Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

sorry, cannot remember the name of the drug for the injection. NUH gave me a jab after ET, and asked my hb to jab for me at home 1 wk later, suppose to help in implantation.

hi jenn,

hooope so. fingers cross.
no more left.
yes i lie down for a slightly longer than last time..10s or more only. nothing beats your 2 hr..

same here lie down on bed and sofa.okay will stay happy
for now.
Hi trustbaby,
oh, just try to lie with legs higher. and talk to your embryo. everyday I will tell my baby to be strong and hang on. try not to think too much. watch more comedies. I was watching some fun shows during my 2ww, and I luff until stomach pain, but don't be like me, dr zuo advised not to luff too hard...

ya, let's keep our fingers cross
hi trustbaby & jenn, yup, already plan with gynae for ivf with mar 2011 AF. hopefully will strike naturally before that!

anggie, it is best to avoid chicken wings to minimize risk of cysts. this is based on our own experience.

trustbaby, great that you already did your FET. stay positive and talk to your embbies. hope you see 2 wonderful lines in 2 weeks' time.
Hi ladies,

I am super upset that I have failed my 1st SO-IUI.
The feeling is terrible. Felt guilty towards my Hubby that he gt good sperms and I gt a lousy womb. Hmmhmm nit sure whether shld go for another round or go for IVF St away.

What do u gals think?
Hi sunbelle, I totally relate to you n understand how you feel. Glad u r thinking of trying again. Hugs....
It depends on your condition n reason for your this unsuccessful attempt.
If your age is still young no harm trying SO IUI again. Cost effective if you do get pg.
If u r like my age where age is near the 40 soon where Ivf
grant still favorable to patient below 40. Then based on age factor best go for Ivf. Of course for me I hv other conditions.

Ask your doctor opinion as well cause he will know what is your next best arrangement n how confident he is on you. Don't despair okay. A good attempt so you hv done your best. We all know.
Hi Trustbaby,

I m 35 years old this year. have severe endo, took out 2 cysts before and have adeyomosis. Gynae did ask me to go for BIG Operation to take out the adeyomosis however I m relectuant cos u need at least 6 mths to recover.

I m upset cos I also seen TCM for my condition seem like is not helping.I m getting a bit despair. my mense is like wan to come and not yet. Like kenna stuck.
Hi sunbelle,

what kind of BIG operation? what I understand is that you can never "take out" adenomyosis. Your condition is similar to mine. My 2 tubes are block some more. So I can only do ivf.

listen to what your gynae suggest. in my opinion, may be u shd try ivf. honestly, I don't think 5 more yrs is a long period, if u decide to do it next yr, you'll have only 4 yrs left. and I bet u do not want only 1 kid right?

for my case, I'm 37 now, next yr will have my 1st kid. then I'll rest and try 1 yr natural. if not successful, then I'll do ivf again when I'm 39. It's always good to have kids before 40 yrs old.
Hi Jenn,

What u say is very true. Mi and my Hubby wants 2 kids. To share with all, I have seen TCM 5 years back for my menses problem. But never seem to recover from it.of cos the medicine seem not solve the root but of cos help to Bu our body.

The Big Operation I am talking abt is a cesearean operation. according to dr fong, he say that have to rest 6 mths before can try and is not an op that can clear everything. with that, I seriously do not wan to go thru another op after my lap and d n c.

we have been trying close to 3 years and out of which 8mths I am on GNRH jab so cannot try. I really wish for a healthy baby and thus been eating healthy diet and lose a bit of weight too. I will continue to do that. Think I will call KKH this sat morning to see dr SF loh for an appoinment.

The nurse did say if more than a year have not see dr loh, gt to see him before we do IVF. yeah will call on sat to check. Maybe meanwhile in between might wan to try one more IUI.
Who knows ? Dr Loh did ask us to do IVF two years back but jus newly married we wan to try on our own. We strike in end of year 2 but ended in miscarriage.

Still Miss my baby though cos now he/she is 5mths old. I keep recieving emails from baby center on my baby's progress and I cannot terminate it. Everytime the email is sent, I gt reminded of my baby.

I have a good family, lots of good frens and good collegues and also good Hubby. Guess I have to learn to count my blessings at time. Yeah sometimes there are tradeoff. I m happie that my Hubby is so nice and understanding. I m combating the menses pain now by taking Ginger with black sugar.

Gals, what are the ways that u all combat menses pain huh? can share share huh? In Jan, I will be posted to a new branch to learn new tins. Lucki din go over to new organisation cos I hrd 3 resignations alreadly.

So happie that gt u gals here to support and lend a shoulder to me. Really need support at this period.
Hi sunbelle,

do you want to try my gynae for a 2nd opinion? if you can afford, why don't you do ivf at NUH? Just my two cents' worth, I feel more confident to do at NUH.

I also take ginger + black sugar, together with dr zuo's med.

It's good that you have positive thinking. Don't give up, keep trying!
Hi trustbaby,

How do you feel? Any cramps?

2ww will pass very soon, look at me, I've been resting at home for about 2 mths...
hi sunbelle, i m glad too that you have good family members to support you on your ttc journey. same here i hv good husband but one thing for him is he doesnt mind if we dont hv kids. not as desperate as i m. it makes it hard a bit psychologically but when i m on the ivf treatment he tried to be supportive nevertheless. all good i guess.

Be strong and do what is necessary moving forward. i agree time is the essence in ttc...just balance yourself what is best for you coz no strict long as u minimize feeling regret. you can do it i know...we are strong ppl u know.
jia u

we learn to move on for whatever happens to us. we learn that life isnt as easy or beautiful as it looks. certain thing tt we want most may not get and other things we got without much effort. somehow i feel we all fall into that category for needing to strive very hard to just get baby on our hands.

we have each other here to share our sorrows and happiness together. so dont worry i had my fair share here already since last year march when i did my 2nd tube down and endo is back and worst is last ivf was told have adenomyosis.(enlarge uterus)

i cant really share much on the mensus coz i used to have moderate flow and normally it finishes quite fast within 4 days. after the ivf it became more heavy duty and lots of blood clots. could be still the residue from my heavy lining during ivf. i will monitor closely whether i m very much affected my adenomyosis.
if we cant operate for adenomyosis then how to cure it? endo we still can operate on and remove before it grows back again.

Hi jenn,
i do hv slight twinges at times but then not sure at all what it meant..of course with a hope in mind, i hope pg but then it could be otherwise. so just hope and still live and move on. I tabik you for able to stay at home u must share tips on how to be SAHM
. maybe easier if you hv baby in you coz u feel responsible to take care well. for me, the word is restless....hope i survive the 2ww ordeal. what ever it may be i hope to be stronger still to face all possible outcome.
hi dolphy, i m glad you moved ahead to ivf. i wish you super well and hope you succeed. meanwhile try naturally and hope you pg earlier than you expected. Jia u too okay.

yes i m on my 2wws. nxt time your turn.
thanks for the well wishes!
Hi Trustbaby,

Try to do something you like at home, such as watch some tv serial... I have been reading novels and watch tv most of the time. I can't sit too long in front of PC...

black sugar is not brown sugar, it tastes different... usually use in herbs lor...
Hi Trustbaby,

did u take full 2 wks leave?
when r u going for your BT?

btw did u take folic acid once or twice a day? My gynae asked me to take morning and night. It helps in baby development.
hi jenn,
i hv taken a break from work since ivf treatment. when its over, will get back to work again.

BT will be mid Dec

only taken folic acid once a day. should i take twice?
Hi Trustbaby,

If you can, then take twice lor. Anyway the nurse told me the excess folic acid will be pass out of body subsequently, so it's alright one.

Great, it's gd that u r stress-free. Though I feel that not working makes me a bit stupid, but it's gd not to think abt work at all. I dun even care abt my performance now... at least I'm still paid...
Hi Jen, thanks I will eat two from now. No harm I agree.

Thanks for still hanging out with us here despite that you have moved ahead. I will do the same. Not easy to be pg with our conditions. Supports and success stories very useful.

Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Trustbaby,

No problem. I'm glad to share.

Hopefully you'll be the next success story to tell.

Have a good weekend.
Hi jenn,
I m afraid it is not going to happen. So far I cramp and sore breast first week n now my 2nd week is like no feeling at all. Like back to normal. Quite bleak I feel?
Hi Trustbaby,

Don't give up. I don't feel anything during my 2ww, some say they can feel slight cramp etc...

Relax la, sister.
Hi jenn,

thanks for the support.

when u din feel anything during 2ww, did you think much? i cant stop wondering what is going on in my body...what if what if not....sigh
Hi Trustbaby,

I saw a few members said they also didn't feel anything during 2ww and they were pregnant. So I just keep my fingers cross. I tried very hard not to think too much... since we cannot control, think also no use. Just have more rest, don't go anywhere. Be positive. Talk more to the embbie...

Sometimes it can be a good thing if you don't have cramps, it may be a sign that the menses is not coming.
Hi jenn,
U gave me my hopes back. One day I talk to my stomach n I asked knock knock anybody inside? I must be mad already.
Dear Jenn & Trustbaby

Looooonnggg time I no come online. How are u ladies dng? Jenn, how are u? By now you wld hv passed or into yr 2nd trimester?

Trustbaby, I was scanning thru the page, u went for the IVF liao and now waiting for gd news? You are not mad. One day when you knock knock again, you will be veri veri pleasantly surprised!! Jenn is right, stay positive and BELIEVE THAT YOU WILL CONCEIVED. One day the baby might jus knock back and said "Mommy are u there" :))))) Hopefully you will be and hv the 2nd the successful story to share.

I've started my Lucrin jab yday w Dr Fong. Will hv to take it for the next 6mths. Dr Fong said after 6mths when my womb shrink back to norm size he said to check if I can do IVF. He said my age is a disadvantage :-(

Dr Zuo (TCM at AMK) said she will "match" the lucrin jab by giving me some herbs to paste onto my tummy to help shrink the womb and "dissolve" the blood clots inside my womb. Sounds like a great plan. Hope it will work.

I still not sure if I wan do IVF. Cost is one concern plus I am not so heng until 1st time try will strike. I was joking with Dr Fong's nurse last eveng that I nvr strike any luck draw but if there's any suay thing, I sure strike. Like I strike Adenomyosis lor. I am also considering of adopting a kid from Vietnam.

Knowing for sure that I won't hv painful and heavy period for the next 6mths, I cannot tell you enuf how relieved I am!

Hi Hannah,
Nice having u back n nice to hear that are doing fine. The last time you gave us all here a scare hehe
Seriously I feel happy for you that you are progressing n finding remedy to your problem.
You will be going to have your own baby soon. I m considering adoption too if I fail. Having kid is a bless n joy. Especially ppl who love children.
Dear Trustbaby

Sorry sorry....I was realli down the other time. Was not prepared to remove my womb. Lucky Jenn, you and other ladies encouraged me and reminded me that I shld seek 2nd opinion. And also heng that Dr Zuo recommended Dr Fong.

You won't need to adopt lah, you will conceive one de!! Jia You Jia You. Tink positive and remember to knock knock anyone there ok?

I went to a village in JB w a gf to visit her auntie and I saw the cuttest boy ever!! The auntie babysit this little boy....Gee, he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!! I can't get him out of my mind for a few days! His family own a medical shop there in the village. So not a chance that he might be given up for adoption.

Will u go thru a agency to adopt or u will find other lobang? I am tinking of asking of my fren, he married a vietnam lady and they frequent vietnam, was tinking of asking them to keep a lookout for me. One of the gynae ever told me that so long as I do the proper and legal adoption I will be able to bring the bb home. But hor, not gng thru agency also got it's risk lor. Gng thru agency also have its challenges. Sigh....

One day when all of us hv our own kids, be it biological or adopted, we shld all meet. Actually hor, hv anyone met anyone here b4? Or just online thru this forum?

Hey Trustbaby, u rest well, relax and try to be in a good mood hor. Waiting for yr gd news, giving me a booster jab of hope ok?

Hi Hannah,
I was quite worried for you previously. I'm so glad to hear that Dr Fong & Dr Zou are able to help. That day when I visited Dr Zou, she was mentioning about your case... she also kept saying don't give up. Some of her patients 40+ also did ivf and conceived. I still think there is a will, there is a way.

Hi Trustbaby,
Is ok to talk to your tummy, you never know, the embbie may hear it and decide to fight together
Hi jenn,
What diff btw dr Loh n dr pc wong service ? Diff btw kWh n NUh Ivf service?
I may consider to get 2nd opinion at nuh next year.
Hi all,
my af report already. expected. Will follow up with dr loh and see what he say.
for some reason, i m not sad but a little sian when i look back of my failures till date. i know i din give up and i tried all possible ways. just accept my fate.
you guys dont give up okay...i dont know yet but i think i may try something else.
Hi Trustbaby,

So fast? Tot will be another 1 more week to go. Did you take dr zuo's med during 2ww? did dr zuo give you intensive acu before ER & ET?

I strongly think you should try NUH. Like what I said, they get you to rest on the bed for 2 hrs after ET, I believe that will increase the chances of implantation. They also gave me 2 jabs after ET and during 2ww, which further enhance the implantation. I feel that KKH has too many patients, they are like production line, one after another... no quality control leh... see what dr loh says, I think you problem is in implantation.

Ya don't give up... keep trying while you can!
Hi Jenn

I m seriously considering dng ivf next may/june after all my 6 lucrin jabs. Wld u gv me some pointers, wat i shld do from now till next may/june to help "cultivate" more n healthy eggs? Where shld go for ivf?

Is it veri veri ex? Need to start planning/saving for at least 2 tries.

Dun tink i can afford ivf w Dr Fong, where or who in yr opinion is e next best choice?

Sorry hor, i hv so many questions leh.

Thanks for yr kind reply in advance.

Hi Jenn,
i had my FET on 27th. BT is on 14 Dec but my AF come earlier

yes i did take dr zou med twice a day until i stop only last one day coz i i know i m not conceiving...empty insde instint tells me.

do you know i had a horrible ET coz dr loh was too busy and my ET was Sat worst. he was very late my appt was 8.30 am and i only ET at 11am can u imagine i had to pee half of my bladder 10 times. i din dare to pee all coz in case i had to wait was a stressful FET. nurse got told off for allowing me to pee when we waited for him to come.
yes u r right i hv an implantation problem and it could also be the eggs development problem too...not sure still. dont think dr will know how to make me pg.
the idea of staying in bed for 2hrs are good. i read in NUH website that they do tfr day 3 or day 5 stage. how many days are your embryo?
it could also be the cyst that is still in me...

i still considering trying for 2nd ivf....inside me refuse to give up for some reason. hv u all heard of CASE at paragon, do you hv any comment on this fertility treatment plc? NUH is a bit far for me.

Thanks Hannah.
Hi ladies,

Hannah, good to hear from you. good that Dr fong can help you. heng you seek 2nd opinion and never go ahead with your previous gynae's suggestion to remove womb.

trustbaby, so sorry to hear that your af has reported. take the 6 months to tiao your body and hope that maybe you will conceive naturally and don't need IVF. the things that i'm taking to tiao my body before i try IVF in march are:

royal jelly with bee pollen
cordyceps - this is more for overall health and for my lungs (coz i got some lung issue)
folic acid
CoQ10 with fish oil

i jog at least once a week and brisk walk or yoga once a week, do foot reflex every 2 weeks once. doing all these to improve blood circulation in my body.

let's all jia you together and hopefully we will be rabbit/ dragon mummies!
Hi dolphy,
Yup I hope so too. Hope one day we conceive n jia u together. One day I will hv good news either conceive or adoption.
Hi Trustbaby,

I fully understand how u feel. hugz. yeah is a yo yo cycle. Dun give up. I have seen dr loh last sat. he asked me to do a HSG first to check on the tubes and whether anything stuck there. yeah he has tenatively book the appointment on next feb for me.

I m concerned that doin the procedure will have to take 2 wks MC. Of Cos the greatest fear is that what If it failed, I got nuttin to fall back on. yeah how to tell the new boss u are goin thru this? Actually I dun intend to share as my office is a gossipy environment lor. Gals, what do u tell your boss huh?

Let jia you
Hi Hannah,

I can only give you my opinion based on my own experience.

1stly, do you have weight problem? My BMI was over 25 previously, I took about 5 mths to reduce to 23. I heard that obesity is also a factor contribute to ivf failure.
2ndly, go to TCM twice a week, do acu & take all the med prescribe for you.
3rdly, try to take multi-vit, fish oil, etc... to boost your immunity.

Besides the 3 points, I also go massage at least once a month to relax myself. This is optional la...

As I have mentioned, my gynae is Prof PC Wong @ NUH, you can try him. He's very experience and he specializes in ivf.
I spent about $10K on ivf excluding consultation before the govt grant & medisave.
Hi Trustbaby,

My ER & ET were very smooth. Although I asked for 6 beded room but during ER, they gave me a single beded room. The people there are very professional, they talked to me before shifting me into the theatre, make sure I'm comfortable.

I actually did my ET on the 4th day, cos my ER was on Thurs, and they do not work on Sun, so my ET was on Mon. And the embryologist will call me everyday to inform me the growth of my embryo.

I have heard of CASE, they are considered private right? If you still entitled to govt subsidy, then it is not on your list. Currently only KKH, NUH & SGH have ivf program. I cannot comment on SGH & CASE since I've not tried before. I have so far gone to seek opinions at KKH, TMC, RH & NUH. I chose NUH mainly becos of the govt subs, but I'm very happy with my choice.
Hi sunbelle,

during 2ww is best to take mc. Normally kkh nurse will ask you if you want. it allows u to rest and maximize your chances esp implantation. of course some ppl also do conceive while working. i paid so much i make sure i rest well. yes we jia you. next year will be a good year to all of us.

hi Jenn,
i sat and waited for ER and walked to the surgical room.

kkh nvr asked me what bedded room i want.. they hv a common room same floor as the surgical room. there were beds inside and i was put there for two hours and there was a curtain btw beds.

i only paid less than 2k excl the govt and medisave. i thot NUH charges are ard the same as KKH. the cost seem cheaper and affordable in KKH.

ya CASE is private. cost higher. total cost ard 18- 20K. ex le
Hi Trustbaby,

2k is for your FET or ivf?
I heard ivf for kkh is around 5-7k?

why don't you try nuh for your next ivf?
you can book for appointment now. understand it's far for you, but if you can still get govt subs, why not?
Hi Jenn
It is Ivf. Amt I need to top up. Is ard 2k cash. The rest from medisave n grant. Long protocol one. FET is ard 1.5 k cash.
I m still considering. I may just wait for dr Loh next advise before deciding to switch. If he convinces me well I may stay put. Coz kkh still cost effective so far. Service wise I emphasize more on doctor. Others I can endure. If he is Bo
chap n din do further findings as to why I fail. I will switch. We seek them for prof solution n not his experimental item. So I
truly hope he will think of a better solution for me.

To change doctor is a whole new process again. I truly do not favor that unless I m confident tt doctor has solution n knows why I can't conceive. I cannot keep on trying n paying n cross my fingers. Coz I hv budget constraint. I may put aside money for adoption ard 20k to 25k in case I need to go ahead with this plan.
Money is the solution to most things.
Hi Trustbaby,

I just came back from my cruise. Bought a fair bit of baby stuff from M'sia. Very tired...

Oh, so your 2k is after deducting medisave & grant. I also paid about 2-3k cash, but mine is a short protocol. So the cost is only about 1-2k difference. Do you think you should consider further? I agree doctor is impt, but I feel that the hospital's protocol is also very impt. If your problem is implantation, I feel you should tackle on this area. I have seen 5 gynaes, I know the hassles of going thru blood tests again and again... repeating my medical history again and again... But don't you think it pays off when you are pregnant?

Honestly, doctors are human too, nobody can really play god. I believe in their experiences, the more they have, the better they are. if this one cannot get result, then go to another one. I know money is impt, I dun know how much I have spent on this... if money can buy result, why not? Anyway this is just my opinion.
Hi Jenn,
Hope u had an enjoyable cruise. I love cruises. Relax n slow pace. Good for you now esp you are pg. Flying is not so advisable.

Great to hear your opinion. I like opinions

Doctors are not God that is why I m sceptical to do a fresh cycle again. What makes you think n choose NUH after a fail cycle before u got pg?
Hi Trustbaby,

I chose NUH partly is bcos of the govt grant. Another reason is Prof PC Wong. I think since he is a professor, he has a PHD, he is the Head of Division of Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility in NUH, he has almost 30 yrs of experience, he should be better than other senior consultants.

Here are some of the reviews on him:

Btw I don't have commission for recommending him.

hi Jenn,

haha...i hope he reads this... he needs to reward u. U really think highly of him. Well, if i were u i will to, he got you pg successfully.

Did u ever get worried whether u made the right decision with your 2nd cycle and whether u will succeed again? i find it a huge step to change doctor. Scare of the unknown.
