Support group - Miscarriages

most likely yours will also be a rat baby..

BTW do u have MS?

my MS came back yesterday evening till now. Vomit few times and keep feeling nausea. Terrible.

jappooh...lucky u to have not too sure abt mine & dun wish to ask cos we are not on good terms after the staying together issue....have not planned but guess gota play by ear lor....

have been telling Baby that it's her/his choice to be mouse/ oso having MS till now (abt 13 weeks le) but it's on & off **touchwood** and not so bad to the extent of puking...more of giddy & nauseous....heard & read that some MS will ease off totally after 14-16 hang on there....

when are u seeing dr adrian? im oso seeing him at appt on 31 jul evening....=)
Hi piyobaby,
ya my MIL offer to come and stay with us 1 mth b4 i give birth to my 1st kid. She took care of my 1st kid since young and they are very very close. I can say that my MIL is consider quite good already though a bit nagging but i am ok with it lar..

Talk abt MS. I have it since wk 6 and puke, giddy, headache whole day till i am in my wk 14. After that it start to get better. But on and off the nauseous and puke still hit loh. I am in my 17th wks already.

I am seeing Dr Adrian at cck also cos i stay near. Just 5 mins walk to his clinic. My next appt is on 28 July morning but i intend to go evening cos my MC going to use up already.

Where are u staying?
Hi Aileen, good that u r more settled..just keep eating healthy things and keep that faith. All the best!

Piyobaby, yes, I remember u..
Congrats on the very good news. Its quite fun to see if ur bb will catch the tail of mickey (minnie) or the head of ox (cow)..heeeheeee..keep us posted and enjoy ur new motherhood..
Jappooh / piyobaby - got one silly question for u... that time when ur haven seen heartbeat at end of week 5, was there any yolk sac? that day at 6 weeks exactly when i went, Dr Adrian said can see a bit of yolk sac which i cant see fr the screen at all. me la, went to read up again on heartbeat and all, getting a bit worried again.. argh! itchy hand, i shouldn't have read so much. but still, i saw alot of them only get to see the HB at 6weeks plus so thats something heartening...
jappooh...guess to have someone u know as care-giver is always the best...can have peace of mind compared to domestic helper when we noe the horrendous stuff they can go nowadays but of cos not all are like dat....

glad dat ur MS is easing off le....mi stayed near yew tee side....=)

thanks bubbleteahut...leaving the choice up to Baby...haha

Aileen...dun have to get all worried cos his ultrasound is a little old thus alot of times can only imagine and make believe....sometimes a matter of few days can make a great deal of difference...have trust in ur baby....diff foetus grow at diff rates so dun compare & make urself unduly worried...
i can understand your feeling. When i was in my 6 wks i went for my scan and Dr Adrian say "good the water sac get bigger means it growing but cant see anything inside yet". Actually after hearing that i wanted to cry cos most of the ppl i knw can see heartbeat by then liao. Though my MS kicks in already i am still worried. Like u i went to read up that even u have MS u might get a empty sac as well. After that my heart sank, when i told my hubby abt wat i read he get worried too. But i cant believe that 3 days later i went back to Dr Adrian cos my puke till have blood and this time manage to see the heartbeat already. Only 3 days it make a big diff.

but when this 2nd one comes by we might need to get a maid liao cos my MIL cant cope with 2. Now i am down with flu. So tired. Cant wait to go hm and rest.
Jappooh....i notice dat i tend to get blocked / stuffed nose veri easily dat it's contributed by more blood flowing to the nose or sumthg of dat nature...drink more water and have a good rest okie....=)

im still considering on the engagement of CL but was put off by the cost which is scary....domestic helper oso another consideration....have not got down to actual planning as yet...not even thinking who will be the main care-giver...haha
Piyo, congrats ya! I hve not visited the forum quite a while as I was busy shifting to my new place. My boy was sick too and I am falling sick too. Feeling feverish n my throat hurts!

An update abt me... I have been trying since my MC till now. Sigh! No gd news... my AF has not been accurate either. about 40 days cycle. Me has been too sianz n disappointed to count my fertile dates too....Sometimes, I wonder if my bb wish will be granted.
Hi Ladies, I visited this forum in March 08 because I had a missed miscarriage which I found out a day before my ROM. Nvm I did not give up. I tried again in June and I was preggy again, so I migrate to MTB 08 but looks like I'm going to come back here again because I lost my baby AGAIN! @ 5 weeks.

Someone please advise. I'm lying in the hospital now. Can't take the pain of losing 2 in a row.
Mummy bear - *hugz* am really sorry to hear what happened to you. its something that is so undesired and so unwanted to happen to any of us. hope you will stay strong though i know its hard at this moment. do take good care of yourself and bu your body back...*hugz*
Thanks Aileen. I'm so afraid of going home now. Because the same old shit is going to happen. The mini confinement for 2 weeks.

I think I'm going crazy.
Oh Congrats Piyobaby! Unfortunately mine didn't pull thru.

5 weeks and I'm still waiting to see the heart beat but didn't get the chance. Haiz
Hi Mummy Bear

Very sorry. But isn't, the heart beat supposed to appear at 6 weeks? When I was pregnant, only a sac was seen at 5 weeks and the doctor did say that the heart beat should appear on the 6th week. It did but but no heart beat was seen at 8 weeks. That was my second miscarriage. In my first pregnancy, a sac was also seen at 5 weeks but no heart beat at 6 and 7 weeks.

Why don't you check with your doctor again? If it is really confirmed that there is no heart beat, maybe you might want to ask your doctor about having a chromosome study done. This is what I had after my second miscarriage.

Mummy Bear, i really understand what you are going through. This brings back memories of my miscarriages and I'm already tearing up. Pls hang in there and don't give up hope.
Dear Ladies,
There is an article in Mind Your Body today...about stillbirth & recurrent m/cs. So scary. Hopefully none of us have to go thru such unfortunate incidents again....

Dear Mummy Bear,
Sorry to hear about your case...I also have had repeated m/c. The important thing now is to improve your health and to stay positive.
mummy bear, so sorry to hear that. is really hard to accept the truth. u are in hospital now due to observation ?? pls be positive, cos 5 weeks is very early wor. might not be able to hear any heartbeat at this time as some of the ladies here have said. me have m/c in Feb, one month earlier then u. so is now 6 months already and still no news yet. hopefully next month will be better...

admire u for being so strong.its definitely not easy feeling uncertain bout something so precious. we're all on the same roller coaster ride to having a baby, hang on tight ya..

jappooh, hope u'll feel better soon

mummy bear,
so sorry to hear bout what happened. let us know what the dr said.

how's things? great to hear from u : )

hope ur health improves soon! take care!

will check out the article, thanks for sharing
thanks sheryl...dun give up hope okie...jiayou and ur wish will be granted real soon....=D

mummy bear...sorry to hear dat...**hugz**...i now no words can console u but have faith in urself dat there will be such a day ur beautiful baby will be in ur arms...take care....

thanks cheekz....
Mala & Pregfurs - Yes I know the heartbeat can only be detected at only 6 weeks because I discover I was pregnant when I was 6 weeks the first time. This time round is too soon. Can't even see the heartbeat and it's gone already.

Mala where did you do the chromosome test? How is it done?

Pinkpixel - Thanks, I don't even dare to think of the third one now. It's a nightmare for me this year. I guess you know how I feel now.

Porky Jean - I was hospitalise for 2 days because I had a incomplete miscarriage so they have to evacuate the uterus for me AGAIN. It was worse then the 1st time because I had to be push to the operating theatre. I've already been discharged. I guess your good news should be on the way soon.
Good Luck!

Cheekz - Doc didn't says anything. And no doc can tell me why it happen like that. I'm suppose to go back for review and TAKE MY BLOOD to test if the HCG is going down.

wtpooh & Piyobaby - Thanks

Anybody seeing Chinese Physician to "tiao" your body? Guess my body is damn weak.
Hi Mummy Bear

So sorry once again.

I did my chromosome test with Thomson Medical centre under Dr LC Cheng. Once the miscarriage was confirmed, a D&C was done since I did not expel the foetus naturally.

The remnants are then sent to the lab for the study. I had to wait for 1 month before the report was out. It is quite costly and it is recommended only for those who had two miscarriages and above.

I was very tensed all the while because I thought that there were genetic abnormalities which would be difficult to correct. Fortunately, there weren't any and it was a just a normal miscarriage that happened by chance.At least, it put my mind at ease.

Mummy Bear, give your body a rest. My two pregnancies were conceived through IUI and IVF. I'm currently about to embark on my fourth IVF. I'm also taking Chinese medicine and doing acupuncture as well. Maybe you'll like to consider doing this as well.

I wish you all the best and pls take care.
Hi Mala

I discovered my first miscarriage at 10 weeks and realise that there's no heart beat and I had to do a D&C. I did check with the doctor if I should do a test to see what happens but he advise that this is quite common unless is a repeated M/C.

The 2nd time I just M/C naturally and I believe the embryo was bled out. My husband was outstation and I was too lost to ask the doctor anything about the test or something.

Thanks for the advise.
hi ladies..

dunno y last nite watching tv halfway den start to tink of bb n cry... my hubby got a shocked when he felt the tears on his hands.. he tot was the mucus from my nose coz i was having flu.. tink maybe when sick will be more emotional ba..
Aiyo blueberi... u very emotional gal... watch tv halfway, ur mind can drift somewhere and then cry. Poor thing. But must recover fast in order to try again.
Bluberi - *hugz* i also do think of my lost baby at times but no more tears liao.. still feel extremely sad but i gues im moving on... hope you will get preggie soon, jia you!

Ladies - went to see gynae ytd and got to see bb's heartbeat
Dr make me panick a bit cos he look at the screen for very long and i think he was trying to get a better view to measure, so it was after a long while ( seems eternity to me ) that he said the little white spot is the heartbeat..whew! asked him if the heartbeat rate is ok, he says ok.. but hor, i tink bb abit small, ytd oni 6w2day tho shld b 7wk. anyway,its always +/- 6 days rite? went home to check on my gal's u/s scan and she also measure oni 6wk+ when it was supposed to be 7wk2d,so i guess no worries bah.. i cant really make out bb fr the scan,looks like one small smudge..hope can see better at next scan. asked doc if everytin is fine, he say at present looks ok, but of cos he cant guarantee anytin.. tink he can c i was abit worried bout the size and stressed up..he just tell me to eat my hormone pills and rest well... anyway, thank God that the scan went well ytd...
Hi Cheekz, good to hear from u too
.... I have been doing my yoga and running with family regimen which were things I enjoyed doing before the mcs and still hoping to hve a better preg in future. Hope the sisters here can also take time off to pamper urselves like those days before ur marriage/children becoz we have really been thru though times and deserve pampering.

Cheekz, come back often to "visit" us if u have time k

Pinkpixel, thanks for sharing. I will seek out that article.

Mummy Bear, Don’t despair, there will be times u find that u can’t go on anymore, and when u feel like that, don’t be afraid to cry or tell us/ur family. I understand the feeling of having to do a 2nd mini confinement as I have been there before but u must think long term, its painful for now but its ultimately for ur future happiness . Pls take care of urself.
Aileen, wow!! its really a good news for this morning!
I bet u must have slept ur best nite yesterday after one week of tension rite
..heheheee..k, continue to eat good stuff and sprinkle some bb dust to us
rest well in the meantime.
phew!Good news! good news!
Don't worry.Every bb development is diff...hv a nice wkend ahead! remember to tak multivit n eat lots of nutricious food...

Heard tat Yoga is very good in shaping the body.But I do not hv the courage to try coz i am not flexible:p

I'm having my 1st ovulation after DnC...feel very it normal to feel tired when u r ovulating? I'm wondering if it could be due to the weather..quite cooling...feel like laze ard..look forward for sunny days so can go is so unpredictable nowadays.

glad to hear everything is fine.

I went to see Dr Adrian yesterday morning cos down with running nose, cough and headache. Was on 2 days MC. Yesterday did a scan and Gyane say mostly i am expecting a boy.
HI hi...

Avocado/bubbleteahut / Jappooh - thanks! im definitely sleeping better now that i saw the heartbeat.. after the scan, i repeatedly ask HB, u sure u saw the flickering? hope to c bb growing strong 2 weeks later.. another long wait again...

Jappooh - congrats on knowing gender!do rest well and hope u b feeling better soon. weather not so good lately so must bao zhong oh...

thanks. My MIL is happy that i have a boy. Though i already have a boy..hee.. She feel that when boy grow up we have less worries. Like dun have to worry kena con by man..haha
hi jappooh, congrats for having a mickey !

what about Jlow ? report pls. hehe

Aileen, wow good news. did u ask Dr Adrian to let u hear the heartbeat ? u must be overjoy after the scan right. hehe. 2 weeks later, u will see more of ur BB lah. not to worry for now. enjoy ur pregnancy ya
congrats Aileen....exactly the same feeling I have right now cos he took a while to get a clearer view which make my heart fact when I went for my Oscar @ TMC...the sonograhper was saying that based on the measurements to estimate the EDD / gestattion age of foetus has a +/- of 2 weeks....

jappooh....congrats on ur mickey...hw many weeks are u for him to identify? I went too see him yest morning as well due to MS + slight fever and was given 2 days MC too.....=)
jappooh n piyo.. congrats! do take gd care of yrself since the weather is pretty badz now.

porky.. how r u?
bb dust to all the mummies here, hope we will be blessed soon.
Bubbleteahut I just cannot explain to you how I feel now. Very negative about things already I took to courage to try again because doctor said that chances of a successful pregnancy is very high and will be very fertile after the few months but look? I get nothing out of it. I'm frustrated, angry, upset disappointed. I cannot control. Now serving the confinement makes me wanna go crazy.

Now I see children I phobia
hi ladies,
these past 2 days i have been getting this odourless, yellowish-greenish discharge. Any idea what is it or do I need to consult gynae?
piyobb...finally u appear!!!

pinkpixel... i think if it is odourless... it's ok...just observe it.... but if have fishy odour... best to go see a doc...get some medication...
gynae told me my baby gender when i am in 17th wk. but he say 70% lar need to wait for detail scan.

i going to use up my MC + HL liao. Left 3 days. After that need to take AL already.
IR, mi can really emotional at times.. last time i watch the movie Eight Below abt the huskies.. i cried like mad in the cinema.

Aileen, glad to koe u finally got to hear ur bb's heartbeat.. isn't life amazing, oni a few days diff n can see bb's heartbeat liao. the scanning always shows the bb younger than based on LMP, so no worries.

Jappooh, congrats on having another bb boy. r u feeling better now? muz take care!

funne, mi AF reported 4wks aft my D&C.. but i scared it will not report so i got gynea to give me medication to make it report. took 20days of sunolat n AF report 4 days after i finished it.
Hi mothers,

I posted about my M/C some time back.. not too long ago actualli, in April.. That was my 1st pregnancy too.. Was very very upset and kept thinking y it happened to me..
Now, i discovered Im preggy again, abt 6 weeks..quite a surprise as I started trying a month ago..Jus wanna thank the mothers in ths forum for comforting me and giving me hope to try again.. Do wish me luck on this bb as im quite "paranoid" due to previous m/c

congrats all the mummies who expecting again..
i hope my turn will come soon..

it's going to be 4wks after my dc. gynae said i should be expecting menses soon when i went for chk up 2 wks ago.. but still not here yet ler..
