Support group - Miscarriages

OP, completely agree because just not keen to go through another procedure so soon!! I am just back to my BBT again =)

My gynae was showing me this pic of a lady with 3 son after I told her I just thought might be time to do all tests if we are abnormal. She told me the lady mc 7 times *faint* and wasnt any test she do because it was just bad egg or bad sperm. She say give myself 1 more chance before taking all the tests.

ppcc, just mense now so no real rest needed =) I am still at work like normal because no discomfort.

I am not exceptionally thrill but than again my consolation was that I didnt see the fetus so the pain is really not as great as the first mc although I know only too well it might have existed for mere weeks just too small to be seen.


My dowager went missing for 12 weeks.. you barely even cross 4 weeks?! So be patiently waiting okay =) The more you stress the dowager going wane even slower. At least that is what I think happen to my dowager.
Wow Ling that lady with 7 times MC is unbeliveable. But that shows with strong determination means we will be able to suceed hopefully.
Hmm Ling I know lor but just want to rant.

Actually just passed the 1 month mark and it seems like times past very long already.
hi shiseru:
Take care okay in Japan: Maybe there is a miracle? I read some case suddenly the HCg shoot up and then heartbeat detected...but not trying to get you hope up lah... try enjoy your holiday

me perfect example of over kan cheong loh! so dont be like me hor!!

Anyway I told my gynae.. I dont want to be the one with the 7 mcs!! I want to be the one with the 2 mcs with 3 sons! she also buay tahan me!
I dont know if I am considered kan cheong but this is the first time I am so anticipating for AF to come.

Ha ha at least kudos to the lady, she had 3 sons already....

Your gynae is so nice and assuring.
haha, JTML, thanks that's very sweet of you. One of the mummy from another thread also google and retrieve a link with a success story of hcg drops and rises jus to make me feel better.

Thanks, i really appreciate it. I am not doing DnC, so it gives me time to wait (if miracles do happen) If this is an unhealthy pregnancy, our body will take care of it eventually.
Shiseru: okay all the best, leave it to God...or Heaven... it is beyond our control...Anyway whatever the outcome, you/we can move pass it.

Vivi: I also waited very eagerly for my first AF. some of the girls here their AF arrived late also lah. After the AF came it felt like relief, like I can move on.

Ling, jia you okay...
JTML that is why I hope for AF to come soon soon.

Shiseru I agree the part whereby our body naturally will have quality control hence the reason of MC. After this, must take care of yourself.
shiseru, keep your mind positive. don't give up. Take care during your holiday. It is good to be away and enjoy the time rather than dwell over it

dear ladies
i join pregnancynme website. They provide free webseminar whereby you can listen and attend seminar thru internet. You can ask question too, and will be answered during seminar. Here is the link,
They will send several schedule of seminar, than you just confirm the attendence of which one you would like to join. I just did once just now during my lunch time, the seminar is about 'Understanding Miscarriage'
vi, dont anxious lah!! RELAX it will come... give it time..

Also maybe I dont want 3 sons.. if 3 girls I also VERY happy.. haha... anyway my gynae is a pretty positive person just that not sure if I can tahan this positive if 3rd one also suay *touch wood* Lets hope 3rd one is a charm!

Just want to check with you girls anyone took cryotec for natural bleeding of mc? My gynae presribed me some and after eating my womb or stomach felt REALLY weird.. however my bleeding is really tapering down and the cryotec somehow like not working much aside from causing upheaval in digestive cum reproductive system.. If anyone have any experience with the medication would be most helpful.

Jtml, Of course will jia you.. =) You too hor!! Tell your hubby to co-op!
Good morning girls,

Ling feeeling ok today?

Expecting my AF next week.. Hope it will come on time!!!! I just got 1 friend that gave birth yesterday, *envious..

Me feeling normal since last Friday =).. The good thing about natural bleeding no discomfort and is like a regular period...

Hopefully my dowager dont wane on me after this epsiode!
wa. so many things happen. how are u all? i have quickly read thru the threads and saw there is sad and good news as well and salute to all the ladies here who has learnt to be braver and stronger!

for me, my gynae wants me to regulate mense. will be going for genetic test this early march and review with my gynae after that. *sigh*. i do hope i got the green light to go ahead and nw my ah lao and i have been going for jog at east coast park on every sunday.
i had my D&C done just now when i went to seek a 2nd opinion with the gynae. This gynae was the one whom I seek 2nd opinion for my previous pregnancy at 20 weeks. She is against the idea of natural miscarriage and especially if it happens in Japan. She insists me to do D&C before I flies off tomorrow.

You mentioned Doc Ann Tan right? *hugs* I think at least is once and for all and not draggy. When I had my 1st mc no bleedin and anything make it worse in my opinion. Just drag the whole process to make it even more painful.

Remember to take a thermo flask with you to hokkaido.. drink only hot water.... it is quite tedious for the body after a D and C.

We will have children soon! We will jia you!!

Will try after finishing this cycle and when my next period come. To throw caution to the wind I will also abandon any cycle with O more than 17 days.. Just to be sure.. ;)

Just really want a child so badly... Arrggh!! A live one and nothing else!!!
ya like ling says, bring a thermoflask with you, take gd care of yourself ok?

Jiayou! I believe your hardwork will be paid off!
I went to see my friend last night. I'm so happy for her when i see her new born daughter... Arg..I really hope to be like her soon!
Shiseru Hope you are feeling better.... A big hugz for you.

Ling yes anxious me.... I also took cyrotec the other time before I did my D&C. Got severe cramps and then there will be heavy bleeding and slight cramps for me after aout 6 hours. I was quite scared when I see the heavy amount of blood.

Yes me too badly want a baby be it boy boy or girl girl.... My new year wish for this year....

Maybe we will succeed together and carry a baby full term at the same time?

Ya when the day do come than we know if it pays off man!

Vi, About Cryrotec.. I am taking it right now but no effect on me leh and I am taking 1ea every 8 hours??!!! Suppose to make me bleed more who knows really like period for 5-6 ald like no more bleedin!! however when I went to my gynae on monday she say my uterine lining looks thick and would most likely take another week!

Dont kan cheong in the meanwhile..
Thanks, you ladies are so warm...

I questioned the gods sometimes, my loss at 20 weeks if it was a punishment, wasn't that enough?

Here i am, suffered from 2 losses and still without a living child but I will, for the sake of my family, remain strong and positive. However, time's ticking away, i am turning 36 this year, I am afraid...

I dun think late O causes MC. I ovulated on day 14, my cycle is 27 days. Still I lost it, my baby stopped progressing at week 6.
Ling pain?

Maybe it will drip little by little bit or later will bleed more? Got cramps?

For me I only took 2 pills before 6 hours of my D&C and then very fast. The severe cramps took place withnin half an hour. That time I took at about 6.30am because the D&C was scheduled to be at about 12.30pm. For me real pain until I was too tired and dozed off eventually.

Then after that not much pain only slight cramp here and there. By the time I was scheduled to do the D&C, I was bleeding heavily. I knew because the nurse changed the padding once before the gynae came in to do the op.

Maybe you want to check with your gynae if unclear?
Shiseru sometimes I think it may be fated. Maybe you are not fated to be with this baby.

I guess a lot of us always have this question why me? Maybe fated to have a rabbit baby? That is how I at least console myself. Now most important is to bu and tiao your body first. The rest comes later.

郭可盈 = 1st daughter at age 40
林青霞 = 1st daughter at age 42
吴君如 = 1st daughter at age 41
Halle Berry = 1st daughter at age 39
Courteney Cox = 1st daughter at age 40
Marcia Cross = Twins at age 45
陳慧琳 = 1st son at age 37
郑惠玉 = 1st son at age 37

范文芳(39),刘嘉玲(44), 黎姿(38) ... they are still trying despite their age. So don't give up yet!!

My case is a little unique. I notice I O on the 14th day of me 1st period after my 1st mc. For me might have random luteal defect because both mc just happen to O really late in the cycle. I cannot help but suspect it have something to do with the mcs.

Must be strong okay! 36 still consider young you can do it!!!!

Vi, I think it works a little differently for me because all the sac etc is gone by natural purging. Frankly no cramps or anything at all and I am taking it like every 8 hours interval that is why I am thinking if the medicine have any use at all for me.. sigh..
Ling, i thought the LP won't change, do you have a LP shorter than 10 days?

Today i feel excellent. No pain nor discomfort, i think they have done a great job yesterday. Dr Ann Tan told my hubby, we can go for the trip without worrying that I might miscarry in Japan! Then she said my cervix/womb is very pretty, no scarring so no problems to conceive later.

She fractured her leg when she was in Hokkaido recently (yeah when I went to see her yesterday she was on wheelchair and using Crutches). She said the hospital in Hokkaido is in a small village and very ulu. She waited a few hours just to see a doctor and another few hours to get X-ray. And the technoligy there is no good + the medical fee is high + language barrier. She returned to Singapore and have her surgery done. That's why she was so against me going to Japan and not knowing when the miscarry will happened.

Becoz her scan machine is so awesome, we can actually see that inside my womb during the scan, the bleeding has began though i didnt feel cramp or bleed. And the baby she zoomed so big that we can see that there was no heartbeat. So i am convinced for a D&C right away.

I only drink the red dates ginger tea these 2 days, no bathing yesterday but later will bath with herbs.

No going to KK next time, I probably will look for gynae who can do all the detail scanning himself. I like Dr Ann Tan but she cost a bomb! Know how much i spent? Consultation + scan + medicine = S$550+!

Then D&C + anaesthetic + bed rest = S$1800!

So can I rant huh? Can I use vulgarity huh?! We have been spending $$$ for the previous and this pregnancy without a baby to carry home! To be honest, I am bloddy PISSED!

BUT...hehe, wanna give up hope also difficult especially with you ladies around shouting "dun give up, be positive! Try again!" It's hard not to stay positive! Will try again la!

Give you a big big HUG!! hope you are feeling alright now. Do take good care of yourself during your trip. Try to take warm stuffs. =)
Dear Shiseru,

Be strong! Don't give up. Our hearts will be with you. Though understand you are filled with grieve and disappointment, but we must have faith to make it through.

Before my d&c i went to gleneagles to look for a 2nd opinion just the scan and consultant cost me $500, the proposed D&C procedures was $1700! It's was 3 times more than i've paid.

But then i guess we just want a reassuring result from these gynaes, at least more convinced with a more advance machine.

Jiayou ok? Have a gd rest in Hokkaido
Shiseru I know on the charges lor. The first gynae already cost me about 1k for 2 visits before I switched to my current gynae.

Then after spending a bomb yet no baby....

*big hugs* With this whole episode all over and no more baggage to bring to Japan, I believe you will have a more comfortable trip with peace of mind and the assurance that no surprises will spring up in the middle of your trip.

Don't overstrain yourself in Japan. And jia you for the next one!!!
hi Shiseru:
Your this gynae really good. eh, $$ can earn back mah. You still can !@#$ lah, no one will blame you for it.

Yheng comments is very encouraging. Yes so many celebrities still trying, how can we give up!

Talk about PISSED...Chinese New Year coming, I must close all my ears and act blur during the coming time. Everyone will ask me and hubby, "when" "when" ...How I wish I can answer "IF WE CAN, we also want!! but don't have!!I miscarraige!!" hahhahaha
Hi shiseru and gals,
I had a roller coast week. Remember I mentioned my af late. But I got bfn. I change the brand and test with clearblue last sat. Guess wat bfp! My hubby and me were so happy.

But this is shortlived. When I went toilet this morning, I saw some spotting. It freaked me out. We quickly go to our gynae
but he is on vacation. Went to another one. He did a v scan but cannot see anything. I am suppose to be 5 or 6 weeks. he told gave me a jab and some med. Also did ahcg test. Will Noe the result on sat. But guess chance very
low to be a healthy pregnancy cos I have more spotting with
fresh blood this afternoon. I cried myself out ......

Was feeling really down. My hubby also very sad. But poor
him still got to go back to work. We din together just now and
are prepared for the worse. My hubby and my gal are really
my support and I have to stay strong. 2 mc in 5 months.....

Now I only hope I can natural bleed and don have to go thru
another round of d&c if it is really a unhealthy pregnancy.

Shiseru and ling, hugz. I hope tiger year will be better for all
of us.
Shiseru, Jovial,

Sorry to hear about your experience. Hope you will both feel better soon. Shiseru - you are so entitled to feel p*ssed.

Let's just enjoy the new year and take one step at a time. I intend to resign after CNY to take a break. I got a fengshui master to look at my place recently, and she said my place is really not good for kids/ttc nor my health. She saw my other property and said she thinks that I will have a boy there....I wish it is true...Heheh, we are going to move to give it a try.

Have a good long weekend rest, and may this tiger year be a "fruitful" one for all of us.
Hmm it seems that some of us have some bad news or other.

Well I wished that we go will have successful stories after the chinese new year.

Jovial hope you are feeling ok now. Big hugz. If it is not fated to be then let it be. Dont dwell on it so much and take care of yourself.

Wont know if the Luteal phase do change.. anyway what the heck just scare after the incident...

Girls, Spotting cleared and now I am worried because gynae so lining on Monday quite thick and I didnt have too much blood since then! Arrghh! Hope they are not trying to stick to me..I want baby stick not uterine lining!!

Jovial! I am really disgruntled with all these negative news.. I really think we deserve much better. I dont know what I can say to make you feel better because I myself is speechless. I feel sad that I didnt have much attachment to the 2nd pregnancy but at least it was much easier for me to move on. However not all is lost.. we see how the test go on Saturday.. sometimes despite all the spotting a lot fetal pole still manage to stick. We dont condemn the pregnancy.. Lets just pray! really hard...
Ling you are so strong always.... and always that encouraging.

Yesterday went to the TCm for follow up and I rant to my physician that my AF is not here yet.
She asked me to do a pregnancy test. When I bought the kit and tested it, I was half hoping that it was positive and half hoping it was negative.

Positive - because wanting a baby badly

Negative - worried because has not had even 1 cycle of AF, so will it be bad news for me?

In the end, it was BFN.... I think I am just being silly again...
Don't be anxious ok
Relax.... Chill.. Have a nice new year, AF cannot be forced 1
just stay relax, and it will come when it's time
Jovial, *Hug hug* Remember to take of your health as well.

Angeline, I want a tiger baby leh ... :p

It has been a teary week for me. Was hopeful when my menses was late...tested negative on a Sunday morning which was suppose to be my boy's EDD. Menses came on Wednesday, it was so heavy on Thursday that I have to change my nite use pad every 2 hours. Felt so weak due to the heavy flow ...Emotionally down that I have to go thru all this after the lost of my boy at 21 weeks.

This morning I saw a lot of parents holding their baby while shopping...imagining that this week suppose to be the most existing week for me & hubby with the arrival of our boy...our 1st ang pau to him, new cloths that we'll buy for him, auntie & uncle, ah-Mah & Ah-Gong, cousins whom all was excited with the arrival of this new member are now trying their best not to speak anything which will cause us to be sad.

It has been hard on hubby, I guess he felt helpless seeing me crying to sleep at times. I just can't help it...the day I lost my boy & delivering him scenario kept playing in my mind, more so during this festive seasons. I want to be strong but it's just so hard ...It's overpowering and I'll just break down. I decided not to hide my emotion, suppressing it will only makes me more depressed. Hubby have been a good listening ear. Have planned a trip to Japan during CNY ...hope it'll be a good emotionally gateway for us.

I want to take this oppurtunity to wish all who went thru miscarriage put the pass behind us and look forward to a better years for all of us ... BE Strong and never give up!

Hugz* Tiger baby for me is not possible already, so looking forward the fastest will be a rabbit baby.

I really hope i rather not discovering that I was pregnant then, although I lost my bb like week 10/11 I feel exactly how u are feeling. Worse of all, i have so many friends delivering this mth, each time i visit them, my heart felt jealous but happy for them. Each of them I asked, did u cried when u see your bb? They say no lah! I was like, seriously if I ever have the next chance to carry my bb to full term, I think i will cry!!!!

Really glad to hear hubbies here are so supportive for everyone of us.

Nevertheless, once again, Jiayou girls! We will go through this barrier and be wonderful parents!
Yeng.. me also want a tiger baby! Disregard everything negative abt the horoscope too! I just want one!!!

Vi, There you go again all ballistic! ;) Calm down okay like I told you the more you kan cheong the more it become like dowager play hide and seek. Anyway to get preggers now even before your 1st period I think wont be too much a problem. I read through so many forums and many of them also have cases like that with very successful pregnancy. Dont stress..

Just to be chinese.. I told hubby we will visit a chinese temple first day of CNY to pray for children. What the heck.. anything at all we will try. =)
As far as i am told by elderly, it's not gd to pray for children.

There seems to be a myth of who pray for children, the child will not stay with you for long. God will take it back or something. I'm not too sure how true is it.
Ling yes I am going crazy again ha ha ..... Yeah the TCM physician also told me that it is ok to have a baby without the first cycle.

Ha ha now I feel the cramp just hope it will come during the first day and caught me by surprise....

Angeline didnt know the part not to pray for children. Ling my colleagues did told me that Tanjong Pagar there is a temple whereby there is a fetility god so if you. You can go there.

WORSE!! I thought the zhu shen liang liang also known as fertility goddess is precisely for the reason..I read that if you want a son go with white lotus or a pink lotus if you want a girl leh..
