Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

Hi heatherwhite and dolphy, thanks for the encouragement. Actually i have not really tried in the right time as my menses have been v irregular. I only started seeing dr Zou around sep this year. Was v happy to know I ovulated after seeing her for a month then. But as I'm still new to bbt charting, I guess I have to chart for a few months to know the pattern.

I was thinking of doing the hsg but have been procrastinating. Thinking of trying a few mths if no news then do the test. But wonder if it will be a waste of time.

Heatherwhite, how long have u been trying? Yup I agree we should eat healthily to see if there is improvement. Dun give up. Try eat organic food;)

Dolphy, the gynae recommended me to take clomid. He did a blood test for me and my fsh n lh ratio is high which explains for the pcos. I'm now trying to eat more healthily like taking wholegrains as breakfast every morning. Dunno if it helps..

I've also read about hsg test. The more I read, the more scared I am. Dun wish to go thru any op.
I've also read that pcos woman not obese more rare n harder to correct the prob sigh!

Hannah, I emphathise with u and hope u will b strong and overcome the difficulties soon. Did dr Zou advise what u can do to overcome the menstrual cramps? Any herbs to take?
Take care!

Hi Trustbaby,

I am touched and encouraged by reading your post
I have told my gynae to embark on SO-IUI. Yes, injections started for a week before goin back to scan. yeah mi have muster the courage to go ahead . The payment for the injectibles are $1100. which is quite a huge sum too.

Any tips when doin this huh? My 1st time.

Dophly, u are rite. as much as we also wanted ourselves to get preggie, we also wan others around us to be happy.
Yesterdae night I am jus being too emotional cos of my menses pain. So many big clots. Now they are out Liao. So now felt so much more relieved.

Hannah: dun give up. I find dr fong is a great doctor. I m comfortable with him. Yeah u can ask a lot of questions.

Heatherwhite: jia you! Let us all continue to eat more nutrious food to build up our health.

Saw a gd deal for cruise. only $299 per pax for 3d 2 nite cruise. Balcony cabin leh. Frm wed to Friday cruise. Mi thinkng of booking for birthday I Jan bur afraid if preggie. Before 3 mths, can we go cruise huh?
Hi heatherwhite,
I vaguely remember my cyst was about 4cm... according to the gynae, almost like a golf ball...

I can understand your fear. previously I was reluctant too, but after seeing a few gynaes for 2nd opinion, this seems to be the only choice for me. and if I don't do it now, it will be too late...

I have tried Dr Tan before, I find that he's good in male's problem than female, so in the end I changed.

I'm with PC Wong @ NUH. You?
Hi Hannah,

I'm glad that Dr Zuo is able to provide some help. Frankly, adeno can nvr be cured, even after giving birth, it will still be there, unless remove the womb totally. I still think you are not up to the age to do such major op. If you are 50, I think there's no doubt to go ahead.

I always think that there'll sure be some ways / methods to get pregnant. My hb keeps telling me, until we really tried all our means, otherwise we should nvr give up. We will regret when we are old for not trying hard enough when we can do so.

Heatherwhite, sunbelle, hopeforbaby & dolphy,
Don't be afraid of ivf, no pain no gain. At least there is still a last resort to get pregnant.
Hi Jenn,

You were with Dr. Tan before too? How long you were with him before your switch? I was with him for only 3 cycles, this is my 4th cycles this month. I also heard he is good in guy's problems. You mind give me some advise on the differences between Dr. Zuo and Dr. Tan? (i.e. their treating method, the medications, and acupuncture?) I took Dr. Tan medication for 3 months, mainly is to help ovulation bef O, and the an tai yao after O, and only go back to acupuncture once or twice before O. He did not poke me after I ovulated, is this same with Dr. Zuo? Ang mo kio is far for me, how’s the clinic opening hours like? But if Dr. Zuo is good then maybe I will consider seeing her too.
I was previously with Yvonne Chan from TMC, but I nv see her since Aug. I was recommended to her by my colleague. I can say she is a good gynea, but I am not sure if she is experience in fertility problem. I am thinking to see Prof. P.C Wong, but I haven’t call to make appointment yet. Is his appointment always full? Just call his clinic to make appt will do right? I try to search NUH website, tot can make appt online. But all the links is not working de. Hmn…
Promotion for TTC ladies:

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Hi Heatherwhite,
I was with Dr Tan for almost 1 yr. Dr Tan only acu b4 O and only poke either front or back during each visit. But Dr Zuo will acu b4 and after O, but no acu during period. She will acu front and back together for each visit. That's why she's slightly more ex and the time is longer. As for the med, both also give b4 O and after O. Dr Zuo also gave me herbs to brew during period, she'll usually give this for endo patients.

I think that 2 sessions of Dr Tan = 1 session of Dr Zuo. To me, she is more effective.

Prof Wong currently only treats infertile patients, he got quite a lot of patients, but I think you should still be able to get an appt. The waiting time is usually about 0.5-1 hr.
This is the link:
Hi Jenn,

Thanks for your info. It is really helpful! I will try contact Prof. Wong's clinic to see if he wants to see me, mainly is to evaluate my cysts condition. I am preparing myself for either SOIUI or IVF for my next step.

Dr. Zuo's treatment is really more intensive than Dr. Tan. I think is reasonable to have higher charge. Is your HB seeing Dr. Zuo too? Or she only sees ladies? Waow, she pokes back and front during the same visit? Actually, I can be quite tense up during acu, still not very use to needle poking. Sometime is ok, but sometime will be very painful. Ya, can I have Dr. Zuo’s clinic address and tel? How is the opening hour like? Is it accessible? I am quite interested, maybe will try seeing her.
Are you still seeing her now to get an tai yao?
Hi Heatherwhite,

You are welcome. Dr Zuo also sees male patients. Usually her treatment is about 45 min to 1 hr. Her contact is 64560833, blk 505 AMK Ave 8. I think she closes on Wed, Sun is half day. You gotta call to make appt.

I'm still taking her an tai yao. Probably will see her on Sat or Sun... I'm a bit lazy...
Hi sunbelle,
I m so proud of u tt u decided to move on to SO IUI, it will be a good experience for u n a promising one too. By doing SO iui there are two types, one is combo style n one is similar to ivf..both are trying to stimulate the follicles to produce more eggs n multiples may happen. Combo style is with clomid cum injectibles and one is all the way injectibles. The one with 100% injectibles is the same as Ivf already except tt Ivf you will go thru an additional procedure to extract the eggs out from your body n fertilized outside. Anyway, jia you with SO iui. U doing well
maybe we both can be on our way to pg in Dec. I can't wait.
Hi Jenn, thanks for your wishes. My scan will be on Monday 10th scan. Just finished my af completely. I will be on 2ww soon. So so scare to go thru it again but I know tt is the only way to be pg.

Hi girls, all the best to you girls okay. Jia u to you all.
Hi Trustbaby,

I am just like you, wanting to try all methods for the desire to have a baby. I am not afraid of needles and willing to embark on all these procedures to fulfil the dream of being parents one day. I wanted to help my hubby produce a baby as I know that he love babies too.

Yeah mi started on the journey of injections. Jus wondering when u are taking injections, can you still continue to exercise huh? Yeah my Hubby ask me to stop playing tennis for a while. I love to exercise. Even though I am overweight, thru exercise, I can have more energy. it will definitely be great if both of us can get preggie at the same time. Looks like our AF is also of the same timing.

Are we still allowed to go see Chinese physician huh? Acupucture? My gynae prefer me to stop everything. Do u feel more emotional when taking the jab huh? I definitely will leh. yo, I am so emotional when I woke up this morning to say that I am tired of working life and people haha must be still on holiday mood hahaha...

Looking forward to tonight's parents birthdae celebration. I have customized a longevity cake for them. So happie and excited in looking forward to see it.
Hi sunbelle

Your words really motivate me! I wanted v much to have babies with my Hubby as both of us like kids and it really will make our life more complete. Sometimes I will even imagine our babies in our hse, playing and crawling in one corner. Really hope the day will come soon.

I think u can seek opinion from your tcm doc if you can continue the tcm treatment. Hope u and trustbaby can fulfil ur pg dream soon! Jiayou!
Hi sunbelle,
Talking about needle since I hv taken my fair bit I can even look at the nurse inserting the needle in. No fear at all anymore. I also go accu more needles too. I have so much of them. You will be fine. You will be given a pen for your SO IUI. The needle used very short only 1.5 cm or less. Some ppl say do it left n right take turn. I didnt n I only poke at the same spot that I feel less pain.
Thanks hopeforbaby! I hope so too.
) Your baby dream will come soon. I hope one day they will find a cure to this endo n adeno. I wonder what causes them. In the olden days don't think the hv that many. Sigh.
Hi Trustbaby,
You are really brave. Even until now, I'm still scared of needles. My hubby is the one who help me to poke the needles thru out my 2 ivf. My hands will shiver when I see needles.

Baby dust to all of you here!
Hi jenn,
My hubby was not into this Ivf thing. I practically was on my own during needles poking days. I din wanna bother him tt much since he was at tt time busy with his career adjustment.
I guess it left me with no choice but to be brave.
Today went my scan on day 10 they mentioned I had triple lining. Any idea what tt mean? Am I fertile? But they say my lining still low. Wait n see. Another scan a couple of days time.
Today went dr Zou too. I need to eat more egg white to give more protein. Resume her med.n go for regular accu.
I m hanging on. I hv a quick heart beat? Does anyone here suffer the same? Is it due to other reason?
Hi Trustbaby,
Oh, nvr heard of triple lining... I guess could be due to endo / adeno, they will thicken the lining if I'm not wrong.

Ya, take more egg white, eat more meat, these give you more protein.

Don't think too much... just relax. Anyway these are beyond our control...
hi gers!

time flies. i'm already 4th week post ops. now got new thing to vex me. today already CD33 but still no AF. My cycle usually 26-28 days. now worried AF goes haywire after ops. anyone knows usually how long will AF comes after the ops?
Hi Trustbaby,
I'm coming to 20 weeks soon... I think I can feel some movements from the baby but not very sure, it's my 1st time mah... will be going for scan next week. I've finished Dr Zuo's an tai med, dunno shd I see her this weekend or not... I'm a bit lazy leh.

Hi dolphy,
It is normal that AF will be haywire after op. Don't worry.
Hi dolphy,
Ya af will not be on time when after op or hormone medication taken. It will come soon.

Hi jenn, you r doing fine. If dr Zou still can help u further why not. Ya I agree lazy is the word. I just went to see her yest for my accu. Wasn't feeling well myself like a little chill. Mow better.

My eggs din grow well. The lining still the same. It din grow well since Monday wonder why? Sad. Doctor say may abort the cycle if I don't ovulate n grow well. They say at least eggs must 16mm and my lining must be 8mm. Not sure if dr med will help or not. I din take twice a day but only once a day. Scare too heaty makes me sick. Sigh. Will gi for to scan again on sat.
Hi Jenn,

wow time flies. you are getting nearer to your EDD? yeah when is your EDD huh? yo, met up with some friends last nite. 2 of them are 4 or 5 mths preggie. yo, looking forward to their bundle of joy too.

Trustbaby: how are tins at your side huh? Mi waiting to see gynae.

Pipi: the injection is non pain. Mi not scared of needles so maybe have to check with the rest.

Rabbit: I think is pretty normal for AF to go heywire after the operation. It takes a while for it to regulate.

Oh yeah, Trustbaby, can we exercise while injecting the purgeon huh? I think after the procedure of inserting, is advisable not to exercise. Praying for a good outcome and smooth journey

Goin for a one year old party this sat. Looking forward to it
Hi sun belle,

I personally din go for any vigorous exercise. Ppl say take it easy so that u don't get over physical stress. If u go for mild one ie brisk walking shld be fine.. If kiasu then better not unless you r lethargic then better do to keep u alive.
no hard rule. As long as u know your body can take it well. Best to avoid near when u r two week to ET
You doing well. On the right track. I think for me I maybe lagging behind since I don't ovulate well.
. See how
Hi sun belle,

I personally din go for any vigorous exercise. Ppl say take it easy so that u don't get over physical stress. If u go for mild one ie brisk walking shld be fine.. If kiasu then better not unless you r lethargic then better do to keep u alive.
no hard rule. As long as u know your body can take it well. Best to avoid near when u r two week to ET
You doing well. On the right track. I think for me I maybe lagging behind since I don't ovulate well.
. See how
Hi Trustbaby,
Probably you are too stress, that's why didn't ovulate properly. Relax la...

Actually traveling to AMK is quite a hazel, my hubby feels it's a chore for him to send me there... some more the med is not cheap leh...

Hi sunbelle,
Think normal exercise is alright, don't over strain yourself.
Hi jenn,
MAybe for some reason I m stress. Doc said sometime it takes alternate mth to ovulate well. Well next mth is dec KkH will be closed. Most lightly Jan 2011.
Until then I hope I m really ready this mth.
Like u mentioned before good that to rest 3 mths before my FET I guess now I m really resting 3 mths. My cyst not growing so I think I concentrate on healing the cyst as well n hope Jan 2011 be a good year for me.
Hi Trustbaby,
Ya, I think you should concentrate on tiao your body. Take as much vitamins as possible, go acu, relax yourself... may be go for massage... Don't rush for it. I always think that you should be at your tip top condition when you start your ivf.
Hi jenn, I know... I hv been preparing for this like forever, I guess another two mths won't kill but I hope n pray tt my life is not going to be miserable while waiting.
I m not afraid of needles, protocol or anything on fertility treatment. I thing time is not a healer sometime but a killer quality of life ie can't really go on just waiting to get pg.
hi ladies,

the pms (esp backaches)are killing me. i just hope AF quickly comes. n hopefully it comes by next weekend. coz me going for short trip in 1st wk of Dec weekend. if during the trip, AF comes, my holiday will be screwed since will be in pain n i need to do tons of walking.

Jenn, wow, so fast already 20 weeks. detailed scan soon, must be so excited to find out bb's gender.

sunbelle, light exercise should be good for your SO-IUI since it improves blood circulation. dun do super vigorous type bah.

trustbaby, why not don't think about getting pg for the nxt 2 months and just enjoy life as it is? relax and do all your fav things. it may helps to reduce the stress. who knows, u may strike naturally.
Hi dolphy,
Perhaps u can take some medication along. If pain persist at least u hv medicine to suppress it. At least you can enjoy better.

Hey I agree instead of so work up abt getting pg thru FET. I can give natural a try again. Who knows
I feel better now n 'must learn to let go some time. N don't force my fate. Thanks for encouragement.
hi trustbaby,
it is more of aching and disrupts my sleep.
no pain killers for such aches. backache is usually one of my PMS signs and will only fully relief from it after AF reports.

yea, throw the idea of TTC out of your mind for Nov and Dec. n only think about it in jan when you need to do FET. when u fully relax from ttc, who knows, you may succeed during xmas period, the joy of the season of giving!
Hi dolphy, it's okay once you r pg you will be on the crusader. Hang on there. Similarly for me once I m able to pg I say bye bye to cyst.
Dec coming I better plan for holiday n get away n not think n let it be. Can't do much also for KkH they will be closed ard Christmas season.
Hi ladies,

some supplements to recommend for TTC ladies.

Besides your usual multi vitamins and folic acid, it is good to take the below supplements to aid your TTC journey.

Omega 3 - Fish oil together with EPA and DHA have many beneficial effects on fertility. EFAs are crucial for healthy hormone functioning and improve sperm motility and increase women's eggwhite cervical mucus, improves blood circulation to the uterus and reduce sensitivity to prolactin. Omega 3 is also great for women suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

royal jelly - also known as queen bee's food, is a super fertility food. It helps to balance hormones, good for women suffering from PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), irregular menses, etc. When hormones are balanced, that will indirectly help you to ovulate better. Royal jelly also helps to improve egg’s health. Besides beneficial to women, it is also good for men's sperms. It helps to increase sperm count and increase sexual libdo.

Coenzyme Q10 - another powerful antioxidant that protects our cells from free radicals which will improve eggs quality and sperms quality.

Selenium - an antioxidant that helps to protect our body from free radicals. It helps to minimize the risk of miscarriages and birth defects that could arise due to chromosome breakage. Selenium is essential to maximise sperm formation and to improve sperm count. Selenium is also important in 2WW as it helps with the implantation of the embryo into the uterus.

Pycnogenol - a natural plant extract from French martime pine tree, is a super antioxident that protect cells from free radicals. Studies have shown that it has helped to improve men's sperms quality especially in motility and morphology.

Check out

so happy, coz my AF is finally here! hahaha.. first time to be so happy when AF is here. :p

n surprisingly, very little cramps. i took organic red raspberry tea on alternate days for about 2 weeks coz i read that it helps to tone the uterine muscles n minimze cramps. quite surprised it took effect so fast. maybe gers who have super bad cramps can give it a try?

trustbaby, how's your planning for dec holidays coming along?
Hey dolphy, congrats hehe. How often we congrats on having AF. Now wat is your next step?

When I was about to give up my this cycle? My last scan shows that my eggs are still growing. The dr say wait n see. I m excited after tt but refuse to hv so much hope. Coz I was totally let go already last weekend. Maybe tt has speed up the eggs development miraculously. See how will you guys posted.
Hi dolphy,
usually after the ops, the first few cycles got lesser cramp. for my case, after 3-4 cycles, my cramp came back again... anyway, it's still gd to have the AF back to normal again.

Hi Trustbaby,
I still think you were too stress previously. just relax, things may turn out well...
hi trustbaby,
will try naturally for the next few months. will consider ivf in mar/apr.

good that your eggs are growing. maybe just try naturally. try to relax and enjoy the bd.

hi jenn,
i usually dun have much cramps. just that i read on some forums and blogs, most people have very bad intense pain for their first AF after lapro. that's why i was mentally prepared for the cramps. this AF, surprisingly my flow is pretty good (like in my early 20's). hopefully this will continue with the next few AF that come.
Good on u dolphy, hope u succeed in natural. More relaxing remember not to drag too long coz endo may revisit very fast.
That's what happen to me.
I agree with trustbaby, try naturally for a few mths. If half a year still no news, can go for ivf. Don't drag, cos if the cyst comes back, can't do ivf, got to op again...

Oh, remember to avoid chicken wings...
hi jenn,
can still do ivf depends on doctor's decision. it depends on your cyst size and quantity. depends on outside or inside. i din remove my 2.5cm cyst n went ahead with ivf. of course best not to have the cyst. it will reduce your ivf chances of course. but if i go for operation i will reduce my chances also coz my eggs reproduction will be affected (due to age) and that leads to low chances to conceive. try not to reach this stage like me.

for my case with one tube down, i shld hv been advised to go for ivf from day 1. my chances are definately much higher compared to now. well, i learnt my lesson. if i can turn back the clock i will make amend and be more aggressive. i trusted my previous doctor too much. no hesitation and nvr consult 2nd opinion. blur blur only. hope to share these with you guys..everyone is different biologically but of course one thing for sure, after op make sure dont take too long until the cyst return. must make the best of the after clean up. Jia u to all!
hi trustbaby,
thanks for sharing.

I took dr zuo's med during my 2ww. after I got bfp, I stopped. gynae didn't give any oral med, he only gave the crinone cream for insert. oh, and 2 injections during 2ww.
Hi girls,
I mgd to make it to 2ww. Now home rest. Only got one fertilized egg made it thru the thaw. It happened so fast n I m now on a waiting game.
Yes dr Zou gave me my 2ww med.
Any advise on wat to do n not wat to do during 2ww?
hi jenn,
what is the name of the injections?
i dont think it is kkh protocol to give injection. only inserts.
med cycle and natural cycle inserts are diff so i heard.

Hi trustbaby,
good to hear that. hope that the embryo is a strong fighter.

so are there any frozen eggs left? and did u manage to lie down after your ET?

for my 2ww, I tried not to walk too much, most of the time lie down on sofa and watch tv. as you may have constipation due to the hormone drugs, don't use too much force when you are peeing or pass motion. eat more protein. stay happy.
