help
And arrange for u.

Take care of yourself. Drink more water, weather no good.
Ya I'm drinking so much water I may just drown. Finally my fever subsiding. Last night was horrible and tough. It went as high as 39.1 and I just feel hot and cold. Today I'm much better. Quite happy.
Must really take good care! Have a good rest at home! Ya the only appointment avail is 26 may le so yupp no choice plus I'm gonna take things slow also just wanna find out the cause. Think I kept tearing and freak out the lady she even ask like if I need any social worker to help me think I was too emotional everything just nodd the head! They fixed me to see the Psychiatrist next month. Well I guess I'll just talk to them and slowly heal my emotion first cos like she say not just health, my emotion also very important during the pregnancy. I really feel very glad that there's this group of ladies here! Whom I know I can always turn to and understand how I feel! At the same time really want to see everyone graduate from here soonest! :)
Ya I'm drinking so much water I may just drown. Finally my fever subsiding. Last night was horrible and tough. It went as high as 39.1 and I just feel hot and cold. Today I'm much better. Quite happy.

I'm quite lucky. I called TSB and told them if anyone cancelled appt can call me. So they really did. So I get to see tsb next thur instead of waiting till 15th April will let u know after I come back.

Good to hear you are better already! :)

Seems like a lot ladies are seeing TSB now. It used to be Dr Su. Hmm...
Must really take good care! Have a good rest at home! Ya the only appointment avail is 26 may le so yupp no choice plus I'm gonna take things slow also just wanna find out the cause. Think I kept tearing and freak out the lady she even ask like if I need any social worker to help me think I was too emotional everything just nodd the head! They fixed me to see the Psychiatrist next month. Well I guess I'll just talk to them and slowly heal my emotion first cos like she say not just health, my emotion also very important during the pregnancy. I really feel very glad that there's this group of ladies here! Whom I know I can always turn to and understand how I feel! At the same time really want to see everyone graduate from here soonest! :)

I believe things will get better, moreover you are under professional care now. Take things slowly, dun stress, dun rush...sometimes we focus too much on the end result and miss out enjoying the process. :)
Must really take good care! Have a good rest at home! Ya the only appointment avail is 26 may le so yupp no choice plus I'm gonna take things slow also just wanna find out the cause. Think I kept tearing and freak out the lady she even ask like if I need any social worker to help me think I was too emotional everything just nodd the head! They fixed me to see the Psychiatrist next month. Well I guess I'll just talk to them and slowly heal my emotion first cos like she say not just health, my emotion also very important during the pregnancy. I really feel very glad that there's this group of ladies here! Whom I know I can always turn to and understand how I feel! At the same time really want to see everyone graduate from here soonest! :)
Thanks babe. I'm better.

Yes I agree that we need to heal
Emotionally too. But sometimes we just want to rush into it. I also feel I may be having mild depression at times when I'm really down. Lol then I will just pick myself up again and be happy. Just go see see heal recover then work on it again. :)
Good to hear you are better already! :)

Seems like a lot ladies are seeing TSB now. It used to be Dr Su. Hmm...
Hahaha no worried I go see see Liao let u know. But same same they say this dr don't talk much one. Like dr Su first time I see her she very fierce and quiet. After that chatty. But they say tsb is don't like u to ask qns. Want u to follow only. Hahaha a bit hostile type but I don't know. I go try cox I always a lot of qns.
sorry I went missing for the past 1 year ... been dealing with a lot of stuff..

after the last post.. went through so much medication and jab .. hospitalized cos almost went into pre term .. ( but I still end up with a pre term a a few weeks later )..
my boy is turning 1 year old soon , he is still at near 3 percentile ... I stopped going to my rheumatologist though my auto immune problem still flare up once in a while ...
Hi ladies,

Would like to seek your advice in this. Wondering if tcm can be taken tog with western med when TTC? Eg clomid, aspirin and then after two hours tcm herbs.

My tcm physician said that the herbs are natural and doesn't contain hormonal stuff or aspirin. And safe to take.

I'm not sure and quite confused. But I also recognize that tcm's function is to pu the body so that the body is in good condition to receive the embryo. Sigh. So confused and just hoping to make the best option and have my rainbow bb.
Hi ladies,

Would like to seek your advice in this. Wondering if tcm can be taken tog with western med when TTC? Eg clomid, aspirin and then after two hours tcm herbs.

My tcm physician said that the herbs are natural and doesn't contain hormonal stuff or aspirin. And safe to take.

I'm not sure and quite confused. But I also recognize that tcm's function is to pu the body so that the body is in good condition to receive the embryo. Sigh. So confused and just hoping to make the best option and have my rainbow bb.
Ya it's okay like what dolly girl mentioned. Take at least 2hours apart.
sorry I went missing for the past 1 year ... been dealing with a lot of stuff..

after the last post.. went through so much medication and jab .. hospitalized cos almost went into pre term .. ( but I still end up with a pre term a a few weeks later )..
my boy is turning 1 year old soon , he is still at near 3 percentile ... I stopped going to my rheumatologist though my auto immune problem still flare up once in a while ...
Hi tomomi, would like to know which rheumatologist you seeing? If not convenient to post, can PM me too. Thanks in advance!
Hahaha no worried I go see see Liao let u know. But same same they say this dr don't talk much one. Like dr Su first time I see her she very fierce and quiet. After that chatty. But they say tsb is don't like u to ask qns. Want u to follow only. Hahaha a bit hostile type but I don't know. I go try cox I always a lot of qns.

If that is the case, if I switch to her, then my hubby cannot go in. I am the guai guai type, he like to ask questions. LOL
If that is the case, if I switch to her, then my hubby cannot go in. I am the guai guai type, he like to ask questions. LOL
ahhaha im not intending to let my hubby go also. now I also confused. coz my hubby will only take tablet. I need to check with her if she gives tablets. coz he will DIE DIE not drink the powder or brewed type.

hahaha so u are going to Seoul? when are u going? enjoy ur trip wor!
Have been seeing tsb since 2012 till now, hear alot of my frds or forum feedback abt her. I personally has no issue w her in communication from day 1. But I do hear some say she unfriendly leh.. dun know, mayb our chemistry blend well bah.. I even watsapp her for advise when it's needed..
Have been seeing tsb since 2012 till now, hear alot of my frds or forum feedback abt her. I personally has no issue w her in communication from day 1. But I do hear some say she unfriendly leh.. dun know, mayb our chemistry blend well bah.. I even watsapp her for advise when it's needed..
do u find her meds effective?
ahhaha im not intending to let my hubby go also. now I also confused. coz my hubby will only take tablet. I need to check with her if she gives tablets. coz he will DIE DIE not drink the powder or brewed type.

hahaha so u are going to Seoul? when are u going? enjoy ur trip wor!

Yup, Seoul was a business trip and very fast one, touch and go only. I will be going Maldives before that. Really need a break. So looking forward to April, a very short month for me..hehe
Yup, Seoul was a business trip and very fast one, touch and go only. I will be going Maldives before that. Really need a break. So looking forward to April, a very short month for me..hehe
love Maldives! went there in 2012. love loh, miss that place. after that u probably don't want to go other beaches. so surreal! lol
He is my rheumatologist ... Recommended by my gynea .. I am not allowed to try after my mc until I clear all the test .. The comprehensive test that he gonna require a lot of tubes of blood ..
Thanks, tomomi. Recently did a series of autoimmune test and found out I am ANA positive. That series of test cost me 8 tubes of blood. Will ask you more when I decide to see a rheumatologist soon.
At O&G clinic, feeling sad as there are so many babies and preggy mums, wish I were one of them. But trying to keep as positive as possible.
Yup! Not the recurrent one. I've got my medical report fr dr Sheila so I'm back with my Gynae for review.

Are you seeing dr Sheila Nuh too?
Yes yes I am. I nvr see a Gynae before it's always with Sheila and prof mahesh. My next review with them is coming Monday. I'm going to ask them to refer me to IUI. I don't care. Lol.
Thanks, tomomi. Recently did a series of autoimmune test and found out I am ANA positive. That series of test cost me 8 tubes of blood. Will ask you more when I decide to see a rheumatologist soon.

oh, I am also ANA positive ( I only found out after my miscarriage ) ... that's why I went to see the rheumatologist for a thorough check .. he did check for a few other auto immune related illness ( example SLE lupus ) , that will affect pregnancy and cause miscarriage .. I actually waited for his clearance before trying ... am lucky the results out is fine and I don't have those currently though I will forever be at risk .. oh ya, I was instructed to take baby aspirins for a month before allowed to try ... do let me know if u gonna see him, will need to tell u a few things ..
oh, I am also ANA positive ( I only found out after my miscarriage ) ... that's why I went to see the rheumatologist for a thorough check .. he did check for a few other auto immune related illness ( example SLE lupus ) , that will affect pregnancy and cause miscarriage .. I actually waited for his clearance before trying ... am lucky the results out is fine and I don't have those currently though I will forever be at risk .. oh ya, I was instructed to take baby aspirins for a month before allowed to try ... do let me know if u gonna see him, will need to tell u a few things ..
I did checked w my gynae n he says sometimes things only happen during pregnancy I scare also...
You having ANA only during pregnancy time?
May I know what thing that you would like to share if seeing dr mahesh?
Now I'm waiting to c him w my details report next sat instead of this sat as I will be away for few days till next tue follow hub to his biz trip to tw den will shop ard myself while hub is working...haha

Give a hope. Enjoy ur tw trip! So nice. So many ladies going to tw. Have fun and eat and shop!
That will be my 1st experience to shop n eat ard Taipei...hub only will join me at night to night market if aft work nth need to follow up w sub con/contractors...sian lor he says mbe will go out dinner w them if they invite lor...
Haha hub bring me along cos worry I at home one person won take proper elder sis says I am like kid to my
To me is give myself a break away from Sg to tw the place I like most for shop n eat ard...hehe
How is ur work now? Have u c TBS?
