Support group - Miscarriages

Good morning gals...

Last message before I leave for Bintan to relax

Take care all preggies.... Sleep well, eat well, rest well...


Lotsa baby dusts for those TTC...

Tian Tian,
Happy Belated Birthday!!

Hi how r u? Thank you for the recipe. I'll try it out this weekend.

Millie Ang,
Thanks, I'll check out the sinseh's address which you've posted. Or maybe I'll go Yu Yan Sang...see which one is nearer to my place.

Very tired today...last nite my both legs aching...last Sat, 1st time to fetch my 2 yr old daughter home (after my m/c). My gal has been staying with my parents on weekday since 1 mth old. I only bring her home on Fri nites. But last weekend I was really tired looking after her...maybe I haven't recovered fully. My hubby also works late & I'm all alone looking after her.
Hi gals!

Good morning! I look like a panda today. I slept at 2am on Sat, cos went to airport to pick hubby, then went to watch mama mia yesterday and slept 12 plus..
I think I will sleep at 9pm tonite ah!

One number has been sticking out in my head since yesterday morning... 4573... that is the number of miscarriages in Singapore last year. I was saddened that I 'contributed' to that statistics... Anyway.. I look forward to adding to happier statistics next year :D Yesterday's mama mia was actually a company event. I saw so many preggies (those from my company's other offices and wives of male colleagues).. all due in Mar/Apr timeframe one...
I think next year sure bumper baby crop!

ok, now i need to go back to look like I am working.. chat later!

Hi gals,
I'm worried again. Sigh!

I always have this problem of feeling very cold easily. My hubby says it's because I'm too weak. Do any gals here have the same problem as I have? The moment I get to my office, I have to quickly grab my jacket liao. My hubby ask if I should get any kind of good soup or food that I can take during this least to booze up some "heat" in me?

Another thing, I have very poor appetite lately. Feeling hungry but don't feel like eating.. just wanted something hot and soupy. Sigh! Also feeling very tired everyday!
morning gals,
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Gals, Don't envy me, it's not everytime my boss will let me go off early one.

My birthday this year is the most memorable one.
. After I left the office on Fri, I went for a facial. The beautician, knowing that it's my birthday gave me a free makeup after facial
My hubby commented that I look very nice with the makeup.
and decided to bring me to Jack's Place for dinner. We ended the night with

Then, the next day he brought me to a Japanese rest. at Raffles The Plaza for dinner to make up for what I have missed in Hokkaido.
The moment I sat down, the writer presented me with a bouquet of
I was so shocked and surprised
but at the same time very
. The rest. manager even came over and wished me happy birthday.
My dear hubby has arranged for all these and I was kept in the dark.

That night, I had the best
and sashimi
. Still smiling now.
morning gals,
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Gals, Don't envy me, it's not everytime my boss will let me go off early one.

My birthday this year is the most memorable one.
After I left the office on Fri, I went for a facial. The beautician, knowing that it's my birthday gave me a free makeup after facial
My hubby commented that I look very nice with the makeup.
and decided to bring me to Jack's Place for dinner. We ended the night with

Then, the next day he brought me to a Japanese rest. at Raffles The Plaza for dinner to make up for what I have missed in Hokkaido.
. The moment I sat down, the waiter presented me with a bouquet of
I was so shocked and surprised
and at the same time very
The rest. manager even came over and wished me happy birthday.
My dear hubby has arranged for all these and I was kept in the dark.

That night, I had the best
and sushimi.
Still smiling now
hi whitefloral,
*sprinkle bb-dust* to u during ur 2WW... hopefully will hear good news from u soon...

hi miaomiao,
perhaps u can try the black chicken wif red dates soup... it's supposed to be good for preggies... i tried wif normal chicken... taste quite yummy.. i am drinking chicken essence on alternate days as well...

i guess it's normal to lose appetite during dis period of time... dun think too much okie... u'll be fine... *hugz*

i am veri paranoid dis few days oso... cos i'm supposedly week 7 going to week 8 dis week... my crucial week... my gynae appt is nix tues... pls pray for me dat things will turn out fine when i see my gynae..

hey ULN,
enjoy ur spa treats in Bintan... *wave wave*

wow tiantian,
wat a birthday celebration for U!! good dat u let ur beautician knows it's ur bd... get free make-up... ur hubby is really totful & veri sweet... hope dat ur BD over the weekend is fruitful...
Wah Tiantian.. so lormantic
Inagiku very nice and expensive leh.. hvnt been there b4... will try after i deliver

Hi Odie,
All the best to your checkup this sat. Remember to update us hor.

How many weeks are u now? Still having MS?
Hope you are feeling better now.

Hmmm.... Think I will try my luck on 4573 since you princess is giving the "zhen zi". hehehe

Enjoy yourself in Bintan.

now?? I will keep my fingers
and hope your

Sore throat again?? You seem to like crab alot hor. Must drink more
, ok...
Thank you for your advise. Think I have to consider cooking liao.. too used to be lazy lah. Have been eating out lately.

My next gynae's visit will be this sat, but I'll be there tomorrow for my 2nd jab.
The nurse will be giving me the jab.

How are you? Any MS yet? I've got mine just last week for two days early in the morning but rest of the days until today no more. Just don't have much appetite to eat lor.
wow, tiantian, what a romantic birthday U got from yr hubby.. really envy u.. my hubby will never never be like yrs.. so romantic and sweet..

hi miao, i once had this cold feeling before but only lasted a few days.. maybe at that time, i was not feeling well so had this kind of coldness.. maybe u observe yrself these 2 days or want to check it out with a doc to play safe..

ULN, enjoy yr trip.. have a fun enjoyable holiday..

take care Java, drink lots of plain water or barley water.. it helps.. also can take and suck on Loz..

Folic, agree that the miscarriage rate is increasing each year.. really pity the women who lost their child and also to all the miscarry babies..
when i saw the papers and news reporting of this, i was really soo sorry and sad at the same time.. was thinking to get pregnate soon since i'm in my earlys 20s and the rate of miscarriage is low.. hope to strike soon to join all the graduate mums..

hi tubby, i will pray for U.. everything will be fine.. take care all..
It's a <font color="0000ff">Blue Blue Monday</font> Again!
Feeling so sleepy!

Recently been very busy in office
and thus only log in to read but no posting!
Think time is running short as my mgr is leaving soon and still nobody take over his duty yet.
Thus there wun be any proper handover!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, <font color="ff6000">Millie</font>, <font color="aa00aa">ULN</font>, <font color="0000ff">Hamasaki</font> and <font color="ffff00">Tiantian</font>, thanks for your well wishes for my hubby!
Hubby still feeling nausea and currently relying on the vomit medicine. Usually, think he felt bad when he woke up!
Really wish that he can recover soon and that his immunity system can pick up....

Wow <font color="ffff00">Tiantian</font>, ur hubby so romantic one!! Envy
Hope the romantic and eventful night will bring back some good news!!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> dear,
Dont worry! I am sure u will get over the first milestone!
I was also like u, lost my BB at Wk 7. But before i knew it, wk 7 was over!
Had a few frights
in between, if u remember... Having immediate spottings and detected low amniotic fluid at wk 23....
And now, i am in my wk 32.
It's a long way, and i am still working hard.
Think for us here hor, we will only be very reassured on the day we carry our little angel
in our arms!!

<font color="ff6000">Mao</font>, dont worry too much!
Jus try to relax. If u feel that ur appetite is no gd, try to eat some crackers or bread. Must at least eat something!
And most imptly, rememer to eat ur Folic Acid!
Hey Ocean, I am like you.. feeling so sleepy now! Been wanting to ask you but kept forgetting.. is everything ok? Your amnio level is within ok limit? Hope all is fine for you! I am so proud of you..32 weeks already!

dear Ocean,
thks for ur encouragement... i am trying hard to be positive...

me oso veri proud of U... week 32 liao!!! u'll be able to carry ur lil' gal in ur hands veri soon...
hi hamasaki,
thks for ur blessings... yes!! i need loads of them now...

dear Ocean,
thks for ur encouragement... i am trying hard to be positive...

me oso veri proud of U... week 32 liao!!! u'll be able to carry ur lil' gal in ur hands veri soon...
hi tiantian,
Eh you no need to envy tubby wat. Your hubby is so nice to you. My hubby not like that one, it depends on his mood. But I think I also very lazy, never do anything special for him. But I decided to buy a Christmas present for him and place it under our Christmas tree so that he can open it on Christmas Day.

hi tubby,
I will pray for you that your checkup will go smoothly!
take good care of yrself Ocean.. and also hope yr hubby will recover soon.. let him have more rest and if possible give him some tonic healthy foods to eat.. hope he get well fast..

wow, 32 weeks liao.. in another 7 - 8 wks, u are going to deliver yr baby.. so happy for U.. very soon, u will see yr little angel on yr arms..

Dun mention tubby.. take great care.. will pray hard hard for U..

mu hubby also got mood one. No everytime so nice one. You last time never buy your hubby any christmas present b4 meh??

Like wat the other gals say, must always be positive. I will pray for you.


Wow, 32 weeks liao. Sooo proud of you. So you will be among the first few to carry your little angel in your arms.
Jia you Jia you.
i saw some veri light pinkish stains on the toilet paper jus now...
looks like watery CM but veri light pink in colour...

my mind is veri unsettled now... gynae is away on holiday.... me veri scared for the worst now...
hi tubby,
Hey last time me had that too! Not to scare you but I went to see my gynae immediately, then she gave me the utrogestan pills. Do you have any replacement gynaes to see? Yours is in KKH right?
mine is in East Shore... did u wait for ur nix urine session to see the colour of ur CM again before heading to gynae?

i am drinking lotsa water now... will go to toilet again &amp; see how...
Hey tubby, why don u go see another gynae now? At least that will give u some peace of mind. Were you straining when you went to the toilet just now? Sometimes, that could cause some pink staining.

Your hubby so far hubby only bought me flowers on our 1st Valentine's Day....AFTER THAT NO MORE FLOWERS liao...
I am 13weeks now...normally I am ok no MS but i think that night the smell of durian makes me puke.

I think you better consult Gynae...the last time I had brown discharge also went to see Gynae immediately. I was given some pills n a jab.
Take Care!
Don't panic. Just give your clinic / hospital a call. Let them know your situation and they might get you to see another gynae who is now on duty huh! It's better to do a check lor.


I also think u should see a gynae now. Are you working today?? Do you have any other gynae in mind?? How abt trying TMC A&amp;E dept.???
Yah. The last time my case, I went to TMC A&amp;E. The doc and nurse then was very helpful. The After office-hour emergency tel number is 65358833. You might want to give a try. It's at Thomson so hope it's not too far away from your work place huh..
Hi tubby,
Your pink stains is from the vagina? If it is, it should not be related to any urine session. Try using a tissue to wipe the vagina area again. If u still see pink stains, go see a gynae! Are u currently taking any progesterone pills? Actually given your previous history, your gynae should give u some progesterone pills.
yup, tubby, its best to see a gynae asap to play safe.. though yr own gynae is on leave, maybe u can consider seeing another doc..

when i have bleeding/spotting the first time at , i did not went to see a doc, only till the 2nd bleeding, then i went to see a doc but it was too late thus causing me to have a miscarriage.

hope u check it out with a doc soon to rest yr mind at ease..
<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, i feel the same as the rest!
If that is a pinkish stain, suggest u go and see ur gynae. Believe there shld be someone covering for ur gynae while she is on leave! In the meantime, do rest well and dont move about, ok!

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, i also dun noe if the Anmiotic Fluid is enough or not, but i guess mine is just borderline.

Thanks <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, <font color="119911">Hamasaki</font> and <font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font> for being proud of me!

Recently have been able to feel more of BB
movements as compared to 2nd trimester.
Think BB had grown bigger and heavier.
So can feel the wavelike movement!

Earlier before lunch, suddenly realised that BB does not seem to be moving!
So i put my two hands on my tummy and shake it!
Luckily, after a while, BB moved abit cos sometime, my BB dun bother with me even if i shake my tummy!
Tian Tian... looks like you had a good birthday =)

Java... the mention of crab is making me drool. Waiting for my throat to get better so that I can enjoy mine. I have been craving for laksa too.

Miao2... take care... before you know it you will be in 2nd trimester and by then you should be feeling much better.

Tubby... how are you doing? I think it will be good if you can see another gynae in the meantime as well.

WOW!!! Ocean... didn't realise that time flies so fast... you are already in your 32nd week. It seem only like yesterday when you told us you are preggie. Take care!! I'm anxiously waiting for my 2nd tri to come next week ^.^v

Hi Varj... feel free to come in here and tell us your thoughts. Everyone here will be glad to help you.
Hi ULN...happy holiday

Hi ok...slowly regaining my strength

Hi Miao...share with you simple way to heat up your body, block your left nostril and inhale from the right one and exhale thru it counting 1-4/10, do this 10 times or more :

Hi Ocean, seek a 2nd opinion as your hubby like not recovering fast enough

Hi Tubby..**hughug** hope you are ok.

Hi Vaj ..a **hughug* to you...must take care ok
dear gals,
many thanks for ur advises earlier... yes.. i did rush down to see my gynae's backup after i last posted... as it was ard 4.15pm liao... so i really rushed to Mt A....

thks for ur blessings... i managed to see my lil' one &amp; even hear his/her heartbeat... i think gynae din expect the heartbeat to be so strong.. she ON to max vol for me to hear &amp; it is REAL LOUD... i was half-tearing &amp; half-smiling... i requested for ab-scan since my bladder was quite full.... image of my bb is veri clear... can see the distinct head &amp; body... was really really glad i saw a gynae today, else i will worry myself sick tonite... thks once again...

gynae did a internal check &amp; found only some creamy discharges.. she said i might hv strained myself... i asked her to gimme a jab.. but she said no need... since i'm orady on hormone pills, Duphaston &amp; Turinal.

oh.. my hubby missed hearing the bb's heartbeat cos he arrived later than me... i told him he can listen to dis beautiful sounds nix week...

i think will hv a good rest at home tomorro... it was a real scare for me today... thks for being here for me... got to go &amp; bathe now... &amp; rest early tonite... *hugz*
hehehe Ocean, U soo cute.. maybe baby is sleping.. and u go and disturb him so he wake up and kick u.. but sometimes, he too tired so dun care abt U..

hi varj, welcome to this thread.. i'm sorry to hear of yr loss.. take great care.. free free to come to this thread anytime.

hi java and odie, i too love to eat crabs. make me drool now,,
hi tubby,
Glad to know you are fine. I logged in the moment I came out from my shower. So worried about you leh. So happy now that you are ok and even heard your lil' one's heartbeat. Have a good...good.... nite rest ok.

hi Varj,
So sorry to hear of your loss. After your m/c, you have to make sure to eat enough nourishing food to build back the body ok. Take lots of rest. Feel free to post in here....

hi ep2004,
That's the first time I've heard of this method, but well, I'll give it a try. Thank you very much.
hi tubby,
I'm glad u went to see a gynae. See? At least put ur mind to rest. Glad you heard the bb's heartbeat too! How many weeks are u at now?

hi Varj,
Sorry to hear abt your loss. All of us has experience a lost before and can understand how you feel. Do come in often to tok to us!
HI Tubby,

logged in early to check on you. Glad that the visit went well and you can detect heartbeat
Remember not to overstrain yourself ok?

Varj, welcome to the thread. Sorry that you found us in such circumstance though. But I do like your nick.. positiveme.. that's the key of it all!
Hope to hear more about you!

Hi Tubby,

So glad to know u went to see the gynae and able to detect the heatbeat. At least today you can have a good rest and not worry yourself sick . Rest well
,and drink more water hor
Hello Varj,

welcome to this thread. I am sad to know abt your loss. Do come in here and "chat" if you need a "listening ear". In the meantime, remember to have a mini confinement to build up your body strength. Take care.
<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, i also purposely log in to see how u doing!
Was thinking that u might have gone to see a gynae after ur last postings cos din see any reply from u liao!
Glad to learn that not only u see BB's heartbeat, u even get to hear the little beatings sound!

<font color="ff6000">Varj</font>,
to learn about ur loss!
Please remember to do a mini confinement and rest well, ok!
morning gals..

dearest miaomiao, java, folic, tiantian &amp; Ocean,
thks for checking on my updates... real touched now..

my heart really sank when i saw the stains yesterday.. i'm sure i dint strained myself prior to the toilet visit as i was sitting down doing paperwork... but i will be extra careful from now...

for the past few days, i was extremely paranoid cos i was feeling quite ok... &amp; not experiencing MS... jus occasional veri slight nausea feelings... my last pregnancy i had quite bad MS starting from week 6... my mind was running so wild... i'm glad the scan yesterday dispelled all my fears &amp; i wont focus so much on my symptons from now on...

my hubby cooked black chicken soup for me today... going to hv a yummy lunch later...

hey java,
according to scan yesterday, i will be 8 weeks tomoro... ;) I guess it's becos i ovulated early for dat cycle... jus like miaomiao...

dear varj,
sorry to hear abt ur loss... as advised, it's impt to rest ur body well &amp; take more nutritous food during dis period of time... do come in here &amp; chat wif us.. we understands wat u r going thru now... *hugz*
Tubby, every pregnancy is different. So don't keep comparing your previous symptoms or it will jus drive you nuts!
I also same as you initially, I wonder why my boobs were not as big/heavy as the last time etc etc.. and I think it really drove me nuts
Please take care!

Hi gals
Thks for the WARM welcome

I am seeing a chinese doc to help me "pu" bk my body but just curious &amp; sad why this time is nt successful again

Anyway I hope to do further tests on both me &amp; husband in order to try for another one soon

Good luck to u gals who are trying!!!
&amp; those mummies to be, eat well &amp; rest well
hi positiveme, wish u good luck in yr next attempt for a baby.. but dun rush or stress out yrself becoz of this..

should let yr mind and whole body fully relax and free of stress, then there is a higher chance of u getting pregnate..

but in the meantime, take great care of yr body.
God bless U..

yup tubby, what folic said is true.. every pregnancy is different so dun freak yrself out..
Take care gal..
Hi Tubby
Glad to know u you are fine...your hubby is so nice to cook for you....u must have enjoyed your lunch! Have a Good Rest n Take Care!

Feel free to chat with us....everyone here is very friendly n helpful....Take Care!

Oh <font color="119911">Hamasaki</font>, no lah, yesterday i shake my tummy cos i think since Morning, i din feel BB's movement.
Actually, i also cant remember...
And i remembered last times i used to tap my tummy, but this BB simply ignore me!!
So yesterday, i just try shaking my tummy to see if she react or not!

Oh <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, yeah hor! Times flies..
U be in ur 2nd trimester next week liao? Oh, great,
that will be another milestones to cross over!! Jia You, jia you!
So, have u already settle down in ur new job and new apt?

<font color="0000ff">PageUp</font> and <font color="aa00aa">Jua</font>, how are u?
Seem like quite sometimes since i last heard from both of u liao hor!!
How u doing?

Hmmm... oh, <font color="0077aa">Snuffles</font>, u must be already back in UK liao, right? Do take care cos think the weather is getting cooler liao!
