Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

Hi Jenn,

Hope you doing fine nevertheless.

Hi Hannah (hormone for follicle growth) (hormone in relation to ovulation)

if you see the doctor do prepare a list of questions. ask him (dr loh if u r seeing him) as much as u can...he normally will take his time to listen to you if he sees u.

i cant rule how which doctor is the best in spore...every doctor i am sure has succeeded to make their patient pregnant if not they will not be out there practising esp those famous ones.
The thing is, is it going to get you pg under that doctor you pick..that is not either try a few times and give up on him/her or change immediately. No right no wrong as long as you hv a reason to choose him whether recommendation or self pick.

i drop dr A. Tan for Dr Loh, why? because i m no longer comfortable. i din see result and confident drop. hate the service there. pigeon eyes (if u understand)

i was confident with Dr Loh after recommended by fren, in fact she got pregnant but not me. our bodies are diff and even same age doesnt mean we will get pg together so either ask ard or read ard in this forum and follow your heart thereafter. that was what i did. it is not easy i know...u feel that u need to be careful in choosing one right one and in fact there is no right one until u try coz again all these doctors have success stories.

like i want to try NUH, but too far and wanted to try private, but too expensive for me so i hang on to KKH since this time round there is a additional medicine for me.

Everyone will tell u remain positive. it is important. if you can achieve tt u r on the right track.
i just follow my inner feelings hope it doesnt play me out.

all the best in your selection. feel free to ask any question. if i can help to answer i will. hope we can be ivf buddies.

Hi Hannah,

sorry i miss answering your question abt the nurses in kkh. So far so good with the nurses. Maybe i m not the person ask a lot but when i am scare or in trouble like pain or bleeding i will call them n they will advise me. there are numbers to call but one thing you must know is that when after office hour, if you hv trouble u need to go to their A&E whereas private you may hv tt care line that you can call for help. more personal. You can ask dr fong see what care he provides after office hour and which hospital is he associate with. coz in ivf you may end up mutiples so which hospital provide best care in multiples? all hospital can provide care for singleton but not all can cope with multiples...hope i hv shared what you need to know. all the best can do it! Once you are in the treatment all will be pretty much smooth sailing and you just follow. no stress okay. just gotta cross that first hurdle.
Hi Hannah,
My ivf doc is Prof Wong @ NUH, not KKH. Honestly, I'm quite disappointed with the service of KKH, moreover NUH is nearer to my place.

When you are on a protein diet, oil is not an issue, but of cos it is still better to skip deep fried stuff. I think you really have to put in effort otherwise you won't see any results.

Hi Trustbaby,
Have called NUH on my test results, everything is ok. I'm so glad to hear that.

I think it's better for you to do ivf after CNY, otherwise you may not be able to find help during that period.

All the best!
Hi Jenn,
Good news! So now don't worry just concentrate eating well n be happy. You will be fine.

I agree I was told Jan n Feb are packed. March also but I think I m considering Mar. Hope to catch rabbit if I still can if I pg.
see my luck.
Hi Jen,

Congrats that everyting is well. Just focus on the day your littie bundle of joy arrive. Yo I just done HSG and blood test. Haven't seen dr Loh yet.

Mi startted dr Zou and done one acuputure. yo, how do u all go there huh? I take mrt to yio Chu kang and change to a cab to go there.

Yeah she jus give me the medicine to drink. Forget to get the paste from her. Hannah does the paste works huh?

Dr Zuo asks me to do acuputure for 3 mths first before going for IVF. Jenn: how many mths did you go for acuputure before IVF huh? If go in April, will miss giving birth a rabbit rite?
Hi Trustbaby,

Thanks. End Feb or March is good. Just rest & relax now, don't think too much.

Hi Sunbelle,

I did acu @ Dr Zuo for abt 1 yr. I was quite bz with work during that time, so I need to make sure the period that I take leave will not hv any impt things.

I think Apr can still catch rabbit bb but it'll be cross the year lor. Then you'll hv to fight with dragon bb liao.
Hi Jenn,
Ya better i do agree.

How much u hv spent on dr zou...must be alot if you go twice a mth and do you take her med?

I feel since i postpone the treatment thot of going there to tiao too.
Hi Trustbaby,

I think I should have spent a few thousands @ dr zuo. I went there twice a week, my hb also acu once a week. Plus med... dare not calculate...

I should have spent at least $20k on this bb including all the TCM & hosp charges... for the past 7 years...
Hi Jenn,

My bill each time at dr zuo for acuputure is $25. Medicine for 7 days is $56. Mi oso go twice for treatment. She asked me to delay the ivf for 3 months.

Yo she is good in explaination. I rushed down after wrk at 6pm to take mrt and change cab each time. I dun Noe what buses serve here. Can u gals share with me how you get here huh?

Thank you
I m at dr zuo now.
Hi Sunbelle,

sorry i cant really help coz i drive there.

Hope the girls on the queue over at dr zou can share with you how they get there. no harm. or even the aunty at the that cashier shld know.
Hi Sunbelle,

I think I took 265 from opp AMK MRT. Hv not been there for quite sometime, cannot remember... may be Yio Chu Kang MRT is nearer... better check with the aunty @ dr zuo's clinic.
Hi ladies,

My test results for HSG show that my two Fallopian tubes are blocked. It seemed to be due to the endometrosis and adeyomosis. dr loh asked me to start ivf soon. Yeah quite upset over the results but seem like goin IVF is the only option.

Dr loh dun like the idea of TCM. He even commented on dr zuo. Deep dwn I still believe TCM
k help. Accordingly to him, he finds that patients taking dr zuo medicine tends to give poor eggs reseve.
I still wanna give dr zuo few more weeks cos I do feel energetic after acuputure.

what do u gals say huh? Trustbaby, did u tell dr loh that you are seeing dr zuo huh?
Hi Sunbelle,
May I know if your block tube is concluded by Dr Loh? Can it be seem from the X-ray that it is blocked? When block, can it still be able to flow a little to the tube?
I went to HSG last sat too. But my HSG cannot conclude the result if it's block or not. I have the liquid backflow and due to this, it doesn't seems to fill the fallopian tube. My gynae say it's either the tube block or this test is not suitable for me.
My previous gynae diagnose me with adeyomosis too but my current gynae feel that I dun have this. Now even HSG test cannot even give me an answer. I'm feel rather sad.
Hi sunbelle,

sorry to hear on your fallopian block...ivf is the solution for now. mine is not block just one down due to endo too.
so ivf is the only solution.

i did ask dr loh the last visit. i din mention dr zuo scare he said tt the reason i fail becoz of her...i just ask in general what he things of tcm. he did mention the EYS at paragon and raffles hospital ones. all are expensive so nope i m not interested.

i agree with u tt i like the accupunture. it helps me to relax. for some reason i m postponing my ivf until Mar cycle starts.

take it easy. if u going ahead with dr loh then just follow what he says...on tcm part just go with your feel.
Hi trustbaby,
Could you help me with the question mention above? If block tube, can we still feel the liquid flowing in (like menses cramp) and from the x-ray, can we still see if the liquid flow thru the block tube?
Hi Spin,

From what I know, we should be able to see the dye diffuss out from the tubes at the opening side near our ovaries. What do you mean by liquid backflow? Backflow to where?
There should be a report of the HSG for your reference. What did the report mentioned? You can check with your gynea if there is other better method to determine if you have block tubes or not?
A friend of mine also found to have both block tubes after going through HSG test. But she was told to do laparoscopy to double confirm on her condition. To her surprised, her tubes are found to be prefectly alright - unblock when seeing through the Lap.
So stay positive.
Thanks for your reply. The blackflow is going out of my V. Therfore, it couldn't fill up the fallopian tube. So gynae also dun know what is the final result. He say it's just an unsuccessful test where no result shown. That's why i'm asking u gals if got block tube should u still see some fluid flow thru or all flowing out of V and couldn't fill the fallopian tube?
I guess to confirm it, i would need to do a lapro.
hi Spin,
for my case, when i did a vaginal scan, my doc said there was a swollen fallopian tube. She suspected endo since i hv endo to do lapro immediately. size quite big and saw water retention fr scan.

i didnt do HSG at all..after the lapro, i realised my fallopian was removed due to endo growing inside. the doc could see other stuff like fibroids and other smaller endo inside.

lapro can help to see more clearly of what is going on inside and able to conclude.

Hope it helps.
Hi sunbelle,

I disagree with dr loh. a lot of patients having problems conceiving, so they go to dr zuo. it could be they already hv poor egg reserves in the first place. I find it hard to believe that by taking dr zuo's med will cause poor egg reserves.

Anyway it's just my own opinion. You may want to discuss with your hb and decide.
Hi Mrs Tan,

If your tubes are blocked, the dye will not be able to travel to the tube. I only saw my dye at the centre and before goin in, I have alreadly did some research on how a normal dye ink looks like.

I have some mental preparation. U k check with your gynae for the best advice.

Hi Trustbaby, mi also still praying miracles will happen. Cos I saw ladies with both tubes blocked also concieved. Yeah is really heart warming to learn abt their stories. Hmmhmm mi hoping and praying for miracle.

Jenn, I agree with u. I think it is all a matter of opinions. I decided to continue to see dr zuo for a while. When is ur EDd? March?
Hi Sunbelle,

My EDD is 7 Apr. quite nervous...

btw both my tubes are blocked too... really need some luck to have baby... I actually engaged a fengshui master to alter my house fengshui before my ivf in order to have more luck...
Hi Jenn,

So excited for you. We are all here wishing u well. it is quite normal to be nervous. It is your first! i wud too.

You must hang on there and Jia you! Soon soon you will reach the victory line. Enjoy your pregnancy. Not easy to come by so must enjoy every moment showing off your tummy.

CNY around the corner. So fast time flies.

Sunbelle, next will be our turn. We jia you together.
Mind over body. We can upgrade together.
Hi gels,

Happy CNY!

Thanks trustbaby. I'm getting more and more clumpsy now... fatter and fatter... walk like a penguin... get up every middle of the night to pee... can't wait to see my bb...

You'll sure go thru the same thing like me soon

Jia you Jia you!
Hi gals!

Happy Chinese New Year!!! Dont forget to lo sang lo sang (in cantonese) and may all our wishes come through.

Happy Holidays!

Jia you Jia you!

Happy Lunar New Year! May all of us have cute little bunnies hatching in our wombs and hopping in our lives in 2011!

Huat ah!!
Am new to this thread and am seeking recommendation for a gyne that I can approach for a 2nd opinion. In my last check up, my gyne asked me to go for a myomectomy op as the fibroids in my uterus cavity has grown to about 8cm. This was only the biggest and she said I have many more smaller ones. She also insisted that I do the op even if I choose not to have anymore children as they were growing too fast and too many.

This would be my second myomectomy op as the last one I did was back in 2004. I'm really dreading it as I can still recall how painful it was. Plus I'm also worried to be away from work for so long. Just thinking of all the adjustments is also giving me a headache as I've a 18 months old toddler at home with no help.

I came across some of these gyne names, wondering if anyone here have experience with them.
1. Lisa Wong from Mt E
2. Tan Yew Ghee from Raffles Hospital
3. Peter Chew from Gleneagles

My current gyne is from TMC.

Hi ladies,
How's everyone?

Hi Sunbelle and trustbaby,
Thanks for your replied.

You succeed already?

How's you?
Hi gals,

Long time didn't hear from you, how's life?

I just scanned my baby last week, it's still on the smaller side, but at least everything is fine, and she's growing. Another 1 more month to go...
Hi Jenn,

Good to hear you doing well. Soon you will be MAMA!!!

Hang on there and Jia you, ok!

CNY just over, hv been super busy! Waiting for my next menses to start my treatment. Time really flies.
Hi Trustbaby,

I can't wait to see my baby, hope she'll come out in Mar.

My tummy is getting bigger, quite uncomfortable... and I'm getting more and more clumpsy.

So are you going to start next month? All the best!
Hi Jenn,

Yes i know....Of course she will
Just enjoy your pregnancy until the end. I know you will be fine....jia u. Hope you hv got all your baby stuff ready in your nursery room. Hv fun!

Thanks! Yes i will be starting next mth when my next menses report n after 21 days later my treatment start with the lucrin jabs and puregon thereafter and so on so forth...i m scare to start again...dont know how to feel. Did u feel a heavy heart when u try again since we both tried the 2nd time. The only diff is you changed and i used back the same dr.

Annouce to us once u give birth are our inspiration in this thread. All the best ya.
Hi Trustbaby,

I was quite nervous when I was doing my 2nd ivf. As Prof Wong used a slightly different drug, and the nurses are very professional, I feel more confident. My hubby & I feel very comfortable with them.

I hope you'll have a rabbit baby too
Hi Trustbaby,

This is my 35 weeks, just saw gynae yesterday. Gynae said my baby is not turning down, most likely is due to the adenomyosis. So if by 37 weeks, the baby still not turning, then will go for cesarean. I heard most women with adenomyosis tend to end up with cesarean, guess should be due to the same reason.

Anyway, as long as baby is healthy, it doesn't really matter. It is very common to have cesarean nowadays. I also hope to see baby earlier, it is getting more and more uncomfortable now...
Hi Jenn,
Is your adenomyosis serious? I din know can even caused such prob.

Wat is your age? I think sometime it is better to go caesarean then natural birth shld there a need. Cause, less stress n less complication shld baby get distress. Recovery will be painful n longer, I know. U don't worry. Baby just need to be out.

Hang on there. Once u pop I m starting my treatment soon. Not sure whether my cyst has grown. Scared. I won't know until they scan follicle stage.
Hi Trustbaby,

I dunno how serious is my adenomyosis, but it has thickened during my pregnancy.

I'm 37 now, may be age plays a part too.

Hopefully it's a smooth one for you this time.
Hi Trustbaby,

Don't think too much into it. You got to be stress-free leh...

Remember to take folic acid and eat more egg white.
Hi Trustbaby,

Go massage or facial before you start your ivf, it'll help you to relax.

I visited gynae yesterday, glad to know that my girl is progressing well. Her head has turned, hopefully will get engaged by next week. I wish she can come out before April, I'm getting more and more uncomfortable.
Hi Jen,

Good to hear that your baby has turned it's position. Seem like is getting ready heheee...

Hi Trustbaby,

Jus to share that I jus had a miscarriage lately. Is a surprise one which we knew 3 days after we signed the IVF consent form. It is oblight ovum. yeah we will go back n see dr loh n ask him when k start to do IVF. not sure is there a cooling period required.

It shows that people like us still k get preggie. We will be mum one day. Jen is our role model whom gave me lots of advices. when are u starting ur IVF huh?
Hi Jenn,
Happy to hear your baby turned. Your baby coming out to see you. Joy to the world!

Hi sunbelle,
I m very sorry to hear. Howcome it can happen? U din know u pregnant? wat does oblight ovum means?

I will be starting this coming menses n ready to start my Lucrin injections. We can be Ivf buddy. It will be comforting.
Injections normally starts 21days after 1st menses report.
hi trustbaby,

i dun noe when i can start the ivf cos gt to see dr loh next week.not sure need to take gnrh jabs to curb the swollen womb before starting ivf.

i m also thinking to go back to dr zuo.guess call her later.see whether when k take tcm to strengthen the body.

trustbaby,do u have adeynomoysis huh?i really have no wish to go for surgery.wish i k get into exercise faster
Hi sunbelle,
yes i was told that i hv after the 1st ivf attempt. But i nvr really feel it.

i know eventually i need to go for surgery for my endometriosis every 5 yr...since dr loh said no surgery for me.
Hi Trustbaby,
Why do you need to go for surgery every 5 yrs? If there's no cyst or fibroid, I don't see the point for operation. Endometriosis can never be "cure", it can only be suppressed if there's no menses.

Hi sunbelle,
Have a good rest before you start ivf, don't rush into it.

My baby is progressing well so far, it's 37 weeks now, will due anytime. Going to see gynae tomorrow.
yo Jenn,

so nice to hear from you again. mi only have thoughts of building up my health. i oso dun noe when can do IVF.

did you go slimming centre the other time when u try losing weight huh? cos headache now after miscarriage cannot exercise can only control diet.
Hi Jenn,

Coz i hv cyst and fibroid in me. i cant suppress it coz i hv menses every mth. sigh. that is why i m trying to get pg so that i can suppress the cyst growth. i already had two operations in relation to the cyst.

Did u hv cyst in you when u went for ivf?

You are popping soon. all the best!

Hi sunbelle,
I went to a GP for slimming. He gave me fats & carbo blocker, and I skipped all the carbo, managed to reduce about 15 kg in 5-6 mths. If you are keen, I can give you the doc's contact.

Hi Trustbaby,
oh, I did not hv cyst during my ivf. The herbs dr zuo gave me had helped.

I'm quite nervous... waiting for the most painful day to come...
