Dear all,

I wanted to come in to share my personal story with all of you. I am a mother of 1 and had secondary infertility issues. Was TTCing for 4 years with no luck. Had 7 failed IUIs incl 1 SO-IUI. Then I went on to IVF with Dr Loh. Failed my IVF.

It was a great set back for me given that I had done acupuncture and had been taking TCM for close to a year before I did my IVF. What made it a greater blow was that out of the 8 ladies (incl myself) who were cycling at the same time, I was the only one who failed.

So I was depressed for a good 1 to 2 months after the failed cycle. Then I decided to take a break and focus on my work and my other committments for 2008. In fact, I was doing family planning and do not intend to TTC until 2H of 2009.

But God has his own timing and I am now pregnant with my second child. It was conceived naturally - in fact it was conceived during my supposedly safe period.

My hb felt that I was able to conceived as I am in a more relaxed state now compared to the time when I was doing the IVF and perhaps that helps.

So I wanted to share with all ladies here - please do not give up because miracles do happen and God really has his timing at times.

Baby dust to all of you in this Niu year. :)
Hi All, jux chanced upon this thread of sharing. Like Jade, i'm also mother of 1 and have been TTC for 2yrs with no success. After all tests, it seems i fall into the category of "unexplained infertility". Tried TCM for about 1/2 a year. Now kind of gave up coz i'm too lazy and xian to brew medicines every weekly basis. TCM doc say my husband's sperm quality not ideal, but hubby not inclined to take chinese medicine to boost quality. My gynae has differing views on the sperm test results. He has no worry in terms of count and quality issue. He proposed IUI next. Jade, wat's the diff b/w IUI and SO-IUI? Am hesitating now, and if still no result, probably will give IUI a shot mid year. Am 35 liao, cannot wait any longer.
So my advice to couples out there, no need to plan/think so much to have BB or not...It's not gonna be a strike the moment you try. I struck 1st time with my boy, never had i expected it so difficult having my 2nd.
hi crafty,

It was the same story as me. I had unexplained infertility and my hubby's sperm count was in fact ok. And similar to yours, I struck first time with my first child so I was puzzled with my subsequent inability to conceive. I am 35 too :)

IUI is just insemination of your husband's sperms into your uterus area during your fertile period - when you are ovulating or about to ovulate. With SO-IUI, Gynae will give you jab to grow the egg follicles and as such, you might release multiple eggs and hence there is an increased chance of multiple pregnancies. SO-IUI is good for ladies who have problems ovulating or who are not ovulating.
Hi Jade,

Glad i've found someone who shares the same experience as me. My gynae advised that i take up SO-IUI, but i'm quite scared to jab myself leh...And i've also heard of clomid and Metformine (not sure spelling) which will help egg growth..My gynae never gave these to me. I was given another medication which i did not respond after 4 cycles or so. How is the SO-IUI procedure like? Jab yourself and go back for observation till time's ripe to deposit sperm?
hi crafty,

You can either jab yourself or in some instances, the gynae might ask you to go down to the clinic to do the jab. My gynae requested me to go down to his clinic to do the jab. I had 4 jabs in total I think. Done that a few years ago. Cannot remember exactly.
oic. If it proceed with so-iui, likely gonna to jab myself...dun think hubby can help, coz he got butterfly fingers. Wat if he break the needle in me?! But i heard from other mummies that it's the 2ww that's more agnonising than the jabs...
hi crafty,

Yes, if it is self administered jabs, it will be done with those injection pens. My previous gynae was quite kiasu and requires me to report to his clinic for jabs. So it was done with the normal syringe.

The 2ww is indeed agonising cos you are kept in suspense throughout and you tend to worry about any possible thing that might affect the conception. I learnt though that the most important thing is to relax your mind. If you have to, I would rather you go to work and take your mind off the entire conception thing. Don't give yourself too much pressure else it is hard to succeed also.
Hi Jade,

I'm very glad i found this thread coz my situation is similar to urs.conceived 1st child very easily,but unfortunately,had a stillbirth in july last yr.eager to conceive again.veen trying so hard.hubby's attitude makes it more difficult for me.refuses to have sex coz thinks i'm too anxious to have kids.been trying since late last yr.

undergoing gynae check.a bit nervous abt sperm analysis result coming out on tues.preparing myself for IUI or even IVF coz emotionally,it's very difficult to have sex.when u r trying so long w/o luck,it's really miserable to have sex coz it's for a purpose.& if i don't ask,hubby won't sad,right? 1st baby,didn't even use anything accept counting of dates.this few cycles,used everything i could pull out of the magic hat.ovulation kit,calculation,clomid etc.

maybe it's god's wat i know,a lot of ppl conceive unexpectedly.but again,w/o ovulation & timing,how to conceive,right?

i'm bracing myself for a long journey's the hope that keeps me least u have 1 child.i came close to having one.bought everything already.mentally preparing myself for the birth when i discovered baby didn't kick one day.

i will put myself thru' hell coz a baby will mean so much to me.but it's a lonely journey which i'll be walking alone.glad i chanced upon this thread.hubby not very supportive though he also wants a kid.don't know y.dare not ask too much coz if i make him angry,he will use sex against i have to be very crafty during my fertile period.cannot say or do anything to anger him.have to watch my actions very sad,right?

i'm beginning to lose a bit of hope.but i keep telling myself i have to be brave.i cry so much,never in my life b4.
Hi Monster

sorry to hear about your experience. Hang on to your motherhood journey and i'm sure your will see light at the end of the tunnel. I was also turning hopeless b4 i chanced upon this forum. When you read about some mummies' success stories, you will feel more motivated to carry on. And you're not alone! Many mums out there are/may be in the same situation when TCC-ing BUT working very hard too. So am i. Dun give up hope! It's just a matter when. And god has it planned. Don't worry.

Guess i've to take your words for it. R&R will defintely help. That's when i take time off to indulge in my craft works and baking to enjoy myself. Well, i'm still giving natural conception the final try and if still nothing, i will soon embark on the next stage.
hi monster,

Sorry for my late response. So sorry to hear about your case. In any case do not give up. With regards to your hubby's response, maybe he wanted you to have a rest before trying for a next child. Because ideally you should wait for 6 months for your womb to recuperate before you try again. Just relax, beef up your body and try again. I am sure you will be able to succeed. Just try to relax and not think of it as a chore, because if you do, your body will be tensed and it will be harder to conceive - as in my case previously.


Good to hear that. :) I did that as well - I put conception totally out of my mind and I think unknowingly that is when I managed to conceive. God just works in a mysterious way at times.

Take care ladies and dun give up.
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum.Have been ttc for 2 years. Just started seeing gynea for fertility tests. Currently on clomid 1st cycle.
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum. Have been ttc for the past 2years. Just started fertility tests and treament. My gynea put me on clomid for this cycle...keeping toes and fingers crossed that it'll work for me.
hi toy collector,

Yes i remember you! Was looking around for you but didn't see you.

Thanks! How have you been? Everything going well for you?
hi ladies, i was from this forum, but conceived my baby via SO-IUI in 2007. now trying for number 2 and not taking clomid. anyone had any successes? cos i'm afraid to go through the clomid and IUI cycle again.
i am in another thread..the christian one for ivf mums.. how many months... u gave me sooooo much hope...u are an inspiration to me.. i dont think i can try so many iui like you... do take care... is it a gal this time? sosoooo happy for you!
Hi tub,

I would like to know more abt ur experience with IUI.i don't quite know wat my prob is.hubby's swimmers are not quite strong.they are not swimming fast enough.but i conceived my 1st child effortlessly.but i lost the baby at 29 wks.

this time,it's so trying juz to be trying.i have regular periods,but i also have a septum in the uterus,making it more difficult for me to conceive & increasing the chance of miscarriages.

trying to time the ovulation this cycle.but i've been doing that since mid last yr,after i had the stillbirth.i'm still deciding b/w IUI & IVF if i'm unsuccessful this many times did u try IUI?
hi monster,

my fertility problem lies with my endometriosis and hubby's poor sperm motility. had been trying for a few years and finally attempted so-iui. (i had laproscopy 1 year b4 the so-iui but failed to conceive naturally.) it's my first try at so-iui so i'm quite lucky. i had 3 jabs of gonal f, plus clomid and doctor timed my ovulation accurately. actually iui is nothing scary cos the medication is limited to clomid and the procedure is very simple. we also tried tcm and was on cordyceps for some time. i think they helped in the conception. my fertility specialist's plan was to try clomid for 2 cycles, then iui for 3 cycles, then do laproscopy and finally ivf if all else fails.

if u had conceived the first time round, it could be stress that's causing the problem. how long have u been trying?
hi toy collector,

I am about 15 weeks pregnant. My last scan was 2 weeks ago and I don't know the gender yet. keeping my fingers crossed. :) Actually after so many years, as long as baby is healthy, anything is fine.

You tried IVF? I still have about 5 frozen embryos being stored at KKH.
Hi tub,

i don't know wat the problem is.hubby thinks i'm too anxious too.but there's no scientific proof anxiety will intefer with natural conception.but it seems like a lot of ppl conceived after giving up.maybe less stress.

it's impossible for me not to stress.i've had a taste of motherhood,only to lose's not like i haven't had a baby b4.i still miss my daughter.since july last yr,i've been crying silently to myself almost every night.the 1st mth was the worst,i cried buckets.

hubby trying codyceps,i'm trying 'bai feng wan'.but u know wat? today is day 17 & i'm getting my period! so disappointed.i spent so much effort timing my ovulation.spent so much money going for is the day i'm supposed to ovulate.wonder if it's coz of the TCM or coz i stopped clomid this cycle.

i've been trying since aug last yr.the 1st 2 cycles,a bit messy coz juz had the stillbirth,so guess it's normal.

sigh,i have to go c doc on mon.btw,who is ur fertility specialist?
Hi jade,

i was juz reading earlier posts.u said u were depressed for 1-2 mths.can u tell me how u felt/reacted during that time?

i'm so worry i fall into depression.whenever my period comes,i don't feel like doing anything except sleep,coz that's the only thing that will take my mind off mind is so tired already.

i have no one to lean on,so i have to depend on myself.i try to focus on work,but when the fertil period comes,i inadvetably think abt it.tot of resting for 1 mth,but i really want an end of yr child.& also afraid next pregnancy may not be successful.
monster, my specialist is dr charles mp lim.

try to relax and loosen up! this really helps! pardon me but i think you may need to sort out other things like emotional and relationship issues with your hubby prior to conception. sometimes we may be so blinded by conception we forget that we need to be very strong being a parent, esp a mother. trust me, if conception is tough... (i know, cos i also went through a lot and was depressed at one point cos no news at all!)... being a mother is worse. the baby needs loving parents who love each other. so brace yourself up and be more positive!
Hi tub,

Thx for ur encouragement.I do agree with u.i'm mentally prepared to be a mum when i was 1st pregnant.i know it's going to be tough & i'm all prepared to do it myself.wat u said is true.the baby needs loving parents.i've read somewhere (& told my hubby this too) that the best gift a parent can give the child is to love his/her partner.

something very strange happened last night.the bleeding stopped! i was thinking it could be post coital bleeding,but the last time i had intercourse was on can post coital bleeding be so delayed? doc told me to try last night,but i only tried this afternoon coz of the bleeding.don't know wat is happening.i think i shall try IUI/IVF the next's too stressful planning intercourse.
when was ur first scan done? Did u have to check ur hcg levels every 2 days? Were u on progesterone pills?
Hi monster,

could your day 17 bleeding be ovulation bleeding? sometimes when the egg is bursting out of the ovary, some bleeding might occur. And I read that it is a good fertility sign ;) good luck!
dear all am new here...
my mense is due on the 21st Mar as my last was 21st Feb... i tested this more negative but symptoms like adominal pain, breast enlarge/pain and frequent urination has been bothering me for a week plus 2 weeks....

been trying for 8 months and went to gynae n was on clomid for three months. now is just the first month.. am i testing it too early? feeling so lousy over the whole incident... anyone pls advise??
hi ladies

sorry to interrupt. I am a mummy that go thru IVF and sucessfully give birth to a boy last year Sep. Just to share all the hardship is really worth it!!.

For ladies going thru the IVF process will need to purchase the Puregon Pen @$50. I am willing to let go mine at $30. Please PM me if keen

I last posted in this tread last year when I had problems conceiving after trying for >1 yr (see previous posts below)

Posted on Thursday, May 22, 2008 - 10:47 pm:
Hi Everyone,

I hv been a silent reader in this thread for a while.

I got married in 2005 but only started trying end 2006. After 1 yr+ without good news, we decided to to go for check-up. My hubby's semen test results turned out bad. Low count, low motility and only 1% morphology. The gynae whom I was seeing advised that we shld not waste time and shld consult a fertility doctor asap.

I am now seeing Dr S C Ng at Gleneagles. He is a very nice, patient and fatherly doctor. Due to my hubby's condition, we were told that I will only hv 1% chance to conceive naturally, 4% with IUI and 40% for IVF-ICSI. Though IVF-ICSI seems to be the best option for us, he still suggested that we shld give IUI a try for at least twice becoz it is a simpler process and also cheaper. If failed, then we shld proceed to IVF-ICSI.

Posted on Thursday, May 22, 2008 - 11:04 pm:
---------------------------------------------- message is too long..can't seem to put up in 1 post.

My hubby is given vitamins and supplements and we are planning to do IUI in June.

I cried a few times that day after our doctor visit. I can't accept the fact that we need to go thru IVF at our age (we are 31). I always thought that IVF is for those 40+. WHY must I bear such pains to have a baby? WHY having a baby is so difficult? WHY does it happen to me? I love kids and we want kids but WHY we can’t have them? WHY other people who dun want them can have them by accidents?

Yes, the feelings is worse when u see friends and colleagues (who are older than u) getting pregnant so easily. In fact I was jealous and miserable. I know I shouldn't but I just can't help it....

We have decided not to tell our parents yet. Will go for the IUI 1st and see how......

Posted on Sunday, May 25, 2008 - 10:03 pm:
Thanks, gals.

Guess unless one is in our situation, otherwise they will never know how we feel.

Went to get my medication on Sat for my IUI in June. Hope I can be successful this mth so that I dun need to go thru IUI or IVF.....haiz.
to my pleasant surpise, just 2wks before our IUI appt, I manage to conceive naturally!!! I was elated and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the +ve sign on the pregnancy test kit! And I even tested a few times till the fact sinks in!!!

I just delivered a 3.7 kg baby boy last month and am enjoying motherhood now despite the tiring & sleepless nites :)

So gals, pls DO NOT give up trying & miracles could happen to u just like me..... I was v v v lucky to hit the 1% chance to conceive :)

Dear all mommies,
I am TTC from 3 yrs.....just been to one gynae at Thomson Clinic...he's very good....unfortunately due to PCOS....i need to consult a PCOS specialist. Anyone here has a good doctor to recommend for a PCOS patient. Please reply. I am under complete stress as I am unable to find a PCOS specialist.
Dear all ladies
i had 2 m/c with the recent one last week.i cant seem to let go as we realy wanted a baby.Anyone had similar sitauations and manage to give birth after that?Anyone had gd chinese dr or gynae to recommend?
hi bb power...

may i know how u ttc? my hubby has the same condition as urs.. juz 1%.. aighh.. i try till so tired liao..
Hi all,

I am new here. I have always been a reader of this thread. Have been ttcing for the last 1 year or so but still no news. Have tried clomid for 3 cycles... gynea suggested so-iui but abit hesitant. So this month maybe our last time trying natural... hopefully it turns out well..
hi twinklee, all the best! actually so-iui is not scary. i conceived my no 1 via that procedure... and the medication is limited to. baby dust!
jamie31, i had a friend who had cervical incompetence. so she had 2 miscarriages. but she's just given birth to a healthy baby a few months back. she went through a lot but persisted. most impt thing is to find out wat caused your two MCs and work on it, either through western med or tcm. all the best to you and have faith!
rustam, you can go to dr charles mp lim at mt e. he was my fertility specialist. did a so iui for me and was successful. my baby is now going 17 months.
twinklee, yes, my hubby jabbed for me. i got a GP to do it the first time but my hubby did it for me subsequently. all the best!
For those who suffer m/c, PCOS, etc.... maybe can try chinese sinseh Dr Velonka Toh. i have seen many gynae/sinseh for almost 4 yrs, i feel Dr Toh is very knowledgable in infertility problems, she combines eastern & western medicine/treatment. I have suffered & "paid expensive school fees" to learn about my infertility problems, trust me, there are areas which western medicine can't help, you need a combination of eastern & western medicine
my hubby "soldiers" not strong due to hormone issues, just started to take medicine from dr velonka toh, will see if any improvement in the next hormone test. Had seen at least 4 gynae (including our local IVF centre) in the past, none asked my hubby to check the reason for his weak "soldiers", i reckon this is something western medicine can't help very much
to Lim (1_2_b_mum): i just a 1day old member:) but though i'm an avid follower of this forum.

Can u kindly give me the clininc/ hospital of dr velonkah toh ( i still believe in traditional medications)

thank u very much and lookin forward to more post here'
Hi All,

I have been trying for the past 1 year plus ... Went to see a specialist who realised that I suffered from thyroid problem which will affect infertility.

I went for my regular thyroid test last month and the result showed that my condition has stablised. The doctor recommended us to continue trying but I was thinking of going for IUI at Raffles Hospital as I am really tired and upset every month my "auntie" reports.

Does any girls here have similar experiences and manage to conceive?

Thanks so much in advance.

Hi tub, glad to learn so-iui can be successful. Hope I can be like u & strike the first time. =)
Ladies, just posted in another thread iui: Learnt fr my gynae (SF Loh) that IUI is not very useful. If u want, shld go to SO-IUI direct.
Cos he says IUI is like having sex, so might as well try naturally.

BB dust to All (bb_dust_to_all): Understand what u mean by auntie report, I also feel the same every month. It's like that's the only aim in life, hoping not to see red 1 day!

Ladies: esp those who manage to conceive. Just wondering do you think the "state of your mind" matters? I feel very confused at times if I should try to visualise I would get pregnant one day or just totally don't think about it. There seem to be different schools of thoughts. Some say positive thinking (visualising) will eventually bear fruit. But the problem is when I try to think positive I'll have a baby, but every month I see my AF, I feel very down.
