Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

hi trustbaby,
maybe you want to consider to ask EYS to grind the cordyceps into power and you take it like pills? fully maximize it. that is what my MIL did for the cordyceps she bought for her son to take.

ooh.. how many fertilized embroys do you have that are frozen? guess just leave everything to dr loh to decide bah. at least FET is not so xinku like a fresh ivf cycle.

yup. fully no household chores and only take short strolls. when i need to bring office laptop home to work, i will take cab too. hope the days pass faster and recover soon. so xinku to not able to zzz on my side or stomach. kept having sleepless nights.

Hi girls,
sorry for not visiting here for quite sometime. I am a bit lazy after resting at home for about a month... now I got to pick myself up to do a work review for my boss, else no bonus for me this year

Hi dolphy,
My ivf cost about $11k, so after the grant and medisave, we paid about $3k in cash. This excludes all the consultation fees and some of the blood tests done before ivf. I took quite a high dosage of gonal-f, but mine is a short protocol, i.e. no lucrin.

Hi Hannah,
I'm sorry for what you are going thru... I agree with dolphy, get more opinions before you make the decision. Dr Zuo should be able to help. btw are you overweight? if yes, I think you should try to slim down, endo & adeno tends to worsen when the person is obese.

I know how you feel, the gynae also said my tummy looks like 20 weeks when I was only 15 weeks previously. So after that I keep measuring my tummy's size, and it stays the same for the past 3 weeks... I don't know it's gd or bad, but this is beyond my control. I'll be going for NT scan tomorrow... pray that everything is fine.
Hi dolphy, They did ask me to grind into powder but I decided to boil into soup since I like to drink soup. Maybe I will try to mince it easier to eat.
I m left with 3 only. Decided to use all. My worry is whether it will thaw properly otherwise wasted. I m more scared of not having at all then having triplets. I take my chances
Hi Trustbaby,
I think you are right, chances are higher to have 3. anyway you can't claim the grant for FET right? Hopefully this round will succeed.
hi jenn, don't worry too much. stay positive. wat does NT scan check?

hi trustbaby,
can i know how much did you pay in cash for doing a fresh cycle with dr loh? if triplets, wow, confirm can close factory after giving birth. heheh.. if really can't stomach and eat the cordyceps, then just brew as soup to drink lor. btw, alternate between chicken and pork ribs to cook with the cordyceps. you can also take pao sheng with black chicken.

today i think i walked too much. now feel so tired. yest and today was on course, tomorrow back to work liao.
hi dolphy,
NT scan is just a more detailed scan for the baby. hopefully can see the gender this time.

you better be careful, don't over strained yourself. Eat some liver and red bean soup to have more blood, but not too much, cos endo & adeno like blood... :p
Hi jenn, yes no grant. I guess it logic to all. I try not to think of me going to 2nd round Ivf. Hope not. After your embryos are in your stomach do you always lie down n glue to bed. I m planning to do that but I hv nobody to take care of me so I still need to jump up n do my stuff myself. Sigh. Because last time din stick at all so paranoid. I hope I can squeeze glue inside to make them stay.

Hi dolphy, cash wise exclude medisave n grant. Is $1476. Paid got BT test , lucrin, vitamin prescribe by doc, insurance, puregon jabs 500iu for my age. Get a folder n file all your payment slips do u also can add up to know how much u spend. They give u a final thick bill after Ivf is over with detail on medisave n grant given. All good.

Ya we are all quite restricted with our diet. Eat too much on the pu blood also scare. In the past I just lose it n more sensible. Soya also scare to eat much.
hi trustbaby,
most of the time I was resting on sofa, and try to keep my legs higher. I'm not sure will it help, but I think may be can use the gravity to help them to stay inside the womb ;P
I know KKH doesn't allow patients to lie down after ET, but NUH wants all patients to lie down with the legs higher than the head for 2 hrs without getting up after ET. They believe this will help the embryo to stick better. According to my gynae, all his patients who are same batch as me got pregnant. That's why NUH is more ex.
oh, during my 2ww, my mum will help to buy lunch for me. My hubby will buy dinner back lor. why don't you try to tingkat food for that 2ww? then you don't hv to go out at all. my hubby will do most of the housework, but I got a part time cleaner to clean my house every week. I feel that it is very impt not to do any work during that 2ww, a little bit is ok la.
hi ladies,
just an update on my scan this morning. Gynae said the baby is fine except that is a little small. She suspects my blood didn't flow properly to the baby, she has given me med to improve that.

I'm quite worried, cos the adeno will grow together with my baby and compete the space & nutrients at the same time. I really hope the baby is healthy and I can deliver successfully.
Hi Jenn,
Don't worry too much. You passed the first hurdle ie conceiving. Everything will be fine. Is there a way to take medicine to suppress adenomyosis n yet no effect on baby? Hmm ... I guess diff. Wat does dr Zou said? Din her medicine mgd to get rid of the cysts? I thot you mentioned before, is it only on endo but not adeno?

I will ask the nurse to see if I can lie down longer for a while? May be if I ever consider trying 2nd rd I can opt to try Nuh.
You were fr kkh right ?
Did u read abt the Ivf mixed up at TMC? Tragic incident.
Hi Trustbaby,
Dr Zuo asks me to eat as much as I can. She has given me med to relax the muscle inside the womb, but nothing can get rid of the adeno.

I used to be with KKH, but after my 1st lapro op there, I changed to TMC. Then I did my 1st ivf there. Luckily I switch to NUH for my 2nd ivf, otherwise I may be worrying is my baby really from me and my hubby... I feel that this shouldn't have happened at all, we trust that the hospital should have all the controls in place, I wonder how will the baby feel in future? sigh...

hurray, long weekend is coming near!

went for my post op checkup yesterday. gynae in better mood yesterday, still managed to joke with me. unfortunately, my bellybutton got infection. the other 2 wounds are well healed but bellybutton is still swollen and quite painful. internally, everything is well healed and asked to try immediately. dr loh suggested me to consider IVF after 3 months of natural TTC. not attempting to try SO-IUI coz I already tried oral med with IUI and not successful. he wanted me to start in Feb but i opt for Mar instead. need more time to mentally prepare myself for IVF journey. quite scared. really praying hard for a miracle to happen so that I don't need to go through IVF. need to discuss with hubby again if should switch to NUH for IVF though. coz since KKH has the details of my lapro, might be better to stick with current gynae.

Jenn, can try taking CoQ10? it helps to thin the blood and may helps. also, can try to take some durians as it will help the baby to grow. don't worry, since you have come so far, stay positive! I'm sure your baby is a survivor. jia you!
hi dolphy,
good to hear that you are healing. so what is dr loh going to do to your infection?

previously i asked kkh to give me all my medical history and switch to another hosp. anyway before ivf, they'll sure ask you to do all kinds of blood tests. nuh has a new blood test on AMH, which can tell whether your ovarian reserve is high or low. I'm not sure kkh has or not. anyway there are also quite a number of successful cases in kkh, it's up to you...

what is CoQ10? is it safe for pregnant woman?
hi jenn,
dr loh gave me some cream and more antibiotics to take. the cream seems pretty good, bellybutton not so swollen. he even tells me to start trying this month but i think i already o. hahah..

i'm still indecisive to do ivf with kkh or try nuh. one main pulling factor is coz since dr loh did lapro for me, he roughly know the situation of my womb and ovaries. duno if that will improve success chances of ivf? if only can bfp naturally without ivf, that will be the best!

during the lapro, because i got too many small cysts, gynae can only laser off and it kinda of stimulate my ovaries (gynae said similar to ovarian drilling). hopefully the next 3 months i have good ovulation. dr also flushed my tubes which is all clear, and also said my ovarian reserve is good. never know lapro can check ovarian reserve!? i did bloodtest before with RH and they also said my ovarian reserve is good. so thank god for this piece of good news. now really hope can bfp naturally. if it happens, this will be the biggest miracle in my life.

you can try to google on the benefits of coq10? can take it with fish oil for better absorption. my fren who did ivf, started taking cordyceps, birdnest, immunocal, coQ10 and pao sheng before her IVF. i read that for ladies who did IVF with CARE, they are also told to take CoQ10 from the start of IVF and continue even during pregnancy. maybe you check with your gynae before taking coQ10?
hi dolphy,
I heard that usually after lapro, the chances of conceiving is quite high, so you better grab the opportunity.

I didn't like the service of KKH and Dr Loh is really not gentle at all, that's why I changed. But since you are comfortable with Dr Loh, maybe just give him a chance. You may succeed, you never know

I will check with my gynae on coQ10. Thanks.
Hi jenn, ya to my amazement, the mixed up is horrible news. If it happens to me I will still want the child but I need to know where is my actual one go to if survives. But I will sue the hospital. No such thing shld happen again. Ridiculous la. Can't accept. So much damaging. DNA testing shld make compulsory.
I agree it is higher chance to conceive after lap. but I learnt that we shld not take too long on natural coz the cyst will grow bk n it will hinder the next treatment process. Tt was watt happen to me.
Hi Trustbaby,
I agree, we have paid so much for the treatment, we certainly cannot tolerate such stupid mistake. Somemore this is a life... it affects not only the parents but the child. It makes me wonder should I go to do DNA test for my baby??

Base on my past experience, between my 1st lap and 2nd lap, my cysts recurred in less than a year. Like what I've mentioned, I suspect I had too much chicken wings. But after my 2nd lap, I started to take Dr Zuo's med, and it didn't come back again. I believe her med does help.
Hi jenn, i am even thinking of doing a DNA test once pg whenever possible before or after the baby is born.
I don't wanna find out many years later. It will be too late. Sue also difficult. The hospital may wanna cover up their mistakes due to reputation. I strongly feel that such mistake shld impose a hefty penalty to the hospital. Close it down for a long long time. Let them learn hard n others hosp. to know to be super very careful like launching a rocket to the moon. make no mistake. As u said, tt is why we paid so much not to mention, time n effort. All I can say a mistake that is beyond comprehension. Sorry, I m really pissed. Buoy tahan type.
Just wanna know what the govt will do to this matter. Spore already hv issue of fertilty rate n now with this error. Can bang the wall.

Does dr Zou med shrink cyst or prevent cyst?

Since I just found out tt I hv adenomyosis, what is diff during menses? Do I bleed lot more or I won't know the diff?
hi jenn,
yup, will work hard once my AF reports. hopefully my hubby's spermies 'zhen qi'. but his quality is also not so good. really hope for miracle to happen! now, i avoid chicken (as much as possible), soya and bean products. what other food should i abstain to lower risk of endo recurring?

the TMC mistake is really bad! esp when ladies go through the difficult stages of IVF to conceive, and the constant 9 months of worry for healthy bb. ended up, 50% of genes is not correct. i wonder how does the father feels. feel sad for the couple.

btw, does anyone know if it is advisable to take royal jelly? i googled on it but seems to have conflicting write ups. royal jelly is supposed to improve egg quality which is recommended especially for ladies who intend to do ivf and should take at least 3 months in advance. but some write up indicate for women with pcos and endo, best not to take royal jelly as it is estrogen. confused now!

hi trustbaby, i think it depends on how severe your adenomyosis is. did dr loh give you any details? adenomyosis got to do with the shape and size of your uterus right??
Hi dolphy,
I don't think my adenomyosis is serious yet. Just got it after ivf or during not sure. All I know was before Ivf I was very sure I have endo n after Ivf I was told adeno as well. So I gather not serious yet.

I took royal jelly before Ivf only, not long. I wasnt comfortable coz I din feel great after eating it. Maybe I m allergic or my body not used to it. So I stopped. I also read what u read. Not sure myself too. Ppl always say that this is good n that is good but for us with endo it is important to watch our diet. Hard n I sometime heck care coz there are a lot of thing we can't eat if we want to be petty. Soya is one of them. But sometime I feel I really craving for beancurd I just take it. Not frequent la.
Hi Trustbaby,
I think I will see how after the baby is born, since he/she has been in my body for 9 mths, no what matter, he/she is definitely my baby.

But I really disappointed that such thing can happen in S'pore.

I cannot be 100% sure Dr Zuo's med has shrunk/prevented the cysts. But before I see Dr Zuo, I was told by the gynae from TMC that my cysts seems to recur, but after I took Dr Zuo's med for abt 2 mths, and I switched to NUH, the gynae didn't see any cysts. It is almost 2 yrs from my last op, it didn't recur.
Hi Girls, my AF reported yesterday. I am resuming my journey TTC. Feeling: looking forward but scare to fail. I used to hv plan B but for some reason I decided not to plan until I reach there. Once my lining n frozen eggs go well I shld be on my way to FET. I will post my journey here n share with you guys. I m asked to take baby aspirin fr day 4 for implantation this time.
Hi jenn,I read it is an aspirin just tt this aspirin is low dosage n for babies. It is for thinning the blood n allow better circulation to the womb. Last round I din implant at all. The HcG reading was only 1.2 so I hope this remedy helps.not 100 percent coz again I hv cyst.
Hi Trustbaby,
Oh, I'm taking aspirin too, cos gynae said my blood flow no good, that's why baby is a little small.

Ginseng also helps in blood circulation.
Hi jenn,
Ok, ya it is for blood flow to your uterus. Tt is why he gave quite a fair bit.
U doing ok. I do eat ginseng. Normally I will make soup with cordycep. I m not a TCM n Chinese herbie person. But bcoz TTC I learnt. Spent a lot too.
Do NuH close during dec for Ivf? Kkh does I heard.
Hi all,

Need advice from those who had laparascopy before. Are post drips/ infusions necessary after the surgery? My friend had to go for an infusion every other day after the operation. Wondering if any of you girls have gone through that.

trustbaby, good that AF is here! then can start FET real soon and bfp!

i'm still unsure if i should try to take royal jelly. chamz... my fren was reading a foreign forum whereby alot of IVF ladies took royal jelly prior to their IVF and all bfp. but royal jelly is high in estrogen so abit worried if i should take it. i don't want the cysts to come back and haunt me!

jenn, my coll's bb was very small in her 1st and 2nd tri. in her 3rd tri, coz she took some durians, within 1 week, her bb grew real huge. so don't worry if bb too small.

ha3elnut, i had drip on the day and day after the surgery as I wasn't able to take in any food. but once i'm discharged from hospital, i did not have any drips. what type of infusion did you friend had to do? maybe she has some other condition that requires her to do so? it is best to check with her gynae.
Hi Trustbaby,
I don't think NUH is close in Dec, usually is during CNY.

Hi Dolphy,
Will buy some durians to try, anyway I love durians.

May be you take royal jelly in alternate days. I have taken some before my ivf, but not a lot, so don't think it helps. Take multi-vit and fish oil, they're good.
Hi Jenn,
ok i will take note. thanks!

Me too i love Durians. i bought some last week and kena con. i stay in the East and apparently i was at Hougang near Kovan condos there to have my beef noodles and next door to it is the famous Hainanese bread kaya toast and thereafter was where i bought the durians. Nvr go there and buy...i paid two durian for S$40/- and one was bitter XO and one was sweet. Later came back the durians was conned!
I rather buy from normal S$10/- per pack type still nicer. well i learnt my lesson.

Hi Dolphy, thanks i learnt that you can take manuka honey to increase antibody. so that you dont fall sick during treatments.

i had it and it does help. now i eat less frequent but will resume when i get near to FET.
Thanks for the reply! Were there any post op homonal jabs in this case? My friend mention that the drips were to replace the the hormonal jabs which were not advisable. She said that her friend which had lap op had to undergo 3 post op hormonal jab.
Hi gals,

Jus came back frm a good trip in japan. Yo really great trip with gd food plus good scenery. Yeah take a break frm all tins ESP wrk. Yo, decided not to change job now as it can be quite disruptive to baby making I guess. Instead in Jan, gt a job rotation to new branch.

Jen: dun worry so much for the baby size. My collegue also like Tat. But the last trismeter, the baby size tripled. Yeah dun worrie abt it.

Trustbaby: so qiao! I also live in the east. Always go east coast to jog. Yo, lots of good food here. So hard to slim dwn. But mi managed to lose 3kg for the past weeks. I m goin to continue on. need all your support. Not easy to control the desire ESP lots of good food around.

Yo dophy: eat more fish and is good for health.

Yo gals, mi stop eating chicken for past 1 nth and I can really see the effects on my body leh. Think our condition cannot take chicken and soy. hmmhmm deciding to go for SO-IUI soon.

Gals, did your gynae ever suggest for a caderean op to remove the adeyo tissues huh?
Hi sunbelle,

welcome bk! good that you had a good break..i wished i could hv had one but my hubby too busy to to anywhere..i was supposed to go tokyo too but postpone. its okay i m glad you enjoyed yourself...i will be going to Sentosa for a short break before my scans.

later when 2ww the bed will be my best fren! :p
hi jenn,
i'm taking 1/2 teaspoon everyday to mix with immunocal to drink. hope it doesn't increase my estrogens level. but now i totally don't touch soya products. yup, just started taking CoQ10 with fish oil and folic acid.

hi trustbaby,
vit C also helps to prevent falling sick. coz manuka honey is considered 'liang', so maybe can alternate it with vit c?

ha3elnut, why did your friend need to take hormonal jabs or the drips? it depends on the purpose and her womb condition. as i want to TTC asap, hence gynae did not ask me to go on such jabs.

hi sunbelle,
welcome home! wow, how did you manage to lose 3kg? that's amazing! keep it up!

by stop eating chicken, what type of effects did you feel on your body? i was thinking if we eat kampong chicken or organic chicken, it should be safe from the hormones right? or still best to totally avoid?
Hi sunbelle,
wow, nice to have you back. Thanks for the advice.

I wish I can go for a trip too... have been grounded at home. Anyway, will be going on cruise in Dec for a short break.
It's great that you have lost 3 kg, keep it up. Try to skip carbo esp at night.
I'm also curious how do you see the effect, previously I can only tell whenever I went for ultrasound scan.

Ya I have ever bought 3 durians for $40, some nice some not... ya lor, rather buy those cheaper ones.

You can eat kampong chicken, or sakura chicken, they do sell in NTUC. Sakura chicken has no hormone jabs, so it's quite safe.
Hi all,

Happened to chance upon this thread. Hope to seek for some advice from you gals.
I have been diagnosed with ovarian cysts on both sides, polyps in my uterus and with endo by a gynea in TMC early this year. I was advised by her that it is not needed to go for op since both cysts’s are not very big in size (1.5 – 2cm) and it will reoccur unless I am going for IVF. I also did HSG, left fallopian tube was a bit narrow and right is fine. HB SA test was not good at 2% morphology and low count. I have tried clomid for few months, but scare of its side effect and stop, switched to seek TCM to tiao my body.
From your experience, do you think is good to remove cysts first? From my TCM doctor’s point of view, it is no good to go for any operation as it will disturb the body system. And I also heard about a case, my friend went for an op to remove her cyst and her cycle goes from very regular to haywire. But I am considering to seek for more opinion. And consider removing my cysts cos I am not sure if it affects my chance of conceiving. I am thinking to go NUH, Prof. PC Wong.
Jenn, how you find Prof. Wong? Is he seeing patient with such condition or only doing IVF? What is the best time of the cycle to do the op?

Ohya, my TCM doctor did ask me to avoid soya product, chocolate, chicken and spicy food. Guess all of us here with similar condition are not suitable with all these food ba.
hi heatherwhite,
Welcome to join in.
I agree that your cysts are not big, usually gynae will advice to op when the size is around 4-5cm. And yes, they will recur. Both you and your hb should see TCM to tiao your body. I believe some TCMs may be able to help to reduce the cysts and endo. They can also help to improve your hb's morphology.

Prof Wong is very experience, he's quite stern, he gave me confidence when I saw him for my ivf treatment. He does see patients for other conditions. If you decide to go for ivf, he's one of the best specialists in the public hospitals.

For people having endo like us, we should avoid caffine and soy products. For chicken, better eat only kampong or those without hormone injection.
Hi Jenn,

Thanks for your info. Mind I ask how big is your cyst that time and decided to remove it?
I still very reluctant to step into IVF, I scare of the jabs! I don't know if I am strong enough to go though this mentally stressful process. I really admire you all for going through this tough treatments.

My HB is seeing TCM together with me now, we are seeing Dr. Tan Kian Sing from Clementi. We were with him for only about 3 months. So far I don't notice any different yet. Will continue while seeking for more western treatment.

Which gynea are you with now? Also in NUH? Can feel baby kicking already? So excited and happy for you.
hi jenn and trustbaby, can I ask when you start your IVF, is it long or short protocol? for long protocol, does it means that if I want to start in Mar, i only start suppression on CD21 when my AF reports? abit blur blur about ivf procedure.

hi heatherwhite, welcome. any idea how many cysts did you have? will it cause a problem in ovulation? my cysts were about 2cm but i have about 3-4. hence, gynae insisted i should remove them and 'clean up' my womb. i also had fibroids which was also removed. if you are trying tcm, must give it more time to see the effects.
Hi Dolphy,

How are you after the op?
From my last scan, I have one cyst at both sides of my ovaries. I hope it didn't get worsen over these few months. I stop seeing my gynea for scanning ever since August.
I was on clomid for three months before, it don't really help me to stimulate more follicles, and that's why I don't even have chance to do the IUI. I not sure if the cysts cause problem in my ovulation.
What are the testes I need to go for if I want to remove the cyst? Is it really painful? Feel scare when thinking of it.
You planning to do IVF?
Hi gals,

Last year feb I did the op to remove two cysts followed by gnrh jabs. yeah have to take lots of vitamins to keep up with your health.

My AF is here again and is so painful that I m unable to go work. sad that our natural trial failed again. Why is it for those whom dun wan baby keep on hitting the baby target? Yeah felt vexed when a fren out of nowwhere wanted to call for a gathering. Even my Hubby thinks he WANs to announce to the world Tat his wife is preggie. sad to say I will face questions I guess.

Emotionally unstable at the moment as thinking of mustering the courage to go for SO-IUI. yeah tot of doing it but also scared of failure as the cost is also not cheap. trustbaby,I really admire your courage of having to go thru the constant trials. U are really my idol. We have been communicating for the past years. I m not sure when my adeyomo can be cured but I seriously dun wan my gynae to do a c-section to extract the adeyomosis tissue. this op is a major op. I dun wan my parents to worry too. God, pls help all the ladies here to be free of menses pain and blessed with babies soon.

I am feeling tired over this journey. Pls give me some support. thks.
Hi sunbelle,
Ya we really had been on this thread like forever. At least we hv each other here coping with the ups n down. We hv our sad moment and we hv our normal moment. It's okay. To be honest yes I hv done my many trials. I can't say tt i m super aggressive but at least I tried what I could financially n emotionally. Ivf was my last straw. Then now FET, if I fail I
don't know what is next. It's ok I told myself just decide then based on our feeling n courage later.
Many says positive thinking is the word. I m still struggling. If u think that trying for SO IUI is going to give u better chance why not. If natural cannot upgrade to IUI n if cannot go for SO IUI n if still cannot Ivf then. Don't give up. My stage is already Ivf. Nothing is guarantee just do it n this is what I call try our best to what we can afford on time n money.
If your age permits u pls don't give up. U will one day hit the jackpot. My highest concern is age which if I hit 40 I will exposed to many risk.
I guess I failed too many times tt I get immune. So sad hor.
At most just pick up ourselves n try again. So again, u do just tt ie pick yourself n do what u need to do next. Doctor opinion n their confident can help u to decide better. Don't give up yet coz I hvt. Jia you.
hi heatherwhite,
thanks for asking, i'm regaining my strength. hope all is good inside there. now waiting to see when AF will report in order to start TTC. you should go and see your gynae again to scan. to check on the cysts at least to make sure it doesn't grow. my current gynae feels that it is the clomid which i took in the past and tcm that resulted in my cysts. don't know how true actually. coz when i was on clomid+metformin, din detect any cysts. after i had a miscarriage and did d&c, almost 1/2 yr later when i went back to gynae to scan coz was planning to try SO-IUI, then discovered the cysts and fibroid.

always seek a 2nd opinion or even a 3rd before deciding to do the ops. i had 3 opinions before i went ahead with the ops. once you confirmed and book a date with your gynae to do the ops, you will most probably needs to do a bloodtest. then they will give you some medicine to take the day before the ops which is to clear all your bowels. on the day of ops, you will be on GA. after which you will be on painkillers to suppress the pain. depending on the condition of your body, you may heal very fast or slightly slower. for me, i'm a slow healer so i took almost 2 weeks to feel much better.

another alternative is to ask your gynae if you can take hormone jabs or contraceptive pills to suppress ovulation for 3-6 months. coz the cysts feeds on estrogen, when no ovulation, the cysts may reduce in size and ultimately be gone. my fren did that and it worked for her. i did not opt for that as i can't wait that long to TTC.

sunbelle, for us who are trying darn hard to bfp and have babies, we will always go thru emotional ups and downs. i understand how you feel. my hb's fren's wife is preggie. she is a horrid woman but yet she only try once and she is preggie. when i saw her recently, she is already 6+ months. although i know she is preggie and i will see her stomach big and round, still i felt super moody after that gathering. i also kept asking God why you bless such a woman a bb but not me? but life goes on and i try to stop feeling so negative and jealous about it.

if you are scared of SO-IUI, how about trying IUI with hormone pills first?

the thot of IVF is freaking me out too. but yet, i already arrange with gynae to start IVF in Mar. When it really happens, you will just go with the flow and before you know it, you are in the 2ww resting at home and hoping for a bfp.

let's be positive and have faith that we will be mummys. we are just the 'chosen' ones to go on the longer route to motherhood kingdom. be it shorter or longer route, we will get there someday! chase away all negative thots and only have positve thots. positve thots=positve vibes! a positive and happy us = healthier bodies = easier to conceive!
Hi Jenn, Dolphy, Sunbelle n Trustbaby

How r all of u ladies? Hope all is well..

Thanks for all yr encouragements, i spoken w Dr Zuo she ask me go see gynae Dr Fong Yang. She also strongly disagree in removing my womb.

These few weeks my moods like roller coaster internally, i din wan to show my true emotions externally. Some of my frens r are veri encouraging but there's also one or two who r realli insensitive. One said tis to me when i shared tat i m seeing Dr Zuo "those successful to conceive must b pple who r much younger than you, they succeed dun mean u wil too ma" N i tot pple who used to struggle w their own fertility n conceived n give birth shld b more sympathetic lor. In e end, pple i "met" here gave me encouragements n supports.

I gng to see Dr Fong next thurs in mng then Dr Zuo in e evng. For some reason i feel tat i won't hv much gd news to share. I m always more unlucky than lucky.

Jenn, did Dr Zuo med help you? Hope yr adeno wil b under controlled w Dr Zuo's help. Hv u been eating n resting?

Yo dolphy, i u underdstand wat u mean. I hv a horrible horrible SIL who have 3 kids. The last one was an accident somemore. Even now w 3 kids stil a horrible human being! When i miscarried no words of support or cared. She jus kept staring at my empty tummy w one kind of look! Yr gynae said u can TTC liao right? I will keep u in my prayer!! Jia you! May you n Jenn b my inspirations whenever i felt tat i m being defeated by adeno!

I've stopped eating chix wings after reading tis forum n also started a healthier eating habits. Gng to start exercising too! Even if i cun b cured from adeno i m determind to not allow it (adwno) to destroy my norm life esp durin menses period! It is sooooooo very painful! N heavy flow!! I tink tis mth i bleed too much again, kept feeling breathless, dizzy, headache n heart pumping hard!

I gng to Dr Zuo on Sat mng, anyone gng??

Hi to all mummies to be

chanced upon this forum and decided to get some support here too. I have been diagnosed with pcos but I'm not obese. I've been reading alot on diet for pcos woman and mostly the advice is to reduce sugar intake and reduce weight. But since I'm not obese, do u think I shd lose weight?

Have seen gynae at thomson and he suggested me taking clomid. But I dun feel like going to such extent for the moment and hence is seeking treatment from dr Zou too. After seeing her I ovulated once and the cycle is 47 days. I was rather happy to know that i ovulated as pcos patients have dufficulty ovulating. Suppose to ovulate this period but it din happen. Bbt was up n down. I also heard of hsg test to check if the tubes are blocked but I've no courage to do it. Comparing myself to u gals, I think I'm really too timid to b a mummy.
Happy to know you are recovering well. You are right, I think I better to seek more opinion and go for regular scanning to monitor the cysts. I hope it didn't get bigger and more. Sign... I don't think I will go for the hormone jab too. HB and my age are also catching up. I would like to take the shorter path too. Whole world around me have kids except me, some of them already close shop. And I am still stepping on the same ground watching their kids growing day by day. From knowing their pregnancy news, to attending their kid’s first month to 1st year birthday and seeing they going to nursery and so on.

Me too! I hate going out with whatever group gatherings nowadays. And I find myself drifting away from my friends. Every time when we have gathering, they will be bring along their kids out. All topics are about kids. Not all of my friends know my condition; I ever share my difficulties with some of my good friends. But they got pregie as easily as planned wouldn't understand me. Just keep telling me that I nv try hard enough, must try harder next time and so on. One even tells me should bd on what day of the cycle, told by her mum. Sign, I guess I know more than them on the cycle thingy after going through all these. I am so lazy to explain and tell them what I am going through now. I envy them, but on the other hand I also feel happy for them that they are doing well with their expanding family.
Jia you! I know your roller coaster mood and still need to pretend nothing happened externally. Some time I will feel so tired of going through all these. Especially knowing my AF is coming, not only sad cos it’s another month of fail attempt but also the painful period I have to endure through. Hope Dr. Fong can help you and we will be the ‘lucky one’ in one day.

Ok gals, I shall not preach more -ve thots here. I am so glad that I found this group which I am encouraged to go on. Three cheers for all of us here! Bravo! You gals are so great here!

*It is hard to fail, but it is worse never have tried to succeed!*
Hi Hopeforbaby, mind sharing how long you been trying? I think these are some standard tests to go through so that they can pinch point and find out what problem we are having. I was told to do HSG test on my second visit to gynea after my AF is clear. My gynea also from TMC, she wanted to make sure my tubes are not the cause of the problem, so that she can effectively suggest some methods for me to try. If tubes are blocked then other method will be used. Hubby also usually told to go for SA test too.
I never think so much that time, I just done whatever I was told. I was not a brave gal, hehe… I am just a lost and scared gal who is embarking on a tougher path to get pregnant. I go through a depress mood after the gynea told me I have little chance to get pregnant naturally and ask me to go for IUI treatment straight. If not success IVF is the only choice I can go. It took me awhile to accept this fact. And now, I am glad that I have stepped out and find my way to my little precious.

hi hannah,
good to hear from you! don't let these insensitive comments bother you. when i was trying and was on alot of hormone pills and stuff in 2008/9, i was whining nonstop to my close frens. they all feel that i'm too stressed about this whole TTC thingy and kept telling me juz relax. of course i know i must relax but the feeling of seeing AF every month is juz shitty plus those clomid+metformin are just whacking my emotions. but in my difficult times this year, these are the same frens who stood by me and really kept a close watch on me coz i was super emotional after the miscarriage. coz after the miscarriage, i seem to have thousand and one health problems. sometimes, our friends are trying to tell us things we don't wish to hear but they are our reality checks. and honestly, people who never have problem conceiving will not understand the pain we are going through. so sometimes, their words are insensitive but they may not truly meant it that way.

i hope Dr Fong can help you. He is very nice, patient and gentle (especially in v-scan). He is my gynae til I decided to do IVF and changed to DR SF Loh as I can't afford to do IVF with pte rates.

hi hopeforbaby,
welcome! for your pcos, did you ask your gynae what can be done to help you? did you do any bloodtest to check on your hormones? since you are not obese, I don't think you need to lose weight. but doing some light regular exercise to improve blood circulation may helps?

don't worry, take one step at a time. HSG is not painful, just a bit uncomfy like mild cramps. coz they will put dye through the v-hole into your tubes. it is a less than 15mins thingy. for tcm, it takes about 3-6 months to see some effect. since Dr Zou's medicine do helps you to ovulate, you take it faithfully for 3-6 months and see how it slowly shortens your cycle perhaps? don't worry, no woman is too timid to be a mother.

heatherwhite, yup, go ahead and book another gynae for 2nd opinion. see what he/she recommends. who knows, maybe your cysts have shrunk by now. you will never know.
