Support group - Miscarriages

Hi gals,
How's everyone?

I think I O-ed but this month didn't try hard BD-ing. Sigh... Most prob need to wait for next cycle and jiayou once again. Whatever it is, all the BEST to all of us ya? Jiayou Jiayou Jiayou!!!

dear all,
how r u girls? i'm back from shanghai.. alot of posts in this one week..

did u get the ginseng wine? one mummy posted here n commented that ginseng not supposed to be consumed during ttc.. i read abt that in the ttc thread oso.. but i guess ultimately depends on why u wanna drink the wine.. i drank that coz i need to bu my body and to boost up my energy level and health... otherwise i will be sooo dead-looking.. so of coz no leftover energy for ttc oso..

i am the same as u girls, to have another sibling for my son..

u found ur female gynae? mine's was dr pyllis liauw from TLC at thomson medical.. she's very professional, and those no-nonsense type.. but she's really good

actually depends on individuals.. maybe once u share it out loud... some jealous ones will wish scretly that u shldn't be preggie and really causes it to happen?

i think i ovulate on tues while i was in shanghaiz.. only bd on friday when i came home..let's hope that i make it in time this round kekkeke..
Hi, Sashamama
Do you feel skeptical to TTC again after MC.
I do when I had my 1st MC and sebseqent 2s. Phew, I will need lots of courage for my next TTC which I plan to happen next May. Like Avocado, I'm the type who can concieve easily but ended up 3 MCs (Oct07, Apr08, Oct08) within a year. GOSH! Isn't it too stressful for my poor body to keep going thru D&C! Sigh!

Is that your 1st MC? how long did you rest before you go back to work? Did yr gynae asked you to see him again in 2weeks after D&C to make sure that your womb is back to normal.

Hi, Avocado
My boy is 5yo and I have always wanted to give him another sibling so that he won't be too lonely after we passed away in old age. Hv been happily bonding & travelling with him in the last 5 yrs till we decided to TTC last year. Never expected ended in recurrent MCs. If I know, I would hv planned a 2nd one earlier before my biological clock stopped clicking next yr (hitting the big 40). I felt so sad & sorry everytime my dear boy told me it's fine if he doesn't hv any siblings as he's v happy with just daddy,mommy & him
He doesn't know abt my MCs thou.

I am v kiasu, had gone thru all the MC profile tests on diabetes, thryoids, auto immume etc and even take the chromosome tests for both hubby & me and diligently taken TCM after the 2nd MC. All the test results are normal, so gynae tell me it's just luck and also maybe my OLD age.

Are you trying to TTC after yr 2nd MC? May I ask how old are you? Like you, I too think that I don't hv "yuan" with my 2 loss (3rd MC was oblighted ovum, so no bb) and my son maybe fated to be the only child

How long did you rest after each MCs. haha, I hv asked my gynae to give me a 1mth rest for this 3rd MC. I'm so silly to feel the pressure to face my colleages sympathy again (they're aware of my MCs).

Does any one if there are tests carried out on egg and sperm quality? If yes, any of you take this test before. And does your gynae see you again after your MC in 2-3wks time to make sure that your womb has shrink back?

Do not give up. For me, i mc naturally in april 2006 at abt 5weeks pregnancy. God is good, i expected another baby after 1 week of my mc. Even my Gynae is so astonished and amazed, as he said this is very rare. Now, my boy is coming to 2 years liao.
i have just seen my gynae yesterday to check that everything is ok after the mc. we decided to investigate the course of the recurrent mcs and both me and hubby went to the lab where they took urine sample, culture, and vials of blood to test yday..they cost a real bomb and now i am just waiting for the test results! feelin v worried now. don check also scare, check liao also scare of results..
hello's everyone?
been busy lately so never post...

tangtang, hope u feeling better now

sashamama, you juz need tha one time to never try hard BD-ing will also strike lor...good luck

smurfy, how's ur shanghai trip? good luck to u too
Hi, Schnauzie

During my 2nd MC, my gynae took a blood test during the D&C process. I also see another gynae for 2nd advice on recurrent MC and he did a MC profile test on me. My hubby & I too went for chromsome tests (@Parkway Lab)to make sure that our nothing is wrong with us. Luckily all the test results are normal. The waiting period of all these tests are 2-3 weeks and the results will be communicate thru your gynae. These tests cost a bomb but worth it lor if you still want to concieve.

Sigh! unfortunately, I still had a 3rd MC and it's oblighted ovum somemore
Now don't know whether to pick up the courage and try for the 4th time.

Do you also hv recurent MCs? How many times and do you hv kid?

Oh did you see your gynae again after yr 2wks of D&C to make sure that the womb is back to norm.
I am 34 this yr....u can ask ur hb to go for SA test...u can't chk ur eggs....
i didn't hv any MC bcoz i am SAHM
u r a SAHM? wow u r good leh.. kekeke it's one path i will never succeed in.. too impatient, no tolerance.. no financial freedom frm hb...scared to lose touch with society.. how u manage ur day?

shanghai was alright.. cool not yet cold.. i bought like 400rmb of chinese books for my boy.. so happy, ate hairy crabs oso.. one of my best trip tis year.. given the suai suai fact that i went to india 2x tis year.

I had 2 MCs, one Oct 07 was blighted ovum which i did a d&c, went to check 2 weeks later everything was ok, no clots etc, then went for a laproscopy to remove a big fibroid then gotta rest and not ttc for a few mths, then this round i think is a chemical preg/ v early mc coz i spotted and went to gynae, no sac was found. I have no kids

So after this 2nd mc, I did the test at parkway lab but they are not able to tell me how long to wait for the results. During my last visit early this week, we did a scan and saw the egg n follicles but my gynae advise us not to ttc until the test results are out.

Now, I am just waiting for the results and is reading up on the possible problems and what can be done. Think there is a solution to everything just whether got enough courage and monie or not. Discussed with my hubby and feel consoled that there is always IVF (with pre-natal genetic diag, if found tt we got chromosome prob) or even adoption. But if got problem, i think it is more affordable to switch to KKH.

If u r feeling depressed and dejected now, why not give yourself a break from ttc for a while. Try when u r ready to do so, think many of us feel hopeful one moment and hopeless at the next moment. Feel comforted tt you have one child already
may i know which gynae r u visiting? If i am nt wrong,even u can see the egg n follicles,but it's not possible to c if the egg is healthy or not

my hb n me oso went thru serial of tests n at the end found out that we r fine.So I am sure u r fine oso..Majority of m/c is due to chromosome prob,poor egg/sperm which we can't control.

Until now,i still try to figure out why this happened to me and even happened twice coz we've led a healthy lifestyle.Well,i tink this is all fated.
Hi Smurfy!
You TTC-ing now or when huh? Jiayou k?
Glad ur trip was great!

Hi Winnie,
No I'm not skeptical. Have tried for 2 cycles liao, today aroung DPO4 for my 2nd cycle. We just gotta stay positive!!! Yes it was my 1st M/C, i was on 3 weeks MC and i did visit my gynae to check if there're still clots. You?

Hi sporty,
Thanks! FF says my EDD is 9th August 2009 if i strike this cycle!

Dear Schnauzie,
Keep us updated on ur results, k! All the best!

Hi Chloe,
Thanks for comin in to encourage us!!!

Can u update ur info in this format, so i can add on to the list to motivate us? Thx!
<font color="ff0000">Please Add On To The List!!!
Number of M/Cs:
Month of Last M/C:
Pregnant after How Many Menstrual Cycles:
Month of Delivery: </font>
Hi, Avocado
That what my gynae told me too that most of the MCs are due to eggs &amp; sperms quality. Sigh! so tat why am thinking if there is any test to find out the quality. He told me I can only do test on sperm but not egg. I hope I wont get a 4th MC in my next TTC. It's v depressing to go thru the D&amp;C &amp; recuperating process over &amp; over again

Dont push yrself to TTC if you are not ready yet. Give yourself and your body more time.

You are a SAHM, WHOW! Envy you who will hv so much time on yr dear son
How I wish I can be one. Infact, I enjoyed my recuperating leave &amp; was spending lots of time w my son. I still left with 1 more golden week before I go back to work. Xian!
Hi Schnauzie,

Dont worry abt yr test results. Most couple hv normal results for these test. MCs sometimes are due to egg &amp; sperm quality, a matter of luck....
All the best to yr results. Oh, dont TTC yet till u get yr results ok....

My hubby &amp; I lead a healthy lifestyle, no smoking, drinking and yet....

Anyway, like u mentioned, I shld be contented that I hv a child. But then some human are greedy creatures, when they have 1, they will hope for 2... keke :p

Hi, Chloe

Kindly post the MCs and success in preggie statisic again Thanks :p
avocado &amp; winnie - im seeing dr chan at gleneagles. yes, the scan can only see if i will ovulate, was afraid the cycle will all be messed up after the mc. hubby n i also lead a healthy lifestyle.

Thanks for all the comforting words

it sure feels better to be able to share the experience with others. My colleagues n in laws are all not aware of the 2nd is better coz no one knows n u can keep it all quiet but sometimes there is no outlet to express ur feelings , not sure if u guys understand what im trying to say.keke
Sashamama - will keep all of u updated when the results r out..
hi Sashamama,
thanks for helping to keep the record..may i suggest if u could include another info:TCM visited?

hi schnauzie,
r u refering to Dr CHan Kong Hon?Ya,u can only chk the quality of the eggs thru PGD(PDG?)

Hi Winnie,
i only very worry abt 3rd now i am reali trying to boost my health by taking multivitamin..but still end up sick easily.I just recovering fr. flu n sore throat...going to c ENT spec soon to find out abt my frequent sore throat n cough...
Hi all,

I am new to this link. Thought I could find alot of support from here.

I just had my mc last week. Had been trying for baby for 2,3 years and this mc really hit me very badly....especially when you see pregnant women and children and when your relatives and friends pregnant and deliver.

I want to try again immediately but worry. I guess alot of ladies over here will understand how I feel...
Hi Niclim,

sorry to hear abt your loss. Well.. ya.. many of us go through the same thing. Its really tough, but as time goes by.. you should feel better though u will nv forget abt what has happened.

You will nv be away from preggies.. The topic at work everyday is always abt the preg mummies. My colleague who was preg 1 mth ahead of me is going on maternity leave le. Today last day at work. Recently saw the maternity photoshoot with her husband showing her preg belly. I tell u.. super envious lo.. She'll be having c-sec on 1st dec cos bb in breach position.

If I didnt lose bb.. i should be carrying bb in my arms late dec or early jan.

Starting all over again takes courage.. lots of it. Just take your time to recover and then ttc again.. okies? take care...
Hi Ling,

Thanks for your support. Yes, I keep telling myself I must stay positive and keep trying.
Yesterday just had my scan after the mc. The doctor suggested that I could do the IUI. So I might consider that.

Anyone went through before?
Hi avocado,
Not all mummies go TCM, and moreover many of the mummies that posted in the list just came in once to post their info and didn't come back again, very hard to get them to repost.

Actually, to compile the list, i went in to Jan 2008 MTB all the way to Aug 2008 MTB to tell the mummies who've M/C-ed and delivered successfully to come in here to post info. I don't think i'm gonna do that again, it's like telling the world i M/C-ed. Hope you understand... hehe...

Dear Niclim,
yes, you can get a lot of support here. We'd all jiayou one another ya?
My M/C was in July, this is my 2nd cycle after my M/C that i'm trying. yes, there's huge anticipation combined with fear. But we will pull through, with HOPE!

If you wanna find out more about IUI, maybe you wanna visit the support group for that. Most of us here are unsure

Hi Ling,
TCM helps to tiao our body. Some herbs can help bu our womb and keep our body temp optimal for conceiving and carrying a baby i think. I've not visited one yet, am thinking of doing so. I do hear ladies getting preggie after visiting TCM and i also hear cases where it's not helped much. So, it depends on who you go to and what are the measures taken i guess!
Hi Gals,
Here is the list I've compiled. Have placed it in Excel format for easy reading

<font color="ff0000">SUCCESSFUL MUMMIES AFTER M/C(s)

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD># of M/C</TD><TD># of Cycles To Get Preggie Again</TD><TD>Yr/Mth of Delivery </TD></TR><TR><TD>Melissa</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>06 Sep </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xbliss</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>07 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>CryStaLZ</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>07 Nov </TD></TR><TR><TD>Icy</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>08 Jan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Manuka_Chan</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>08 Jan </TD></TR><TR><TD>L0v3</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>08 Feb </TD></TR><TR><TD>Patricia</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>13</TD><TD>08 Feb </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angtay</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>08 Mar </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chewwy</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>08 Mar </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eunice72</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>08 Mar </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joteohl</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>08 Apr </TD></TR><TR><TD>Leslieanne</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>08 Apr </TD></TR><TR><TD>Oldmum</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>08 Apr </TD></TR><TR><TD>Persona</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>08 Apr </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggymummy</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>08 Apr </TD></TR><TR><TD>Corynn</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>08 May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kaka2606</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>08 May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Roxy</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>08 May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Happymama</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>08 Jun </TD></TR><TR><TD>Happysnowflakes</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>08 Jun </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sexyaqua</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>08 Jun </TD></TR><TR><TD>Youpi</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>08 Jul </TD></TR><TR><TD>Divine</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>08 Jul </TD></TR><TR><TD>Celynlee</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>08 Aug </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mulberry</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>08 Aug </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="ff0000">Please Add On To The List!!!
Number of M/Cs:
Pregnant after How Many Menstrual Cycles:
Month of Delivery: </font>

Some Statistics from the 26 Mummies In The List:
Conceived &amp; Delivered Successfully After M/C
- 1-2 Cycles: 11 Mums (WOW!!!)
- 3-6 Cycles: 7 Mums (YEAH!!!)
- 7-13 Cycles: 6 Mums (STILL GOOD!!!)
- 20+ Cycles: 2 Mums (THERE’s ALWAYS HOPE!!!)

Hi Sashamama

Thanks for the excel format. Just like to check those with one cycle and get preggie again, does this mean that they waited for their first menses arrived and then start trying or immediately they got pregnant after the mc?
hi ladies, wondering do u all still remember me ? i think is time to share this piece of good news. i am 13 weeks 4 days preggy today. i got a m/c this year feb. and start ttc in April once gynae give the green light. is really tough and sad when AF report every cycle. finally we manage to strike on the 5th cycle with the help of OPK to monitor "O" days.

just done the NT scan last week and everything is normal. i dare not join any thread when i tested +ve end August..only read thru the posting everyday and pray hard that this baby will grow well. dr woody say my baby is active and keep turning around while doing the scan. hehe. so i wish everyone here will continue trying. i also have lots of frens and relatives around me that keep sharing with me their pregnancy news while i am still ttcing...and i just told myself to try harder and strike is the best cure for us. Jia You Ya !

hi bluberi, sorry to hear about your 2nd m/c...but i am glad that u are determine to try again in Jan. btw i heard the TCM Dr Tan in serangoon is really good. my fren strike after seeing her less than 6 months (she ttc for abt 3 years). so she also recommend her to me when she heard about my past history. however, i did not went to see her...hope u will share with us your good news once everything is stable ok. cheer up girl !
Porky, congrats to u!!
mi currently seeing the TCM doc in hougang, which is also very popular. tink next preggie i will also nt join any thread first juz in case. i was in the jun09 MTB thread earlier, so far haf 3 M/C cases liao (incl. mi). i wish my AF will come asap.. but still got to wait 2-3wks more for AF to report.. hope will strike within two cycles. spread ur bb dust!
bluberi, r u seeing mdm tan siew lan TCM ? for this pregnancy, i did not inform anyone accept my hubby and MIL. cos MIL stay with me and cook dinner for me. so i think is best to tell her loh. my ms is still manageable so office colics and boss still did not notice anything till now..haha. thot of inform them next week. i know u are very eager to try again. but pls give urself time to rest and bu first. spread LOTS of baby dust to all here. catch it ok !
Porky, yup, mi seeing her.. i was preggie again aft seeing her for 3mths, but sadly i M/C. she told mi nt to be too sad coz i'm still young. in my case, i haf to informed my manager n coligs fm the start coz i was on hospitalisation leave for spotting, had already used up all my MCs during 1st preggie. *catching all the bb dusts*
Hi Ladies,

I am one of those who posted on the successful preg after 2 m/cs... and yes, I did go for TCM to tiao the body. From my personal experience, I think it is important to get the body ready before trying to get pregnant again, esp for those with recurrent m/cs. Even if you are planning for IVF, the body may not be able to hold on to the preg even if you strike, which was what happened to a friend's wife. They spent some time on TCM before trying IVF again, and now their twins are about 6 mths old. BTW I was also one of the patients of Mdm Tan Siew Lan... she has helped many of our friends who went to see her. She also sees patients at the Thong Chai Medical Institute at Chin Swee Road. Sadly, age is also one of the reasons for m/cs, according to a specialist gynae i saw...
Dear Niclim,
I believe it's after the 1st actualy menstrual cycle. Only Chloe is straight after her M/C but I placed it at 1 cycle for easy calculations. :p

Dear Porky,
Am so happy for you
Do come back here to post your info when you deliver next year and motivate the ladies in this thread! Hopefully by then we'd all be preggie again
Can share contacts of the Mr Tan at Serangoon?

Dear Bluberi,
Can share contacts of Mdm Tan in Hougang?

Dear Celia,
As posted in the TTC thread, I remember you announced preggie in July, like me then sadly it was a chemical pregnancy and 1 month later you announced preggie again and now you say you lost the BB at 12 weeks.

It must have been a cruel roller coaster ride for you... I dunno how to console you well, except to not lose hope, tiao your body and try again. There's always hope. For now, mourn as you will, hurt as you are, and take good care of your health, just like a confinement.

Take more tonics like DOM/Yomeishu, soups, food with ginger, chicken's essence, bird's nest, etc. Rest more, sleep more. Come in here when you need.
dear sashamama chemical pregnancy was .... hm unsure when but i remembered it was a good 3 months or 4 before we got pregnant again .... but guess the body was not right or the egg and sperm was not of gd quality thus lost it......i am trying to Tio my body .... taking 1 chicken essense a day lor.....
still feel sianze at the 3 months bulge is still there... at the moment the breast is very engorged ... as the body thinks that i have just given birth or something very very pain my breast
*hug*hug*.. i'm sorry to hear that from u... it's very saddening whenever i hear that someone with a m/c gets it again.. but pls be strong... we may not give u the best advice now.. but we do feel what u r going thr...
so u still on mc now? i dunno wat else to say but i think staying away from the forum will help? i used to tear n tot back of the loss whenever i read the comforting words frm the forummers..
celia_p, sorry abt ur loss. rite nw is to rest more n bu the body. how many days MC u were give aft the D&amp;C? stay positive! we all jiayou together.

the DOM, i buay tahan. so far take one time oni.. tml seeing tcm again.
celia_p - i really am sorry to hear of what happened to you. i myself went thru 2 MC within 4 mths. its a trying and tough period. do take care of urself and bu wf chicken essence and dang gui. the best we can do is to prepare our bodies again to get ready for our next successful conception. do come in here when u need our ears...
celia_p, sorry about your loss. I also went through the loss last week. Trying to get over it as well but i know sometimes is really very hard. The thing will just flash back in your mind. Jiayou, be positive.

Aileen, do the doctor find out what happen on your second MC? How long do you take to conceive after the 1st MC?
Niclim - my gynae said he din think i need to do any tests, he concluded it as a simple unhealthy pregnancy. so i just let it be. i conceived the first cycle i tried which is the 2nd cycle aft MC. am trying to prepare my body now for the next conception. pray that it will turn out well.
celia - im v sorry to hear abt your loss, don give up hope. As long as you keep trying, there is hope *huggzzz* Let's encourage one another
I thot I neber have to come back to this thread again - but today I am in again - not to give comfort to others but to grieve for myself.
I will have to go through a termination tomorrow morning. BB not growing and the sac had collapsed.

We tried so hard to get pregnant again since 2006 as I have PCOS and hard to conceive. This was through IUI.

I had done all I could - take supplement, take jab to support since day 1 I know that I am pregnant but ironically BB chose to not grow anymore.

This is a tough blow and I really dont know how to grieve anymore
ah kat

very sad. i wonder why some pple can get pregnant so easily and even can choose to abort. life is so unfair.
ah_kat, sorry to hear that...i only can say keep trying and be strong.

bbq98, i agreed with you. I keep wondering that as well. The best part is they don't even want to get pregnant some more.....

Ask all of you....I lost my bb through "delayed menses", so is there ovulation 14 days after my first day of bleeding?

dear girls..
i got something to share..i am not prepared to share with other regular threads that i am always in yet, but somehow found closeness in this thread with regards to this issue and i think most of u would be sincerely happy for me ... i think i am preggie

remember before i went for the shanghai trip, i asked u girls about ovulation and best timing to do it? i did it immediately the nite when i came back.. and think i striked it then. hahaha coz i onli did 2x tis month, the other time is just after my period ends.

actually like the chemical pregancny i had earlier onz, i sorta know i am preggie by 3rd week, with lots of burping, gases and bloatiness. i started testing on HPTs and it's only until CD39 tat shows a very faint positive. (my last cycle was 39 days).

somehow differnt from the previous chemical pregnancy, i am very calm and positive this time round... i dunno what got into me then and i was getting all worried reading the miscarriages threads and finding more infor.. but this time round, i know it's going to be a healthy pregnancy..

some of the funny things that happened.. 2 days after i did it, i woke up and recalled seeing a girl in the another dreams a few days later, i recalled seeing lots of kids..about 7 days after the deeed, my dream includes a boy... so i guess all these r good signs..and true indeed

i will be letting things go naturally.. and start on my folic acid... dun intend to see the gynae so early this time round, if it's meant to be, it will stay with me throughout ..~que sarah sarah~...
.. and based on the due date calculator, it's gonna be a national day baby

for ur statistics tracking, i had 2 periods after the chemical pregnancy..
