Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

Hi Jenn,
Ya dr Loh din think it was good idea for me to remove coz that will reduce reproduction on the eggs.

Well I m taking risk in doing this again. No risk no gain.

Hi Jen,

Yes will love to get the GP contact from you. Yo do they have a stop period like mus rest a few months from the slimming pills before getting preggie huh?

Hi Trustbaby,

Mi waiting to see dr loh now. 2 hrs wait. Think he jus came back frm leave. yeah see what he says.
Yo think another lady get preggie n due this year too. Saw her Nick in the MTB but forget her Nick now. Gd to see more preggie

Trustbaby, soon our turns too. Next week goin back to work after long long away from office. somehow there is some resistance I guess. but by goin back to office, also show that i m resuming my normal life.
Hi sunbelle,

Will PM you his contact. The GP said just stop the drug when you are pregnant, no need to rest a few months. I stopped the drug about half a mth before I start my ivf.
Hi Sunbelle,

Yes our turn soon. Honestly i m tired of trying again. Losing a bit of the momentum. Well, my mense just came and report to kkh. 21 days i will be taking my lucrin jabs. If you are on board do let me know. we both can share info since we are with the same dr.

meanwhile take care and all the best to you...
Hi Trustbaby,

Last week, gynae said bb still not engaged yet. This week will see how, if bb still not engaged, see what's the gynae's advice.
Hi Jenn,

What u mean not engaged? Meaning not ready?
Talk to your baby but then best to wait till full term then deliver. Enjoy your pregnancy...
we enjoy getting updates fr u. Remember u r our inspiration so hang on there...girl.

I hvt seen dr Zou for a while since my FET fail. Not sure also to see her. I hv failed two times under her n I know no one fault but myself I feel. My body not responding to accu well.
Shld I change to another one? Any good recommendation apart fr dr Zou?
Hi Trustbaby,

The baby need to be engaged into the cervix so that she can deliver naturally, otherwise will have to cesarean.

I do not have other TCM to recommend. I got a friend who had tried many years has just conceived after she saw Dr Zuo. Dr Zuo has a track record...

How long have you been accu? Do you think you have given enough time for the treatment?
Hi Trustbaby,

I went back to see dr loh. He WANs me to try after one cycle. I m afraid cos TCM say safer after three months. Yeah
not sure whom to heed. Maybe after two months.

Hmmhmm I m feeling upset after knowing so many preggie in my branch. Guess I gt reminded of my loss when I see them. yo, to me, I think I jus had to do things to improve my health.

To be fair, I think dr zuo is good. I gt preggie three weeks after I see her. I jus came back frm her clinic to get some medicine to build my body. although spend abt $100 plus cab fare, think for good health shld be worth it.
Hi Jenn n sunbelle ,
Honestly, I must admit tt I hvt given myself full 3 mths of TCM. I stopped in Dec knowing she was away. Then I was suppose to continue my Ivf n TCM in Jan but I postpone coz I needed to do renovation. Now almost finish I m starting my treatment next mth. Do you think I m late to resume TCM considering tt I m going ahead with the Ivf treatment soon?

I like accupuncture. I find it relaxing. Am going to look for massage place. Any good recommendation? Stress fr my recent busy-ness. I need to calm down myself.

Hi sunbelle, I m glad to hear u pg but sad tt u miscarriage. U give me hope too tt I can still pg. Somehow I feel tt my case is very complicated with cyst n fibroids tho are small but still inside me. So much running in my brain n almost wanna give up during this postponement. Later my mense came I pick up my phone n report to Kkh ready to do another hardcore round of Ivf. I hope n pray for the best but I m prepare for worst la. I hate to give up thus Sunbelle we must jia u together to get pg!

May God Bless Us with love n give us strength n courage in our journey of conception.
Hi sunbelle,

I think 2 mths is gd, let your body take some time to recuperate. Don't be upset, you will still get pg.

Hi Trustbaby,

You should go dr zuo asap, better late than never. Ask dr zuo to give you intensive treatment. When I was doing the ivf, she asked me to go there everyday 1 week before my egg collection, and all the way until the egg transfer. It will sure help.

All the best to both of you!!
Hi Sunbelle,

i think Jenn has given birth n recovering....

hey, how r u? i started my treatment on monday. lucrin injection for two weeks. suppression stage.

when u starting?

this thread only left u n me hor...
Hi Trustbaby and Sunbelle,

I am actually new to this forum.

Actually I do follow the thread on endometrosis and fibroid all along.

For Lucrin injection, I am still on lucrin also.
Hi Cindy,

How r u? Great to know someone interested in this thread.

who is your doc? how long is your lucrin? what treatment u are in?
Hi Trustbaby

For my case, I had endo problem and also have cyst and fibroid.

My Doc is Dr Fong Yang, he actually is the one who scan me and find that I got endo problem.

The Lucrin is to decrease the womb back to normal size as well as fibroid and the cyst.
So that I can conceive.

Currrently today is my second jab on Lucrin.

Got few times, I actually want to stop halfway because of the side effect I had during the first jab but still bearable. I was quite relectant to continue with the second one.

But later after he scan me again, the womb really did decrease in size, that why I continue with the treatment.
Hi Dovegal,
I hv the same problem as you and i hv a mild adenomyosis. Enlarged of the womb.

what type of fertility treatment you will be taking thereafter the lucrin?

i m doing ivf soon so taking lucrin to suppress. i jab myself everyday for 14days. i believe your treatment you go to the clinic for the jab? or you jab yourself too?

You shld be fine coz once the treatment shld be on your gear to try to conceive fast before the cyst n fibroid affect u again.

If you hv anything to share or to ask pls do so. We understand.
Hi Trustbaby n Dovegal,

I jus had my menses yesterdae after my D n C. still got some pain. Was on my way to pray to my grandparents for qingming.

There was a cyst when dr loh scan me two weeks ago. I was very upset. Hope that the cyst like what dr loh say will go away after the menses come. yeah trying ivf oso but think due to my swollen womb, I have to take the Luvrin injection.

Wish k really preggie again n carry the healthy baby to full term.
Hi ladies, first time here. Can i ask a few qns?

Hi Jenn, Subelle, i am also under Dr Zou! She's really great! Btw can either of you PM me the GP Jenn went for slimming? Hope to knock off some kilos before i start ivf in sep. I am also under KKIVF Dr Loh.

Hi Trustbaby, i was also told i have mild adenomyosis. But actually how to tell mild or severe leh? How severe then will affect fertility leh? Do you know?

Congrats Jenn on your delivery!
Hi Sunny,

I haven't got the GP contact yet. Now jogging in the morning on few days. Unable to jog long distance after the recent d n c.

Yeah adeyomoysis will cause me to have bad menses pain which I hated. Dr zuo is amazing. Told her friday my Mense is late. Straight away after taking the brewed medicine, my mense came immediately. good. Cos mi unable to do anything if mense dun cme.
Hi Sunbelle,

Rest well and get back to shape and gear up for ivf.
i m waiting for u to join me...
i no longer able to heart is weak to run so i just walk. I try to walk every weekend. not sure if enuf.

i hv mild coz i nvr had before only recently dr loh scan n told me i hv an enlarged uterus. i dont normally feel pain just a little cramp during menses.

sometime i feel worse that is why i try not to drink any cold drinks at all if i can help it. i know i m not suppose to eat spicy but sometime i cant help it. Do you guys skip cold and spicy food?
Trustbaby, thank you for your encouragement. Sometimes I wonder why surrounding friends do not have this problems but myself only.

I heard from dr that this is my last jab, hope so. After injection, I must try to conceive within 6 months before the womb gradually slowly enlarged again, same goes to fibroid and cyst.

Cold drink I heard from the nurse that it is best to avoid. Chinese medicine cannot eat during lucrin injection also.

But for cold and spicy food, that I not sure. For fruit, must avoid those with lot of juice, hence I only can eat apple, guava and banana only. I heard from my friend that TCM said one. Wonder whether it is true.

Sunbelle, hope you will get well soon also, dun be discouraged.
Hi Dovegal,
I know. All my frens happily conceived n hv their kids now in primary. They dont hv the same prob like i do. N I m still trying. Well I don't care I die die wanna try. Haha. Not giving up yet.
U too, must quickly try once u finish treatment. Be it naturally or assisted. I remember I spent time trying naturally for 3 mths n upgrade to iui n later so iui n now Ivf. This is how the process go. Your doc will advise u according to your condition. Hopefully u kena naturally safe a lot of money;)

Hi sunbelle, ya don't despair. I m still here. ;)

You go through so many process, really admired you.

Ya, hope so will be naturally, I also not getting young already.

What you said is correct, do not give up as long as there is hope.

I hope you will conceive soon also. Then we can talk about those baby things as well in future.
Dear sisters,

Sorry for not able to update you gals my condition.

I had delivered my baby girl 2 weeks ago. I was having early labour for 3 days, it almost killed me. Then after I delivered, I was having high fever for about 1 week, I felt so weak.

I'm getting better now, and my baby is doing well too.

As for the slimming, this is the contact:
Dr Lim
Woods Medical Clinic
Eastwood Centre
Tel. 62460545
Hi Jenn,

Congratulation, Baby Girl!!!

Thanks for letting us know. Glad u r doing well and fine.

Finally you get to see your baby that u hv been carrying for mths!
How do you feel when she is out?
Hi Trustbaby,

Thanks for the well wishes.

It is a relief that she's out... of cos I love seeing her physically than inside my womb. It's fun watching her everyday.

Hopefully it will be your turn soon!
Trustbaby, you will soon have same as Jenn.

Recently have side effect of the 2nd jab, feel extreme tired, sometimes can feel indigestion as well plus some giddiness. As I am dealing with the side effect, hence did not sign in recently.

Congrat to you Jenn.
Hi Dovegal,

Thanks for the encouragement.

Apparently, i dont feel much side effect. i m taking ard 10ml each day. Some ppl may hv giddiness i agree. But i dont really so far.

What is your dosage? Must be a heavy one. You may feel a bit hot flushes and agitation. I think i felt that agitation quite frequently. I dont know until a fren reminded me of the side effect.
For your case, you got jab twice before.
Mine is once a month.

I jab one in March and the 2nd one in Apr.
Dosage is 3.75mg. Dun know is it a heavy one?
For your case, you need to have the lucrin for how long?

That why I can feel the hot flushes and other effects.

Lucky the shot is once a month and is the last shot for me. I wish that hormone will be back to normal soon.

Currently keep on taking soya bean drink during this treatment time to curb the side effect which Doc advise. I did ask for the add back therapy tablet, but I never take. I only eat once only.
Supposedly for 14 days but i din mense so i needed to extend.

I will jab until today since my AF has arrived.

I remember i had this once a mth shot for two mths last two year back. Quite a side effect. At nite you will sweat coz your back will feel heated up. Mood swing and all sorts.

I was advised not to any soya product esp that i hv cyst. I only drink it once in a while but most time i will avoid it.

Just drink more water if you hv any heatiness caused by Lucrin.

what is an add back therapy tablet?
I see, last two years you jab before.
You also been through it.

Doc said after treatment, must avoid soya bean and all those soya product. That was during my first jab. 2nd jab nurse said dun take soya product etc.

Ya, at night will sweat one.

Add back therapy is pygronova(Somethings like that).

But actually go for opts will be better?
It was after surgery that i took the two jabs. it is to surpress any microscopic endo still lying behind after the op.

yes u can go for opt if you are still young and your ovary is still working well. for me now i cant go for opt to due to age scare it worse the ovary function.

doc will advise u normally
A BIG hello to all

Dear Jenn, CONGRATS! You are a mom!! So touching!!! Am glad both you and baby are fine. What's baby's name? I went on MIA for a while cos I forgot my password and can only be a silent reader and not post! Yday did a spring clean and found my little black book of passwords!! So here I am :)))))

Dear Trustbaby
Hv you started yr cycle? Can refresh my memory, where u doing this cycle? I am still on lucrin, 6th jab this thursday. I almost died 1mth ago!! I was on the 5th jab of lucrin and menses shld not come right? WRONG!! Mine came!! And in between 11am and 7pm, i bleed non stop until ard 7pm, I fainted at home!! Bled too much. Was send to Mt A and Dr Fong was waiting there for me. I was given blood transfussion and a DC to clean out the remaining blood clots.

Dr Fong also cannot explain why I am bleeding even when I am on the 5th jab. So sad. I asked him if it is bcos my body is immune to lucrin already. He said if i am immune then it will be jialat liao. Cos lucrin is my last hope to shrink the womb.

This Thurs seeing Dr Fong and taking 6th jab.... he will also do scan and check how much the womb shrink. So scare and worried! If dun shrink enough I cannot do IVF, no IVF means no children. Sad, sad.

Sometimes realli tempted to throw in the towel and said "Forget it and admit defeat" then I think of Jenn and the rest of you who are fighting on to hv a child of your own and it make me not willing to give up.

If I can do IVF, I prob will either go NUH (Jenn's doc) or KKH. Hubby said to fast leg fast hand make use of the Govt subsidised first then if still cannot then go pte.

Hi Dovegal
Lucrin's side effect is horrible! I know what you mean cos I get alot of them!! At first it was constant headache and giddiness. Then it was sleepless nites, at one stage i cannot hardly sleep longer than 5hrs in the nite! I will sleep ard 10am and wakes up ard 2am and stay awake and tired till 6pm then prepares to go work. It went on for a abt 2 mths. Then now is hot flush! I get it very often. Even in ofc aircon soooo cold, I can be perspiring!!! So sian... Like you I am on 375mg jab each mth. And the jab is not cheap :-( But at Dr Fong it is cheaper, I used to pay $100 more when I first took the jab at Thomson Medical.

I really wish all of us can get preggie and deliver a healthy baby like Jenn! I can only continue to hope and pray.

By the way, any Catholics here?

Hi Hannah,

Good to hear from you. OMG, I'm surprise to hear that you were having such heavy flow after lucrin... glad you are fine now.

My little girl's name is Jing Hyan. She's so sweet... but a bit naughty, refuse to sleep at night.

Honestly, I strongly feel you should go NUH for ivf, in my opinion, NUH has better protocol. As we can't be doing ivf so many times, we should make use of every opportunity. If you can afford to pay $1k/$2k more, then go NUH. The service there is very good, I have no complains so far.
Hi Jenn!!!!!!

Baby notti ahhh....prob still tryin to get used to the environment outside yr tummy is it? Am soooo happi for you Jenn. So happy :)) Big hug to you for defeating adenomyosis and delievered a healthy notti gal :))))

Truth to be told...the onli reason why I am considering KKH is cos it is easier to get there and nearer for me. So lame right? But since u "suggested" NUH, I will seriously consider NUH. But now I am very worried that my womb din shrink much then egg retrieval is not possible. Then I am already 39 this yr, I dun hv much time to sit and wait for it to shrink.

I tink my menses will AGAIN come this mth. Am feeling the backache and slight sore tummy. Funny thing is this, I still feel the hot flush and yet can stil hv menses..... sigh.... Mother nature tryin to remind me who's in charge here??

Jenn, you must rest well and take very good care of yrself during yr confinement. After that you are on yr own with taking care of bb liao.

Congrats to you once more Jenn.

Hi Hannah,

Once you hv made decision. You must put your heart into it already. Join me on the ivf journey soon, girl.

Hey Jenn,

thanks for sharing your girl's name with us!
Some say notti at young age is good coz they will grow up to be smart kids..hehe!
Thanks Hannah & Trustbaby.

I am quite lucky, I managed to deliver naturally. I can't wait for my confinement to be over. It is a torture for me that I can't bath & wash my hair... and I don't really like to eat so much ginger too.

After the confinement, I'll be very busy, I'll have to take care of my baby myself... I hope my baby cooperate
Hi Hannah and Trustbaby

Ya, Hannah, you are right, in the middle of night will wake up and perspiring, have a restless night until next day go to work I so tired. Now I also feeling hot flush.

I really hope that the treatment will fast fast finish, the side effect is irritating.

But when stop lucrin, when the mense will come.
Hey Trustbaby
I can only start the journey if my womb shrink ah boh cannot retrieve eggs. Thurs will be the moment of truth if Lucrin had helped or not. So sian. It's about worrying this and that everyday.

Hi Jenn
Can u wash hair if you boil ginger and lemon grass water to wash? Yr confinement lady got cooked pig trotters vinegar for you? My mom said vinegar is suppose to expel the remaining blood from our womb. Must try to drink more red dates logan tea too ok? Ginger is good for you now. You dun wind to be trapped inside yr body right? It's only for this 1mth, bite the bullet and tahan la. When I miscarried my son at 5mths, I was strong headed and did not stick to the confinement practise as much as I shld, now i suffer! Even Dr Zou said that I din take gd care of myself after my miscarriage. So pls be a gd girl :)))

Hi Dovegal
For me, after my 2 jabs, i get frequent headaches too. Sometimes so bad that i feel like banging my head against the wall. I still get the headache attacks now so i bring medicated oil everywhere i go, soo auntie! Hot flush is more frequent then the MRT train. Sleepless nite, lagi no need to say...tink i am used to not sleeping 8hrs liao. If i can clock 4-5hrs i count myself lucky.

Hopefully all these side effect is worth our while. For you and for me, let's hope our womb will shrink lor. Er, why are u on lucrin? Do u hv adenomyosis too? For me I hv adenomyosis, somemore is like in 3rd stage kind of adeno.

Hope we will kena baby dust soon

Hi Hannah,

Thurs will be my scan time to see if my follicles are working well on me. I have been feeling a little crampy lately...i think the eggs are really growing.
Do you have endometriosis or just adeno? i have both. Endo severe stage and adeno mild one.( only discover after my 1st ivf attempt).

What abt attempting to switch on the aircon to give u more relief from the hot flushes? i tried that last time. Helps me to relax more and forgetting abt the flushes.

Yesterday, i made my 3rd injection cocktail. i had to use a big syringe to suck out the water solution and pump it back into the powder solution and once dissolve had to suck it back up with the syringe and changed to smaller has been the most technical injection process so far. Another two attempt and i m done hopefully. I keep on thinking this cant be my job. But i had to do it.
Hi Hannah,

I bath with the herbs once a week, cos my mum said still better don't bath too many times. The rest of the days I only wipe myself lor. I have forced myself to eat the vinegar and ginger, and I have drank quite a lot of the red dates drink. Hopefully all these will help.

btw, I don't even know which stage of adenomyosis I'm at. Don't forget to continue with Dr zuo's treatment, I still think it helps lor.

Hi Trustbaby,

I have also tried the "cocktail" before, it was done by my hubby, I'm no good at doing these things, my hands will shake... I don't even dare to inject myself... for me, I don't have those side effects when I had lucrin last time, probably that's why my 1st ivf failed.
HI Jenn,

really...i hv total 3 injection from yest onwards...lucrin (suppression), gonal-f (hormone for the follicles) and luveris (improve eggs quality)...

did you take all these at one go? last attempt i used puregon now they change. any reason why u know?
Trustbaby ah, I hv 3rd stage adenomyosis lor. Re the hot flush, no use one de, in ofc sooo cold I can still perspire when hot flush attack. Today my side effect is headache, had mega headache since mng, after lunch felt a bit better but now like gng to hv another attack liao. Sian.

What is this cocktail thingy that you are doing? Did u inject the cocktail yrself? I tink I will be like Jenn, won't dare to inject myself lor.

If I go IVF will I need to do the same? By the way, after speaking w my hubby most likely to do IVF at NUH. Can a pte gynae refer me? Or I hv to go polyclinic to get referral letter? Or no need referral at all??

Jenn, u slowly slowly will get used to the taste and smell. Must realli try to eat cos it will be good for your body one de. By the way, since my hospitalisation in March, Dr Fong has asked me to stopped seeing Dr Zuo for a while. He is tryin to determined y am I still bleeding even though on Lucrin. I started my 1st jab in Nov. Menses still come. Dec, Jan was ok. Feb I went back to see Dr Zuo did accupuncture and had medicine then Feb menses came and March volcano ERUPT! So now i scare to go Dr Zuo... so tuff leh. Her treatment was suppose to be helping me but dun noe why... So now I like dun what to do. Sigh. Jenn, u hv adeno right? Did yr womb swell up? Does yr back hurts a great deal b4 yr menses come?

Baby today good girl or not?? Will u be comfortable enuf to share her pic? If you are not it is ok one de.


Hi Hannah,
Hope your lucrin side effect will be over soon..hang on there. i hv been thru it myself...i know..headache so far wasnt on me. just the big hot flush thing. i will nvr forget.

the cocktail thing is new to me is additional injection that i was given to improve my eggs. my dr wanna improve my eggs quality and hope this round the ferlization will work better compare to the last attempt. So i hope it works for me this rd.

i nvr thot i could inject myself 3 on the rows. last ivf i only inject one at the time and to the next one but still one at the time.

This round a bit heavy duty for me. one and two and now scary... honestly...i ask my hubby to help but he said he scared. alamek...die die i gotta make it happen...

I dont wanna scare u but honestly you will get used to it. i think yours on first attempt will not be so jialat as me. Even when u r pg i heard from my fren, she also continue to jab herself for the get use to the needles and you will be fine...hee! A little comfort to you is that the needles are ard 1 cm long so it is a short needle not the long one that u see the nurse used to draw blood!!

i went in KKH as a private... so not sure on the polyclinic part? i still entitle to grant so no diff i guess. not sure still.
